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Your hideout is behind the northwest door in the outer wall of the apartment complex ring. You can transit back here from other parts of Taris to heal your party (where this is possible).

When you first exit your apartment, you encounter a Sith patrol. Afterward, you only need to get to the Upper City elevator on the south side: if you travel clockwise to your left then you can question the janitor for information and directions, and if you travel counter-clockwise to your right then you can encounter Larrim, a merchant who can sell and buy items. You can also break into four other apartments and search any containers for items.

Breaking into Dia's apartment to the west and speaking to her can also trigger an optional quest which can move you closer to the dark side of the Force, or later the light side (particularly if you tell her to keep her reward). All other residents are restricted to comments rather than dialog.

Map of the south apartments

Your Apartment[edit | edit source]

Exiting your apartment for the first time, you witness an altercation between two Duros and a Sith soldier, who's flanked by two battle droids:

Sith Soldier: Okay you alien scum, everybody get up against the wall! This is a raid!
Duros: There was a patrol here just yesterday, and they found nothing! Why do you Sith keep bothering us?

Without warning, the Sith Soldier guns him down with his Blaster Rifle.

Sith Soldier: That's how we Sith deal with smart-mouth aliens! Now the rest of you get up against the wall before I lose my temper again!
Sith Soldier: Hey, what's this? Humans hiding out with aliens? They're Republic fugitives! Attack!

The Sith soldier and the battle droid to your left turn their backs on you to engage the surviving Duros, while the battle droid to your right engages you:

Battle Droid
Class Combat Droid
Level 1
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 12 +1
Dexterity 8 -1
Constitution 8 -1
Intelligence 6 -2
Wisdom 8 -1
Charisma 6 -2
Vitality 5
Defense 14
Fortitude 1
Reflex -1
Will -1
Awareness 1
Ranged Main Off
Attack 0 -
Energy 1-6-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Melee Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Items and abilities Feats
Blaster Pistol Combat Logic Upgrade Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Pistol

When paused during combat, you have your first chance to select Carth: based on his current equipment, Dexterity and feats he has already progressed towards using two blaster pistols. However, if you're a Scoundrel or otherwise have low Vitality, then when confronted with multiple opponents equipping melee weapons you may want to equip him with one or two melee weapons, at least temporarily, and have him lead, if only until you have another party member to take the front line.

You and Carth can kill one battle droid each in a single round, particularly if equipping the Ion Blaster from the Sith heavy trooper on the Starboard Section of the Endar Spire and Carth uses Power Blast. Then only the Sith soldier remains:

Sith Soldier
Class Soldier
Level 3
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 10 0
Dexterity 12 +1
Constitution 10 0
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 10 0
Charisma 10 0
Vitality 15
Defense 19
Fortitude 3
Reflex 2
Will 1
Awareness 3
Ranged Main Off
Attack 4 -
Energy 1-8-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Melee Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Items and abilities Feats
Battle Armor Blaster Rifle Armor Proficiency: Heavy Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifle

All three can be killed with a Frag Grenade, although this will also damage the Duros. The two battle droids will be killed even with a successful Reflex save, while there's 60% chance of killing the Sith soldier (otherwise, he'll be reduced from 15 to 5 Vitality).

Experience Points (XP) Received: Experience Points (XP) Received:

If you want to play without a party for increased challenge, this is your first chance to remove Carth. The Duros speaks, thanking you:

Duros: Poor Ixgil. He should never have talked back to that Sith. Thankfully you were here to step in and help us human. This isn't the first time the Sith have come in here to cause trouble for us, but hopefully it will be the last.
1. Won't someone come searching for this patrol? 2. I'm just glad I could help. 3. Stay out of my way or I'll kill you, too!
Duros: Forgive me, human. I only wanted to thank you, I meant no harm. I will leave you in peace.
Duros: Don't worry about the bodies. I will move them so it looks like they were killed elsewhere. That should throw the Sith off the track. With any luck, they won't be bothering us again for a while.

If you speak to him again:

Duros: Thank you once again, human. And as I said earlier, don't worry about the bodies. I will take care of them for you.

When you re-enter the apartment complex, the Duros and the remains of the Sith soldier and his battle droids will be gone. However, the Sith soldier dropped a backpack:

Item(s) Received Backpack Item(s) Received Backpack Item(s) Received Backpack

You can exit the apartment complex via the Upper City elevator to the south, although it's advisable to explore each area more thoroughly to maximize your chances of receiving experience and items, rather than simply passing through as quickly as possible.

Janitor[edit | edit source]

You can see the janitor, an elderly human male, to the east of your apartment, and you'll pass him as you travel clockwise around the apartment complex ring. Antagonizing him may be fun, or in character if you're dark side, but being friendly from the start or apologizing later allows you to ask some questions and get directions to the cantina and Kebla Yurt's store in the Upper City (although these should hardly be necessary).

Janitor: Hey, there – watch where you're walking! I just cleaned these floors.
3. I'll walk wherever I want!
Janitor: Oh, I get it! You figure that just because I'm a janitor you don't have to show me any respect. I'm beneath you, is that it?
2. Yeah, that's pretty much it.
Janitor: Hmph! You'll change your tune the first time your plumbing breaks down and raw sewage floods your apartment. Then you'll be beggin' for Kadir to come help you out!
Carth: There's no need to antagonize the man. Besides... do you want to live in filth? I sure don't.
Janitor: We'll see who has the last laugh then! Now if you ain't going to be civil then I got work to do. This place doesn't clean itself, you know!

If you're friendly instead, the dialog continues:

1. Who are you? 1. Sorry, I didn't mean any disrespect. 2. Sorry, I didn't know.
Janitor: Well, alright then. No hard feelings.
Janitor: My name's Kadir. I'm the janitor for this building. You must be the new tenant here, right? I never thought they'd rent that abandoned apartment. Hmmm.... You look like an off-worlder. What happened, you get stuck here because of the quarantine? Can't see any other reason someone would want to rent that old apartment.
1. I want to ask you some questions. 1. I want to ask you something else.
Janitor: Don't know how much I can tell you, but seeing as how you're new here I guess I can try and help you out.
1. Tell me about Taris.
Janitor: Decent enough place to live, I guess. Except for the lower levels. That's where the swoop gangs hang out. Just stay in the Upper City and you'll be fine. You also might want to check on the cantina. I used to go there when I was younger. Good place to get a drink and find out what's going on in the Upper City.
1. Where is the cantina? 2. Where can I get some equipment?
Janitor: Well, the best place to go is probably Kebla Yurt's store. She's right across from the cantina, so you can stop in for a drink if you get thirsty while you're shopping.
Janitor: Just keep following the apartment complex ring until you come to the elevator. It'll take you out to the Upper City streets. From there just head south a ways. You can't miss it.
3. What do you think of the Sith and this quarantine?
Janitor: Not much of an issue for me, you know? I ain't never left Taris and I ain't never going to. A lot of other folks is sure riled up about it, but I don't really know much about it. I prefer to keep to myself, mostly. But there's plenty of people at the cantina who'll be more than happy to tell you what they think about the Sith and the quarantine.
4. I'll be going now.
Janitor: I should get back to work anyway. I'll probably see you around – I'm here most of the time. This building doesn't clean itself, you know.

If you speak again:

Janitor: D…don't hurt me… I'm just the janitor here. I don't know nothing that would be useful to you Sith!
Janitor: Oh, hello again. Hope you didn't come to make a complaint about the mess in the building. I keep asking for an assistant, but they expect me to do it all on my own. Janitor: Hey, there – watch where you're walking! I just cleaned these floors.
1. I'm sorry I was rude to you earlier.
Janitor: Well, alright then. No hard feelings.
1. Who are you again?
Janitor: I'm Kadir. I'm the janitor here! Geez, I know you're a new tenant and all but I didn't think you'd forget me already! I have feelings, you know!
2. Sorry, Kadir. I'm not good with faces.
Janitor: Yeah, okay then. No hard feelings. So, what can I do for you?

You can repeat or explore any dialog missed when you first spoke, or antagonize him if you avoided it the first time:

2. Out of my way, old man! 3. This place is a dump! You should be fired! 3. I've got more important things to worry about than remembering some janitor!
Janitor: Hey, I do the best I can with the equipment I got! You're just like all the rest, complaining about me all the time.

Dia's Apartment[edit | edit source]

There are four other apartments accessed via low security doors in the outer wall of the apartment complex ring.

Security Low Security Door (4) Unlock 12 (0) Bash Resist 5 Vitality 20

Any character who spent even a single point in Security (including Carth) can unlock them. They can also be bashed open, although this may be more time consuming this early in the game.

The northeast apartment is unoccupied but contains a footlocker, the southeast one contains an Ithorian and a bag, while that to the southwest contains a Twi'lek and a bag:

Item(s) Received Footlocker
  • ?
Item(s) Received Bag (2)
  • ?
Twi'lek Ithorian
Don't hurt me! Just... just take what you want. I won't try to stop you. Please, don't hurt me. I have nothing of value in here. Look for yourself and see!
Oh... uh... hello, officer. Making another patrol, are you? Well, I won't get in your way. Please, don't take me in for questioning... I don't know anything! I swear!

The contents of all these containers are random, although they were generated with the map. Surprisingly robbery doesn't result in any shift in alignment, although you may want to forbear if you're role-playing a light side character.

Dia's apartment is behind the door to the west, and unlocking rather than bashing the door allows you to enter and look around first, finding another bag. Otherwise, Dia confronts you immediately.

Item(s) Received Bag
  • ?
Dia: Who are you? What are you doing in here? You can't just come barging into someone's home!

If you haven't spoken to Zax in the Bounty Office about Dia's Bounty:

2. I'm just looking for something to steal. Stay out of my way and you won't get hurt.
Dia: You're as bad as that pig Holdan! I'll stay out of your way, but you're wasting your time. I don't have anything worth stealing.

This ends the dialog. Otherwise:

1. I'm sorry. I was just investigating the area.
Dia: That's no excuse. You can't just go around barging into people's apartments because you're curious! But at least you're more polite than that pig, Holdan.
1. Holdan? Who's that?
Dia: Just one of Davik's men who can't keep his hands to himself. But all he got for his trouble was a nasty scar from my vibroblade! Too bad I'm the one still paying the price.
1. What do you mean?
Dia: I… I don't want to talk about it. I'm in enough trouble already. Besides, I don't know if I can trust you.
2. I want to ask you some questions.
Dia: I can't help you there. Since this thing with Holdan I've been scared to leave my apartment. I don't know anything about what's going on in the outside world anymore.
3. I'll be going now.
Dia: Good. I don't much like strangers in my home.

If you return while anyone is equipping Sith Armor, dialog is restricted to the following:

Dia: Another Sith patrol? I'm telling you, you're wasting your time here. Go ahead and search my apartment again, if you want. You'll find the same thing as last time… nothing.

Dia's Bounty[edit | edit source]

After asking Dia who Holdan is, and what she means:

Easy 1. [Persuade] You can trust me. Maybe I can help.
Dia: [Failure] No, I don't think so. I can't afford to trust anybody right now. Please, just leave me alone.

You always have at least 40% chance of success, regardless of Persuade rank or character level, and even if you fail you can just try again, or threaten her to move closer to the dark side of the Force:

Easy 1. [Persuade] You can trust me. Maybe I can help. 2. Tell me what's going on or I'll end all your problems… permanently!
Dia: [Success] Well, I suppose you seem like an alright sort. When I cut Holdan it made him back off, but it also embarrassed him in front of his friends. Dark Side Points Gained: -2
Dia: Okay, I'll tell you... just try and stay calm. The last thing I need is trouble with you and Holdan.
Dia: Holdan's a spiteful little Hutt-slug. He went and put out a bounty on my head for what I did! That's why I'm hiding out here.
Journal Entry Added Dia's Bounty
Dia has explained to you that she attacked Holdan in self-defense when he began making drunken advances. In retaliation, he ordered a bounty to be placed on her head.

You can speak to Holdan for her, not get involved, or collect the bounty on her head:

1. Is there anything I can do to help?
Dia: I doubt it. Holdan is one of Davik's men. When you work for the local crime lord the authorities tend to turn a blind eye. I'm afraid this is between me and Holdan now.
1. Maybe I could speak to Holdan for you.
Dia: You could try, I guess. He usually hangs out at the cantina in the Lower City. It probably won't do any good. Holdan's used to getting his own way. That's one of the fringe benefits of being a goon for Davik. Working for the local crime lord let's you get away with things. Still, I appreciate the offer.
2. I'll be going now.
Dia: Goodbye, and good luck. I hope you can talk some sense into Holdan.

You'll find Holdan in the music room to the north in Javyar's cantina in the Lower City. You can return to hideout after leaving the cantina, then go counter-clockwise to the right to return to her apartment most quickly:

Dia: You're back. Did you… did you manage to get Holdan to withdraw the price on my head?
1. I spoke to Holdan, Dia. He'll remove the bounty on your head if you pay him off. 3. No, not yet.
Dia: I have nothing… I barely make enough credits to get by. I can't afford to pay that pig off!
Dia: I guess I have no choice but to stay here and hope Holdan cools down. With that bounty on my head it's too dangerous to go outside.

Once you've paid Holdan out of your own pocket, or you or Bastila persuaded him to remove the bounty, you can choose between a reward or moving closer to the light side of the Force:

1. I spoke with Holdan. I convinced him to remove the bounty on your head.
Dia: He… he called the bounty off? That's wonderful! I only wish I had something to give you as a reward. Wait a minute... I know! I don't have many credits, but there is something I can give you. It's a family heirloom. It's not much, but it's something.
1. Keep your reward, Dia. Helping you was thanks enough. 2. Thank you, Dia. This reward will be fine. 3. I save your life and all I get is some family trinket?
Dia: If I had more I'd gladly give it to you, but this is all I've got. I'm sorry.
Light Side Points Gained: +4
Item(s) Received Dia
Dia: I can never truly repay you for helping me, but you'll always have my thanks for what you did.
Journal Entry Added Dia's Bounty
Not surprisingly, Dia was very excited to discover that the bounty on her head has been lifted. Thanks to you, she no longer has to fear retribution from Holdan for merely defending herself.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 125 Told Dia the bounty has been removed

Alternatively, you can collect the bounty on her head, although you’re still given opportunities not to get involved, or to change your mind about helping her:

Dia: You again? Why do you keep bothering me? 2. I think I'll just collect that bounty on your head!
1. I'm here to collect that bounty on your head, Dia!
Dia: Wait! Think about what you're doing. If that pig had just kept his hands to himself, I wouldn't have had to give him the scar with my vibroblade. He gets drunk and tries to force himself on me, and I get a bounty put on my head for defending myself? Where's the justice in that? Holdan's the one to blame, not me.
3. I'm not getting involved in this. What you do now is your concern, not mine.
Dia: I guess I have no choice but to stay here and hope Holdan cools down. With that bounty on my head it's too dangerous to go outside.
2. I don't care about justice. I just want the credits!

If Carth’s present, his response gives you two last chances to avoid bloodshed:

Carth: What's wrong with you? She doesn't deserve this!
3. Yeah, I guess Carth's right. Maybe we could help you out. 2. Fine, this is between you and Holdan. I don't want to get involved.


2. I don't care about justice. I just want the credits! 1. She sliced that guy up. She's only getting what she deserves!
Dia: Then you're going to learn the same lesson I taught Holdan: I'm not as helpless as I look! Dark Side Points Gained: -2
Class Soldier
Level 3
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 13 +1
Dexterity 12 +1
Constitution 10 0
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 15 +2
Charisma 12 +1
Vitality 28
Defense 11
Fortitude 3
Reflex 2
Will 3
Awareness 2
Ranged Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Melee Main Off
Attack 4 -
Piercing 2-11-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats
Clothing + Vibroblade Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons

Dia may lead with an unarmed Attack before drawing her Vibroblade. If you're playing without a party and you haven't exited the apartment complex yet, you can lead her out of her apartment to the left and she can become engaged with the surviving Duros, who can kill her single-handed. You still receive experience for this, but it isn't recorded in Feedback.

Journal Entry Added Dia's Bounty
Dia is dead. Now all you have to do is go back to Zax to collect the bounty.
Experience Points (XP) Received:

You can go to Zax in Javyar's cantina in the Lower City to collect the bounty.

Larrim[edit | edit source]

You can see Larrim, a green Twi'lek male merchant, to the south of your apartment, and you pass him as you travel counter-clockwise towards the Upper City elevator to the south. Approaching him will automatically trigger a dialog, at the end of which you may see what he’s got for sale.

Larrim: Well, I don't see too many of your kind around here. Most of the residents in this run down old apartment are illegal aliens. My name is Larrim, by the way.
1. Pleased to meet you, Larrim. My name is Name. 2. I don't care what your name is… and I'm not telling you mine!
Carth: Look, I know we're trying to keep a low profile but this kind of attitude will draw attention we don't need.
Larrim: Hey, I wasn't trying to pry or anything. I know people here like their privacy. It's just that I might be able to help you out.
Larrim: I know it's really none of my business, but you look like someone who might need to purchase one of those new energy shields. They're the latest thing, you know. Very high tech.

Larrim only talks about energy shields the first time you speak to him.

1. What's so great about these energy shields? 2. I know all about energy shields.
2. I've heard enough about these shields.
Larrim: Oh, okay. Well then, you might be interested in knowing I have one for sale. It isn't cheap, but it could be the difference between life and death.
Larrim: You want to see what I have in stock? I know my kiosk isn't much to look at, but my prices are reasonable and the merchandise is sound.
1. Why do you have a kiosk set up here?
Larrim: I run a little shop here in this old building, selling basic equipment to the illegal aliens renting out these apartments.

The following response is only available the first time you speak:

2. You mentioned something about illegal aliens living here.
Larrim: By law, most aliens aren't allowed to have a residence in the Upper City of Taris. They allow a few of us Twi'leks up here, but for the most part it's humans only. But no self-respecting Upper City human would want to live in the apartments in this dump. So the landlord has been renting out the apartments illegally to aliens. Better than letting them sit empty, I guess. Otherwise you get squatters and people hiding out from the authorities living in the abandoned apartments, and they don't pay rent.
1. Aren't you worried about getting caught?
Larrim: The Taris authorities pretty much turned a blind eye to this place. A few illegal aliens just weren't worth the bother. And once the Sith took over, they felt the same way. Besides, I don't live here myself. I just run a small business providing supplies to the residents. You want to see what I have in stock?
3. I want to ask you some questions.
Larrim: Questions? I'd rather not. It might be bad for business if people saw me answering a bunch of questions for a human. Most of the residents here are illegal aliens, questions are frowned on. I don't want to lose the trust of my customers. If you really need information, go talk to Kadir the janitor. He's bordering on senile so all the residents figure he's harmless. They won't mind you talking to him, and he might be able to help you out with your questions.
5. I'll be going now.
Larrim: See you around. Come on back if you need any equipment. I've got some merchandise you might be interested in.

You can speak again to repeat or explore responses, unless otherwise stated. However, if you return while anyone is equipping Sith Armor, dialog is restricted to the following:

Larrim: Good day, officer. Don't mind me, I'm just standing here minding my own business. I'm not looking for any trouble with the Sith.
Larrim: Back again? So, what can I do for you? You want to see what I have in stock?
4. Let me see what you've got for sale.
Larrim: No problem. Just step on up and have a peek.
Buy Item Cost Amount Buy Item Cost Amount
Medpac 44 Infinite Blaster Pistol 110 Infinite
Computer Spike 275 2 Light Repeating Blaster 550 1
Parts 220 2 Poison Grenade 143 1
Military Suit 165 1 Sonic Grenade 143 1
Heavy Combat Suit 110 1 Concussion Grenade 88 2
Combat Suit 55 Infinite Frag Grenade 88 Infinite
Light Battle Armor 275 1 Energy Shield 154 1
Vibroblade 88 1 Sound Dampening Stealth Unit 220 1
Stun Baton 33 Infinite Stealth Field Generator 110 Infinite
Long Sword 5 Infinite Battle Stimulant 110 1
Quarterstaff 2 Infinite Minor Flash Mine 110 1
Vibrosword 132 1 Minor Frag Mine 110 1
Short Sword 1 Infinite Minor Gas Mine 110 1
Ion Blaster 220 1 Minor Plasma Mine 110 1
Sonic Pistol 220 1

Larrim's items cost 10% extra to buy, so think twice before doing so. Items that cannot be bought anywhere else on Taris are highlighted in bold, although the Energy Shields about which Larrim spoke can be received from various remains and other containers later on, so there’s no need to buy one here.

Upper City[edit | edit source]

The apartment complex is a ring, with the doors to four apartments (excluding your hideout) and the elevator to the Upper City in the outer wall. The latter is to the south, and the quickest way to reach it from your apartment is to run counter-clockwise around the ring, hugging the inner wall to avoid Larrim speaking as you pass. The ring is patrolled by a maintenance droid:

Beep beep beep-oop!

The aliens encountered are slightly more talkative, but only Larrim and the janitor can be engaged in dialog.

The Sith searched this building once. Fortunately they didn't care that we were here illegally, and they left us alone.
Sorry, human, but I do not wish to engage in conversation with you. Residents of this complex prefer to keep to themselves.
A human? We do not see many of your kind in this building... unless they are hiding out from someone.
Please, don't take me in for questioning... I don't know anything! I swear!
They say Taris is the Coruscant of the Outer Rim. But this world is nothing but crumbling buildings and urban waste!
Had I known of the Tarisian attitudes towards aliens I would never have come to visit this world. Now I'm stuck here because of the quarantine!
On my home world I lived in a splendid castle. But here on this planet I'm forced to hide out in this... this slum!
Greetings, officer. Rest assured, if I see anything of interest to the Sith I will be report it to the proper authorities.
I hate this world. They treat us aliens like scum. As soon as the Sith quarantine is over, I'm leaving for good!
Before the Sith arrived there was talk of changing Taris' alien restriction laws. But I guess that probably won't happen now.
I know some Twi'leks who've been given special permission to live in the Upper City. They don't have to hide out in a dump like this.
Oh... uh... hello, officer. Making another patrol, are you? Well, I won't get in your way.