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You enter from Ahto City Central on the east side of Ahto West. You don't need to come here, but before turning back you can activate some optional quests to complete as you return east and continue your quest for the Star Forge.

Once Jolee joins your party on Kashyyyk, you encounter a woman named Elora as you enter the courtyard to the west and approach the Holding Cell, activating the Sunry Murder Trial and allowing you to be appointed Arbiter in this case by Judge Shelkar of the Ahto High Court, on the south side of the courtyard.

There's a Mercenary Enclave on the northeast side of the courtyard. As you enter, the Selkath Nilko Bwaas can ask you to investigate the Republic Hiring Mercenaries. The Pazaak player Gonto Vas can sell you a deck or give you a wager or a practice game, but he and the mercenaries are best questioned once you're Sunry's Arbiter and Shaelas has apppoached you about the Missing Selkath. The Selkath Bartender sells Stimulants, including infinite Adrenals.

Map of Ahto West courtyard

Ahto City Central[edit | edit source]

You enter on the east side of Ahto West, with the door to the West Central courtyard behind you. The corridor ahead turns southwest, leading to the northeast side of a courtyard.

Holding Cell[edit | edit source]

If you've returned from the Upper Shadowlands after Jolee Bindo joined your party on Kashyyyk, a woman named Elora approaches you as you enter the courtyard, asking to speak to him to help her husband, Sunry, an old friend of his.

A short corridor exits the courtyard to the south, at the end of which is a Selkath guard to the left of the door to Ahto City Prison in the west wall.

[Manaan Holding Cells. Authorized personnel only.]
Selkath Guard: Only the Arbiters are permitted into the prison cells, human. 1. I am sorry. I will be going now.

Once you've been appointed Arbiter in the Sunry Murder Trial by the Ahto High Court, the guard will unlock the door after you speak to him.

Ahto High Court[edit | edit source]

On the southeast side of the courtyard is a walkway exiting to the south. A friendly Selkath stands to the right, in the southwest corner, with a traveler who can comment on significant events resulting from your quest for the Star Forge.

Greetings, off-worlder. While I do not have time to converse with you, I hope you find what you are looking for here on Manaan.
The Sith have tried to manipulate our courts time and again, seeking power for themselves. I hope our government decides to do more against this.
I find it shocking that a hero of the Republic - Sunry - could do such a thing. Perhaps I have been wrong in my judgment of the Republic.
Many say that the Republic has had something to do with the economic restriction our people have placed on all trade. I hope it is not true.
I don't know how much longer I can stay on this world... The Selkath don't make it easy for us off-worlders.
Manaan may not seem very hospitable, but a surprising amount of trade runs through it because of the kolto trade.
I heard the Sith are trying to work on a synthetic version of kolto. I wouldn't be surprised if the Republic was, too.
The fighting between the Republic and the Sith is spreading farther. I wonder how long before Manaan becomes a battleground...
There's a lot of credits to be made in the Republic in times like these. If we survive of course...
I hear there's going to be a heavy meteor shower in the Coruscant system this year. Last time this sort of thing happened, they lost one of the orbital stations.
A friend of mine recently got into Pazaak - you know, the card game. Now he can't stop! It's so addictive!
The whole swoop racing circuit for this sector has been falling apart since the Sith bombed Taris.

The walkway leads to the Ahto High Court. As you enter for the first time, a Republic and Sith diplomat are arguing before five Selkath judges:

Republic Diplomat: The Republic respects the peace of Ahto City, your honor. But the Sith are a violent people who leave violence in their wake. I have three soldiers in the infirmary!
Sith Diplomat: If the Republic soldiers were more capable, they would not have suffered such serious injuries. Are my soldiers to be punished simply because they won a fair fight?
Republic Diplomat: I hardly call six against three a fair fight! The Sith are cowards who attack only when they have the advantage of numbers!
Judge Shelkar: I am aware of the Republic's indignation. However, witness reports clearly state your Republic soldiers were as willing to engage in violence as the Sith in this case.
Republic Diplomat: They were provoked, your honor! The Sith goaded them into this fight!
Judge Shelkar: Taunts and threats are not sufficient provocation in the eyes of this court. Words can be ignored - which is what your men should have done. I find both the Republic and the Sith to be equally at fault for this breach of the peace. I should throw all parties involved into the Ahto City jail. But since no Selkath were harmed in this conflict I will show mercy and levy a fine of ten thousand credits to both sides. The court is dismissed, though I warn you that further disturbances will not be viewed with such leniency.

If you speak to either of the diplomats:

Republic Diplomat: I'm sick of hearing about Manaan's neutrality! It sounds like a coward's excuse not to fight, if you ask me! Republic Diplomat: If it weren't for the Republic, Manaan would already be under Sith control. But we haven't had one word of thanks from the Selkath! Republic Diplomat: Why can't the Selkath see what the Sith are really like? They should ban them all from this planet.
Sith Diplomat: One day soon the Selkath will pay for the indignities they have inflicted on the Sith! Sith Diplomat: They say everyone on Manaan is equal. But it seems the Republic is a little more equal than the Sith. Neutrality? Ha! That's a laugh! Sith Diplomat: Manaan should treat us Sith better - their day of reckoning approaches. The Selkath have forgotten the lesson of Taris. Perhaps we should remind them.

From left to right are judges Duula, Kota, Shelkar, Naleshekan and Jhosa. There's no point in speaking to any judge except Shelkar at this point, although even that isn't necessary:

Judge Duula: I don't waste time on individuals who are not involved in my legal jurisdiction. Do not disturb me.
Judge Kota: Republic citizens are welcome on Manaan, but official inquiries should go through the proper channels.
Judge Kota: Judge Shelkar can answer questions of off-world visitors during normal hours. Judge Kota: Your function with the courts is complete. You should not interrupt our proceedings in this manner.
Judge Naleshekan: Do not disturb me, off-worlder, I am busy.
Judge Jhosa: Only those on legitimate business should consult the judges personally.
Judge Jhosa: For additional inquiries, Judge Shelkar is available for consultation. Judge Jhosa: Since your case is done, you should refrain from abusing your past familiarity.

Judge Shelkar is more forthcoming:

Judge Shelkar: I am Judge Shelkar acting on behalf of the Selkath government of Manaan. It is my task today to answer the needs of off-world citizens of both the Republic and the Sith Empire. If you have legitimate grievances with another party then you should speak to me. You should first, however, consult with the Republic Embassy before pressing formal charges. Is there something you wish to bring to my attention?
1. How did you know I was from the Republic?
Judge Shelkar: Your ship registry is originally from the Republic world of Transel. Therefore you are a Republic citizen. Or are you saying you STOLE your ship?
1. No, no... perfectly legitimate.
Judge Shelkar: I see. Is there more you need?
3. Is there a Star Map on this world?
Judge Shelkar: A Star Map? Hm... not precisely... but Manaan holds many wonderous and exciting locales and treasures, kolto not the least of them. Our many shops and boulevards cater to the whim of any species and provide a vibrant night-life that has to be seen to be believed. This and other tourist paraphenalia can be had from your local embassy... So do not waste my time with it.
4. What do you know about the young Selkath who have been going missing?
Judge Shelkar: The court is unaware of any missing beings reports. Should any substantial evidence come up in regards to such a disappearance, you should file it with us and an investigation will be launched. Is there anything else you require?
5. I have no more questions, your honor.
Judge Shelkar: Then go and enjoy Ahto City. And do not break any laws that we would have to lock you up for.

However, once you have spoken to Elora, judge Shelkar can appoint you Arbiter in the murder trial of her husband, Sunry.

Mercenary Enclave[edit | edit source]

Two unfriendly Selkath stand on the northwest side of the courtyard by the ocean.

Why are you disturbing me, off-worlder? I did not indicate I wished to converse with you.
Why do you disturb me, off-worlder? Are you trying to recruit me to your cause? You should save your lung gas - this Selkath's neutrality is not for sale.
I have no wish to talk with your kind, off-worlder! I have heard the rumors. We Selkath know your kind are to blame for the poor kolto harvest.

An Echani mercenary and Republic negotiator stand to the left of a walkway exiting the courtyard to the northeast. If you approach them, you overhear their negotiation:

Republic Negotiator: So do we have a deal?
Echani Mercenary: That's an awful lot of money... is there something you're not telling me?
Republic Negotiator: Don't be so suspicious. The Republic is generous, we pay our mercenaries well.
Echani Mercenary: Makes sense, I guess. Alright, I'm in. When do I start?
Republic Negotiator: Just show up at the Republic Embassy tomorrow and speak to our Representative there. I'm sure he'll have some task he wants you to start on right away.

The mercenary then exits to West Central, but the Republic negotiator isn't interested in talking to you:

Republic Negotiator: Do you mind? I'm in the middle of a Republic recruiting drive right now. I need to hire these mercenaries before they sign up with the Sith.
1. Why are you hiring mercenaries? 2. Maybe you could hire me? 3. I'll be going now.
Republic Negotiator: In case you hadn't noticed, there's a war on. If we don't hire these mercs, the Sith will. Now excuse me, I have to continue my recruitments. Republic Negotiator: I don't know if you've got what we're looking for... Jedi aren't generally suited to mercenary work. If you want, talk to Roland Wann at the Republic Embassy and see if he can find anything for you. It's north of here, then east past the first courtyard. It's just off the north end of the second courtyard. You can't miss it. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to continue my recruitments. Republic Negotiator: Good. The longer I spend talking to you, the less time I have to talk to the mercs.

The walkway leads to the mercenary enclave, which curves around to the southwest, with a bar on its northwest side and booths in alcoves set into the opposite wall.

Republic Hiring Mercenaries[edit | edit source]

As you enter the Mercenary Enclave on the northeast side of the courtyard, you're accosted by a Selkath named Nilko Bwaas standing to your left. However, he may not want to continue if you've already found the Star Map on Manaan:

Nilko Bwaas: Human, I wish to speak to you if you have the time. Nilko Bwaas: Your kind is not welcome here anymore, human! Though we may not speak of it, we know what you have done! Begone!

If you can speak to him again:

Nilko Bwaas: Greetings, human. My name is Nilko Bwaas. I hope you are enjoying yourself here in Ahto City. Our floating city is beautiful, is it not?
1. It's truly a wonder to behold. 2. Eh - I've seen better. 3. You're a lot more friendly than most of the Selkath here.
Nilko Bwaas: You are too gracious, human. Nilko Bwaas: I suppose tastes vary widely across the galaxy, human. And yet, the planet is beautiful to me and my people. Nilko Bwaas: I am afraid you speak the truth, human. My people are suspicious of outsiders, they fear the destruction of our beautiful planet.
Nilko Bwaas: The beauty of Manaan is delicate. Our ecosystem is complex and fragile, and I fear for the preservation of my planet.
4. Cut the small talk. What do you want? 3. I think I'll be going now.
Nilko Bwaas: You are blunt human - but that is perhaps what I require.
4. Cut the small talk. What do you want? 1. What are you talking about? 3. I think I'll be going now.
Nilko Bwaas: There is a task I would ask, human... Jedi. I fear there is nowhere else I can turn.
1. What do you want me to do? 2. Sorry, I'm not interested.
Nilko Bwaas: Rest assured, there will be ample reward for this human. I only require information, nothing more. The Republic has been hiring mercenaries - many more than usual.
Nilko Bwaas: With the incident at the Sith base so recent, one cannot help but wonder...
Nilko Bwaas: As an official of the Selkath people, this is of great concern to me. I only seek the reason for this change in Republic policy.
1. Forget it - I won't spy on the Republic! 2. Why do you need me for this?
Nilko Bwaas: I am no enemy of the Republic, human. I only seek assurances that there is no harm being done to Manaan. The Republic may be bringing ruin onto us all without even knowing it! Nilko Bwaas: I cannot trust anyone else. The Republic obviously wants to keep their secret - I have inquired often as to their purpose and been rebuffed. The Sith cannot be trusted to give me an accurate report of events - they will twist the truth so that it furthers their own goals. And the mercenaries are well aware of the high wages the Republic is paying - they would not report anything that might slow the flow of credits into their accounts.
1. Forget it - I won't spy on the Republic! 2. Why do you need me for this? 3. What's in this for me?
Nilko Bwaas: Uncover the truth behind the Republic's actions, and I will pay you 500 credits.

If Carth and Bastila are both present:

Carth: I'm uncomfortable with spying on the Republic... but if we could assure the Selkath that they mean no harm, then perhaps it might be worth it.
Bastila: And what if the Republic does mean harm, Carth? Will you tell them?
Carth: If the Republic did mean harm to the Selkath, then I want to know what the Selkath did to provoke it.
Bastila: How very noble of you.


Mission: I don't know if I like this. Aren't the Republic supposed to be the good guys?
Bastila: I doubt the Republic would be involved in anything illegal. Still, if this Selkath has concerns we could look into it for him. Juhani: We could look into this to calm this Selkath's fears, though I doubt the Republic would be involved in anything illegal.
Jolee: Be careful here, kid. Start poking your nose in places it doesn't belong and you might not like what you find.
Nilko Bwaas: Please - see if you can find the answers I seek. Find why the Republic is hiring so many mercenaries, find where they are going. Find why they do not return.
1. I'll look into it for you, Nilko. 2. I'll do it, but only for the money. 3. Forget it, I'm not interested.
Nilko Bwaas: Once you discover some information, please come speak to me. Believe it or not, I am a friend of the Republic. Whatever the truth, I shall do my best to protect the Republic's interests - and those of the Selkath, of course. Nilko Bwaas: Once you have the answers I seek, I will gladly pay you the 500 credits I promised. Nilko Bwaas: If you discover any information and you change your mind, please come speak to me. I will be here waiting for you.
Journal Entry Added Republic Hiring Mercenaries
The Selkath Nilko is suspicious about the Republic hiring mercenaries. He claims to be a friend of the Republic and is merely seeking to find out if something is wrong. He says he will reward you if you find out why they've been hiring so many lately.
Nilko Bwaas: Have you news for me, human? Have you discovered why the Republic is hiring mercenaries?
1. No, I'm still looking into it.
Nilko Bwaas: Once you have the answers I seek, I will gladly pay you the 500 credits I promised.

Once you've spoken to Roland Wann of the Republic Embassy in the East Central courtyard and agreed to complete a Mission for the Republic, then infiltrated the Sith base to retrieve the encrypted data module and returned it to him, you'll discover why the Republic is hiring mercenaries:

Nilko Bwaas: Have you news for me, human? Have you discovered why the Republic is hiring mercenaries?
2. Yes - they're sending them down to a secret base on the Hrakert Rift.
Nilko Bwaas: The Hrakert Rift? It is as I feared - though the Republic is fortunate I was the one assigned to investigate this case. Human, allow me to be blunt with you. If I report this violation to my superiors the Republic will be banned from Manaan - but I do not wish to do this. I see the Sith for what they truly are: ruthless and evil. The Republic has always respected our independence, but if they fall the Sith will be quick to send an invasion fleet to conquer Manaan. But I cannot simply ignore what the Republic has done. The Hrakert Rift is the source of Manaan's kolto, and I fear the science station may damage production of the delicate resource.
Carth: The Hrakert Rift is the source of kolto? Why would the Republic risk so much to send troops there? I don't get it. Jolee: Hmmm. You think the Republic is trying to steal the kolto, perhaps? An odd thing for the Republic to do, no?
Nilko Bwaas: You must tell the Republic to stop this madness at once. Make them shut down the facility and recall their people before they do something we all regret.
1. They can't. The Republic has recently lost contact with the science facility. 1. They couldn't. They had lost contact with the science facility.
Nilko Bwaas: Of course, I should have realized. Doubtless they were hiring the mercenaries to investigate the situation. But I fear mercenaries alone may not be enough to save their station. There are ancient mysteries within the Hrakert Rift that even we Selkath do not comprehend. I fear the Republic has awakened something that was best left undisturbed.
1. I am going to investigate the Hrakert Rift. 2. It sounds like you know more than you are telling me. 3. What do you suggest we do?
Nilko Bwaas: As you wish. Perhaps you will find the answers the mercenaries could not. I will keep our conversation secret so that the vile Sith will not gain from the Republic's foolishness. Nilko Bwaas: Had I any information, human, I would share it with you willingly. You have done the right thing, informing me of this... but I must ask something more of you.
Nilko Bwaas: I fear the mercenaries will not find the answers the Republic is looking for - they prefer blasters to brains. But you have shown yourself to be resourceful. Perhaps you can succeed where the others have failed. Investigate this facility, human - and I promise to keep my silence so that the vile Sith do not gain from the Republic's foolishness.
1. They awoke a creature which fed on the kolto.
Nilko Bwaas: A creature? Feeding on the kolto? There are many mysteries of the Rift that we have never known... and that would be one of them. The Republic building disturbed it no doubt. What has happened to this creature?
1. The creature is alive. 3. The creature is dead. 2. [Lie] The creature is alive. 4. [Lie] The creature is dead.
Nilko Bwaas: It is a most... unexpected development. But one that will warrant investigation at a later time. Perhaps the Republic and we Selkath may eventually solve. Nilko Bwaas: [Success] It is a most... unexpected development. But one that will warrant investigation at a later time. Perhaps the Republic and we Selkath may eventually solve.
Nilko Bwaas: I will keep our conversation secret so that the vile Sith will not gain from the Republic's foolishness.
2. I have cleared the facility. 3. The Republic's harvesting has stopped.
Nilko Bwaas: That is most reassuring, perhaps the situation is not as bad as I had thought. I will keep our conversation secret so that the vile Sith will not gain from the Republic's foolishness.
Nilko Bwaas: I only hope my silence does not lead to disaster for Manaan. Here is the payment I promised you. And now I must take my leave, human. My superiors are expecting a full report from me, and there is much I must do to ensure they cannot uncover the Republic's actions.
Journal Entry Added Republic Hiring Mercenaries
You told Nilko about the Republic facility in the Hrakert Rift. He thanked you and said he would try to cover for the Republic's actions. It seems that some Selkath, at least, are definitely on the Republic's side.
Credits Received: 500
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 500 Told Nilko about the Republic facility in the Hrakert Rift

It may save time to go down to the Hrakert Rift before completing this quest since you'll be brought back to Ahto High Court on the other side of the courtyard upon your return, but he may refuse to speak to you if your action down there moves you closer to the dark side of the Force...

Pazaak Rules[edit | edit source]

Another traveler and the Pazaak player Gonto Yas stand just beyond the Selkath Nilko Bwaas:

Gonto Yas: I hope you're here to play some Pazaak - I don't come here looking for sparkling conversation.
1. Sure, I'll play.

Although you can buy a Pazaak deck from Gonto Yas for half the price offered by Jolan Aphett in West Central, it still isn't recommended as you can pay even less elsewhere (or even get one free if you're persuasive enough).

1. I don't know how to play Pazaak.
Gonto Yas: So why are you wasting my time? Look - I'll give you a break. Every player needs their own Pazaak deck, and I just happen to have an extra one on me. I'll sell it to you for 100 credits, and I'll throw in a free lesson cause I'm in a generous mood.
1. It's a deal. 3. Can you go over the Pazaak rules for me?
Gonto Yas: Okay, pay attention cause I ain't gonna go over this twice.
1. [Play Pazaak Tutorial]
Item(s) Received Gonto Yas
  • Pazaak Deck
Credits Lost: 100
This is a standard Pazaak deck, complete with side deck cards.

You can also ask him some questions:

2. I want to ask you some questions.
Gonto Yas: I prefer to make my credits gambling, but I never turn my back on an opportunity. Maybe this can be a profitable exchange for both of us.
1. Do you know why the Republic is hiring so many mercenaries lately?
Gonto Yas: Hey, here's an idea - why don't you ask the mercs? Better yet, go down to the embassy and ask the Republic!
3. What do you think of the Sith? 4. What do you think of the Republic?
Gonto Yas: They don't bother me, and I don't bother them. Works all around.
Gonto Yas: You done wasting my time now, or you got some more questions?
6. I think I'll be going now. Gonto Yas: So clear out already!

Questioning him about the recent murder can help provoke an important revelation from Elora, Sunry's Wife while, once you've gone beyond the mercenaries and been approached by Shaelas about the Missing Selkath, asking about them gives you a chance to move (much) closer to the dark side of the Force. The Iridorian Mercenary is also worth questioning about them, but the mercenary standing by him merely comments:

Mercenary: For a while, the Republic were hiring anyone they could get their hands on. Now they don't have any use for us mercs. It's too bad... I could have used the work.

The Mandalorian mercenary, whom Canderous will recognize, can also be questioned, but this isn't necessary:

Mandalorian Mercenary: Canderous! I haven't seen you since the Republic broke our ranks at the battle of Malachor!
Canderous: Ergeron, I see you've got some new guns to add to your collection. Times must have been profitable for you since the war.
Mandalorian Mercenary: Very profitable. When the Republic defeated our fleets, I learned a valuable lesson: it's far better to be a freelance mercenary in a war than to be a soldier for the losing side.
Mandalorian Mercenary: If you're here to offer me a job, I'm not interested right now. I've got so many offers I can't keep up as it is. Maybe that Iridorian skullslacker at the bar, or the Echani nerfherder cowering in the corner is available.
Mandalorian Mercenary: All of a sudden the Republic isn't hiring mercenaries anymore. And now the kolto harvest is at an all time low. More than just coincidence, if you ask me.
1. Can I ask you some questions?
Mandalorian Mercenary: Normally I'd charge you for information, but times are good right now and I'm feeling generous. So ask your questions, free of charge.
1. Do you know about the murder of Elassa?
Mandalorian Mercenary: Not really. They say some Republic war hero killed her. Maybe you should check out the Republic Embassy.
2. Do you know anything about ancient ruins or a Star Map?
Mandalorian Mercenary: If there ever were any ruins on this world, they've long since disappeared beneath the oceans.
3. Don't you hate the Republic for defeating your people?
Mandalorian Mercenary: I'm a realist. It was war, after all. And even though the Republic destroyed my people, the leaders of the armada were Revan and Malak, so I hate the Sith just as much. And with this war, there's plenty of opportunity to take bloody vengeance against both sides and make a nice profit along the way. We Mandalorians are always practical. Not like those blood-thirsty Iridorians, or those honor-bound Echani. Is there anything else you want?
4. Why is the Republic hiring so many mercenaries?
Mandalorian Mercenary: They ain't saying, but the price sure is right. Of course, I haven't heard of anyone coming back, so I'm guessing the job ain't easy.
5. Do you know anything about the young Selkath who have gone missing?
Mandalorian Mercenary: Not really. I have no interest in the Selkath other than the fact that they are charging me an exorbitant amount to stay on this world. The Iridorian over there, however... He, I believe, may know more. He has been seen with several of them before.
2. What do you have against the Echani and the Iridorians?
Mandalorian Mercenary: Nothing, except the Echani are a bunch of fey dancers, prancing into battle with tiny weapons not fit for Mandalorian children. They hardly wear any armor because it slows them down when they run away. But the Echani are better than the Iridorians. Those savages keep hacking at fallen foe even after death, mutilating the corpse out of pure blood lust. But the Echani are better than the Iridorians. Those savages keep hacking at fallen foe even after death, mutilating the corpse out of pure blood lust.
4. I'll be going now.
Mandalorian Mercenary: So why are you telling me? If you're going, go. I don't need a status report.

Missing Selkath[edit | edit source]

The Selkath Shaelas will speak to you as you move deeper into the enclave, beyond the mercenaries. However, he may not want to continue if you've already found the Star Map on Manaan:

Shaelas: Your actions beneath the surface have shown that you are no friend to my people. I wish nothing to do with you.
Shaelas: Greetings, human. My name is Shaelas. I have heard it said that you are no friend of the Sith. Is this true? Shaelas: Greetings, human. My name is Shaelas. I have heard that you may have had some part in the incident at the Sith Embassy recently. Is this true?

If you tell him you like the Sith and don't tell him you were kidding, he'll end the dialog and refuse to do business with you until you can persuade him otherwise:

3. Actually, I kind of like the Sith. They've got style.
Shaelas: You like the Sith? You are obviously not the person I am looking for to complete this task.
2. What task?
Shaelas: I am sorry, human. You have made your relationship with the Sith quite clear. I have no further business with you.
Medium 1. [Persuade] I was only kidding! 3. Whatever...
Shaelas: [Failure] I do not believe you! Go. We have nothing more to speak of.


1. I'm just kidding. Medium 1. [Persuade] I was only kidding! link=Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic}}/Force powers#Affect Mind 2. [Force Persuade] It was a joke.
Shaelas: [Success] I do not find that form of humor amusing, human! Shaelas: [Success] Yes... A joke. I was mistaken.
Shaelas: Your words are strange, human. You claim one thing, then the exact opposite. Perhaps this is what your species calls humor. If so, its appeal eludes me. However, I believe you now speak the truth about your dislike of the Sith.
2. My allegiances are my own business.
Shaelas: You are wise to be so guarded, human. But my sources are rarely wrong, and they have informed me that you are no friend of Malak's people.
1. The Sith are a blight upon the galaxy! 2. My allegiances are my own business. 1. I'm just kidding. Medium 1. [Persuade] I was only kidding! link=Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic}}/Force powers#Affect Mind 2. [Force Persuade] It was a joke.
Shaelas: Though I suspect we have little in common, human, I share your dislike of the Sith. They have brought grief to my family. I am not a fool, I know the Sith do not respect our laws as the Republic does. Were it up to me, I would do everything in my power to aid the Republic in the war against Malak. But intergalactic politics stay my hand. Still, I know the Sith are evil - and I fear what they will do to my people. And what they may be doing now.
1. What are you talking about? 2. Just get to the point, Shaelas.
Shaelas: Many of the Selkath have vanished, human. Most who have gone missing are on the cusp of adulthood, the youth who will someday lead this planet. My own daughter, Shasa, is among those who have disappeared. These disappearances coincide with the arrival of the Sith, and I cannot dismiss the connection. The Sith are up to something, human. Something sinister - I can feel it!
1. You want me to investigate these disappearances? 2. What's in this for me? 3. Sorry, I'm not interested.
Shaelas: I will give you 500 credits if you can uncover the fate of my daughter and the other missing Selkath youth. Not much, but all I can afford. I have no official authority in this matter, and my personal wealth is not vast. There is no one else I can turn to, human. The Republic agents are too closely watched by the Sith, and the Ahto City authorities cannot act without proof of Sith involvement.
1. I shall look into the disappearances for you, Shaelas. 2. I've got better things to do than look for missing tadpoles. 3. I've decided I've got better things to do than be your errand slave.
Shaelas: I cannot imagine where to begin the investigation, though I suspect the Sith did not act alone. Perhaps the off-worlders in the mercenary enclave know something. If you learn anything, human, report back to me at once. If you uncover the fate of my daughter and the other missing Selkath youth, I will reward you as promised. Shaelas: I see, human. Despite your rebuff, my offer still stands - I have nowhere else to turn. Return to me if you obtain information on my daughter and the other missing Selkath youth, and I will reward you as promised.
Journal Entry Added Missing Selkath
You have been approached by a Selkath named Shaelas. He claims that many young Selkath have been going missing, including his daughter Shasa. He wishes to hire you to find out what has been happening to them.
Shaelas: Human, you return. Have you information for me? Have you discovered the fate of the missing Selkath youth? Have you news of my daughter, Shasa?
1. Not yet. I shall investigate further. 1. Sorry, nothing yet.
Shaelas: If you learn anything, human, report back to me at once. If you uncover the fate of my daughter and the other missing Selkath youth, I will reward you as promised.

You can now ask many inhabitants throughout Ahto city about the missing Selkath, although few have anything useful to reveal.

Gonto Yas[edit | edit source]

Questioning the Pazaak player Gonto Yas gives you the opportunity to waste some credits (more or less depending on whether an attempt to persuade him results in failure or success) or move (much) closer to the dark side of the Force:

5. Why are the Sith so interested in the Selkath youth?
Gonto Yas: Ah... I might know a little bit about this. But telling you might put my life at risk. And that don't come cheap. See, I can give you a leg up on investigating what the Sith are up to - but it'll cost you 200 credits.
1. Here's 200 credits. Now start talking. Medium 2. I'll give you 100 credits.
Gonto Yas: Pretty cheap price for my life, if you ask me. But I guess it's better than nothing, so I'll take it. Gonto Yas: You think I'm some kind of space scum, to sell myself off for a measly 100 credits! You got a real attitude problem, and it's gonna cost you. 300 credits or I don't say nothin'!
1. Here's 300 credits. Now start talking!
Credits Lost: 200 Credits Lost: 100 Credits Lost: 300
Medium 3. How about you tell me what I want to know, and the Manaan authorities don't find your body washing up on shore?
Dark Side Points Gained: -2
Gonto Yas: You've got a lot of guts, threatening me on this planet! Everyone knows breaking the peace is punishable by imprisonment. But I think you just might be crazy enought that you don't care. Okay, I don't need no trouble, so here's the scoop.. Gonto Yas: Ah - save your threats! Everyone knows breaking the peace here in Ahto City is punishable by a long stretch in the Manaan prisons. You must be really desparate, to threaten my life for some lousy information. You want it that bad, maybe I'm undercharging you! 300 credits or I don't say nothin'!
link=Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic}}/Force powers#Affect Mind 4. [Force Persuade] But I'm your friend – you want to tell me what you know.
Gonto Yas: Gonto Yas: Dark Side Points Gained: -2

If you have little or no chance of persuading him, you can threaten him repeatedly to move closer and closer to the dark side of the Force. Otherwise:

Gonto Yas: I don't know what the Sith are actually up to, but I know who could tell you. The Iridorian Mercenary. Spends all day in the mercenary enclave, and everyone gives him a wide berth. The Sith were cozying up to him real good a while ago. Go speak to him about this. But be careful - them Iridorians have a nasty reputation.
1. That's not very helpful. 2. Thanks for the tip.
Gonto Yas: That's all I know. You want any more info on the Sith and their schemes, go talk to the Iridorian.

However, the Mandalorian mercenary also suggests the Iridorian mercenary standing between them is involved, and neither is necessary for you to speak to him.

Iridorian Mercenary[edit | edit source]

An Iridorian mercenary stands beyond the Pazaak player Gonto Vas in the Mercenary Enclave:

Iridorian Mercenary: I am not for hire. Perhaps the Mandalorian or the Echani can help you - though they lack the stomach for certain jobs.
3. A mercenary who's not for hire. That's strange.
Iridorian Mercenary: Why do you care? There are other mercenaries you can hire. Though I suggest you act quickly - the Republic seems to be in desperate need of mercenaries right now. Though not so desperate they have asked for my help as of yet. They prefer the simpering, submissive type - like the Mandalorian and the Echani.
2. What do you have against the Echani and the Mandalorians?
Iridorian Mercenary: They lack the resolve to do what needs to be done. The Echani believe in a non-existent warrior code of honor, and the Mandalorians prize credits above bloodshed. But I am Iridorian. Honor comes from slaying your opponent, and the true reward of any job is the taste of your foe's dying blood on your tongue.
1. I want to ask you some questions.
Iridorian Mercenary: Ask whatever you wish - though you may find some of my answers distasteful.
1. Why is the Republic hiring so many mercenaries?
Iridorian Mercenary: Perhaps you should ask them. The Republic prefers not to deal with my kind... though maybe they need an Iridorian to finish the job. The mercenaries they hire must be failing, as they are never heard from again. That is all I know. Is there more you wish to ask?
3. Do you know about the murder of Elassa?
Iridorian Mercenary: On my world those too weak to defend themselves deserve to die. A murder is justified if you have the strength to kill your victim. Is there anything else you would know?
4. I am seeking an ancient Star Map or some alien ruins.
Iridorian Mercenary: Manaan has no such things, unless the Selkath have them hidden away at the bottom of the ocean. Is there more you would know?
4. I'll be going now. 5. On second thought, I don't really want to talk to you.
Iridorian Mercenary: I am not surprised. There are few on this watery world who feel comfortable in my presence.

Although he can be asked questions on a number of subjects, he only has something meaningful to divulge about the missing Selkath:

2. Have you heard anything about young Selkath going missing?
Iridorian Mercenary: Perhaps - but my business with the Selkath is my own.
2. Maybe the Selkath would be interested in your activities?
Iridorian Mercenary: I have no fear of the fish people or their laws. There is no evidence I have done anything wrong. You will not learn my business this way.
3. How many credits would it take to make your business my business?
Medium Iridorian Mercenary: This is the way of this water world, is it not? Pathetic creatures bargaining with credits for what they cannot seize through strength. My people are warriors, not snivelling merchants.

If persuasion is successful, the dialog cannot continue and you must quit the game. Otherwise:

Iridorian Mercenary: I am of sterner stuff, human. I seek blood and death and my reward is the taste of my enemy's fear. Take your credits elsewhere... my price is too high for the likes of you.

He needs to be persuaded to tell you what's going on, although if this fails then you or Bastila can use the Force:

Medium 4. [Persuade] Maybe I'll just gut you like a Selkath preparing an Orchana ray for lunch.
Iridorian Mercenary: [Success] You speak the blunt and brutal language of my people. We share the love of death and bloodshed. But we are a rare breed on this planet. Even the Sith here are as weak as the cowardly fish people. Iridorian Mercenary: [Failure] Your threats are mere words, nothing more. Here on Manaan such bloodshed is not permitted - as I have been told time and time again.
link=Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic}}/Force powers#Affect Mind 1. [Force Persuade] But I am your friend. You want to tell me what's going on. Bastila: [Force Persuade] But we are not your enemies... we are your friends. Tell us what you know. Iridorian Mercenary: I tire of this conversation and I tire of your company, human. In fact, I tire of this entire weakling world - the air reeks of sea salt and the fawning cowardice of the fish people!
Iridorian Mercenary: [Success] An Iridorian has no friends! Though I feel a strange kinship with you - you do not seem like the others of this world. Even the Sith here do not understand our kind.
Iridorian Mercenary: The Sith sought to buy my loyalty with credits... as if wealth could somehow quench my burning bloodlust! They would have been better off hiring an Echani for the errands they had me running.
1. What were you doing for the Sith?
Iridorian Mercenary: The task paid well, but was boring and beneath me. I was told to lure the Selkath youth to the Sith Embassy, nothing more. I lied, I threatened, I promised... and I brought the most promising youth of the fish people to the Sith.
Carth: What then? What happened to the youths? Bastila: So you brought these youths to the Sith. And then what did you do to them? Juhani: So you tricked these innocents into going to the Sith base. And then what did you do with them?
Iridorian Mercenary: And there I left them. To what purpose I neither know, nor care. Perhaps when the Sith learn I have betrayed their secret they will try to kill me. I would welcome the excitement.
Canderous: Sounds like a recruiting drive to me. We used to use it on planets we had conquered. Get 'em while they're young and impressionable. Jolee: Sounds like the Sith are trying to win this planet by corrupting the Selkath youth. Much more subtle than their usual methods. Mission: I bet they're twisting the minds of those Selkath youth, trying to trick them into joining the Sith!
Iridorian Mercenary: Is there more you would ask of me, human?
Journal Entry Added Missing Selkath
You have discovered that the Sith have been hiring mercenaries to lure the young Selkath into their base for some questionable purpose. More answers would seem to lie inside the Sith Embassy.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 150 Discovered the Sith hired an Iridorian mercenary to lure the Selkath youth to the Sith base

You can return to Shaelas with this information...

2. I have information for you, Shaelas.
Shaelas: Excellent. You have done well. What have you learned?
1. The Sith hired an Iridorian mercenary to lure the Selkath youth to the Sith base.
Shaelas: I see. This information is useful, for a start. But it does little to explain the truth of this matter. We must know what purpose the Sith have for these youth. Are they prisoners of the Sith? Are they even still alive? I must know more, human. I must know what has happened to my daughter!
3. Does this mean I don't get paid?
Shaelas: This information is mere bait - the catch yet awaits, human. Once you discover the ultimate fate of my daughter, I will gladly give you the 500 credits I promised.
1. I will look into this further. 2. What do you suggest I do? 3. Does this mean I don't get paid?
Shaelas: I cannot officially ask you to enter the Sith base, human. That would be a violation of Ahto City's strict neutrality laws. However, I fear such a brazen act may be the only way to learn the truth. But entering the base will not be easy. And should you be captured or killed, I will have to disavow any knowledge of your actions.
1. I'll infiltrate the Sith base, Shaelas. 2. Forget it - I'm not about to break into the Sith base looking for your web fingered offspring!
Shaelas: I wish I could be of more help, human. I will wait here. Return to me when you have something more to report. Shaelas: You shall have no reward from me until I learn the fate of my daughter, human! If you change your mind and discover her fate, you can report to me here to collect your reward.

However, you still need to infiltrate the Sith base to learn the fate of his daughter...

Sith Base[edit | edit source]

Once you've spoken to Roland Wann of the Republic Embassy in the East Central courtyard and agreed to complete a Mission for the Republic, you can infiltrate the Sith base and find the Missing Selkath in the dormitory of its training annex: upon exiting the base you're arrested and brought back to Ahto High Court on the other side of this courtyard, which is your first and best opportunity to complete this quest upon your release: if you wait until you've gone down to the Hrakert Rift and found the Star Map there, he may refuse to speak to you if your method moved you closer to the dark side of the Force...

2. I have information for you, Shaelas.
Shaelas: Excellent. You have done well. What have you learned?
3. Maybe a few credits could refresh my memory.
Shaelas: I am confused, human. How will credits facilitate your cognitive functions? Oh... I believe I understand. This is what you off-worlders call a shakedown, is it not? I am not wealthy, human. I have offered 500 credits for information on my daughter and the other missing Selkath. Is this not enough?
1. Very well. I'll tell you what I know.
Shaelas: I am pleased you have not chosen to exploit my loss for your personal greed, human. What have you discovered?

Move closer to the dark side of the Force by insisting on extra credits:

2. If you want news on your daughter, find a way to get those extra credits.
Shaelas: Very well, human. You prey upon my grief and concern over my missing daughter, but I am desperate. Here is another 100 credits - that is all I have.
Dark Side Points Gained: -2
Credits Received: 100
Shaelas: I have already given you an additional 100 credits! I have nothing more to give, human! Have you no heart, no compassion?
1. Fine. I'll tell you what I know. 2. Sorry - no credits, no info.
Shaelas: I suppose I should thank you, human - though you have already exploited my grief well enough for your own gain. What information do you have for me now? Shaelas: I... I have nothing more to give, human. The 500 credits I promised you for the fate of my daughter are all I have left. I suppose I can do nothing more but wait here, in case you change your mind. I can only hope you find find it in your heart to take pity on a grieving parent.
1. The Sith are training the Selkath youth in the ways of the Dark Jedi.
Shaelas: Yes... this makes sense. It is a wonder I did not see this before. Manaan's greatest strength is our neutrality. If Malak brainwashes our youth and indoctrinates them in the ways of the Sith he will have a strong following among the Selkath people - strong enough to seize control of Manaan and our kolto! My daughter, Shasa - she too has been indoctrined into the Sith camp?

If his daughter is dead:

1. Your daughter is dead, Shaelas.
Shaelas: No! Say it is not so, human! No - not Shasa! The Sith will pay for this! If it is the last thing I do they will pay!
1. Perhaps this datapad will help.
Shaelas: A datapad? Let me see. Of course - this details the entire Sith plot! With this evidence I can go to the Ahto City authorities! The Sith will face severe fines and export restrictions for their actions - a poor substitute for my daughter's life, but with any luck the kolto embargo will weaken the Sith war effort.
1. Perhaps this datapad will help. 2. I hope so.
Shaelas: I... I thank you for what you have done here, human - though I wish my daughter's fate had been otherwise. Here are the credits I promised you.

Move closer to the light side of the Force by telling him to keep his credits:

1. I'm sorry it had to be this way, Shaelas. 2. Keep your credits, Shaelas. I wouldn't feel right about taking them now.
Credits Received: 500 Light Side Points Gained: +2
Shaelas: I... I thank you once more, human. I wish all your species were as kind and noble as you.
Shaelas: Please, excuse me now, human. I desire no company but my own.

Alternatively, move closer to the dark side of the Force by threatening to kill him as well:

2. I killed your daughter, Shaelas. Just as I'll kill you if you tell anyone about this. Now give me those credits!
Dark Side Points Gained: -2
Shaelas: You... you are a monster! I came to you for aid, and you betray me and slaughter my innocent Shasa! You are no better than the Sith!
1. Blah, blah, blah - give me the credits if you want to live.
Jolee: Nice. Real nice. Maybe later we could find some insects to pull the legs off, huh?
Mission: I know you're supposed to save the galaxy and all, but could you try being less of a scummy core slime while you're doing it?
Bastila: We should guard and protect those weaker than ourselves... not bully and exploit them!
Carth: This isn't right! We should be helping people, not making their lives miserable.
Juhani: You are a representative of the Jedi Order. When you behave this way you disgrace us all!
Zaalbar: Your actions disturb me. Among my kind, those who take pleasure in the suffering of others are considered dangerously unstable.
Shaelas: Take your blood money, human! May it bring you as much grief and misfortune as you have brought me!
Credits Received: 500
Journal Entry Added Missing Selkath
You have told Shaelas that you had to kill his daughter. He is most upset, but understands that you did what needed to be done. He is sure to report to the Ahto City authorities what the Sith are doing.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 300 Told Shaelas that you had to kill his daughter

If she's alive but you tell him she's still with the Sith, or she joined the Sith after you expressed support for them:

1. Your daughter is still with the Sith, Shaelas. 2. Your daughter has joined the Sith.
Shaelas: Shasa, my daughter, what have those Sith monsters done to your mind? I will report this to the authorities, though I fear without proof there is little they can do to get my daughter back. Shaelas: Shasa... No! This is most terrible! Most terrible indeed! I must go now, human, to inform the Selkath authorities of what is transpiring. Here is the money I have promised you.
1. Maybe this datapad will help.
Shaelas: A datapad? Let me see... Yes! Of course! This details the Sith plot to brainwash the Selkath youth! With this proof the Ahto City authorities will have to take action! My daughter will surely be returned to me now, human!
1. Maybe this datapad will help. 2. I hope so.
Shaelas: I thank you for all you have done, human. Here are the credits I promised you.
Journal Entry Added Missing Selkath
You have told Shaelas that his daughter has gone over to the Sith. He is very distraught at this news, and is sure to report this to the Ahto City authorities.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 400 Told Shaelas that his daughter has gone over to the Sith

If you convinced her to turn her back on the Sith and leave their base:

1. I've convinced your daughter to turn her back on the Sith ways.
Shaelas: Human, if you speak the truth I am forever in your debt! And yet, my joy is tempered by the knowledge that the Sith still walk freely about Manaan. Hopefully the testimony of my daughter will be enough proof of their actions, to make the Ahto City authorites take action.
1. Maybe this datapad will help.
Shaelas: A datapad? Yes, I see! This datapad has all the details of the entire Sith plot! With this the Manaan authorities will be forced to take action! I doubt the Sith will be banned from Manaan, but at the very least they will face harsh restrictions on their kolto exports!
1. Maybe this datapad will help. 2. I hope so.
Shaelas: You have done much for me, human. Here are the credits I promised you - I only wish I had more to give.
Journal Entry Added Missing Selkath
You have told Shaelas what had been happening to Shasa and the other Selkath youths. He has thanked you profusely. He will report the criminal activities of the Sith to the Ahto City authorities and they will decide what sort of punishment the Sith Empire will receive.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 600 Told Shaelas what had been happening to Shasa and the other Selkath youths

Either way, if she's alive and you take his credits:

1. Thank you, Shaelas. 3. Give me my money and get out of here.
Mission: Wow, sometimes helping people feels pretty good, you know? Shaelas: I would not have expected such rudeness from a Jedi... but you have rendered a valuable service. Here is your money.
Carth: I'm glad to see we're still the good guys here. Sometimes I think we forget that.
Juhani: This is how we Jedi should always act: with honor.
Credits Received: 500

Alternatively, move closer to the light side of the Force by telling him to keep them:

2. Keep your credits, Shaelas. A Jedi has no need of such rewards. Light Side Points Gained: +2
Shaelas: You refuse my reward? Truly you humans are a noble breed! Perhaps my species has underestimated your kind.
HK-47: Statement: Oh, master. I'm so very disappointed in you. Juhani: This is how we Jedi should always act: with honor.
Canderous: Mighty generous of you. A little too generous, if you ask me.
Zaalbar: I am proud to call you my friend, Name. You have a noble and generous spirit.
Jolee: Hey, kid, that was a good thing you did there. Almost brought a tear to this old man's eye.
Bastila: That was a truly noble act. The Jedi Council would be pleased.
Mission: Wow, sometimes helping people feels pretty good, you know?
Carth: I'm glad to see we're still the good guys here. Sometimes I think we forget that.
Shaelas: Please excuse me now, human. I must go speak to the Manaan authorities about this Sith plot and what they have done to my beloved daughter.

Selkath Bartender[edit | edit source]

Beyond Shaelas at the southwest end of the Mercenary Enclave, you can overhear a Sith negotiating with an Echani mercenary:

Sith Negotiator: We might have a position within the Sith organization for one such as you.
Echani Mercenary: Your offer is pretty good. But I've heard some nasty things about you Sith. Is it true you bombed Taris into dust?
Sith Negotiator: This is war. In war certain distasteful acts cannot be avoided. But ask yourself this - when we win the war, would you rather be against the Sith, or with us?
Echani Mercenary: You make a good point. And I've never turned down a job that pays up front.
Sith Negotiator: Excellent. Report to the Sith Embassy tomorrow for your assignment.

Neither wants to speak to you:

Sith Negotiator: I have no desire to speak to you. I know you have links to the Republic.
Echani Mercenary: You hiring for the Republic or the Sith?
1. Neither.
Echani Mercenary: Then why are you wasting my time? There's big money to be made here - I can't risk missing a job offer 'cause I'm yapping with you!

Two Sith are by the bar along the northwest wall: the male Vilgo at the north end and the female Duan to the south can be questioned by a character of the opposite sex, but this isn't necessary:

Viglo: Hey, man, clear out. You're cramping my style with the ladies.
Viglo: Say, you must be new around here. My name is Viglo. You don't look like those Republic scum, and you aren't one of us Sith. So, what brings you to Manaan?
1. I'm Name. I'm just here to check out the swoop races. 2. I'm just passing through. 3. I'm searching for some ancient ruins, or maybe a long forgotten Star Map.
Viglo: Some of the other soldiers like to go and bet on the swoops on their days off, but this planet is bad enough without mingling with the locals. Viglo: Well, you picked a real stinkhole to stop at. Republic soldiers are everywhere, those arrogant Selkath treating us Sith like we're second-class citizens. I wish we could bomb this ocean world into a desert, but we need that kolto for our Sith troops. Man, I hate this place. Viglo: You some kind of historian? You should look to the future, not the past. That's why I joined the Sith. And then I get stuck on Manaan - worst post in the galaxy!
Viglo: It isn't easy here, you know. Not with all the Republic soldiers walking the streets while we sit and do nothing. Malak should send a fleet in and conquer this whole sector, kolto or no!
4. I'm investigating the recent murder.
Viglo: I hope the Selkath fry that Sunry for what he did. Elassa was a real looker, and nobody kills a Sith and gets away with it!
5. Why are the Sith so interested in the Selkath youth?
Viglo: We Sith are interested in lots of stuff. You'd be smart to keep your nose out of Sith business.
Viglo: But I don't really want to talk about that right now. I'm just here to have a couple drinks and try to unwind, you know?
6. I'll be going now.
Viglo: Oh... I get it. I get a little too forward and you want to hold it against me. Hey, I just thought of something! If I said you had a great body, would you hold it against me? Ha ha ha! Barkeep, I sense I've offended my lady friend. Bring me another round so I can drown my sorrows in the sweet nectar of the Selkath people.
Viglo: Oh, you're back. You going to stick around this time? Or did I offend you? I probably should cut back on the drinking, but it's a good way to relax. There's a lot of tension here on Manaan.
Duan: Look, lady - we Sith aren't here to make friends. So let me enjoy my drink in peace.
Duan: You're new around here, aren't you. My name's Duan. Care to buy a Sith girl a drink? That is, unless you're one of those simpering Republic soldiers.
1. I'm Name. I'm just here to check out the swoop races. 2. I don't have much use for the Republic. 3. I'm searching for some ancient ruins, or maybe a long forgotten Star Map.
Duan: Some of the other soldiers like to go and bet on the swoops on their days off, but this planet is bad enough without mingling with the locals. Duan: I couldn't agree with you more. Just the sight of a Republic uniform makes me want to vomit. I can't wait until we crush them all like the pathetic vermin they are! Sorry - I tend to get a little worked up. I think I've been stationed on Manaan too long. This place can make you crazy. Duan: You some kind of historian, or something? You should forget about the past and look towards the future. That's why I joined the Sith - the Republic is old news. And then I get stuck on Manaan, the worst post in the galaxy!
Duan: It isn't easy here, you know. Not with all the Republic soldiers walking the streets while we sit and do nothing. Malak should send a fleet in and conquer this whole sector, kolto or no!
4. I'm investigating the recent murder of Elassa.
Duan: What is there to investigate? Obviously Sunry is guilty. But the Republic is doing everything they can to keep him out of a Selkath prison.
5. I hear you Sith are taking an interest in the Selkath youth.
Duan: We Sith are interested in a lot of things. If you're smart you'll stay out of Sith business.
Duan: But I don't really want to talk about that right now. I'm just here to have a couple drinks and try to unwind, you know?
6. I'll be going now.
Duan: Oh... I get it. I get a little bit wild, and you want to hold it against me. Come on, what's the matter? Afraid I'll drink you under the table? Hey, if you're not man enough to keep up, who needs you? Seems I'm not lady like enough for some men... well, I may be a woman, but I'm still a soldier! Barkeep, bring me another round!
Duan: Oh, it's you again. I didn't think I'd see you around here. I probably should cut back on the drinking, but it's a good way to relax. There's a lot of tension here on Manaan.

The Selkath bartender isn't as forthcoming, but will show you the Stimulants in his Inventory.

Selkath Bartender: Greetings, human. There are few places in Ahto City where off-worlders are welcome, but here they are at least tolerated. Selkath Bartender: Greetings, human. While the Sith have suffered setbacks here on Manaan and their goods are in short supply, you can rest assured that I will always have what you need. Selkath Bartender: You will find my prices have increased dramatically, human. Kolto production is faltering, and the Manaan government has raised all taxes on goods sold to foreigners.
2. I want to ask you a few questions.
Selkath Bartender: I am far too busy to spend my time conversing, human. I must reserve my time for paying customers, not idle gossip.
3. I think I'll be going now. Selkath Bartender: Until next time, human.
1. I'd like to see what's in stock. Selkath Bartender: I am certain you will see that all of my inventory is of superior quality.
Selkath Bartender
Buy Item Cost Amount Buy Item Cost Amount
Hyper-battle Stimulant 200 2 Battle Stimulant 100 2
Hyper-adrenal Alacrity 100 2 Adrenal Alacrity 50 Infinite
Hyper-adrenal Stamina 100 2 Adrenal Stamina 50 Infinite
Hyper-adrenal Strength 100 2 Adrenal Strength 50 Infinite