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Medical items are all Single Use. Medpacs heal living beings while repair kits allow droids to repair themselves. Only one can be used per round once engaged in combat (unless a shield or stimulant has already been used in that round), although there's no restriction when this isn't the case. They're normally only received from enemies killed if they weren't used beforehand.

The cost of Antidote Kits and all medpacs may treble after acquiring the Star Map on Manaan depending on how this was achieved. In this event, they can be sold on the Yavin Station afterwards for almost twice what they cost to buy beforehand (100*3 * 65/100 = 195%).

Antidote Kit[edit | edit source]

This kit contains wide-spectrum antidote hypospray injectors designed to neutralize all known poisons. Lowered attribute scores are returned to normal and physical damage is halted. Damage already suffered must still be healed by other means.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Taris Upper City South Clinic 49 Infinite
Undercity Igear's Bazaar 36 6
Dantooine Jedi Enclave Crattis Yurkal 49 5
Tatooine Docking Bay Mic'Tunan'Jus Orgu 49 Infinite
Hunting Lodge Fazza Utral 49 Infinite
Czerka Office Greeta Holda 49 Infinite
Manaan Docking Bay Merchant 49 1
Korriban Dreshdae Czerka Store 49 10

Antidote Kits can also be acquired from the following:

World Area Source Cost Amount
Taris Undercity Outcast Corpse 49 2
Lower Sewers Outcast Corpse (2) 49 4
Upper Sewers Corpse - Sith Soldier 49 2
Dantooine Jedi Enclave Footlocker 49 1
Tatooine Eastern Dune Sea Calo Nord 49 2
Manaan Hrakert Station Calo Nord
Kashyyyk Upper Shadowlands Calo Nord 1
Great Walkway Corpse 49 1
Metal Box 49 1
Worrroznor's Home Wicker Basket 49 1
Manaan Hrakert Station Footlocker (2) 49 6
Kolto Control Footlocker (2) 49 4
Korriban Tomb of Tulak Hord Corpse 49 1
Leviathan Prison Block Medical Supplies 49 2
Yavin Yavin Station Trandoshan (7) 49 14
Star Forge System Rakatan Settlement Storage Bin 49 2
Temple Summit Bastila Dark Side Points Gained 49 4
Star Forge Deck 2 Metal Cylinder 49 2
Command Center Metal Box 49 4

Medpacs[edit | edit source]

Medpac Vitality Treat Injury Healing
Medpac 10 x 1 Wisdom modifier + 1 (10 + Treat Injury rank)
Advanced Medpac 20 x 2 Wisdom modifier + 2 (10 + Treat Injury rank)
Life Support Pack 30 x 3 Wisdom modifier + 3 (10 + Treat Injury rank)

Medpacs cannot be used by droids. Once Jedi join your party and you become one yourself, the light side powers Cure and Heal can heal all organic members of your party within a 15 meter radius both during and after combat, while the dark side powers Drain Life and Death Field allow the user to heal during combat. However, medpacs are still useful when one character suffers particularly heavy damage or Force points need to be conserved during prolonged combat.

If you speak to Jolee in Medical on the Ebon Hawk after he's joined your party in the Upper Shadowlands of Kashyyyk, then you can ask him to make a healing kit for you: he'll make Advanced Medpacs if you're character level < 11, and Life Support Packs thereafter. You'll always receive one the first time, but you'll only receive more if you have less than 11 medpacs of any kind in Inventory. The total number you can receive increases as you acquire Star Maps on your quest for the Star Forge:

Star Maps 0 1 2 3 4 5
Total items 11 30 50 70 90 110

To receive more than 11, those in inventory need to be used, moved to containers like the five in the Cargo Hold, or sold to any merchant.

Medpac[edit | edit source]

A medpac contains essential equipment for the treatment of wounds. They cannot be used by droids. Basic medpacs heal 10 vitality points + Wisdom modifier + user's skill in Treat Injury.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Taris South Apartments Larrim 44 Infinite
Upper City South Equipment Emporium 40 Infinite
Clinic 40 Infinite
Undercity Igear's Bazaar 30 Infinite
Dantooine Jedi Enclave Crattis Yurkal 40 Infinite
Tatooine Docking Bay Mic'Tunan'Jus Orgu 40 Infinite
Hunting Lodge Fazza Utral 40 Infinite
Czerka Office Greeta Holda 40 Infinite
Cantina Junix Nard 40 Infinite
Kashyyyk Czerka Landing Port Eli Gand/Matton Dasol 40 Infinite
Manaan Docking Bay Merchant 40 Infinite
East Central Tyvark's Shop 40 Infinite
Korriban Dreshdae Czerka Store 40 Infinite

Medpacs can also be acquired from the following:

World Area Source Cost Amount
Endar Spire Command Module Footlocker 40 2
Metal Box 40 1
Taris Hideout Locker 40 3
Upper City South First Aid 40 1
Lower City Twi'lek Corpse 40 1
Lower City Apartments (East) Supplies 40 2
Lower City Apartments (West) Supplies 40 1
Undercity Corpse - Sith Soldier 40 2
Upper City South Zelka Forn Light Side Points Gained 40 2
Lower Sewers Weapons Locker 40 1
Outcast Corpse (2) 40 2
Upper Sewers Corpse - Sith Soldier 40 2
Chewed Corpse 40 3
Black Vulkar Base Supplies (2) 40 2
Supplies 40 1
Black Vulkar Base (Garage) Supplies 40 2
Sith Base First Aid 40 2
Davik's Estate Supplies 40 1
First Aid 40 1
Dantooine Jedi Enclave Footlocker 40 1
Matale Grounds Equipment Pack 40 2
Grove Remains 40 2
Backpack 40 2
Sandral Grounds Equipment Pack and Metal Box 40 2
Sandral Estate Footlocker 40 1
Footlocker (2) 40 2
Tatooine Dune Sea Corpse 40 1
Refuse Pile 40 1
Sand People Enclave Sand People Warrior (2) 40 2
Kashyyyk Czerka Landing Port Metal Box and Footlocker 40 3
Great Walkway Corpse (2) 40 2
Village of Rwookrrorro Wicker Bin 40 3
Woorwill's Home Wicker Basket 40 1
Lower Shadowlands Mandalorian (2) 40 2
Mandalorian 40 1
Manaan East Central Footlocker 40 1
Sith Base Footlocker (2) 40 2
Hrakert Station Equipment Pack and Footlocker 40 2
Footlocker 40 1
Footlocker 40 1
Kolto Control Footlocker 40 2
Korriban Sith Academy Footlocker 40 3
Valley of Dark Lords Metal Box 40 1
Tomb of Ajunta Pall Sith Corpse 40 1
Tomb of Tulak Hord Corpse 40 1
Tomb of Marka Ragnos Corpse 40 1
Tomb of Naga Sadow Skeletal Human Remains 40 1
Leviathan Prison Block Riot Equipment 40 2
Locker (3) 40 3
Medical Supplies (2) 40 5
Command Deck Large Locker 40 2
Large Locker and Medical Supplies (2) 40 6
Bridge Storage Container (2) 40 2
Large Locker (2) 40 2
Hangar Storage Cylinder (3) 40 3
Storage Cylinder (2) 40 2
Star Forge System Rakatan Settlement Wicker Footlocker 40 3
Elder Settlement Metal Box (2) 40 4

Advanced Medpac[edit | edit source]

An advanced medpac contains an improved array of equipment for the treatment of wounds. They cannot be used by droids. Advanced medpacs heal 20 vitality points + Wisdom modifier + (2 x user's skill in Treat Injury).
World Area Source Cost Amount
Taris Upper City South Clinic 80 5
Dantooine Jedi Enclave Crattis Yurkal 80 5
Tatooine Docking Bay Mic'Tunan'Jus Orgu 80 Infinite
Hunting Lodge Fazza Utral 80 10
Czerka Office Greeta Holda 80 Infinite
Cantina Junix Nard 80 1
Kashyyyk Czerka Landing Port Eli Gand/Matton Dasol 80 Infinite
Manaan Docking Bay Merchant 80 1
East Central Tyvark's Shop 80 5
Korriban Dreshdae Czerka Store 80 20

Advanced Medpacs can also be acquired from the following:

World Area Source Cost Amount
Endar Spire Command Module Trask 80 1
Taris Undercity Sith Patrol Leader and Trooper (2) 80 3
Black Vulkar Base Vulkar Lieutenant (2) 80 2
Hidden Bek Base Strong Box Dark Side Points Gained 80 2
Davik's Estate Strong Box 80 1
Dantooine Grove Backpack 80 1
Sandral Estate Footlocker 80 1
Tatooine Dune Sea Elite Warrior (0-5) 80 0-5
Elite Warrior (2) 80 2
Refuse Pile 80 1
Sand People Enclave Sand People Guard (0-1) 80 0-1
Kashyyyk Czerka Landing Port Plasteel Cylinder 80 1
Great Walkway Metal Box 80 1
Village of Rwookrrorro Wicker Bin 80 2
Upper Shadowlands Metal Box 80 1
Manaan Sith Base Footlocker 80 1
Footlocker 80 2
Hrakert Station Footlocker 80 1
Insane Selkath 80 2
Kolto Control Footlocker 80 1
Tatooine Dune Sea Hulas Dark Side Points Gained 249 1
J'ane Khan Dark Side Points Gained 80 1
Korriban Sith Academy Footlocker 80 1
Footlocker 80 1
Shyrack Caves Thalia May 80 1
Tomb of Tulak Hord Jorak Uln 80 1
Leviathan Prison Block Riot Equipment 80 1
Medical Supplies 80 1
Command Deck Large Locker 80 1
Medical Supplies 80 1
Bridge Storage Container 80 1
Large Locker 80 1
Hangar Large Locker 80 2
Foot Locker (2) 80 2
Yavin Yavin Station Trandoshan (7) 80 7
Star Forge System Central Beach Battered Foot Locker 80 3
Rakatan Settlement The One 80 5
Wicker Footlocker 80 1
North Beach Footlocker 80 4
Elder Settlement Elder Councillor (3) 80 6
Plasteel Cylinder 80 2
Temple Main Floor Plasteel Cylinder (2) 80 8
Metal Box 80 5
Star Forge Deck 1 Dark Jedi 80 1
Dark Jedi 80 2
249 1
Dark Jedi 80 2
249 1

Life Support Pack[edit | edit source]

A life support pack contains dermal regenerators and other equipment for the treatment of wounds. They cannot be used by droids. Life support packs heal 30 vitality points + Wisdom modifier + (3 x user's skill in Treat Injury).

Once you're character level > 10, Jolee can make up to 110 Life Support Packs by the time you complete your Quest for the Star Forge, if you ask him in the Ebon Hawk's Medical bay after he's joined your party in the Upper Shadowlands of Kashyyyk.

World Area Source Cost Amount
Tatooine Docking Bay Mic'Tunan'Jus Orgu 150 4
Czerka Office Greeta Holda 150 6
Korriban Dreshdae Czerka Store 150 10
Mika Dorin 225 10

Life Support Packs can also be acquired from the following:

World Area Source Cost Amount
Tatooine Sand People Territory Corpse 150 1
Kashyyyk Village of Rwookrrorro Wicker Bin 150 1
Manaan Hrakert Station Calo Nord 150 1
Tatooine Dune Sea Hulas Dark Side Points Gained 150 1
Korriban Valley of Dark Lords Metal Box 150 1
Leviathan Prison Block Medical Supplies 150 1
Star Forge System Rakatan Settlement Storage Bin 150 2
Temple Main Floor Plasteel Cylinder (2) 150 4
Strong Box 150 2
Metal Box 150 2
Temple Summit Bastila Dark Side Points Gained 150 6
Star Forge Deck 1 Dark Jedi 150 1
Deck 2 Sith Heavy Trooper 150 1
Sith Heavy Trooper 150 1
Command Center Sith Apprentice and Heavy Trooper (2) 150 3
Metal Box 150 1

Repair kits[edit | edit source]

Repair kit Vitality Repair Healing
Repair Kit 15 x 1 15 + Intelligence modifier + (1 x Repair rank)
Advanced Repair Kit 25 x 2 25 + Intelligence modifier + (2 x Repair rank)
Construction Kit 35 x 3 35 + Intelligence modifier + (3 x Repair rank)

These kits allow a droid to repair itself. They can't be used by living beings. Although HK-47 can regenerate once repaired, both he and T3-M4 will still need these to repair after heavy damage.

Repair Kit[edit | edit source]

Included are the basic tools needed for a droid to repair itself after being damaged in combat. This kit can't be used by living beings. Basic kits repair 15 vitality points + Intelligence modifier + user's skill in Repair.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Taris Upper City North Droids by Janice 25 Infinite
Undercity Igear's Bazaar 18 5
Dantooine Jedi Enclave Karal Kaar 25 Infinite
Manaan Docking Bay Merchant 25 Infinite
Ahto East General Shop 25 Infinite
Korriban Dreshdae Czerka Store 25 Infinite

Repair Kits can also be acquired from the following:

World Area Source Cost Amount
Taris Sith Base Supplies 25 1
Davik's Estate Supplies 25 1
Dantooine Matale Grounds Equipment Pack 25 1
Sandral Grounds Metal Box and Case 25 2
Sandral Estate Footlocker 25 2
Tatooine Dune Sea Corpse 25 1
K-X12c Battle Droid 25 1
Sand People Enclave Sand People Wicker Bin 25 1
Kashyyyk Czerka Landing Port Metal Box 25 1
Woorwill's Home Wicker Basket 25 1
Upper Shadowlands Metal Box 25 1
Lower Shadowlands Mandalorian 25 1
Manaan Sith Base Footlocker 25 1
Hrakert Station Footlocker 25 2
Kolto Control Footlocker 25 1
Korriban Dreshdae Crate 25 1
Sith Academy Entrance Metal Box 25 1
Valley of Dark Lords Metal Box 25 1
Leviathan Command Deck Footlocker 25 2
Star Forge System Rakatan Settlement Wicker Bin 25 3
Elder Settlement Metal Box (2) 25 4

Advanced Repair Kit[edit | edit source]

Included are an improved assortment of tools and parts needed for a droid to repair itself after being damaged in combat. This kit can't be used by living beings. Advanced kits repair 25 vitality points + Intelligence modifier + (2 x user's skill in Repair).
World Area Source Cost Amount
Dantooine Jedi Enclave Karal Kaar 50 5
Manaan Docking Bay Merchant 50 Infinite
Ahto East General Shop 50 5
Korriban Dreshdae Czerka Store 50 5

Advanced repair Kits can also be acquired from the following:

World Area Source Cost Amount
Dantooine Grove Backpack 50 1
Tatooine Dune Sea Refuse Pile 50 1
Sand People Enclave Sand People Wicker Bin 50 1
Kashyyyk Czerka Landing Port Footlocker 50 1
Great Walkway Metal Box 50 1
Manaan Hrakert Station Footlocker 50 1
Korriban Sith Academy Plasteel Cylinder 50 1
Leviathan Command Deck Footlocker 50 1
Star Forge System Central Beach Footlocker 50 3
North Beach Footlocker 50 4
Elder Settlement Plasteel Cylinder 50 2
Temple Main Floor Metal Box 50 1
Metal Box 50 4
Metal Box (3) 50 8

Construction Kit[edit | edit source]

This kit contains all the necessary parts for a droid to repair itself after being damaged in combat, including electrical regulators designed to isolate malfunctions. This kit can't be used by living beings. Construction kits repair 35 vitality points + Intelligence modifier + (3 x user's skill in Repair).
World Area Source Cost Amount
Taris Hidden Bek Base Footlocker Dark Side Points Gained 100 1
Kashyyyk Great Walkway Corpse 100 1
Upper Shadowlands Corpse 100 1
Korriban Dreshdae Czerka Store 100 10
Sith Thug Leader 100 1
Sith Academy Footlocker 100 1
Leviathan Prison Block Footlocker 100 5
Star Forge System Temple Main Floor Metal Box 100 2
Metal Box 100 2
Strong Box 100 2
Metal Box (3) 100 6

Squad Recovery Stim[edit | edit source]

Each squad recovery stim includes a number of fittings to be placed on every member of the group (automatically done at purchase). When activated, a stim shot is triggered that heals everyone for 10 vitality points. This unit also includes electro-stim fittings that spur the auto-repair functions of droid group members, effectively repairing them for 10 vitality points as well.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Star Forge Deck 1 Dark Jedi (2) 500 2
Dark Jedi (2) 500 2