Editing The Sims 2/Table of Contents

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{{subtoc|The Sims 2}}
{{subtoc|The Sims 2}}
{{h2|[[The Sims 2/Gameplay|Gameplay]]}}
{{h2|[[The Sims 2/Getting Started|Getting Started]]}}
* [[The Sims 2/Controls|Controls]]
*[[The Sims 2/GUI|Interface]]
* [[The Sims 2/Tutorial 1|Tutorial 1]]
*[[The Sims 2/Gameplay Differences|Main Differences]]
* [[The Sims 2/Tutorial 2|Tutorial 2]]
* [[The Sims 2/Tutorial 3|Tutorial 3]]
* [[The Sims 2/Tutorial 4|Tutorial 4]]
* [[The Sims 2/Tutorial 5|Tutorial 5]]
{{h2|[[The Sims 2/Walkthrough|Walkthrough]]}}
{{h2|[[The Sims 2/Walkthrough|Walkthrough]]}}
* [[The Sims 2/Walkthrough/Pleasantview|Pleasantview]]
* [[The Sims 2/Walkthrough/Strangetown|Strangetown]]
{{h2|[[The Sims 2/Neighbourhoods|Neighbourhood View]]}}
* [[The Sims 2/Walkthrough/Veronaville|Veronaville]]
*[[The Sims 2/Pleasantview|Pleasantview]]
{{h2|[[The Sims 2/Neighbourhoods|Neighbourhoods]]}}
*[[The Sims 2/Strangetown|Strangetown]]
* [[The Sims 2/Pleasantview|Pleasantview]]
*[[The Sims 2/Veronaville|Veronaville]]
* [[The Sims 2/Strangetown|Strangetown]]
*[[The Sims 2/Create-a-Family|Create-a-Family and Create-a-Sim]]
* [[The Sims 2/Veronaville|Veronaville]]
*[[The Sims 2/Community Lots|Community Lots]]
* [[The Sims 2/Community Lots|Community Lots]]
* [[The Sims 2/Create-a-Family|Create-a-Family]]
{{h2|Live Mode}}
{{h2|Live Mode}}
* [[The Sims 2/Age Groups|Age Groups]]
*[[The Sims 2/Age Groups|Age Groups]]
* [[The Sims 2/Wants and Fears|Wants and Fears]]
*[[The Sims 2/Wants and Fears|Wants and Fears]]
* [[The Sims 2/Aspirations|Aspirations]]
*[[The Sims 2/Aspirations|Aspirations]]
* [[The Sims 2/Needs|Needs]]
*[[The Sims 2/Needs|Needs]]
* [[The Sims 2/Relationships|Relationships]]
*[[The Sims 2/Relationships|Relationships]]
* [[The Sims 2/Parties|Parties]]
*[[The Sims 2/Social Interactions|Social Interactions]]
* [[The Sims 2/Skills|Skills]]
*[[The Sims 2/Parties|Parties]]
* [[The Sims 2/School|School]]
*[[The Sims 2/Skills|Skills]]
* [[The Sims 2/Personality|Personality]]
*[[The Sims 2/School|School]]
* [[The Sims 2/Fitness|Fitness]]
*[[The Sims 2/Careers|Careers]]
* [[The Sims 2/Interests|Interests]]
*[[The Sims 2/List of Careers|List of Careers]]
* [[The Sims 2/Memories|Memories]]
*[[The Sims 2/Personality|Personality]]
* [[The Sims 2/NPCs|NPCs]]
*[[The Sims 2/Fitness|Fitness]]
* [[The Sims 2/Diseases|Diseases]]
*[[The Sims 2/Interests|Interests]]
* [[The Sims 2/Death|Death]]
*[[The Sims 2/Memories|Memories]]
*[[The Sims 2/NPCs|NPCs]]
*[[The Sims 2/Diseases|Diseases]]
*[[The Sims 2/Death|Death]]
{{h2|[[The Sims 2/Buy Mode|Buy Mode]]}}
*[[The Sims 2/Buy Mode/Comfort/Dining Chairs|Dining Chairs]]
*[[The Sims 2/Buy Mode/Comfort/Living Chairs|Living Chairs]]
*[[The Sims 2/Buy Mode/Comfort/Recliners|Recliners]]
*[[The Sims 2/Buy Mode/Comfort/Sofas and Loveseats|Sofas and Loveseats]]
*[[The Sims 2/Buy Mode/Comfort/Beds|Beds]]
*[[The Sims 2/Buy Mode/Comfort/Miscellaneous|Miscellaneous]]
*[[The Sims 2/Buy Mode/Surfaces/Counters|Counters]]
*[[The Sims 2/Buy Mode/Surfaces/Tables|Tables]]
*[[The Sims 2/Buy Mode/Surfaces/End Tables|End Tables]]
*[[The Sims 2/Buy Mode/Surfaces/Coffee Tables|Coffee Tables]]
*[[The Sims 2/Buy Mode/Surfaces/Desks|Desks]]
*[[The Sims 2/Buy Mode/Surfaces/Miscellaneous|Miscellaneous]]
*[[The Sims 2/Buy Mode/Decorative/Plants|Plants]]
*[[The Sims 2/Buy Mode/Decorative/Sculptures|Sculptures]]
*[[The Sims 2/Buy Mode/Decorative/Wall Hangings|Wall Hangings]]
*[[The Sims 2/Buy Mode/Decorative/Mirrors|Mirrors]]
*[[The Sims 2/Buy Mode/Decorative/Curtains|Curtains]]
*[[The Sims 2/Buy Mode/Decorative/Miscellaneous|Miscellaneous]]
*[[The Sims 2/Buy Mode/Plumbing/Toilets|Toilets]]
*[[The Sims 2/Buy Mode/Plumbing/Showers and Tub|Showers and Tubs]]
*[[The Sims 2/Buy Mode/Plumbing/Sinks|Sinks]]
*[[The Sims 2/Buy Mode/Plumbing/Hot Tubs|Hot Tubs]]
*[[The Sims 2/Buy Mode/Appliances/Cooktops|Cooktops]]
*[[The Sims 2/Buy Mode/Appliances/Refrigerators|Refrigerators]]
*[[The Sims 2/Buy Mode/Appliances/Small Appliances|Small Appliances]]
*[[The Sims 2/Buy Mode/Appliances/Large Appliances|Large Appliances]]
*[[The Sims 2/Buy Mode/Electronics/Entertainment|Entertainment]]
*[[The Sims 2/Buy Mode/Electronics/TVs and Computers|TVs and Computers]]
*[[The Sims 2/Buy Mode/Electronics/Audio|Audio]]
*[[The Sims 2/Buy Mode/Electronics/Small Electronics|Small Electronics]]
*[[The Sims 2/Buy Mode/Lighting/Table Lamps|Table Lamps]]
*[[The Sims 2/Buy Mode/Lighting/Floor Lamps|Floor Lamps]]
*[[The Sims 2/Buy Mode/Lighting/Wall Lamps|Wall Lamps]]
*[[The Sims 2/Buy Mode/Lighting/Hanging Lamps|Hanging Lamps]]
*[[The Sims 2/Buy Mode/Lighting/Outdoor Lamps|Outdoor Lamps]]
*[[The Sims 2/Buy Mode/Lighting/Miscellaneous|Miscellaneous]]
*[[The Sims 2/Buy Mode/Hobbies/Creativity|Creativity]]
*[[The Sims 2/Buy Mode/Hobbies/Knowledge|Knowledge]]
*[[The Sims 2/Buy Mode/Hobbies/Exercise|Exercise]]
*[[The Sims 2/Buy Mode/Hobbies/Recreation|Recreation]]
*[[The Sims 2/Buy Mode/Miscellaneous/Dressers|Dressers]]
*[[The Sims 2/Buy Mode/Miscellaneous/Children|Children]]
*[[The Sims 2/Buy Mode/Miscellaneous/Party|Party]]
*[[The Sims 2/Buy Mode/Miscellaneous/Miscellaneous|Miscellaneous]]
*[[The Sims 2/Other Objects/Community Lot Only|Community Lot Only]]
*[[The Sims 2/Other Objects/Aspiration Rewards|Aspiration Rewards]]
*[[The Sims 2/Other Objects/Career Rewards|Career Rewards]]
*[[The Sims 2/Other Objects|Other Objects]]
{{h3|[[The Sims 2/Social Interactions|Social Interactions]]}}
* [[The Sims 2/Romantic Interactions|Romantic Interactions]]
* [[The Sims 2/Family Interactions|Family Interactions]]
* [[The Sims 2/Normal Interactions|Normal Interactions]]
{{h3|[[The Sims 2/Careers|Careers]]}}
* [[The Sims 2/Athletic|Athletic]]
* [[The Sims 2/Business|Business]]
* [[The Sims 2/Culinary|Culinary]]
* [[The Sims 2/Criminal|Criminal]]
* [[The Sims 2/Law Enforcement|Law Enforcement]]
* [[The Sims 2/Medical|Medical]]
* [[The Sims 2/Military|Military]]
* [[The Sims 2/Politics|Politics]]
* [[The Sims 2/Science|Science]]
* [[The Sims 2/Slacker|Slacker]]
{{h2|[[The Sims 2/Build Mode|Build Mode]]}}
{{h2|[[The Sims 2/Build Mode|Build Mode]]}}
* [[The Sims 2/Walls|Walls]]
*[[The Sims 2/Build Mode/Walls|Walls]]
* [[The Sims 2/Doors and Windows|Doors and Windows]]
*[[The Sims 2/Build Mode/Doors and Windows|Doors and Windows]]
* [[The Sims 2/Flooring|Flooring]]
*[[The Sims 2/Build Mode/Flooring|Flooring]]
* [[The Sims 2/Wall Coverings|Wall Coverings]]
*[[The Sims 2/Build Mode/Wall Coverings|Wall Coverings]]
* [[The Sims 2/Staircases|Staircases]]
*[[The Sims 2/Build Mode/Staircases|Staircases]]
* [[The Sims 2/Decks and Foundations|Decks and Foundations]]
*[[The Sims 2/Build Mode/Decks and Foundations|Decks and Foundations]]
* [[The Sims 2/Terrain|Terrain]]
*[[The Sims 2/Build Mode/Terrain|Terrain]]
* [[The Sims 2/Gardening|Gardening]]
*[[The Sims 2/Build Mode/Gardening|Gardening]]
* [[The Sims 2/Roofs|Roofs]]
*[[The Sims 2/Build Mode/Roofs|Roofs]]
* [[The Sims 2/Miscellaneous|Miscellaneous]]
*[[The Sims 2/Build Mode/Miscellaneous|Miscellaneous]]
* [[The Sims 2/History|History]]
*[[The Sims 2/History|History]]
* [[The Sims 2/Storytelling Mode|Storytelling Mode]]
*[[The Sims 2/Storytelling Mode|Storytelling Mode]]
* [[The Sims 2/Body Shop|Body Shop]]
*[[The Sims 2: Body Shop]]
* [[The Sims 2/Cheats|Cheats]]
*[[The Sims 2/Custom Content|Custom Content and Fansites]]
* [[The Sims 2/Bugs|Patches]]
*[[The Sims 2/Cheats|Cheats]]
*[[The Sims 2/Bugs|Bugs and Patches]]
{{h2|[[The Sims 2/Buy Mode|Buy Mode]]}}
* [[The Sims 2/Comfort/Dining Chairs|Dining Chairs]]
* [[The Sims 2/Comfort/Living Chairs|Living Chairs]]
* [[The Sims 2/Comfort/Recliners|Recliners]]
* [[The Sims 2/Comfort/Sofas and Loveseats|Sofas and Loveseats]]
* [[The Sims 2/Comfort/Beds|Beds]]
* [[The Sims 2/Comfort/Miscellaneous|Miscellaneous]]
* [[The Sims 2/Surfaces/Counters|Counters]]
* [[The Sims 2/Surfaces/Tables|Tables]]
* [[The Sims 2/Surfaces/End Tables|End Tables]]
* [[The Sims 2/Surfaces/Coffee Tables|Coffee Tables]]
* [[The Sims 2/Surfaces/Desks|Desks]]
* [[The Sims 2/Surfaces/Miscellaneous|Miscellaneous]]
* [[The Sims 2/Decorative/Plants|Plants]]
* [[The Sims 2/Decorative/Sculptures|Sculptures]]
* [[The Sims 2/Decorative/Wall Hangings|Wall Hangings]]
* [[The Sims 2/Decorative/Mirrors|Mirrors]]
* [[The Sims 2/Decorative/Curtains|Curtains]]
* [[The Sims 2/Decorative/Miscellaneous|Miscellaneous]]
* [[The Sims 2/Plumbing/Toilets|Toilets]]
* [[The Sims 2/Plumbing/Showers and Tub|Showers and Tubs]]
* [[The Sims 2/Plumbing/Sinks|Sinks]]
* [[The Sims 2/Plumbing/Hot Tubs|Hot Tubs]]
* [[The Sims 2/Appliances/Cooktops|Cooktops]]
* [[The Sims 2/Appliances/Refrigerators|Refrigerators]]
[[File:The Sims 2 logo.png|150px|The Sims 2 logo]]
* [[The Sims 2/Appliances/Small Appliances|Small Appliances]]
* [[The Sims 2/Appliances/Large Appliances|Large Appliances]]
* [[The Sims 2/Electronics/Entertainment|Entertainment]]
* [[The Sims 2/Electronics/TVs and Computers|TVs and Computers]]
* [[The Sims 2/Electronics/Audio|Audio]]
* [[The Sims 2/Electronics/Small Electronics|Small Electronics]]
* [[The Sims 2/Lighting/Table Lamps|Table Lamps]]
* [[The Sims 2/Lighting/Floor Lamps|Floor Lamps]]
* [[The Sims 2/Lighting/Wall Lamps|Wall Lamps]]
* [[The Sims 2/Lighting/Hanging Lamps|Hanging Lamps]]
* [[The Sims 2/Lighting/Outdoor Lamps|Outdoor Lamps]]
* [[The Sims 2/Lighting/Miscellaneous|Miscellaneous]]
* [[The Sims 2/Hobbies/Creativity|Creativity]]
* [[The Sims 2/Hobbies/Knowledge|Knowledge]]
* [[The Sims 2/Hobbies/Exercise|Exercise]]
* [[The Sims 2/Hobbies/Recreation|Recreation]]
* [[The Sims 2/Miscellaneous/Dressers|Dressers]]
* [[The Sims 2/Miscellaneous/Children|Children]]
* [[The Sims 2/Miscellaneous/Party|Party]]
* [[The Sims 2/Miscellaneous/Miscellaneous|Miscellaneous]]
* [[The Sims 2/Other Objects/Community Lot Only|Community Lot Only]]
* [[The Sims 2/Other Objects/Aspiration Rewards|Aspiration Rewards]]
* [[The Sims 2/Other Objects/Career Rewards|Career Rewards]]
* [[The Sims 2/Other Objects|Other Objects]]
[[File:The Sims 2 Sim.jpg|80px]]
{{subtoc2|The Sims 2: University}}
{{subtoc2|The Sims 2: University}}
{{h2|Main Features}}
*[[The Sims 2: University/Universities|Universities]]
*[[The Sims 2: University/Scholarships and Enrolling|Scholarships and Enrolling]]
*[[The Sims 2: University/Young Adults|Young Adults]]
*[[The Sims 2: University/College Life|College Life]]
*[[The Sims 2: University/Academics|Academics]]
*[[The Sims 2: University/Careers|New Careers]]
*[[The Sims 2: University/New Socials|New Socials]]
*[[The Sims 2: University/Influence|Influence]]
*[[The Sims 2: University/Lifetime Wants|Lifetime Wants]]
*[[The Sims 2: University/Zombies|Zombies]]
*[[The Sims 2: University/Minor Features|Other Features]]
{{h2|[[The Sims 2: University/New Objects|New Objects]]}}
*[[The Sims 2: University/New Objects/Comfort|Comfort]]
*[[The Sims 2: University/New Objects/Surfaces|Surfaces]]
*[[The Sims 2: University/New Objects/Decoration|Decoration]]
*[[The Sims 2: University/New Objects/Plumbing|Plumbing]]
*[[The Sims 2: University/New Objects/Appliances|Appliances]]
*[[The Sims 2: University/New Objects/Electronics|Electronics]]
*[[The Sims 2: University/New Objects/Lighting|Lighting]]
*[[The Sims 2: University/New Objects/Hobbies|Hobbies]]
*[[The Sims 2: University/New Objects/Miscellaneous|Miscellaneous]]
*[[The Sims 2: University/New Objects/Other|Other]]
{{h2|[[The Sims 2: University/Walkthrough|Walkthrough]]}}
{{h2|[[The Sims 2: University/Walkthrough|Walkthrough]]}}
* [[The Sims 2: University/Universities|Universities]]
* [[The Sims 2: University/Scholarships and Enrolling|Scholarships and Enrolling]]
* [[The Sims 2: University/Young Adults|Young Adults]]
* [[The Sims 2: University/College Life|College Life]]
* [[The Sims 2: University/Academics|Academics]]
* [[The Sims 2: University/New Socials|New Socials]]
* [[The Sims 2: University/Influence|Influence]]
* [[The Sims 2: University/Lifetime Wants|Lifetime Wants]]
* [[The Sims 2: University/Zombies|Zombies]]
* [[The Sims 2: University/Minor Features|Other Features]]
{{h2|New Careers}}
* [[The Sims 2: University/Artist|Artist]]
* [[The Sims 2: University/Natural Science|Natural Science]]
* [[The Sims 2: University/Paranormal|Paranormal]]
* [[The Sims 2: University/Show Business|Show Business]]
* [[The Sims 2: University/Cheats|Cheats]]
*[[The Sims 2: University/Cheats|New Cheats]]
{{h2|[[The Sims 2: University/New Objects|New Objects]]}}
* [[The Sims 2: University/Comfort|Comfort]]
* [[The Sims 2: University/Surfaces|Surfaces]]
* [[The Sims 2: University/Decoration|Decoration]]
* [[The Sims 2: University/Plumbing|Plumbing]]
* [[The Sims 2: University/Appliances|Appliances]]
* [[The Sims 2: University/Electronics|Electronics]]
* [[The Sims 2: University/Lighting|Lighting]]
* [[The Sims 2: University/Hobbies|Hobbies]]
* [[The Sims 2: University/Miscellaneous|Miscellaneous]]
* [[The Sims 2: University/Other|Other]]
{{subtoc2|The Sims 2: Nightlife}}
{{subtoc2|The Sims 2: Nightlife}}
{{h2|[[The Sims 2: Nightlife/Walkthrough|Walkthrough]]}}
{{h2|[[The Sims 2: Nightlife/Walkthrough|Walkthrough]]}}
* [[The Sims 2: Nightlife/Downtowns|Downtowns]]
;Main Features
* [[The Sims 2: Nightlife/Restaurants|Restaurants]]
*[[The Sims 2: Nightlife/Downtowns|Downtowns]]
* [[The Sims 2: Nightlife/Attraction and Chemistry|Attraction and Chemistry]]
*[[The Sims 2: Nightlife/Restaurants|Restaurants]]
* [[The Sims 2: Nightlife/Dates|Dates]]
*[[The Sims 2: Nightlife/Attraction and Chemistry|Attraction and Chemistry]]
* [[The Sims 2: Nightlife/Groups|Groups]]
*[[The Sims 2: Nightlife/Dates|Dates]]
* [[The Sims 2: Nightlife/New Relationship Types|Fury, Rivalry and Contacts]]
*[[The Sims 2: Nightlife/Groups|Groups]]
* [[The Sims 2: Nightlife/New Socials|New Socials]]
*[[The Sims 2: Nightlife/New Relationship Types|Fury, Rivalry and Contacts]]
* [[The Sims 2: Nightlife/New Build Mode Features|New Build Mode Features]]
*[[The Sims 2: Nightlife/New Socials|New Socials]]
* [[The Sims 2: Nightlife/Vampirism|Vampirism]]
*[[The Sims 2: Nightlife/New Build Mode Features|New Build Mode Features]]
* [[The Sims 2: Nightlife/Aspirations|New Aspirations]]
*[[The Sims 2: Nightlife/Vampirism|Vampirism]]
* [[The Sims 2: Nightlife/Minor features|Other Features]]
*[[The Sims 2: Nightlife/Aspirations|New Aspirations]]
*[[The Sims 2: Nightlife/Minor features|Other Features]]
{{h2|[[The Sims 2: Nightlife/New Objects|New Objects]]}}
{{h2|[[The Sims 2: Nightlife/New Objects|New Objects]]}}
* [[The Sims 2: Nightlife/Comfort|Comfort]]
*[[The Sims 2: Nightlife/Comfort|Comfort]]
* [[The Sims 2: Nightlife/Surfaces|Surfaces]]
*[[The Sims 2: Nightlife/Surfaces|Surfaces]]
* [[The Sims 2: Nightlife/Decorative|Decorative]]
*[[The Sims 2: Nightlife/Decorative|Decorative]]
* [[The Sims 2: Nightlife/Plumbing|Plumbing]]
*[[The Sims 2: Nightlife/Plumbing|Plumbing]]
* [[The Sims 2: Nightlife/Electronics|Electronics]]
*[[The Sims 2: Nightlife/Electronics|Electronics]]
* [[The Sims 2: Nightlife/Lighting|Lighting]]
*[[The Sims 2: Nightlife/Lighting|Lighting]]
* [[The Sims 2: Nightlife/Hobbies|Hobbies]]
*[[The Sims 2: Nightlife/Hobbies|Hobbies]]
* [[The Sims 2: Nightlife/Miscellaneous|Miscellaneous]]
*[[The Sims 2: Nightlife/Miscellaneous|Miscellaneous]]
* [[The Sims 2: Nightlife/Other|Other]]
*[[The Sims 2: Nightlife/Other|Other]]
* [[The Sims 2: Nightlife/Cheats|Cheats]]
*[[The Sims 2: Nightlife/Cheats|New Cheats]]
{{subtoc2|The Sims 2: Open for Business}}
{{subtoc2|The Sims 2: Open for Business}}
{{h2|[[The Sims 2: Open for Business/Getting Started|Getting Started]]}}
{{h2|Main Features}}
*[[The Sims 2: Open for Business/Shopping Districts|Shopping Districts]]
*[[The Sims 2: Open for Business/Business Basics|Business Basics]]
*[[The Sims 2: Open for Business/Talent Badges|Talent Badges]]
*[[The Sims 2: Open for Business/Employees|Employees]]
*[[The Sims 2: Open for Business/Customers|Customers]]
*[[The Sims 2: Open for Business/Business Types|Business Types]]
*[[The Sims 2: Open for Business/Business Rewards|Business Rewards]]
*[[The Sims 2: Open for Business/New Socials|New Socials]]
*[[The Sims 2: Open for Business/Servos|Servos]]
*[[The Sims 2: Open for Business/Minor Features|Other Features]]
{{h2|[[The Sims 2: Open for Business/New Objects|New Objects]]}}
*[[The Sims 2: Open for Business/New Objects/Comfort|Comfort]]
*[[The Sims 2: Open for Business/New Objects/Surfaces|Surfaces]]
*[[The Sims 2: Open for Business/New Objects/Decoration|Decoration]]
*[[The Sims 2: Open for Business/New Objects/Plumbing|Plumbing]]
*[[The Sims 2: Open for Business/New Objects/Electronics|Electronics]]
*[[The Sims 2: Open for Business/New Objects/Lighting|Lighting]]
*[[The Sims 2: Open for Business/New Objects/Hobbies|Hobbies]]
*[[The Sims 2: Open for Business/New Objects/Miscellaneous|Miscellaneous]]
*[[The Sims 2: Open for Business/New Objects/Other|Other]]
{{h2|[[The Sims 2: Open for Business/Walkthrough|Walkthrough]]}}
{{h2|[[The Sims 2: Open for Business/Walkthrough|Walkthrough]]}}
* [[The Sims 2: Open for Business/Shopping Districts|Shopping Districts]]
* [[The Sims 2: Open for Business/Talent Badges|Talent Badges]]
* [[The Sims 2: Open for Business/New Socials|New Socials]]
* [[The Sims 2: Open for Business/Servos|Servos]]
* [[The Sims 2: Open for Business/Minor Features|Other Features]]
{{h2|[[The Sims 2: Open for Business/Business Basics|Businesses]]}}
* [[The Sims 2: Open for Business/Employees|Employees]]
* [[The Sims 2: Open for Business/Customers|Customers]]
* [[The Sims 2: Open for Business/Business Types|Business Types]]
* [[The Sims 2: Open for Business/Business Rewards|Business Rewards]]
* [[The Sims 2: Open for Business/Cheats|Cheats]]
*[[The Sims 2: Open for Business/Cheats|New Cheats]]
{{h2|[[The Sims 2: Open for Business/New Objects|New Objects]]}}
* [[The Sims 2: Open for Business/Comfort|Comfort]]
* [[The Sims 2: Open for Business/Surfaces|Surfaces]]
* [[The Sims 2: Open for Business/Decoration|Decoration]]
* [[The Sims 2: Open for Business/Plumbing|Plumbing]]
* [[The Sims 2: Open for Business/Electronics|Electronics]]
* [[The Sims 2: Open for Business/Lighting|Lighting]]
* [[The Sims 2: Open for Business/Hobbies|Hobbies]]
* [[The Sims 2: Open for Business/Miscellaneous|Miscellaneous]]
* [[The Sims 2: Open for Business/Other|Other]]
{{subtoc2|The Sims 2: Pets}}
{{subtoc2|The Sims 2: Pets}}
{{h2|Main Features}}
*[[The Sims 2: Pets/Creating a Pet|Creating a Pet]]
*[[The Sims 2: Pets/Pet Birth and Genetics|Pet Birth and Genetics]]
*[[The Sims 2: Pets/Pet Ages|Pet Ages]]
*[[The Sims 2: Pets/Pet Needs|Pet Needs]]
*[[The Sims 2: Pets/New Socials|New Socials]]
*[[The Sims 2: Pets/Pet Tricks|Pet Tricks]]
*[[The Sims 2: Pets/Pet Careers|Pet Careers]]
*[[The Sims 2: Pets/Pet Behaviours|Pet Behaviours]]
*[[The Sims 2: Pets/Pet Personalities|Pet Personalities]]
*[[The Sims 2: Pets/New Characters|New Characters]]
*[[The Sims 2: Pets/Werewolves|Werewolves]]
*[[The Sims 2: Pets/Minor Features|Other Features]]
{{h2|[[The Sims 2: Pets/New Objects|New Objects]]}}
*[[The Sims 2: Pets/New Objects/Comfort|Comfort]]
*[[The Sims 2: Pets/New Objects/Surfaces|Surfaces]]
*[[The Sims 2: Pets/New Objects/Decoration|Decoration]]
*[[The Sims 2: Pets/New Objects/Plumbing|Plumbing]]
*[[The Sims 2: Pets/New Objects/Electronics|Electronics]]
*[[The Sims 2: Pets/New Objects/Lighting|Lighting]]
*[[The Sims 2: Pets/New Objects/Miscellaneous|Miscellaneous]]
*[[The Sims 2: Pets/New Objects/Other|Other]]
{{h2|[[The Sims 2: Pets/Walkthrough|Walkthrough]]}}
{{h2|[[The Sims 2: Pets/Walkthrough|Walkthrough]]}}
* [[The Sims 2: Pets/New Socials|New Socials]]
* [[The Sims 2: Pets/New Characters|New Characters]]
* [[The Sims 2: Pets/Werewolves|Werewolves]]
* [[The Sims 2: Pets/Minor Features|Other Features]]
* [[The Sims 2: Pets/Cheats|Cheats]]
*[[The Sims 2: Pets/Cheats|New Cheats]]
* [[The Sims 2: Pets/Unlockables|Unlockables]]
{{h2|[[The Sims 2: Pets/Creating a Pet|Pets]]}}
* [[The Sims 2: Pets/Pet Birth and Genetics|Pet Birth and Genetics]]
* [[The Sims 2: Pets/Pet Ages|Pet Ages]]
* [[The Sims 2: Pets/Pet Needs|Pet Needs]]
* [[The Sims 2: Pets/Pet Tricks|Pet Tricks]]
* [[The Sims 2: Pets/Pet Careers|Pet Careers]]
* [[The Sims 2: Pets/Pet Behaviours|Pet Behaviours]]
* [[The Sims 2: Pets/Pet Personalities|Pet Personalities]]
{{h2|[[The Sims 2: Pets/New Objects|New Objects]]}}
* [[The Sims 2: Pets/Comfort|Comfort]]
* [[The Sims 2: Pets/Surfaces|Surfaces]]
* [[The Sims 2: Pets/Decoration|Decoration]]
* [[The Sims 2: Pets/Plumbing|Plumbing]]
* [[The Sims 2: Pets/Electronics|Electronics]]
* [[The Sims 2: Pets/Lighting|Lighting]]
* [[The Sims 2: Pets/Miscellaneous|Miscellaneous]]
* [[The Sims 2: Pets/Other|Other]]
{{subtoc2|The Sims 2: Seasons}}
{{subtoc2|The Sims 2: Seasons}}
{{h2|Main Features}}
*[[The Sims 2: Seasons/Seasons|Seasons]]
*[[The Sims 2: Seasons/Weather|Weather]]
*[[The Sims 2: Seasons/Temperature|Temperature]]
*[[The Sims 2: Seasons/Gardening|Gardening]]
*[[The Sims 2: Seasons/Fishing|Fishing]]
*[[The Sims 2: Seasons/Careers|New Careers]]
*[[The Sims 2: Seasons/New Socials|New Socials]]
*[[The Sims 2: Seasons/Plant-Sims|Plant-Sims]]
*[[The Sims 2: Seasons/Riverblossom Hills|Riverblossom Hills]]
*[[The Sims 2: Seasons/Minor Features|Other Features]]
{{h2|[[The Sims 2: Seasons/New Objects|New Objects]]}}
*[[The Sims 2: Seasons/New Objects/Comfort|Comfort]]
*[[The Sims 2: Seasons/New Objects/Surfaces|Surfaces]]
*[[The Sims 2: Seasons/New Objects/Decoration|Decoration]]
*[[The Sims 2: Seasons/New Objects/Plumbing|Plumbing]]
*[[The Sims 2: Seasons/New Objects/Appliances|Appliances]]
*[[The Sims 2: Seasons/New Objects/Lighting|Lighting]]
*[[The Sims 2: Seasons/New Objects/Hobbies|Hobbies]]
*[[The Sims 2: Seasons/New Objects/Miscellaneous|Miscellaneous]]
*[[The Sims 2: Seasons/New Objects/Other|Other]]
{{h2|[[The Sims 2: Seasons/Walkthrough|Walkthrough]]}}
{{h2|[[The Sims 2: Seasons/Walkthrough|Walkthrough]]}}
* [[The Sims 2: Seasons/Seasons|Seasons]]
* [[The Sims 2: Seasons/Weather|Weather]]
* [[The Sims 2: Seasons/Temperature|Temperature]]
* [[The Sims 2: Seasons/Gardening|Gardening]]
* [[The Sims 2: Seasons/Fishing|Fishing]]
* [[The Sims 2: Seasons/Careers|New Careers]]
* [[The Sims 2: Seasons/New Socials|New Socials]]
* [[The Sims 2: Seasons/Plant-Sims|Plant-Sims]]
* [[The Sims 2: Seasons/Riverblossom Hills|Riverblossom Hills]]
* [[The Sims 2: Seasons/Minor Features|Other Features]]
{{h2|New Careers}}
* [[The Sims 2: Seasons/Adventurer|Adventurer]]
* [[The Sims 2: Seasons/Education|Education]]
* [[The Sims 2: Seasons/Gamer|Gamer]]
* [[The Sims 2: Seasons/Law|Law]]
* [[The Sims 2: Seasons/Music|Music]]
* [[The Sims 2: Seasons/Journalism|Journalism]]
* [[The Sims 2: Seasons/Cheats|Cheats]]
{{h2|[[The Sims 2: Seasons/New Objects|New Objects]]}}
* [[The Sims 2: Seasons/Comfort|Comfort]]
* [[The Sims 2: Seasons/Surfaces|Surfaces]]
* [[The Sims 2: Seasons/Decoration|Decoration]]
* [[The Sims 2: Seasons/Plumbing|Plumbing]]
* [[The Sims 2: Seasons/Appliances|Appliances]]
* [[The Sims 2: Seasons/Electronics|Electronics]]
* [[The Sims 2: Seasons/Lighting|Lighting]]
* [[The Sims 2: Seasons/Hobbies|Hobbies]]
* [[The Sims 2: Seasons/Miscellaneous|Miscellaneous]]
* [[The Sims 2: Seasons/Other|Other]]
{{subtoc2|The Sims 2: Bon Voyage}}
{{subtoc2|The Sims 2: Bon Voyage}}
{{h2|Main Features}}
*[[The Sims 2: Bon Voyage/Vacation Destinations|Vacation Destinations]]
*[[The Sims 2: Bon Voyage/Booking a Vacation|Booking a Vacation]]
*[[The Sims 2: Bon Voyage/Vacation Basics|Vacation Basics]]
*[[The Sims 2: Bon Voyage/Beach Vacations|Beach Vacations]]
*[[The Sims 2: Bon Voyage/Mountain Vacations|Mountain Vacations]]
*[[The Sims 2: Bon Voyage/Far East Vacations|Far East Vacations]]
*[[The Sims 2: Bon Voyage/Vacation Benefits|Vacation Benefits]]
*[[The Sims 2: Bon Voyage/New Socials|New Socials]]
*[[The Sims 2: Bon Voyage/Bigfoot|Bigfoot]]
*[[The Sims 2: Bon Voyage/Minor Features|Other Features]]
{{h2|[[The Sims 2: Bon Voyage/New Objects|New Objects]]}}
*[[The Sims 2: Bon Voyage/New Objects/Comfort|Comfort]]
*[[The Sims 2: Bon Voyage/New Objects/Surfaces|Surfaces]]
*[[The Sims 2: Bon Voyage/New Objects/Decoration|Decoration]]
*[[The Sims 2: Bon Voyage/New Objects/Electronics|Electronics]]
*[[The Sims 2: Bon Voyage/New Objects/Lighting|Lighting]]
*[[The Sims 2: Bon Voyage/New Objects/Hobbies|Hobbies]]
*[[The Sims 2: Bon Voyage/New Objects/Miscellaneous|Miscellaneous]]
*[[The Sims 2: Bon Voyage/New Objects/Other|Other]]
{{h2|[[The Sims 2: Bon Voyage/Walkthrough|Walkthrough]]}}
{{h2|[[The Sims 2: Bon Voyage/Walkthrough|Walkthrough]]}}
* [[The Sims 2: Bon Voyage/New Socials|New Socials]]
* [[The Sims 2: Bon Voyage/New NPCs|New NPCs]]
{{h2|[[The Sims 2: Bon Voyage/Vacations|Vacations]]}}
* [[The Sims 2: Bon Voyage/Vacation Benefits|Vacation Benefits]]
* [[The Sims 2: Bon Voyage/Vacation Collectables|Vacation Collectables]]
* [[The Sims 2: Bon Voyage/Vacation Mementos|Vacation Mementos]]
{{h2|[[The Sims 2: Bon Voyage/Vacation Destinations|Vacation Destinations]]}}
* [[The Sims 2: Bon Voyage/Twikkii Island|Twikkii Island]]
* [[The Sims 2: Bon Voyage/Takemizu Village|Takemizu Village]]
* [[The Sims 2: Bon Voyage/Three Lakes|Three Lakes]]
* [[The Sims 2: Bon Voyage/Cheats|Cheats]]
{{h2|[[The Sims 2: Bon Voyage/New Objects|New Objects]]}}
* [[The Sims 2: Bon Voyage/Comfort|Comfort]]
* [[The Sims 2: Bon Voyage/Surfaces|Surfaces]]
* [[The Sims 2: Bon Voyage/Decoration|Decoration]]
* [[The Sims 2: Bon Voyage/Appliances|Appliances]]
* [[The Sims 2: Bon Voyage/Electronics|Electronics]]
* [[The Sims 2: Bon Voyage/Lighting|Lighting]]
* [[The Sims 2: Bon Voyage/Hobbies|Hobbies]]
* [[The Sims 2: Bon Voyage/Miscellaneous|Miscellaneous]]
* [[The Sims 2: Bon Voyage/Other|Other]]
{{subtoc2|The Sims 2: FreeTime}}
{{subtoc2|The Sims 2: FreeTime}}
{{h2|[[The Sims 2: FreeTime/Walkthrough|Walkthrough]]}}
*[[The Sims 2: Free Time/Gameplay|New Features]]
* [[The Sims 2: FreeTime/Desiderata Valley|Desiderata Valley]]
* [[The Sims 2: FreeTime/Lifetime Aspiration|Lifetime Aspiration]]
* [[The Sims 2: FreeTime/New Socials|New Socials]]
* [[The Sims 2: FreeTime/New NPCs|New NPCs]]
* [[The Sims 2: FreeTime/Minor Features|Other Features]]
{{h2|New Careers}}
* [[The Sims 2: FreeTime/Architecture|Architecture]]
* [[The Sims 2: FreeTime/Dance|Dance]]
* [[The Sims 2: FreeTime/Entertainment|Entertainment]]
* [[The Sims 2: FreeTime/Intelligence|Intelligence]]
* [[The Sims 2: FreeTime/Oceanography|Oceanography]]
{{h2|[[The Sims 2: FreeTime/Hobby Mechanics|Hobbies]]}}
* [[The Sims 2: FreeTime/Arts & Crafts|Arts & Crafts]]
* [[The Sims 2: FreeTime/Cuisine|Cuisine]]
* [[The Sims 2: FreeTime/Fitness|Fitness]]
* [[The Sims 2: FreeTime/Film & Literature|Film & Literature]]
* [[The Sims 2: FreeTime/Games|Games]]
* [[The Sims 2: FreeTime/Music & Dance|Music & Dance]]
* [[The Sims 2: FreeTime/Nature|Nature]]
* [[The Sims 2: FreeTime/Science|Science]]
* [[The Sims 2: FreeTime/Sports|Sports]]
* [[The Sims 2: FreeTime/Tinkering|Tinkering]]
{{h2|[[The Sims 2: FreeTime/New Objects|New Objects]]}}
* [[The Sims 2: FreeTime/Comfort|Comfort]]
* [[The Sims 2: FreeTime/Surfaces|Surfaces]]
* [[The Sims 2: FreeTime/Decorative|Decorative]]
* [[The Sims 2: FreeTime/Appliances|Appliances]]
* [[The Sims 2: FreeTime/Electronics|Electronics]]
* [[The Sims 2: FreeTime/Lighting|Lighting]]
* [[The Sims 2: FreeTime/Hobbies|Hobbies]]
* [[The Sims 2: FreeTime/Miscellaneous|Miscellaneous]]
* [[The Sims 2: FreeTime/Other|Other]]
* [[The Sims 2: FreeTime/Cheats|Cheats]]
{{subtoc2|The Sims 2: Apartment Life}}
{{h2|[[The Sims 2: Apartment Life/Walkthrough|Walkthrough]]}}
* [[The Sims 2: Apartment Life/Belladonna Cove|Belladonna Cove]]
* [[The Sims 2: Apartment Life/Apartments|Apartments]]
* [[The Sims 2: Apartment Life/Reputation|Reputation]]
* [[The Sims 2: Apartment Life/New Build Mode Features|New Build Mode Features]]
* [[The Sims 2: Apartment Life/New Socials|New Socials]]
* [[The Sims 2: Apartment Life/Witches|Witches]]
* [[The Sims 2: Apartment Life/New NPCs|New NPCs]]
* [[The Sims 2: Apartment Life/Minor Features|Other Features]]
{{h2|[[The Sims 2: Apartment Life/New Objects|New Objects]]}}
* [[The Sims 2: Apartment Life/Comfort|Comfort]]
* [[The Sims 2: Apartment Life/Surfaces|Surfaces]]
* [[The Sims 2: Apartment Life/Decoration|Decoration]]
* [[The Sims 2: Apartment Life/Plumbing|Plumbing]]
* [[The Sims 2: Apartment Life/Appliances|Appliances]]
* [[The Sims 2: Apartment Life/Electronics|Electronics]]
* [[The Sims 2: Apartment Life/Lighting|Lighting]]
* [[The Sims 2: Apartment Life/Hobbies|Hobbies]]
* [[The Sims 2: Apartment Life/Miscellaneous|Miscellaneous]]
* [[The Sims 2: Apartment Life/Other|Other]]
{{h2|Stuff Packs|center}}
<center>{{h2|Stuff Packs}}</center>
{{h2|[[The Sims 2/Family Fun Stuff|Family Fun Stuff]]}}
{{h2|[[The Sims 2: Family Fun Stuff|Family Fun Stuff]]}}
* [[The Sims 2/Family Fun Stuff/Comfort|Comfort]]
*[[The Sims 2: Family Fun Stuff/Comfort|Comfort]]
* [[The Sims 2/Family Fun Stuff/Surfaces|Surfaces]]
*[[The Sims 2: Family Fun Stuff/Surfaces|Surfaces]]
* [[The Sims 2/Family Fun Stuff/Decoration|Decoration]]
*[[The Sims 2: Family Fun Stuff/Decoration|Decoration]]
* [[The Sims 2/Family Fun Stuff/Lighting|Lighting]]
*[[The Sims 2: Family Fun Stuff/Lighting|Lighting]]
* [[The Sims 2/Family Fun Stuff/Miscellaneous|Miscellaneous]]
*[[The Sims 2: Family Fun Stuff/Miscellaneous|Miscellaneous]]
{{h2|[[The Sims 2/Glamour Life Stuff|Glamour Life Stuff]]}}
{{h2|[[The Sims 2: Glamour Life Stuff|Glamour Life Stuff]]}}
* [[The Sims 2/Glamour Life Stuff/Comfort|Comfort]]
*[[The Sims 2: Glamour Life Stuff/Comfort|Comfort]]
* [[The Sims 2/Glamour Life Stuff/Surfaces|Surfaces]]
*[[The Sims 2: Glamour Life Stuff/Surfaces|Surfaces]]
* [[The Sims 2/Glamour Life Stuff/Decoration|Decoration]]
*[[The Sims 2: Glamour Life Stuff/Decoration|Decoration]]
* [[The Sims 2/Glamour Life Stuff/Electronics|Electronics]]
*[[The Sims 2: Glamour Life Stuff/Electronics|Electronics]]
* [[The Sims 2/Glamour Life Stuff/Lighting|Lighting]]
*[[The Sims 2: Glamour Life Stuff/Lighting|Lighting]]
* [[The Sims 2/Glamour Life Stuff/Hobbies|Hobbies]]
*[[The Sims 2: Glamour Life Stuff/Hobbies|Hobbies]]
* [[The Sims 2/Glamour Life Stuff/Miscellaneous|Miscellaneous]]
*[[The Sims 2: Glamour Life Stuff/Miscellaneous|Miscellaneous]]
{{h2|[[The Sims 2/Happy Holiday Stuff|Happy Holiday Stuff]]}}
* [[The Sims 2/Happy Holiday Stuff/Surfaces|Surfaces]]
* [[The Sims 2/Happy Holiday Stuff/Decoration|Decoration]]
* [[The Sims 2/Happy Holiday Stuff/Electronics|Electronics]]
* [[The Sims 2/Happy Holiday Stuff/Miscellaneous|Miscellaneous]]
{{h2|[[The Sims 2/Celebration! Stuff|Celebration! Stuff]]}}
{{h2|[[The Sims 2: Happy Holiday Stuff|Happy Holiday Stuff]]}}
* [[The Sims 2/Celebration! Stuff/Comfort|Comfort]]
*[[The Sims 2: Happy Holiday Stuff/Surfaces|Surfaces]]
* [[The Sims 2/Celebration! Stuff/Surfaces|Surfaces]]
*[[The Sims 2: Happy Holiday Stuff/Decoration|Decoration]]
* [[The Sims 2/Celebration! Stuff/Decoration|Decoration]]
*[[The Sims 2: Happy Holiday Stuff/Electronics|Electronics]]
* [[The Sims 2/Celebration! Stuff/Appliances|Appliances]]
*[[The Sims 2: Happy Holiday Stuff/Miscellaneous|Miscellaneous]]
* [[The Sims 2/Celebration! Stuff/Lighting|Lighting]]
{{h2|[[The Sims 2: Celebration Stuff|Celebration Stuff]]}}
* [[The Sims 2/Celebration! Stuff/Miscellaneous|Miscellaneous]]
*[[The Sims 2: Celebration Stuff/Comfort|Comfort]]
{{h2|[[The Sims 2/H&M Fashion Stuff|H&M Fashion Stuff]]}}
*[[The Sims 2: Celebration Stuff/Surfaces|Surfaces]]
* [[The Sims 2/H&M Fashion Stuff/Comfort|Comfort]]
*[[The Sims 2: Celebration Stuff/Decoration|Decoration]]
* [[The Sims 2/H&M Fashion Stuff/Surfaces|Surfaces]]
*[[The Sims 2: Celebration Stuff/Appliances|Appliances]]
* [[The Sims 2/H&M Fashion Stuff/Decoration|Decoration]]
*[[The Sims 2: Celebration Stuff/Lighting|Lighting]]
* [[The Sims 2/H&M Fashion Stuff/Electronic|Electronic]]
*[[The Sims 2: Celebration Stuff/Miscellaneous|Miscellaneous]]
* [[The Sims 2/H&M Fashion Stuff/Lighting|Lighting]]
{{h2|[[The Sims 2: Kitchen & Bath Interior Design Stuff|Kitchen & Bath Interior Design Stuff]]}}
* [[The Sims 2/H&M Fashion Stuff/Miscellaneous|Miscellaneous]]
* [[The Sims 2/H&M Fashion Stuff/Community-Lot Only|Community-Lot Only]]
{{h2|[[The Sims 2/Teen Style Stuff|Teen Style Stuff]]}}
* [[The Sims 2/Teen Style Stuff/Comfort|Comfort]]
* [[The Sims 2/Teen Style Stuff/Surfaces|Surfaces]]
* [[The Sims 2/Teen Style Stuff/Decoration|Decoration]]
* [[The Sims 2/Teen Style Stuff/Electronic|Electronic]]
* [[The Sims 2/Teen Style Stuff/Lighting|Lighting]]
* [[The Sims 2/Teen Style Stuff/Hobbies|Hobbies]]
* [[The Sims 2/Teen Style Stuff/Miscellaneous|Miscellaneous]]
{{h2|[[The Sims 2/Kitchen & Bath Interior Design Stuff|Kitchen & Bath Interior Design Stuff]]}}
{{h2|[[The Sims 2: H&M Fashion Stuff|H&M Fashion Stuff]]}}
* [[The Sims 2/Kitchen & Bath Interior Design Stuff/Surfaces|Surfaces]]
*[[The Sims 2: H&M Fashion Stuff/Comfort|Comfort]]
* [[The Sims 2/Kitchen & Bath Interior Design Stuff/Decorative|Decorative]]
*[[The Sims 2: H&M Fashion Stuff/Surfaces|Surfaces]]
* [[The Sims 2/Kitchen & Bath Interior Design Stuff/Plumbing|Plumbing]]
*[[The Sims 2: H&M Fashion Stuff/Decoration|Decoration]]
* [[The Sims 2/Kitchen & Bath Interior Design Stuff/Appliances|Appliances]]
*[[The Sims 2: H&M Fashion Stuff/Electronic|Electronic]]
* [[The Sims 2/Kitchen & Bath Interior Design Stuff/Lighting|Lighting]]
*[[The Sims 2: H&M Fashion Stuff/Lighting|Lighting]]
* [[The Sims 2/Kitchen & Bath Interior Design Stuff/Miscellaneous|Miscellaneous]]
*[[The Sims 2: H&M Fashion Stuff/Miscellaneous|Miscellaneous]]
{{h2|[[The Sims 2/IKEA Home Stuff|IKEA Home Stuff]]}}
*[[The Sims 2: H&M Fashion Stuff/Community-Lot Only|Community-Lot Only]]
* [[The Sims 2/IKEA Home Stuff/Comfort|Comfort]]
{{h2|[[The Sims 2: Teen Style Stuff|Teen Style Stuff]]}}
* [[The Sims 2/IKEA Home Stuff/Surfaces|Surfaces]]
*[[The Sims 2: Teen Style Stuff/Comfort|Comfort]]
* [[The Sims 2/IKEA Home Stuff/Decorative|Decorative]]
*[[The Sims 2: Teen Style Stuff/Surfaces|Surfaces]]
* [[The Sims 2/IKEA Home Stuff/Electronics|Electronics]]
*[[The Sims 2: Teen Style Stuff/Decoration|Decoration]]
* [[The Sims 2/IKEA Home Stuff/Lighting|Lighting]]
*[[The Sims 2: Teen Style Stuff/Electronic|Electronic]]
* [[The Sims 2/IKEA Home Stuff/Hobbies|Hobbies]]
*[[The Sims 2: Teen Style Stuff/Lighting|Lighting]]
* [[The Sims 2/IKEA Home Stuff/Miscellaneous|Miscellaneous]]
*[[The Sims 2: Teen Style Stuff/Miscellaneous|Miscellaneous]]
{{h2|[[The Sims 2/Mansion & Garden Stuff|Mansion & Garden Stuff]]}}
* [[The Sims 2/Mansion and Garden Stuff/Gardening|Gardening]]
* [[The Sims 2/Mansion and Garden Stuff/Decorative|Decorative]]
* [[The Sims 2/Mansion and Garden Stuff/Architecture|Architecture]]
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