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A Rodian named Hulas stands alone on the south side of the East Central courtyard by the ocean. You can ask him questions about himself, the Republic, Sith and Selkath on Manaan, but this isn't necessary:

Hulas: A human? There are Selkath everywhere, but you choose to speak with me. Am I so different? Do you think I have answers that others do not?
1. That's a rather strange greeting. 2. Answers? What are you talking about?
Hulas: These are strange times. The Sith and the Republic battle to control the galaxy, but their war destroys what they both seek to possess. The war sows fear and confusion, people are lost. They want guidance, direction. They have questions, and they want answers. That is why I am here... I too seek answers.
1. Answers? Answers to what?
Hulas: The Republic. The Sith. The war. Everything. Nothing. Answers are always hardest to find when the questions are unclear. Yet that does not stop us from searching.
2. Who are you?
Hulas: A name? There is power in names, yet in the end a name alone means less than nothing. I am Hulas, a traveler from the world of Duro. And what is your name, human?
1. My name is Name. 2. My name is none of your business.
Hulas: Name. Now we know something about each other... but really, we still know nothing. What do you want with me, human? Hulas: You presume to know my business, human. Yet if your name becomes important to me I only have to check with the Selkath registry to know it. But for now, keep your secret well hidden if you wish. What is it you want with me, human?
3. I'll be going now. 2. Nothing. I'll be going now.
Hulas: And so you leave, perhaps to return. Perhaps not. Yet I will remain here, for my work is not done.
Hulas: You return. Was our business so unfinished when we last spoke? What is it you want?
1. Who are you again?
Hulas: You have forgotten my name? Knowledge is power, but information is useless if you do not make a point to remember it. I am Hulas, a traveler from the world of Duro.
1. I want to ask you some questions. 2. I want to ask you some more questions. 2. Never mind. I want to ask you some other questions.
Hulas: I will do my best to answer them, though I am only recently arrived to this world. Many of your questions would be better answered by others, I'm sure.
1. What are you doing here on Manaan?
Hulas: I am an observer, a seeker of answers. The Sith and Republic vie for control of the galaxy, and I am anxious to know as much as I can about the eventual victor. On Manaan, I can observe both parties in relative safety. The Sith and the Republic co-exist here, unlike anywhere else in the galaxy. Here I watch, and study, and learn.
1. You're a spy!
Hulas: No, a spy is a stealer of hidden secrets. A spy slinks in the shadows and gains entrance to forbidden rooms. I am only a simple observer. I watch the Sith on this world. I watch the Republic. I watch the Selkath. I see how they act and react and I can draw conclusions about their true natures. I see what drives them. And when an ultimate victor emerges from this war, I will know them better than they know themselves. This will give me power: the power to survive and thrive no matter what events may come.
1. So that's all you do? Sit and watch?
Hulas: Sit. Watch. Study. Learn. Wait. For now, that is all. I gather knowledge and I wait for a day when this knowledge will serve me well.
2. What can you tell me about the Republic here on Manaan?
Hulas: The Republic comes to Manaan with offers of alliance, but the Selkath are wary. They have no wish to join the Republic, given recent history. The Republic say they protect the galaxy, but they have seen much war: Exar Kun, the Mandalorians, the Sith. Why does the Republic breed so many enemies? Until they know the answer, the Selkath will not join. They have no wish to make the Republic's many enemies their own. More than this I cannot say.
3. Do you know anything about the Sith here on Manaan?
Hulas: War is the tool of empire building. The Sith conquer world after world, taking resources as they want. They came to Manaan to plunder the most valuable resource of all - Kolto. But Manaan is different, it is difficult to conquer. If the Sith attack the Selkath can slip away to safety far below the oceans. They can hoard their Kolto - or give it to the Republic. So Manaan gives us a glimpse of how the Sith will react should they win this war. Here the Sith must use diplomacy and negotiation: tools they will need to maintain their empire.
1. The Sith don't negotiate. They'll use brute force to maintain control.
Hulas: They might try, but an army can only build an empire, not sustain it. Rebellions, insurrections - in time the weight of the Sith's own policies would bring them down. It may take a century, or two, or even three. But eventually the Sith will learn diplomacy or their Empire will fall.
4. What do you know about the Selkath?
Hulas: The Selkath are a species of secrets. They invite both the Sith and the Republic to their world, but welcome neither. They keep their true allegiance close to the vest. They hide their true numbers in great cities beneath the ocean that no off-worlder will ever see. They guard the secret of Kolto - where it is made, how it is made. The Selkath are a great mystery. To the Sith, to the Republic, to me... their secrets are what makes them strong. I would tell you more if I knew, but I do not.

However, if you've encountered and killed Calo Nord, acquired a second Star Map and received a datapad from Senni Vek but ignored the instruction to come alone:

1. Senni Vek gave me a message to see you.
Hulas: Senni Vek? This name means nothing to me. Are you certain this person told you and your companions to come and see me? That is very strange. Obviously there must be some mistake. Or maybe this is a joke. I doubt anyone named 'Senni Vek' told you to bring your companions and come speak with me.
1. He gave me this datapad. It mentions the Genoharadan.
Hulas: Genoharadan? That word means nothing to me. If you want to speak like a fool, you should at least have the sense not to do it in front of others. I believe we should end this discussion, before you embarrass yourself further in front of your friends.
Journal Entry Added Genoharadan
You tried talking to Hulas about the Genoharadan, but he claimed not to know anything. Maybe he will speak to you if you leave the rest of your party back in the Ebon Hawk.

After removing your party:

Hulas: Senni did not think you would come, but I knew better, Name. It is good that you have come alone, for if you ever come with others I will not speak to you of these things. I am Hulas of the Genoharadan - a secret society of bounty hunters. For a thousand generations we have existed, but always hidden beneath an impenetrable veil.
1. I've never heard of you.
Hulas: Few ever have. We are shadow, darkness and night. We are less than a whisper or a thought. We have managed to keep our existence a secret far longer than most could ever imagine. If you are ever foolish enough to tell anyone about this meeting or the Genoharadan's existence, they would not believe you. They would probably think you were paranoid, or mentally unstable. Not even those closest to you can know we have approached you. If you ever speak to me around any of your companions, I will not discuss the Genoharadan. Do you understand, Name?
1. I understand. 2. You can't impose your rules on me!
Hulas: I believe you speak the truth, Name. But remember this: if you ever betray us, this opportunity will be lost forever. Few among the galaxy have ever heard of the Genoharadan. They never see us, never know we are there. They do not even know we exist. If you do not follow our rules, we will vanish and you will be like all the others. You will never see us again. We will be nothing but a figment of your imagination. But if you swear to keep the secrets of our order, you will learn of a forbidden society known only to a handful throughout the galaxy. Hulas: If you do not comply, then this opportunity will be lost. Most people have never heard of the Genoharadan. They never see us, never know we are there, do not even know we exist. If you do not follow our rules, I will leave and you will be like the others. You will never see us again. The Genoharadan will be nothing but a figment of your imagination. If you swear to keep our existence a secret you will learn of a a forbidden society known only to a handful throughout the galaxy. If not, we will simply vanish. The choice is yours.
2. I've changed my mind. I don't want to be a part of this. 2. Forget it.
Hulas: As you wish. Then this is the last you will see of me, or any of the Genoharadan. Farewell, Name.
Journal Entry Added Genoharadan
You've learned that the Genoharadan are a secret society of bounty hunters and assassins. They extended an offer to join their guild, but you turned them down. It is unlikely a second offer will be forthcoming.

If you refuse to swear to secrecy, this quest is no longer active. Otherwise:

1. I will preserve the secrecy of your order. 1. Very well, I'll keep your secret.
Hulas: Excellent, Name. We have high hopes for you within the guild... if you prove yourself worthy. Listen closely and I will give you a first glimpse into our secret world. We Genoharadan are an ancient guild of elite bounty hunters. For thousands of years we have been at work throughout the galaxy, eliminating our targets in near total secrecy.
1. How does anybody hire you if nobody knows you exist?
Hulas: In the highest corridors of power a handful of people know we exist, and how to contact us. Of course, these people are smart enough to keep this knowledge a carefully guarded secret. And on very rare occasions, when we are seeking new clients, one of our guild-masters will approach a powerful political figure and offer our services when the time is ripe.
1. You're nothing but common assassins!
Hulas: The Genoharadan are far from common! Even Calo Nord hadn't proven himself worthy of joining our guild, though he was getting close. Until he met you, that is.
1. You're nothing but common assassins! 2. What does this have to do with me?
Hulas: By killing Calo Nord, you have shown you have great potential. The Genoharadan could use someone like you, if you are willing. And your work for us could be of great aid to the Republic.
1. How will killing innocent people help the Republic?
Hulas: Innocent people? Our victims are far from innocent, and the Genoharadan will only accept a contract if the target's death suits our greater goals - goals that often match those of the Republic.
1. How will killing innocent people help the Republic? 2. Why would the Genoharadan protect the Republic? 3. Are you saying you serve the Republic?
Hulas: The Genoharadan have a vested interest in preserving the Republic. It is the perfect cover for our work. We operate behind the scenes, manipulating events through subtle machinations. Do you think the Republic has persisted for 15,000 years by mere accident? If not for our influence - distasteful as our methods may be to some - the Republic would have collapsed long ago! We understand the bureaucracy of the Republic, we have learned how to alter the course of political events under the existing regime. We have no wish to see the Republic fall.
1. This is a little hard to believe.
Hulas: That is one of the reasons our existence has remained secret for so long. Nobody wants to believe in a secret society manipulating and controlling events on a grand scale. Rumors and hints of our existence are dismissed as paranoid fantasies. But we do exist, Name. And we have come to ask you to join us.
2. Why would I want to join you? 3. What's in this for me?
Hulas: As I said earlier, your efforts here will help the Republic. And by aiding us you will earn the right to join an exclusive organization with the power to alter the very course of galactic history. And of course there is the simplest reason of all: the Genoharadan reward their agents very, very well.
1. Okay, what do I have to do to join?
Hulas: As you can imagine, joining the Genoharadan is not a simple process. To begin, we will need proof of your loyalty and your competence. When you feel you are ready, I will give you a task: a target who must be eliminated. Of course you will have to come alone whenever you wish to discuss Genoharadan business.
2. I'll be back later.
Hulas: I will be waiting here for you, Name. The Genoharadan are eager to see the extent of your abilities.
Journal Entry Added Genoharadan
Hulas has revealed that the Genoharadan are a secret society of bounty hunters and assassins that have existed for twenty thousand years. Hulas has offered to let you join the mysterious group, if you can prove yourself worthy. You should speak to him when you are ready to begin your initiation into the guild.

You can ask some questions about the Genoharadan before committing:

Hulas: Welcome back, Name. I see you have come alone, this is good. I assume you are here to discuss the business of the Genoharadan.
2. I have some questions about the Genoharadan.
Hulas: You must understand that there is much I cannot tell you until you are accepted into the guild, of course. But ask your questions and I will tell you what I can.
1. Who formed this guild? Where did it begin?
Hulas: I'm sorry, Name, but I am not ready to reveal all our secrets to you yet. Perhaps after you have completed another of your missions I will tell you more of this.
2. Why haven't the Genoharadan assassinated Malak?
Hulas: Malak is no easy target, even for the Genoharadan. He is far too visible a figure. We prefer to operate on the fringes of events, not plunge into their center. In any case, there is no guarantee that the Genoharadan would eliminate Malak even if we could. Not yet. He may someday be of use to us, depending how events play out. Right now we support the Republic, but the goals of our guild are many and our methods subtle. At times we intervene in wars, but often we prefer to remain behind the scenes. We have found it more effective to let the grand scope of events play themselves out, then manipulate the situation to our advantage. It is one of the keys to keeping our existence well hidden.
3. Do the Jedi Order know about your guild?
Hulas: Some of the wise Masters have knowledge of our existence. Those who study galactic history carefully will see evidence of our influence throughout. But it is unlikely that even the Jedi know the true scope of our power and influence. They permit us to exist because they see us as a minor faction in the galaxy; one of many. Still, we try to avoid crossing paths with the Order. The Jedi are powerful and difficult to manipulate. We are careful to avoid actions that would draw their full attention. Despite their wisdom, the Jedi are in many ways like everyone else. They would not believe the true extent of our secret society even if you were to tell them.
4. I don't have any other questions.
Hulas: Is there anything else, Name?
5. I'll be back later.
Hulas: I will be waiting here for you, Name. The Genoharadan are eager to see the extent of your abilities.

Once you're ready to prove yourself worthy, he'll tell you about Zuulan Sentar and Lorgal:

1. I'm ready to prove myself worthy of the Genoharadan.
Hulas: Killing Calo Nord was an impressive display of your skills, but there is more to the Genoharadan than mere killing. To preserve the secrecy of our order our agents must be discrete. You must be able to find and eliminate a target without drawing undo attention. You can never mention your assignments to others - not even your closest allies. Also, you cannot ask people for information about your target. You must complete your mission using only the information I will provide.
2. What happens if I tell someone about this?
Hulas: They wouldn't believe you. They might even think you are insane. Telling anyone about the Genoharadan would be pointless: we are very good at hiding any proof of our existence.
1. I understand. Who is my target?
Hulas: We will begin with something simple. Your first mission is to eliminate either of two targets: a Gran slaver named Zuulan Sentar or a Rodian anti-Republic terrorist named Lorgal.
1. Tell me about Zuulan Sentar. 2. Tell me about Lorgal.
1. Is there anything else?
Hulas: Remember - tell no one about this. If there are others with you when you confront Zuulan or Lorgal, make it seem as if you are acting on behalf of the Republic, not the Genoharadan. That is all for now. Return to me when either Lorgal or Zuulan is dead and I will reward you. If you wish to complete both missions, feel free. You will be suitably rewarded for each.

Completing missions always moves you closer to the dark side of the Force, but the rewards from Hulas are substantial:

Genoharadan Location Dark Side Points Gained XP Item Received Cost
Zuulan Dantooine 2-4 500 GenoHaradan Blaster 2000
Lorgal Manaan 2-4 500 GenoHaradan Poison Blade 1750
Vorn Tatooine 2-4 1000 GenoHaradan Stealth Unit 1250
Rulan Kashyyyk 2 1000 GenoHaradan Visor 1500
Ithorak Manaan 2-4 1000 GenoHaradan Power Gloves 7000

Even more experience and items are received from those killed. If you wish to complete some or all of these missions with a light side character, then you should do so as soon as possible after leaving Dantooine to avoid wasting light side points (since you normally move (much) closer to the dark side of the Force the closer to the light you already are), even on Dantooine itself: return later to claim the reward for destroying the Mandalorian Raiders, investigate the Sandral-Matale Feud and return the Strange Stowaway, but before acquiring your fourth Star Map (if Zuulan is your last mission, then you can kill him before completing these quests so that you only have to return to Dantooine once). Since you cannot acquire the Star Map on Kashyyyk or Korriban without squandering opportunities to move closer to the light, and Senni Vek cannot be encountered on Manaan, acquiring your second Star Map and encountering Calo Nord on Tatooine is recommended (although this means you'll visit Tatooine at least three times, rather than two).

Once you've completed at least one mission, he can tell you about Vorn Daasraad, Rulan Prolik and Ithorak Guldar:

Hulas: This assignment was only the beginning, Name. A small test, which I am pleased to say you passed. But now a more difficult challenge awaits you. There are three targets that the Genoharadan want you to remove. If you can eliminate all three, then you will gain full membership in our ancient guild. The first is a Gammorean named Vorn Daasraad. The second is a shapeshifter called Rulan Prolik. The third is a Selkath known as Ithorak Guldar.
1. Tell me about Vorn Daasraad. 2. Tell me about Rulan Prolik. 3. Tell me about Ithorak Guldar.

He also answers more questions about the Genoharadan after completing missions:

1. Who formed this guild? Where did it begin?
Hulas: The Genoharadan were created by the galactic tyrant Xim the Despot, five thousand years before the Republic itself was even founded. During Xim's short but brutal reign he used Genoharadan agents to eliminate his most powerful enemies. When Xim was finally overthrown, it was believed the Genoharadan disbanded. But the Genoharadan did not disband. Instead, we vanished into the darkness. Now we carry on our work from the deepest shadows, dispatching the enemies of those who hire us.
1. Tell me more about the Genoharadan.
Hulas: In the first few centuries after Xim was overthrown, the Genoharadan were nothing but hired killers. We were a mere tool to be used by those who were rich and politically ambitious. But slowly the guild evolved. We began to shape and alter events through our actions. We ceased to be a servant of the political elite; we became a powerful faction in our own right. The organization of the guild itself also changed at this point. Instead of a single guildmaster, it was decided there would be four Overseers to guide and lead the Genoharadan. By distributing the power in this way we were protected against becoming a tool of a single person. The Overseers' individual ambitions would serve to balance each other out.
1. Tell me about the Overseers.
Hulas: The Overseers are a secret cabal of four individuals who control the Genoharadan. For their own protection, nobody knows the identity of an Overseer. They are anonymous even to each other. Through agents and go-betweens, the Overseers consult with each other on all guild business. The system ensures no one person can manipulate the guild for their own benefit.
1. What happens if an Overseer is killed? 2. How are the Overseers selected?
Hulas: As you can imagine, the method for choosing and replacing an Overseer is complicated. The anonymity of a candidate must be protected at all costs, or the entire system will break down. If one Overseer were ever able to somehow eliminate the other three at the same time, he could seize all the power for himself and the guild as we know it would change forever. More than this I cannot tell you, for the sake of the guild. Besides, many of the details are hidden from me, as well. They are known only to the Overseers themselves.
1. What else can you tell me about the Genoharadan?
Hulas: I'm sorry, Name, but I am not ready to reveal all our secrets to you yet. Perhaps after you have completed another of your missions I will tell you more of this.

Genoharadan: Zuulan[edit | edit source]

Hulas: Zuulan was a common inter-galactic slaver who tried to kidnap the daughter of a Coruscant Senator. He failed and the girl was recovered, but Zuulan himself escaped. He will probably try another similar kidnapping soon. If he succeeds, he might ransom his victim in exchange for dangerous political secrets that could threaten the Republic itself. The Genoharadan want to eliminate him before this happens. Our latest information places Zuulan on Dantooine - he often sells illicit goods to the wealthy settlers of that world. His land speeder was spotted near one of the settler's estates on Dantooine. Zuulan rarely strays far from his speeder in case he needs to make a quick escape. You should look for him there.
Journal Entry Added Genoharadan: Zuulan
You've been instructed to kill a Gran slaver named Zuulan Sentar. You should look for him on Dantooine near the noble estates. Zuulan will probably be near his landspeeder. Of course you can mention this to no one – not that they would believe you anyway.

This mission is entirely optional, as failing to complete it doesn't prevent you from completing the main Genoharadan quest (which is fortunate, since it's impossible once you're captured by the Leviathan). If you don't complete it before collecting your rewards for killing Vorn Daasraad, Rulan Prolik and Ithorak Guldar:

Journal Entry Added Genoharadan: Zuulan
Now that you are no longer working for the Genoharadan, there isn't much point in collecting the bounty on Zuulan.

Zuulan's speeder can now be found parked at the northeast corner of the Matale estate in the Matale grounds on Dantooine. If you let him live for 200 credits, you cannot collect his bounty:

Never 1. [Persuade/Lie] Zuulan Sentar is dead.
Hulas: [Failure] I'm disappointed in you, Name. Did you really believe I would fall for such an obvious lie? Didn't you think I might have agents watching you to see how you performed? I know you let Zuulan live, though the slaver's days are numbered. Even now one of our more reliable agents is hunting him down. But I am willing to forget this incident, though you would do well to learn from it. There is a lesson for you here: the Genoharadan show no mercy.
Hulas: Since you did not kill Zuulan I cannot give you the bounty for this assignment. In any case, Name, your role in Zuulan's fate is now over. Do you have further business you wish to discuss at this time, or are we done here for now?

Trying to force him to give his bounty anyway results in being deemed unfit to join the Genoharadan:

link=Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic}}/Force powers#Affect Mind 1. [Force Persuade] You should give me Zuulan's bounty anyway. 2. You better give me Zuulan's bounty anyway, before someone gets hurt.
Hulas: [Failure.] Did you really think that Jedi mind trick could work on one of the Genoharadan? You are a fool, Name! Hulas: Are you threatening me? Here, where the Selkath authorities will arrest anyone who breaks the peace? Empty threats are the sign of a fool, Name.
Hulas: The Genoharadan have no wish to work with fools. I am disappointed in you, Name, but you leave me with little choice. I gave you an opportunity to join our guild, but through your actions you have shown yourself to be unfit. This is the last you will ever see of me or the Genoharadan, Name. Goodbye.
Journal Entry Added Genoharadan
You have failed in your effort to join the Genoharadan. Hulas has disappeared, and it is unlikely you will ever see him or any of his order again.


1. Zuulan Sentar is dead.
Hulas: Yes, Name, I am aware of this. Our agents have been keeping a close eye on you, though I doubt you saw them. They were there when Zuulan met his untimely end. And, as promised, here is your reward for the task: a blaster developed exclusively for the use of those within our guild. It will serve you well, I am sure.
Journal Entry Added Genoharadan: Zuulan
You have collected the bounty for Zuulan from Hulas.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 500 Collected the bounty for Zuulan
Item(s) Received Hulas

Genoharadan: Lorgal[edit | edit source]

Hulas: Lorgal is a radical who wants to destroy the Republic through terrorist acts. He is responsible for over two dozen bombings, leaving hundreds of civilians dead. He was recently captured and is being held prisoner in the Republic base here on Manaan awaiting transport to Coruscant for trial - and a chance to publicly voice his radical beliefs. We do not want to give him that chance. You must find a way to kill him before he leaves for Coruscant, but you must be subtle. It must look like an accident or an unexplainable death. The Republic would be glad to get rid of Lorgal, so they won't investigate his death closely. As long as he isn't struck down by a weapon in his cell, the Genoharadan will be satisfied.
Journal Entry Added Genoharadan: Lorgal
You've been instructed to kill a Rodian named Lorgal. He is currently being held as a prisoner in the Republic base on Manaan. Hulas has told you to make it look like an accident.

This mission is optional, as failing to complete it doesn't prevent you from completing the main Genoharadan quest. If you don't complete it before collecting your rewards for killing Vorn Daasraad, Rulan Prolik and Ithorak Guldar:

Journal Entry Added Genoharadan: Lorgal
Now that you are no longer working for the Genoharadan, there isn't much point in collecting the bounty on Lorgal.

However, this will most likely be the first mission completed since, unlike Zuulan Sentar, Lorgal is not only on the same planet, but in the same area: simply exit the courtyard to the north and the Republic Embassy is to the east. Once you've spoken to the diplomat Roland Wann and agreed to undertake a Mission for the Republic, you can open the door to the north and find Lorgal in the energy cage on the right by the north wall. Speak to him for a chance to move closer to the dark side of the Force before killing him:

Lorgal: Yes, human? Have you come to sneer and jeer like the others? Come to see Lorgal the Great Liberator caged like an animal?
1. Liberator? You're nothing but a murderer!
Lorgal: Kill a million people with a mighty star cruiser and you are a war hero. Kill a hundred with a thermal detonator and you are a terrorist.
1. It's not the same! You kill civilians and children!
Lorgal: You are obviously blind to the Republic chains shackled around your neck. You cannot see me for the hero I am; you think I am nothing but a criminal who deserves death.
2. You deserve to die for your crimes, Lorgal. 3. I'm here to kill you, Lorgal. And I think I'll enjoy it. 3. I've got better things to do than argue with prisoners.
Dark Side Points Gained: -2
Lorgal: There are many who want me dead, including the guards in this room. But the Republic doesn't kill prisoners without a trial. That is why I am protected. This energy cage keeps me safe from blaster and blade. The Republic will keep me alive for transfer to Coruscant, and then all the galaxy will witness my trial! Lorgal: Yes, leave me. You are a tool of the Republic, a slave who cannot even see your own chains. But do not fear: someday I - or someone like me - will destroy the Republic and free you all.

You can kill him using Choke or Kill:

Lorgal: You cannot touch me in here, human. No conventional weapon can penetrate this cage. Nothing can stop me from spreading my manifesto during my trial!
1. [Use Force Choke to kill Lorgal.] 2. [Use Force Kill to kill Lorgal.]
Dark Side Points Gained: -2

Otherwise, you'll need to use the control terminal to the right of his cage:

Control Terminal: ENERGY CAGE STATUS:
Computer Use 1. Slice the computer. [1 spike]
Computer Use 1. Reprogram cage to kill prisoner. (8 spike(s))
Computer Terminal: [FAILURE] ACCESS DENIED
Dark Side Points Gained: -2

If you have insufficient Computer Spikes then trying to reprogram the cage repeatedly will move you closer and closer to the dark side of the Force.

Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 10 * level Reprogrammed cage to kill prisoner
Journal Entry Added Genoharadan: Lorgal
Lorgal is dead. Now you just have to return to Hulas and collect his bounty.

If you try to use the computer terminal again:

Control Terminal: ENERGY CAGE STATUS:
1. Log off.
Control Terminal: LOGGING OFF...

Return to Hulas to collect his bounty:

Hulas: Welcome back, Name. I see you have come alone, this is good. I assume you are here to discuss the business of the Genoharadan.
1. Lorgal is dead.
Hulas: Yes, Name, the agents I sent to watch you have reported back to me concerning Lorgal's death. You should take pride in a job well done. And, as promised, here is your reward for the task: a poisoned vibroblade forged exclusively for the use of those within our guild. It will serve you well, I am sure.
Journal Entry Added Genoharadan: Lorgal
You've collected the bounty for Lorgal
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 500 Collected the bounty for Lorgal
Item(s) Received Hulas

Genoharadan: Vorn[edit | edit source]

Hulas: Vorn is a freelance bounty hunter. He's very, very good but he's a bit too sadistic for our tastes. He likes to sacrifice an efficient kill for the pleasure of watching his victim suffer. The Genoharadan will tolerate a certain amount of competition, but Vorn has become too dangerous. You'd be surprised at how much political damage one rogue assassin can inflict. Vorn was last seen on Tatooine. We suspect he's taking a break from hunting sentients by going after a Krayt dragon. We don't want him to leave the Dune Sea alive.
1. I'll find Vorn and bring him down! 2. Any tips for this mission?
Hulas: Just be careful when you face off against him. Vorn doesn't travel alone: he's always got his assault droid close at hand. The two of them make a formidable pair.
Journal Entry Added Genoharadan: Vorn
You've been instructed to kill a Gamorrean named Vorn Daasraad. He is suspected to be on Tatooine hunting Krayt dragons. Hulas has warned you to be careful of Vorn's assault droid companion.

Vorn's assault droid and speeder can now be found in the northeast corner of Sand People Territory on Tatooine.

1. Vorn Daasraad is dead.
Hulas: Well done, Name. And, as promised, here is your reward: a Genoharadan stealth unit. You'll find it is far superior to most.
Hulas: Vorn's death brings you closer to completing your initiation into the Genoharadan, Name. However, until you have completed all your missions you cannot be accepted into the guild.
Journal Entry Added Genorharadan: Vorn
You've collected the bounty for Vorn.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 1000 Collected the bounty for Vorn
Item(s) Received Hulas

Genoharadan: Rulan[edit | edit source]

Hulas: We don't know much about Rulan, except that he's some kind of shapeshifter. We don't even know if it's a natural ability or the result of some powerful alien technology. But we suspect he's behind several prominent assassinations on the Outer Rim. The Genoharadan are worried he might decide to move his operations closer to the galactic core. With his ability to assume virtually any form, he could wreak havoc in the Galactic Senate. We aren't about to let that happen.
1. So how do I find someone who could look like anyone? 2. Any tips for this mission?
Hulas: Finding Rulan won't be easy, but we have reports he may be on Kashyyyk. He's probably honing his skills by hunting the dangerous creatures in the Shadowlands.
Journal Entry Added Genoharadan: Rulan
You've been instructed to kill a shapeshifting alien named Rulan. Hulas has advised you to look for him on Kashyyyk.

Rulan can now be found in the Upper Shadowlands of Kashyyyk, to the southwest of Jolee's hut. After he runs away from you, if you return to try to collect his bounty:

Never 1. [Persuade/Lie] Rulan Prolik is dead.
Hulas: [Failure.] The Genoharadan are not easily fooled, Name. My agents reported Rulan fled from your battle. They tell me you didn't finish the job.
Never 1. [Persuade/Lie] Rulan Prolik is dead. 2. Rulan Prolik got away. I can't find him.
Hulas: If you expect to join our guild, you will have to learn that we never leave a job unfinished. Go back to Kashyyyk. Find Rulan. Finish the job. Until you do you will never be one of the Genoharadan. Now, is there some other business you wish to discuss?
Journal Entry Added Genoharadan: Rulan
Because Rulan is still alive, Hulas has refused to give you the bounty for him. Maybe you should go back to Kashyyyk and try to track your quarry down.

Once you've finished the job:

1. Rulan Prolik is dead.
Hulas: I must congratulate you. Rulan was no easy target. I will admit that you are not the first to be sent after him, though you are the only one to succeed. Here, take this Genoharadan visor. Many of our agents use them to increases their senses and improve their skills. It really is quite an extraordinary item.
Hulas: With Rulan gone, you are another step closer to entering the guild. But until you have completed all the missions you will not be accepted into the Genoharadan.
Journal Entry Added Genoharadan: Rulan
You've collected the bounty for Rulan.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 1000 Collected the bounty for Rulan
Item(s) Received Hulas

Genoharadan: Ithorak[edit | edit source]

Hulas: Ithorak isn't violent like Rulan or Vorn, but in many ways he's far more dangerous. He's a con artist and blackmailer who's taken millions of credits from rich and powerful families. He also deals in secrets and information, and these can be far more deadly than any blaster. But Ithorak is careful - we know he's somewhere here on Manaan, but we don't know where. All we know is how to contact him. There's a Twi'lek named Vek at the Manaan swoop track. He can set up a meeting between you and Ithorak.
1. Sure. I'll just tell him I want to kill his boss and book an appointment. 2. Why would Vek set up a meeting between us?
Hulas: Ithorak poses as a merchant of rare antiquities. It's the perfect cover for his real work - it gives him access to rich and powerful families without drawing suspicion. You'll have to convince Vek that you represent a buyer interested in purchasing some rare art from Ithorak. Convince Vek, and he'll set up a meeting. The meeting is your one chance to take Ithorak out, but be careful. He'll choose the time and place, and he's not going to leave himself vulnerable.
Journal Entry Added Genoharadan: Ithorak
You've been instructed to kill a Selkath named Ithorak Guldar. You've been told to go speak to his agent, a Twi'lek named Vek at the swoop track on Manaan. By posing as a representative of a wealthy Coruscant family you might be able to lure your prey out.

This will most likely be the second or last mission completed since Ithorak is also on Manaan. After meeting Vek at Ahto East's swoop track registration and convincing him to set up a meeting, return to the Ebon Hawk and travel west to Docking Bay 26-B to meet and kill Ithorak, then transit back and return to Hulas to collect his bounty:

1. Ithorak Guldar is dead.
Hulas: Yes, I heard he met a rather grisly end. For completing this mission you have earned another reward. Take these Genoharadan gloves. You will find they are very useful in battle.
Hulas: By disposing of Ithorak you bring yourself ever closer to being accepted into the Genoharadan. But you must complete all your missions before you will be admitted into the guild.
Journal Entry Added Genoharadan: Ithorak
You've collected the bounty for Ithorak
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 1000 Collected the bounty for Ithorak
Item(s) Received Hulas

Genoharadan[edit | edit source]

Once you've collected your rewards for killing Vorn Daasraad, Rulan Prolik and Ithorak Guldar, Hulas reveals his true purpose and status (although he has already told you if you bothered to ask):

Hulas: Vorn, Rulan, Ithorak - that is all of them! You have done it, Name. I hardly dreamed it was possible, yet now the task is done! All the years of planning. Spying and digging to discover their true identities - it was all worth it! Now the Genoharadan are mine alone!
1. What are you talking about? 2. You tricked me!
Hulas: Poor, foolish Name. You had no idea that the targets I sent you after were three of the Overseers of the Genoharadan, did you? The Overseers have always acted in secret, their true identities hidden from the guild and even each other to prevent one person from seizing control of the entire guild. But now they are dead, and I am the only Overseer left in the guild! All the agents of the Genoharadan are mine to command! And I couldn't have done it without your help, Name!
1. So when do I get to join the guild? 2. Glad I could help you out. What happens now? 3. You used me!
Hulas: I'm sorry, Name. Even after all you have done for me I cannot let you join the Genoharadan now. You are far too dangerous: you know the true identity of the only surviving Overseer. I suppose I could try to have you eliminated, but I have seen your skill in dispatching the other Overseers. I think it would be in both our best interests if we were simply to part ways.
2. So that's it? We just part ways?
Hulas: I'm afraid so. The other Overseers are dead, but there is still much work for me to do to cement my hold on the guild. And as for you, Name, I suspect your destiny lies elsewhere. You were never meant for the shadowy, secret world of the Genoharadan. You are bound to a much more public fate.
1. Goodbye, Hulas.
Hulas: Goodbye, Name. This is the last you will ever see of me or the Genoharadan, though if you watch carefully you may see evidence of our work throughout the galaxy.
Journal Entry Added Genoharadan
Hulas has played you for a fool. One of the four leaders of the Genoharadan, he used you to eliminate the other three, giving him sole control of the guild. Now he has vanished back into the shadows. It is unlikely you will see him again anytime soon.

However, having come this far you should not just let it go:

1. Nobody plays me for a fool! You'll pay for this, Hulas! 2. This isn't over, Hulas! Nobody plays me for a fool!
Hulas: *sigh* I was afraid it would come to this. Very well, we will finish this as these things always seem to end: in bloodshed. But the streets of Manaan are no place for this confrontation. Meet me in the Dune Sea, Name. There we will engage in a ritual battle according to the customs of my guild, just you and me. Goodbye, Name. I will wait for you in the Dune Sea. I don't need to remind you that you must come alone. If you do not, then you won't see me and you will never have your revenge.
Journal Entry Added Genoharadan
Hulas has played you for a fool. One of the four leaders of the Genoharadan, he used you to eliminate the other three, giving him sole control of the guild. But you still have a chance for revenge. Hulas has promised to meet you in the Dune sea of Tatooine for a final showdown. As with all the business of the Genoharadan, you must do this without the help of your friends.

He *ahem* They await as you enter the Dune Sea from Anchorhead. Only a fool would take him at his word and come alone... unless it's to demonstrate your superiority:

Hulas: I am not surprised to see you here, Name. I am surprised you came alone, however. I thought you would know by now how dangerous we Genoharadan are.
1. I knew you were too much of a coward to come alone!
Hulas: Really? If you knew this, you should have been smart enough to bring your friends with you. You helped me betray the other Overseers: you should know I don't play fair.
2. I honored our agreement. This is between you and me alone.
Hulas: You have seen me betray the other Overseers, yet you still believe a Genoharadan cares anything about honor? That is a foolish mistake, Name. One you won't live to regret. You have great potential, Name. Even the Genoharadan's best agents would not likely have been able to eliminate the other three Overseers. You even have the potential to become an Overseer yourself, one day. That's why I have to kill you here: eliminating the competition is the key to maintaining my power.

Even with your party's support you'll be outnumbered more than two to one:

Hulas: You are here, Name. But I see you did not come alone.
1. I see you've brought some friends as well, Hulas. 2. I knew you were too much of a coward to come alone.
Hulas: You shouldn't be surprised. You saw how I manipulated and betrayed my fellow Overseers. You should know the Genoharadan seek every advantage we can get. I had hoped you would be gullible enough to show up alone, but obviously I underestimated you... although I see from their expressions that your friends have no clue what is going on here. Not that it matters. If I win here, what you know of the Genoharadan will die here with you. If you win, the guild will vanish until they select new Overseers... if they even survive.
3. I killed the other Overseers. I can kill you too, Hulas. 3. Three Genoharadan Overseers out of four are dead, Hulas. Time to finish the job! 2. Let's get this over with.
Hulas: The other Overseers were alone and unprepared. I am ready for you - and I have friends. Goodbye, Name. Our time together was... interesting. Hulas: My thoughts exactly.
Hulas: Brothers of the Genoharadan: attack!
Journal Entry Added Genoharadan
You met Hulas in the Dune Sea, but the traitor was not alone. He and his followers ambushed you in the hopes to forever silence what you know about the Genoharadan, resulting in a savage battle.

Three melee attackers converge on you from the left, right and center, while three others attack from range and Hulas uses his Energy Shield before joining them. The melee attackers converging from the sides have Immunity: Mind-Affecting, while that from the center can inflict mild poison damage.

Who in their right mind comes alone and brings a knife to a gun fight? A. SITH. LORD. Idiots.

Two Genoharadan hunters, a ranged Rodian and a melee Trandoshan, are on your left:

Genoharadan Hunter
Class Scoundrel
Level 8
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 10 0
Dexterity 15 +2
Constitution 12 +1
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 10 0
Charisma 10 0
Vitality 60
Defense 20
Fortitude 3
Reflex 8
Will 2
Awareness 6
Ranged Main Off
Attack 9 2
Energy 1-6,+11-6
Threat 20-20,x220-20,x2
Melee Main Off
Attack 6 -
Blunt 1-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats
Combat Suit Blaster Pistol GenoHaradan Blaster + Stun Baton On Hit: Stun10 Improved Scoundrel's Luck Armor Proficiency: Light Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Pistol Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons Two-Weapon Fighting
Genoharadan Hunter
Class Scoundrel
Level 8
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 17 +3
Dexterity 13 +1
Constitution 12 +1
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 10 0
Charisma 10 0
Vitality 70
Defense 24
Fortitude 5
Reflex 9
Will 4
Awareness 6
Ranged Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Melee Main Off
Attack 10 -
Slashing 4-15,+1-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats
Stabilizer Mask Immunity: Mind-Affecting GenoHaradan Power Gloves Krath Heavy Armor Krath War Blade Improved Scoundrel's Luck Armor Proficiency: Medium Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons Power Attack Flurry Critical Strike11
Experience Points (XP) Received:
Item(s) Received Genoharadan Hunter Item(s) Received Genoharadan Hunter

Hulas is in front of you, flanked by a ranged Rodian thug on the left and J'ane Khan on the right.

Rodian Thug
Class Scout
Level 12
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 10 0
Dexterity 15 +2
Constitution 12 +1
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 10 0
Charisma 10 0
Vitality 95
Defense 20
Fortitude 9
Reflex 10
Will 8
Awareness 6
Ranged Main Off
Attack 14 7
Energy 1-6,+1Ion 1-4
Threat 20-20,x220-20,x2
Melee Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Items and abilities Feats
Light Battle Armor Ion Blaster GenoHaradan Blaster Armor Proficiency: Medium Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Pistol Improved Two-Weapon Fighting Improved Power Blast Improved Rapid Shot Improved Sniper Shot12

The Ion Blaster in the off hand also inflicts Ion: +1-10 vs. Droid.

Class Soldier
Level 16
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 10 0
Dexterity 15 +2
Constitution 15 +2
Intelligence 17 +3
Wisdom 13 +1
Charisma 15 +2
Vitality 175
Defense 22
Fortitude 12
Reflex 7
Will 6
Awareness 3
Treat Injury1
Ranged Main Off
Attack 20 -
Energy 1-8,+1-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Melee Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Items and abilities Feats
Energy Shield Battle Armor Medium Repeating Blaster + Life Support Pack Advanced Medpac Armor Proficiency: Heavy Weapon Focus: Heavy Weapons Improved Two-Weapon Fighting Improved Power Blast Improved Rapid Shot Improved Sniper Shot19
J'ane Khan
Class Scoundrel
Level 12
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 22 +6
Dexterity 14 +2
Constitution 15 +2
Intelligence 12 +1
Wisdom 12 +1
Charisma 15 +2
Vitality 120
Defense 26
Fortitude 9
Reflex 15
Will 7
Awareness 7
Treat Injury1
Ranged Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Melee Main Off
Attack 12 8
Slashing 8-18,+38-18,+3
Threat 19-20,x219-20,x2
Items and abilities Feats
GenoHaradan Visor Dominator Gauntlets Durasteel Heavy Armor GenoHaradan Poison Blade(2) On Hit: Poison, Mild Damage15 + Advanced Medpac Master Scoundrel's Luck Armor Proficiency: Heavy Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • Challenge Rating 12 Killed Rodian Thug
  • Challenge Rating 16 Killed Hulas
  • Challenge Rating 12 Killed J'ane Khan
Item(s) Received Hulas Item(s) Received J'ane Khan
Item(s) Received Rodian Thug

Medical items are only received if unused. Two other Genoharadan hunters, a ranged Aqualish and a melee Mandalorian, are on your left:

Genoharadan Hunter
Class Scoundrel
Level 10
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 10 0
Dexterity 14 +2
Constitution 12 +1
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 10 0
Charisma 10 0
Vitality 60
Defense 23
Fortitude 5
Reflex 10
Will 4
Awareness 6
Ranged Main Off
Attack 9 -
Energy 1-8-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Melee Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Items and abilities Feats
Echani Battle Armor Light Repeating Blaster Improved Scoundrel's Luck Armor Proficiency: Medium Weapon Proficiency: Heavy Weapons
Genoharadan Hunter
Class Scoundrel
Level 10
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 13 +1
Dexterity 16 +3
Constitution 12 +1
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 10 0
Charisma 10 0
Vitality 75
Defense 24
Fortitude 4
Reflex 10
Will 3
Awareness 6
Ranged Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Melee Main Off
Attack 6 4
Slashing 3-13,+2 +1 Cold (2)
Threat 20-20,x220-20,x2
Items and abilities Feats
Vacuum Mask Immunity: Mind-Affecting Immunity: Poison GenoHaradan Mesh Armor Krath Double Sword Improved Scoundrel's Luck Armor Proficiency: Medium Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons Two-Weapon Fighting
Experience Points (XP) Received: Item(s) Received Genoharadan Hunter