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Map of Kolto Control

Sea Floor[edit | edit source]

The northeast pressure door may be the quicker way to get into Kolto Control from the sea floor, but it's also the more heavily guarded. The room beyond is mined at its east end:

Awareness Deadly Flash Mine Detect 40 (20) Demolitions Disable 30 (10) Recover 40 (20)
Awareness Deadly Frag Mine Detect 40 (20) Demolitions Disable 30 (10) Recover 40 (20)

Around the corner to the northeast are four insane Selkath. Two are level 10 Soldiers specialized in using Sonic Pistols:

Insane Selkath
Class Soldier
Level 10
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 20 +5
Dexterity 20 +5
Constitution 10 0
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 15 +2
Charisma 12 +1
Vitality 50
Defense 19
Fortitude 7
Reflex 8
Will 5
Awareness 2
Ranged Main Off
Attack 16 -
Sonic 3-6-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Melee Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Items and abilities Feats
Sonic Pistol

On Hit: Attribute Damage Dexterity14

Weapon Specialization: Blaster Pistol

The other two attack with poisoned claws. One is a sneaky level 8 Soldier:

Insane Selkath
Class Soldier
Level 8
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 20 +5
Dexterity 18 +4
Constitution 10 0
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 15 +2
Charisma 12 +1
Vitality 88
Defense 22
Fortitude 7
Reflex 6
Will 4
Awareness 2
Ranged Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Melee Main Off
Attack 13 -
Damage 6-11-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats
On Hit: Poison, Average Weakness20 Sneak Attack III

The last is an armored level 15 Soldier:

Insane Selkath
Class Soldier
Level 15
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 20 +5
Dexterity 20 +5
Constitution 10 0
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 15 +2
Charisma 12 +1
Vitality 95
Defense 24
Fortitude 10
Reflex 9
Will 7
Awareness 2
Ranged Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Melee Main Off
Attack 20 -
Damage 6-11-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats
Cinnagar Weave Armor

Damage Resistance vs. Cold, Fire20/- On Hit: Poison, Average Weakness20

Armor Proficiency: Light
Experience Points (XP) Received: Experience Points (XP) Received:

There's a footlocker by the east wall, to the right of a door in the east wall:

Item(s) Received Footlocker

By the inside northwest corner to the east of the southeast pressure door are two large lockers:

Item(s) Received Large Locker Item(s) Received Large Locker

The east end of the room is also mined, although not as heavily:

Awareness Deadly Gas Mine Detect 40 (20) Demolitions Disable 30 (10) Recover 40 (20)

Around the corner to the northeast there are only three insane Selkath: another sneaky level 8 Soldier attacking with poisoned claws, another level 10 Soldier specializing in using Sonic Pistols, and a non-specialized level 12 Soldier:

Insane Selkath
Class Soldier
Level 12
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 20 +5
Dexterity 20 +5
Constitution 10 0
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 15 +2
Charisma 12 +1
Vitality 70
Defense 19
Fortitude 8
Reflex 9
Will 6
Awareness 2
Ranged Main Off
Attack 17 -
Sonic 1-4-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Melee Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Items and abilities Feats
Sonic Pistol

On Hit: Attribute Damage Dexterity14

Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Pistol
Experience Points (XP) Received: Experience Points (XP) Received:

There's the corpse of a Republic soldier and a footlocker by the east wall:

Item(s) Received Insane Selkath Item(s) Received Corpse - Republic Soldier Item(s) Received Footlocker

Mission for the Republic[edit | edit source]

Beyond the door in the east wall of the northeast airlock, and the door in the north wall of the southeast airlock, is a pressure chamber with a massive fan rotating overhead and a computer panel mounted on its southwest wall, a force field spanning its north side and a door in its east wall, beyond which is a room with footlockers in its northeast and southeast corners:

Item(s) Received Footlocker Item(s) Received Footlocker

A human male named Kono Nolan and a female named Sami stand on the north side of the force field. When you try to use it, they panic:

Kono Nolan: No - no, you can't come in here! You'll let the firaxa and the Selkath in! No - stay out! Stay out! I won't let you open the door for those monsters to get in! I'll stop you! I'll suck all the pressure out of the chamber! That'll stop you!
Sami: Kill them! Kill them now!

All doors are sealed behind you:

[This door is sealed during the decompression process.]

There are 60 seconds to complete depressurization, and there's a warning every six seconds. However, you're incapacitated for the first and last six seconds, so you only have 48 seconds to do something.

60 seconds to complete depressurization.
54 seconds to complete depressurization.
48 seconds to complete depressurization.
42 seconds to complete depressurization.
36 seconds to complete depressurization.
30 seconds to complete depressurization.
24 seconds to complete depressurization.
18 seconds to complete depressurization.
12 seconds to complete depressurization.
6 seconds to complete depressurization.

While you can unlock the doors, this doesn't solve the problem: even if you return to the sea floor, the countdown will simply resume when you return.

Security Door Unlock 28 (8) Bash Resist - Vitality -

However, you can search footlockers in the airlocks beyond for the Computer Spikes necessary to use the computer panel:

Computer Use 1. [Computer] Deactivate depressurization sequence. (5 spike(s)) 2. Abort.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 20 * level Deactivated depressurization sequence

The second option is to simply destroy the force field:

Security Force Field Unlock - Bash Resist 2 Vitality 100

Either way, once the force field is down:

Kono Nolan: No! No! The firaxa will get us! No! The Selkath are coming! No!
Sami: No! No!
1. Calm down... everything will be okay. 3. Stop screaming!
Sami: Eeeee! No!
2. I'm a friend. I'll protect you. You're both safe now. Kono Nolan: You... Sami! Sami, calm down! I don't think they're here to kill us.
Sami: Eee... Kono.... Are... are they?
Kono Nolan: Yes. I think they're here to help us.

The third option is to try speaking to them again by interacting with the force field:

Kono Nolan: What - what do you want? Go away! You'll let the firaxa and the Selkath in! They'll get us like they got all the others!
1. No - I'm Name and I'm here to help you. But first you have to stop the depressurization sequence. 2. Please - we're going to die if you don't stop the sequence!
Kono Nolan: No... the firaxa... the... the Selkath... I... I can't let you in. They'll get us!
4. Open this door or you'll wish the Selkath had got you! Medium 1. [Persuade] I'll keep you safe. I promise. But you have to let me in.
Sami: No, no, no. Don't do it!
Kono Nolan: No... I can't. The Selkath will get me! The Firaxa will eat us! I can't! I can't! Kono Nolan: [Failure] No... I can't. The Selkath will get me! The firaxa will eat us! I can't! I can't!
Medium 1. [Persuade] I'll keep you safe. I promise. But you have to let me in. link=Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic}}/Force powers#Affect Mind 3. [Force Persuade] I'm a friend. You want to let me in. You want to stop the depressurization sequence.
Kono Nolan: [Success] I... I don't want to hurt you. I don't want to hurt anyone. Kono Nolan: [Success] Yes. You are a friend. You'll protect us. You won't let the firaxa eat us. You'll keep the Selkath away.
Kono Nolan: I'll unlock the door, but you have to come in quickly!

They apologize for panicking, and explain what's been going on down here to make them so scared:

Kono Nolan: I... I'm sorry for what I did. I don't know what came over me. I... I just panicked when I heard someone outside the door. *Sigh* Please, forgive me. I'm just so scared.
Sami: We're both just scared.
Kono Nolan: When the Selkath went crazy I thought everyone else except me and Sami went mad. We had a few people outside the station when it happened...
Sami: The... firaxan sharks just tore them apart... It was like they were frenzied...
Kono Nolan: The next thing we knew our Selkath researchers started screaming and... and clawing at everything around them. My team... my team was torn apart and eaten before my eyes! Sami and me... I... I thought we were the only ones left. We heard the Selkath outside at the doors every once in a while... and those strange noises echoing through the base.
Sami: We... thought everyone was dead... dead or insane. I must have been hysterical, I... I don't know what I can say... I truly apologize for the horrible mistake I was making.
Kono Nolan: I am Kono Nolan, and this is Sami. We were scientists working here on the Hrakert Rift project.
1. You have a lot to answer for! 4. You tried to kill me!
Kono Nolan: Look, I'm sorry! I've just been under a LOT of strain recently. You know, the whole thing about having my entire research team DEVOURED BEFORE MY EYES!!
Sami: Kono. Kono, calm down.
Sami: Don't talk to him like that! We've gone through a lot, and we said we're sorry for the mistake we made!
Kono Nolan: Just... I am sorry for my actions. But... but what are you doing here?
3. How about I ask the questions.
Kono Nolan: Oh.... okay. What is it you want to know?
2. What was the Republic doing here?
Kono Nolan: We had a secret agreement with moderates in the Selkath government. They knew that Manaan could not survive independently if the Sith were victorious.
Sami: Those thugs would wipe out the whole damn planet just to get at the kolto.
Kono Nolan: So the Republic approached them about making this secret installation to harvest more kolto where the Sith couldn't see us. But that all went horribly, horribly wrong...
3. Have you seen a Star Map? 1. I'm on a mission for the Jedi Council to find pieces of a Star Map. 2. Did this have something to do with a Star Map?
Kono Nolan: A Star Map? I don't know of anything about a Star Map down here.
Sami: But... there were some ruins that were excavated when we were digging the foundations for the last section of the kolto harvesting machine.
Kono Nolan: But we can't go anywhere near those now! Maybe... maybe that's why it all happened in the first place...

The shortest route is to ask why did the Selkath all go crazy:

5. Why did the Selkath all go crazy? 2. The Republic wants me to find out what happened here.
1. What happened? 3. Did the Sith do something?
2. Something happened in the ruins? 3. What are you babbling about? Sami: Well, we're not too clear ourselves just exactly what happened...
Sami: We don't know! Not for sure...
Kono Nolan: The work teams were outside in the Rift near the vent. Then there was this rumbling and my head felt like it was splitting open...
Sami: This... this monster rose up from the Rift...
Kono Nolan: It was a firaxa shark I think... bigger than any I'd ever seen before. Bigger than our submersibles.
Sami: It was like it was screaming inside my head...
Kono Nolan: Then all the Selkath started screaming too... and they turned on us.
1. Turned on you?
Kono Nolan: It was like they couldn't control themselves... like the sound that the monster was making in our heads drove them insane.
1. Turned on you? 2. What did the shark have to do with that? 3. It was protecting something?
Sami: Well... maybe it was protecting the ruins by the Rift. Kono Nolan: It may... It may have been. Maybe it was protecting the ruins by the Rift.
Kono Nolan: It could have been. It might have a lair in the Hrakert Rift near the kolto vent. Hm... that may explain a few things, too...
2. How could you miss something that big living there? 3. And no one knew about this thing?
Kono Nolan: I don't know. It seems impossible, but... Kono Nolan: We had no clue at all... until it came out.
Kono Nolan: Maybe what ever sort of power it used to drive the Selkath insane masked it from us somehow... or maybe it was lying dormant deeper in the Rift.
Sami: I think it might live there. Live there because of the kolto.
Kono Nolan: Hm... maybe. That would explain more...
1. Like what? 2. How could you miss something that big living there? 3. And no one knew about this thing?
Kono Nolan: Like why it reacted so violently when our construction efforts got closer to the vent. And also why it is so large. It must be feeding off the kolto. It would have to be ancient indeed for it to reach that size. But with kolto as a food source...
Sami: And all those other firaxan sharks! Those might be its offspring!
Kono Nolan: Which would be why they all swarmed when it called out to them... Children coming to protect their mother.
2. Where is this monster firaxan now? 3. I have to get to the kolto machinery. 4. The Star Map I'm looking for is out there. I need to get past.
Kono Nolan: I don't know. It must still be out there. Kono Nolan: That would be suicide... It's out there still.
Sami: Out there waiting for us...
1. So what can I do about it?
Kono Nolan: The firaxan sharks have always been a serious problem. We had some blasters and projectile cannons to defend against them, but they still got some of our workers from time to time.
Sami: We were working on a soluble chemical compound that would drive them away. Something that smelled or tasted repulsive to them, but we never got it working right.
Kono Nolan: Oh, I think not! Even flawed like it is, it should be ideal for this situation.
Sami: No! It's not working right! You don't know what it will do!
1. What are you talking about? 2. What compound? 3. What does this compound do?
Sami: The repellent we made was supposed to drive firaxan sharks away, but we never got very far in its development. The one we tested instead was violently toxic to them, rupturing their outer skin in seconds and preventing them from drawing oxygen from the water by clogging their intakes.
Kono Nolan: Which is exactly what we need in this situation! Something to kill that monster shark that destroyed our station!
Sami: But we don't know how else the chemical reacts! We only tried it in a controlled environment. In the open ocean, who knows what it could do... it could even affect the kolto.
Kono Nolan: We know exactly what it will do: it will kill the shark. That's what we designed it to do.
1. How would I poison the shark? 2. What else could I do?
Kono Nolan: You can take this cannister of toxin. We were working on it just before the giant shark drove all the Selkath insane. Kono Nolan: You don't need to do anything else. We have a cannister of the toxin here right now. We were working on it before the giant firaxan drove all the Selkath insane.
Kono Nolan: All you need to do is insert it into the main kolto harvester and have it vent it. Get away as soon as you can. We don't know how much worse it will affect the giant firaxan shark.
1. OK. I'll vent the toxin into the Rift to kill the giant shark.
Sami: Wait! Don't! We don't know what effect the toxin will have on the ocean environment around the Rift! It could poison the water against all life. It could poison the kolto itself, even! There is another way...
1. OK. I'll vent the toxin into the Rift to kill the giant shark. 2. What other choice do I have, though?
Sami: Well, the monster seems to have been driven out by the machinery we installed at the edge of the Rift. We've seen it out there on the cameras bashing itself against the machines. I think if you could destroy the machinery we installed, the shark would calm down and retreat back into its lair inside the Rift.
1. How would I do that? 2. I am not so sure...
Sami: I AM sure.
Sami: You can reprogram the harvesting machines to overpressure their self-oxidizing fuel, so that the fuel tank cannisters will rupture and the entire machine will destroy itself. The Hydrolium gas we use is a gas at 1 to 3 million sangen, a liquid at about 4 million sangen, and a solid above that. When it's a liquid it's VERY explosive. If you inject enough of the Hydrolium gas into the tank, the pressure will be so great that it will turn to liquid form and start a chain reaction inside the machine.
Kono Nolan: But we'll lose everything we've built here! All those years of work!
Sami: It's better than whatever your chemical will do to the water!

You can move closer to the dark side of the Force by killing them:

Dark Side Points Gained: -4
3. I'll do what I want... and kill both of you as well!
Sami: What? No! Run, Kono! He's one of them! Sami: What? No! Run, Kono! She's one of them!
Kono Nolan and Sami
Class Jedi Guardian
Level 1
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 13 +1
Dexterity 12 +1
Constitution 10 0
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 15 +2
Charisma 12 +1
Vitality 8
Defense 13
Fortitude 2
Reflex 3
Will 3
Awareness 2
Ranged Main Off
Attack 2 -
Damage 1-6-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Melee Main Off
Attack 2 -
Damage 2-11-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats

Vibroblade or Blaster Pistol

Jedi Sense

Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Pistol

Experience Points (XP) Received: Experience Points (XP) Received:

Otherwise, you can make a non-binding statement of intent:

1. I will try to poison the shark. 2. I will try to destroy the harvesting machine.
Kono Nolan: You know it's the right thing to do. It can't go wrong. Just put the cannister into the machine and have it vent it into the Rift. The firaxan shark should die in no time. Sami: Good! Destroying the machinery will be better in the long run. We can't risk damaging the environment or the kolto. You'll have to break into the computer on the harvesting machine and fiddle with the fuel injectors to get the tank pressure up to the point where the Hydrolium will liquidize. Once the machinery is gone, the shark should leave.
Sami: No! You shouldn't do that! It could poison everything! Just reprogram the harvesting machine's computer to overpressure the fuel tanks. Once it's destroyed, the shark should just leave. Kono Nolan: That won't work and you know it! We have to vent the toxin from the harvesting machine. Once the shark is dead, we can get back to mining the kolto.
Kono Nolan: You know what you have to do.
Sami: I just hope you make the right choice.
Journal Entry Added Mission for the Republic
There are ancient ruins near the Rift that kolto is harvested from, but there is also some sort of huge firaxan shark out in the water. The two scientists you met, Kono Nolan and Sami, have given you several possible ways of defeating this beast.

Kono says that you should poison it, and has given you a canister of some sort of blister agent they developed to use against the sharks. By putting it in the harvesting machine and venting it, it will spread through the water and kill the beast which drove the station insane.

Sami thinks that this toxin may contaminate the water or environment. She says that if you cause the machinery to rupture and explode, the beast may go back to its slumber. She says that you need to get the pressure of the harvesting machine's fuel tanks to exactly 4 million sangen. At this pressure the fuel will be extremely unstable and explode.
Item(s) Received Kono Nolan
  • Chemical Cannister

A cannister containing a chemical toxic to firaxan sharks.

If you speak to them again:

Kono Nolan
Kono Nolan: We're not leaving this room. We're safe here, and there's plenty of food and water. If you manage to reach the kolto harvesting machinery you can put the poison cannister in it and trigger it to release it into the Rift. After you've made it past the monster safely you can look for this Star Map of yours and unlock the door to the submersible docking bay. You can use the submersibles to get back to the surface and report what happened. The Republic will send down a proper rescue crew for us. No offense, but we'd rather wait for them than go with you - even if we're stuck here a few more days. Just get back to the surface afterwards, and the Republic will take care of us.

Once you've made it past the monster:

Kono Nolan: We were watching you on the cameras, and I want you to know that you did the right thing. Killing that shark probably saved us all. I'm sure the kolto will be fine. A few impurities that may have got in should be flushed out in no time. Just hurry up and get back to the surface and get the Republic to send down a real rescue team. We'll be waiting here for you. Kono Nolan: I saw what happened on the camera... and I can't believe what you did. How could you willfully destroy the kolto harvesting machinery?! That will set us back years! I will have you know that when we get back to the surface I'll have the Republic do a full inquiry into your actions! Now go back to the surface and get the Republic to send a REAL rescue team down for us.
Sami: I think we're just going to sit here. We have a lot of food and water, so we should be alright for a while. If you can make it out to the kolto harvesting machines, try to reprogram them to self destruct. Maybe that will cause the creature to stop its psychic screams.
1. Can you tell me how to disable the harvesting machine again?
Sami: You can reprogram the harvesting machines to overpressure their self-oxidizing fuel, so that the fuel tank cannisters will rupture and the entire machine will destroy itself. The Hydrolium gas we use is a gas at 1 to 3 million sangen, a liquid at about 4 million sangen, and a solid above that. When it's a liquid it's VERY explosive. If you inject enough of the Hydrolium gas into the tank, the pressure will be so great that it will turn to liquid form and start a chain reaction inside the machine.
1. Can you tell me how to disable the harvesting machine again? 3. I'll do what I have to.
Sami: Once you do that, you can open the doors to the submersible bay and go back to the surface. Make sure you tell the Republic there are still some survivors down here.
1. Can you tell me how to disable the harvesting machine again? 2. Why don't you come with me? 3. I'll do what I have to.
Sami: Kono says he won't leave, and I can't leave him here by himself. We'll stay and wait until the Republic sends a larger rescue mission. Please don't delay too long!

Once you've made it past the monster:

Sami: We saw what you did out there on the cameras...
Sami: Destroying the machinery was the right thing to do, for everyone. That creature... the giant firaxan shark, the guardian of the kolto or whatever it was, seems to have calmed down a lot. It may even be safe to go outside now. But we'll still stay here and wait for the Republic rescue crews. Thank you for not making a huge mistake. Sami: Why did you have to poison the water?? We don't know what effect it could have on the environment around here... or on the kolto. Whatever it is that's coming out of the vent now doesn't look the same at all... I only hope you didn't pollute whatever was making it... We never were able to synthesize it.

The computer panel in the pressure chamber and that mounted on the southeast wall on the north side of the force field are now inactive (as they were before the depressurization sequence was activated):


Airlock[edit | edit source]

To the north of the force field is the airlock leading to the Hrakert Rift. There's a footlocker by the southeast wall:

Item(s) Received Footlocker

The pressure door is in the north wall:

1. Begin airlock sequence. 2. Abort airlock sequence.