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Special weapons require the Droid Upgrade feats, which are only granted to Droids: two can be equipped, but only one can be used in each combat round, and only against a single target.

Special weapons that don't have Uses: unlimited all have Uses: 10/10. Using special weapons consumes one charge. They are automatically discarded after all available charges are consumed. Those that have charges do not stack in inventory (unless they have identical charges remaining).

Used special weapons sell for the same price regardless of how many charges remain, so there's normally no reason to avoid using them: simply use all but one charge, then sell them.

Stun rays[edit | edit source]

Stun rays inflict On Hit: Stun, 100% for 9 seconds. A successful Will save negates this (as does Immunity: Mind-Affecting and Force Immunity: Stun). They have medium range.

Stun Ray[edit | edit source]

Quellegh Industrial is becoming the standard in publicly traded non-lethal droid-mounted weapons. Company officials credit aggressive marketing towards any despot with credits.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Taris Upper City North Droids by Janice 300 Infinite
T3-M4 300 1
Dantooine Jedi Enclave Karal Kaar 300 Infinite
Tatooine Droid Shop Yuka Laka 300 Infinite
Manaan Ahto East General Shop 300 1
Sith Base Sith War Droid 300 1
Leviathan Prison Block Footlocker 300 1

Baragwin Stun Ray[edit | edit source]

While not the most powerful of weapons, the Baragwin have modified a normal Stun Ray to run at such efficiency that it can tap into the power supply of the droid mounting it, giving it unlimited charges.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Yavin Yavin Station Suvam Tan (Third Star Map) 3000 1
Suvam Tan (Fifth Star Map) 3000 1

Advanced Stun Ray[edit | edit source]

This product is a special order aftermarket modification of a Quellegh Industrial stun ray. Very expensive to produce, most are in the hands of government-sponsored elite troops.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Tatooine Droid Shop Yuka Laka 900 Infinite
Sand People Enclave Refuse Pile – Medium 900 1
Manaan East Central Tyvark's Shop 900 1
Leviathan Prison Block Droid Upgrades 900 1

Shield disruptors[edit | edit source]

Shield disruptors inflict ion damage, which is doubled against shields. They have medium range.

Shield Disruptor[edit | edit source]

Designed for Republic forces, these devices allow a droid to potentially devastate opponent droids or the personal shielding of an enemy, though the energy drain is quite large.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Taris Upper City North Droids by Janice 300 Infinite
T3-M4 300 1
Sith Base Weapons Locker 300 1
Dantooine Jedi Enclave Karal Kaar 300 Infinite
Manaan Ahto East General Shop 300 1
Leviathan Bridge Parts 300 1

Baragwin Shield Disruptor[edit | edit source]

The Baragwin have tweaked and tuned a normal Shield Disruptor to be able to run off the mounting droid's power supply, giving it unlimited charges.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Yavin Yavin Station Suvam Tan (Third Star Map) 3000 1
Suvam Tan (Fifth Star Map) 3000 1

Advanced Shield Disruptor[edit | edit source]

Prototyped by Czerka Corporation, these extremely devastating droid and shield nullifiers have found their way to forces on both sides of the Sith/Republic conflict.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Korriban Tomb of Marka Ragnos Rogue Assassin Droid 900 1

Flame throwers[edit | edit source]

Flame throwers inflict heat damage, and On Hit: Horror, 100% for 3 seconds. A successful Reflex save halves damage and a Fortitude save negates horror (as does Immunity: Mind-Affecting and Force Immunity: Fear). Contrary to what's stated by their descriptions (and what might be expected), flame throwers only inflict damage on a single target, not over a broad area. They have short range.

Flame Thrower[edit | edit source]

  • Feats Required: Droid Upgrade Class 2
  • Damage: Heat, 30 points
  • On Hit: Horror, 100% for 3 seconds
  • Special: Targets 7th level and up ignore horror effect
  • Reflex Save: DC15 for half damage (Fortitude Save: DC15 to negate horror)
  • Range: Short
This droid-mounted weapon can inflict damage over a broad area. The incendiary compounds within border on military quality, though the unit was initially designed for industrial purposes.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Taris Sith Base Weapons Locker 300 1
Dantooine Courtyard Adum Larp 300 2
Tatooine Dune Sea K-X12a Battle Droid 300 1
Manaan Ahto East General Shop 300 1
Leviathan Prison Block Footlocker 300 1

Baragwin Flame Thrower[edit | edit source]

Using an innovative technique, the Baragwin have managed to modify a normal flame thrower to operate in such a fashion as to ignite the very atmosphere around a charged guidance beam. The result is a flame thrower that doesn't need an external fuel source and can be run virtually indefinitely.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Yavin Yavin Station Suvam Tan (Third Star Map) 3000 1
Suvam Tan (Fifth Star Map) 3000 1

Advanced Flame Thrower[edit | edit source]

  • Feats Required: Droid Upgrade Class 3
  • Damage: Heat, 60 points
  • On Hit: Horror, 100% for 3 seconds
  • Special: Targets 7th level and up ignore horror effect
  • Reflex Save: DC20 for half damage (Fortitude Save: DC15 to negate horror)
  • Range: Short
Intended as a combat upgrade and not generally available to the public, this droid-mounted weapon can inflict a great deal of damage over a broad area. It is widely used by Republic forces.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Korriban Tomb of Marka Ragnos Rogue Assassin Droid 900 1
Leviathan Prison Block Droid Upgrades 900 1
Command Deck Droid Upgrades 900 1

Carbonite projectors[edit | edit source]

Carbonite projectors inflict cold damage, and On Hit: Paralyze, 100%. A successful Reflex save halves damage and reduces (but does not negate) the length of paralysis (although Force Immunity: Paralysis prevents it entirely). They have medium range.

Only two carbonite projectors can ever be acquired (strangely, it's the less advanced one which only becomes available very late in the game), so they should be used sparingly against targets you definitely want debilitated.

Carbonite Projector[edit | edit source]

The inverse of a flamethrower, this weapon uses a carbonite freezing technique to super-cool synthetic compounds hurled at a target. This unconventional weapon has not yet seen widespread use.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Star Forge System Rakatan Settlement Storage Bin 300 1

Carbonite Projector Mark II[edit | edit source]

Like the basic model, this weapon uses a carbonite freezing technique to super-cool synthetic compounds hurled at a target, though more efficient projectors make it far more effective.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Korriban Tomb of Marka Ragnos Rogue Assassin Droid 900 1

Gravity generators[edit | edit source]

Gravity generators inflict On Hit: Slowed for 9 seconds unless a successful Reflex save negates it.

Gravity Generator[edit | edit source]

These devices allow a droid to create localized gravity swells, the reverse effect of a repulsorlift engine. This can seemingly increase the weight of an enemy, slowing their movement.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Manaan Ahto East General Shop 500 1

Advanced Gravity Generator[edit | edit source]

This device creates a more powerful gravity swell than the basic unit due to an unregulated energy governor. The use of such items is discouraged because of concern over environmental effects.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Manaan Sith Base Assault Droid Mark IV (2) 1100 2