The Sims 2: Nightlife/Dates

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Revision as of 00:43, 24 September 2007 by Sims2Guy (talk | contribs) (Adding more info)

Dating is a new way in The Sims 2 Nightlife to improve a relationship between two sims. With the attraction and chemistry system introduced in this expansion pack, improving your romance should be a breeze. In this article, we reveiw date mechanics to help you utilise this new system to your advantage.

Who to Date

Firstly, you have to choose who you want to date. Since dating is a romantic action, you can only date sims that you can have a romantic relationship with(e.g. Teens can only date teens. Adults can't date children). You can't date blood relatives either. Other than these restrictions, you can date whoever you want.

Starting the Date

There are four ways to get a date.

  • Ask...On Date. Asking in person.
  • Call...Ask Out On Date. Asking over the phone.
  • Being asked by another sim over the phone.
  • Ask for Blind Date. Interaction on the Gypsy Matchmaker.

Asking for a blind date gives you a random sim. This sim will not be in a commited relationship with any other sim.

Choosing a location

Your sims can date anywhere except the secret society lot included with The Sims 2 University. If you date at a residential lot, the other sim will come to you. If you date at a community lot, you must drive there. If you don't get going within the hour, then the other sim will decide that he or she has been stood up. Standing up has negative effects on a relationship.


You can keep track of the date with the date metre. From a glance it tells you:

  • The current date score.
  • How much time you have.
  • The dates identity.
  • The dates aspiration.
  • The dates wants and fears.

The date score is divided into seven sections, each which represent how well the date is going. When the date starts the score starts in the middle. If it reaches the exact bottom, the date ends. During a date points are added or subtracted for almost every event involving your sim. The date score also exists as an invisible number plane ranging from 0 to 1000. With 0 at the bottom of the Horrible rating and 1000 at the top of the Dream Date rating. The main type of event that can happen is a social interaction between two sims. Every social interaction has a base score that is multiplied with the relationship score gained or lost to produce a number of points that are added to the date score. This score is then altered by personality and aspiration. When an event happens, personality will adjust the score. A sim with personality on one extreme (e.g. Outgoing/Shy 10) will provide maximum points while a sim on the other extreme (e.g. Outgoing/Shy 0) will subtract maximum points. How much points are added or lost depends on the personality score. This is accessible through the simology panel