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Cuisine sims love their food. It's only fitting that their main hobbies are about sampling as many foods as they can.

Life[edit | edit source]

What increases the chances of Cuisine being a predestined hobby? An interest in food as well as a neat and lazy personality. When sims are born, they don't have access to many foods. Only baby bottles and toddler mush can be consumed. You'll just have to wait until childhood.

Children can eat the whole range of foods. There also are two objects for young chefs. The lemonade stand and the toy oven. In fact anything that boosts cooking skill also boosts cuisine enthusiasm. Watching the Yummy Channel, studying cooking at the bookshelf and, of course, preparing food at the kitchen.

As a teen, you can practise your skills at the kitchen. Getting extra points also unlocks new food to prepare. Eating the unlocked food also increases hunger further, giving your sims more time to develop their skills and interests.

When they go to college, invest in a major that can boost the culinary career. That is either the art or the philosophy major and continue practise their cooking skill. As well viewing kitchen themed decorations also boosts cuisine enthusiasm.

As an adult, the best career for cuisine sims in the culinary career. It just fits with your sim's profile as a chef. As well, the culinary reward, not only boosts cuisine enthusiasm but also gives your sims money. Another way to get money is to enter your sim into a food competition with a small prize and a ribbon to be won. As well, winning your first cooking contest is memorable for your sims.

As well as food, cuisine sims love beverages. They love having a drink at the bar and sampling the new nectars. But that's not all, coffee, hot chocolate, lemonade, fruit juice and special juices made from fruit and vegetables all boose cuisine enthusiasm.

Sue's (Secret) Kitchen[edit | edit source]

Sue's (Secret) Kitchen is the lot for all cuisine lovers. Enter the lot to immediatly two fully stocked kitchens ready to go. There's also a normal bar and the nectar bar waiting for you to sample their beverages. The chocolate machines also there, if you have some trouble cooking, you can ask the leader to teach you the ropes at the machine, onward to a dining area. Food lovers need a dining room. Last but not least is the food judging table. Because this is a hobby lot, entering the food contest also boosts enthusiasm. This lot has plenty of food objects but doesn't contain, among other things, a restaurant, juicer, buffet table, or any food-based object introduced in an expansion pack.

Chance Cards[edit | edit source]

There are six chance cards that sims can get in their lifetime relating to the hobby. Three relating to school and three relating to work. The following is a list of each chance card.

  • Chance Card 1.: Your school meal is boring and your sim wants to spice it up. They can use the ketchup or the salt & pepper. If they use the ketchup, they could gain or lose enthusiasm. If they use the salt & pepper, they either bring a friend home or lose enthusiasm.
  • Chance Card 2.: Your sim volunteers to make brownies. Do they do it themself or get the family to help them. If they do it alone, they gain or lose enthusiasm. If they get the family, they either get a $150 prize or lose enthusiasm.
  • Chance Card 3.: Your sim is in charge of the cafeteria. Does he or she get students to help or order frozen food to bake. If they get the students, they could gain membership to the hobby club or lose enthusaism. If they buy frozen food, they either gain enthusiasm or a fine.
  • Chance Card 4.: Your sim is ordered to pick up food. Do they get pizza or ethnic food. If they get pizza, they either invite a friend home or lose enthusiasm. If they get ethnic food, they either gain or lose enthusiasm.
  • Chance Card 5.: Your sim wants to congradulate a peer for getting married. Does he or she give them the blender or a bottle of nectar. If they use the nectar, your sim either gains membership to the club or loses enthusiasm. If they give them the blender, they either invite a friend over or lose $100.
  • Chance Card 6.: Your sim is at a BBQ. Do they help with the burgers or the salad? No matter which one you choose, you can either gain or lose enthusiasm.

Summary[edit | edit source]

Unlockables[edit | edit source]

The following is a list of cuisine related unlockables.

  • Level 1-Talk about cuisines
  • Level 2-Read Food and Dining in newspaper
  • Level 3-Serve Chips platter
  • Level 4-Browse web for cuisine
  • Level 5-Serve Cheese platter, membership to Sue's (Secret) Kitchen if not already gained
  • Level 6-Share hobby tips
  • Level 7-Blog about cuisine
  • Level 8-Serve Appetiser platter
  • Level 9-Instruct in Cuisine
  • Level 10-Be in the zone

There are also a lot of cooking-skill based unlockables. Some foods require expansion packs to cook.

  • Skill 1-Spaghetti, Santa Cookies
  • Skill 2-Grilled Cheese Sandwiches, Blackened Catfish
  • Skill 3-Pancakes, Hamburgers, Chef's Salad
  • Skill 4-Omelettes, Chilli Con Carne, Crepes Suzzete, Stuffed Rainbow Trout
  • SKill 5-Berry Pie, Pork Chops
  • Skill 6-Layer Cake, Stuffed Golden Trout, Turkey, Salmon
  • Skill 7-Holiday Roast, Ribs, Cheesecake
  • Skill 8-Baked Alaska
  • Skill 9-N/A
  • Skill 10-Lobster Thermidor

The secret lot Sue's (Secret) Kitchen is another unlockable. It contains

  • Kitchens with all appliances
  • Food Contest
  • Bar
  • Nectar
  • Chocolate Station
  • Dining Room

Basic Info[edit | edit source]

The following lists the ranks for each level.

  • 1-Uninspired Underling
  • 2-4-Tasty Appetiser
  • 5-7-Talanted Palate
  • 8-9-Delicious Dish
  • 10-Master Chef

The following in basic information.

  • Skill: Cooking
  • Personality: Neat, Lazy
  • Interests: Food
  • Mannerisms: Rub Tummy

Interactions[edit | edit source]

The following list summarises each object and interaction.

  • Cooking and Preparing Food
    • Fridge
    • Counter
    • Food Processor
    • Microwave
    • Toaster Oven
    • Stove/Grill
  • Eating Food
  • Coffee
  • Espresso
  • Studying Cooking
  • Watching The Yummy Channel
  • Buffet Table
  • Toasting Set
  • Bars
  • Cakes
  • Chocolate Station
  • Toy Oven
  • Fruit Punch Barrel (University)
  • Lemonade Stand (Open for Business)
  • Juicer (Seasons)
  • Hot Chocolate (Seasons)
  • Food Contest (FreeTime)
  • Nectar Bar (FreeTime)
  • Platters (FreeTime)
  • Writing Restaurant Guide on Computer (FreeTime & Nightlife)