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If Freyyr survives the lower Shadowlands, he and his sons Zaalbar and Chuundar have a family reunion. What could possibly go wrong?

Chieftain in Need[edit | edit source]

You stand before Chuundar once again at the west end of the Hall of the Chieftain. Zaalbar stands to the left of him. A Czerka guard stands in each corner behind them, while you're flanked by a Wookiee guard with a warblade and another with a bowcaster on both sides. If you didn't kill him in the lower Shadowlands, Freyyr stands to the right of Chuundar:

Chuundar: Oh, that's just great! Everyone is here now! It's a reunion!
Freyyr: Yes, son. By the blade of Bacca's sword, I've come to end your treachery! No more will you sell your own people!
Chuundar: You have Bacca's blade? So what! I have the hilt, held by each true Chieftain in recent memory! Even you claimed it was all-important! We both have our ancient trinkets, so who will the people follow now? You? You are old and weak!
Zaalbar: Shut up! Both of you! This ends today! I... I will not see Rwookrrorro suffer any more!
3. Do none of you hairy heaps ever shut up?
Zaalbar: W-what?
1. For not being able to speak Basic, you all sure yap a lot.
Zaalbar: This is important! If you have advice, say it now.


1. You tell them, Zaalbar! 2. Quiet down. We'll use this to our advantage. 2. Nothing. How do you want to proceed, Zaalbar?
Zaalbar: I... I don't know what to do, Name. Chuundar has been telling me things... he makes sense... I think. I don't know.
1. Side with Chuundar. He has the power here! 2. No, siding with your brother would be better.
Zaalbar: Are you sure?
2. Side with Freyyr. He is the honorable one! 2. No, it's better to side with your father!
Zaalbar: Is it the best course?
4. I don't care! Just get on with it! Light Side Points Gained: +4
1. Without doubt! Chuundar is a slaver!
Jolee: Wait... isn't that my line?
Zaalbar: Then there is no other way. Chuundar! You have betrayed our people! You must pay!
Mission: Woo-hoo! Way to go, Big Z!
Freyyr: That's my boy!
Chuundar: You're too weak to fight, old wook, and I still have Czerka support! We'll see who dies today!

You move closest to the light side of the Force by urging Zaalbar to convince them to talk it through:

3. Do you have to fight? Talk it through!
Zaalbar: Could we work together? It would be difficult...
Light Side Points Gained: +6
1. Convince them! Avoid this needless slaughter!
Zaalbar: Then so be it! The fighting stops here! I will not have our world destroyed beneath you two!
Mission: Alright! Way to go, Big Z!
Freyyr: Perhaps there is hope. What say you, Chuundar?
Chuundar: What do I say? I still have Czerka support. I say you will die! Attack!

You move closer to the dark side of the Force by prodding Zaalbar to side with his brother Chuundar against their father:

Dark Side Points Gained: -4
1. Yes! Freyyr abandoned you! "Sorry" doesn't make it better!
Zaalbar: Then... then we must go a new way. I'm sorry father. Your time has passed.
Chuundar: Damn right it has! Lay down and die, old man!
Mission: I... guess he *did* toss you out on your ear, Big Z. What kind of father is that? Jolee: *That* is your advice? Side with the slaver? Fine, fine... it's your call. Bastila: Are you sure this is wise? To support a slaver feels... wrong. Canderous: Heh, now this is going to hurt some...
Freyyr: I will fight to the last! For Kashyyyk! For... the lost honor of my sons!

Side with Freyyr[edit | edit source]

Journal Entry Added Chieftain in Need
Freyyr has returned to regain leadership of Rwookrrorro, and you have helped Zaalbar decide to join with his father against Chuundar.

Aside from any party, your only allies in the hall are Freyyr and Zaalbar, although they're invulnerable at this point. The Czerka guard in each corner behind Chuundar uses a Zabrak Disruptor Cannon at range and a Stun Baton in melee combat:

Czerka Guards
Class Soldier
Level 9
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 14 +2
Dexterity 15 +2
Constitution 12 +1
Intelligence 11 0
Wisdom 15 +2
Charisma 12 +1
Vitality 84
Defense 12
Fortitude 7
Reflex 5
Will 5
Awareness 2
Ranged Main Off
Attack 13 -
Physical 1-6,+2 Uni +5 Prc
Threat 20-20,x2-
Melee Main Off
Attack 11 -
Bludgeoning 3-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats
Zabrak Disruptor Cannon

+Stun Baton On Hit: Stun10

Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifle

Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons Power Blast Rapid Shot Sniper Shot9

Two Wookiee guards use Bowcasters:

Wookiee Guards
Class Jedi Guardian
Level 1
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 13 +1
Dexterity 12 +1
Constitution 10 0
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 15 +2
Charisma 12 +1
Vitality 8
Defense 13
Fortitude 2
Reflex 3
Will 3
Awareness 2
Ranged Main Off
Attack 2 -
Damage 1-10-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Melee Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Items and abilities Feats
Bowcaster Jedi Sense

Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifle

Chuundar and the two remaining Wookiee guards using Wookiee Warblades, who can also use a Frag Grenade, receive bonuses depending on your character level:

Character level Strength Dexterity Vitality
12-14 +4 +4 +50
> 14 +6 +6 +100

Thus at character level > 14:

Class Soldier
Level 14
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 26 +8
Dexterity 24 +7
Constitution 13 +1
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 14 +2
Charisma 12 +1
Vitality 400
Defense 22
Fortitude 12
Reflex 14
Will 11
Awareness 2
Ranged Main Off
Attack 23 -
Damage 1-10,+2 +4 Piercing
Threat 19-20,x2-
Melee Main Off
Attack 19 13
Damage 11-2011-20
Threat 20-20,x220-20,x2
Items and abilities Feats
Wookiee Warblade

+Chuundar's Bowcaster

Improved Toughness

Wookiee Toughness Weapon Specialization: Melee Weapons Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifle Improved Power Attack Improved Flurry Improved Critical Strike22

Wookiee Guard
Class Soldier
Level 6
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 24 +7
Dexterity 18 +4
Constitution 15 +2
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 15 +2
Charisma 12 +1
Vitality 212
Defense 14
Fortitude 7
Reflex 6
Will 4
Awareness 2
Ranged Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Melee Main Off
Attack 9 3
Damage 8-178-17
Threat 20-20,x220-20,x2
Items and abilities Feats
Wookiee Warblade

+Frag Grenade

Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons

Power Attack Flurry Critical Strike13

While they surround and outnumber you, all are within radius of Insanity (character level > 11), Force Wave or Stasis Field (both character level > 14), which can be used to debilitate them all at once. The two Wookiee guards with bowcasters are extremely weak (only 8 Vitality) and should be killed in a single round (Force Wave will always do so even if their saving throws are successful).

Experience Points (XP) Received: Experience Points (XP) Received:
Freyyr: We have done it... I am saddened that it had to come to this, but I couldn't let it continue. Zaalbar, my son. I am truly sorry. You have suffered a great shame. I was blind. I have no excuse.
Zaalbar: I can forgive, father. I have learned a lot over the years.
1. I have a few questions about Kashyyyk, Freyyr.
Freyyr: Could they wait? I will answer what I can later, but we need to settle our current business. There is much that needs to be done.
2. What will you do about the slavers?
Freyyr: We will fight them. It will be difficult, but I swear they won't take another one of my people without bloodshed. I'll send quick-climbers to other villages and try to rally a defense. We must guard against this ever happening again. You will be the last outsider welcome here for a very long time. That is a change for the better, I think.
3. What will you do now, Zaalbar?
Zaalbar: Returning home has lifted a great weight from my mind... but it has been painful as well.
Freyyr: You have a place by my side, Zaalbar. I would be honored if you would take it.
Zaalbar: I... I can't. Not yet. I'm just getting used to being free... and not just from the slavers. And I have a life-debt. Now that my life is truly my own again, honoring that agreement is all the more important.
Freyyr: Listen to my son! His insight humbles me. Take that good judgment with you and all the planets will come to revere Wookiee wisdom.
3. I think it's time I was leaving. 4. Enough. I want my reward and then I'm leaving.
Freyyr: Perhaps, but before you go, Name, I must see to your reward. You have done us a great service. Kashyyyk will remember you well past your lifetime. Freyyr: I have not forgotten you, Name. You don't need to make demands. You have done us a great service. Kashyyyk will remember you well past your lifetime.
Freyyr: Because of you, I am reinstated as Chieftain. We will return to the old ways, when honor and trust of kin ruled above all else. I'm not sure there is a reward that accurately reflects the value of what you have done. Our world is changed because of you.
Zaalbar: I have a request, father. I have thought about it a great deal. I would like Bacca's Sword.
2. Zaalbar, shut up. I want some credits.
Mission: Look, Big Z may owe you a life-debt but you've got to cut him some slack! Jolee: Now, you just close your hole, child. It's a shock, I'm sure, but this isn't about you. Juhani: You should not be so self-serving, lest you fall to the dark side.
Zaalbar: I have gone through a lot here. I don't think it's too much to ask that I choose the reward.
1. That would be fitting, I think. 2. Zaalbar, shut up. I want some credits.
Freyyr: Well... That is quite a request. I am tempted to say no but... perhaps I should consider it an investment. Zaalbar, do you understand what this will mean? It is the legacy of our people, held by chieftains... and future chieftains.
Zaalbar: I understand. I want this, father. I'll bring it back one day.
Light Side Points Gained: +6
Freyyr: I have no doubt. Let the two halves of the blade be made one. My son shall hold Bacca's Sword.

Party selection opens, allowing you to add Zaalbar to your party again, although you remain in the hall so this isn't necessary.

Journal Entry Added Chieftain in Need
Freyyr was very grateful that you helped him regain his place as chieftain. He will see that his people are restored to glory and that Zaalbar is no longer an outcast...
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 3510 Helped Freyyr regain his place as chieftain
Item(s) Received Freyyr Item(s) Received Chuundar

You can speak to Freyyr again to ask about the Star Map if you haven't already acquired it (or the Computer if you have), and the Mandalorian hunters in the Shadowlands:

Freyyr: Welcome back, Name. Much is happening, but I can spare a moment. Our fight against the slavers will be a long one.
Freyyr: Have you questions? I will try to answer. Zaalbar: Greetings father. It is good to see you again.
2. I'm looking for something called a Star Map.
Freyyr: I have no knowledge of anything like that. Wait... there was something... In my exile I encountered a strange computer in the depths of the Shadowlands. I thought it was a Czerka cast-off. You might find something of use in it. It was northwest of the area where you encountered me.
2. I saw a strange computer in the Shadowlands.
Freyyr: Yes, I remember seeing it during my exile. It wouldn't do much for me. I imagine it's some Czerka cast-off.
1. It's older than the forest. It created the trees.
Freyyr: You are saying nonsense. I'm not sure why you have made this jest but I would ask that you stop. These are difficult times. I don't want you threatening our traditions while I am trying to unite my people under them. I will investigate your claims at a more appropriate time. Until then, don't speak of this again.
3. I encountered some Mandalorian hunters in the Shadowlands.
Freyyr: I am surprised that such a thing escaped my attention. Was their camouflage so great, or was I simply too struck by grief to see anything? If more are encountered, we will deal with them in short order. My people will never be weak again.
4. I should be going.
Zaalbar: Yes, goodbye, father.
Freyyr: Farewell to you. I thank you again.

If Zaalbar isn't in your party and you can dominate minds, if you ask Freyyr about the reward then you can get him to pay you credits (although you'll move closer to the dark side of the Force even if you're only able to affect minds):

1. I want to ask about the reward you gave.
Freyyr: Yes, Bacca's Sword. It promises a great future for my people in my son's hands.
1. Yes, sure, but I've got bills to pay. 2. Nothing. Let's go back to my questions.
Zaalbar: What? Wait, I won't have you demean the gift of Bacca's Sword by asking for money as well. I mean it, I don't want to hear you ask my father about this again. Freyyr: I will answer if I can. Be brief.

Otherwise, another member of your party will warn, but not stop you:

Jolee: Oh, this isn't wise. An angry Wookiee can't be reasoned with.
Mission: Careful, I've seen Zaalbar get this mad too. There's no persuading him when it happens.
Canderous: Don't push him too much or we'll have a berserk Wookiee on our hands...
HK-47: Observation: You are angering this Wookiee beyond reasoning. Caution would be best.
Carth: Careful. He'll be impossible to reason with if you get him any madder.
Bastila: This Wookiee does not like this line of questioning. You'll anger him past reasoning.
Juhani: Your should not press him too far. It may have unfortunate consequences.
Freyyr: What did you just say?
1. I want some credits in addition to the sword.
Freyyr: I see. So the gift of our greatest symbol is not enough for you?
Dark Side Points Gained: -2
1. [Force Persuade] You want to pay me credits. Many, many credits.
Freyyr: [Failure] No I don't, you gorryl slug trail! How dare you suggest that Bacca's Sword is insufficient!
link=Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic}}/Force powers#Affect Mind 1. [Force Persuade] You want to pay me credits. Many, many credits. 2. I'm sorry, forget I said anything.
Freyyr: I will let this pass and treat you with due respect for the sake of my son, but *never* speak to me of this again.
link=Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic}}/Force powers#Affect Mind 1. [Force Persuade] You want to pay me credits. Many, many credits.
Freyyr: [Success] I... I want to... give you some credits as well. Here... something we salvaged from Chuundar's Czerka bribes. Yes, I think that is fair. I think. Better not mention it to anyone. It's just between you and me.
Credits Received: 750

If you speak to Zaalbar afterwards, you can find out what effect this whole experience has had on him:

1. Do you know anything about this planet we're on?
Zaalbar: So many things have changed on Kashyyyk. I'm not sure what my place is. I must learn more about you outsiders. When I know enough, I will understand how to best serve my people. I will travel with eyes open this time. But, I leave with good feelings. My father will do what is right until I can return. And I will, when my life-debt is paid.
3. I want to know a little more about you, Zaalbar. 3. Have anything more to say about yourself, Zaalbar?
Zaalbar: You have seen more than I would have allowed, and taught me some things too. I am grateful for that. It will be a while before I know what my role will be in making Kashyyyk truly free. I have a lot to learn.
1. Why did you request to take Bacca's Sword?
Zaalbar: I'm not sure I really know. Father expects much of me... I guess I do as well. I think, when I've learned enough, I'll bring it back to Kashyyyk. What happens then... we'll see.
2. I'm sorry we can't stay on Kashyyyk longer.
Zaalbar: You and I have important things to do, and I don't feel bad about leaving this time. I know I'll be welcomed back.
3. This nostalgia won't interfere with your service to me, I hope.
Zaalbar: I should get mad, but I won't. Your comment was callous, but you have shown you respect my people. And it is that harshness of you outsiders that I must try to understand. I will follow undistracted while I observe.
4. I wish you well. Let's get going. 4. Never mind. Let's just get moving.
Zaalbar: I will follow.

Exit the hall via the door in the east wall.

Village of Rwookrrorro[edit | edit source]

The Wookiee guarding the Chieftain's Hall is gone, but you can still speak to any other Wookiee, male or female:

Freyyr is back in power! Slavers will learn to fear us now!
Chuundar deserved death. He made us fearful and weak.
The honor of Kashyyyk is tainted. Only slaver blood will make things right.
Freyyr has been through much. His wrath will make us strong.
Freyyr will not let us fall to slavers. He would rather die.
It is right that Chuundar died. He was tainted by outsider greed.
Kashyyyk will rise to repel the slaver threat. Freyyr will see to it.
Freyyr will not let slavers take us. Of that, I am certain.

If you speak to the Wookiee female wandering between the hall and the gates on the walkways below them:

Wookiee: Freyyr is returned to us! The madness of Chuundar will be undone. It is a great day, and I'm told it is because of you, Name.
Wookiee: And you, Zaalbar, you fought for us even when shunned. All of Rwookrrorro is grateful, and also shamed for the way you were treated. Wookiee: What can I do for you?
Zaalbar: I am proud of today. Yesterday is forgotten.
2. It was like managing foolish children. 3. I'm glad I could help.
Wookiee: You taint yourself with your words. You are a friend to us. Don't ruin it with your crazy outsider ways. Wookiee: And we are glad you did. Thank you. We will be strong again.

Either of these responses ends the dialog. Otherwise:

1. I need to ask you some questions.
Wookiee: I will answer if I can.
1. Are there local concerns besides the slavers?
2. I'm looking for a Star Map.
Wookiee: I don't know about that. You outsiders from away are always looking for strange things. It makes you crazy. Maybe you should search for that fool living in the Shadowlands. Our hunters say they see him from time to time and sometimes he helps them.
Jolee: Madam, I am not a fool. I survive because I am careful. Wookiee: I don't know how he stays alive. Maybe animals won't eat crazy-meat. I don't know.
Wookiee: See, you are all crazy. You can't be him. The hunters say he is a great warrior and fearsome.
3. Farewell.
Wookiee: Goodbye then. Thank you.

So while she's more friendly than she may have been before, she's no more helpful.

Great Walkway[edit | edit source]

If you speak to the Wookiee guarding the village gates upon exiting:

Wookiee Guard: Freyyr has returned to us because of you, outsider. You are one of the few outsiders we will allow to remain among us in the village.

If you speak to the Wookiee guarding the southeast walkway to the Basket to the Shadowlands:

Wookiee Guard: By order of Chieftain Freyyr, you are allowed full access to the Shadowlands and our village. You have our thanks, outsider.

Gorwooken will be gone but you can now use the basket yourself to go down to the Shadowlands:

Basket: [Having seen Gorwooken use the basket, you understand it well-enough to operate it.]
1. [Go down to the Shadowlands.] 2. [I don't need this right now.]
Basket: [The basket begins to descend into the darkness.] Basket: [You leave the basket as it is.]

You can return there if need be, or go back to the Czerka landing port to the northwest.

Czerka Landing Port[edit | edit source]

Upon returning to the Czerka Landing Port, the Czerka guard captain and guard will be gone, as will everyone else, as Wookiee rebels overwhelm the landing platform:

Wookiee Rebel: Raargh!

Four Wookiee rebels engage in melee combat with four Czerka guards on the walkway between the gates and Janos' office. You can assist the rebels, although they're invulnerable and perfectly capable of dispatching the guards quickly without your help. Either way, you receive experience for the kills:

Experience Points (XP) Received: Experience Points (XP) Received:

Three more Wookiee rebels with bowcasters engage another three Czerka guards further along the walkway, where Eli and Matton used to conduct business:

Experience Points (XP) Received:

Once it's all over, a single Wookiee rebel stands in each location. Messengers can no longer appear for party members, and the rebels can comment but cannot be engaged in dialog.

Wookiee Rebel
Death to all slavers! Kashyyyk will be free!
The outsiders will pay for how they dishonored us!
At last, we will push them off our beloved Kashyyyk!
The Shadowlands are too good for them! We'll kill them all!
These Czerka animals will die by sword and bowcaster!
Let their blood feed out forests! That will be their payment!
Let no one escape! They must learn the price we place on dishonor!
Kashyyyk will be ours once more!
You are the only outsider that will survive us! We swear it!
Czerka will never come back here, we will make certain!

The same applies to the two Wookiee guards now flanking either side of the Ebon Hawk's boarding ramp:

Wookiee Guard
We will remember what happened here. Slavers will not take us again.
If another company comes to Kashyyyk, they will find it impossible to do what Czerka did.
It will be a long time before we allow ourselves to be as weak as Chuundar made us.
Your presence is tolerated because of how you helped us, outsider.
Thank you for your assistance, outsider. I doubt we will meet another of your kind like you.
We will guard this landing place from now on. Yours is the only ship that will be allowed to dock here for a long time, outsider.

Side with Chuundar[edit | edit source]

If you already killed Freyyr in the lower Shadowlands, you're brought before Chuundar by Gorwooken and there's no combat:

Chuundar: Well, my mercenary returns. My climbers tell me you did well, Name, although they couldn't follow you the whole time.
Zaalbar: Chuundar told me who the mad-claw was. Have you done it then? Have you... killed my father?
1. Freyyr was your father? I didn't know that. 2. Yes. It had to be done. Move forward. 3. I butchered him. Is there a problem? 4. I wasn't offered much alternative.
Chuundar: I avoided his name when I sent you after him, but the pompous old wook must have said something! You're an inattentive fool if you truly didn't know, but it doesn't matter. Zaalbar has begun to see my side of things. Chuundar: So you did it for Zaalbar's well-being? It's possible, but it doesn't matter. Zaalbar has begun to see my side of things. Chuundar: Not with me, and I doubt Zaalbar will give you any trouble for it. He's coming around to my way of thinking. Chuundar: That is true. I would have killed you. Besides, the old wook's time is done. Zaalbar has begun to see my side of things.
Zaalbar: I've been reminded of how Freyyr cast me out. I see how easily he has been disposed of, himself. We are stronger without him. Chuundar's way is better.
Chuundar: Of course it is. I will make our people strong with outsider weapons and influence. And for you, I shall see that your status is restored... in due time.


Journal Entry Added Chieftain in Need
Freyyr has returned to regain leadership of Rwookrrorro, but you have prodded Zaalbar to side with his brother Chuundar against their father.

The only enemies are Freyyr and the two Wookiee guards with warblades flanking you on either side. Freyyr is a shadow of his former self:

Class Soldier
Level 14
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 24 +7
Dexterity 14 +2
Constitution 20 +5
Intelligence 15 +2
Wisdom 15 +2
Charisma 12 +1
Vitality 190
Defense 12
Fortitude 14
Reflex 6
Will 6
Awareness 2
Ranged Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Melee Main Off
Attack 21 -
Damage 8-19-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats
Long Sword Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons

The Wookiee guards receive bonuses depending on your character level:

Character level Strength Dexterity Vitality
12-14 +4 +4 +50
> 14 +6 +6 +100

Thus at character level > 14:

Wookiee Guard
Class Soldier
Level 6
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 24 +7
Dexterity 18 +4
Constitution 15 +2
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 15 +2
Charisma 12 +1
Vitality 212
Defense 14
Fortitude 7
Reflex 6
Will 4
Awareness 2
Ranged Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Melee Main Off
Attack 9 3
Damage 8-178-17
Threat 20-20,x220-20,x2
Items and abilities Feats
Wookiee Warblade

+Frag Grenade

Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons

Power Attack Flurry Critical Strike13

Experience Points (XP) Received: Experience Points (XP) Received:
Chuundar: I trust we have all learned something about opposing me? You risked much by pretending to support Freyyr.
Zaalbar: I don't want to dwell on it. The deed is done. You rule Kashyyyk. I will follow.
Chuundar: At last you understand. For your loyalty, I'll see your name restored... eventually. It takes time to make people think what I want them to.

Regardless of where Freyyr was killed:

1. Will Zaalbar have a place here, then?
Chuundar: Yes... in time. I will need time to construct a reason for his glorious return. Until then, I think he should accompany you.
Zaalbar: I would prefer that. There is nothing here for me. You have shown me that. So have you, Name.
Chuundar: Yes, yes, you have realized the truth. We will all move forward, and for now it would be better if you left.
1. Let's go back to my other questions.
Chuundar: Hurry then. I have other things to take care of.
3. Will I be rewarded for my efforts?
Chuundar: I will see to it that you are given what you deserve. Finish with your questions and we will settle our accounts.

You can ask about what you saw in the Shadowlands:

2. I want to ask about what I saw in the Shadowlands. 1. Back to my Shadowland questions, all right?
Chuundar: Yes, my spies said you found some interesting things down there. Remarkable for an outsider.
1. There were Mandalorian hunters. Very advanced.
Chuundar: My spies weren't too clear in explaining what was going on. I hear they could blend against the background of the forest? Interesting. I will have my best Wookiees examine the corpses. I'll keep this knowledge to myself, I think. The Czerka need not know.
2. I saw an ancient computer of some kind.
Chuundar: Did you? You were out of sight from my spies for a long time. Perhaps it was some crashed ship?
1. It's been there since before the forest.
Chuundar: Now I think you are just making things up. Nothing is older than the forest, not even we Wookiees.
Jolee: Oh, you're wrong on that count, actually. Not that I would expect you to know that.
Chuundar: I might send someone to try and find this ancient computer, but I think you are mistaken. Crazy outsider.
3. There were Czerka poachers down there.
Chuundar: Yes, and you made a mess of their operation. I am not pleased about that, but I can overlook it. I will have to make amends to Czerka Corporation on the next slave shipment, but your service elsewhere was worth it.
4. I met the hermit Jolee Bindo down there.
Chuundar: So, the insane outsider is real. Interesting. I trust you are removing him? I'd hate to see him come to harm.
Jolee: Bah! Save your threats, I'm sick of the forest. And I'm not too fond of what happened here. I'll take the ride.
Chuundar: Yes, better that he leave. It's hard to blame the Shadowlands for missing Wookiees when he lives down there.


2. It's time I left.
Chuundar: Yes, I think it is. But what should I reward you with? I wonder if you know the magnitude of what you have done here? You've made certain I cannot be challenged. With Freyyr gone, there is nobody to whine about the old traditions. Everyone believes in my way... even Zaalbar. I will lead the Wookiee people to a great future... safely under my thumb. What should be the reward, brother? What will be your reward for joining me?
Zaalbar: You've shown me how useless our traditions are, so what is there to want? I'll take Bacca's sword. At least it's still useful in combat.
1. I think that would be fitting.
Chuundar: Hmm... I agree with the request. The sword has lost its influence here, and removing it from Kashyyyk will kill the old ways completely. That would suit my plans well.


2. Wait Zaalbar. I want credits out of this. 3. Shut up, Wookiee, I'm bargaining!
Mission: Whoa, Big Z! Settle down! I've never seen him this angry before! Jolee: My, my. Best to give an angry Wookiee his due, I'd say. Canderous: Getting Wookiees angry is not a smart thing to do. Juhani: Perhaps you should not be so self-serving.
Chuundar: Uh... it seems Zaalbar has made up his mind, and I agree. The sword has lost its influence here. Removing it from Kashyyyk will kill the old ways completely.

If you killed Freyyr but not the ritual beast in the lower Shadowlands:

Chuundar: The only problem is that I only have the hilt of the thing. The blade was lost in the Shadowlands long ago.
1. I might be able to find the blade. 2. Well, that ends that. Perhaps something else?
Chuundar: Will you? Very well. Here, take the hilt. Find the blade and you should be able to assemble the sword. Chuundar: I think I'll leave it for you to sort out. Take the hilt. Find the blade and you should be able to assemble the sword.
Chuundar: And if you don't or can't, it'll still be gone from my sight. I think that takes care of everything.


1. I have the blade. Chuundar: Here, let's get the blade off Father's corpse. I should be able to... yes... I think that does it.
Chuundar: You are full of surprises. Let me see... this should be a simple matter. Yes, I think... there we go.
Chuundar: Take it. It's harmless in the hands of an exile and an outsider. Freyyr was the true force behind it, and the new generation will forget him quickly. You've seen to that.
Mission: You're not fooling anyone, ya know. Jolee: Oh, yes. Far better to have both the blade and a possible rival as far from Kashyyyk as possible, hey? *sigh* I feel very tired of this place, now.
Zaalbar: Leave it alone, Mission. This is what I want now. Chuundar: You are free to leave with my brother, mad hermit. Nothing compels you to remain.
Mission: If you say so, Big Z. Jolee: Right you are. I think I'll do just that.
Chuundar: That finishes our business. Take care, Zaalbar. We'll welcome you back someday. When I decide the people are ready. Not before.
Zaalbar: Don't worry, brother. I know your way is the best. It's the only way our people will survive in a galaxy full of outsider lies.
Chuundar: And you, outsider, you'll understand why I don't invite you to stay. The uncontested ruler of Kashyyyk will not abide troublemakers...
Dark Side Points Gained: -6
Chuundar: No matter how helpful they may have been. Goodbye.
Journal Entry Added Chieftain in Need
Chuundar was very appreciative that you killed Freyyr, his and Zaalbar's father. With your urging, Zaalbar too has decided it was for the best, adopting his brother's darker view of the future.
Journal Entry Added Chieftain in Need
Chuundar was very appreciative that you killed Freyyr, his and Zaalbar's father. Zaalbar, too, has decided it was for the best, adopting his brother's darker view of the future.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 3510 Killed Freyyr after urging Zaalbar to side with Chuundar
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 2385 Killed Freyyr in the lower Shadowlands
Item(s) Received Chuundar

You only receive Bacca's Ceremonial Blade if you or Freyyr brought Bacca's Sword Blade up from the lower Shadowlands after killing the ritual beast. Otherwise, the hilt is given to Zaalbar so he has to be in your party (and nearby) if you return to the Shadowlands to kill the beast.

Party selection now opens, allowing you to add Zaalbar to your party again. If Freyyr was killed in the Shadowlands then this is your only chance to change your party until you return to the Czerka landing port via the Great Walkway, as you're now escorted outside the village, forbidden to return.

Village of Rwookrrorro[edit | edit source]

If Freyyr was not killed in the Shadowlands then the Wookiee guarding the village gates remains and you can return to Rwookrrorro village. However, if you try to return to the Chieftain's Hall or speak to the Wookiee guarding it:

Wookiee Guard: Great Chuundar has finished with you, Name. You may walk the sacred boughs of our village, but expect no further audience. Go, and expect no more to be said!

If Zaalbar is in your party and you speak to the Wookiee female wandering between the hall and the gates on the walkways below them, then the two may now interact during dialog.

Great Walkway[edit | edit source]

If Freyyr was killed in the Shadowlands then the Wookiee guarding the village gates has been replaced by a green Twi'lek Czerka guard:

Rwookrrorro Guard: The village of Rwookrrorro is now under the joint protection of chieftain Chuundar and Czerka Corporation. All further interaction by outsiders is forbidden. I think you will agree that now that we have achieved such an optimal business arrangement, we don't wish to risk further instability. Rwookrrorro Guard: Take your concerns to Janos at the docking port. Rwookrrorro is under the joint protection of Chuundar and Czerka Corporation.
1. What if Zaalbar has something to say about this?
Rwookrrorro Guard: I would assume that he has very little to say, or he would have said it before.
Zaalbar: I have made my peace with Chuundar. I see that his way is best. You showed me that. There is nothing here for me anymore.
2. What are your plans now?
Rwookrrorro Guard: I am merely a guard. You will have to address any further concerns with Janos back at the outpost docking port.
3. What if I don't approve of this?
Rwookrrorro Guard: Then you shouldn't have helped to make it happen. It is far too late for such a confrontational tone. Please, address further concerns with Janos.
4. Goodbye.
Rwookrrorro Guard: Czerka Corporation welcomes your future inquiries... through the proper channels.

If you speak to Zaalbar, you can find out what effect this whole experience has had on him:

1. Do you know anything about the planet we're on?
Zaalbar: So many things have changed on Kashyyyk. I'm not sure what my place is. I must learn more about you outsiders. Chuundar has told me much about our failures here. I think learning how to really live elsewhere will help. And maybe... maybe I'll come back to fight... but not now.
3. I want to know a little more about you, Zaalbar.
Zaalbar: I will fulfill my life debt with you, but I don't think outsiders are worthy of knowing about me or my people. I don't think I have to explain why. You witnessed what happened on Kashyyyk, what is still going on.
1. The slavers are responsible for what happened, not me. 2. Perhaps the outsiders are to blame, but your people are complicit. 3. Your attitude better not interfere with your service to me.
Zaalbar: Chuundar showed me that you are all the same, all greedy, but I also learned that outsiders can be used. Zaalbar: Did we ask to be enslaved? Suffer like we have and then you can criticize how we dealt with this. Chuundar has done what he must to ensure we survive. I see it now. He has shown me you can be used. Zaalbar: I am only a slave to you, just like my people are slaves. Well, Chuundar has shown me how to use you anyway.
Zaalbar: As long as you think you are leading, you don't care what those beneath you do. I will use this to my advantage. I owe you a life debt, and I will honor it, but I will also serve myself. That is all I have to say.

These responses end the dialog, never to be repeated:

3. Have anything more to say about yourself, Zaalbar?
Zaalbar: I have said all I am going to. I will follow you as my life debt commands, but you are just another outsider to me.

If you return to the Basket to the Shadowlands, Gorwooken will be gone but you can now use the basket yourself to go down to the Shadowlands:

Basket: [Having seen Gorwooken use the basket, you understand it well-enough to operate it.]
1. [Go down to the Shadowlands.] 2. [I don't need this right now.]
Basket: [The basket begins to descend into the darkness.] Basket: [You leave the basket as it is.]

You can return there if need be, or go back to the Czerka landing port to the northwest.

Czerka Landing Port[edit | edit source]

Upon returning to the Czerka Landing Port, two Wookiees are escorted from Janos' office by two Czerka guards before he speaks to you again:

Janos Wertka: I welcome you back. Czerka Corporation would like to extend its thanks to you for representing its interests so thoroughly. Chuundar is very interested in furthering our exchange of labor for weapons. We've begun expanding our operations, as I'm sure you've seen.
1. I think Zaalbar will have something to say about this. 2. I don't approve of this.
Janos Wertka: The time for objections is long since passed, if there ever was one. You brought about this change. You have no one to blame. Czerka will be operating here for quite some time. All things considered, this was the gentlest outcome possible.
Janos Wertka: Czerka will be operating here for quite some time. All things considered, this was the gentlest outcome possible. Zaalbar: I have no objections. Chuundar showed me the way things must be. There is nothing for me here. The old ways are dead.
Janos Wertka: Er, the tone of your Wookiee's muttering seems agreeable. He likely agrees that this was the gentlest outcome possible.
3. It's not my concern. 4. It was the only outcome possible.
Janos Wertka: It was the gentlest outcome possible. I am sure that everyone will come to see this in time.
1. What are your plans for Kashyyyk?
Janos Wertka: Czerka Corporation will begin an extensive examination of the commercial potential of this world. The Wookiees will aid us in this. I'm certain there are ample resources for us to export. I doubt we will encounter much more resistance. We will be here for quite some time.
2. I need supplies. What do you have available?
3. I'm looking for something called a Star Map.
Janos Wertka: I have no information about that. You appear to have explored deeper than any of our current expeditions. I certainly can't expand on what you've seen.
4. Goodbye.
Janos Wertka: Very well. Thank you again for your assistance.

If you return:

Janos Wertka: Thank you again for your assistance. Is there anything further you need?