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To continue the search for Bastila you need to save Zaalbar from the Gamorrean Compound to the west before Mission will lower the Force Field to the north, allowing you to travel to the Upper Sewers beyond. You encounter rakghouls and Gamorreans throughout the sewers, but you can repair a rusted droid to earn experience and help combat those guarding Zaalbar.

You can also find the two Promised Land journals sought by Rukil back in the Undercity, one on an Outcast corpse in a room just to the northeast of the Gamorrean compound's main entrance, and another just southeast of the Undercity's lower entrance, at the northeast end of the sewers: you should return with them to the Outcast village before going into the upper sewers.

Map of the lower sewers

Undercity[edit | edit source]

The path of least resistance is the north entrance from the Undercity. You'll find yourself at the bottom of a ladder at the west end of a short tunnel, with a sewer door at its east end which is mined:

Awareness Minor Frag Mine Detect 20 (0) Demolitions Disable 20 (0) Recover 30 (10)

You can move around to the north side if you're unwilling or unable to disable or recover it (move each party member in Solo mode to avoid accidents). Beyond the door is a small room with three rakghouls and a rakghoul fiend in its southeast corner:

Rakghoul Fiend
Class Soldier
Level 3
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 12 +1
Dexterity 12 +1
Constitution 10 0
Intelligence 8 -1
Wisdom 8 -1
Charisma 3 -4
Vitality 30
Defense 11
Fortitude 3
Reflex 2
Will 1
Awareness 1
Ranged Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Melee Main Off
Attack 4 -
Slashing 3-13-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats
On Hit: Poison, Average Weakness20 None
Class Minion
Level 2
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 10 0
Dexterity 12 +1
Constitution 10 0
Intelligence 8 -1
Wisdom 8 -1
Charisma 3 -4
Vitality 18
Defense 11
Fortitude 1
Reflex 2
Will 0
Awareness 1
Ranged Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Melee Main Off
Attack 2 -
Slashing 1-4-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats
None None

All rakghouls and fiends you encounter in the lower sewers will be the same as these. Beyond the southeast sewer door is the Force Field (which will be visible on the left when you open the door). There's a skeletal corpse to the left of the southwest sewer door next to that leading to the ladder to the Undercity: this door opens onto a tunnel which turns south and marks the east boundary of the Gamorrean Compound.

Experience Points (XP) Received: Item(s) Received Skeletal Corpse
  • ?

Oddly, the south entrance from the Undercity takes you to the northeast end of the sewers. You'll find yourself at the bottom of a ladder at the west end of a short tunnel, with a sewer door at its east end. Beyond this is a room containing a Gamorrean raid leader and two Gamorrean raiders:

Gamorrean Raid Leader
Class Soldier
Level 4
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 14 +2
Dexterity 11 0
Constitution 12 +1
Intelligence 8 -1
Wisdom 10 0
Charisma 6 -2
Vitality 34
Defense 11
Fortitude 5
Reflex 1
Will 1
Awareness 2
Ranged Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Melee Main Off
Attack 6 -
Slashing 3-14-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats
Gamorrean Battleaxe Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons Power Attack
Gamorrean Raider
Class Minion
Level 2
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 12 +1
Dexterity 11 0
Constitution 12 +1
Intelligence 8 -1
Wisdom 10 0
Charisma 6 -2
Vitality 20
Defense 10
Fortitude 2
Reflex 1
Will 1
Awareness 2
Ranged Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Melee Main Off
Attack 3 -
Slashing 2-13-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats
Gamorrean Battleaxe Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons Power Attack
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • Challenge Rating 4 Killed Gamorrean Raid Leader
  • Challenge Rating 2 Killed Gamorrean Raider (2)
Item(s) Received Corpse
  • ?

There's a corpse in the northeast corner and another sewer door in the south wall. Beyond this is a tunnel to the south which turns west and ends in a sewer door. Beyond it is a chamber with water cascading into the middle of it, and a walkway around its perimeter with four Gamorreans on its east side:

Class Minion
Level 2
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 12 +1
Dexterity 11 0
Constitution 12 +1
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 15 +2
Charisma 12 +1
Vitality 20
Defense 10
Fortitude 2
Reflex 1
Will 3
Awareness 2
Ranged Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Melee Main Off
Attack 3 -
Blunt 2-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats
None None
Experience Points (XP) Received:

Beyond the northwest sewer door is the Force Field, while beyond the southwest sewer door is a tunnel to the junction at the south end of the tunnel along the east boundary of the Gamorrean compound.

The view from the east entrance: the tunnel to the force field is on the right to the northwest, while a patrol walks back up the tunnel on the left to the southwest.

This tunnel contains a Gamorrean patrol:

Gamorrean Patrol
Class Minion
Level 3
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 12 +1
Dexterity 11 0
Constitution 12 +1
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 15 +2
Charisma 12 +1
Vitality 33
Defense 10
Fortitude 2
Reflex 1
Will 3
Awareness 2
Ranged Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Melee Main Off
Attack 4 -
Blunt 2-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats
None None
Experience Points (XP) Received:

Promised Land[edit | edit source]

There's a sewer door in the east wall of the tunnel along the east boundary of the Gamorrean Compound, beyond which is a room which is mined:

Awareness Minor Frag Mine Detect 20 (0) Demolitions Disable 20 (0) Recover 30 (10)

You can edge around this easily enough to the rusted droid within:

Rusted Droid: This droid is damaged and inactive.
Repair 1. Reactivate the droid. (1 repair part) 2. Leave it alone.
Rusted Droid: The droid is now active. It will attack any enemies that come in range. Rusted Droid: [Failure] You don't have any repair parts. You leave the droid alone for now. Rusted Droid: You leave the droid alone for now.
Rusted Droid
Class Combat Droid
Level 12
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 18 +4
Dexterity 12 +1
Constitution 12 +1
Intelligence 8 -1
Wisdom 8 -1
Charisma 4 -3
Vitality 112
Defense 24
Fortitude 9
Reflex 5
Will 3
Awareness 7
Ranged Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Melee Main Off
Attack 16 -
Blunt 5-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats
None Battle Droid Logic Upgrade
Repair 2. Optimize droid's weaponry. (4 repair part(s))
Rusted Droid: [Success] The droid is now set for maximum firepower. Rusted Droid: [Failure] You do not have enough repair parts.
Repair 3. Optimize droid's targeting systems. (4 repair part(s))
Rusted Droid: [Success] The droid is now set for maximum accuracy.
Repair 4. Activate droid's shields. (5 repair part(s))
Rusted Droid: [Success] The droids shields are now active.
Repair 5. Engage droid in patrol mode. (6 repair part(s))
Rusted Droid: [Success] Patrol mode engaged. Once you end this session the droid will begin patrol and destroy any enemies it encounters. WARNING: Once you end this session the droids program will be locked in. You will not be able to modify the droid anymore.
6. Leave it alone.
Rusted Droid: The droid engages its patrol mode and moves off to carry out your programmed instructions.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 15 * level Optimized droid's weaponry
  • 15 * level Optimized droid's targeting systems
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 15 * level Activated droid's shields
  • 20 * level Engaged droid in patrol mode
The droid is actively engaged in its patrol route. You cannot reprogram it anymore.

This droid is a melee fighter whose patrol takes it through the main entrance of the Gamorrean compound into the middle of the barracks beyond the Gamorrean chief's room. It will explode the mine if it's still there, and it's perfectly capable of killing all enemies it encounters on its patrol without optimization or shields, even on Difficult. However, it's advisable to provide it with ranged support as it distracts the Gamorreans.

To the left of the mine is an Outcast corpse:

Item(s) Received Outcast Corpse Journal Entry Added The Promised Land
You have found a journal detailing the search for the Promised Land. Alone it isn't worth much, but with the journal of Rukil's apprentice and one more journal it might reveal the true location of the Promised Land.
This journal is a record of the long and difficult search to find the Promised Land. It contains many half completed maps and cryptic notes, all attempting to decipher whether the legend is true or simply a child's fable. By itself this journal does not contain enough information to solve the mystery, however it could be a valuable piece of the puzzle.

In the east wall of the tunnel running south from the northeast entrance from the Undercity is a sewer door, beyond which is an empty room with another sewer door at its east end. Beyond this is a room containing three rakghouls and a rakghoul fiend:

Experience Points (XP) Received: Experience Points (XP) Received:

Afterwards do not return to hideout to heal, as when you transit back these rakghouls can reappear. There's also a skeletal corpse and another Outcast corpse:

Item(s) Received Skeletal Corpse
  • ?
Item(s) Received Outcast Corpse
  • Promised Land Journal
  • Medpac
  • Antidote Kit (2)
Journal Entry Added The Promised Land
You have found another journal detailing the search for the Promised Land. With the journal of Rukil's apprentice and the other journal you have, it looks like you have all the clues to reveal the true location of the Promised Land.

You can return to the Undercity and Rukil in the Outcast village.

Gamorrean Compound[edit | edit source]

The tunnel along the east boundary of the Gamorrean compound contains another Gamorrean patrol.

Experience Points (XP) Received:

The main entrance to the Gamorrean compound is through a sewer door in the west wall. Beyond it is a room with the Gamorrean chief in its northwest corner and a Gamorrean elite in each of the three remaining corners:

Gamorrean Chief
Class Soldier
Level 6
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 18 +4
Dexterity 11 0
Constitution 16 +3
Intelligence 8 -1
Wisdom 10 0
Charisma 6 -2
Vitality 66
Defense 11
Fortitude 10
Reflex 2
Will 2
Awareness 50
Ranged Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Melee Main Off
Attack 11 -
Slashing 7-18-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats
Cardio-Regulator Gamorrean Battleaxe Weapon Specialization: Melee Weapons Improved Power Attack Improved Critical Strike10

The Gamorrean chief has Awareness rank 50, so Stealth is not an option.

Gamorrean Elite
Class Soldier
Level 3
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 16 +3
Dexterity 11 0
Constitution 14 +2
Intelligence 8 -1
Wisdom 10 0
Charisma 6 -2
Vitality 24
Defense 10
Fortitude 5
Reflex 1
Will 1
Awareness 2
Ranged Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Melee Main Off
Attack 6 -
Slashing 4-15-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats
Gamorrean Battleaxe Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons Power Attack

Like all enemies in the lower sewers they're melee fighters, so it's advisable to place someone or something in the doorway to create a bottleneck, preventing them all from attacking at the same time. If neither you nor any of your Party are robust enough for this, you can activate the rusted droid in the room beyond the east sewer door opposite the main entrance: engaging its patrol mode makes it go through the main entrance and into the barracks beyond, engaging any enemies it encounters in melee combat.

Experience Points (XP) Received: Item(s) Received Gamorrean Chief

Beyond the west sewer door is a barracks, containing two Gamorreans that may open this door themselves:

Experience Points (XP) Received:

There's a locked weapons locker in the southeast corner of this barracks:

Security Weapons Locker Unlock 24 (4) Bash Resist 5 Vitality 15
Item(s) Received Weapons Locker Item(s) Received Weapons Locker Item(s) Received Weapons Locker
  • Pazaak Card +/-1
  • Pazaak Card -2

However, if Mission is in your party then she opens the locked door in the south wall of the previous room to free Zaalbar before you can enter the barracks beyond. Otherwise:

Security Locked Door Unlock 100 (80) Bash Resist - Vitality -
[This ancient door is sealed with a manual lock, rendering security spikes useless. You will have to find someone with the right tools to open it for you.]

Search for Bastila[edit | edit source]

Mission: Hmmm... look at this. This is one of those old-style manual locks. No computer codes or nothing. The sewers is the only place you'll see one of these on Taris. You can't use conventional security spikes on these old locks, but don't worry. I've come across them before. I've rigged up a little device that should do the trick.
Zaalbar: You're a sight for sore eyes, Mission.
Mission: I'm glad to see you too, Big Z! You didn't think I'd forget about you – Mission and Zaalbar, together forever!
Zaalbar: Who's that with you?
Mission: These are my new friends, Big Z. Without them I never could have got you out.
1. Good to meet you Zaalbar. I'm Name. 2. Don't mention it. I was happy to help. 3. So, is there some kind of reward for freeing you?
Zaalbar: You know the language of my people? That is rare among your species; I am impressed. You have saved me from a life of servitude and slavery. There is only one way I can ever repay such an act: I will swear a lifedebt to you.
Mission: A lifedebt? Are you sure about that, Big Z? Think about it carefully. You better be sure about this.
Zaalbar: I am sure, Mission. This is an issue of great importance to me. Because of our great physical strength, Wookiees are being used as slave labor on our own homeworld. They see us as brutes and animals to be exploited. Over the years slavers have taken many of my people; we must always be on guard against raids against our villages. When the Gamorreans captured me, I thought I was doomed to a life of servitude. I have been saved from such a fate, and the only way I can repay that is through a lifedebt.
Mission: Big Z swearing a Wookiee lifedebt to you. Wow – this is major. Do you realize what this means?
1. It's some kind of loyalty vow, isn't it? 3. Let me guess – it means I got a walking carpet following me for the rest of my days. 4. I've always wanted a Wookiee slave!
2. I'm not sure. Mission: Hey – don't make fun of the lifedebt! This is serious business, you know? Mission: Hey – Zaalbar's not your slave! He just swore a lifedebt to you. It's not the same thing.
Mission: A lifedebt is the most solemn vow a Wookiee can make. It means he'll stay by your side for the rest of your life – wherever you go, whatever you do, Zaalbar will be with you.
Zaalbar: In the presence of you all I swear my lifedebt. Forever after I will be by your side, Name. May my vow be as strong as the roots of the great Wroshyr trees of Kashyyyk.
1. I'm honoured to accept your vow. 2. I don't want a Wookiee following me around all the time! 3. I don't suppose there's any way I can get out of this?
Mission: Sorry, but there's not much you can do about it. Zaalbar's already sworn the lifedebt and it's not something they can just take back. This is a sacred irreversible vow.
Mission: I guess this means you're stuck with me too. Wherever Big Z goes, I'm going. I almost lost him once – it's not going to happen again.
1. I'm glad to have you on board, Mission. 2. Great – a Wookiee and a snot-nosed punk! 3. Why won't this nightmare end!
Mission: Hey – don't underestimate me! I may be young, but I'm quick and plenty smart. You just give me a chance and you'll be surprised at how useful I can be.
Mission: So... I guess I still owe you one secret path into the Vulkar base. That was the deal, wasn't it? Don't worry, I know a backdoor into that scum den!
1. Good. the sooner we get there the better. 2. Just tell me how to get there.
Journal Entry Added The Search for Bastila
You've saved Zaalbar from the Gamorrean slavers, prompting the Wookiee to swear a life debt to you. And, as promised, Mission has agreed to get you into the Vulkar base. Once inside, you can steal the swoop accelerator and return it to Gadon Thek.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 630 Saved Zaalbar from Gamorrean slavers

Rancor in the Sewers[edit | edit source]

Mission: I better come with you – the Vulkars put up a force field to keep the sewer dwellers out. I'm one of the only non-Vulkars on Taris who can get you past it. I can't remember exactly how to get there, but I know it was somewhere here in the sewers. Over to the northeast, if I remember right. I just hope the rancor monster isn't still there.
1. Rancor? Are you serious! 2. Whoa – nobody said anything about a rancor monster! 3. A rancor monster? Good – I'm spoiling for a fight!
Mission: There used to be a rancor monster that made its nest in that part of the sewers. Pretty much eats anything it can get its claws on. That thing is huge! Mission: You did a good job mopping up those Gamorreans, but I don't think you want to take on a rancor! Those things are huge!
Mission: Luckily rancors aren't too bright. I was able to sneak past it before, so I'm sure we'll figure something out. That is, unless you want to change your mind.
1. That's not really an option. Let's go. 2. I'm not afraid of any rancor. Let's go. 3. If you can get past the rancor, then it shouldn't be a problem for me!
Mission: Okay then, off we go. Like I said, somewhere to the north-east. Just look for the force shield and we'll know we're there.
Zaalbar: [ZAALBAR has joined your party. Remember, you can only have two party members with you at any time. The others will wait for you back at the apartment. You can switch party members using the PARTY SELECTION screen, accessible by left-clicking the Party Selection button while on the Map screen. This button is disabled in areas that are considered dangerous.]
1. [Left-click this response to go to PARTY SELECTION screen.]
Journal Entry Added A Rancor in the Sewers
Mission has warned you of a not-so-small obstacle between you and the entrance to the Vulkar base: a full-grown rancor. Getting by the beast won't be easy.

You can now add Zaalbar to your party, at the expense of either Carth or Mission... but since Mission is required to lower the Force Field preventing you from continuing to the upper sewers, it's between him and Carth.

The Gamorrean compound also has a back entrance. Continue down the tunnel along the east boundary of the compound to the sewer door at its south end. Beyond this is a junction, with a central pillar blocking the view of four rakghouls and a rakghoul fiend on its south side:

Experience Points (XP) Received: Item(s) Received Skeletal Corpse
  • ?

Afterwards do not return to hideout to heal, as when you transit back these rakghouls can reappear. There's a skeletal corpse at the bottom of the ladder at the end of the cul-de-sac beyond the south sewer door.

The exit at the top of the ladder seems to be blocked with no way to clear it.

Beyond the west sewer door is a tunnel to the waterfall mentioned earlier; beyond the southwest sewer door is a short tunnel which is mined:

Awareness Minor Gas Mine Detect 20 (0) Demolitions Disable 20 (0) Recover 30 (10)

This can be passed on the north side without it exploding. The sewer door at the end of this tunnel opens to reveal a second chamber with water cascading into the middle of it, and a walkway around its perimeter with three rakghouls and a rakghoul fiend on it:

Experience Points (XP) Received: Item(s) Received Corpse
  • ?

Again, these may reappear after leaving and returning to the area. Beyond the south sewer door is another cul-de-sac with a corpse at the end of it. Beyond the northwest door is a tunnel which turns north along the west boundary of the Gamorrean compound.

Beyond the sewer door in the east wall of this tunnel is another short tunnel ending in a malfunctioning sewer door, through the cracks of which you may just see Zaalbar imprisoned. Beyond the sewer door at the north end of the tunnel is a room containing two rakghouls and a rakghoul fiend:

Experience Points (XP) Received: Item(s) Received (Skeletal) Corpse
  • ?

In the northwest corner are a corpse and skeletal corpse. The sewer door in the west wall is mined:

Awareness Minor Frag Mine Detect 20 (0) Demolitions Disable 20 (0) Recover 30 (10)

This can just about be edged around if you walk. The door is also locked:

Security Sewer Door Unlock 5 (0) Bash Resist 5 Vitality 20

Beyond is the barracks behind the Gamorrean chief's room mentioned earlier.

Force Field[edit | edit source]

After rescuing Zaalbar from the Gamorrean Compound, exit it through its main entrance to the east and go north up the tunnel along its east boundary, then through the southeast sewer door in the room at its end. Beyond is a short tunnel ending in another sewer door. Both doors are mined:

Awareness Minor Frag Mine (2) Detect 20 (0) Demolitions Disable 20 (0) Recover 30 (10)

You can just about edge around these if you pass them on the northeast side. You'll see the force field in the northeast wall, and force field control against the opposite wall.

If you access it without Mission in your party before saving Zaalbar, or with her before saving him:

Force Field Control: LOGGING ON
Computer Use 1. [Computer] Slice the computer. (1 spike) 2. Leave the computer.
Force Field Control: [Failure] SPIKE REJECTED
Force Field Control: LOGGING OFF
Mission: That energy shield leads to another section of the sewers. The entrance to the Vulkar base is somewhere past there. I've got the codes to lower the shield, but we have to rescue Zaalbar from those Gamorrean slavers. Don't worry – we can come back after we find Big Z.

So you need to access it with Mission in your party after saving Zaalbar:

Mission: You won't be able to get that computer to lower the energy shield unless you know the proper codes. Lucky for you, I've got them. I picked them off the pocket of a Black Vulkar who had a little too much to drink in the cantina one night. Here, let me get that energy shield down for you.

Once the shield is lowered you can enter the upper sewers beyond it.