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The Basket to the Shadowlands takes you down to the west end of the Upper Shadowlands, where you can immediately encounter Calo Nord or Darth Bandon. You need to go through the Forcefield at the east end of the Upper Shadowlands to help the Chieftain in Need or find the Star Map (or both) before returning here to take the Basket Up to return to the Great Walkway.

However, you need to complete Jolee's Request before he joins your party and helps you pass that forcefield. After going north then east you first encounter Jolee in a clearing, then you must follow him south to Jolee's Hut and speak to agree to remove Czerka poachers, who can be found back to the northeast in the Czerka Hunting Ground: you can help Tach Poaching first, before persuading (or bribing) two of the guards to help shut down their emitters, or moving (much) closer to the dark side of the Force by affecting then dominating the minds of all five to desert, or provoking their commander or any remaining into a fight to kill the commander.

You can find the Wookiee Lost on the way to the hunting ground, but if you'll respond to the Chieftain in Need by siding with Freyyr later, moving closer to the light side of the Force, then you need to return to Worrroznor's Home back in the village beforehand. Conversely, if you'll side with Chuundar later, moving closer to the dark side, then if you find the broken droid in the clearing south of Jolee's hut, you need to return to the landing port beforehand to resolve the Honest Debt.

If you've proven yourself worthy of the Genoharadan on Manaan, then a Wookiee corpse can be found southwest of Jolee's hut, and used to uncover Rulan.

Map of Upper Shadowlands

Chieftain in Need[edit | edit source]

Journal Entry Added Chieftain in Need
The Wookiee chieftain Chuundar has taken his brother Zaalbar from you and demands that you kill a mad Wookiee in the Shadowlands. Gorwooken has delivered you to the Shadowlands so you can begin your search.

Basket Up[edit | edit source]

The basket back up to the Great Walkway is in a clearing at the west end of the upper Shadowlands. If you haven't encountered Calo Nord since escaping Taris then he'll await you by the campfire in the south of this clearing, ambushing you immediately upon arrival; Darth Bandon does likewise at a later stage in your quest for the Star Forge.

Gorwooken remains standing by the basket, and he can take you back up to the Great Walkway if you approach and ask him.

Gorwooken: Hello again, Name. I've heard nothing of your progress, so I will assume there hasn't been any. I'll take you back to the surface, but you must do Chuundar's task. Don't keep him waiting.
3. I'd like to ask you some questions.
Gorwooken: I'll operate the basket, as Chuundar has commanded, but I won't answer your questions while I stand in the Shadowlands. This place is sacred ground. Many of my kind have proven themselves here, and many have died as well. You aren't worthy of this place. I won't speak to you while we're here.
1. Just take me up now. 2. I'm not ready to go up. I'll be back later.
Gorwooken: Very well. Just one moment. Gorwooken: Very well. I will wait here for you to return.

Jolee's Request[edit | edit source]

A path exits the basket clearing to the north. Around a hairpin bend to the west you'll have your first katarn encounter, the composition of which depends on your character level:

Character level
2-11 12-14 15-20
  • Katarn
  • Bull Katarn (2)
  • Dire Katarn
  • Bull Katarn (2)
  • Dire Katarn (2)
  • Bull Katarn (2)
Class Soldier
Level 4
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 24 +7
Dexterity 10 0
Constitution 12 +1
Intelligence 4 -3
Wisdom 6 -2
Charisma 5 -3
Vitality 75
Defense 14
Fortitude 5
Reflex 1
Will -1
Awareness 2
Ranged Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Melee Main Off
Attack 11 -
Blunt 8-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats
Regeneration2 None
Bull Katarn
Class Soldier
Level 8
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 28 +9
Dexterity 12 +1
Constitution 14 +2
Intelligence 4 -3
Wisdom 8 -1
Charisma 7 -2
Vitality 100
Defense 17
Fortitude 8
Reflex 3
Will 1
Awareness 7
Ranged Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Melee Main Off
Attack 17 -
Blunt 10-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats
Regeneration2 None
Dire Katarn
Class Minion
Level 12
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 32 +11
Dexterity 14 +2
Constitution 18 +4
Intelligence 4 -3
Wisdom 8 -1
Charisma 7 -2
Vitality 128
Defense 18
Fortitude 9
Reflex 7
Will 4
Awareness 7
Ranged Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Melee Main Off
Attack 23 -
Blunt 12-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats
Regeneration2 None

All katarns regenerate 2 vitality every six seconds once damaged.

Experience Points (XP) Received: Experience Points (XP) Received:

Just beyond the katarns there's a corpse by the inside corner of the path as it turns north.

Item(s) Received Corpse

The path opens into a clearing to the north, where you'll see something unexpected.

A lone lightsaber illuminates the dangers of the Shadowlands.

The stranger fights and kills the four katarns single-handed as you approach, before speaking to you briefly to introduce himself and suggest you follow him to his camp.

Jolee: Ah, the damnable racket of battle! Watch yourself, even more of these crawling beasts are hiding in the underbrush.
1. Who are you? What are you doing here? 2. What, do I have to fight you as well now? 3. Help or don't, just stay out of my way.
Jolee: I'm Jolee. Jolee Bindo. Follow me to my camp and we'll talk a bit.
1. I will, but explain what you are doing here. 2. You use a lightsaber in battle. Are you a Jedi? 3. Who are you to give me orders, old man?
Jolee: Why am I here? Hmph. Well it isn't because I like the stink of dead kinrath. Let's move this talk to my camp where the air is better. Jolee: Ah, don't start fawning just yet, I'm too old for it. *Sigh* I...I know a few things, but we can talk about it at my camp. Jolee: Look, you can follow me now or stumble around on your own, but I'm too old to care whether you think I'm babysitting you.
Jolee: Keep close. It's nearby under a log. Yeah, I live like some burrowing rodent. I fought the Sith... now look at me. Hmph!

Jolee runs off down the path exiting the clearing to the east. When you follow him you'll pass a corpse on the north side of the path, to the left.

Item(s) Received Corpse

The path leads to another clearing to the southeast, in which there is some rubble.

Item(s) Received Rubble

There are paths exiting the clearing to the northeast and southwest, and Jolee runs down the latter to his hut (the northeast path leads to the Czerka Hunting Ground).

Jolee's Hut[edit | edit source]

The path exiting the clearing to the southwest turns southeast and then opens into another clearing. Jolee stops and waits outside the door to his hut on the west side. You must speak to him:

Jolee: Well, welcome to my home, such as it is. Pull up a stump and be comfortable. We should discuss a few things.

You can be impatient:

3. I've no time for your prattling. I'm on a mission. 4. I have better things to do.
Jolee: I'm sure you are, but you have to take time to listen. Really, you shouldn't try so hard to make new enemies. Jolee: Do you? Well, I'd better not keep you. I mean, I've only spent about twenty years here. Heh. What could I possibly tell you?
Jolee: Hmph! You don't want to be just another fool with a big impatient chip on their shoulder. That's a dark road, child.
2. Well then, will you answer some questions? 3. Then speak, and I'll see if you can be of use.
Jolee: Yes, yes. I suppose it's my lot in life, to spend years learning something so that someone else can be impatient to hear it. Jolee: Oh ho, your manner is fearsome. Like the little ullers I shoo from the garden, hissing at what they don't understand.
Jolee: I'm too old for your posturing, child. If you have questions, then ask them.

Alternatively, you can be more conciliatory:

1. Yes, I feel there is much you can tell me. 2. No offense, but I don't have much time. 1. Forgive me, but I am under a tight schedule.
Jolee: Don't coddle me, child. I'm neither a Jedi nor your master. I'm just an old man that's been lost in the woods for far too long. Jolee: You'll have nothing but time if you don't take what help you can. I've been here for many years. I know things. Remember that.
Jolee: My days of glory are behind me, but... perhaps there is something I can do for you. You must have questions.

The following responses will bring him to the point the quickest:

3. Have you any knowledge of Star Maps? 4. There's a repulsor field in the east. Do you know how to pass it? 5. I'm leaving. I have to get moving.
Jolee: Now why would you be asking about that, hmm? Don't answer. I knew that had to be why you were here. Jolee: Ahh, I thought you would spot that. It's easy to see with Force-sensitive eyes, isn't it? Heh heh. Czerka put it there. It's a troublesome thing, blocking some access to the lower Shadowlands. That's where you want to go, isn't it? Jolee: Wait wait wait, slow down. I have to ask something of you. I've got something you need, and you can help me. We both know why you have come here. The Star Map. That has to be it. There is nothing else here.
Jolee: The problems of a few Wookiees don't amount to anything before the concerns of the Jedi. No, you are here for the map.
Jolee: Kashyyyk is an interesting place, more so than anyone suspects. If Czerka Corporation knew, heh, the planet would be a strip mine. The Wookiees have their legends that they were not always here, but it is more than that. The trees themselves are strangers
1. I don't understand. Can you be more specific? 2. You are rambling, old man! Get to the point. 3. Legends? I have real I need to pass.
Jolee: What I'm saying is that there are literally walls in your way, and you won't find what you need without my help... and my help has a price.

If you've already removed the poachers from the Czerka camp:

Jolee: Of course, this won't be a problem for you, since you have already completed my task. Removal of the Czerka poachers.

If you've met them and agreed to participate in tach poaching:

Jolee: Now, I'm not sure if you'll measure up to my task, seeing as how you've already joined up with the slime I want gone.
1. Who do you mean? 2. This better not mess up any plans I've made.
Jolee: The Czerka poachers. I can smell that scent they use on you. I don't care what you told them, I want them gone. Jolee: Hunting monkey is part of your great plan? I know you talked to the Czerka poachers, and I don't care. I want them gone. After you do that, I want to join up with you...
Jolee: After you do that, I want to join up with you. Then I'll remove the barrier between you and the lower Shadowlands.


Jolee: You must do a task for me, and then allow me to join with you. I will then remove certain barriers in your path.
1. I'm honored to help someone of your experience. 2. Why should I trust you, you crazy old coot? 3. Can't I just pay you? I hate jumping hoops. 4. What do you want me to do?
Jolee: Oh, save it. I know this sounds absurd, but I'm old and entitled to work you around a bit. Besides, the test is simple.
Jolee: Since they began expanding in the Shadowlands, the Czerka have left me alone, for the most part. Until recently, anyway. A group of them set up camp not far from here. Poachers is all they are. I'd like them removed from this place.
1. Why do you care if they are here?
Jolee: They don't respect this place. They are butchering wildlife and threatening entire species. It's getting under my skin. The Wookiees could take care of themselves if they wished, but the animals are truly helpless victims.
1. Well, I'll try to learn from this humble task. 2. I see. So the aged semi-Jedi wants me to get some kids off his lawn.
Jolee: Oh please, this is arbitrary errand work, but such are the requests of the aged. Jolee: Yes, yes, I'm an old man that's getting fussy. Call me foolish if you will, I don't care.
2. Where are they? How many men?
Jolee: They are not that far northeast of here. There is usually five in the area, as far as I can see. The Captain of the lot is the one that earned my ire. Mishandle my garden, will he? Hmph!
3. Why would you want to join up with me?
Jolee: You presumably have a ship. I've seen all I wish to here. Isn't that enough? I mean, I'm really sick of the trees. And perhaps your destiny might show me something new. You never know.
4. Why not just go get rid of them yourself?
Jolee: Don't talk back to your elders, child. Look, they know me quite well, and are always on alert when I approach. The only way I could get rid of them would be violence, which would eventually lead to trouble for the Wookiees. I want them gone, but with as little fuss as possible. They have already caused enough trouble as it is.
Jolee: You still have to do it. Their camp is in the far northeast. Now remember, if I wanted them dead, I'd have done it myself. Find a better way.
4. I will look into it.
Jolee: Good. Return to me here and we will see how you have done. Shoo. Shoo!
Journal Entry Added Jolee's Request
Jolee has offered to join with you and help "remove barriers from your path", but he first wants you to remove the Czerka poachers from the Shadowlands northeast of his camp. He was not pleased that you had agreed to help them hunt.
Journal Entry Added Jolee's Request
Jolee has offered to join with you and help "remove barriers from your path", but he first wants you to remove a group of Czerka poachers from the Shadowlands, northeast of his camp.

If you continue or return to speak to him:

Jolee: Welcome back. I wonder, have you had much luck? Have you done as I asked?
1. I have some questions I need answered. 1. I want to ask you some questions.
Jolee: *Sigh* Fine, fine, just be brief.
1. Can you tell me more about the poachers?
Jolee: They are not hard to find. Their camp is to the far northeast. Try to get them to leave without too much fuss. After you finish, I will make it so you can pass the barrier that prevents your access to the lower Shadowlands. Jolee: I smell their tach-scent on you. Did you agree to hunt for them? Let me remind you that I do not approve, and you need me. Go to their camp and get rid of them. When you are through, we can proceed to the lower Shadowlands. Not before.
1. I have made certain the poachers are gone.
2. I want to ask about you.
Jolee: Ah, what is there to tell? Jolee Bindo is the crazy old man in the dangerous woods. I'm content with the impression I give.
1. But you use a lightsaber in battle. You are a Jedi. 2. You muttered something about fighting Sith? 3. Why have you exiled yourself here?
Jolee: I follow the Jedi Way and I command the Force, yes, and I suppose that makes me as much a Jedi as anyone... but what of it? Why should being what I am compel me to entertain others with tales of the 'good old days' huh? Jolee: Did I? You have annoyingly good ears. It doesn't matter. Those days are gone. Leave them in their graves. Jolee: Why, don't you like what I've done with the place? The creatures here aren't any more treacherous than elsewhere.
Jolee: I've seen my share of the dark and the light. And frankly, both extremes annoy me. Of course... I have felt the rumblings of change...
Mission: It's kind of nice to meet a Jedi who isn't all hung up on this light side, dark side stuff. It gets pretty tiring, you know? Juhani: I do not feel the taint of the dark side within you, old man. I sense you are a servant of the light, whether you will admit it or not. Bastila: I can feel the power of the Force within you, old man, but I do not sense the taint of the dark side. I think you are a servant of the light, despite what you claim.
Jolee: Perhaps you will be of some assistance to me after all. Let us discuss what you came here for.
1. You are difficult to deal with. It worries me.
Jolee: Ah, and it makes you think I may have the taint of the dark side in me, doesn't it? Ooh. Is that what you are wondering, huh? Ooh.
Jolee: Well, I assure you, I see more grey than dark or light. I'm just a stubborn old man, tired of the foolishness of others.

If you ask about him a second time:

Jolee: Look, we've been through this before. My past is my affair. Get some years behind you and then we'll talk about me. I think you'll agree that we have more important things to discuss, no?
4. Have you any knowledge of Star Maps?
Jolee: I told you my price. After you complete my task I'll make it so you can pass the barriers blocking your goal. That's all I will add on the subject. I saw them put it in, so only I know how to manipulate it. That knowledge will serve me now. Do as I ask.
5. I've got to get back to my task.
Jolee: Well hurry up! You don't want to be stuck here as long as I have.

You can ask for information about problems on Kashyyyk, including a lost Wookiee after you learn his name or find his remains:

3. I need information about problems on Kashyyyk.
Jolee: Yes, among the Wookiees. Intriguing creatures. I like that they have little patience for bureaucrats. But of course, even here there are hidden things that manipulate.
1. What do you know of Chuundar?
Jolee: Czerka Corporation was smart to put him in power. He's as good at destroying Wookiee culture as dropping corpses full of Ardroxian Flu. Will you work for him or against him, I wonder? I will be interested to see.
1. You don't have a recommendation?
Jolee: Uh, sure, how's this: think for yourself. I don't care for politics, and I'm big on letting people figure things out for themselves. The Wookiees have prophesies of deliverance if you ask them, but for now they follow without hesitation. That is their wish.
2. Have you seen a crazed Wookiee in the Shadowlands?
Jolee: Maddened with grief, perhaps, but not crazed. I helped him pass to the lower forests where only a Wookiee could follow. Some other matters will determine if you can follow. There is a barrier that... well, we'll talk of that more in a moment.
3. Do you know a missing Wookiee called Rorworr? 3. Do you recognize these bowcaster bolts? I found them on a corpse.
Jolee: It is a very unfortunate matter. It will end in shame and sorrow. You will find Rorworr down here. And more. I have witnessed a number of happenings, but I have left them for others to sort out. Jolee: On the body of Rorworr, I know. His death will not go unnoticed. I have been wondering how this foolishness would play out. I am no weaponsmith, but someone in the village will be able to identify the owner of that bolt casing. They are very personal items.
1. You aren't being very helpful.
Jolee: I wasn't aware I had to be. Look, events like these reveal much about the people involved. I'm well past that introspective tripe. I'm not saying that outside help isn't needed. I just... well... I didn't want to make anyone mad while I didn't have a way off the planet. We'll talk more about that momentarily.

Otherwise, you need to remove the Czerka poachers from the upper Shadowlands before you can proceed to the lower.

Czerka Hunting Ground[edit | edit source]

If you take the northeast path from the clearing in which you first encountered Jolee, to the north of his hut, after passing a Wookiee corpse on the west side to the left you'll have a katarn encounter, the composition of which depends on your character level:

Character level
2-11 12-14 15-20
  • Bull Katarn
  • Katarn (2)
  • Dire Katarn
  • Bull Katarn (2)
  • Dire Katarn (2)
  • Bull Katarn (2)
Experience Points (XP) Received: Experience Points (XP) Received:

The path turns east then southeast, where the approach to the Czerka camp is mined:

Awareness Average Flash Mine Detect 30 (10) Demolitions Disable 25 (5) Recover 35 (15)
Awareness Minor Frag Mine Detect 20 (0) Demolitions Disable 20 (0) Recover 30 (10)

As you approach the camp, Commander Dern challenges you:

Commander Dern: Who are you, another civil merchant like that core-slime up on the docking ring? This is my territory. I don't make deals and I don't persuade easily, so go back topside. Mess with my profits and I'll see you dead.
1. Are you the poachers Jolee told me about? 2. I paid the docking fee. Who cares where I go?
Commander Dern: That crazy old fool is still alive? I suppose he's still upset that we don't all live in little homemade shacks like he chooses. I've got a job to do here, and there's nothing you or that old coot can do about it. Commander Dern: So you're playing tourist? That isn't smart. The Shadowlands are all business. Mess around and you'll end up dead. That said, if you want to make some credits while you're looking to die, I might have a job for you.
3. Chuundar has given me permission to be here. 4. Are you going to stop me? I go where I want.
Commander Dern: He's got no authority with me. I'm with Czerka Corporation. He's just some pet we keep so the locals stay in line. As long as you don't get in my way, you can wander where you want. I've got a job to do. Commander Dern: Look, I don't care if you want to play tourist down here, but you behave yourself or we'll have a problem. I've got a job to do, and I won't be gentle if you get in my way, understand?
5. I'm leaving. Commander Dern: Good. I'm not down here to direct traffic.

That response ends the dialog most quickly and allows you to move on. He's accompanied by five guards, each guarding a Czerka sonic device (three on the northeast side and two to the southwest).

You can continue or return to speak with him about tach poaching, and ask questions about the Shadowlands.

Commander Dern: Back again, hmm? Unless you've business with me I suggest you turn around and walk away.
1. I might be interested in some work.
2. I want to ask you a few questions. 3. I have other questions about the Shadowlands.
Commander Dern: If you made it this far you know a fair bit already. What would I be able to tell you?
1. I'm looking for something called a Star Map. 3. Is there anything odd down here?
Commander Dern: I'm no nav officer. I work on the ground, and I haven't seen anything like that around here. Of course, we haven't been much deeper than this. The eastern forest gets even more dangerous. Commander Dern: Besides you? Besides any number of predators that can kill in seconds? I suppose there's old Bindo. He's got a camp here somewhere. I'd leave him alone, though. Anyone who'd live down here is just plain crazy. There's not much else. We've got a repulsor field to the east so not much passes through here now.
1. You aren't safe with blasters?
Commander Dern: It's not worth it. You're fighting the plants as well as the animals. Kshyy vines are tough as metal, and grow back fast. Instead, head office installed repulsor fields to keep the big predators out. Permanent placements too. We'll be fine for years.
2. Are you part of the slaving operation?
Commander Dern: What? No, I don't do much of that. It's too much of a headache. I'm in the business of harvesting animals. Some of the more exotic species have organs that can be removed and put to some surprising applications.
Commander Dern: Talk to me about work and maybe I'll tell you more. Commander Dern: I've already told you about that. You agreed to help bring them in.

You can also speak to any of the guards.

Guard: You want anything you'll have to talk to the commander. He's in charge of our harvesting here.
1. I'd rather ask about you. Why are you here? 2. I asked you! You'll answer my questions!
Guard: Why am I here? I'm here because this is where the Commander told me to stand. And that's all there is to it. Guard: Okay, okay, there's no need to get like that. The Commander just prefers everyone to go through him first.
Guard: I'm just a guard for this emitter. Why couldn't they have just equipped this lump of tech with a blaster and left me at home?
1. I want to ask you some questions. 2. I want to go back to my other questions.
Guard: I'm not here because I know stuff. I handle a blaster well enough to guard this emitter, and that's it. Talk to the Commander.
3. I'm leaving.
Guard: Good. I don't want any trouble.

If Jolee has already made his request, asking the following of Commander Dern or one of his guards will indicate how it can be fulfilled:

4. If the Shadowlands are so dangerous, how do you survive?
Commander Dern: It ain't easy. We've set up a perimeter of sonic emitters to keep the bigger preds away. It's worked so far. As long as the emitters are operational, we're pretty much safe. It makes harvesting a lot easier.
3. What do these emitters do?
Guard: They generate a sonic barrier that allows us to stay in this wonderful location. It keeps the big predators away. I don't know how it works, really. I just know that if they go down, the camp would be overrun.
1. So only the emitters are keeping you here?
Guard: What of it?
Journal Entry Added Jolee's Request
Jolee wants you to remove a group of poachers before he will help you. Speaking with the poachers you have learned that the camp is protected from hostile creatures by sonic emitters. Each emitter is assigned a Czerka guard to watch over it. It might be possible to persuade or bribe the guards into helping shut down the protective field the emitters produce.
3. What if I want you to leave the Shadowlands?
Commander Dern: Is that old hermit Jolee trying to talk you into doing his dirty work? We've spent too much on setting up just to walk away. As long as the sonic emitters keep the preds away and I've got bodies to guard the perimeter, we're staying right here. I mean, if I can put up with my own worthless guards complaining about this place, Jolee whining through you is nothing.
Journal Entry Added Jolee's Request
Jolee wants you to remove a group of poachers before he will help you. Speaking with the poachers you have learned that the camp is protected from hostile creatures by sonic emitters. Each emitter is assigned a Czerka guard to watch over it. The officer in charge also said that as long as he has enough guards he would stay. It might be possible to persuade or bribe the guards into helping shut down the protective field the emitters produce. Another option might be to try and convince guards to leave, although that would likely require Force manipulation.

Jolee would prefer a peaceful solution, which can be achieved by persuading or bribing two guards to give you the code to their emitters. However, do not bother bribing them since Persuasion is always successful with > 9 Charisma (so even with 8 Charisma, anyone can succeed after any Jedi in the party uses Force Valor).

1. Let's talk about the emitter you're guarding.
Guard: What do you want to know about that? It's just one of five or so sonic emitters protecting the camp.
Always 1. [Persuade] So , if someone shut them down, you could leave.
Guard: [Failure] It's "friendly" people like you that recruited me into this mess. I'm keeping an eye on you, that's for sure.
Always 1. [Persuade] So , if someone shut them down, you could leave. link=Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic}}/Force powers#Affect Mind 2. [Force Persuade] Tell me how to shut down the emitters.
Guard: [Success] I don't like being here, that's for sure. I suppose you could... take this code and shut down the emitter I'm guarding.
3. Maybe you could help me shut it down? For, say, 200 credits?
Guard: That sounds like a fair deal to me. Here, use this code to access the one I'm guarding.
Credits Lost: 200 * Guard (0-2)
Guard: Enough of those emitters go down and the camp will have to move out. But I never said anything.

Once you have two codes, you can use them to shut down the corresponding emitters.

1. Access Primary functions
1. Code not available. Alternate access options?
2. Terminate interface.

Once you have the code:

1. Enter Czerka guard code. Terminate sonic emission.
Czerka Sonic Device: ACCESS CODE ACCEPTED.

With the protective field shut down, a large beast charges through the camp, causing the commander and his guards to flee.

Commander Dern: What? Beast: RRRRAAAAAAARRRRRGGGG!!!! Commander Dern: Run, run!
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 500 Persuaded or bribed guards to help shut down protective field produced by emitter

Alternatively, you can move (much) closer to the dark side of the Force by affecting the minds of the guards to make them leave.

Guard: I've helped you all I'm going to. Any more and the Commander will have me shot. Leave me alone.
1. This is a dangerous place. Could I persuade you to leave?
Guard: No more dangerous than walking out on the commander. He'd kill me for disobeying orders.
link=Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic}}/Force powers#Affect Mind 1. [Force Persuade] You want to leave. Make a break for it. Dark Side Points Gained: -2
Guard: [Success] I... I really need to get out of here. It's too dangerous!

Commander Dern uses his Energy Shield and guns down the deserter.

Deserter! Traitor! I'll make an example of you!

After the first is killed, you won't be able to persuade the others to follow his example without dominating their minds.

Guard: What do you want? I don't want to get on the commander's bad side, so just leave me alone.
1. This is a dangerous place. Could I persuade you to leave?
Guard: Don't you start with me! I don't know what you said to that other guy, but I'm not risking getting killed! Now leave me alone before the Commander gets any ideas.
link=Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic}}/Force powers#Affect Mind 1. [Force Persuade] You want to leave. Make a break for it.
Guard: [Failure] Oh no, I'm not getting myself killed! I'm not! Guard: [Failure] What are you talking about? I don't want any such thing! Leave me alone!
link=Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic}}/Force powers#Affect Mind 1. [Force Persuade] You want to leave. Make a break for it. Dark Side Points Gained: -2 * Guard (3-4)
Guard: [Success] Maybe you're right... maybe I should make a break for it.
Bastila: That was beneath you. I hope in the future you will strive to be better than this. Juhani: You are a representative of the Jedi Order. When you behave this way you disgrace us all!
Canderous: Hmph. That trick would never work on a Mandalorian. Our minds are not so weak and easily twisted. Carth: Why did you do that? Sometimes... sometimes I just can't understand how you can be so cruel.
Mission: Hey, why'd you have to do that? That was just mean! HK-47: Statement: Well done, master. You're my kind of owner!

Once all five guards have deserted and been gunned down, their commander has no choice but to leave.

Commander Dern: Well that's just great! I don't have the men to keep this location safe! I'll be back, though! There's money here!
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 500 Persuaded all five guards to leave

Otherwise, you can move closest to the dark side of the Force by persuading all but one guard to leave, then provoking a fight with the commander.

4. You're just a Czerka slaver. Nothing special. 3. Maybe you should just pay me so I don't shut you down. 4. This wholesale slaughter can't be allowed!
Commander Dern: I don't need this kind of garbage from you. Watch your mouth. I'm the only law there is down here. If you've got something to say, get on with it. Otherwise, leave me alone. I've credits to earn. Commander Dern: I'm warning you, I didn't get this job because of my sense of humor. You smart mouth me again and we'll have a problem. Commander Dern: I'm hard-pressed to come up with a way for you to stop me. I'll defend this operation if I have to.
Commander Dern: Hell, I have guards everywhere and a perimeter of sonic emitters. I don't fear anything in the Shadowlands, including you.

Any two of those responses will provoke the commander, as will the following:

2. I should just kill you. No one will ever know. Dark Side Points Gained: -4
Commander Dern: All right, I'm done talking with you. You've got under my skin one too many times! I'll bury you down here!
Canderous: Just you try it.

Alternatively, you can provoke a fight with the remaining guard(s).

2. Quit your whining and answer my questions! 2. You'll answer what I tell you to answer! 2. That isn't good enough. I need more, or else. 1. You'll do as I say or you'll regret it.
Guard: Are you threatening me? Unless you want a fight with all of us I'd suggest you change your tone. Besides, enough things down here want to kill me. I don't need to add you to the list.
2. That's too bad. I'm going to kill you all!
Guard: We're under attack! Dark Side Points Gained: -4

Only Commander Dern needs to be killed to fulfill Jolee's request. He uses his energy shield if he hasn't done so already.

Commander Dern
Class Soldier
Level 8
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 13 +1
Dexterity 12 +1
Constitution 10 0
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 15 +2
Charisma 12 +1
Vitality 150
Defense 11
Fortitude 6
Reflex 3
Will 4
Awareness 2
Ranged Main Off
Attack 11 -
Physical 1-6,+2 Uni +5 Prc
Threat 20-20,x2-
Melee Main Off
Attack 11 -
Slashing 3-13,+2 +2 Sonic
Threat 19-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats
Energy Shield Zabrak Disruptor Cannon + Sith Tremor Sword Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifle Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons Rapid Shot Master Rapid Shot Master Flurry Master Critical Strike9

Two guards, one on the center left and the other on the top right when seen from the west end of the camp, start with Blaster Cannons. The two white guards on the bottom right and top left start with Blaster Pistols, and may use up to three Concussion Grenades each. The remaining guard on the bottom left also starts with a blaster pistol, but has no grenades.

Class Minion
Level 6
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 13 +1
Dexterity 12 +1
Constitution 10 0
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 15 +2
Charisma 12 +1
Vitality 40
Defense 11
Fortitude 2
Reflex 3
Will 4
Awareness 2
Ranged Main Off
Attack 9 -
Energy 1-8,+2-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Melee Main Off
Attack 7 -
Piercing 2-11-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats
Blaster Cannon + Vibroblade Weapon Proficiency: Heavy Weapons Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons
Class Minion
Level 6
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 13 +1
Dexterity 12 +1
Constitution 10 0
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 15 +2
Charisma 12 +1
Vitality 40
Defense 11
Fortitude 2
Reflex 3
Will 4
Awareness 2
Ranged Main Off
Attack 7 -
Energy 1-6-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Melee Main Off
Attack 7 -
Piercing 2-11-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats
Blaster Pistol + Concussion Grenade(3) Vibroblade Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Pistol Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons
Class Minion
Level 6
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 13 +1
Dexterity 12 +1
Constitution 10 0
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 15 +2
Charisma 12 +1
Vitality 40
Defense 11
Fortitude 2
Reflex 3
Will 4
Awareness 2
Ranged Main Off
Attack 7 -
Energy 1-6-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Melee Main Off
Attack 7 -
Piercing 2-11-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats
Blaster Pistol + Vibroblade Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Pistol Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons
Experience Points (XP) Received: Experience Points (XP) Received:
Journal Entry Added Jolee's Request
You have removed the poachers as Jolee requested. He will now show you how to go deeper into the Shadowlands.

There are three metal boxes on the southwest side of the camp, only the right of which is unlocked.

Security Metal Box Unlock 28 (8) Bash Resist 5 Vitality 15
Security Metal Box Unlock 34 (14) Bash Resist 5 Vitality 15
Item(s) Received Metal Box Item(s) Received Metal Box Item(s) Received Metal Box

Star Map: Kashyyyk[edit | edit source]

Once the poachers have been removed from the Czerka camp at Jolee's request, he will join your group.


If the poachers were removed non-violently:

Jolee: Yes, I could feel it as you walked near. And I don't sense the smell of death on you. You spared them? Interesting.
1. There was nothing to gain by killing them. 2. Enough. Have I passed your little test?
Jolee: Wasn't there? I suppose not, but the environment would say otherwise, if it could talk. No matter. Jolee: If you imagined a meaning behind it, I suppose that's good, but I don't think such a trivial thing is any real measure of a person.
1. If you didn't care about the outcome, why have me do this?
Jolee: You were here and it needed doing. Besides, dealing with the Czerka is dirty business. I hope you washed your hands.

If the poachers were removed violently, before speaking to Jolee:

Jolee: Yes, I heard the fuss of it. I told you I wanted a non-violent solution, and I had my reasons for it. You should have thought about that.
Jolee: Czerka Corporation will find the bodies and blame the Wookiees. This may cause more troops to be deployed. That means more disruption. I'm not pleased, but what's done is done and I'm not here to judge you. Hopefully you'll take care of that yourself.
1. I couldn't find a peaceful solution. I regret that. 4. Funny, I didn't picture you as the "disapproving master" type.
Jolee: Well, perhaps I have a duty to point out what you should have learned from this. Or perhaps... no. Jolee: You're pretty much right, really. Truth be known, I won't judge how you fared... as long as you can LIVE WITH YOURSELF!
Jolee: Was that convincing? It's been a while since I've been in the company of someone that needed that kind of babysitting.
2. It was the most efficient way to stop them.
Jolee: I see. You are completely detached. Are you sure you're not a droid? It doesn't matter. A trivial thing like this is no measure of anyone.

If the poachers were removed violently, your response to Jolee can move you even closer to the dark side of the Force.

3. I kill what I want. Don't argue with me, old man. Dark Side Points Gained: -2
Jolee: Oh, go bark up a tree. You'll get the same response out of me. Besides, I'm not about to get in the habit of grading you.
1. You aren't going to tell me what I should have learned?
Jolee: A good teacher, and I'm not saying I am one, but a good teacher doesn't mash a book in a student's face shouting "learn this bit here!" If you can't look at the situation for yourself and see the logic behind my way of doing things, you're not the type to understand me anyway. Besides, you're a little old for that master/student fuss, aren't you? I know I am.

Regardless of how the poachers were removed:

1. You mentioned barriers. There's a repulsor field I want to pass.
Jolee: Yes, yes, in the east past the poacher camp. I saw it when it was installed. It's a very effective barrier, but I know how to get past it.
2. Will you help me find the Star Map now? 3. You mentioned eliminating barriers? Could we get to it?
Jolee: Yes, of course. Let's get moving. I noticed the old paths some time ago. You probably wouldn't have found them on your own. Jolee: I know where you want to go. I can get you through to the old paths. This forest hides some strange things.
Jolee: There's also a Czerka repulsor field blocking the way, past the poacher camp in the east. I saw it when it was installed, so I know how to pass it.
Jolee: And on the other side... ancient answers. And perhaps a Wookiee you were seeking. I hope he's in the mood for visitors.
1. [Jolee has joined your party.]
[Left-click this response to go to PARTY SELECTION screen.]
This character must be a member of your party at this time.
Journal Entry Added Star Map: Kashyyyk
Having the reclusive Jolee Bindo in your group will allow you to access the Lower Shadowlands.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 400 Jolee learned the poachers had been removed and he joined your group

You can now travel back through the Czerka camp and continue east to the repulsor field preventing access to the lower Shadowlands beyond.

Forcefield[edit | edit source]

The path beyond the Czerka camp continues to the southeast before turning northeast, where it's mined.

Awareness Minor Frag Mine Detect 20 (0) Demolitions Disable 20 (0) Recover 30 (10)
Awareness Minor Gas Mine Detect 20 (0) Demolitions Disable 20 (0) Recover 30 (10)
Awareness Average Flash Mine Detect 30 (10) Demolitions Disable 25 (5) Recover 35 (15)

The path to the northeast turns east then south, where it's mined once again.

Awareness Minor Gas Mine Detect 20 (0) Demolitions Disable 20 (0) Recover 30 (10)
Awareness Average Frag Mine Detect 30 (10) Demolitions Disable 25 (5) Recover 35 (15)

The path south is obstructed by a force field. If Jolee has not yet been added to your party:

Force Field Speaker: [The shimmer of a repulsor field is visible before you. It stands in stark contrast with the foliage around it.]
Force Field Speaker: [There appears to be no obvious means of deactivating the field. You'll need to find someone familiar with the area that is willing to help you.] Force Field Speaker: [This is obviously one of the barriers to your progress that Jolee was speaking of. If he were here, he would allow you to pass it.]
Journal Entry Added Chieftain in Need
A Czerka repulsor field blocks passage into the Lower Shadowlands. You will have to find someone that is willing to help you pass it before you can continue the search for the mad Wookiee Chuundar would have you kill.
Journal Entry Added Chieftain in Need
A Czerka repulsor field blocks passage into the Lower Shadowlands, halting your search for the mad Wookiee Chuundar would have you kill. Jolee Bindo said he would remove barriers from your path if you first helped him.
Journal Entry Added Star Map: Kashyyyk
A repulsor field blocks the passage into the Lower Shadowlands. You will have to find someone who knows how to pass it that is also willing to help you.
Journal Entry Added Star Map: Kashyyyk
The reclusive Jolee Bindo has offered to remove barriers from your path if you do a task for him and then give him passage off of Kashyyyk. It may be the only way to access the Lower Shadowlands.

Once Jolee's request to remove the poachers from the Czerka camp has been fulfilled and he's added to your party, he can remove it and take you through.

Jolee: There, you see? Beautifully subtle, isn't it? At least, compared to other Czerka equipment dumped down here. It's only been here a short while, or the Wookiees would have disabled it. They wouldn't have had an easy time of it, though. Jolee: Jolee: Here we are again. Shall I bypass the field so we may pass?
1. Why place this thing here?
Jolee: There are others, each blocking similar points on certain paths. It is all very calculated. Very precise. It would have been effective if it hadn't relied on the creatures to be walking. Climbers don't have much trouble getting around it.
2. Whatever. Just shut it down.
Jolee: You aren't going to ask about it? A repulsor field in the woods and you have no interest?
1. Very well. Why did Czerka put this here?
Jolee: I think it was an attempt to block the more dangerous carnivores from wandering freely, but it's not very effective. It limits us non-climbers, but the creatures of Kashyyyk are very adaptable. You'll see why when we reach your goal.
2. Just shut it down. I'll worry about it later. 1. I trust you can get past it? You said so. 1. Yes. Get us past the field.
Jolee: All right then, uh, how did it go... Jolee: I can manipulate it for a moment. Let me see... how did the Czerka engineers do it...
Jolee: Ahh, there we go. Now keep moving. These are the most dangerous depths of Kashyyyk. A few surprises wait for us, I'll wager.

You go through to the lower Shadowlands beyond.

Tach Poaching[edit | edit source]

Commander Dern: I could use an extra hand. A couple men have gone missing. If I lose many more I'll have to close up shop. We are hunting the little simians, the tach. They have a gland that acts as a stimulant when powdered. I figure I've got two or three wealthy years to butcher the lot of them. You want in before I make them extinct?
Journal Entry Added Tach Poaching
Poachers in the Shadowlands have made an offer. They want you to help harvest tach, small creatures that possess a gland that can be used as a stimulant.
Journal Entry Added Tach Poaching
The poachers Jolee wants removed have made an offer. They want you to help harvest tach, small creatures that possess a gland that can be used as a stimulant. It is doubtful Jolee would approve.
1. What does the job pay?
Commander Dern: I really can't quote a price. Depends on the market. I give fair value for each one, rest assured. That promise will have to do.
2. Don't you care that you could wipe out the whole species?
Commander Dern: Uh, no. I'll be rich by then, and won't need to do it anymore. I don't have to worry about it. Besides, if there's no more tach, the predators that eat them will die off and we'll have an easier time milking this planet.
2. I have more questions about the job.
Commander Dern: Hurry up, I'm wasting too much time on you as it is.
1. I want the job. How do I hunt these tach?
Commander Dern: All right then, I'll set you up. First you need to be able to draw them out. It's easy. I'll spray you with this scent... it drives them crazy. They can't help but attack you, even if it's a hopeless fight. Then you just carve them up. There's a big fleshy bulb in their brains that you want to scoop out. You can't miss it. I'd feel guilty if the money weren't so good. Come back here when you've got the glands and I'll pay you.
5. Back to my general questions, all right?
Commander Dern: Hurry up. You're eating into my profits.
Journal Entry Added Tach Poaching
You have decided to harvest tach for a group of Czerka poachers in the Shadowlands.
Journal Entry Added Tach Poaching
You have decided to harvest tach for a group of Czerka poachers in the Shadowlands, the same group that Jolee wants removed. It is likely he won't be pleased.

There are up to 17 tachs scattered throughout the upper Shadowlands.

Class Jedi Guardian
Level 1
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 13 +1
Dexterity 12 +1
Constitution 10 0
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 15 +2
Charisma 12 +1
Vitality 8
Defense 13
Fortitude 2
Reflex 3
Will 3
Awareness 2
Ranged Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Melee Main Off
Attack 2 -
Blunt 2-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats
None Jedi Sense
Experience Points (XP) Received: Item(s) Received Tach
  • Tach Gland (1-17)
This gland was cut from the corpse of a tach, a small primate. It can supposedly be powdered to produce a powerful stimulant.

There are also three tach glands in the middle locked metal box on the southwest side of the camp, which can also be sold back to Commander Dern. However, once you've reunited Mission with her brother you may want to bring him one, in which case you should leave one tach alive, or take (but don't sell) the three glands in the box if you don't want to displease Jolee by killing any tach.

1. I've got a tach gland to sell you. 1. I've got some tach glands to sell you.
Commander Dern: I'll take whatever you have. Keep it up and we'll both be rich. At least until we bleed this planet dry, hahaha!
Credits Received: 10 * Tach Gland (1-20)

This quest is completed automatically when you fulfill Jolee's request to remove the poachers.

Journal Entry Added Tach Poaching
The poachers have been removed from the Shadowlands. Jolee will join with you now.

Wookiee Lost[edit | edit source]

There's a Wookiee corpse on the west side of the northeast path leading to the Czerka hunting ground.

Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 200 Acquired contract and bolt casing
This datapad card contains a contract to trade weapons for slaves, and a manifest of goods already delivered. It would seem that Rorworr had sold a number of Wookiees previously, and intended to do so again.
Item(s) Received Wookiee Corpse
  • Slaver Contract
  • Bowcaster
  • Bowcaster Bolt Casing
This bolt casing was abandoned next to Rorworr's corpse, likely by whoever killed him. Bowcasters and the accompanying bolt casings are very personal items among the Wookiees, and are adorned with traditional family symbols and other identifying marks. It is possible the owner of this one could be identified by a knowledgeable Wookiee.
Journal Entry Added A Wookiee Lost
You have found the corpse of a Wookiee called Rorworr in the Shadowlands. A datapad revealing that he dealt with slavers was on the body, as well as a bowcaster bolt casing that probably belongs to whoever killed him.

You can look at the slaver contract and bowcaster bolt casing in your inventory. When you return to the village of Rwookrrorro you can go to Woorwill's home to ask Woorwill and Jaarak about the bolt casing, although this isn't necessary and you can go straight to Worrroznor, the Holder of the Laws, to do so: however, if you kill Freyyr in the lower Shadowlands (moving (much) closer to the dark side of the Force) before returning, then this becomes impossible. This quest will still be completed, but without moving closer to the light or dark side of the Force, or receiving a reward or any more experience (although no experience is received for any part of this quest completed after killing Freyyr upon your return either).

Journal Entry Added A Wookiee Lost
The village of Rwookrrorro has been sealed off by Czerka Corporation and Chuundar. You have been excluded from any further village business. If the fate of any previously missing Wookiees is still considered important, that investigation will fall to someone other than you.

Honest Debt[edit | edit source]

A broken droid lies at the junction of the path to the south of Jolee's hut.

Broken Droid: Malfunction... my primary motivators are... incapaci... error. Damage terminal. Playback... cause of malfunction...
Broken Droid: Playback: "I don't get it. That merchant said there was salvage down here. We need Matton to work the sensors."
Playback: "When he gets back we'll... wait... I'm getting something. Oh, it's Eli. Good. Maybe he'll point us in the right direction."
Playback:"Eli! What the... ! But you got your money, you double-crossing snake! We had a deal... (blaster sounds)."
3. You're in no condition to talk. Goodbye.
Broken Droid: [You back away. The droid appears to suffer some sort of additional interior trauma.]

If you haven't already spoken to Eli Gand in the Czerka landing port above:

Journal Entry Added Honest Debt
The scrambled memory of the malfunctioning droid found in the Shadowlands reveals the violent last moments of its companions. Someone named Eli ambushed the group, and the victims also mentioned an absent comrade named Matton. Some sort of disputed debt may have sparked the incident. If it could be salvaged from the droid, this recording might be of interest to someone.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 113 Spoke to broken droid

If you have spoken to Eli, or you then ask what happened to it:

1. What happened to you?

It plays back the cause of malfunction again.

Journal Entry Added Honest Debt
The scrambled memory of the malfunctioning droid found in the Shadowlands reveals the violent last moments of its companions. They were ambushed, but identified their attacker as Eli, the merchant you met on docking ring. It appears he has not told the truth about these creditors that supposedly skipped-out on paying him. If it could be salvaged from the droid, Matton would likely be very interested in this recording.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 113 Asked broken droid what happened to it

Although doing either of these things will unlock new dialog with Eli when you return to him, it's better to salvage the droid's head as well.

2. I'll scrap you and take what I can.
Broken Droid: Shutting down... primary systems... failing...
1. [You start with the droid's head, removing it and placing it in your pack. An energy discharge flows through the remaining parts.]

The energy discharge inflicts 10 points of universal damage (on Normal) to your party.

Journal Entry Added Honest Debt
The scrambled memory of the malfunctioning droid found in the Shadowlands reveals the violent last moments of its companions. They were ambushed, but identified their attacker as Eli, the merchant you met on docking ring. It appears he has not told the truth about these creditors that supposedly skipped-out on paying him. You have salvaged the droid's head. Matton would likely be very interested in it.
Item(s) Received Broken Droid
  • Droid Head
Replaying the last memory of this damaged droid reveals that it and its owners were the victims of an ambush by someone named Eli. The name "Matton" was also mentioned.

You should return to Eli before returning Bacca's blade to Freyyr in the lower Shadowlands if you plan to side with him against Chuundar (moving (much) closer to the light side of the Force), as he and Matton will be gone afterwards. This quest will still be completed, but without moving closer to the light or dark side of the Force, or receiving any more experience or a reward.

Journal Entry Added Honest Debt
The newfound courage of the Wookiees has put a premature end to whatever business Matton and Eli had between them.

Genoharadan: Rulan[edit | edit source]

The east fork of the path to the south of Jolee's hut leads to a katarn encounter, the composition of which depends on your character level:

Character level
2-11 12-14 15-20
  • Katarn (2)
  • Bull Katarn
  • Bull Katarn (2)
  • Dire Katarn
  • Bull Katarn (2)
  • Dire Katarn (2)
Experience Points (XP) Received: Experience Points (XP) Received:

The path then turns south and ends in a clearing with two corpses, and another katarn encounter:

Experience Points (XP) Received: Experience Points (XP) Received: Item(s) Received Corpse (2)
  • ?

The west fork of the path also turns south. Once you've proven yourself worthy of the Genoharadan by completing a mission, there's a Wookiee corpse on the west side of the path as it turns south; otherwise, there's only a corpse a little further south.

Item(s) Received Wookiee Corpse
  • Datapad
Item(s) Received Corpse
  • ?
This datapad appears to be a diary or record of some kind. The final entry is of particular interest:
"We were fools to come down here, all of us. How can we hope to capture an enemy that can assume any shape, any form?

To the south is a clearing, in which there appears to be a Wookiee named Grarwwaar standing by a campfire. If you speak to him:

Grarwwaar: Why do you disturb me, human? Grarwwaar comes to the Shadowlands to get away from your kind.
2. I want to ask you some questions. 3. I'm sorry. I'll be going now.
Grarwwaar: I am no slave, human! I am Grarwwaar, a free Wookiee. I do not answer to you.
Grarwwaar: Leave me be, human. Return to the village in the tree tops. The Shadowlands is no place for your kind.

If you found the datapad on the Wookiee corpse, you'll know there's more to him than meets the eye:

1. According to a datapad I found, Grarwwaar is dead!
Grarwwaar: So you have uncovered my little secret. No matter, this body has grown tiresome to me. Maybe I can find one more to your liking, human.

He shifts into the form of Jolee Bindo, then attacks:

Rulan Prolik: Got something on your mind, do you?
1. That's... that's impossible! 2. Your tricks don't fool me, Rulan! 3. Enough games, Rulan. Time to die.
Rulan Prolik
Class Soldier
Level 14
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 18 +4
Dexterity 16 +3
Constitution 16 +3
Intelligence 13 +1
Wisdom 14 +2
Charisma 14 +2
Vitality 192
Defense 22
Fortitude 17
Reflex 12
Will 11
Awareness 6
Ranged Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Melee Main Off
Attack 18 -
Slashing 5-16-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats
Clothing Long Sword Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons Power Attack Flurry Critical Strike18

Once he's reduced to 50% Vitality, your party is knocked back and down as he shifts into the form of a Terentatek!

Rulan Prolik
Class Soldier
Level 16
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 30 +10
Dexterity 13 +1
Constitution 25 +7
Intelligence 13 +1
Wisdom 14 +2
Charisma 14 +2
Vitality 280
Defense 25
Fortitude 30
Reflex 17
Will 20
Awareness 6
Ranged Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Melee Main Off
Attack 26 -
Slashing 12-34-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats
None None

He's immune to Force Push and Whirlwind and cannot be knocked back and down, but Force Wave can still damage and stun him. Once at least 200 damage has been inflicted, your party is knocked back and down again as he shifts into the form of a Tach and runs off to the northeast, so quickly that you might lose him. He can be found in the clearing at the end of the path to the northeast of Jolee hut, which is also the site of yet another katarn encounter:

Experience Points (XP) Received: Experience Points (XP) Received:

Several Tachs run about the clearing. Speak to the Tach who walks instead to find Rulan:

Tach: [This tach may be Rulan Prolik in disguise, but you can't tell for sure. Maybe if you kill it, it will revert to it's true form... assuming it's Rulan.]
1. [Attack the tach.] 2. [Leave the tach alone.]
Class Soldier
Level 4
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 28 +4
Dexterity 12 +1
Constitution 14 +2
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 8 -1
Charisma 8 -1
Vitality 30
Defense 14
Fortitude 6
Reflex 2
Will 0
Awareness 3
Ranged Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Melee Main Off
Attack 4 -2
Slashing 5-145-14
Threat 20-20,x220-20,x2
Items and abilities Feats
Wookiee Warblade Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons Power Attack
Dark Side Points Gained: -2
Journal Entry Added Genoharadan: Rulan
Rulan is dead. Now you just have to return to Hulas and collect his bounty.
Experience Points (XP) Received: Item(s) Received Rulan Prolik
  • Credits (500)

Return to Hulas in Ahto City's East Central courtyard on Manaan to collect his bounty.