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An organic character can equip two arm bands or shields, one on each arm.

Arm bands[edit | edit source]

There's only one arm band in the entire game, though...

Brejik's Arm Band[edit | edit source]

Brejik's arm band, when used in conjunction with his belt, generates an effective barrier against melee attacks.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Taris Swoop Platform Brejik 1000 1

Shields[edit | edit source]

Larrim: I know it's really none of my business, but you look like someone who might need to purchase one of those new energy shields. They're the latest thing, you know. Very high tech.
1. What's so great about these energy shields?
Larrim: When you use one it surrounds you with a radiant aura-particle mesh that absorbs blaster bolts. Pretty handy in a fight. The shield even protects against lightsabers, or so I hear. The shields aren't perfect, of course. They can only absorb so much energy damage before they burn out, and ion blasters will take your basic duelling shield down pretty quick.
Carth: And I can tell you from experience that they aren't any good at all against a simple vibroblade. That's why the Republic has been training soldiers in hand-to-hand and melee combat.
1. Where did this technology come from?
Larrim: I've heard rumors of the Echani using shields like this, but I never saw anything like them around here. Not until the Sith came. Where they discovered the technology is anybody's guess. The shields are too rare and too expensive to hand out to an entire army, but a shielded strike team can take out a whole battalion of soldiers armed with conventional blasters. It gave the Sith a huge edge in the early battles, but it wasn't long before the Republic was able to copy the technology and come up with energy shields of their own. Now both sides are scrambling to come up with new weapons to slice right through the shields, but until they do you're going to see melee combat coming back to the forefront in this war.
1. Anything else?
Larrim: Not much more to say, really. Except that I've managed to get my hands on one of those shields. It isn't cheap, but it could mean the difference between life and death.

Each shield charge has a duration of 200 seconds, or until maximum damage has been taken. A shield has maximum 5 uses: each use consumes one charge, and it is automatically discarded after all available charges are consumed. Items that have charges do not stack in inventory unless they have identical uses remaining.

Used shields sell for the same price regardless of how many charges remain, so there's no reason to avoid using them: simply use all but one charge, then sell them. Contrary to their descriptions, shields do not deflect electrical damage.

Shield Damage Deflection
Points Energy Sonic Cold Heat
Energy Shield 20 Yes No No No
Echani Dueling Shield 60 Yes No No No
Yusanis' Dueling Shield 100 Yes No No No
Sith Energy Shield 30 Yes Yes No No
Echani Shield 50 Yes Yes No No
Arkanian Energy Shield 40 Yes Yes Yes Yes
Verpine Prototype Shield 120 Yes Yes Yes Yes
Mandalorian Shield Damage Deflection
Points Energy Bludgeoning Piercing Slashing
Mandalorian Melee Shield 20 No Yes Yes Yes
Mandalorian Power Shield 30 Yes Yes Yes Yes

Energy Shield[edit | edit source]

  • Uses: 5/5
  • Deflection: Energy, Electrical 20pts
  • Duration: 200 seconds, or max damage taken
  • Charges: Using this item consumes one charge. This item is automatically discarded after all available charges are consumed. Items that have charges do not stack in inventory.
When equipped and activated, these items project an energy shield around the wearer. The small power source can burn out when repeatedly stressed, requiring replacement of the entire unit.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Taris South Apartments Larrim 154 1
Lower City Apartments (East) Vulkar Gang Boss 140 1
Lower City Apartments (West) Vulkar Enforcer 140 1
Vulkar Gang Boss 140 1
Upper Sewers Vulkar Guard (2) 140 2
Black Vulkar Base Black Vulkar 140 1
Vulkar Lieutenant (2) 140 2
Black Vulkar Base (Garage) Radiation Shields 140 1
Hidden Bek Base Gadon Thek Dark Side Points Gained 140 1
Sith Base Sith Governor 140 1
Davik's Estate Bounty Hunter 140 1
Dantooine Jedi Enclave Crattis Yurkal 140 4
Tatooine Docking Bay Mic'Tunan'Jus Orgu 140 4
Czerka Office Greeta Holda 140 Infinite
Kashyyyk Czerka Landing Port Eli Gand/Matton Dasol 140 5
Korriban Dreshdae Czerka Store 140 4
Star Forge System Rakatan Settlement Wicker Footlocker 140 1

Echani Dueling Shield[edit | edit source]

  • Uses: 5/5
  • Deflection: Energy, Electrical 60pts
  • Duration: 200 seconds, or max damage taken
  • Charges: Using this item consumes one charge. This item is automatically discarded after all available charges are consumed. Items that have charges do not stack in inventory.
Far more powerful than most forearm shields, when activated this unit absorbs some of the incoming energy to provide good protection without the need for bulky generators. The unit must still be replaced after repeated use, however.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Tatooine Anchorhead Dark Jedi 1680 1
Kashyyyk Great Walkway Dark Jedi 1680 1
Manaan Sith Base Footlocker 1680 1
Kolto Control Corpse - Republic Soldier 1680 1
Korriban Tomb of Ajunta Pall Shaardan 1680 1

Yusanis' Dueling Shield[edit | edit source]

  • Uses: 5/5
  • Deflection: Energy, Electrical 100pts
  • Duration: 200 seconds, or max damage taken
  • Charges: Using this item consumes one charge. This item is automatically discarded after all available charges are consumed. Items that have charges do not stack in inventory.
Yusanis sponsored many of the advances the Echani people are known for. Produced in his honor, these forearm shields are unmatched on the battlefield. The unit must be replaced when the maximum number of activations is depleted.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Korriban Shyrack Caves Thalia May 1960 1

Sith Energy Shield[edit | edit source]

  • Uses: 5/5
  • Deflection: Energy, Sonic, Electrical 30pts total
  • Duration: 200 seconds, or max damage taken
  • Charges: Using this item consumes one charge. This item is automatically discarded after all available charges are consumed. Items that have charges do not stack in inventory.
The Sith have made many improvements to personal forearm shielding, much to the dismay of the Jedi. Though efficient, the unit must be replaced often as it burns out when repeatedly activated.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Taris Undercity Sith Patrol Leader 350 1
Black Vulkar Base (Garage) Kandon Ark 350 1
Tatooine Docking Bay Mic'Tunan'Jus Orgu 350 2
Anchorhead Dark Jedi 350 1
Kashyyyk Czerka Landing Port Eli Gand/Matton Dasol 350 2
Great Walkway Dark Jedi 350 1
Manaan Sith Base Dark Jedi 350 1
Dark Jedi 350 1
Shasa 350 1
Korriban Dreshdae Czerka Store 350 2
Shyrack Caves Sith Corpse 350 1
Star Forge System Temple Main Floor Dark Jedi (2) 350 4
Sith Master 350 2
Large Locker (2) 350 3

Echani Shield[edit | edit source]

  • Uses: 5/5
  • Deflection: Energy, Sonic, Electrical 50pts total
  • Duration: 200 seconds, or max damage taken
  • Charges: Using this item consumes one charge. This item is automatically discarded after all available charges are consumed. Items that have charges do not stack in inventory.
The Echani put much effort into developing a forearm shield that, once activated, would allow a mercenary to close on a blaster-wielding enemy relatively unscathed. This unit is discarded once its energy cells are depleted.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Dantooine Matale Grounds Dead Settler 980 1
Tatooine Anchorhead Iziz 980 1

Arkanian Energy Shield[edit | edit source]

  • Uses: 5/5
  • Deflection: Energy, Sonic, Cold, Heat, Electrical 40pts total
  • Duration: 200 seconds, or max damage taken
  • Charges: Using this item consumes one charge. This item is automatically discarded after all available charges are consumed. Items that have charges do not stack in inventory.
Even 2000 years after the designs were pioneered, Arkanian technology remains desirable. When equipped and activated, this forearm shield protects against a variety of combat conditions, though it must be replaced often due to burnout.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Taris Davik's Estate Davik Kang 700 1
Dantooine Jedi Enclave Crattis Yurkal 700 1
Tatooine Docking Bay Mic'Tunan'Jus Orgu 700 1
Kashyyyk Czerka Landing Port Eli Gand/Matton Dasol 700 1
Manaan Hrakert Station Dead Soldier 700 1
Korriban Dreshdae Czerka Store 700 1
Star Forge System Rakatan Settlement Wicker Footlocker 700 1

Verpine Prototype Shield[edit | edit source]

  • Uses: 5/5
  • Deflection: Energy, Sonic, Cold, Heat, Electrical 70pts 120pts total
  • Duration: 200 seconds, or max damage taken
  • Charges: Using this item consumes one charge. This item is automatically discarded after all available charges are consumed. Items that have charges do not stack in inventory.
Though manufactured by the Verpine, these forearm shields are based on highly modified Arkanian designs. They are must-have items for the professional soldier, though they have to be replaced when the maximum number of activations are expended.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Leviathan Bridge Admiral Karath 2240 1
Korriban Dreshdae Mika Dorin 3360 10
Star Forge System North Beach Footlocker 2240 1
Temple Main Floor Large Locker 2240 1
Temple Summit Bastila Dark Side Points Gained 2240 1

According to Feedback 120pts total can be deflected, not 70pts total as stated by the description.

Mandalorian Melee Shield[edit | edit source]

  • Uses: 5/5
  • Deflection: Bludgeoning, Piercing, Slashing, 20pts total
  • Duration: 200 seconds, or max damage taken
  • Charges: Using this item consumes one charge. This item is automatically discarded after all available charges are consumed. Items that have charges do not stack in inventory.
Mandalorians don't fear melee combat, but anything that absorbs physical damage brings them a step closer to victory, and these forearm shields are a favorite. The units are discarded once their maximum activations have been expended.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Dantooine Grove Remains 1120 1
Mandalorian 1120 1
Star Forge System Rakatan Settlement Wicker Footlocker 1120 1

Mandalorian Power Shield[edit | edit source]

  • Uses: 5/5
  • Deflection: Energy, Bludgeoning, Piercing, Slashing, Electrical 30pts total
  • Duration: 200 seconds, or max damage taken
  • Charges: Using this item consumes one charge. This item is automatically discarded after all available charges are consumed. Items that have charges do not stack in inventory.
An improvement by the Mandalorians on their basic forearm shield, this variant proved decisive in several battles with the Republic. The units are discarded once their maximum number of activations have been expended.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Dantooine Matale Grounds Zuulan Sentar Dark Side Points Gained 1400 1