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Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifle is required to use blaster rifles. All classes except Expert Droids can select this feat, and it's granted to all Soldiers, Scouts, Scoundrels and Combat Droids (HK-47 focuses on them). It can also be granted to any Jedi class using the level 3 Advanced Combat Implant available from Yavin Station.

Blaster rifle Damage Range Critical Threat Bonus
Blaster carbines Energy 1-8 25m 19-20,x2
Blaster rifles Energy 1-8 28m 19-20,x2
Bowcasters Energy 1-10 28m 19-20,x2
Disruptor rifles Physical 1-6 28m 20-20,x2
Ion rifles Ion 1-6 28m 20-20,x2 Ion: +2-12 vs. Droid (2d6)
Sonic rifles Sonic 1-6 28m 20-20,x2 On Hit: Attribute Damage Dexterity14

The more advanced can have additional bonuses.

Blaster carbines[edit | edit source]

Blaster carbines all have at least Damage: Energy 1-8, Range: 25m and Critical Threat: 19-20,x2 (10% chance).

Blaster Carbine[edit | edit source]

Created initially by Gungis X Weapons, blaster carbine rifles have become very popular in recent years, helped by falling prices due to competition from other companies.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Dantooine Matale Grounds Mandalorian 500 1
Tatooine Hunting Lodge Fazza Utral 500 1
Manaan East Central Tyvark's Shop 500 1
Korriban Dreshdae B'ree 500 5

Sith Assault Gun[edit | edit source]

This is a modification on the blaster carbine rarely seen outside of Sith-controlled space.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Korriban Tomb of Naga Sadow Skeletal Human Remains 1750 1
Leviathan Command Deck Gun Locker 1750 3
Star Forge System Temple Main Floor Large Locker 1750 2

Cinnagaran Carbine[edit | edit source]

This blaster rifle variant is one of many fine weapons produced by the factories of Cinnagar in their continued militarizing after the Great Hyperspace War a thousand years ago.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Korriban Tomb of Naga Sadow Skeletal Human Remains 2750 1

Jurgan Kalta's Carbine[edit | edit source]

The Zabrak mercenary Jurgan Kalta commissioned this rifle, a weapon he liked to think of as "amusingly destructive."
World Area Source Cost Amount
Tatooine Hunting Lodge Fazza Utral 4500 1

Jamoh Hogra's Carbine[edit | edit source]

Special: Upgradeable, Ranged
  • Damage: Energy, 5-15 (1d8+1d4,+3) Scope (+1) Improved Energy Cell (+1-4)
  • Damage Bonus: +2-8 Physical (2d4 piercing) Beam Splitter
  • Range: 25m
  • Critical Threat: 19-20,x2
  • Attack Modifier: +5 Scope (+1) Hair Trigger (+2)
This was the weapon of mercenary Jamoh Hogra, and was supposed to protect him against the many enemies he earned in his lifetime. Hogra's skill didn't match its potential, however.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Tatooine Docking Bay Mic'Tunan'Jus Orgu 9000 1

Blaster rifles[edit | edit source]

Blaster rifles all have at least Damage: Energy 1-8, Range: 28m and Critical Threat: 19-20,x2 (10% chance).

Blaster Rifle[edit | edit source]

More powerful than the commonly available pistol, the blaster rifle is favored by soldiers throughout the galaxy. Civilian ownership of these weapons is not generally encouraged.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Endar Spire Command Module Footlocker (Soldier) 300 1
Taris South Apartments Backpack 300 1
Upper City South Equipment Emporium 300 Infinite
North Apartments Sith Commander 300 1
Sith Trooper 300 1
Undercity Sith Patrol Leader 300 1
Sith Trooper (2) 300 2
Corpse - Sith Soldier 300 1
Dantooine Courtyard Adum Larp 300 5
Tatooine Hunting Lodge Fazza Utral 300 Infinite
Droid Shop HK-47 300 1
Dune Sea Elite Warrior (0-5) 300 0-5
Tanis Venn 300 1
Sand People Enclave Sand People Guard 300 1
Sand People Chieftain 300 1
Eastern Dune Sea Chewed Human Corpse 300 1
Kashyyyk Czerka Landing Port Janos' Office 300 2
Manaan East Central Tyvark's Shop 300 1
Leviathan Command Deck Gun Locker 300 3

Sith Sniper Rifle[edit | edit source]

Despite its effectiveness, these modified blaster rifles are not often employed by the Sith. They prefer to engage their enemies up close and personal.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Taris Upper City South Equipment Emporium 1500 1
Korriban Sith Academy Footlocker 1500 1
Star Forge System Temple Main Floor Large Locker 1500 2

Mandalorian Assault Rifle[edit | edit source]

These weapons are almost overpowered for their size, but the Mandalorians prefer them that way. They do not make a habit of being subtle in their war making.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Kashyyyk Czerka Landing Port Matton Dasol Dark Side Points Gained 2500 1
Lower Shadowlands Mandalorian (3) 2500 3
Leviathan Prison Block Bandoleer 2500 1

Zabrak Battle Cannon[edit | edit source]

These weapons are almost beginning to cross the line to light artillery. Armor is generally ineffective against such a weapon, unless it is of the highest quality.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Manaan East Central Tyvark's Shop 4000 1

Jurgan Kalta's Assault Rifle[edit | edit source]

Special: Upgradeable, Ranged
  • Damage: Energy, 2-12 (1d8+1d4) Hair Trigger
  • Damage Bonus: +1-4 Physical (piercing) Improved Energy Cell
  • Ion: +2-10 vs. Droid (1d6+1d4) Beam Splitter
  • Range: 28m
  • Critical Threat: 19-20,x2
  • Attack Modifier: +5 Scope
Jurgan Kalta wanteed to make a big noise in the galaxy. If it was the screams of his enemies, all the better. This weapon was his favorite because it shared his adaptability.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Dantooine Jedi Enclave Crattis Yurkal 8000 1

Bowcasters[edit | edit source]

Bowcasters all have at least Damage: Energy 1-10, Range: 28m and Critical Threat: 19-20,x2 (10% chance).

Bowcaster[edit | edit source]

The bowcaster is an invention of the Wookiees of Kashyyyk. Also called a laser crossbow, it actually uses a magnetic accelerator to hurl an explosive energy quarrel at its target.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Kashyyk Czerka Landing Port Janos' Office 400 2
Great Walkway Backpack 400 1
Worrroznor's Home Wicker Basket 400 1
Great Walkway Plasteel Cylinder 400 1
Upper Shadowlands Wookiee Corpse 400 1

Chuundar's Bowcaster[edit | edit source]

Chuundar's personal weapon is a bowcaster with some unusual Czerka modifications. Most Wookiees would likely not appreciate such outside influence.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Kashyyyk Hall of the Chieftain Chuundar Light Side Points Gained 1500 1

Zaalbar's Bowcaster[edit | edit source]

Special: Upgradeable, Ranged
  • Damage: Energy, 3-12 (1d10,+2) Scope Improved Energy Cell
  • Range: 28m
  • Critical Threat: 17-20,x2 Hair Trigger
  • Attack Modifier: +3 Beam Splitter
This is Zaalbar's personal bowcaster. He has made modifications to it over the years, but it still tightly conforms to the traditions of his people.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Taris Lower Sewers Weapons Locker 400 1

Disruptor rifles[edit | edit source]

Disruptor rifles all have at least Damage: Physical, 1-6, Range: 28m and Critical Threat: 20-20,x2 (5% chance). Feedback labels this damage universal, but it can be absorbed by Mandalorian Shields (Deflection: Bludgeoning, Piercing, Slashing) and reduced by Damage Resistance: Resist #/- vs. Bludgeoning, Piercing or Slashing. Actual universal damage can only be reduced by the feats Improved Toughness and Wookiee Toughness (2 points each).

Disruptor Rifle[edit | edit source]

This disruptor is even more destructive than its pistol counterpart, and is outlawed on just as many worlds. Disruptors reduce solid matter to its constituent molecules. Painfully. Unlike typical blasters, disruptors ignore most types of personal energy shields.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Taris Black Vulkar Base Footlocker 400 1
Sith Base Weapons Locker 400 1
Kashyyyk Upper Shadowlands Metal Box 400 1
Manaan East Central Tyvark's Shop 400 1
Korriban Dreshdae B'ree 400 5
Leviathan Command Deck Gun Locker 400 1

Zabrak Disruptor Cannon[edit | edit source]

Zabrak always command respect, especially with the aid of weapons that are even more damaging than already-outlawed standard disruptors. Unlike typical blasters, disruptors ignore most types of personal energy shields.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Manaan Hrakert Station Thug 1500 1
Star Forge System Temple Main Floor Gun Locker 1500 2

Baragwin Disruptor-X Weapon[edit | edit source]

Special: Upgradeable, Ranged
  • Damage: Physical, 5-26 (1d6 + 2d6+2d4 bludgeoning) Beam Splitter (+1d6) Improved Energy Cell Hair Trigger
  • Range: 28m
  • Critical Threat: 19-20,x2 Scope
  • Attack Modifier: +2 Scope
Using the same 'shaped-energy' concept as in his Ion-X Weapon, Suvam Tan has modified a Baragwin disruptor weapon as well, giving comparable levels of concussive force to the blast that the Ion-X Weapon delivers. Upgrades to this weapon could potentially greatly increase both the impact force and the penetration of its charges.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Yavin Yavin Station Suvam Tan (Fifth Star Map) 16000 1

Ion rifles[edit | edit source]

Ion rifles all have at least Damage: Ion, 1-6, Ion: +2-12 vs. Droid (2d6), Range: 28m and Critical Threat: 20-20,x2 (5% chance). Ion damage is doubled against any shield, resulting in the following:

Target Organic Shielded organic Droid Shielded droid
Ion damage 1-6 2-12 3-18 6-36

Ion Rifle[edit | edit source]

Any well-stocked militia usually has stores of ion rifles in reserve. They aren't much use against the living, but if the enemy has battle droids these weapons become essential.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Taris Black Vulkar Base Footlocker 400 1
Sith Base Weapons Locker 400 1
Tatooine Hunting Lodge Fazza Utral 400 2
Kashyyyk Upper Shadowlands Corpse 400 1
Manaan East Central Tyvark's Shop 400 1
Korriban Dreshdae B'ree 400 5

Bothan Droid Disruptor[edit | edit source]

Droids can be difficult obstacles for a spy, but these weapons take all the guesswork out of dealing with them.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Korriban Shyrack Caves Chewed Corpse 750 1
Star Forge System Rakatan Settlement Wicker Bin 750 1

Verpine Droid Disruptor[edit | edit source]

While they may have borrowed liberally from designs the Bothans initiated, the Verpine say you can't argue with results. These weapons are simply devastating against droids.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Korriban Tomb of Naga Sadow Skeletal Human Remains 1750 1

Baragwin Ion-X Weapon[edit | edit source]

Special: Upgradeable, Ranged
  • Damage: Ion, 3-18 (3d6) Beam Splitter Hair Trigger
  • Ion: +2-12 vs. Droid (2d6) Improved Energy Cell
  • Damage Bonus: +1-10 Physical (piercing)
  • Range: 28m
  • Critical Threat: 19-20,x2 Scope
  • Attack Modifier: +6 Scope Beam Splitter Hair Trigger
This weapon is an experimental Baragwin design that has been extensively modified by Suvam Tan. He has incorporated what he describes as a 'shaped-energy' delivery system into the weapon, which allows it to deliver concussive force on impact in addition to the weapon's normal energy discharge. Upgrades to the weapon could potentially greatly increase both its impact force and its penetration.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Yavin Yavin Station Suvam Tan (Third Star Map) 12000 1
Suvam Tan (Fifth Star Map) 12000 1

Sonic rifles[edit | edit source]

Sonic rifles all have at least Damage: Sonic, 1-6, Range: 28m, Critical Threat: 20-20,x2 (5% chance) and On Hit: Attribute Damage Dexterity DC 14.

Sonic Rifle[edit | edit source]

More powerful than the pistol, the sonic rifle fires a blast of sound that causes a great deal of sensory overload in addition to damage, disorienting the victim.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Dantooine Sandral Estate Large Locker 400 1
Tatooine Hunting Lodge Fazza Utral 400 1
Manaan East Central Tyvark's Shop 400 1
Korriban Dreshdae B'ree 400 5

Bothan Discord Gun[edit | edit source]

This was conceived as a "last resort" weapon should espionage fail and a quick retreat be called for. It is effective, but the Bothans would prefer that it not be needed.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Kashyyyk Czerka Landing Port Janos' Office 1000 1

Arkanian Sonic Rifle[edit | edit source]

The Arkanians pioneered many non-lethal weapons that could disorient opponents, but most were retrofitted to be superior damage dealers as well because the initial demand for them was so low.

This weapon isn't available to player characters without cheating.