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Map of the docking bay

Star Map: Manaan[edit | edit source]

Ebon Hawk[edit | edit source]

The Ebon Hawk is in Docking Bay 26-C. Going through the door in the south wall allows you to enter (and later exit) the Ahto City security zone.

Camera: Entering Ahto City security zone. Cameras activated. Camera: Leaving Ahto City security zone. Cameras deactivated.

Beyond the door to Docking Bay 26-C is the east end of a long corridor connecting to two other docking bays and the rest of Ahto City itself.

Upon first arrival on Manaan, a Republic soldier and a Sith soldier are arguing in front of the door.

Sith Soldier: You Republic people are so pathetic, sitting around grovelling at the table scraps the galactic senators deign to give you. It makes me sick.
Republic Soldier: The senators work for the good of the whole galaxy, not for individual gain!
Sith Soldier: Ha! Don't make me laugh, you gutless simp! It's the destiny of weak-minded fools like you to be ruled over by the strong, like we Sith!
Republic Soldier: I'm warning you! Don't push me, or you'll get just what you're asking for!
Sith Soldier: Try it. Just try it. I'd love to see you throw the first punch. And with all the cameras around the Selkath would be all over you inside of 30 seconds. You break their laws, you pay the price, Republic scum. But I can see that you're not man enough to back up your words anyway. If you ever feel like relieving yourself of your worthless existence, feel free to come by our enclave here. We have many, many ways to fulfill your wish.
Republic Soldier: *grrr*

The Sith soldier walks off to the west, while the Republic soldier turns and speaks to you. You can ask a few questions about why the Sith are on Manaan, Ahto City and the Selkath, and the Star Map.

Republic Soldier: Yeah, what do you...? Oh, I apologize Master Jedi, I should not have been rude.
1. It is alright.
Republic Soldier: No really, I should apologize. I should try to control myself... as you Jedi do. Is there anything I can help you with?
3. I would like to ask a few questions.
Republic Soldier: Of course, I'm always willing to help a Jedi. What do you require?
1. Why are there Sith on Manaan?
Republic Soldier: Well, for the kolto, of course. Really that's the only reason anyone would want to be here. It's the only reason the Selkath built Ahto City in the first place: to export kolto.
2. Tell me about Ahto City.
Republic Soldier: Um... It's big. Real big. Actually it's pretty much the only real city on the entire world. The only place for us air-breathers anyway.
2. Tell me about Ahto City. 3. Who are the Selkath?
Republic Soldier: Manaan is a water world - which you may have noticed on your way down to land here - inhabited natively by a species of fish-people called the Selkath. They built this city to cater to us off-worlders and as a base of operations to export kolto, which is the only real thing they have to trade here.
4. Have you seen an ancient Star Map?
Republic Soldier: A Star Map? Like an ancient artifact or something? No, sorry, never heard of it. Is there anything else I can do for you?

Asking why the Sith upset him so much tells you why both they and the Republic are here, despite the war between them:

2. Why do the Sith upset you so much?
Republic Soldier: These damn Sith are everywhere on Manaan, pushing us Republic citizens around, trying to goad us into breaking the law somewhere.
1. Breaking the law?
Republic Soldier: The Selkath want to maintain their neutrality in this war we're fighting with the Sith and they enforce it VERY strictly.
3. The Sith and the Republic coexisting peacefully? Well… relatively…
Republic Soldier: Peacefully? Not hardly. Just look in their eyes. You can see they'd like nothing more than to kill each and every one of us, personal-like.
2. They mean well, but are misguided. 3. It is the work of the dark side.
Republic Soldier: You're... you're joking, right? The smug Hutt-spawn push us every chance they can get and enjoy it. Republic Soldier: If you say so, Master Jedi. It's very aggravating. Sometimes I just want to take one of them and... *grrr*
2. Why don't you run them off Manaan? 1. Yeah, I know the feeling… 2. They mean well, but are misguided. 3. It is the work of the dark side.
Republic Soldier: There's nothing we can do, though. The Selkath want to maintain their neutrality and they enforce it VERY strictly. So we have to sit here and let the Sith insult us and we can't raise a hand against them otherwise the Republic will face severe kolto export restrictions. That could lose us the war altogether.

The reason is kolto:

1. What is kolto?
Republic Soldier: You're joking... right? Sorry, but everyone knows what kolto is. The most powerful healing agent in the galaxy. I would've died several times myself if we didn't have this stuff handy. But the reason it's important here is that kolto is only found naturally on Manaan, and all of our attempts to synthesize it have failed miserably. So we sit here on the surface, the Selkath harvesting what kolto bubbles up from the bottom of the ocean, and we buy it from them. Us and the Sith of course. The Selkath don't want to play favorites.
1. The Republic and the Sith both stay here? 2. Why haven't they joined the Republic?
Republic Soldier: The Selkath think that by staying neutral they can play both sides, selling kolto to everyone that needs it, and making themselves too valuable to be worth conquering. Well, that, and they threatened to destroy the only natural source of kolto on the planet if anyone tries to attack them. But I think they're underestimating the lengths the Sith will go to get what they want... They're probably planning something already. Is there anything else you require?

However, the following will tell you all you need to proceed:

4. Never mind. I must go.
Republic Soldier: Of course. If you have any other questions you should probably see Roland Wann, he's the Republic diplomat here. He's by the Republic enclave near the visitor residences. If you don't know where that is, go north from here, then south past the port official and the first courtyard, east into the second courtyard, then north then east again. You got that? Have a pleasant stay, Master Jedi.
Journal Entry Added Star Map: Manaan
You have been advised to see Roland Wann at the Republic Embassy for further information on Manaan.

If you try to speak to the Republic soldier again, he just directs you to Rolan Wann at the Republic Embassy again:

Republic Soldier: If you have any other questions you should probably see Roland Wann, he's the Republic diplomat here. He's by the Republic enclave near the visitor residences. Have a pleasant stay, Master Jedi.

Another Republic soldier is at work at the east end of the corridor:

Republic Soldier
I can't talk now. I have to get this kolto loaded up before my shift is over.
If you got a problem go talk to our diplomatic representative. Don't bother me with it.
People are saying the Republic did something to cripple the kolto production here on Manaan, but I don't believe it. Sounds more like something the Sith would do.

A number of security and cleaning droids patrol the corridor:

Beep beep beep-oop!

Republic Embassy[edit | edit source]

Journal Entry Added Republic Embassy
The Republic soldier you met in the docking bays on Manaan seemed to think you might have a hard time finding the Embassy here in the city… Perhaps it's a big place.

He said go south through the first courtyard, then east to the second courtyard, and it's in the northeast section of that area.

While the east end of the corridor is a dead end, to the west it ends in a door, with a Selkath merchant standing to the left of it by the south wall.

West Central[edit | edit source]

Beyond the west door, the corridor continues. Once you've passed another Selkath, named Nubassa (who may help you with your trouble with gizka), you'll see a door in the north wall to Docking Bay 26-B and another in the south wall, beyond which is a corridor leading to the West Central courtyard, en route to the Republic Embassy. The corridor continues to the west, through another door to Docking Bay 26-A.

Private Hangar[edit | edit source]

The corridor continues to a dead end in the west. Going through the door to Docking Bay 26-A in the north wall allows you to exit (and later enter) the Ahto City security zone.

Camera: Leaving Ahto City security zone. Cameras deactivated. Camera: Entering Ahto City security zone. Cameras activated.

Beyond is another door, which is locked.

Security Door Unlock 100 (80) Bash Resist - Vitality -

[Private Sith docking bay. Security clearance required.]

However, after speaking to Roland Wann from the Republic Embassy in the East Central courtyard and agreeing to undertake a mission for the Republic, you receive a key which opens this door.

The hangar, as seen from its southwest corner.

The transport is to the left, in the northwest corner of the hangar. However, it's guarded by a trio of Sith elite troopers to the left, right and center, a Sith grenadier to the northeast, and a Dark Jedi apprentice closer to the door. The Sith are spread out and attack from range so while grenades and area of effect Force powers aren't as effective as they normally are, it's a perfect opportunity for a Jedi Guardian to use Force Jump.

Dark Jedi Apprentice
File:KotOR Model .png
Class Jedi Guardian
Level 4
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 15 +2
Dexterity 14 +2
Constitution 12 +1
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 14 +2
Charisma 8 -1
Vitality 31
Defense 14
Fortitude 5
Reflex 6
Will 4
Awareness 4
Ranged Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Melee Main Off
Attack 6 -
Energy 4-18-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers
Lightsaber Jedi Sense

Weapon Proficiency: Lightsaber Jedi Defense4

Force Push


Burst of Speed
Sith Elite Trooper
File:KotOR Model .png
Class Soldier
Level 12
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 10 0
Dexterity 12 +1
Constitution 10 0
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 10 0
Charisma 10 0
Vitality 35
Defense 19/22
Fortitude 8
Reflex 5
Will 4
Awareness 2
Ranged Main Off
Attack 14 -
Damage 3-10-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Melee Main Off
Attack 15 -
Damage 1-10-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats
Battle Armor

Blaster Rifle + Vibroblade

Armor Proficiency: Heavy

Weapon Specialization: Blaster Rifle Improved Power Blast Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons Master Dueling

Sith Grenadier
File:KotOR Model .png
Class Soldier
Level 12
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 10 0
Dexterity 12 +1
Constitution 10 0
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 10 0
Charisma 10 0
Vitality 60
Defense 19
Fortitude 8
Reflex 5
Will 4
Awareness 12
Ranged Main Off
Attack 13 -
Physical 1-6-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Melee Main Off
Attack 12 -
Damage 1-6-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats
Battle Armor

Disruptor Rifle + Short Sword Thermal Detonator (3)

Armor Proficiency: Heavy

Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifle Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons

The apprentice doesn't appear to use Force powers, so the priority target is the grenadier since he can throw up to three Thermal Detonators.

Experience Points (XP) Received: Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • Challenge Rating 5 Killed Sith Elite Trooper (3)
  • Challenge Rating 12 Killed Sith Grenadier
1. [Take the transport to Sith base.] 2. [Leave.]

Once you've left the hangar you won't be able to return, so choose your party wisely. The secondary entrance to the Sith base is mined, so one of your party needs Awareness rank 10 to detect this if you don't want to trigger anything; Deadly mines may be encountered elsewhere, requiring rank 20. There are also opportunities to use computers and repair, which can assist with the inevitable combat.

Merchant[edit | edit source]

As you pass the Selkath merchant, you may encounter a messenger for a party member if unlocked by dialog.

Bastila Carth Jolee Juhani Canderous Mission
No Jordo No Xor Jagi No

Aside from letting you see his inventory, he can tell you about Ahto City and Manaan.

Merchant: Greetings human, and welcome to the Ahto City Visitor's Provisional Stand. We are here to provide visitors with all manner of indigenous treats and products produced right here on Manaan. We carry all manner of foods and provisions, and have contacts with resellers across the world to provide you, the customer, with the best shopping experience possible.
Merchant: How is it that the Ahto City Provisional Company can help you today?
1. Tell me about Ahto City.
Merchant: Ahto City is the center of trade and commerce for all of Manaan. Indeed, for this entire sector! It is the only known source of kolto in the galaxy, and thus one of its most important worlds. This city was constructed by we Selkath so that other races and cultures could experience the wonders that Manaan has to offer.
2. Tell me about Manaan.
Merchant: Manaan is the homeworld of we Selkath. It is here that our race has lived and thrived for uncounted millenia. With our valuable supply of kolto, we have become an important player in intragalactic politics. We have taken a neutral stance in the current galactic war between the Sith and the Republic as we believe that violence is not a permanent solution. Is there another way in which I can assist you?
4. Nothing for now. 4. I will be leaving now.
Merchant: Rest assured that as long as Manaan is here, the Ahto City Provisional Company will be here to serve your needs. Good day to you, sentient.
Buy Item Cost Amount Buy Item Cost Amount
Advanced Medpac 80 1 Ion Grenade 130 5
Advanced Repair Kit 50 Infinite Concussion Grenade 80 5
Antidote Kit 49 1 Hyper-battle Stimulant 200 5
Medpac 40 Infinite Hyper-adrenal Alacrity 100 5
Repair Kit 25 Infinite Hyper-adrenal Stamina 100 5
Computer Spike 250 Infinite Hyper-adrenal Strength 100 5
Parts 200 Infinite Adrenal Alacrity 50 Infinite
Thermal Detonator 2000 5 Adrenal Stamina 50 Infinite
Plasma Grenade 750 5 Adrenal Strength 50 Infinite
CryoBan Grenade 130 5

Trouble With Gizka[edit | edit source]

The Selkath Nubassa to the left of the exit south to the West Central courtyard seeks exotic species for a zoological compound:

Nubassa: Greetings! Forgive me if this seems an odd question, off-worlder, but might you have any exotic species for sale? Nothing dangerous, mind you. Nubassa: Greetings again, off-worlder. Have you happened upon any exotic species since we last spoke?
1. Exotic species? What sorts of exotic species? 1. How has the hunt been?
Nubassa: Anything non-sentient and non-carnivorous will do, though creatures that are easy to manage are preferred. Is that understandable? Nubassa: Poor, to tell the truth. I am beginning to think we shall have no species at all in our zoological exhibit. *sigh*
2. Why would you want to buy animals?
Nubassa: Ah, good question. The Selkath have little exposure to life from other planets, you see, but our government hopes to change that. We are setting up a zoological compound for visitation by the public, and are hoping to stock it with non-offensive foreign creatures of all types. The only problem right now is actually procuring the exotic species we need. Selkath import restrictions are quite prohibitive, to say the least.
1. So you want me to smuggle them in?
Nubassa: I would not use such a harsh word, off-worlder. Let us say that I am interested in engaging in private trade. That is allowed, according to our laws. Finding off-worlders that deal in such trade is most difficult, however. I have become quite desperate. Might you have what I seek?
4. No, I don't have anything for you. 5. I don't have time for questions.
Nubassa: Well, if you do come across something potentially interesting, please remember me. My name is Nubassa. I hope to see you again!

Once you've disembarked on Tatooine and Jor Ul Kurax has mistakenly shipped a delivery of gizka to the Ebon Hawk's hold, you can see if he's interested in taking them off your hands:

3. I have some gizka, if you're interested.
Nubassa: Gizka? You speak of the small, bipedal amphibians with the overly high reproductive rate, correct? Oh, no, I am afraid I cannot take those. A compatriot of mine made the mistake of purchasing a pair of such creatures several months ago. Within weeks our storage facilities were nearly overrun. If you are in possession of such creatures, I hope you keep them separated. If not, then you have my condolences.
5. Thanks anyway, then.
Nubassa: My pleasure. Should you encounter some other exotic species, do please let me know.

You'll have to persuade him using your own skill or the Force.

Medium 1. [Persuade] Is there no way I can convince you to take them off my hands?
Nubassa: [Failure] I do not think so, no. They have proven to be far too much trouble in the past.
Medium 1. [Persuade] Is there no way I can convince you to take them off my hands? link=Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic}}/Force powers#Affect Mind 4. [Force Persuade] But you want to take these gizka off my hands.
Nubassa: [Success] I... suppose having a few of the creatures would not be of harm. We do have experience handling them now, I suppose. Nubassa: [Success] Hmm. But maybe we could use these gizka, after all. It is better then having nothing at all to show, I suppose.
Nubassa: Since they are so difficult to maintain, however, I would ask that you provide 100 credits. Then I will take them off your hands.

He'll take them off your hands if you provide him with 100 credits, whether you agree to do so outright, after failing to persuade him he doesn't need any credits (or that he should give them to you), or suggest paying him yourself:

link=Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic}}/Force powers#Affect Mind 3. [Force Persuade] You don't need any credits to take them. Medium 4. [Persuade] I was hoping to sell them. How about we just call it even? Hard 5. [Persuade] You want me to *pay* you? How about you give me 100 credits?
Nubassa: [Failure] I... I do not... no, I am afraid that you are mistaken. I do require coin to compensate for my aid. These gizka are not easy to manage. Nubassa: [Failure] The cost of maintaining such creatures is very high. I would be removing pests for you at my own expense? Nubassa: [Failure] That is unfair of you to ask, off-worlder. You are attempting to sell me something I have already stated I do not need.
1. Deal. I want those things off my ship as soon as possible. 1. Fine. 100 credits it is.
Nubassa: Very well. It is a pleasure doing business with you... I will have my people show up to remove your gizka as soon as possible. Thank you very much. For an off-worlder, interacting with you has been most pleasant.

He can always be persuaded if you suggest paying him 100 credits yourself.

Medium 2. [Persuade/Lie] But these are special gizka. They don't reproduce like the others do. 3. Actually, I would *really* like to get rid of these creatures.
Nubassa: [Failure] I have never heard of such a creature. I suspect you are merely desperate to offload your difficult circumstance onto another. Shame on you, off-worlder! Nubassa: I am sure you would. They are practically a nuisance. I have no need of them, however, as I stated.
Always 1. [Persuade] How about if I paid you 100 credits as well? Would that help?
Nubassa: [Success] *sigh* I suppose it would. I am not looking forward to the trouble this will cause, but if it will help you out... I will do what I can. I shall send some people by your vessel shortly to remove the gizka. Good day to you, off-worlder.
Credits Lost: 100

However, he doesn't need any credits if you're more persuasive or you can dominate minds, or in the (highly unlikely) event that you don't even have 100 credits.

link=Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic}}/Force powers#Affect Mind 3. [Force Persuade] You don't need any credits to take them. Medium 4. [Persuade] I was hoping to sell them. How about we just call it even?
Nubassa: [Success] What am I thinking? It is impertinent of me to ask you for credits when you are attempting to make a sale. My apologies. Nubassa: [Success] *sigh* I suppose it is better than nothing. We must have some creatures in our exhibit, after all.
Nubassa: I shall send some of my people by to remove the gizka on your vessel. Thank you for your co-operation.


2. But... I actually don't have 100 credits.
Nubassa: You do not even have 100 credits? Then you are in dire straits, indeed. You certainly do not need these pests on your vessel. In the interest of maintaining peace, I shall remove them and use what I can. Thank you for your assistance, off-worlder... I hope your situation improves soon.

If you lie successfully you can also agree to have him take them for free, or do so after failing to persuade him to pay you, moving closer to the dark side of the Force:

Medium 2. [Persuade/Lie] But these are special gizka. They don't reproduce like the others do.
Nubassa: [Success] They do not? Well, that is marvelous news! We would have the benefit of obtaining the gizka without the inconvenience of their numbers! If you wish, I will send some others over to your vessels right away to remove the gizka.
Easy 1. [Persuade] The gizka are for *sale*... they aren't free.
Nubassa: [Failure] I am willing to take these gizka off your hands because of their unusual nature... I certainly will not purchase them!
2. Forget it. No deal.
Nubassa: As you wish. Our negotiation is hereby suspended.


2. Sounds good to me. 1. Fine, take them, then.
Dark Side Points Gained: -2
Nubassa: Thank you for your assistance, off-worlder. Dealing with you has proven far more pleasurable than I anticipated.

However, if you were able to lie successfully then you should easily persuade him to pay you. If you're highly persuasive instead, you can do so without lying and moving closer to the dark side of the Force.

Hard 5. [Persuade] You want me to *pay* you? How about you give me 100 credits? Easy 1. [Persuade] The gizka are for *sale*... they aren't free.
Nubassa: [Success] I... suppose it is natural for off-worlders to desire commerce, even when it is unfair. Very well, I shall do as you ask, in the interest of peace. Nubassa: [Success] Ah. I hope 100 credits will be sufficient, then? I realize that such a rare strain of gizka might be worth more, but it is all I can afford.
Nubassa: Here are your credits. I shall send someone by to remove the gizka from your vessel. Good day, off-worlder. Dark Side Points Gained: -2
Nubassa: Thank you for your assistance, off-worlder. Dealing with you has proven far more pleasurable than I anticipated.
Credits Received: 100

This is the best outcome, but however you manage to convince Nubassa to take the gizka off your hands, once he has done so he leaves the area.

Journal Entry Added The Trouble With Gizka
You have managed to convince a Selkath on Manaan to take the gizka off your hands, though it was not easy. Hopefully the Selkath take *all* of the little beasts.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 500 Convinced Nubassa to take the gizka off your hands

Sith Hangar[edit | edit source]

Going through the door to Docking Bay 26-B, in the north wall opposite the exit to the West Central courtyard, allows you to exit (and later enter) the Ahto City security zone.

Camera: Leaving Ahto City security zone. Cameras deactivated. Camera: Entering Ahto City security zone. Cameras activated.

To either side of the door is a computer terminal, operated by a human Sith soldier on the left and a Twi'lek on the right:

Sith Soldiers
We've got all the proper kolto trading permits, so back off.
I don't have time to listen to your stories - I've got a full shipment of kolto to load before my shift is over.
Kolto's real scarce all of a sudden. From what I hear, the Republic is to blame.

Genoharadan: Ithorak[edit | edit source]

Once you've met Vek in Ahto East's swoop track registration and he's agreed to set up a meeting between you and Ithorak, you can meet him in the hangar. You can simply go in after approaching Vek and the assault droid standing outside, or you can take an opportunity to isolate Ithorak:

Vek: Ithorak is waiting for you inside the hangar. As you probably know, there are no security cameras there: the better to conduct our business away from prying eyes. However, before we go in I'll point out this rather large assault droid standing beside me. I and the droid will both accompany you in to see Ithorak, just to make sure there is no trouble.
1. My business with Ithorak is private. 2. You don't need to do that. I won't cause any trouble.
Vek: Ithorak is an important man with access to the rich and powerful. He is not about to let himself become an easy target for a kidnapping or an assassination. When you meet Ithorak, I and the droid will both be there. It is my job to protect my employer, and I intend to do that regardless of my personal feelings toward him.
1. Personal feelings? Do you mean you don't like Ithorak?
Vek: Ithorak can be as temperamental as his clients. Combine that with his arrogance and the way he treats his underlings and you can understand why I might soon consider seeking other employment. But despite all Ithorak's faults, he does pay well. So I serve my employer faithfully, for now.

Vek can always be bribed or persuaded using the Force to abandon Ithorak:

Always 1. [Persuade] What if I gave you 500 credits *not* to protect him? link=Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic}}/Force powers#Affect Mind 2. [Force Persuade] You should quit on him right now. Leave and find another job.
Vek: [Success] 500 credits to betray Ithorak? 500 credits to abandon the man who insults and belittles me on a daily basis? How could I refuse such a generous offer? Vek: [Success] You're... you're right. He's never treated me with the respect I deserve. Yelling at me, insulting me, belittling me. I don't know why I stayed with him as long as I did!
Credits Lost: 500
Vek: Ithorak never appreciated me while I was around, so let's see how he likes dealing with you alone! But before I go, one last warning, human. Whatever your plan for Ithorak is, be careful. I've always suspected he was more than just a simple merchant. I've heard people who cross him are rarely heard from again. I don't want to risk his vengeance, so I'm going to disappear for a long while. Just in case Ithorak gets the better of you in this, you understand. Goodbye, human... and good luck.
Journal Entry Added Genoharadan: Ithorak
You've convinced Vek to abandon Ithorak; not very difficult considering how the Twi'lek felt towards his boss. But you still have to deal with Ithorak himself. He's waiting for you inside the hangar at the docking bay.

The assault droid remains, and since Vek is no longer there to command it you can reprogram it:

Assault Droid: [This assault droid must have been programmed to respond to Vek's commands. Now that he's gone, it isn't doing much of anything.]
1. Reprogram the droid. 2. Leave the droid alone.
Assault Droid: You've accessed the droid's primary circuits to reprogram it. Assault Droid: [You leave the droid alone. Someone will probably be by to remove it in time.]
3. Leave it alone.
Assault Droid: You decide not to reprogram the droid.
Repair 1. Program the droid to attack Ithorak. (6 repair part(s)) Repair 2. Rig the droid with a frag mine and program it to approach Ithorak and detonate. (4 repair part(s))
Assault Droid: [Success] The droid marches off to attack Ithorak. Assault Droid: [Failure] You do not have enough repair parts. Assault Droid: [Success] It's deadly payload in place, the droid marches towards Ithorak.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 20 * level Programmed the droid to attack Ithorak
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 15 * level Rigged the droid with a frag mine

Either way, the assault droid will enter the hangar and kill Ithorak for you:

[Now that Ithorak is dead, you have no further use for this droid. Someone will probably remove it in time.]

However, you always receive more experience, and an opportunity to move closer to the dark side of the Force, if you kill him yourself:

Ithorak: Are you the buyer I'm supposed to meet? Wait a minute: where's Vek? What's going on here!
1. Vek's not on your payroll anymore, Ithorak! Dark Side Points Gained: -2
2. Vek didn't want to be around when I gutted you, Ithorak!
Ithorak: I knew I couldn't trust that Twi'lek. Some security advisor: he lets an assassin walk right in on me! Vek's going to pay for this betrayal... after I'm done taking care of you!
Class Scoundrel
Level 14
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 12 +1
Dexterity 15 +2
Constitution 12 +1
Intelligence 14 +2
Wisdom 13 +1
Charisma 13 +1
Vitality 174
Defense 29/30
Fortitude 5
Reflex 11
Will 5
Awareness 3
Ranged Main Off
Attack 13 -
Damage 1-8-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Melee Main Off
Attack 11 -
Damage 2-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats
Combat Suit +

Heavy Blaster

Master Scoundrel's Luck

Armor Proficiency: Light Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Pistol Dueling Master Power Blast Master Rapid Shot Master Sniper Shot13

Experience Points (XP) Received: Item(s) Received Ithorak
  • Datapad

This datapad has a single message on it:
"Someone has discovered that you are more than you claim to be. Watch your back, because you know Vek is too incompetent to watch it for you."

Most experience is received by simply going in with Vek and the assault droid and killing them as well:

3. Okay, let's go in and see Ithorak.
Vek: Excellent. Follow me.
Ithorak: Greetings, human. I am Ithorak. Vek tells me you represent a wealthy buyer, and I am always interested in new clients. So tell me, who do you represent?
1. My buyer wishes to remain anonymous.
Ithorak: Oh? I don't like not knowing who I'm working for, but exceptions can sometimes be made. Well, if you won't reveal your patron, at least tell me what pieces of art they're interested in.
1. Nothing specific. I'm just browsing on behalf of my patron. 2. Uh... I represent the Organa family from Alderaan.
Ithorak: One does not "browse" the types of items I deal in! You may have fooled my moron of a security advisor, but you don't fool me! You're an assassin! Ithorak: I happen to know the art acquisitions agent working on behalf of the Organa family quite well, and you are definitly not her! Vek may be a blind fool, but I know an assassin when I see one
1. Nothing specific. I'm just browsing on behalf of my patron. 2. Uh... I represent the Organa family from Alderaan. 3. I'm just here to kill you, Ithorak!
Ithorak: Vek, you idiot! What kind of security advisor are you? You lead this assassin right to me!
Vek: I... I'm sorry, Ithorak. I just thought...
Ithorak: Shut up, Vek! Just do your job and kill them!
Class Soldier
Level 12
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 18 +4
Dexterity 14 +2
Constitution 16 +3
Intelligence 12 +1
Wisdom 10 0
Charisma 12 +1
Vitality 182
Defense 21
Fortitude 14
Reflex 8
Will 6
Awareness 2
Ranged Main Off
Attack 19 -
Damage 1-6,+3-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Melee Main Off
Attack 19 -
Damage 6-16-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats
Jedi Robe +

Vibrosword Zabrak Blaster Pistol On Hit: Stun10

Weapon Focus: Melee Weapons

Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Pistol Improved Dueling Improved Power Attack

Assault Droid
Class Combat Droid
Level 12
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 13 +1
Dexterity 13 +1
Constitution 20 +5
Intelligence 6 -2
Wisdom 8 -1
Charisma 6 -2
Vitality 186
Defense 28
Fortitude 17
Reflex 10
Will 6
Awareness 11
Ranged Main Off
Attack 15 -
Damage 1-10-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Melee Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Items and abilities Feats
Heavy Repeating Blaster

Damage Resistance vs. Energy15/-

Battle Droid Logic Upgrade

Weapon Focus: Heavy Weapons

Experience Points (XP) Received: Experience Points (XP) Received:

You always move closer to the dark side of the Force after Ithorak is killed:

Dark Side Points Gained: -2
Killed Ithorak
Journal Entry Added Genoharadan: Ithorak
Ithorak is dead. Now you just have to return to Hulas and collect his bounty.

Return to Hulas in the East Central courtyard to collect his bounty.