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Bastila joins your party when Brejik reneges after you win the swoop race on Taris.

Speaking to Bastila can unlock the quest for Bastila's Mother, once the first Star Map has been acquired on Dantooine, and you can receive experience (albeit only 250 XP) for completing this.

Acquiring a second Star Map unlocks further dialogs, which only help a female character better understand her but allow a male to romance her, although later dialogs cannot be unlocked if some earlier ones weren't completed before acquiring a third and fourth Star Map.

Any romance must be completed before acquiring a fourth Star Map and leaving that world.

Taris[edit | edit source]

After completing the Search for Bastila but before proceeding with Escaping Taris, Bastila will speak to you in your hideout:

Bastila: Is... is something wrong? You seem as if something is troubling you.
2. Forget it. It's nothing.
Bastila: As you wish. We should move on then. We won't get off Taris just sitting here.


1. Something weird happened when we first met. Like a vision.
Bastila: A vision? A vision of what?
1. Of you. Fighting a dark Jedi. Revan, I guess.
Bastila: This is... strange. Such visions are often a sign of Force sensitivity.
1. Are you saying I can use the Force? 2. Force sensitivity? What do you mean?
Bastila: I... I'm not sure. It may be that you have some connection to the Force. It would not be unheard of. When we first met, your natural talent may have fed off my own Force abilities. It is possible that in the excitement of the battle's aftermath the Force allowed you to witness one of my more intense memories.
1. So does this mean I could be a Jedi? 2. This isn't the first time I had a vision. 3. It sounds like you don't really know what you're talking about.
Bastila: The Force is complicated; even I with all my training cannot fully understand it yet. This is a matter best left to the wise Masters of the Jedi Council. Once we escape Taris we can seek the guidance of the Council, if you wish. They will understand the significance of your vision... if there is any. However, I think it would be best if we all stayed focused on the task at hand right now. We can't afford any distraction; we need to find a way off Taris.
Journal Entry Added Bastila
You experienced a powerful vision upon first meeting Bastila. The vision could be an indication that you have a strong connection with the Force, but Bastila was reluctant to speculate on such matters.

If you don't speak to her again before escaping Taris, you may be prompted to do so when she's in your party:

Bastila: [Bastila seems to have something on her mind. Perhaps you should talk to her about it.]
1. [Speak to Bastila.] 2. [Don't speak to her.]
Bastila: How can I help? Bastila: [You decide to ignore Bastila and continue on with your quest for now, though you might want to speak with her later.]
1. You want to talk to me about something?
Bastila: I would like to know what happened after you crashed on Taris. I'm curious as to what you and Carth were doing before we all joined forces.
1. Before we rescued you, you mean. 2. We were looking for you.
Bastila: I managed to free myself, as I recall. In fact, if I hadn't been there Brejik and his thugs might have killed you in that fight. It's probably more accurate to say that I rescued you. Bastila: Yes, I realize that of course. But surely there was more to it than a simple search. I doubt there were flashing signs pointing you in my direction; yet somehow you found me.
1. Can't you just admit that you were rescued? 2. You didn't escape the Black Vulkars until we arrived, as I recall.
Bastila: I'll admit that I probably wouldn't have been able to free myself if not for the brawl after the swoop race. I guess I should thank you for that, at least. Actually, your presence at the swoop track is what I'm curious about. It couldn't have been an easy task to find me there. Yet somehow you managed.
Bastila: You also avoided detection by the Sith, discovered I was a Vulkar prisoner, gained sponsorship for the race and became the Taris swoop champion. That's quite a resume.
1. And rescued the damsel in distress. Don't forget that. 2. What can I say? I'm a talented individual. 3. I had a lot of help: Carth, Mission, Zaalbar.
Bastila: Yes... well. I hardly consider myself a damsel in distress. I'm a member of the Jedi Order, after all. But I won't deny you've impressed me with what you've done. Bastila: Yes, I can see you do not lack in ability; although modesty is another matter. Bastila: Your modesty is admirable. But though others helped, you were the catalyst for these events.
Bastila: When you were chosen to join this mission, I doubt any of us expected this much from you. A Jedi could have done such things, of course. But only by drawing heavily upon the Force.
1. Are you trying to say I can control the Force? 2. I think you're underestimating us non-Jedi.
Bastila: The Force is in all of us, though for most people it is a barely measurable whisper. But there are some individuals outside the Jedi Order that we considered 'Force Sensitive'. Bastila: Perhaps. But the Force works through all of us to some degree or another. There are some individuals outside the Jedi Order that we considered 'Force Sensitive'.
Bastila: It is obvious to me that the Force has been working through you. There is no other explanation for your great success, though I am not certain what to make of this discovery. Perhaps if you weren't –well, if you were younger the Jedi might take you for training. But as it is...
1. What are you trying to say? 3. I don't want to talk about this anymore. 2. Be glad I'm Force sensitive, or I couldn't have rescued you.
Bastila: I'm sorry: I've overstepped my authority. I'm speaking of things that are best left to the Jedi Council. For now let's just accept the fact that you are... gifted. Bastila: Ah, yes, the rescue again. Very well. For what it's worth, I concede the point to you: you rescued me from Brejik. And yet we're still stuck here on Taris.
Bastila: Hopefully between your abilities, my Jedi training and the skills of our companions we can find a way off this planet.
Journal Entry Added Bastila
Bastila has told you she sees signs that the Force is acting through you. However, she was reluctant to speculate further, feeling such matters are the providence of the Jedi Council.

This is as far as you can advance this quest before escaping Taris, although once you've done so these dialogs will be unavailable.

Dantooine[edit | edit source]

Once you've arrived on Dantooine, completed your Jedi trials and been ordered to investigate Ruins by the Jedi Council, Bastila joins your party again and, once you've talked about that (shared) dream or departed Dantooine, you can speak to her again:

2. You look like something's bothering you.
Bastila: No, not bothering me. Not exactly. I've been thinking about what the Jedi Council said about the two of us. There is a bond between us, I do not dispute that. I can feel it, as I'm sure you can. The nature of that bond and its effect on our mission remain in question.
1. I think you're interested in more than just the 'bond' between us. 4. I still don't understand this bond of ours. 2. Doesn't the bond mean my presence is necessary? 3. I don't believe in this 'bond', regardless of what the Jedi Council said.
Bastila: Please! I'm a Jedi. Such feelings, such attractions are... well, they're beneath me, quite frankly. I admit, I find you intriguing. Uh... I mean, I find your command of the Force intriguing. But my interest in you is purely academic. Surely you can understand why. Bastila: Necessary, perhaps, but it is no guarantee of our success. I admit, I'm a little disturbed that such a bond could be possible in the first place. Bastila: Deny it if you will, but there is a connection between us. I understand why you would find this disturbing. I have my own reservations about it, to be honest.
Bastila: Our fates are strongly connected; so connected that a literal bond has been forged between us.
Bastila: I saw your service records when you were transferred aboard the Endar Spire, but nothing beyond that. I know very little about you. I'd like to ask you some questions, given our relationship.
1. Our relationship? Is this some kind of clumsy come-on?
Bastila: I was referring to the bond we share; the one the Jedi Council spoke of. If I actually was interested in you, rest assured I could come up with a better approach than this!
1. Whoa, guess I touched a nerve there, huh?
Bastila: Touched a nerve, no. Getting on my nerves, most definitely. I suppose this is what you men consider being witty. *sigh* Now, are you going to answer my questions? Or would you rather just keep annoying me?

Male or female, any response indicating you're not taking this or any subsequent question seriously ends the dialog:

2. Uh... the second one. 2. I'm a Hutt in human form plotting to overthrow the Republic. 2. Kashyyyk. I'm a Wookiee... can't you tell? 2. 3,012. Healthy living, you know.
Bastila: I see you intend to be childish about this. I guess I won't get anywhere continuing our discussion right now, will I? I suppose I'll just have to speak to you again later.
Bastila: Hopefully you'll behave a little less like a little boy and a little more like a... like a man! Bastila: Hopefully you'll be a little more... mature.


2. Okay, I'll answer a few questions. 3. Forget it. I'm not interested.
Bastila: Don't worry, these are simple questions. Nothing too intrusive. Bastila: Why would you refuse to answer? These are simple questions, nothing too intrusive.
Bastila: First, what kind of background do you have?
1. Nothing extravagant. I'm a soldier. 1. I was a scout. The fleet recruited me for my skills. 1. I was a smuggler before I joined the fleet.
Bastila: Good. On which planet were you born?
1. Deralia. It's in a remote system. Why?
Bastila: Excellent. Your current age is?
1. Wasn't all this in my service records?
Bastila: Yes, well... The truth is I was studying *how* you responded to my questions. Your reactions help me judge you; this was a test for me to learn more about your character.
1. And what did you find out?
Bastila: You were honest, which is good. And you treated this as a serious matter, which it is. This bond we share will shape both our destinies, it is not to be taken lightly. But I imagine you've had enough questions for a while. So many things have happened to you since Taris. It's probably a lot for you to absorb.


3. I'm sick of answering questions! 2. I don't like being manipulated!
Bastila: I see. I didn't mean to upset you, but I suppose it was inevitable. You've had a lot to absorb since we escaped Taris. I apologize.
Bastila: We can speak again later, after you've had time to think about all this.
Journal Entry Added Bastila
Because of the bond you and Bastila share, she is extremely interested in learning more about your character. However, you get the sense there is something she isn't telling you.

First Star Map[edit | edit source]

Acquiring the first Star Map on Dantooine automatically unlocks the following, once you've completed the previous dialog:

1. You have something you want to ask me?
Bastila: I do. How did you know?
1. Well... your face is all scrunched up like a kinrath pup. 2. Well, you keep staring at me. See anything you like?
Bastila: A... a kinrath pup?! It most certainly is not! Bastila: You are easily the vainest, most arrogant man I have ever met! Besides, I know you can't be serious since I was purposefully *not* staring in your direction.
Bastila: I am a Jedi, remember? I have far too much mental discipline to reveal what goes on inside my mind with such obvious physical clues. My thoughts remain hidden, including whatever my feelings are for you. Uh... I mean whatever I feel *about* you... uh... I mean whatever I *think* about you.
1. You're so cute when you're embarrassed. 2. You have feelings for me?
Bastila: I... that is, you... Why must you be so impossibly infuriating?! You know very well what I'm really talking about. I'm referring to the bond between us; the one the Jedi Council spoke of.
1. Well... your face is all scrunched up like a kinrath pup. 3. Educated guess, from the way you keep staring.
Bastila: An amusing description, but hardly the truth. We both know the real reason you have some idea of what I am thinking: the bond we share. Bastila: I am a Jedi. I am far too disciplined to betray my emotions with outward physical displays. We both know the real reason you have some idea of what I am thinking: the bond we share.
1. What do you mean? 2. Maybe. 3. No, I doubt it.
Bastila: Why do you still try to deny the existence of this bond between us? Like it or not, we are linked... as our shared vision of the Star Map proved.

In every case:

Bastila: Our connection allows us glimpses into each other's mind. We can feel some of what the other feels. And what I feel within you troubles me. A Padawan must receive considerable training. They must learn to control their emotions and darker impulses. Often it takes years before using the Force can be considered safe. The fact that you are so strong in the Force and have had such relatively little training could have terrible consequences. For you, and for everyone around you.
1. What do you think I should do? 2. I don't think mastering my emotions is necessary. 3. You could warn me when I do something bad. Blink once for dark side, twice for light.
Bastila: I don't think there is much you can do. If things were different I would recommend several years of training under one of the Jedi Masters. But I fear that won't be possible. Bastila: No? Self-control is a maxim for all Jedi. It is what gives us the strength to resist the dark side. All who have fallen from our Order have shown a flagrant disregard for such control. Bastila: This is not a joke! The choices you make could affect both our destinies, not to mention the fate of the Republic and the entire galaxy! There is much at stake.
Dark Bastila: Already you exhibit the kind of willfulness, erratic behavior and lack of compassion that will lead you to corruption. Bastila: Thankfully you have exhibited a degree of compassion and self-control up to this point. I sincerely hope you can maintain these traits in the future.
Bastila: We must all resist the influence of the dark side! It is everything we are fighting against! This is doubly important for you, with your natural affinity for the Force!
1. I will try. 2. Why are you getting so upset? 3. I don't need you harassing me, thanks.
Bastila: That is good to hear. Without the proper training, however, I'm afraid you will find the path difficult even with the best of intentions. There is great danger ahead, for both of us. Bastila: I'm sorry if I come across as harsh. But I am concerned. For you, for our mission. And for myself, as well. Bastila: I am not trying to harass you. But you must understand the trials and perils that lie ahead. For you, and for me.
Bastila: Our destinies are intertwined. Everything one of us does will have consequences for the other. Any reckless behavior on your part is likely to affect me as well.
1. I won't do anything to hurt you. 2. It works both ways, doesn't it? You could help me stay strong. 3. So you're just worried about yourself, then.
Bastila: I believe you truly mean what you say. For now. But sometimes it is not so easy to keep such promises. Bastila: Yes, that is true. I will do my best to guide you, but I am no Master. Not yet. And there are times when I find the sheer strength of your power almost overwhelming. Bastila: That's not true. I am worried about myself, but also about you. I would rather see neither of us come to any harm.
Bastila: Your power could be a gift or a curse. When you need guidance, or advice, or support I will do my best to help you stay on the path of the light.
1. I would appreciate any help you could offer. 2. I doubt I'll be a risk to the mission. 3. I don't need your help.
Bastila: No, of course not. Not yet. But there will be challenges ahead that might make it otherwise.
Bastila: I only hope I will have the wisdom to help you through the dark times. But for now, we should return to our mission.
Journal Entry Added Bastila
Bastila seems to have taken the role of teacher upon herself, choosing to lecture you about the evils of the dark side. Understandable, considering the bond the two of you share.

If the two previous dialogs aren't completed before acquiring a third Star Map, further dialogs cannot be unlocked once it's acquired. Otherwise...

Level ups can unlock further dialogs once previous dialogs have been completed, but so can entering and exiting the Ebon Hawk and adding Bastila to your party (you may also be able to speak to her in the Cockpit inside, but it's quicker to just enter and exit before speaking outside).

First[edit | edit source]

1. You wanted to speak to me?
Bastila: Yes, I did. I wanted to speak to you about our mission. About what lies ahead for us. It seems fate, or the Force, is driving us into a confrontation with the Dark Lord.

Alternatively, if you've completed both the previous dialogs but not spoken to her since, after acquiring a third Star Map she speaks to you when you return to the Cockpit of the Ebon Hawk:

Bastila: I know we have not spoken often during our time together, despite my best efforts. And to this point I have respected your privacy. But there is something we must discuss.
1. Fine. What is it? 2. Not now, Bastila. 3. I don't want to talk to you! Can't you take a hint?
Bastila: No, this cannot wait any longer. You have no understanding of what we are going up against; I will not allow you to go in unprepared!
Bastila: You must prepare yourself for when we face Malak. The confrontation will be difficult for you. I remember how hard it was when I first faced Revan.
1. Is it true you killed Darth Revan? 2. Oh, great. I never get tired of hearing how you killed Darth Revan.
Bastila: It's true that, due to my Battle Meditation, I was with the Jedi strike team that boarded Revan's ship. We did not kill Revan, however.
1. That's not what I heard. 2. But killing Revan is what you're famous for. 3. So who killed Revan, then?
Bastila: Our mission was to capture Revan, if possible. It was Malak who turned on his own master, firing upon Revan's ship while we were still on board it. It was his desire to kill us and his master both. Thankfully we narrowly escaped the vessel as it exploded.
1. So Malak did your job for you. 2. What else did you expect from the Sith? 3. But you would have killed Revan eventually, right?
Bastila: True, I suppose. And yet the outcome of that battle was... unexpected. To all of us. Revan's end was... unforeseen.
Bastila: As I said, we were there to capture Revan alive. The Jedi do not believe in killing their prisoners. No one deserves execution, no matter what their crimes. Remember that Revan and Malak were once great Jedi. Heroes in every sense of the word. They demonstrate the danger of the dark side to us all. I'm sorry. We really shouldn't speak of this anymore. The memory of my confrontation with Revan is... painful. Let's return to the mission, please.
Journal Entry Added Bastila
In order to prepare you for your meeting with Darth Malak, Bastila described her own encounter with the Sith Lord Revan. According to Bastila, the Jedi wanted to capture Revan alive but were foiled when Malak betrayed his own master.

Second[edit | edit source]

Completing the previous dialog automatically unlocks this one:

1. I'd like to know more about you, Bastila.
Bastila: Yes, I suppose I can understand your curiosity, given the bond that connects us. Very well, I'll tell you a bit about myself.
1. Tell me how you joined the Jedi, then.
Bastila: I was found to be strong in the Force at a young age, as most Padawans are. As a girl I was given to the Order to be trained. When I joined the Order I left my family on Talravin, as all Padawans do. My family is still there, the last that I heard. I have had little contact with them, as it is discouraged.
1. Discouraged? Why? 2. So the Jedi separates children from their families?
Bastila: Relationships with family members are fraught with powerful emotions. Such extremes are to be avoided. Anger and hate are the worst, but even love can lead to folly.

This response allows you to explore the most options:

2. That sounds idiotic. I would never agree to that.
Bastila: The gift of the Force comes with a high cost. Sacrifice of one's emotional attachments is one of the prices a Jedi must be willing to pay. The alternative is to fall prey to the dark side.
1. And what's so wrong with that?
Bastila: Please, you mustn't say things like that. The dark side is destruction and chaos, the opposite of all that gives the universe order and purpose. You have to understand this.
1. You need to lighten up.
Bastila: And you need to be more mindful of your responsibilities! Have you any idea of the danger a fallen Jedi represents? Not only to yourself, but to others as well?
2. Sounds like you're the one afraid of falling.
Bastila: That is something every Jedi should be afraid of.
3. Spare me the lecture. I'm not in the mood.
Bastila: A lecture won't be much use if you aren't prepared to listen. I suppose it would be best if we didn't speak about this for a while. Let's just return to our mission for now.

That response ends the dialog. Otherwise, questioning not being allowed to love or asking her if she misses her family at all allows you to progress (more quickly):

1. You aren't allowed to love? 2. Why wouldn't you be allowed to love? 1. It just seems wrong not to be allowed to love. 1. I don't see how falling in love could lead to the dark side, though.
Bastila: Emotional entanglements can be dangerous. They can impair rational thought, they can lead to outbursts of uncontrolled emotion. A Jedi must be above such things.
3. Don't you miss your family at all?
Bastila: Like all who join the Order, I have learned to embrace the life I have chosen. I had to let go of my attachments to my family.
1. You don't sound very convinced. 1. That must have been difficult.
Bastila: It can be a hard lesson to learn. I was not on good terms with all of my family, but I do remember missing my father terribly for a very long time.
3. I don't need to hear your family history, thanks.
Bastila: You were the one who asked to know more about me! Very well, if you have changed your mind then I suppose we should just get back to our mission.

That response ends the dialog. Otherwise:

1. Who weren't you on good terms with? 2. You and your father were close?
Bastila: Very close. I was only a little girl when I left my family, but I still remember him fondly. He was kind and gentle and doted on me. My mother, however, was different.
Bastila: I was not on good terms with my mother. I was only a little girl when I left, but I was old enough to resent her and the way she treated my father. She pushed my father into treasure hunting. I spent all my young life on ships traveling from one false lead to the next. She whittled away my father's entire fortune, and I hated her for it. I think she was relieved to give me to the Jedi, but my father was heartbroken.
1. You never tried to get in touch with your father again?
Bastila: A child is too young to understand the sacrifices that must be made. It is better if they have no contact with their family once they are removed. Once I was older I realized the wisdom of this policy. A Jedi must do what is needed, personal desires notwithstanding. Love can only obscure and confuse the matter.
1. You sound very sad when you say that. 2. Are you saying you no longer feel love? 3. But if a Jedi were to love, surely it wouldn't be all bad.
Bastila: Even a Jedi cannot always control the feelings of the heart. We must do our best to guard against it, no matter what the cost. But some sacrifices are harder than others. I... I do not wish to discuss this anymore. I would rather return to our mission.
Journal Entry Added Bastila
Bastila told you something of her life before the Jedi. She was very adamant in her support of the Jedi's policy of severing all familial relationships, as emotional attachments are inherently dangerous to a Jedi.

If the two previous dialogs aren't completed before acquiring a fourth Star Map, further dialogs cannot be unlocked once it's acquired.

Third[edit | edit source]

1. You wish to talk to me?
Bastila: I do. I've been watching you. Studying you closely to see what kind of progress you have made since your training at the hands of Master Zhar.
1. I think we both know the real reason you've been watching me.
Bastila: You never give up, do you? I admit I'm interested in you. I find you intriguing. Compelling, even. But it's not what you think. You have a great gift. You have an awesome command of the Force, and I tremble when I think of how you might misuse it.
1. I make you tremble? Do you get all tingly inside, too?
Bastila: What? I... no! No, of course not! Not like that, anyway. In many ways you are... you are dangerous. You could be the savior of the galaxy; or you could bring untold destruction upon us all.
2. My progress? 3. What? You've been grading me? 1. I make you tremble? Do you get all tingly inside, too? 2. I won't misuse my power, Bastila.
Bastila: I've seen how you have resisted many temptations and continue to walk the path of the light side. Very commendable, but I'm afraid you might stray from this path. Dark Bastila: I've seen you give in to temptation and indulge your baser emotions on many occasions. I'm afraid you are on the path that leads to the dark side.
Bastila: You need to see what the dark side represents in its entirety, for it is what we battle. Only the wisdom of a Jedi Master can truly explain this, but I will do my best to make you understand.
1. What are you trying to tell me? 2. We're not going to go over this again, are we?
Bastila: We must, for all our sakes. If you had the proper training under a true Master you would know all this. But because of our mission, I must be the one to try and help you understand.
Bastila: The dark side is not simply giving in to anger or temptation to use the Force to destructive ends. These things only lead to the dark side. The dark side grows stronger and more insidious the closer you draw to it. It begs you to surrender to it, to release all its terrible power... and it becomes harder and harder to resist. And once you stop resisting, it is too late. It twists you up inside and... and turns you into a mockery of everything you once stood for.
1. You seem to know that temptation very well. 2. How can you know it is so terrible? 3. Stop with the dramatics, already, I get the picture.
Bastila: I am no less resistant to temptation than any other. I simply have the benefit of training that you do not. But even the training of the Jedi might not be enough to save us. Bastila: You say you understand, but I'm afraid you are taking this too lightly. The power of the dark side can be... alluring.
Bastila: We need only to look at the atrocities which have been committed by those under its sway to understand the terrible, corrupting evil of the dark side. Millions dead, and far more suffering. What sort of person would you have to become to perform such deeds gladly?
1. I couldn't see myself ever doing such things. Dark 2. Perhaps it's just the reasoning for those acts you don't accept. 3. Are you saying the light side is innocent of killing? 4. I don't know.
Bastila: And that is why the dark side is so insidious. If you are not careful, you do not even see each small step you take towards it until it is too late. Bastila: And how adept must one become at making excuses for one's actions, if suffering is the result? How long before you stop making excuses at all? Bastila: One who serves the light side does not strike down an innocent. We take arms against the dark side and the injustice that follows it only. Bastila: Neither do I, and I hope I never do.

Alternatively, if you've completed the two previous dialogs but not spoken to her since, after acquiring a fourth Star Map she speaks to you when you return to the Cockpit of the Ebon Hawk:

Bastila: I feel the end of our quest is near. Soon we will discover the location of the Star Forge; though what will happen next is... uncertain.
Light Bastila: I've been watching you. I've seen how you have resisted great temptations and continue to walk the path of the light side. Very commendable. Bastila: I've been watching you. I've seen you give in to temptation and indulge your baser emotions on many occasions. I'm afraid you are on the path that leads to the dark side.
Light 1. I couldn't have done it without your help. 1. I don't need a lecture from you. Not now, not ever. Light 2. Don't worry. The dark side has no sway over me. 2. I'm sorry, Bastila. I will try to do better.
Bastila: My role in what you will become is a small one. I can only give you the warnings taught to me by my own master, ultimately it is your own actions that will decide your fate. Bastila: The path of the light is a difficult one to walk. We might not even see the shadows until we are surrounded and can never find our way back.
Bastila: And that is why the dark side is so insidious. If you are not careful, you do not even see each small step you take towards it until it is too late.

However, if Bastila speaks to you (not vice versa) then further dialogs cannot be unlocked.

Bastila: It is so easy to think that we would never fall prey to such a horror; that we have unlimited control, vigilance and foresight. If only that were true. The Sith have become powerful because there are many Jedi who have succumbed to the lure of the dark side and joined their cause. What greater weapon is there than to turn an enemy to your cause? To use their own knowledge against them? We are weakened while they are strengthened. So we must harden our hearts and do whatever is required to fight against the dark side. Even when the battle becomes wearying.
1. Do whatever is required? Such as? 2. Must we keep discussing this?
Bastila: I don't know. The vision of our future is clouded by shadows cast from the dark side. But I sense something ominous lurking in those shadows. Bastila: No, I suppose not. I have spoken more than enough of the dark side. It is up to you whether you heed my words or not.
Bastila: But words alone cannot save one from the dark side. Come, we should continue with the task at hand. When the time comes I only hope we are all strong enough to do what we must.
Journal Entry Added Bastila
Apparently Bastila is still playing the role of mentor. She has been studying your progress carefully, and had much to say about your actions and the perils of the dark side.

Once this dialog is complete, Malare can approach you while Bastila is in your party to talk about Bastila's Mother.

Fourth[edit | edit source]

1. Why did the Council send me with you on this mission?
Bastila: Why? I could not accomplish this on my own, I need the aid of others – especially one who is strong in the Force. The bond between us made you a natural choice. Besides, the events on Taris proved that the Force wanted to bring us together for this mission, and there is little left to chance when the Force is involved. Is that not enough for you?
1. If the Force wants us to be together, why do you keep resisting my undeniable charms?
Bastila: I said we were brought together for our mission: to stop Malak. I hardly think the Force would be pushing us towards a romantic involvement when the fate of the galaxy is at stake! Please try to stay focused. I doubt the Council would approve if they knew we were busy discussing our mutual attraction when we should be saving the galaxy from Malak.
1. Mutual attraction? I knew you were interested in me! 2. I'm sorry, Bastila. I know our mission is important.
Bastila: Mutual attraction? I never said... it's just an expression! Whatever our feelings... uh, I mean... whatever *your* feelings, you have to try to ignore them. Don't let this complicate things.
Bastila: Finding the missing pieces of the Star Maps is our only hope of locating the Star Forge and defeating Malak. The Council explained all this quite clearly.
2. It just seems odd they would send me off without a Master to guide me. 3. I just don't trust the Council and their motives. 4. And that's it? That's enough reason for you to accept all this?
Bastila: I admit, there were times that I wondered if this is more than just a mission to stop Malak. There were times when I wondered if this was also a way for the Council to test my own abilities.
1. I get the feeling that there's more going on than I know.
Bastila: I wondered if the Council wanted to see how I would help and guide you on our quest. I wondered if they were testing me to see if I was ready to become a Jedi Master myself. And then I realized how foolish such thoughts were. As the Council explained, sending a Master in our group would only have drawn unwanted attention from the Sith. The fate of the galaxy is at stake, the Council would not risk it merely to test me. They calculated the risks and in the end chose the only option available.
1. I guess that makes sense. 2. I'm still not convinced.
Bastila: You must learn to trust in the wisdom of the Council. Your destiny will come in its appointed time. You mustn't be so impatient.
3. You're right. I suppose we should get back to the mission now.
Bastila: Come on, come, let's move on... there's much to be done.


1. Me? You're the one who thought this was her big audition for 'Masterhood'! 2. Oh, great. Another lecture. This never gets old.
Bastila: *Must* you be so frustrating? I admit, I had a moment of foolish pride. But I'm over it. Now I am focused on my true responsibilities.
Bastila: I am simply trying to help you and complete this mission, and yet you battle me at every turn!
1. What can I say? It's fun.
Bastila: Fun?! Fun?! Driving me insane is your idea of a good time?
2. Hey, you started this. 2. Hey, you brought this on yourself.
Bastila: I started it? You were the one who brought up the issue of the Council! You were the one who questioned our mission! You're the one who mocked me for thinking I was being tested!
3. Lighten up. I'm only joking. 1. Careful. Remember your self-control. 3. I don't know what you're talking about.
Bastila: I must admit: I simply don't know how to deal with someone like you. Bastila: You... you are a very odd man, do you know that? I simply don't know how to deal with you. All I want to do is help you, but you seem determined to drive me mad.
1. Complain all you want, but I know you love it. 2. I'm not so bad. You just have to learn to accept me for what I am.
Bastila: I don't know if I should be outraged that you keep joking about serious matters, or I should be grateful that you can always lighten the mood. Bastila: Unfortunately it isn't as easy as that. But your point is well taken.
Bastila: Come on, come, let's move on... there's much to be done.
Journal Entry Added Bastila
You've asked Bastila why the Jedi Council sent the two of you – neither fully trained – on this dangerous mission. Based on her answer, Bastila either has blind faith in the Council or she simply prefers to avoid the question.

Second Star Map[edit | edit source]

Remaining dialogs can be unlocked after acquiring a second Star Map.

Fifth[edit | edit source]

1. You look like you have something to say.
Bastila: I do. I have been trying to come up with the best way to say this for some time, but I suppose I should just come out and say it. The truth is, I have come to depend on you. Not just for the sake of the mission, but for my own sake as well. I am... I am glad you are with us.
2. Is that a compliment? From you? 1. What was that? I think I'm going deaf. You better say it again. 3. You made that sound very painful for you to admit.
Bastila: Now you're teasing me. You know very well what I said.
1. I'm still reeling from the shock. Was that a compliment? 2. It's just that you sounded so pained saying it.
Bastila: Well, yes. Surely that is not so surprising. Bastila: Did I? I am trying to be sincere, here. It occurred to me that I may have been too critical of you. Too demanding, at times.
3. Too little, too late. Sorry.
1. You're kidding, right? 1. Thank you. I appreciate the gesture. 2. *May* have been?
Bastila: No, I'm not. Why must you make this so difficult for me? Can't you just accept a simple compliment? Bastila: I am trying my best. You are not making this easy for me, you know.
1. Maybe I was just distracted by the grudging manner in which it was given. 2. You can keep your thanks. I don't need it... or you. 3. Fine. Thank you for the thought. 1. Your compliments need some work, I think. 2. And when have you ever made things easy for me?

If you give Bastila a hard time:

Bastila: I see. Is there nothing I can do to make it up to you? I would rather we were friends.
1. Oh? How close a friend would you like to be? 2. I'd like that, I suppose. 3. Friends? You could have fooled me. 4. Just leave me alone... for good.
Bastila: I... you know I can't feel that way about you. About any man. It isn't permitted. I am a Jedi, I must resist these temptations. But I still want to consider you a friend. We could... we could never be anything more, though. That... that isn't allowed.
2. Then leave me alone. For good.
Bastila: I know my manner can be a bit taciturn. I know you must be getting sick of my lectures about the dark side and... and everything else.
Bastila: I spent all my years being hounded by my instructors. Being told so often how gifted and important I was until I was sick of it. I remember when I was younger I used to swear that I would never become as self-absorbed and stodgy as the Jedi Masters. It's ironic, really.
1. Don't forget edgy, critical and overly secretive. 2. Nonsense. You're not self-absorbed or stodgy. 3. Maybe, but you don't need to be like that.
Bastila: Yes, well... there's no need for you to agree so whole-heartedly. Bastila: That's kind of you to say, but I know for myself that it's not really true. Bastila: I suppose not. But I am becoming like that, though it's not easy for me to admit.
Bastila: Being controlled has kept everyone around me at an arm's length; even those like yourself who are most in need of my understanding and compassion.
Bastila: But maybe it's time to change that. You deserve to know how much I respect and admire you. I had to tell you how much I care for you. As a friend, of course. Bastila: But maybe it's time to change that. You deserve to know how much I respect and admire you. I thought... I just thought I should tell you.
1. We could be more than friends, Bastila. 2. I'm glad you did. 3. Great, you've had your say. Now leave me alone - for good!
Bastila: Please, it's... it's not allowed. I have to remain true to the Jedi ideal. If this is going to cause a problem maybe... maybe I shouldn't have said anything.
1. No, I'm glad you did. I care for you too, Bastila. As a friend.

Telling her to leave you alone completes this quest prematurely:

Bastila: What? But I... alright. Have it your way, if that's what you'd prefer. We needn't talk further.
Journal Entry Added Bastila
There is nothing more to talk about with Bastila, at least for the time being.


Bastila: Well, that was not nearly so difficult as I feared. Thank you for hearing me out. I feel... I feel much better. But enough soul searching for now. We should probably continue on with our mission.
Journal Entry Added Bastila
Bastila has apologized to you for her earlier attitude, and has admitted how much she respects and admires you as a person and a Jedi. Whether this will change anything between you remains to be seen.

Sixth[edit | edit source]

1. You're curious about something?
Bastila: Am I so transparent? I suppose I shouldn't be surprised, considering our bond. Yes, there is something I would like to ask, if you'll permit it.
1. Do I have a choice? 2. Go ahead.
Bastila: Don't even start with that. You're the one who asked. I wasn't even going to say anything. But now that you've brought it up, I see I shouldn't have waited as long as I have.
Dark Bastila: In our time together I've been watching you. I've seen your tendency towards giving in to your darker emotions. You do as you please, for the most part. Don't worry, this isn't a lead-up to a lecture. I'm... fascinated by your passion, by how easily it comes to you. You seem to do whatever you want, something I would never dare consider. Don't you fear the consequences?
1. No. You should try it yourself, sometime. 2. Life's too short to be afraid. 3. Maybe a little, sure.
Bastila: I doubt my old Master would approve of your advice. Besides, I'm not like you. I must always be on guard against such outbursts. Bastila: Is it? The thought of what could happen to me if I lose control... somehow I think life could be very long, indeed. Bastila: That... that's a relief to hear. That you would even be willing to risk so much is... is very brave. Braver than I could be.


Bastila: In our time together I've been watching you. You are a true servant of the light, you follow the tenets of the Jedi Order despite the lure of the dark side. And with so little training. For me it has always been a constant battle. Don't you find it difficult at all? You make it seem so easy. Or is that only an illusion?
1. I just do what I think is right. 2. It's a struggle for me, sometimes. 3. I don't think about it much.
Bastila: And that's enough for you? If only it were as easy for me. If only the right path was always clear. Bastila: That's a relief to hear. I have never found the Jedi path an easy one to walk, and it's good to know I'm not alone. Bastila: You don't? Sometimes I find that it is nearly all I can think of. I have never found the Jedi training easy to master.

In either case:

Bastila: I've always struggled for control over my passions. I've always been too quick to anger, too quick to get involved. My instructors constantly berated me for it. I've often dreamed that I might be able to confront Darth Malak myself. I dream I can use all this power I have to kill him and stop all the death and destruction. I just think about all the evil that the Sith have caused and I... I get so furious. Yet we are told that these feelings are the path to the dark side.
1. Are you saying you don't believe in the corruption of the dark side? 2. I think destroying that kind of evil would be worth it. 3. You have to trust in the wisdom of the Jedi Code. 4. It sounds like you have your own demons to face.
Bastila: I don't know. Would the power I used to kill Darth Malak be too tempting to keep using? Would I become the kind of evil I want to destroy? Bastila: But what comes next? After using all that power, would you decide to impose your own view on the universe? The dark side corrupts your very thoughts. Bastila: Yes, of course. You're right. I... I have to remember my training. The Masters know well the corrupting influence of the dark side, although it is hard for me to imagine. Bastila: I suppose I do. Part of me thinks that it would be worth anything to vanquish evil, even if it meant giving in to my base emotions.
Bastila: The very thought that I could become as evil as Malak; I just can't fathom it. It just doesn't seem possible. How could I... no, wait. I'm sorry. I shouldn't even be asking you this. The Jedi teachings are clear; who am I to question them? And even worse, who am I to try and make you question them?
1. What?
Bastila: These are dangerous thoughts, the indulgence of a vain mind. Please, forget I ever mentioned this. Let's just return to our mission.
Journal Entry Added Bastila
Bastila is having doubts about her own abilities as a Jedi. Hopefully her uncertainty won't work against the mission... or lead her down the path of the dark side.

Seventh[edit | edit source]

1. I'd like to talk about what you said before. About giving in to your emotions.
Bastila: Yes, I did end that quite abruptly, didn't I? Perhaps a Master could have addressed my questions with the proper wisdom. But I never should have brought it up here. Not with you. Part of my purpose on this mission was to guide you in the way of the light; to help you avoid the temptations of the dark side. But I fear I've failed in that task. I don't think I'm the proper Jedi to guide you. I am no Master. You should have remained with the Council.
1. Why do you say that? 2. No, I disagree! 3. Oh, get over yourself, already.
Bastila: Perhaps you are not being truly objective, then. There is no need to spare my feelings on this point. Bastila: Please don't make light of this. The very fact that I am plagued by this doubt is yet further evidence of my inadequacy.
Bastila: The fact of the matter is that I have never possessed much skill at controlling myself. With the bond that joins us, it seems I have even less.
Dark Bastila: Whether you will continue on your current path and fall to the dark side, I don't know. But it is increasingly obvious I am unable to guide you properly. Bastila: You have maintained the path of the light side. But it has been in spite of my influence, not because of it. It is increasingly obvious I am unable to guide you properly.
1. So what now? 2. You're doing your best, I'm sure.
Bastila: I don't know. I think... I think I may have made a very big mistake. Bastila: That is kind of you to say, but I think the evidence speaks for itself. I think... I think I may have made a very big mistake.
Bastila: I simply hope that you are not the one who pays the price, ultimately, for the fact that I can't help you enough.
1. Maybe we could help each other? 2. You're being too hard on yourself.

After telling her you don't need her, this quest can be completed prematurely for a male character:

3. Oh? You see that, too? I don't need you anymore. 3. I don't need your help, anyway. I can find my own way.
Bastila: No, I suppose you don't. At this point I imagine I'm doing you more harm than good.
1. You aren't my teacher, Bastila. We're supposed to help each other. 2. So now you'll finally leave me alone for good?
Bastila: Fair enough. You will probably be better off on your own, in any case. I won't trouble you with this anymore.
Journal Entry Added Bastila
There is nothing more to talk about with Bastila, at least for the time being.


Bastila: That's a kinder response than I deserve. And I can see there is wisdom in your words.
Bastila: You... you continue to be there for me, don't you? Even after I keep pushing you away, you're still around when I need you most. You're like no man I've known before. And you're nothing like what I expected you to be after... after the Council sent us on this mission together. Bastila: Perhaps you can help me. And I will try to help you, if I can. Hopefully this will all work out, for the both of us. And for the sake of the mission.
1. We're made for each other, Bastila. You have to see that. 2. How did you expect me to be?
Bastila: I... I need time to think about all this. Things are... they are not going as I thought they would. Bastila: Well, just... different, I suppose. Things are not going as I thought they would. I... I need time to think about all this.
Bastila: We should... we should continue on with our mission, for now.
Journal Entry Added Bastila
Bastila's doubts about her own abilities continue to grow. She is actually afraid she may now be a detriment to your development as a Jedi.
Journal Entry Added Bastila
There is nothing more to talk about with Bastila, at least for the time being.

This completes this quest for a female character.

Eighth[edit | edit source]

Further dialog can be unlocked by a male character:

1. When we last talked you said you needed time to think. So?
Bastila: You have been patient with me, haven't you? I suppose you deserve an answer. But you have to understand how difficult this is for me to say.
1. Yes, I think so.
Bastila: With all my training, I should be able to control myself better than this. But you're not anything like I expected. You're not like any man I've ever met before. I find myself watching you when I don't mean to. I'm thinking about you when I don't want to. It isn't supposed to be like this!
1. What are you trying to say, exactly? 2. What is it supposed to be like?
Bastila: I don't know. It shouldn't be so hard to not think of you. It should be easy to not think of you. I should have discipline! Jedi discipline!
Bastila: Every time I try to call on all my teachings to calm myself, they fail me. You have such power, such passion! I don't know if it's due to the bond between us, but I'm drawn to you.
1. Are you interested in me or in my ability to use the Force?
Bastila: The Force is a part of you, as is your power. But that's not what attracted me to you. It's more than that. Maybe it's the bond we share. It gives us a certain... intimacy. If I could, I would return to Dantooine. I need to be away from this bond of ours. I need to weaken it. I need to be anywhere but near you! But Malak must be stopped, my own feelings are nothing when compared to that. Yet I know this could affect the sake of our mission if it is not resolved - I can't let that happen!
2. Sorry, Bastila. That starship won't fly. I'm not interested. 4. But I don't feel anything for you, Bastila.
Bastila: Oh, I thought... No, this is good. I'm glad you told me. This makes everything much easier. Don't worry - I can put this behind me. Let's just continue on with what we must do. It is better this way.
Journal Entry Added Bastila
There is nothing more to talk about with Bastila, at least for the time being.


1. Just give in to your feelings, Bastila. I know you want to. 2. If you have something to say, just say it! 3. You could leave, if you had to.
Bastila: And go where? I am needed here, just as you are. There is nothing that is more important than what we are doing. Which is why we need to resolve this.
Bastila: What I have been trying to tell you is that I've reached a decision. But this is not the proper place for this discussion. I think... I think we should have some privacy for this. We can talk about this the next time we return to the Ebon Hawk. Bastila: I think... I think we should have some privacy for this. Come with me.
Journal Entry Added Bastila
Bastila wants to talk to you... but in privacy, away from the others. Speak to her again when you have returned to the Ebon Hawk.

Kiss[edit | edit source]

If a male character unlocked and completed the last dialog but wasn't speaking to Bastila in the Ebon Hawk's Cockpit, you'll need to return there to speak to her again:

1. Do you have something you want to say to me, Bastila?
Bastila: Yes, I promised you an answer when we reached the Ebon Hawk, didn't I? But I'm afraid you won't like it. We should have some privacy for this.

She takes you to the empty Crew Quarters in the west wing of the Ebon Hawk:

Dark Bastila: I can't deny that there are parts of you I am drawn to. Your power, your will. You are so much stronger than I am. Bastila: You're stronger than I am, and there's no point in telling me otherwise. You will be a great Jedi, I think. I hope.
Bastila: In some ways you make me feel weak, like I am caught up in the wake of our destiny. But at the same time, you make me feel stronger, more alive.
1. So what does this mean for us? 2. And I feel more alive when I'm with you.
Bastila: I realize now these feelings are part of the bond we share. The Jedi Council surely realized this; they knew my loyalty to the doctrines of our Order would be tested on this mission. By facing and overcoming my feelings for you I have learned a valuable lesson about control and the dangers of emotion. This is an important step in understanding the Force. I'm sorry if this is not what you wanted to hear. But I felt it was important you know our... infatuation... was nothing more than a result of our powerful bond.
3. So that's it? It's all over?
Bastila: I'm... afraid so. Although I suppose I should thank you for all you've done. For the lessons you helped me learn.
3. Great - you learn a lesson and I get dumped!
Bastila: I wish it could be otherwise, but you have to understand that this is the way it must be. I am a Jedi, after all.
3. I... I understand, Bastila. 4. That's okay - I never felt anything for you anyway.
Bastila: I hope you can put this behind you. You need to focus on stopping Malak, as difficult as that may be. Come, we should continue our mission. Bastila: Oh, I thought... No, this is good. I'm glad you told me. This makes everything much easier. Don't worry - I can put this behind me. Let's just continue on with what we must do. It is better this way.
Journal Entry Added Bastila
There is nothing more to talk about with Bastila, at least for the time being.

Otherwise, you kiss:

1. So I was just a stepping stone to you becoming a Master? 2. You're rationalizing, Bastila. You're just scared to face the truth!
Bastila: Please, don't say it like that. You make it sound like I was using you! Don't you realize how difficult this was for me?
1. Difficult for you? What about me? 2. This is nothing but an excuse! You're afraid to face your feelings!
Bastila: Why do you think I came to this decision? I know how hard this is for both of us! You just kept pressing forward, so I had to be the one to step up and do the right thing!
Bastila: You're the one who can't face the truth! Malak has to be stopped. How can I do that if I let myself be blinded by my feelings for you?
1. I'm going to stop Malak, Bastila. But I want to do it with you at my side.
Bastila: You... you mean it, don't you? But how can I be sure you aren't making a mistake. I... I have to resist. I have to be strong for both of us.
1. You know I'm right, Bastila. 2. You don't always have to be strong, Bastila. Give in just this once.
Bastila: But I don't... I mean, I can't... Malak will...
1. Shut up and kiss me, you babbling fool. 2. I love you Bastila. And I know you love me.
Bastila: Oh, my! Bastila: Okay, you've made your point. Now shut up and kiss me, you fool!
Bastila: We... we shouldn't have done that. It was wrong. The Jedi aren't allowed to fall in love.
1. It didn't feel wrong to me. 2. We're not going back to this again, are we?
Bastila: It was... it was a moment of weakness. When I kissed you... we shouldn't have... no, I'm sorry. I know we both wanted it, but we shouldn't have given in to our desire. We're Jedi! We can't act like this. Not now, not while we still have to deal with Malak! I'm... I'm sorry. I don't blame you, but... it was a mistake. I have to get out of here before somebody sees us together!
Journal Entry Added Bastila
There's nothing more that needs to be said at the moment. Your relationship with Bastila is going to depend on the outcome of this mission, and perhaps once it is over with the two of you can look at what it is going to become. For now, however, the mission is more important... as is your destiny.

She returns to the cockpit. Do not talk to her again about what happened between you, or this ends your romance and later dialog options are not unlocked:

1. I want to talk to you about what happened between us.
Bastila: We've... we've already been over this. It was a moment of weakness, a stumble brought on by unbridled passions. But my emotions are firmly in check once more. We need to stay focused on stopping Darth Malak. And I want the others to stay focused as well. I don't want them to get suspicious and start gossiping about our little encounter! So, until our mission is over we need to act with discretion. We shouldn't speak of this anymore... not until Malak is defeated!

Otherwise, the kiss completes the romance with Bastila until a fifth Star Map has been acquired, and you've traveled to the summit of the Temple of the Ancients in the Star Forge System. It must be completed before acquiring a fourth Star Map and leaving that world.

Bastila's Mother[edit | edit source]

After acquiring the first Star Map on Dantooine, and unlocking and completing the Third dialog, if Bastila is in your party then Malare, a Twi'lek female, may approach and speak to you in one of the following locations:

Dantooine Tatooine Kashyyyk Manaan Korriban
Jedi Enclave Docking Bay Czerka Landing Port No No
Malare: Excuse me... I know it's been a very long time, dear, but aren't you Bastila, Helena's little girl? Yes – it is you! I can see it in the eyes. My how you've grown!
Bastila: I am Bastila, yes. I take it you know my mother?
Malare: Oh, yes. I worked for your father on an expedition years ago. Your mother showed me holos of you before you... well, before you left. Such a pretty little girl you were.
Bastila: Is there something I can do for you, miss? As you can see, we are in quite a hurry.
1. Don't be rude, Bastila. 2. Bastila's right. We don't have time for this.
Malare: Oh, I didn't mean to take up your time. I just wanted to ask you if your mother's condition has improved any since I saw her.
Bastila: My mother's condition?
Malare: Oh, you... you don't know? Oh, dear. I just thought... I assumed that she had found you. When I talked to her last, she was desperate to find you...
Bastila: I have not seen my mother since I joined the order. Do you know what has happened? Did she... say anything about my father?
Malare: I'm sorry, dear, but your mother is very ill. So she told me. She didn't say anything about your father, however. I didn't see him.
Bastila: I see. Where did you meet her, do you remember?
Malare: She's here on Tatooine, dear. In the cantina. You really should go see her, considering her condition.
1. I guess we should go see your mother, Bastila. 2. We're too busy for this nonsense, Bastila!
Bastila: I agree. Should we get the chance, however, I would speak to her. Perhaps it has something to do with my father.
Bastila: Part of me would rather not see her at all. But if she is really sick... well, we shall see.


Malare: I saw her on Tatooine, dear. She said she'd been there for awhile. Maybe she's still there?
Bastila: Thank you or informing me. I really must be going, now.
1. What's this all about? 2. We're on an important mission here, Bastila.
Bastila: It seems my mother has been looking for me. Strange. Should we get the opportunity, could we look for her on Tatooine? Bastila: Yes, of course. I would never jeopardize our mission. However, if we get the opportunity I would like to visit Tatooine.
1. I thought you and your mother didn't get along? 2. Certainly, if you think it's important. 3. Forget it. We've got better things to do.
Bastila: We never did. I am interested in hearing about my father, however. Bastila: It is important enough that my mother was attempting to seek me out. Perhaps it has something to do with my father. Bastila: I agree. Should we get the chance, however, I would speak to her. Perhaps it has something to do with my father.
Bastila: Part of me would rather not see her at all. But if she is really sick... well, we shall see.
Journal Entry Added Bastila's Mother
You encountered someone named Malare who told Bastila that her mother was looking for her. Bastila has asked that you look for her mother. Her name is Helena and Malare reported that she saw her last in the colony of Anchorhead on Tatooine.

Some experience (250 XP) is received for completing this quest. If you speak to Bastila at any time before encountering Bastila's Mother in the Anchorhead cantina on Tatooine:

1. Do you want to talk?
Bastila: Hmm? Sorry, I am just thinking about my mother. It is strange to hear news after all this time. It is quite distracting. Should we have the opportunity, I would like to find her on Tatooine. There is only one small colony there; it should not be difficult. It's not that I look forward to seeing her, I just can't help but wonder what she wants. But... perhaps we have better things to do.

However, once this quest is activated you cannot speak to Bastila about herself until it's been completed with mother and daughter parting on good terms, so if you want a male character to romance her then you might want to avoid activating it until that romance is complete (completing this quest is not necessary to complete the romance, although if you want to do so then it must also be completed before acquiring a fourth Star Map and leaving that world). If Bastila and her mother part on poor terms then this ends your romance, even if you've already kissed.

Banter[edit | edit source]

Bastila may speak to other party members as well when both are in your party:

Canderous: So, Bastila, I heard a rumor that the Vulkars captured you without much of a struggle. It must be embarrassing to be bested by a handful of street thugs.
Bastila: There were extenuating circumstances. And I can assure you it took far more than a handful of Vulkars to subdue me.
1. Okay, let's not get into this. 2. Yeah, I'm sure there were twenty of them. I mean, fifty... no, wait... a hundred!
Canderous: Whatever you say. All I know is that if we had more Jedi like Bastila fighting against us in the Mandalorian Wars, my side might not have lost.
Bastila: Bold talk from a broken-down mercenary who was serving at Davik's heel. I'd call you his pet kath hound, but they have enough loyalty not to turn on their masters.
Canderous: Insults? Maybe if your Master had trained your lightsaber to be as quick as your tongue you could have escaped those Vulkars, you spoiled little Jedi princess!
Bastila: I was not spoiled! I was given the same training as everyone else in the Order! You are nothing but a... no. I must not do this. There is no emotion; there is peace.
Canderous: That's the problem with you Jedi. Always chanting about peace and control, never up for a good fight. Well, except for Revan, I guess.
Bastila: Enough, Mandalorian. I won't rise to your bait any more. The game is over. Let us continue on with what we were doing.
Carth: Bastila, I was wondering something. How did those Vulkars manage to capture a famous Jedi like you? Were you knocked out when your escape pod crashed?
Bastila: No, I was conscious. But my Force powers were exhausted from using my Battle Meditation in the battle for the Endar Spire. Without my help you might never have gotten off the ship alive.
Carth: Fair enough. But I've seen you Jedi in action. There's no way those thugs would have stood a chance against your lightsaber.
Bastila: My lightsaber was... misplaced. I couldn't find it after the crash. I looked *everywhere* in that pod. The Vulkars came and overwhelmed me even as I was searching for my weapon.
Carth: Wait a minute, let me get this straight. You *lost* your lightsaber? Ha-ha! I mean, isn't that a violation of some kind of Jedi code or something?
1. Of all the Jedi in the galaxy, why do we get one who's absent-minded? 2. Maybe losing lightsabers is a side-effect of her Battle Meditation. 3. Leave her alone, Carth.
Bastila: This is no laughing matter! During the crash my lightsaber must have... it must have fallen from my belt and rolled under my seat! The Vulkars probably found it there when they searched the wreckage.
Carth: Hey, hey, hey, don't get mad. I'm sorry. It's just funny to think of a legendary Jedi losing her lightsaber. Take my advice: this is one detail you might want to keep out of the history texts.
Bastila: I hardly consider myself a legend, Carth. Though I will consider your advice when I relate these events to the Jedi Council. There is no need for them to know *every* detail of what transpired.
Carth: Bastila, did you ever think about joining all the Jedi who were running off to follow Revan and Malak when they went to fight the Mandalorians?
Bastila: That was nearly five years ago. I was still an apprentice, my Battle Meditiation hadn't even manifested itself. Yet even then I had the wisdom to obey the will of the Council. Unlike Revan.
Carth: I guess. Still, do you ever wonder if things could have been different? Would Revan and Malak still have been corrupted if the Council had supported them instead of dragging its feet?
Bastila: Do not blame Revan's corruption on the Council! Your Republic saw only the threat of the Mandalorians, but the wisdom of the Masters saw beyond the immediate threat.
1. What did they see, exactly? 2. Sounds like you're just making excuses, Bastila.
Bastila: There was something lurking out there, something that devoured Revan and Malak – and many other Jedi. Had the Council sent us all into the unknown, how many more would have fallen?
Carth: So you're saying we should have done nothing? Just let the Mandalorians conquer us unopposed? I mean, the Republic was under attack, and the Order abandoned us!
Bastila: We did not abandon you! But the Council were not about to throw lives away foolishly. In time, we would have aided you against the Mandalorians. But you couldn't wait. Revan and Malak offered a quicker answer, and the Republic chose to walk the easy path rather than the path of wisdom. Now we see the results all around us. You asked me if I think things could have been different? I *know* they could have! If Revan had only listened to the Council, millions of innocent people would still be alive.
Carth: Yeah, right. And every single one of them would be speaking Mandalorian. I think we're done here. Let's just get back to the task at hand.
Bastila: Jolee, may I have a moment? There is something I wish to speak to you about.
Jolee: Yep, I figured it was only a matter of time until we had the whole "come back to the Order" discussion. Well, I guess there's no avoiding it now, so let's get it over with.
Bastila: I know you have... issues... with the Order. But you are a Jedi, Jolee. You command the Force. Without the guidance of the Council how can you avoid falling to the dark side?
Jolee: Well, I've managed to avoid it the last 20 years or so. Besides, light side, dark side: they don't mean the same to me as they do to you. I don't see in absolutes.
1. Malak and the Sith are evil, Jolee! Surely you can see that. 2. So you don't have a problem with Malak and the Sith? 3. Of course! Malak isn't evil, he's just misunderstood!
Jolee: I want to stop Malak as much as anyone. But I don't have to join the Order to do it. Look at Carth, or Canderous. They're with us in this quest, but they aren't Jedi. The capacity for good or evil, like the Force itself, is in all living creatures. And belonging to the Jedi Order, or the Sith, or any group, won't change what you are at your core.
Bastila: I see you are quite adamant. No doubt you've had ample time to think on this during your long seclusion. I guess it was foolish of me to think I could sway your position so easily.
Jolee: Yeah, I'm old and stubborn. But I appreciate the effort. But from now on you can just think of me as any other non-Jedi in our little group - with a lightsaber. And Force powers.
Mission: Hey, Bastila. You ever just use the Force for fun? You know, a little jolt of the Force to trip some jerk who's ticking you off?
Bastila: I would never use the Force for such petty and trivial revenge! The mere thought of it is preposterous!
Mission: Ah, come on. There's got to be times when you've thought about it. Don't be so stuck up – you can tell me.
Bastila: I am not stuck up. I merely have the years of training to give me the wisdom and understanding to see how childish such an act would be.
Mission: Childish? Is that a crack about my age? You ain't much older than me, miss high and mighty! Just ‘cause you're some Jedi doesn't mean you can be a prissy little....

Bastila surreptitiously uses Force Push on Mission, knocking her over.

Mission: What the -?? Hey that wasn't funny!
Bastila: I have no idea what you're talking about, Mission. Come now, we have to get going. Please do try to be less clumsy in the future.

Commentary[edit | edit source]

Even if you don't speak to Bastila directly she may comment during dialog when in your party, although unlocking this may also be conditional on others being added or removed, among other things:

Location Dialog Add Remove
Upper City or Javyar's Cantina Canderous Ordo Carth
Upper City South Zelka Forn Carth
Gurney Carth
Zelka Forn Dark Side Points Gained Light Side Points Gained
Upper City North Ithorian Mission
Gorton Colu Mission, Carth
Lower City Apartments (East) Matrik
Javyar's Cantina Zax Carth
Holdan Persuade [Failure] Light Side Points Gained
Undercity Rukil
Javyar's Cantina Canderous Ordo
Davik's Estate Slave (male)
Hudrow Dark Side Points Gained
Location Dialog Add Remove
Jedi Enclave Ahlan Matale Carth
Courtyard Jon Dark Side Points Gained
Grove Bolook Juhani
Courtyard Elise Dark Side Points Gained Carth
Jedi Enclave Elise (male)
Matale Grounds Ahlan Matale Dark Side Points Gained Carth Juhani
Sandral Estate Nurik Sandral Dark Side Points Gained Carth Canderous
Rahasia Sandral Carth
Matale Grounds Matale Droid
Jedi Enclave Shen Matale Carth
Sandral Grounds Ahlan Matale Dark Side Points Gained
Jedi Enclave Vandar Tokare Dark Side Points Gained
Vandar Tokare Dark Side Points Gained
Location Dialog Add Remove
Docking Bay Malare
Anchorhead Sharina Fizark Dominate Mind Dark Side Points Gained Light Side Points Gained Juhani
Sandcrawler Mechanic Affect Mind Dark Side Points Gained
Maana Demknot
Iziz Dark Side Points Gained Carth
Hunting Lodge Gurke HK-47
Tanis Venn (female)
Swoop Registration Motta the Hutt Zaalbar, Canderous, HK-47, Jolee
Nico Senvi Dominate Mind Dark Side Points Gained
Garm Totryl Carth
Yuka Rill Affect Mind Dark Side Points Gained
Cantina Helena
Jawa Servers Carth
Droid Shop Yuka Laka Affect Mind Dark Side Points Gained Jolee, Juhani, Mission
Dune Sea Tanis Venn Jolee, HK-47
Czerka Office Protocol Officer Dominate Mind
Eastern Dune Sea Komad Fortuna Dark Side Points Gained
Star Map All but HK-47, T3-M4
Location Dialog Add Remove
Czerka Landing Port Janos Wertka Affect Mind
Zaalbar Zaalbar, Mission, Carth
Eli Gand
Janos Wertka Carth Jolee, Juhani
Czerka Guard Captain Zaalbar, Mission
Great Walkway Zaalbar Zaalbar, Mission, Carth, Juhani
Patrol Captain Dehno Persuade [Success] Affect Mind Dark Side Points Gained Zaalbar, Juhani
Hall of the Chieftain Chuundar Mission
Village of Rwookrrorro Wookiee
Upper Shadowlands Jolee Mission, Juhani
Guard Dominate Mind Dark Side Points Gained
Woorwill's Home Woorwill
Jaarak Jolee
Worrroznor's Home Worrroznor Dark Side Points Gained Light Side Points Gained Zaalbar, Jolee, Mission
Hall of the Chieftain Chuundar Dark Side Points Gained Mission, Jolee
Freyyr Light Side Points Gained All but Juhani, T3-M4
Czerka Landing Port Matton Dasol Persuade [Success] or Affect Mind Dark Side Points Gained
Lower Shadowlands Freyyr Jolee
Grrrawahrr Dark Side Points Gained
Location Dialog Add Remove
West Central Selkath Port Official Affect Mind Mission, Jolee, Juhani
Ahto West Judge Shelkar Jolee
Judge Duula Carth Jolee
Judge Jhosa
Elora Persuade [Failure] Jolee
Sunry Carth Jolee
Nilko Bwaas Carth Carth
Iridorian Mercenary Persuade [Failure] Carth
East Central Ignus Persuade [Success] Dominate Mind Jolee
Ahto West Judge Shelkar (Guilty, Death) Mission, Carth
Sith Base Shasa Dark Side Points Gained Dominate Mind Persuade [Failure] Light Side Points Gained Juhani, Carth, Jolee
Ahto West Shaelas Dark Side Points Gained Light Side Points Gained
Star Forge System
Location Dialog Add Remove
Temple Summit Bastila Dark Side Points Gained Light Side Points Gained
Central Beach Carth Dark Side Points Gained
Star Forge
Location Dialog Add Remove
Ebon Hawk Admiral Dodonna Dark Side Points Gained
Command Center Dark Jedi Dark Side Points Gained
Bastila Light Side Points Gained
Deck 1 Carth Dark Side Points Gained (romanced) Light Side Points Gained
Location Dialog Add Remove
Any Carth Carth