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Map of the Great Walkway

Czerka Dock[edit | edit source]

You enter from the Czerka Landing Port at the northwest end of the Great Walkway. The gates are flanked by a heavy defense turret on either side, which can support you as you're attacked by three forest kinraths:

Forest Kinrath
Class Minion
Level 9
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 18 +4
Dexterity 18 +4
Constitution 15 +2
Intelligence 4 -3
Wisdom 3 -4
Charisma 4 -3
Vitality 74
Defense 20
Fortitude 5
Reflex 7
Will -1
Awareness 0
Ranged Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Melee Main Off
Attack 13 -
Damage 5-10, Acid 1-4
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats
None None

Unless otherwise indicated, all other forest kinraths encountered on the Great Walkway are identical to these. There's a damaged defense turret by the wall to the right, and a corpse by the hand rail to the left:

Experience Points (XP) Received: Item(s) Received Corpse

As you advance down the walkway Zaalbar speaks to you, or a party member may do so in his absence:

Zaalbar: Can you sense it? The wind... the sound... the smells? I feel it all now that we are away from the spaceport. This walkway is new, probably built by the slavers, but I remember the trees. My village is not far from here.
1. What can I expect to encounter? 2. Is there anything I can help you with? 3. We're here for the Star Map. Nothing else, understand?
Zaalbar: I'm sorry, I don't know. It has been so long since I left. I only know the way things were, and many things may have changed. Zaalbar: It is kind of you to offer, but my problems are very personal. I'm not sure if I am ready to deal with them. Zaalbar: Yes, your outsider concerns must always come first. Just remember that this was my home. You are the stranger here.
Zaalbar: I must warn you of one thing... I don't know if I will be a help or hindrance to you here. My father was very powerful... a chieftain. Perhaps his feelings have mellowed, but if my brother had his ear all this time... I may be very unwelcome.
1. We'll deal with that when the time comes. 2. I don't have time for your family squabbles.
Zaalbar: That is what I am dreading. My shame was meant to be forgotten on some far away world. I never thought I'd come back. I'm sorry, I've taken enough of your time. We should press on. Zaalbar: I'm not asking you to deal with anything. I just wanted you to know about potential problems. Bah, do what you want with this information. I won't say any more about it.


Mission: I never thought I'd see the big trees. Zaalbar's stories didn't do it justice. This is incredible. I wish he was here to see this. He'd want to see this, you know? Carth: This planet is incredible! It's too bad Zaalbar isn't with us. It would be nice to have a guide who's familiar with this place. Juhani: This place is wild and untamed. It stirs the blood and makes one feel alive. It is a shame the Wookiee is not here with us; I have no doubt he would feel the same way. Bastila: This place is so wonderful, yet so strange. Maybe we should have Zaalbar with us. A guide with local knowledge could be invaluable.

There's a damaged sentry droid by the wall to the right:

Damaged Sentry Droid: This droid is damaged and inactive.
Repair 1. Repair the droid. (1 repair part) 2. Leave it alone.
Damaged Sentry Droid: The droid is now active. It will attack any enemies that come in range. Damaged Sentry Droid: [Failure] You don't have any repair parts. You leave the droid alone for now. Damaged Sentry Droid: You leave the droid alone for now.
Damaged Sentry Droid
Class Combat Droid
Level 3
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 10 0
Dexterity 18 +4
Constitution 10 0
Intelligence 8 -1
Wisdom 8 -1
Charisma 6 -2
Vitality 80
Defense 16
Fortitude 3
Reflex 5
Will 0
Awareness 5
Ranged Main Off
Attack 3 -3
Damage 1-61-6
Threat 20-20,x220-20,x2
Melee Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Items and abilities Feats
Blaster Pistol(2) Combat Logic Upgrade

Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Pistol

Repair 1. Optimize droid's weaponry (4 repair part(s))
Damaged Sentry Droid: [Success] The droid is now set for maximum firepower. Damaged Sentry Droid: [Failure] You do not have enough repair parts.
Repair 2. Optimize droid's targeting systems. (4 repair part(s))
Damaged Sentry Droid: [Success] The droid is now set for maximum accuracy.
Repair 3. Activate droid's shields (5 repair part (s))
Damaged Sentry Droid: [Success] The droid's shields are now active.
Repair 4. Engage droid in patrol mode (6 repair part(s))
Damaged Sentry Droid: [Success] Patrol mode engaged. Once you end this session the droid will begin patrol and destroy any enemies it encounters. WARNING: Once you end this session the droid's program will be locked in. You will not be able to modify the droid anymore.
5. Leave it alone.
Damaged Sentry Droid: The droid engages its patrol mode and moves off to carry out your programmed instructions.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 15 * level Optimized droid's weaponry
  • 15 * level Optimized droid's targeting systems
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 15 * level Activated droid's shields
  • 20 * level Engaged droid in patrol mode

The droid is actively engaged in its patrol route. You cannot reprogram it anymore.

It patrols back and forth along the walkway between here and the platform where the walkway forks. Beyond the droid, Patrol Captain Dehno and two Czerka guards stand over the remains of a Wookiee. Even if you don't want to speak, he'll do so as you approach (although you can quickly end the dialog).

Beyond the Czerka patrol, the walkway leads to a platform which is mined at its entrance:

Awareness Minor Frag Mine (2) Detect 20 (0) Demolitions Disable 20 (0) Recover 30 (10)

There's a small refuse pile in the east corner of this platform, and a flying mykal by the walkway exiting to the southeast:

Class Minion
Level 1
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 12 +1
Dexterity 18 +4
Constitution 12 +1
Intelligence 4 -3
Wisdom 4 -3
Charisma 6 -2
Vitality 41
Defense 15
Fortitude 2
Reflex 5
Will -2
Awareness -1
Ranged Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Melee Main Off
Attack 2 -
Damage 2-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats
None None
Experience Points (XP) Received: Item(s) Received Refuse Pile – Small

There's another kinrath encounter on the walkway to the southeast, the composition of which depends on character level:

Character level
< 12 12-14 > 14
  • Forest Kinrath (2)
  • Forest Kinrath Stalker
  • Forest Kinrath
  • Forest Kinrath Stalker
  • Viper Kinrath
  • Forest Kinrath
  • Forest Kinrath Stalker
  • Viper Kinrath (2)
Forest Kinrath Stalker
Class Minion
Level 9
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 20 +5
Dexterity 20 +5
Constitution 15 +2
Intelligence 7 -2
Wisdom 3 -4
Charisma 4 -3
Vitality 93
Defense 24
Fortitude 5
Reflex 8
Will -1
Awareness 4
Ranged Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Melee Main Off
Attack 14 -
Damage 6-11, Acid 1-4
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats
None None
Viper Kinrath
Class Minion
Level 12
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 24 +7
Dexterity 18 +4
Constitution 16 +3
Intelligence 4 -3
Wisdom 3 -4
Charisma 4 -3
Vitality 114
Defense 22
Fortitude 8
Reflex 9
Will 1
Awareness 4
Ranged Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Melee Main Off
Attack 19 -
Damage 9-31-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats
None None
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • Challenge Rating 6 Killed Forest Kinrath (1-2)
  • Challenge Rating 9 Killed Forest Kinrath Stalker
Experience Points (XP) Received:

After encountering Calo Nord and finding the Star Map in the Shadowlands below, you'll be approached by the Twi'lek Senni Vek here. The walkway curves south down to another platform, where there's another mykal and two forest kinraths, and another corpse in the southwest corner:

Forest Kinrath
Class Minion
Level 9
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 18 +4
Dexterity 18 +4
Constitution 13 +1
Intelligence 4 -3
Wisdom 3 -4
Charisma 4 -3
Vitality 65
Defense 20
Fortitude 5
Reflex 7
Will -1
Awareness 0
Ranged Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Melee Main Off
Attack 13 -
Damage 5-10, Acid 1-4
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats
None None
Experience Points (XP) Received: Item(s) Received Corpse

The walkway splits here: to the northeast it leads to Rwookrrorro Village past a Supply Station, while to the southeast it leads to the Basket to the Shadowlands (although the Wookiee guard won't allow entry until you've been to the village).

Patrol Captain Dehno[edit | edit source]

Czerka Guard: This isn't good. I can't afford this.
Czerka Guard: You think I can? Do you know what they get for a healthy one of these things?
Patrol Captian Dehno: We'll work it out later. We've got company. What do you want, spacer? I'm Patrol Captain Dehno and you're interrupting Czerka Corporation business.
5. I'm leaving. Never mind.
Patrol Captian Dehno: Good. Watch yourself. There old paths are dangerous.

There's a backpack by the Wookiee remains:

Item(s) Received Backpack

If you speak to either of the two Czerka guards:

Czerka Guard
We should just say it bolted, or something.
They won't miss one, will they?
Why do they always have to be so difficult?
Well, this means extra duty for sure.
I thought he said shoot. I swear he said shoot.
You know, we're gonna get stuck with the bill for this.
The patrol Captain will speak for us. He's the ranking officer in this unit.
Wow. This is going to look really bad on my record.

If you continue to speak to Patrol Captain Dehno, you can ask him about Czerka Corp. and Kashyyyk, or the dead Wookiee:

Patrol Captian Dehno: What is it now? If you don't mind, I have important matters to discuss with my patrol.
3. Tell me about Czerka Corp.
Patrol Captian Dehno: The company has branches on many planets. I'm just a Patrol Captain. It's not my job to monitor it all. If you want quotes on policy, get someone else. I just escort the slaves and guard this area.
4. I have questions about Kashyyyk.
Patrol Captian Dehno: You mean Edean? Backwater world. There are a few patrols in the lower areas, but I haven't heard what they are after.
1. My name is Name. What happened here? 2. Just hurry up and tell me what happened.
Patrol Captian Dehno: This Wookiee slave got a little... rebellious. We had to put it down.
Juhani: You murdered him! Bastila: Put it down? You... you murdered him? Carth: Put it down? You killed him, you mean.
Czerka Guard: That's right! We had to do it and it shouldn't come out of our pay.
Patrol Captian Dehno: Just shut up, you trigger-happy idiot.

If Zaalbar in in your party then he'll be angry, giving you an opportunity to move closer to the light or dark side of the Force:

Zaalbar: You "put *it* down"? We're not animals!
1. Zaalbar, let me handle this. 2. Does this make you mad, Zaalbar? I bet it does.
Zaalbar: But their disregard for the life of this Wookiee is too much! Zaalbar: What are you getting at? Do you want these men dead? I would not need much encouraging!
Light Side Points Gained: +2
1. I have asked you to let me handle this. Honor my request.
Dark Side Points Gained: -4
2. Do it. Kill them. We'll make them pay.
Zaalbar: I will do so. For your sake, not theirs. Patrol Captain Dehno: What the...? Blasters ready, men! This fool wants to die!


2. Mind your place, Zaalbar! Remember your debt! 1. Control yourself. Let me take care of this.
Zaalbar: I will honor my debt, but I can barely stomach this. Zaalbar: I will do so. For your sake, not theirs.
Czerka Guard: Careful now... that growl sounded pretty threatening. Keep your slave on its leash or we'll have another accident.
Patrol Captain Dehno: Just shut up, you trigger-happy idiot.
1. Do your superiors approve of you killing Wookiees?
Patrol Captain Dehno: No, of course they don't. Why would you ask me that? Are you doing some sort of snap inspection? You're trying to get me to admit to incompetence, aren't you? Not going to happen. I stand by my patrol. This Wookiee got out of hand and *had* to be put down. We'll find another easy enough.
3. I don't actually care, one way or another.
Patrol Captain Dehno: Well... all right then. Carry on. We've work to do here.
Czerka Guard: Thanks for taking care of that, Captain.
Patrol Captain Dehno: You shut up. I'm not done with you two.

You can move closest to the dark side of the Force, receive 400 credits and the most experience by using the Force to persuade him to pay you, then demand more:

1. This may cost you more than you know, fool.
Patrol Captain Dehno: It... is a bit costly. Look, why are you asking this?
Medium 1. [Persuade/Lie] You know why. Hand over compensation or this get's reported. link=Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic}}/Force powers#Affect Mind 2. [Force Persuade] You want to pay me so this stays off your record.
Patrol Captain Dehno: [Success] What... you're a Czerka inspector, aren't you! Slimy little... I've heard about these shake-downs. Dark Side Points Gained: -2
Patrol Captain Dehno: [Success] I... I think I should probably pay you so this stays off my record. Yes, that's best.
Bastila: *whisper* I do not approve of this game you are playing! This Wookiee's death is a tragedy, not a chance for your profit. Czerka Guard: Uh, Captain.... what's going on? Is this one of those inspector shake-downs?
Juhani: *whisper* The Jedi should be protectors of the weak! You shame us all by your actions here.
Patrol Captain Dehno: Give it up, men. I we don't pay this leech we'll get a black mark on our records a sunspot couldn't burn off.
Czerka Guard: But I, I... if you say so, sir. I don't think we have enough... here.
Credits Received: 400
1. That will be fine. Thank you.
Patrol Captain Dehno: Yes, I'm sure it will be. If I see anything on our records I'll have you fed to a katarn. In bite-sized chunks.
Zaalbar: You lied to gain profit from the death of this Wookiee? You may as well have killed him yourself.
1. I can't change what they did. Why not profit? Dark Side Points Gained: -2
2. Shut up. I do as I wish.
Zaalbar: You can't justify this. Don't try. Zaalbar: So I see.


Canderous: I like the way you handled that. Are you sure you don't have some Mandalorian blood in you?
Mission: I'm glad Big Z isn't here to see this. I don't know if he could handle it. Carth: It's a good thing Zaalbar isn't here to see this. I doubt he'd approve of what you're doing. Actually, I don't know if I approve, either.
Patrol Captain Dehno: Uh, if we're done here, we have a patrol to get back to. Patrol Captain Dehno: Now, if you don't mind, we have a patrol to get back to.

Failure to persuade him or demanding more will provoke a fight:

Medium 1. [Persuade/Lie] You know why. Hand over compensation or this gets reported. Dark Side Points Gained: -2
2. I demand more!
Patrol Captain Dehno: [Failure] What are you trying to get away with here? You can't just walk up and start demanding things. Patrol Captain Dehno: You are making this difficult. You know, maybe it's too much trouble to pay you. Maybe there's a better way.
Canderous: And who are you to stop us, little man?
Patrol Captain Dehno: I think this troublemaker needs an accident. In fact, I think this Wookiee attacked this fool and we arrived just a little too late to help.
HK-47: Observation: I think this meatbag has hostile intentions, Master! This is going to be fun!
Czerka Guard: Uh, Captain, we have blasters. Don't Wookiees use those bowcaster things?
Patrol Captain Dehno: Would you just shut up and shoot?

Alternatively, you can move closest to the light side of the Force by telling him you won't allow him to enslave or kill another Wookiee, then persuading him with your skill or the Force to leave the planet:

Light Side Points Gained: +4
2. I won't allow you to enslave or kill another Wookiee.
Patrol Captain Dehno: Is that a joke? Who do you think you are?
Medium 1. [Persuade] This posting is trouble, friend. Get out while you can. link=Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic}}/Force powers#Affect Mind 2. [Force Persuade] Request a transfer. Move your patrol off-world.
Patrol Captain Dehno: [Success] You make some sense. I wonder, what do you know about what might happen here? Men, I think we should petition for a transfer. The corporation will survive a fight here, but us frontline guards won't. Patrol Captain Dehno: [Success] I... I think I should pull in some favors and… get us moved off-world, men.
Czerka Guard: Uh, are you all right, Captain?
Patrol Captain Dehno: Are you questioning my orders? You don't want to do that.
Czerka Guard: If... you say so, Captain.
Light Side Points Gained: +2
Patrol Captain Dehno: Yes, I say so. Move out. This place isn't worth the trouble.

Once again failure to persuade him provokes a fight, and you can also do that directly:

3. I'll just take it from your corpse then! 3. It doesn't matter. You won't enslave another Wookiee! 4. It doesn't matter. I'll end your miserable life where you stand!
Patrol Captain Dehno: What the...? Blasters ready, men! This fool wants to die!
Patrol Captain Dehno
Class Soldier
Level 9
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 14 +2
Dexterity 16 +3
Constitution 12 +1
Intelligence 13 +1
Wisdom 13 +1
Charisma 12 +1
Vitality 84
Defense 13
Fortitude 7
Reflex 6
Will 4
Awareness 5
Ranged Main Off
Attack 12 -
Damage 1-8-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Melee Main Off
Attack 11 -
Damage 3-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats
Blaster Rifle

+Stun Baton On Hit: Stun10

Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifle

Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons

The Czerka guards both use Blaster Pistols at range and Stun Batons in melee combat:

Czerka Guard
Class Soldier
Level 8
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 13 +1
Dexterity 14 +2
Constitution 12 +1
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 15 +2
Charisma 12 +1
Vitality 63
Defense 12
Fortitude 7
Reflex 4
Will 4
Awareness 2
Ranged Main Off
Attack 10 -
Damage 1-6-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Melee Main Off
Attack 9 -
Damage 2-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats
Blaster Pistol

+Stun Baton On Hit: Stun10

Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Pistol

Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons

Experience Points (XP) Received: Item(s) Received Patrol Captain Dehno
  • Czerka Corp. Resource ID

This grants access to a Czerka resource station, which are usually deployed in areas where patrols may need emergency supplies. Most shut down if tampered with to minimize theft.

The patrol will be gone if you return after siding with Freyyr.

Supply Station[edit | edit source]

The northeast fork of the walkway begins with another kinrath encounter, the composition of which depends on character level:

Character level
< 12 12-14 > 14
  • Forest Kinrath (2)
  • Forest Kinrath Stalker
  • Forest Kinrath
  • Forest Kinrath Stalker
  • Viper Kinrath
  • Forest Kinrath
  • Forest Kinrath Stalker
  • Viper Kinrath (2)
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • Challenge Rating 6 Killed Forest Kinrath (1-2)
  • Challenge Rating 9 Killed Forest Kinrath Stalker
Experience Points (XP) Received:

The walkway goes up to the north, leading to another encounter:

Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • Challenge Rating 6 Killed Forest Kinrath (1-2)
  • Challenge Rating 9 Killed Forest Kinrath Stalker
Experience Points (XP) Received:

When you return from Rwookrrorro Village, there will be another encounter here:

Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • Challenge Rating 6 Killed Forest Kinrath (1-2)
  • Challenge Rating 9 Killed Forest Kinrath Stalker
Experience Points (XP) Received:

Beyond this encounter is a supply station terminal by the east wall to the right, which can be used to unlock the two metal boxes to the left of it, using your skill or the Czerka Corp. Resource ID taken from Patrol Captain Dehno:

1. Use Czerka Resource ID to access supplies. Computer Use 1. [Computer] Slice the ID requirement [10 spike(s)]


2. Inquire about primary functions.
3. End access.

If you return after access has been granted:

Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 20 * level Sliced the ID requirement

Alternatively, the metal boxes can be unlocked or bashed open:

Security Metal Box Unlock 38 (18) Bash Resist 5 Vitality 15
Item(s) Received Metal Box Item(s) Received Metal Box

Rwookrrorro Village[edit | edit source]

The walkway beyond the supply station leads to a platform to the northeast, where three dark Jedi await you. They'll challenge you and engage in combat when you try to pass them, but you and any party can prepare before doing so:

Dark Jedi: Lord Malak was most displeased when he learned you had escaped Taris alive! He has promised a great reward to whoever destroys you.

They receive bonuses depending on your character level:

Character level Dexterity Wisdom Vitality Force
12-14 +4 +4 +50 +50
> 14 +6 +6 +100 +100

Thus at character level > 14:

Dark Jedi
Class Jedi Consular
Level 8
Alignment 25 (dark)
Strength 14 +2
Dexterity 20 +5
Constitution 12 +1
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 20 +5
Charisma 14 +2
Vitality 168
Defense 24
Fortitude 10
Reflex 9
Will 11
Awareness 13
Ranged Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Melee Main Off
Attack 10 8
Energy 4-224-22
Threat 20-20,x220-20,x2
Items and abilities Feats Force powers
Dark Jedi Knight Robe

Verpine Cardio-Regulator Double-Bladed Lightsaber

Knight Sense

Improved Force Focus Improved Two-Weapon Fighting Weapon Focus: Lightsaber Advanced Jedi Defense9 Power Attack Flurry Critical Strike10

Force Resistance18

Affliction20 Choke Drain Life Horror22

Advanced Throw Lightsaber
Dark Jedi
Class Jedi Guardian
Level 8
Alignment 25 (dark)
Strength 16 +3
Dexterity 20 +5
Constitution 12 +1
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 20 +5
Charisma 12 +1
Vitality 208
Defense 22
Fortitude 7
Reflex 11
Will 9
Awareness 16
Ranged Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Melee Main Off
Attack 14 -
Energy 7-21-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers
Lightsaber Knight Sense

Weapon Specialization: Lightsaber Jedi Defense8 Improved Power Attack Improved Flurry Improved Critical Strike11 Improved Force Jump

Force Resistance18

Choke Drain Life Force Push Force Lightning Horror19

Throw Lightsaber
Dark Jedi
Class Jedi Sentinel
Level 8
Alignment 25 (dark)
Strength 16 +3
Dexterity 20 +5
Constitution 12 +1
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 20 +5
Charisma 12 +1
Vitality 188
Defense 22
Fortitude 8
Reflex 12
Will 10
Awareness 13
Ranged Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Melee Main Off
Attack 10 8
Energy 5-155-15
Threat 19-20,x219-20,x2
Items and abilities Feats Force powers
Short Lightsaber

Short Lightsaber

Knight Sense

Force Immunity Fear Force Immunity Stun Conditioning Improved Two-Weapon Fighting Weapon Focus: Lightsaber Advanced Jedi Defense9 Improved Power Attack Improved Flurry Improved Critical Strike11

Force Resistance18

Choke Drain Life Fear Force Whirlwind19

Throw Lightsaber

The dark Jedi in the middle who spoke to you is a Jedi Guardian, while that to the left is a Jedi Consular and the other to the right is a Jedi Sentinel: it's advisable to focus on each of them in turn. Although this may be your first encounter with multiple Force users, unlike against Juhani you don't have to combat them alone.

Experience Points (XP) Received:
Item(s) Received Dark Jedi Item(s) Received Dark Jedi Item(s) Received Dark Jedi

To the east of the platform are the gates to Rwookrrorro village, guarded by a Wookiee. If Zaalbar is in your party, remove his equipment as he's removed from your party once you approach the guard:

Wookiee Guard: GRRROWLLL, stop where you are, outsider. You enter the domain of Chuundar, Chieftain and leader!
Zaalbar: Stand aside! This human is with me and I want access to the home of my people! Wookiee Guard: He will decide if you are fit to walk the village of Rwookrrorro. You've already soiled our world with what you brought on your ship.
Wookiee Guard: You have no rights here, madclaw! This human should not have brought this taint upon our land! You must answer to Chuundar! 1. My ship? What do you mean by that?
1. What does he mean, Zaalbar? What taint? Wookiee Guard: Chuundar sent us to search it. We found the exile. The nameless mad-claw, once called Zaalbar.
Zaalbar: He means me. I am the taint that you have brought back. 1. Who gave you access? You had no right!
Wookiee Guard: Shut up! GROWWLL! You are nameless with dishonour, mad-claw! Yours is a foulness that disgusts me! Wookiee Guard: RRaaaghh! Enough! The mad-claw from your ship is already before Chuundar. Come!


2. Take me to Chunndar. I would speak with him. 4. And if I refuse to go see Chuundar?
Wookiee Guard: The choice is made for you already! You make a demand for something you can't alter, can't help! Wookiee Guard: There is no refusing. If you will not walk, we will bind you. Shall you be carried through the trees like a child?
3. You will not take me anywhere, mongrel!
Wookiee Guard: Look about you, fool. You face a legion of Wookies in their own terrain! It is a losing fight for you.
Zaalbar: He is right. There are too many. Please, let us go to Chuundar. He has much to explain. Wookiee Guard: You will be taken before Chuundar and he will judge your worth, and punishment for the taint you have returned to us.
Wookiee Guard: RRaaaghh! Enough talk! You and the outcast mad-claw will be taken to Chuundar now! Wookiee Guard: RRaaaghh! Enough! The mad-claw from your ship is already before Chuundar. Come!

If Zaalbar is in your party then he's removed from it and party selection opens to allow you to add another member. You're now taken to Chuundar in the village. Upon your return from Chuundar:

Wookiee Guard: Chuundar has said that you can remain here, but watch where you step while in our village, outsider.

Basket to the Shadowlands[edit | edit source]

Down the southeast fork of the walkway you'll see a Wookiee guard. If you don't speak to him then he'll challenge you as you try to pass him:

Wookiee Guard: Grrrowwllll!! You are not permitted to pass into the Shadowlands. Only Chuundar may allow you entry.
Wookiee Guard: Especially when you bring filth such as this with you. The madclaw has no place here.
Zaalbar: Who are you to question my place? You follow Chuundar into the arms of outsiders.
Wookiee Guard: And yet you travel with outsiders yourself! Speak no more! Chuundar will decide if you are permitted to enter the Shadowlands.
1. Where is the Wookiee I need to see? 2. What was that about, Zaalbar?
Wookiee Guard: Speak with Chuundar in the village of Rwookrrorro. He will decide if you are worthy. Zaalbar: We should proceed to the village. I'm sure we will both get answers there.

If you return before going to the Village of Rwookrrorro, or Zaalbar isn't in your party:

Wookiee Guard: I have already told you to take your filthy madclaw and leave. Speak with Chuundar in the village and don't bother me further. Wookiee Guard: Speak with Chuundar in the village of Rwookrrorro. He will decide if you are worthy.

Only when you've returned from Rwookrrorro village are you allowed to pass:

Wookiee Guard: Chuundar has said you may pass into the Shadowlands. Gorwooken will lower you down in the elevator basket. Gorwooken climbed to the basket from the upper branches, but you will have to walk, outsider. The path is seldom used. There may be vermin nesting along it. Be ready to fight.

Beyond the guard, the walkway splits. To the east is a dead end where there are three Mykals:

Experience Points (XP) Received:

Once you've passed Chorrawl ahead, you'll encounter kinraths here upon your return. The composition of this encounter depends on character level:

Character level
< 12 12-14 > 14
  • Forest Kinrath (2)
  • Forest Kinrath Stalker
  • Forest Kinrath
  • Forest Kinrath Stalker
  • Viper Kinrath
  • Forest Kinrath
  • Forest Kinrath Stalker
  • Viper Kinrath (2)
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • Challenge Rating 6 Killed Forest Kinrath (1-2)
  • Challenge Rating 9 Killed Forest Kinrath Stalker
Experience Points (XP) Received:

To the south is a platform with two forest kinraths:

Experience Points (XP) Received:

Once again, when you've passed Chorrawl ahead then you'll encounter kinraths here upon your return:

Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • Challenge Rating 6 Killed Forest Kinrath (1-2)
  • Challenge Rating 9 Killed Forest Kinrath Stalker
Experience Points (XP) Received:

From the southeast corner of the platform the walkway continues to the east, where you'll see Chorrawl and two other Wookiees engaged in combat with three kinraths:

Forest Kinrath
Class Minion
Level 6
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 18 +4
Dexterity 18 +4
Constitution 16 +3
Intelligence 4 -3
Wisdom 3 -4
Charisma 4 -3
Vitality 49
Defense 20
Fortitude 5
Reflex 6
Will -2
Awareness 0
Ranged Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Melee Main Off
Attack 10 -
Damage 5-10, Acid 1-4
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats
None None
Forest Kinrath
Class Minion
Level 6
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 18 +4
Dexterity 18 +4
Constitution 14 +2
Intelligence 4 -3
Wisdom 3 -4
Charisma 4 -3
Vitality 43
Defense 20
Fortitude 4
Reflex 6
Will -2
Awareness 0
Ranged Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Melee Main Off
Attack 10 -
Damage 5-10, Acid 1-4
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats
None None
Forest Kinrath
Class Minion
Level 6
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 18 +4
Dexterity 18 +4
Constitution 15 +2
Intelligence 4 -3
Wisdom 3 -4
Charisma 4 -3
Vitality 43
Defense 20
Fortitude 4
Reflex 6
Will -2
Awareness 0
Ranged Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Melee Main Off
Attack 10 -
Damage 5-10, Acid 1-4
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats
None None

The three Wookiees are invulnerable so they'll kill the kinraths eventually and you'll still receive experience for it, but it's much quicker if you assist them.

Experience Points (XP) Received:

The two Wookiees run off to the basket to the Shadowlands, but Chorrawl remains behind and speaks as you approach:

Chorrawl: What do you want, outsider? I won’t let you follow us on our hunt. Chorrawl is not here for your amusement.
1. Don't test me, Wookiee. I go where I wish. 2. Could I ask some questions? 3. I don't mean you any harm.
Chorrawl: You can't push me into battle, outsider. I know what happens to Wookiees that are said to be "difficult." Chorrawl: Why would you listen to me? Your kind have only been interested in caging or killing us. Chorrawl: Feh! I'll believe that when our planet is free of you. Your kind are here only to take or destroy.
Chorrawl: I won't be your trophy, dead or as a slave. Leave me. You have no place here.
5. I will leave you then.
Chorrawl: You do that. Walk quickly, outsider. Kashyyyk fights back, even if we can't.

You can return later, or continue speaking to him:

1. I am Name, and I act for Chuundar.
Chorrawl: Chuundar! Bah! Why should I care if you act for him when he does not act for us?
1. Explain what you meant by that.
Chorrawl: No, not to you. You are an outsider and only care about our weaknesses. I won't say anything to you.
4. Show me proper respect or you'll regret it!
Chorrawl: Your kind threaten my very planet. I live with it daily. Why should your words now goad me into battle? No, I won't fight you. At best, my warrior comrades would slaughter you, only for ships to burn our homes later. Go away, rabid fool. I won't listen to you anymore.

Your threat ends the dialog. Otherwise, you can try persuading him, using your own skill or more easily with the Force, to answer your questions about the Shadowlands, the Wookiee chieftain, Czerka Corporation and the Star Map:

Chorrawl: Why do you bother us again, outsider? We have nothing to say to you.
Medium 2. [Persuade] Just a few questions. I'm a friend.
Chorrawl: [Failure] You Czerka slavers, caring about nothing except what you want... what you can take! You disgust me. Your scent poisons the air. Your feet foul the ground. Go away, outsider. Go away.


Medium 2. [Persuade] Just a few questions. I'm a friend. link=Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic}}/Force powers#Affect Mind 3. [Force Persuade] I want you to answer my questions.
Chorrawl: [Success] Hmm... only a moment, outsider. I won't be this patient for long. Chorrawl: [Success] I... I should answer your questions... yes, perhaps one or two.
1. Do you know of a crazed Wookiee in the Shadowlands?
Chorrawl: The only crazed creature I know of is one of your kind, outsider, not mine. We see him from time to time. We leave him alone. He has our respect because he has braved the lands alone. Sometimes he helps lone travelers. He is crazy, though.
Chorrawl: Our finest warriors hunt the Shadowlands in groups, yet he lives there alone. Avoid him. Madness is to be feared. Jolee: Hmph! I merely have an appreciation for solitude.
1. How long has he been down there? Chorrawl: Ha! You claim to be a legend, but I'd know the mad hermit if I saw him. 3-meters tall, with eyes of madness.
Chorrawl: Many years. It is impossible to know how many. A decade? Two? Perhaps he can answer your questions. Or kill you.
2. What do you think of Chuundar?
Chorrawl: He is our chieftain and will be obeyed. That is our way. Whether I trust what he says or not doesn't matter. In time, someone will replace him. For better or worse, I don’t know. That will be for Bacca to decide.
1. How will Bacca decide? What does that mean?
Chorrawl: Bacca was our greatest warrior. His ancient sword is the tool of ascension, the mark of a chieftain. Chuundar no longer displays it, not since he took the role of chieftain years ago. If someone else could produce it… Bah! I talk like a mere child! This is foolishness.
1. Could a blood relative of Chuundar challenge him?
Chorrawl: It truly would take Bacca's Blade for that to happen. Chuundar is the last member of his family. There were others, but they were marked with madness. We don't speak their names. They are without honor.
3. How has Kashyyyk fared under the Czerka Corporation?
Chorrawl: You taunt me with a foolish question like that. How do you think? My people go missing or die.
Carth: Why not do something about it, then? Juhani: Why do you not do something about this tyranny, then?
Chorrawl: We can't fight back. Chuundar has bartered to reduce the slaves taken, but if any Czerka die, it increases again.
Mission: Big Z once told me he had seen paradise destroyed by the greed of outsiders. I never understood what he meant until now. Chorrawl: How has my world fared? It is slowly dying.
4. I seek an ancient Star Map. Have you seen it?
Chorrawl: I don't concern myself with outsider toys. Search where you will, I'm not wasting my time.
5. I will leave you now.
Chorrawl: Yes, go, and don't expect a friendly welcome if you return. This world is my home, not yours.

If you try to speak to him again after threatening or persuading him:

Chorrawl: I am done with you, outsider. Go away. I won't be your entertainment.

To the east is the basket to the Shadowlands. There's a plasteel cylinder to the left of it:

Item(s) Received Plasteel Cylinder

Gorwooken stands to the right:

Gorwooken: Rrrgh. Chuundar has commanded that I grant you access to the Shadowlands. Gorwooken is what I am called. Walk with care! Only our bravest return from these lands. Your soft feet are a barely tolerated insult. Gorwooken: Greetings again, outsider. I will transport you to the Shadowlands if you wish. Chuundar wills it.
2. Just unlock the thing and lower me down. 3. I'm not ready yet. I'll go down later.
Gorwooken: The descent is long. Be still, or we will attract… unwelcome visitors. Gorwooken: I will wait. Chuundar bids it.

When you're ready, he'll take you down in the basket to the Shadowlands. If you haven't encountered Calo Nord again since escaping Taris, then you'll do so immediately upon arrival.

Gorwooken can also be questioned about the dangers and other outsiders below, Czerka Corporation and the significance of the Shadowlands, and it's easy to persuade him, using you own skill or the Force, to talk about the other Wookiees down there as well:

1. I have a few questions, Gorwooken. 1. Back to my other questions now.
Gorwooken: Chuundar said nothing of answering your questions. Be brief. Gorwooken: Be brief. I am not your guide.
1. I want to ask if it's dangerous down there.
Gorwooken: Those that walk the Shadowlands do so at their own risk. It is a test of bravery among my people. A respected feat. But you come here like the Czerka, with strange weapons. It is so much more than we have, yet you still fear? You are pathetic. You will get no warnings from me. Prove your worth, to us and to yourself.
1. What do you think of the Czerka Corporation?
Gorwooken: They have made Chuundar strong, so we are all stronger, but I do not like them. They are small and hide behind armor. They would not survive the Shadowlands as a true Wookiee. They are not worthy to be there, but Chuundar wills it.
2. Has anyone else been allowed down recently?
Gorwooken: A few like you are in the Shadowlands, given permission by Chuundar. I don't know why. Only Wookiees should be allowed. The journeys of my people are very personal. I won't speak of them to an outsider.
1. What outsiders are below?
Gorwooken: For reasons I do not know, Chuundar allows those of the Czerka to move in the Shadowlands. They kill much. And there is another, but he has earned respect. He does not disturb our lives or customs. And he gets angry like a Wookiee sometimes.
Jolee: That would be me. Jolee Bindo. Do I really look so different up close?
Gorwooken: No, it cannot be you. You are too frail and old. The other is mad like a crazed tach.
Gorwooken: Urgh... his name hurts my tongue. He has lived alone in the Shadowlands for many years now.
Easy 2. [Persuade] Tell me of the Wookiees so I might show proper respect.
Gorwooken: [Failure] This isn't for you to know. I'm done talking about it.


Easy 2. [Persuade] Tell me of the Wookiees so I might show proper respect. link=Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic}}/Force powers#Affect Mind 3. [Force Persuade] Tell me about any Wookiees that have recently gone this way.
Gorwooken: [Success] You ask very respectfully. Outsiders never do that. I suppose I can mention some of us that have entered the Shadowlands. Gorwooken: [Success] Ergh... I should tell you about some of us that have gone to the Shadowlands. There have been many...
Gorwooken: Latest was Rorworr, and he has not returned in many days. He may have died below, but he was strong and able. Many have died recently. Chuundar believes one of our own is below, mad, crazed, killing all. I do not know. We find no bodies to examine. The Shadowlands claim them, I am sure.
4. I want to understand why Wookiees revere the Shadowlands.
Gorwooken: You can't. You must live here to understand, to see harmony in the danger. Bah, I waste my breath on you.