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Map of the tomb of Tulak Hord

Valley[edit | edit source]

Door to Valley is at the west end of the tomb: if you want to return to Ebon Hawk or change party selection, then you need to exit to do so.

There's a patrol droid behind rubble to the right, on the south side of the tunnel:

Patrol Droid: This droid is damaged and inactive.
Repair 1. Reactivate the droid. (1 repair part) 2. Leave it alone.
Patrol Droid: The droid is now active. It will attack any enemies that come in range. Patrol Droid: [Failure] You don't have any repair parts. You leave the droid alone for now. Patrol Droid: You leave the droid alone for now.
Patrol Droid
Class Combat Droid
Level 11
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 17 +3
Dexterity 15 +2
Constitution 15 +2
Intelligence 11 0
Wisdom 11 0
Charisma 7 -1
Vitality 192
Defense 29
Fortitude 12
Reflex 8
Will 6
Awareness 11
Ranged Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Melee Main Off
Attack 14 -
Damage 4-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats
None Tactician Logic Upgrade
Repair 1. Optimize droid's weaponry. (4 repair part(s))
Patrol Droid: [Success] The droid is now set for maximum firepower. Patrol Droid: [Failure] You do not have enough repair parts.
Repair 2. Optimize droid's targeting systems. (4 repair part(s))
Patrol Droid: [Success] The droid is now set for maximum accuracy.
Repair 3. Activate droid's shields. (5 repair part(s))
Patrol Droid: [Success] The droid's shields are now active.
Repair 4. Engage droid in patrol mode. (6 repair part(s))
Patrol Droid: [Success] Patrol mode engaged. Once you end this session the droid will begin patrol and destroy any enemies it encounters. WARNING: Once you end this session the droid's program will be locked in. You will not be able to modify the droid anymore.
5. Leave it alone.
Patrol Droid: The droid engages its patrol mode and moves off to carry out your programmed instructions.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 15 * level Optimized droid's weaponry
  • 15 * level Optimized droid's targeting systems
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 15 * level Activated droid's shields
  • 20 * level Engaged droid in patrol mode
The droid is actively engaged in its patrol route. You cannot reprogram it anymore.

The tuk'ata and shyrack within the tomb only inflict physical damage, so activating its Environment Shield Level 3 isn't useful unless you'll be using Thermal Detonators or CryoBan, Plasma or Sonic Grenades against them. Otherwise, although lacking damage it has enough defense and vitality for ranged attackers and Force users to make use of it as a durable distraction, and using a Force Valor power will increase its attributes.

It patrols to the east, then south, then north and east to the door at the end of the corridor before returning. The corridor to the east is mined:

Awareness Average Flash Mine Detect 30 (10) Demolitions Disable 25 (5) Recover 35 (15)

The droid will trigger this once actively engaged in its patrol route. Beyond, a ramp goes up to a junction where a tuk'ata encounter awaits on the north side, the composition of which depends on your character level:

Character level
< 12 12 13 14 > 14
  • Tuk'ata (2)
  • Tuk'ata (2)
  • Dire Tuk'ata
  • Tuk'ata (3)
  • Dire Tuk'ata
  • Tuk'ata (4)
  • Dire Tuk'ata
  • Tuk'ata (4)
  • Dire Tuk'ata (2)

The high natural Force Resistance of tuk'ata means that even a level 20 Jedi's Force powers will only breach it 45% of the time, so Force users are advised to use (Advanced) Throw Lightsaber against them.

Class Minion
Level 8
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 18 +4
Dexterity 20 +5
Constitution 14 +2
Intelligence 8 -1
Wisdom 6 -2
Charisma 9 -1
Vitality 56
Defense 22
Fortitude 5
Reflex 8
Will 1
Awareness 6
Ranged Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Melee Main Off
Attack 12 -
Damage 5-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats
Force Resistance32


Dire Tuk'ata
Class Minion
Level 13
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 22 +6
Dexterity 14 +2
Constitution 18 +4
Intelligence 8 -1
Wisdom 6 -2
Charisma 9 -1
Vitality 137
Defense 19
Fortitude 9
Reflex 7
Will 3
Awareness 6
Ranged Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Melee Main Off
Attack 19 -
Damage 7-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats
Force Resistance32


Experience Points (XP) Received: Experience Points (XP) Received:

The ramp to the south leads up to a room where there's a shyrack encounter, the composition of which depends on your character level:

Character level
< 10 10 11 12-14 > 14
  • Shyrack
  • Shyrack Alpha
  • Shyrack (2)
  • Shyrack Alpha
  • Shyrack (3)
  • Shyrack Alpha
  • Shyrack (3)
  • Shyrack Alpha
  • Shyrack Wyrm
  • Shyrack (3)
  • Shyrack Alpha
  • Shyrack Wyrm (2)
Class Scoundrel
Level 14
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 18 +4
Dexterity 24 +7
Constitution 10 0
Intelligence 6 -2
Wisdom 8 -1
Charisma 6 -2
Vitality 32
Defense 30
Fortitude 4
Reflex 16
Will 3
Awareness -1
Ranged Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Melee Main Off
Attack 14 -
Damage 5-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats
None Master Scoundrel's Luck
Shyrack Alpha
Class Scoundrel
Level 18
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 18 +4
Dexterity 24 +7
Constitution 10 0
Intelligence 6 -2
Wisdom 8 -1
Charisma 6 -2
Vitality 52
Defense 30
Fortitude 6
Reflex 18
Will 5
Awareness 4
Ranged Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Melee Main Off
Attack 17 -
Damage 5-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats
None Master Scoundrel's Luck
Shyrack Wyrm
Class Minion
Level 12
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 16 +3
Dexterity 28 +9
Constitution 16 +3
Intelligence 6 -2
Wisdom 8 -1
Charisma 6 -2
Vitality 116
Defense 26
Fortitude 8
Reflex 14
Will 4
Awareness 11
Ranged Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Melee Main Off
Attack 15 -
Damage 4-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats
None None

They all look alike, but while Shyrack and Alphas actually inflict slightly more damage than Wyrms, they have significantly less vitality.

Experience Points (XP) Received: Experience Points (XP) Received: Experience Points (XP) Received:

This room is mined, and there's a corpse by the east wall:

Awareness Average Gas Mine Detect 30 (10) Demolitions Disable 25 (5) Recover 35 (15)
Item(s) Received Corpse

Return to the junction and the corridor to the north turns east, where a corpse on the left by the north wall is mined (the droid will also trigger this once actively engaged in its patrol route):

Awareness Average Frag Mine Detect 30 (10) Demolitions Disable 25 (5) Recover 35 (15)
Item(s) Received Corpse

A ramp to the east leads down to a tuk'ata queen encounter, the composition of which depends on your character level:

Character level
< 12 12-13 14 > 14
  • Tuk'ata Queen
  • Tuk'ata Brute (2)
  • Tuk'ata Queen
  • Tuk'ata Brute (2)
  • Dire Tuk'ata
  • Tuk'ata Queen
  • Tuk'ata Brute (3)
  • Dire Tuk'ata
  • Tuk'ata Queen
  • Tuk'ata Brute (3)
  • Dire Tuk'ata (2)
Tuk'ata Queen
Class Soldier
Level 9
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 18 +4
Dexterity 20 +5
Constitution 14 +2
Intelligence 8 -1
Wisdom 6 -2
Charisma 9 -1
Vitality 58
Defense 22
Fortitude 8
Reflex 8
Will 1
Awareness 6
Ranged Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Melee Main Off
Attack 13 -
Damage 5-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats
Force Resistance32



Brutes are the same as their queen.

Experience Points (XP) Received: Experience Points (XP) Received:

Sith Sarcophagus[edit | edit source]

The corridor to the northeast ends in a door, with a corpse to the left, by the north wall:

[This door is locked and must be opened by some other means.]
Item(s) Received Corpse

This heavy armor has Damage Resistance: Resist 25/- vs. Electrical... which is a clue to what you might be about to face, so prepare accordingly. There's also an ancient console to the left of this corpse that allows you to open and close the door:

Ancient Console: SYSTEM ON LINE
2. Leave the console alone.


1. Open the door. 1. Close the door.
Ancient Console: ACCESS GRANTED
Ancient Console: CLOSING ACCESS DOOR #44

Once the door is open, you'll see the corridor continues to another door to the east. However, save game before approaching it, as doing so triggers a trap:

Message: [Noxious fumes surround you.]
Message: [Your party chokes and falls over.]

The door at the east end of the corridor opens, and a man approaches:

Jorak Uln: Ha ha ha! Another idiotic student has stumbled into my little web, eh? Well... the contact nerve toxin in the air should knock you out quickly enough. Ha ha! Welcome!

Hermit in the Hills[edit | edit source]

You awaken unharmed in the burial chamber to the east, with the exit in the west wall behind you. Any party members stand to the north and south of the tomb in the center, while Mekel stands to your right: all of you are being restrained by the man on your left, Jorak Uln, once the head of the Sith academy:

Jorak Uln: Awake already, are you? Good! This is the tomb of Sith Lord Tulak Hord, if you don't know. I've taken up residence here, for now... it's dusty and full of critters, but it's home.
1. Who are you? 2. I demand to be released at once! 3. I'll kill you for this, old man!
Jorak Uln: Ah, yes! Introductions of course! I suppose it is time, isn't it? Jorak Uln: Ha ha ha! I maaay do that. In time, in time. But for now, I've decided to keep you in restraints. No point in you getting strange ideas in your head and ruining my fun. No, no. Let's keep things on a more civilized note, shall we? Now then... introductions are always the place to start, if I remember correctly. Jorak Uln: Oh-ho! Spiteful little thing, aren't you? Let's not forget, however, who has whom at the disadvantage, shall we?
Jorak Uln: This other student here that I captured earlier you should know well enough. His name is Mekel. Say hello, Mekel.
Mekel: Uhhh... gurgh...
Jorak Uln: Poor lad. He's had a hard day. My name is Jorak Uln. I was once the head of the academy, so I'm sure you've heard of me.

If a Sith student back in the academy commented on the hermit in the hills:

1. No, never heard of you. 2. Yes, I've been told about you. 3. The old hermit in hiding?
Jorak Uln: Liar. I know the spark of recognition when I see it. Nice try. Jorak Uln: That's good. It's nice to still be the topic of discussion ocassionally. Maybe there's a class on me? Mmm... hmm... maybe not. Jorak Uln: What?! Old hermit?! Can’t that blasted Uthar teach a single thing right these days?! Slander! That’s what it is!


1. No, never heard of you. 2. Yes, I've been told about you. 4. I don't care who you are! You're dead!
Jorak Uln: No? Blast it! What have they been teaching you children in that academy these days! Jorak Uln: Liar. You think I can't tell? Obviously the academy is lax in its training, as usual. Stupid Uthar. Jorak Uln: Oh, my, my, my. Such glorious vim! If I could bottle it and drink it, I would. Hmmm... there's a thought.
Jorak Uln: Anyhow, I'd like to propose that we move onto the main event. You see, I'd like to discover if you've got the pluck of an old-fashioned Sith. Most of the drek Uthar has been passing through these days is so pathetic. Take young Mekel here... I already tested him. Didn't I, Mekel?
Mekel: Uhhhr... I... ohhh...
Jorak Uln: Yes, yes, you're welcome. You see, Mekel here has the cruel disposition of a Sith... but not the *gumption* that I'm looking for.
1. Look... I'm sure we can talk about this...
Jorak Uln: I'm sure we could. We could chat all day about it, but where would that get us? I'm quite determined, and you are quite helpless. Jorak Uln: I'm sure we could. You could even try using your feminine wiles on me. But, quite frankly, I'm quite determined and not above killing a woman. Even a pretty one.
Jorak Uln: Perhaps you have some questions? I'm not above delaying the test a bit. The results are always the same.
2. And if I pass your test?
Jorak Uln: Why, then you go free! Tell you what... I'll even pass onto you my own personal thesis on ancient Sith philosophies. They're based on all I've learned studying Tulak's tomb. It'll make you a better Sith, I'm sure. The chances of you passing, however, are sadly remote.
3. What if I refuse to take your test?
Jorak Uln: Well, forgive me for resorting to the cliche, but you would die, of course.
4. You're a madman!
Jorak Uln: Ahhh, what's a little mental instability between tutor and pupil? What's important is that I'm here to better the Sith as a whole. It's a big job.

Let's move this along:

4. Forget it! I refuse to play along! 5. Go ahead. Do your worst.
Jorak Uln: I don't remember offering you a choice. You can refuse to answer my questions, of course, but then I'm afraid I will just have to assume the worst. Jorak Uln: Now, now, is that any kind of attitude to take with higher education? I'm doing you a favor, really.
Jorak Uln: So, then! This is how it goes: I'm going to pose a moral question to you. Get it right, and I torture Mekel. Get it wrong, and I torture you. Mekel, here, is a bit weak... he probably won't be able to take much more punishment. Mind you... get too many wrong and you'll die, yourself. I don't know what you think of Mekel. Maybe you don't like him. Maybe you think he deserves to be murdered? Well, here's your chance. Fair enough?
1. What if Mekel dies? 2. This is completely unfair! 3. Mekel is a monster. He deserves to die. 4. Go ahead.
Jorak Uln: Then you win. If you die, then he wins. I thought this was self-evident. Did you not grasp the concept earlier? Jorak Uln: Oh? Just how long have you been a Sith, anyhow? A bit dainty around the edges, aren't we? Jorak Uln: No hesitation before the kill. Now that's what I like to hear.
Jorak Uln: Well, then. Any last comments before we begin, Mekel?
Mekel: Uhhhnn... we can... both survive... attack him together!
Jorak Uln: Now, now, dear lad. Do you really think your friend here will answer questions wrong just to spare little you, risking their own life? And how many correctly-answered questions before you die, hmmm? No, don't be silly... you had your chance, remember? On that note, let's begin!

His test of your suitability as a Sith begins:

Question one
Jorak Uln: Now, then. Your immediate superior amongst the Sith is an effective commander and a fine leader. He trusts you and you like him. You see an opportunity to kill him. What do you do?
1. I kill him in secret and put the blame on someone else. 2. I do nothing. He's a fine leader, you said. He's good for the Sith. 3. I use the opportunity to kill him and take his position. 4. I refuse to answer this.
Jorak Uln: Incorrect! Do that and no-one is in command. You derived no benefit from the kill, and neither did the Sith. We are not savages, you know. Jorak Uln: Incorrect! What sort of thinking is that? If all the Sith thought as you did, we would all be soft like the Jedi. Tsk. Jorak Uln: Correct! He was a fool to let down his guard. You will not make the same mistake, and the Sith as a whole benefit. Jorak Uln: Then I must assume you did not know the correct answer. Sad, really, that you would do this to yourself.
Jorak Uln: Ah, well. It is time for your punishment. Jorak Uln: You see, Mekel? It is not so difficult. Time for your punishment. Jorak Uln: Ah, well. It is time for your punishment.
Question two
Jorak Uln: And so we come to round two. You come across a group of humans who are threatened by dangerous animals. They plead for help, offering you a reward. What do you do?
1. I accept the reward and assist them. 2. I take the reward and leave the weak fools to their fate. 3. I ignore them completely. 4. I refuse to answer this.
Jorak Uln: So you've made a profit and now have some sniveling, useless fools trailing after you. No, no, no. Bad idea. Bad idea. Jorak Uln: Correct! The humans would no doubt just be preyed upon by something else, later. Stand up for yourself, I say! We're not Jedi shepherds, after all. Jorak Uln: And pass up the opportunity to gain? What kind of Sith are you going to be if you don't grab fate by the nose hairs? No, no, no. That is bad form. Jorak Uln: Well, now you're just punishing yourself. Do you really not know the answers, here? Shame.
Jorak Uln: At any rate... here is your punishment. Jorak Uln: Sadly, Mekel, the ingenuity of your fellow student is your loss. This is going to hurt. Jorak Uln: At any rate... here is your punishment.
Question three
Jorak Uln: Let's see... ah, yes. You discover an aspect of the Force that gives you great power. Do you share it and strengthen the Sith as a whole or keep it to yourself?
1. I keep it to myself. 2. I share it. 3. I refuse to answer this.
Jorak Uln: Correct! Let them rip the secret from your cold, dead hands... if they are strong enough. Oh, certainly, you might share it with a few... selected... minions, but that of course is a completely different story. Ha ha! Jorak Uln: You gained an advantage and you share it freely? Let them rip the secret from my dead hands, I say! I mean... 'share it'?! Are you mad?! Jorak Uln: And here I thought this question was an easy one. Ah, well, suit yourself.
Jorak Uln: Well, it's sad to say, but it's that time again, Mekel. Jorak Uln: *sigh* Well, you did ask for this. It's for your own good.
Question four
Jorak Uln: Still going? Alright, then. One of your underlings has made a major mistake which makes you look bad. He is normally very competent and skilled. Do you kill him or give him another chance?
1. Kill him. 2. Give him another chance. 3. Forget it. I'm not playing along.
Jorak Uln: Correct! Publicly, if you can. There is no room for that level of failure. Not killing him would be seen as a sign of weakness... and then where would you be? Jorak Uln: Another chance to make you look poor to your superiors? To make it look like you are weak and deserving of attack? No, no, no. Think again. Jorak Uln: You're not trying to make me angry, are you? That would be pointless posturing on your part. Is this so hard?
Jorak Uln: Ahhh, Mekel. The time has come once again, hasn't it? Jorak Uln: Hmmm. Not that good help is easy to find. Oh, well, here's your reward.
Question five
Jorak Uln: Last question! You're about to die. Do you pass on your knowledge to your apprentice to make him stronger... or do you use your last breath to strike at your enemies?
Very dark (Alignment < 20) 1. Neither. A true Sith never dies. 2. I pass on my knowledge. 3. I strike at my enemies. 4. I won't give you the satisfaction of an answer.
Jorak Uln: What?! How did you know that? That was my trick question! Bah! Telepathy. No, wait! Someone told you didn't they! Jorak Uln: Fool! It is a trick question! A true Sith *never* dies!! Ha ha ha ha ha!! Jorak Uln: Hmph. Such insolent students I get, these days. You deserve this, and then some!
Jorak Uln: Hmph. Regardless, I suppose rules are rules. Time for your medicine, Mekel, my boy. Jorak Uln: I'll enjoy this one. Time for your medicine!

Each time you refuse to answer or do so incorrectly, he inflicts electrical damage equal to 25% of your remaining Vitality (rounded down), so you cannot be killed (even though Combat Difficulty can subsequently increase or decrease it). Obviously, this can be reduced or even negated by (Improved) Energy Resistance or Damage Resistance or Damage Immunity: vs. Electrical, so if you took the hint before triggering the trap then there's no need to suffer too much to spare Mekel.

However, each time you answer correctly he punishes Mekel instead, and three correct answers will result in his death. After answering three of the first four questions correctly:

Dark Side Points Gained: -4
Jorak Uln: Will you look at that? Poor Mekel has gone and died on us. Tsk tsk. And here I thought he was good for at least one more.

Only a very dark character (alignment < 20) is given the option to answer the fifth and final question correctly, but doing so isn't recommended as you may miss the opportunity to move closer to the dark side of the Force by killing Mekel during or after the test. Otherwise:

Jorak Uln: Well, then... with young Mekel dead, I suppose you've gone and passed my little test, haven't you? That indeed would be a first. I think you must have cheated a little, but there's nothing wrong with a Sith cheating a little. I'll keep my word. I'll just give you my tablet. Perhaps we'll meet again... Sith. That would be fun, no?
Journal Entry Added The Hermit in the Hills
You encountered Jorak Uln in his lair deep within one of the Valley's tombs. He tested you for Sith "purity" and found you suitable enough to release along with a gift: an ancient Sith tablet that included his own translations and musings, certainly something that would earn you prestige with Master Uthar.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 1000 Released by Jorak Uln
Item(s) Received Jorak Uln
  • Ancient Sith Tablet
Item(s) Received Mekel
This thick stone tablet is covered with ancient runes of an unknown language. It is extremely cold to the touch and has almost a sinister aura about it.

Recently carved into the side of the tablet appears to be a primer... no doubt intended to provide a means to translate the runes.

He leaves, and you can now do so as well (although you should search this burial chamber first). Otherwise, if you answer less than three questions correctly then Mekel survives the test:

Jorak Uln: Now... this is odd. The test is over and you're both still alive. Well that's never happened before. Hmmmn. What to do, what to do... I suppose this means you can go, Mekel. I'll have to just figure out what to do with our friend, here. Run along, now.
Mekel: Or... or I could use the Force to free them! And we could kill you!! Seems you didn't think of that, old man!!
Jorak Uln: What?! Mutiny! Behave, students! I'll... that's it! Detention for all of you! Permanent detention!!

Jorak receives bonuses depending on your character level:

Character level Dexterity Wisdom Vitality Force
12-14 +4 +4 +50 +50
> 14 +6 +6 +100 +100

Thus at character level > 14:

Jorak Uln
Class Jedi Consular
Level 15
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 16 +3
Dexterity 26 +8
Constitution 14 +2
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 22 +6
Charisma 14 +2
Vitality 280
Defense 27
Fortitude 11
Reflex 15
Will 15
Awareness 25
Treat Injury6
Ranged Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Melee Main Off
Attack 20 18
Energy 5-235-23
Threat 20-20,x220-20,x2
Items and abilities Feats Force powers
Sith Energy Shield

Dark Jedi Master Robe Double-Bladed Lightsaber +Advanced Medpac

Master Sense

Master Force Focus Master Two-Weapon Fighting Weapon Focus: Lightsaber Master Jedi Defense17 Power Attack Master Flurry Master Critical Strike18

Force Immunity30

Choke Drain Life Force Wave Insanity32

Advanced Throw Lightsaber

You can now open the door in the west wall to escape, but Mekel alone is no match for Jorak, particularly if you answered one or two questions correctly: however, if Jorak kills him then you can retrieve the items from his remains without moving closer to the dark side of the Force. Otherwise, you can help him kill Jorak, and using a Force Valor power improves his chances of survival if Jorak doesn't always remain focused on you.

Journal Entry Added The Hermit in the Hills
You encountered Jorak Uln in his lair deep within one of the valley's tombs. He tested you for Sith "purity" and you were able to escape his strange tortures and kill him. Reporting his death might be worthy of prestige... but so might bringing to Master Uthar the ancient Sith tablet Jorak mentioned.
Experience Points (XP) Received: Item(s) Received Jorak Uln
Mekel: What do you know? I guess he wasn't a 'true Sith' after all. I can't believe that I'm alive. You saved me... you could have easily just answered those questions and let me die.
1. Nobody deserves to die like that. Nobody.
Mekel: Yeah, well... I see what you mean. I've never... I mean, I've never been on that side of the fence before. It makes you think.

This response gives a light side character (alignment > 60) the opportunity to try to persuade him to change his ways:

Light Mekel: I'd be dead if you weren't... I mean, if you were a proper Sith. But you're not, are you? Don't worry... I won't tell anyone.
Easy 1. [Persuade] This could be your chance to change your ways, Mekel.
Light Side Points Gained: +6
Mekel: [Success] You mean... the light side? I've never thought about that. Can you... can you even go back? I've done some... I mean, I've hurt a lot of people.
Juhani: You can always turn back to the light.
Jolee: There's always remorse. And atonement. That's the harder path, though, boy. Think you can do that?
Mekel: I... I don't think the light side is for me. But... maybe neither are the Sith. Maybe it's time for me to leave. Thanks, I suppose... and good luck.

Otherwise, he returns to the academy...

Mekel: I guess there's more than one way to be a Sith. Hard to believe. Mekel: [Failure] I... I don't know. I don't think that's for me. I don't know if the Sith are really, either, I'll have to see. 3. I'd appreciate that. 2. I needed the help in fighting Jorak. 3. Yeah, well, don't let it go to your head.
Mekel: Well... you can have those writings he mentioned. I won't fight you for them. Master Uthar will be very pleased with you if you give them to him, you know.
Carth: I don't suppose the fact that he's weak as a newborn kith pup has anything to do with his decision? HK-47: Commentary: You are going to trust this organic meatbag, master? Very dicey decision.
T3-M4: *angry beeping*
HK-47: Commentary: The master keeps me around to comment on his decisions. Don't you master?
1. Not really. 2. Sure, why not?
T3-M4: *mechanical snickering* HK-47: See? Stupid bucket of bolts.
Mekel: I'll head back to the academy. I need some rest.

If you speak to him upon returning to the academy:

Mekel: You spared me. I don't know why you did it... maybe you aren't even a real Sith. Either that or you're a far better one than me. At any rate, where I come from folks honor their debts. I won't oppose you in the contest. If getting into the academy's what you want, go right ahead.

After gaining all the necessary prestige:

Mekel: I hear you beat out the others to get the prestige you needed. Congratulations. You deserve it.

...unless you decide to kill him:

4. I just saved you for last! 2. Sorry, but I can't take that chance. You have to die.
Dark Side Points Gained: -2
Mekel: Ahh! I'll kill you! You won't get away with this!!

Mekel only receives Vitality bonuses depending on your character level: +50 at levels 12-14 and +100 at level > 14. Thus at character level > 14:

Class Jedi Guardian
Level 8
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 16 +3
Dexterity 14 +2
Constitution 12 +1
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 14 +2
Charisma 8 -1
Vitality 168
Defense 24
Fortitude 7
Reflex 8
Will 6
Awareness 10
Ranged Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Melee Main Off
Attack 12 -
Energy 5-19-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers
Lightsaber Knight Sense

Weapon Focus: Lightsaber Advanced Jedi Defense11 Power Attack Flurry Critical Strike11

Drain Life14
Experience Points (XP) Received: Item(s) Received Mekel

The tomb door in the center of the burial chamber opens to reveal a Sith sarcophagus:

Security Sith Sarcophagus Unlock 28 (8) Bash Resist 5 Vitality 10
Item(s) Received Sith Sarcophagus

Beyond the locked doors in the north, east and south walls, there are only alcoves containing clay urns:

Security Door Unlock 28 (8) Bash Resist 10 Vitality 30
Item(s) Received Clay Urn Item(s) Received Clay Urn Item(s) Received Clay Urn

Return to the academy and give the ancient Sith tablet to Master Uthar to gain prestige and experience (you gain none for finding Jorak or killing Mekel):

9. I found Jorak Uln, the 'hermit' in the hills.
Uthar Wynn: Ahh, my old master. Still... unless you bring back something of his, some writings or similar, I am unimpressed. Jorak's fate means nothing to me.
14. I've killed Mekel.
Uthar Wynn: Maybe it's better to say that Mekel is dead, yes? Considering the circumstances, I am unimpressed... though you do now have one less opponent.
10. I have a tablet written by Jorak Uln.
Uthar Wynn: Oh? Let me see... it appears my old master was busy studying the writings in one of the tombs. How interesting. I do hope you had to pry this from his dead fingers. Regardless, you have impressed me with your worthy act.
Journal Entry Added The Hermit in the Hills
The ancient Sith tablet that included Jorak Uln's own musings has been turned over to Master Uthar, impressing him greatly and bringing you one step closer to your final test.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 110 Turned over ancient Sith tablet

If you speak to a female Sith teacher after your encounter in the tomb:

Sith Teacher: Heh heh... someone told me that you had an encounter with the 'hermit', himself. How is Jorak these days, eh? Still puritan and longing for the old days? Heh heh heh.

If you speak to Yuthura Ban after Mekel's death:

Yuthura Ban: You killed Mekel, I hear? Well... I suppose it is just as well. He was far too devious to be allowed to live. One less opponent is an excellent result regardless of how it occurs, correct? Now, then... something you needed?