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(→‎Threat from Xor: Completed quest (romance remains to be completed))
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{| {{prettytable}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotOR/Dialog||1.|She is not for sale!|W=50%}}
{{KotOR/Dialog||3.|Well… what are you offering?|W=50%}}
{{KotOR/Dialog||1.|She is not for sale!|R=3|W=25%}}
{{KotOR/Dialog||2.|She is her own person.|R=3|W=25%}}
{{KotOR/Dialog||2.|She is her own person.|R=3|W=25%}}
{{KotOR/Dialog||3.|Well… what are you offering?|R=3|W=25%}}
{{KotOR/Dialog||Xor:|Heh, I knew we could work something out.}}
{{KotOR/Dialog||Xor:|Heh, I knew we could work something out.}}
Line 721: Line 721:
{{KotOR/Dialog||1.|You bought Juhani?}}
{{KotOR/Dialog||1.|You bought Juhani?}}
{{KotOR/Dialog||2.|You were buying Catha slaves?}}
{{KotOR/Dialog||2.|You were buying Cathar slaves?}}
{{KotOR/Dialog||3.|What are you talking about?}}
{{KotOR/Dialog||3.|What are you talking about?}}

Revision as of 02:20, 7 June 2017

Juhani can join your party if she was redeemed rather than slain during your third trial: once the Jedi Council has instructed you to locate the Star Forge, she can be found aboard the Ebon Hawk.

Journal Entry Added Juhani
The Jedi Council have said that you will be accompanied by Juhani, a young Cathar Jedi. She seems to be still troubled by her emotions. Perhaps in time you can help her.

If you don't speak to Juhani when she's in your party, then you may be prompted to do so:

Juhani: [Juhani seems tense and wary in your presence. Perhaps you could make her feel more welcome by talking with her.]
1. [Speak to Juhani.] 2. [Don't speak to her.]
Juhani: [You decide to ignore Juhani and continue on with your quest for now, though you might want to speak with her later.]
Juhani: I feel I must apologize for the way I acted towards you before, in the grove. It was wrong of me.
1. You thought the dark side had consumed you. It is nothing. 2. Damn right! Apologize! 3. Next time you try something like that, I'll kill you.
Juhani: I realize you have justification, but that anger only leads to the dark side. Please do not fall into the same trap that caught me.
Juhani: I am sorry for attacking you. I am sorry for thinking you would only try to kill me. I hope that by helping you in your task I may redeem myself in your eyes… and in my own. 1. I am not as weak as you, Juhani. 2. The dark side will not take me! I am too strong! 3. Have no fear, I recognize the danger.
Juhani: I thought that too. But I was wrong…
Juhani: The dark side is most devious and deceptive. It can find the smallest weakness to exploit. I hope that by helping you in your task I may redeem myself in your eyes… and in my own.
1. Do not worry, Juhani. I forgive you. 2. I think it's going to take a lot for that to happen. 3. Ha! Unlikely.
Juhani: Thank you… It is most reassuring to know that you can forgive me, even though I tried to take your life. Juhani: It may. But I am prepared to do what it takes. Juhani: You mock me! I will do what it takes to redeem myself in the eyes of my peers. I WILL succeed! I will prove myself to you and to everyone! I will be a faithful companion to you and Bastila as long as our journey may last.
Juhani: I can only hope that, in our time journeying together, I will succeed.
Journal Entry Added Juhani
Juhani has apologized for the way she acted towards you. She seems to be very hard on herself for her actions. If you talk to her more, you may find out more about her.

You can then ask her if you could talk and if she's doing alright, although this doesn't unlock any further dialogs:

Juhani: How may I be of assistance to you, Padawan?
1. I was wondering if we could talk.
Juhani: What is it you would like to speak to me about?
2. Are you doing alright?
Juhani: I… I thank you for your concern, but I am still a bit shaken.
1. Why? What is wrong? 3. You're too fragile, Juhani.
Juhani: I am. I try to be strong, as one of my people should, but I know I am still weak inside.
Juhani: I have been thinking about myself… about Quatra… and about my fall to the dark side. I keep thinking that it was my anger that drove me that far, that nearly damned me. I look inside myself now and I can still see it, I still feel it.
2. If the taint cannot be removed, are you sure you should be here? 3. You know, I don't really think I care very much.
Juhani: I think maybe, that I just need more time. Juhani: Would you rather I fell again and attacked? Slaughtered you in your sleep like an animal? I see in your pride you do not think that possible. Very well, then! Keep your own counsel.

Those last two responses end the dialog. Otherwise:

1. Perhaps you just need more time.
Juhani: More time would do me good. Time to distance myself from that anger. I think that is why the Council agreed to send me with you. They think, perhaps, that in your company I will be able to free myself from it.
1. I cannot afford to look after you all the time, Juhani. 3. Great, another mouth to feed… 2. If I see you begin to slip back, I will intervene.
Juhani: I do not come here begging for scraps from you! I will earn my way with you. You will see just how valuable I am! Juhani: I thank you for your concern and your acceptance. I will strive to prove that I am worthy of your company and trust.

Asking her how she came to be a Jedi does unlock further dialogs:

1. How did you come to be a Jedi?
Juhani: How I came to be a Jedi? I am sure you would not find it very interesting… Are you sure you would like to hear?
2. On second thought, maybe not. 3. You're right. It's going to be boring.
Juhani: Very well then. Perhaps some other time you might deign to be interested. Juhani: My attempt at humility seems to fail around you. So be it then, go immerse yourself in something else.

Those last two responses end the dialog. Otherwise:

1. Yes. Please continue.
Juhani: Well… It goes back a number of years… Back on my homeworld we did not see Jedi very often, especially where I lived.
1. Where did you live? 2. What is the Cathar homeworld like? 3. Was it bad there?
Juhani: It was not the homeworld of the Cathar that I lived on. My parents had long fled from that place, and perhaps that is a story for another time. Rather it was a human hive-world I was raised on. Juhani: Bad enough that Jedi rarely came to that place.
Juhani: The hind end of space. A pit of a world, to be sure. Where Jedi rarely tread…
Juhani: But we had heard of them. Well, everyone had, so that is not to be unexpected. Champions of truth. Defenders of justice. Heroes of the Republic. It was very easy for a child to be enthralled by their image, their mystique. Maybe I was one of those children.
1. Did you meet a Jedi? 2. Then how did you gain entrance to the Order? 3. Typical childish naivete.
Juhani: Yes… Yes I did. Juhani: Allow children their innocence while they still may have it! I was not so innocent, but I too was affected…
Juhani: When I saw a Jedi for the first time they lived up to everything my imagination had created them to be. I was awed… and maybe a bit enamored…
1. Enamored? 2. The imagination can be a dangerous thing… 3. So what did you do?
Juhani: They were quite striking… especially the tales of their leader.
Juhani: From that moment on I knew that I would have to try to become a Jedi. To lift myself out of the rut I had been living in for years and to make a real difference, as the Jedi were. The foolish delusions of a child. But THIS child made it happen! As soon as I was able I left my world and went in search of them. I found them and was accepted I had been living my dream on Dantooine for several years before you came. Although… perhaps I was not entirely ready for it… or not completely suited to the task. Otherwise I would not have fallen… But thanks to you I have been redeemed. Perhaps I may yet live to see that dream of mine come true. Come, there is much we should do. Let us not waste time talking. Action is what is needed.
Journal Entry Added Juhani
Juhani has told you of how she idolized Jedi in her youth and dreamed of being a Jedi. It would seem that she has succeeded in her desire. Maybe talking to her later will reveal more about her past.

Level ups

Level ups unlock further dialogs once previous dialogs have been completed: you may want to wait until you've been taken aboard the Leviathan (which happens after leaving the planet on which you acquired your fourth Star Map) before proceeding beyond the Fifth level up due to some (admittedly minor) dialog options this unlocks (which means you shouldn't level up beyond level 19 beforehand if you want to unlock the last remaining dialog).


1. Tell me more about your past.
Juhani: Well… I suppose I have not talked very much about the Jedi I met back home. They, all of them, were so very… invigorating.
2. I already know about Jedi, talk about something else. 3. Why do you insist on spewing this trash at me? 3. Blah, blah, blah. Okay, you can stop now.
Juhani: If you do not wish to hear what I have to say, then find some other being to converse with! Juhani: What?! You… Bah! It is useless talking to you it seems! Come back when you are more civilized or when we have something to do.

Those last three responses end the dialog. Otherwise:

1. Invigorating?
Juhani: They were so very alive. So full of hope and energy and zeal. In retrospect I can see it was a little bit tragic…
1. Tragic? 2. What do you mean?
Juhani: Well… yes… these Jedi were going to fight the Mandalorians just after they had invaded. Juhani: These Jedi were going to fight the Mandalorians just after they had invaded.
Juhani: Many of those Jedi perished in the fighting. But to us, they seemed invincible, especially their leader, who they talked about all the time. Paragons of light and justice, sweeping away all iniquity before them. It was like looking at gods…
1. The Jedi are not gods. 2. Damn straight! I DO look divine. 3. If that was the case, they seem to be misrepresenting themselves.
Juhani: I know that! I was using poetic licence! But those Jedi… Juhani: I can only assume that was some misguided attempt at humor. I was using poetic licence. But those Jedi… Juhani: I was merely using poetic licence. Those Jedi…
Juhani: They were enthralling… Everyone wanted just to touch them. Some people thought it would bring them luck. Not that the peace they brought lasted very long…
1. What happened? 2. Did they leave?
Juhani: Of course they left! They had a war to go fight, so that we would not all be killed by those psychotic Mandalorians!
Juhani: The Jedi left. The people grew complacent. Those who had been wronged saw their chance at revenge… and so the cycle continues. The oppressed become the new generation of oppressors. The human oppressed that is… The non-humans were never treated well in any case… We felt the brunt of both administrations…
1. Was it that bad? 2. Well you can't really blame them. 3. All species are capable of intolerance.
Juhani: Of course it was! Juhani: What?!? Of course I can! Juhani: Yes but humans seem the most pervasive… the most consistent.
Juhani: They took their frustrations and hates out on us because the people they wanted had already fled or were too well protected! But no one looks out for the injustices we suffered! Oh, no! But… I am sorry, I should not have outbursts like that.
1. As long as you do not let your anger influence you. 2. Such anger can lead to the dark side. 3. It is alright.
Juhani: Don't you see? The very fact I mentioned it means it has its influence. Anger can lead to the dark side and I must be ever careful that I do not fall back into those ways. Juhani: I know… And I must be ever careful that I do not fall back into those ways again. Juhani: No, it is not. Anger can lead to the dark side and I must be ever careful that I do not fall back into those ways.
Juhani: I… I thank you for your support. My outburst was uncalled for, but you did not lash back at me. You are a much better Jedi than I, it would seem. But let us not speak more of this now. We should continue on our journey. Perhaps later we will talk again.
Journal Entry Added Juhani
You have heard from Juhani that her people were oppressed and ostracized by the human majority. It seems that the Jedi were the only ones to treat her fairly, and may be why she admires them so much. Perhaps in a little while she will reveal more.


Juhani: Yes? What is it?
1. Is something wrong?
Juhani: I… have been bothered by something of late…
1. What is it? 2. Don't lay all your problems on me. 3. You sure someone else can't help you?
Juhani: I never told you where I came from, did I? Where I grew up as a child? I suppose I was trying to deny what I was feeling. Juhani: Fine! Then I will not! What does it matter to you if my homeworld was wiped out by your actions! Who cares if it is because of you that everyone I knew as a child is dead! Juhani: Someone else is not responsible for wiping out my homeworld by their actions. But who cares if it is because of you that everyone I have ever known off Dantooine is dead!
1. What? 2. Are you hitting on me?
Juhani: I have been wrestling with my feelings inside. Trying to come to terms with it, but I find I cannot. I must have someone to blame! Someone to blame for the destruction of my homeworld. Someone who is responsible for the death of everyone I have ever known except those on Dantooine! Juhani: You self centered fool! To think that I would desire to mate with one such as you, should that even be possible! You are the center of the universe, what does it matter if my homeworld was wiped out by your actions! Who cares if it is because of you that everyone I knew as a child is dead!
1. You mean… 2. What are you saying? 3. *Yawn*
Juhani: Taris! It was Taris that the Sith destroyed to try to kill you and your precious Bastila! Taris, my homeworld!
2. Bastila is critical to defeating the Sith.
Juhani: Oh yes, I have been told all about her vaunted powers with the Force. Her Battle Meditation that can turn the tide of any conflict. Well if it could, then why could Taris not have been saved?
3. Sometimes you need to make some sacrifices.
Juhani: The sacrifice of an entire world is too much for any cause! How would you feel if Dantooine or Alderaan or some such world were destroyed? Would you be so callous then?
3. *Yawn* 1. Well… yeah, probably.
Juhani: Not that you care!
Juhani: You… you animal! It is only because of the Council's will that I stay with you. But if you betray us, I may decide that falling to the dark side will be a small price to pay for letting my anger run loose.

Those last two responses end the dialog. Otherwise:

1. I am sorry, Juhani, I didn't know. 4. I thought you hated your homeworld… 3. I did not know the Sith would destroy Taris.
Juhani: It was my home! Juhani: What did you think would happen by aiding the Republic?
Juhani: If it were not for you and Bastila, the Sith would have never had reason to destroy that world! It was your fault for being there, and your fault for rescuing Bastila! Without your intervention the Sith would have had no cause to lay waste to my childhood!
1. I… 2. But… 3. We…
Juhani: Just let me vent my anger! I need someone to blame… something… anything! I hated that world, yet everything I learned as a child I learned there. It is as much a part of me as the air I breathe. I have this ache inside me where all my childhood memories lay, and I find your face there with them. If it was not for you, that world would still exist!
1. I am sorry, Juhani. There was no way to prevent it. 3. I have no excuse. I did what I needed to. 2. Calm yourself. Remember the Jedi Code.
Juhani: I… I know… I suppose I realized that. Juhani: There is no emotion. There is peace. … I suppose you did what you had to… and it could not have been avoided. The Republic needs you and Bastila. Maybe needs you more than it needed Taris.
Juhani: But it is so hard to lose your entire past. You would not understand.
1. It will be alright, Juhani. 2. You're right. I don't.
Juhani: Yes… Yes I suppose it will. As long as we remain focused on our task it will. Juhani: I suppose that is to be expected. Everything will turn out for the best as long as we remain focused on our task.
Juhani: I am sorry. I will try not to distract you in the future with my trivial experiences. We should stop for now.
Journal Entry Added Juhani
You have learned a lot about Juhani's past now. She was, in fact, raised on Taris – the world which the Sith destroyed because of you and Bastila. Some of her bitterness may be explained now. If you ask after she has calmed down a bit, she might tell you more.


1. Is something wrong?
Juhani: I was remembering Taris…
3. Not this again…
Juhani: You mock my pain! It was a horrible place to live… we had to go through hell every day just to survive, and you think it bothering me is an irritation?! Your insensitivity speaks ill of your qualities as a Jedi. Still, as the Council ordered me to do, I shall accompany you, but expect no great sympathy for your plights.

Select that option and Juhani won't speak about it until you next level up. Otherwise:

2. What about it? 1. I am sorry, Juhani.
Juhani: No, it is alright. I think I am over the worst of it. I apologize again for lashing out at you. It was not your fault.
Juhani: It was a horrible place to have to live. At least in the lower cities where the non-humans tended to get relegated. Living for years in a place with no sun, living off the trash dropped from the upper levels, and the meager pay doing back-breaking labor.
2. How did you survive? 1. And those rakghouls… 3. That's horrible! 4. I do not remember seeing any of your race on Taris…
Juhani: There were none. Bad enough to be a race that is feared and hated by humans, but to be one that is strange and different even among non-humans? But living was hard enough without the stigma of being from a lost race.
Juhani: There was always the danger of rakghouls coming up from the sewers, or more mundane predators living and working in the area.
Juhani: My family and I struggled each and every day to make something of our lives, but we could only go so far. Taxes from the corrupt government, more fees from the gangs controlling the streets, and whatever was left paying for what food and medical supplies we could afford.
2. No one would help you? 1. Was it that bad? 3. How could such a government last?
Juhani: It did not. But only because of the Jedi who came. It was very bad.
Juhani: With no money to spare for any amenities, even the Enclave on Dantooine seems like a paradise in comparison.
Juhani: And of course there was the constant bigotry and hate from the more affluent and human citizens. Lording their wealth over us living below. Every once in a while a rich human would come down through the lower levels with his droid entourage just to see how the ‘wildlife' lived… and laughed at the mockeries that were our successes. But I have come to meet many decent humans in my travels since those days. Indeed, some of the greatest people I have ever met are human.
1. Like who? 2. One of the Jedi you met? 3. Decent humans are hard to find.
Juhani: I have noticed that. But the Jedi order seems to have collected a fair number.
Juhani: The… the Jedi who encouraged me to join the Order, the one who was with the group going to fight the Mandalorians, she was human.
Juhani: I... I suppose I see something of her in you when I look...
Juhani: I am sorry… I am getting away from my point. If there even was one… Sometimes I curse the day my parents fled to Taris. But then again, if they had not, I would not be where I am today.
1. Your parents? 2. Fled? Fled from where? 3. And how did you arrive on Dantooine?
Juhani: Another story for another time. For now we must continue our own epic: To save the galaxy, if we can.
Journal Entry Added Juhani
Juhani's parents fled to Taris from the homeworld of her species. Unfortunately for them, Taris was very oppressive towards alien species. Life was not easy for them. Perhaps she will tell you more in time.


1. Tell me more about your past.
Juhani: Well, I mentioned before that my parents had fled to Taris. Perhaps I can tell you about that.
1. Please do. 2. Go on. 3. There were no Cathar on Taris that I saw.
Juhani: No there were not… having fled the birthworld of my species, my parents flew as far and wide as they could. And so I was raised alone, knowing of my birthplace only the few stories my parents could tell, and seeing no other member of my species at all…
1. Why did they flee? 2. Why were there no other members of your species on Taris?
Juhani: It all comes back to wars and fighting… the curse of your race, it seems…
Juhani: In the early days of the Mandalorian war, there had been fighting closer to the Outer Rim worlds.
1. Near the world your species comes from? 2. Your people were in that region? 3. What caused them to flee?
Juhani: Cathar was there, yes. My people had a great reputation as warriors… and that appealed to the Mandalore version of ‘honor'. They sought to test themselves against us, I think… test themselves by bombing our world, slaughtering my people while they slept or while they ran.
1. How did it happen? 2. Your world was taken that easily? 3. The Mandalorians fought dirty.
Juhani: They swooped down from space across the world, firing at anything that moved. They used ships in space to destroy all orbital facilities and bombard the surface. We did resist, and in spite of their violent attack we did stave them off for quite a while. But in the end we were doomed…
1. Why did the Republic not help you? 2. The Jedi could have helped! 3. And that is what you get for being unprepared.
Juhani: We were prepared! Just not for an invasion of that size… And we had counted on the aid of our allies. Of the Republic…
Juhani: We were not members of the Republic. Cathar was beyond the edge of the Republic, in the Outer Rim. And besides, they could not have known. Our interstellar communications were the first things the Mandalores hit. All other short-range communicators were jammed… we were on our own. We knew what was coming. We had fought the Mandalorians in the first war against Exar Kun and the Sith. We knew there would be no mercy for us. The most we could do was pack the few of our people who survived onto what few ships remained and send them off into space as fast as they could. Most did not make it.
1. But you survived? 2. What about your family? 3. An atrocity!
Juhani: My parents carried me as a baby with them and were lucky enough to escape. They fled as far as they were able, and eventually settled on Taris. They could stand running no further, I think… But Taris was a horrible choice. Dominated by humans, intolerant of other species, it made everyday life unnecessarily hard.
1. How did your family cope? 2. Your parents do not sound very wise to me. 3. Taris is not a nice place to raise a child.
Juhani: Perhaps they were not. Perhaps they did not know better. It did not take long for things to get worse. Juhani: No, it is not. But they had little choice. Each of us dealt with it in our own way.
Juhani: My father… my father turned to stimulants. He spent much of his time in local bars and dives. But we are warriors. It runs through our blood. And when he was on stims he… he… he became foolish… he let his warrior nature get the best of him. So he would get intoxicated, and he would fight, and finally one day he would die.
1. He died? 2. How did he die? 3. That's tragic…
Juhani: I don't need your sarcasm, or your pity! He died at the hands of another.
Juhani: Killed by a man who provoked him into a fight and killed him like an animal. I… I am sorry, I cannot talk about this any longer right now…
Journal Entry Added Juhani
Juhani has told how she lived with her parents on Taris, and how her father was killed one day in a bar fight. This is a very sensitive issue for her. She might tell you more in the future.


1. What happened after your father died?
Juhani: After my father died, my mother was left to support me alone. A single non-human woman, living in one of the worst, most violent slums on Taris. It was not easy for her.
1. How so? 2. What happened? 3. Could you not help her?
Juhani: When my father was killed it seemed that something in her began to die as well. She worked. She worked as hard as she was able, but over time she began to waste away. I later learned that she was unable to get enough money to feed both of us, and had to start borrowing from the Exchange, a band of cutthroats and smugglers. But even that was not enough… She hid what she was doing from me. She gave most of her food to me, so that I would be strong. But she herself was suffering deeply from it. In the end she could go on no longer, and collapsed at the cantina where she worked one day.
1. Did she die? 2. What did you do for her? 3. Surely there was a doctor.
Juhani: She never recovered. There was nothing really that I could do for her… She left me no money, and no doctor would see her without being paid first. I sat by her bed for days as she lay there dying. I never want that to happen to someone I care about ever again… But there was still the money she had borrowed… She had never paid it back, and made no provisions for her death. You must understand: the Exchange is brutal. They care nothing for the life of a sentient being. They are the major suppliers of slaves on Taris.
1. You were enslaved? 2. They captured you?
Juhani: They thought it was appropriate that, with my mother owing them money, the debt should be passed on to me. And with no way to pay, they took me by force. You have no idea what it is like to be bound like a beast and treated as such. It was the worst time of my life. They treated me like livestock. They were waiting for a buyer to give them some credits for me when the Jedi came to fight the Mandalorians.
1. And they freed you? 2. How could the Jedi stand for that?
Juhani: The Jedi could not abide by what they saw there, and drove the Exchange from the face of the world, freeing those of us imprisoned there. But the Jedi soon left to fight their war. And I was left with a dream…
1. What did you do? 2. What was the dream?
Juhani: I swore that I would become a Jedi. As soon as I had enough money to do it, I bought passage on a freighter headed for Dantooine. And we both know what has happened since then.
1. Juhani… 2. You became a Jedi. 3. You turned away from the dark side.
Juhani: I am grateful to you for having given me the opportunity to fulfill my dream, rather than become what I hated. Someday I may make it up to you, but for now, let us keep on the task at hand.
Journal Entry Added Juhani
You have learned that after her father died, Juhani had been sold into slavery. When the Jedi came to Taris, they freed her and the other slaves. As soon as she was able, she left to find the Jedi and train with them. That is what brought her to Dantooine.

She may yet have stories to tell. Perhaps you should ask her later.

After completing this dialog, Xor may approach you on one of the Star Map worlds other than Dantooine when Juhani is in your party.


1. Tell me about your past.
Juhani: I have told you my life story already, what more could you possibly want to know? Well… there is one thing… I did not want to mention it before, because I was unsure how you would react.
1. What is it? 2. Do we really have time for this? 3. Why would I react badly?
Juhani: If you do not want to listen, I understand. But hear me out first. Juhani: You… you will see. Perhaps…
Juhani: Do you remember when I told you of the Jedi who had come to my world to fight the Mandalorians? They were recruiting soldiers for their crusade against the Mandalores. Many people joined them.
1. Yes, you mentioned this. 2. Of course I remember.
Juhani: The main reason for that was their charismatic leader. The one whose troops freed me and let me dream of seeking out and joining the Jedi Order. I was hesitant to talk to you about this because… well…
1. Well what? 2. Spit it out already! 3. How bad could this be?
Juhani: The Jedi had come to fight the Mandalores under the leadership of a powerful young Jedi… a Jedi named Revan.
1. Revan?! You mean…

2. How could you admire Revan?

Juhani: Yes... I thought you might react badly... But it was Revan.

Juhani: THE Revan. The Jedi who turned to the dark side, became the Dark Lord of the Sith and was defeated by Bastila and her strike team. I do not know what happened in the wars with the Mandalorians that turned Revan and Malak, or what they sought with these Star Maps, but the Jedi I knew was a paragon of the Order. I am sorry, if this seems wrong to you, but to understand you must realize that Revan was as great as a Jedi could be. Whatever turned Revan must be terrible indeed. I wonder if what we find at the end of our journey will turn us as well…
1. Juhani… 2. I shall never fall like Revan did! 3. Why did you tell me now?
Juhani: This is meaningless speculation I guess. I just wanted you to know what I held from you. But rest assured that I will not hold back if our enemy is Malak, Revan's apprentice, or indeed even if it was Revan. I will help you through all trouble. Such is the will of the Council… And my own.
Journal Entry Added Juhani
Juhani has revealed that it was Revan's army that freed her, and it was Revan that she idolized so much. Maybe she will tell you more in time.

Threat from Xor

After completing the dialog unlocked by a Fifth level up, if Juhani is in your party then Xor, a purple Twi'lek male, may approach and speak to you in one of the following locations:

Dantooine Tatooine Kashyyyk Manaan Korriban
No Docking Bay Czerka Landing Platform Docking Bay Dreshdae

However, once he does so no other messenger can approach you, so when this has been unlocked, Juhani shouldn't be in your party in these locations until you've been approached by all others: the last is the Twi'lek Ziagrom, who approaches upon you exiting the Ebon Hawk after escaping the Leviathan (having been taken aboard it upon leaving the world on which you found a fourth Star Map).

Xor: *grunt* What the hell is your kind doing here? Bad enough I have to deal with all these other idiots, but now there's a stinkin' Cathar on this world too?
Juhani: I have as much right to be here as you do, SIR!
1. Do not seek to aggravate us. 3. A big mouth like that can get you killed. 2. Just ignore him, Juhani.
Xor: Ooooo! Big man, the Jedi, shooting his mouth off from behind a lightsaber, or whatever you're carrying. Xor: Ooooo! Big woman, the Jedi, shooting her mouth off from behind a lightsaber, or whatever you're carrying. Xor: Heh, yeah, do like the Jedi tells you and back off! Your people are pathetic, it's no wonder we crushed your world so easily.
Xor: Hide behind your pet Cathar… And a woman at that! We should have exterminated all you Cathar when we had the chance.
Juhani: Wha… what do you know about my world?
Xor: I know enough that… Hey, wait a minute… you look familiar somehow…
Juhani: What? You…
1. Do you two know each other? 2. We should just leave, Juhani. 3. You annoy me, worm.
Xor: This doesn't concern you, Jedi trash. Hm… now where could I have… No, he's dead and she likely is too. I…
Juhani: What are you talking about??
Xor: Maybe I was wrong. Still, I think a specimen like you would be a nice addition to my collection. So what would it take, Jedi, for you to sell your pet here to me?
3. Well… what are you offering? 1. She is not for sale! 2. She is her own person.
Xor: Heh, I knew we could work something out.
Juhani: I am not for sale!
Xor: Now don't be so selfish. We both know Cathar aren't real people anyway. The females make amusing pets, but males should be put down like the animals they are. I remember one time on Taris…
Juhani: What?! WHAT DID YOU SAY?!
1. What are you saying? 2. You were on Taris? 3. Calm down, Juhani.
Xor: Put one of you down like the animals you are. So easy… then I saw one of the females on the auction block, but those darn Jedi…
Juhani: It was you!
Xor: What? Me? Oh ho! Now I recognize where I've seen that face before. You were the little Cathar I was going to purchase. But those Jedi came and stole my pet away from me!
1. You bought Juhani? 2. You were buying Cathar slaves? 3. What are you talking about?
Xor: When I was fighting with the Mandalorians against the Cathar, I developed an appreciation for these creatures. They make excellent servants if properly trained. You Jedi act all prim and proper, but inside you must feel the same way I do about the lesser, non-human species. The Sith at least let their feelings show on the outside.
Juhani: You… My homeworld…
Xor: Come now, will you let your pet go? I'm sure we can come up with a price we both think is fair.
1. She is not for sale! 2. You'll only hurt her if I let her go. 3. Show me the money first.
Juhani: And I will see you dead for what you have done to my people!
Xor: Uh… hold on a second! Don't be hasty!
1. Do not fall to the dark side again, Juhani. 2. There is no emotion… 3. Let's get him!
Juhani: …There is peace. Juhani: Yes, we… NO! I must not fall prey to the dark side again.
Juhani: I… I will remain calm. I am a Jedi now.
Juhani: My lust for vengeance must be curbed.
Xor: Yes, yes… Say no to the dark side… But I will have you yet! Heh.
Journal Entry Added Threat from Xor
Juhani ran into a being named Xor, who bears her race a special grudge. He was a member of the fleet that attacked and destroyed her homeworld, Cathar, but was crippled during that fight. He has since tried to take out his pain on all Cathar he can find.

When Juhani had been sold into slavery for her parents' debt, Xor was the one who tried to purchase her. Revan's army stopped him that time, but he has not forgotten her.

He has sworn to get his revenge upon her and her people, and you don't know when or where he'll strike next. Juhani, though, lusts for his blood.
Juhani: My Cathar blood seethes at the thought of that man still running free. I cannot stand still while I think about it, but… but I will not give in to the dark side either. He will pay for his crimes, though. He will most likely be following us… me. If we could find him first, then he may not be able to set in motion whatever he has in store for us.

Xor and a couple of thugs can now attack you unexpectedly when you return to Ebon Hawk or disembark on Kashyyyk, Manaan or Korriban (but not Tatooine):

Xor: There she is! Get her, men, but remember: don't kill her!
Class Scoundrel
Level 8
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 14 +2
Dexterity 17 +3
Constitution 14 +2
Intelligence 12 +1
Wisdom 12 +1
Charisma 10 0
Vitality 164
Defense 28
Fortitude 16
Reflex 21
Will 15
Awareness 1
Treat Injury11
Ranged Main Off
Attack 12 -
Damage 1-6-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Melee Main Off
Attack 11 -
Damage 4-14-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats
Energy Shield

Clothing Blaster Pistol+ Vibrosword Advanced Medpac(2)

Improved Scoundrel's Luck

Master Dueling Master Toughness Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Pistol Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons Master Power Blast Master Rapid Shot Master Power Attack Master Flurry Master Critical Strike10

Xor is the same on all three worlds, but his thugs are only similar:

Czerka Thug
Class Soldier
Level 8
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 19 +4
Dexterity 12 +1
Constitution 12 +1
Intelligence 11 0
Wisdom 12 +1
Charisma 10 0
Vitality 115
Defense 26
Fortitude 7
Reflex 3
Will 6
Awareness 3
Ranged Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Melee Main Off
Attack 8 2
Damage 6-166-16
Threat 20-20,x220-20,x2
Items and abilities Feats
Verpine Headband

Heavy Battle Armor Double-Bladed Sword+ Stun Baton On Hit: Stun10

Armor Proficiency: Heavy

Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons Improved Power Attack Improved Flurry Improved Critical Strike12

Czerka Thug
Class Jedi Guardian
Level 1
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 15 +2
Dexterity 18 +4
Constitution 15 +2
Intelligence 12 +1
Wisdom 15 +2
Charisma 12 +1
Vitality 100
Defense 27
Fortitude 14
Reflex 16
Will 13
Awareness 2
Ranged Main Off
Attack 3 1
Damage 1-81-8
Threat 20-20,x220-20,x2
Melee Main Off
Attack 3 -
Damage 4-14-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats
Battle Armor

Heavy Blaster(2)+ Vibrosword

Jedi Sense

Armor Proficiency: Heavy Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Pistol Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons Improved Two-Weapon Fighting Improved Power Blast Improved Rapid Shot

Selkath Thug
Class Jedi Guardian
Level 1
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 15 +2
Dexterity 18 +4
Constitution 15 +2
Intelligence 12 +1
Wisdom 15 +2
Charisma 12 +1
Vitality 100
Defense 29
Fortitude 14
Reflex 16
Will 13
Awareness 2
Ranged Main Off
Attack 8 -
Damage 1-8,+1-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Melee Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Items and abilities Feats
Battle Armor

Arkanian Heavy Pistol

Jedi Sense

Armor Proficiency: Heavy Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Pistol Improved Dueling Improved Power Blast Improved Rapid Shot

Selkath Thug
Class Soldier
Level 8
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 19 +4
Dexterity 12 +1
Constitution 12 +1
Intelligence 11 0
Wisdom 12 +1
Charisma 10 0
Vitality 115
Defense 26
Fortitude 7
Reflex 3
Will 6
Awareness 3
Ranged Main Off
Attack 11 -
Universal 1-4,+2-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Melee Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Items and abilities Feats
Verpine Headband

Heavy Battle Armor Mandalorian Ripper

Armor Proficiency: Heavy

Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Pistol Improved Power Blast Improved Rapid Shot

Rodian Thug
Class Soldier
Level 8
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 19 +4
Dexterity 12 +1
Constitution 12 +1
Intelligence 11 0
Wisdom 12 +1
Charisma 10 0
Vitality 115
Defense 26
Fortitude 7
Reflex 3
Will 6
Awareness 3
Treat Injury11
Ranged Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Melee Main Off
Attack 8 -
Damage 6-16-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats
Verpine Headband

Heavy Battle Armor Vibrosword+ Stun Baton On Hit: Stun10 Advanced Medpac

Armor Proficiency: Heavy

Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons Improved Power Attack Improved Flurry Improved Critical Strike12

Rodian Thug
Class Jedi Guardian
Level 1
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 15 +2
Dexterity 18 +4
Constitution 15 +2
Intelligence 12 +1
Wisdom 15 +2
Charisma 12 +1
Vitality 100
Defense 27
Fortitude 14
Reflex 16
Will 13
Awareness 2
Ranged Main Off
Attack 3 1
Damage 1-81-8
Threat 20-20,x220-20,x2
Melee Main Off
Attack 3 -
Damage 4-14-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats
Battle Armor

Heavy Blaster(2)+ Vibrosword

Jedi Sense

Armor Proficiency: Heavy Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Pistol Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons Improved Two-Weapon Fighting Improved Power Blast Improved Rapid Shot

Experience Points (XP) Received: Experience Points (XP) Received:

Medical items are received if unused. Once both thugs are killed and Xor is reduced to 20 Vitality or less:

Xor: Ack! *cough* Heh, you seem to have defeated me, Cathar worm, but I'll have the last laugh in the end!
Juhani: What do you mean?
1. Yes, what do you mean? 2. He doesn't have long, Juhani. 3. Don't listen to him.
Juhani: He may not, but I will make him pay with what little time he has left! I will make him tell me what he has done to my people!
Xor: *cough* You may have killed me here, today, but I had the pleasure of killing off your species! Not everyone who fought alongside the Mandalorians did it for their stupid concept of 'honor'. Some of us did it just for the pleasure: the pleasure of seeing your world burn.
Juhani: You... you animal! You wretch!
Xor: *cough* *cough* Heh, but I'm beyond your petty vengeance now, girl. You can never have your revenge!
1. Do not give in to the dark side, Juhani. 2. Just ignore him. 3. You could kill him now.
Juhani: I will not give him the satisfaction of seeing me give in to the dark side. Juhani: No! I cannot give in to my anger. I will not give him the satisfaction of making me that way.
Xor: Worm! I killed your people on Cathar in the sky, on the ground, in their homes. I hunted them down like the animals they were, just to see them burn. But the treacherous beasts fought back and left me with injuries that meant I could never fight again... or so they thought!
1. Stop trying to provoke her! 2. This isn't going to work. 3. We should just kill you now.
Xor: Hahah- *cough* *cough* But you won't! You're the cowardly type, all of you. You don't have the guts to finish me now!
Juhani: No, I will not give in to him.
Xor: I ended up in the Lower City of Taris, and what did I find? A few of those stinking beasts living there! The male was easy enough to best, but the females proved elusive. I didn't know what happened to them after I killed the male, until I saw this cursed woman on the auction block. But then the Jedi came and ruined everything before I could have my revenge... *cough*
Juhani: You... You killed my father, you killed my people, you treat us like animals... You deserve to die!
1. Do not give in Juhani. You are stronger than this. 2. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. 3. Quit your whining!
Xor: Give in and embrace your hate! You're no better than me! You're nothing!
Juhani: I... I...
1. Do not do it, Juhani.
Juhani: I... Help me, please! Do not let me give in to my anger again!
1. Just step away. 2. There is no emotion...
Xor: Haha! Your kind always were weak-minded! Juhani: ... There is peace.
Juhani: No, I will not do this. He may die, but it will not be out of my vengeance.
Xor: You coward! You weak... ahhh... gurk! *death rattle*
Journal Entry Added Threat from Xor
Xor attacked you unexpectedly, but you were able to defeat him. In his dying moments, he tried to lure Juhani to the dark side, to give in to her anger and hate and strike him down. She resisted the temptation, and he died an ignoble death.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 1800 Juhani resisted temptation
Juhani: That man was a beast! A monster! I am glad that the galaxy is now rid of him, so that he may not harm others again. I do regret, though, that he did not die by my hand...
1. It would have been wrong. 2. What you did was best. 3. You weren't strong enough to do it.
Juhani: I know. But must I always fear the lure of the dark side? Juhani: I... I do not know anymore what I am strong enough for. I only take what comes to me and hope that I can handle it. The lure of the dark side will always be my strongest foe. I should have killed him.
Juhani: But... it was for the best. I am glad that you stood by my side during this. We should continue our journeys now. No reason for staying here for this.

Otherwise, at level < 15 more experience is received if he's struck down, but you move closer to the dark side of the Force:

Dark Side Points Gained: -2
2. Kill him now.
Juhani: You... You will die for what you have done!
Journal Entry Added Threat from Xor
Xor attacked you unexpectedly, but you were able to defeat him. In his dying moments, he tried to lure Juhani to the dark side, to give in to her anger and hate and strike him down. She could not resist and finished him once and for all, taking revenge for both herself, her people, and her homeworld.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 1500 Juhani took revenge
Experience Points (XP) Received:
Juhani: I felt statisfaction taking revenge for my people like that... but... but I should not have let my anger consume me so.
1. You couldn't help it. 2. At least you regret it. 3. You did the right thing.
Juhani: But I could have! I should have... I must try harder in the future to resist the call of the dark side. I suppose I am fortunate that, in this case, he was deserving of such an end. Juhani: Yes... Yes I do. I must try harder in the future to resist such urges. I suppose I am fortunate that, in this case, he was deserving of such an end. Juhani: No I didn't. I let my anger and passion consume me and did something rash. Something which leads me down the path to the dark side. But... I recognize this, and I am truly regretful that I committed this act. I shall not let it happen again. I suppose I was fortunate that, in this case, he was deserving of such an end.
Juhani: We should continue on our way. I do not want to linger around here anymore.