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On Tatooine, the Ebon Hawk lands at the north end of a docking bay in Anchorhead. When you disembark for the first time, a customs officer approaches you for a docking fee, although it's easy to persuade him to waive it: you can then ask questions about Tatooine, and his employer Czerka Corporation if you're persuasive.

The Exit to Anchorhead is in the southeast corner, and as you approach it you may encounter a messenger for a party member if unlocked by dialog. You'll definitely encounter Jor Ul Kurax, a dockworker who informs you that a crate of gizka has been delivered to the Ebon Hawk's hold, and some have escaped! Gizka are harmless enough little creatures, but the merchant Mic'Tunan'Jus Orgu by the south wall offers one solution to get rid of them.

The view from the middle of the west wall of the Tatooine docking bay

Ebon Hawk[edit | edit source]

Upon exiting the Ebon Hawk for the first time, a customs officer approaches and speaks to you about a docking fee:

Customs Officer: Welcome to Anchorhead, potential customer. Czerka Corporation stands ready to serve, after some formalities, of course. First, your ship is not on our list of planned arrivals for today. There is a docking fee of 100 credits because of this.
1. What do I get for my 100 credits?
Customs Officer: The immediate benefit is access to these very docking facilities. This is the only port in Anchorhead. Once you've paid we will offer trade services as well. We're not unreasonable, we just want to cover expenses.
2. What if I don't have the money?
Customs Officer: That would be unfortunate. Czerka Corporation can't afford to extend credit. Everyone pays. That's the rule.
3. What if I say no?
Customs Officer: Czerka Corporation maintains this docking station at great expense. It is within our rights to refuse landing permission. And I warn you, we've had troublemakers before. The bay is lined with autoguns. Violence is not a survivable option.
4. I just want information about the planet.
Customs Officer: I'm sorry. While Czerka Corporation would like to encourage interest in Tatooine, we must first deal with the docking fees. Our operations here are very expensive. We must recoup basic costs somehow.
7. I can't pay the fee right now.
Customs Officer: Then I'm afraid you won't be visiting Anchorhead. Czerka Corporation hopes you will be a customer in the future. Guards! This ship is refused access. See that they don't disembark.
[You have no choice but to return to your ship.]

You can simply pay:

Customs Officer: Hello again. Czerka Corporation remains willing to serve, but there is still the matter of the 100 credits docking fee...
1. Fine, fine, I'll pay. Credits Lost: 100
Customs Officer: I thought you would. Without these fees, Czerka Corporation would have closed this port years ago.

Otherwise, it's easy to persuade him to waive the fee using your own skill or the Force:

3. Is there any way you could reconsider the fee?
Customs Officer: I assure you that the fee is non-negotiable. We have a very thin margin of profit on this world.
3. Let's go back to my other questions.
Customs Officer: As you wish. Let's wrap this up as soon as possible.
Easy 2. [Persuade] The money I save I'll spend in your stores.
Customs Officer: [Success] That does make sense. I suppose I could let it go this time. We need the business. Customs Officer: No, no, no. I'm sorry but we have to charge something. Maintenance is expensive out here.
link=Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic}}/Force powers#Affect Mind 1. [Force Persuade] I don't need to pay the fee.
Customs Officer: [Success] You know… I don't think you need to pay the fee. We'll let it go, this time.
Jolee: *whisper* Heh! Reminds me of my old smuggling days. Nothing better than the old Jedi mind trick for getting past an overly curious customs officer. Mission: *whisper* Well, that was easy. I sure wish I had special mind-affecting Force powers. Canderous: *whisper* I'm amazed at how many people that works on. The entire galaxy must be filled with weak-minded fools.
Customs Officer: This will cover any future landings as well. It's like a registration, so we can serve you better when you return. Now, as a customs officer, I can provide information on services. Is this visit business or pleasure?

The following responses now or in the future will end the dialog:

4. I'm done with you. Stay out of my business, or else! 5. Actually, I really need to get going.
Customs Officer: There is no need for that. I'm just doing my job. You are free to move as you wish. Customs Officer: As you wish. If you need anything else, I'll be here.

You can continue the dialog to ask questions about Tatooine. Otherwise, he remains standing to the right of the Ebon Hawk's boarding ramp so you can stop and resume at any time:

Customs Officer: Welcome back. Is there something I can do for you?
1. Give me some background on Tatooine.
Customs Officer: There isn't much to tell. It's a very old planet, well past its prime. Czerka Corporation is the only company with any interest in it. It's not a very pretty world, but there is opportunity here if you know where to look.
2. What is known about the history of the planet?
Customs Officer: Very little. There are hints that it might once have been a lush world, but I can't picture it as anything but a desert. Native sentient species have no records going back that far. That was hundreds of years ago. Maybe thousands. Of course, the native species are not very willing to tell anyone anything. They're barely more than animals.
1. What species do you mean? 2. What species was giving you trouble?
Customs Officer: The Sand People. They're vicious, and attack outsiders on sight. More animal than anything, really. Maybe they know the history of Tatooine, maybe they don't. Impossible to tell. They won't cooperate.
1. Have you had trouble with the Sand People?
Customs Officer: Not personally, but they've given Czerka Corporation a rough time. It's hard enough mining this rock without suffering random attacks. I think the company has even put a bounty on them, but I'm sure not going to try for it.
2. Any other sentient races?
Customs Officer: The Jawas are scavengers and a bit primitive. Hard to understand. They have an affinity for Droids. Some of our scientists believe that they may not be native to the planet, but how they got here they may not even know. As I said, they're hard to understand. They usually end up slaves to the Sand People. They aren't fighters. Good traders, though.
2. What about the city of Anchorhead? How old is it?
Customs Officer: The site is quite old. From the look of it, it's been settled before. Czerka Corporation claimed it only a few decades ago.
1. What was here before?
Customs Officer: Some other corporation that went under, probably. Not a lot of records are kept about backwater places like this.

It's easy to persuade him to tell you about Czerka Corporation using skill or the Force:

1. Tell me about Czerka Corporation's operations here.
Customs Officer: I can't really get into that. It hasn't been a very smooth operation. I shouldn't get into it.
Easy 1. [Persuade] Come now friend, let me in on the details.
Customs Officer: [Success] Ah, it's common knowledge, so there's no harm in telling you. It's a tale of bad business. Customs Officer: [Failure] I'm sorry. It's not really a big secret, but my superiors don't like people talking about it.
link=Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic}}/Force powers#Affect Mind 2. [Force Persuade] You want to tell me more.
Customs Officer: [Success] I… I can tell you more, I guess. It's not a big secret or anything. Just not good business.
Customs Officer: You see, Czerka Corporation staked their claim to this planet based on some very promising geological surveys. Unfortunately, that information was incorrect, and possibly even an attempt at sabotage by a rival company.
1. So Czerka Corporation set up shop on a barren planet.
Customs Officer: Not totally barren. There were a few years of good mining, and limited operations are still in place. But the ore is flawed. It has peculiar properties. They've had to look at other forms of business.
1. What do you mean when you say the ore is "peculiar"?
Customs Officer: Czerka Corporation has really tried to hide this, but it just seems that Tatooine metal is unfit for effective manufacturing. I would imagine that this outpost will eventually be abandoned. Nobody is making any money here. Of course, this rock may have been settled a few times, so look for some other company to get stuck with it.
2. What other forms of business are being looked at here?
Customs Officer: Pursuits that appeal to the casual traveller. There are some fearsome native species that provide exciting hunting. There are also lengthy barren wastes that serve as fine swoop tracks. Attracting business has been slow, however.

You can also ask about job opportunities on a number of occasions, and about the Star Map, either obliquely or directly:

2. I'll need good paying work. What is there to do? 4. Where should a person look for opportunity? 1. Where can I get information about jobs like that?
Customs Officer: It depends on what level of risk you want to take. You could ask at the Czerka office if any bounties need collecting. That's in central Anchorhead. While you're at the office, ask for a hunting license so you can sell trophies to Fazza in his lodge just north of them. I suppose you could also take up swoop racing. Talk to the Hutt at the registration office by the track. That's in west Anchorhead. I can't say I know which of these jobs is the most dangerous. I stay away from all of them.
3. I'm looking for very specific things. Who should I ask?
Customs Officer: That's not much information. Could you tell me more?
1. No, I'm sorry.
Customs Officer: Then you're on your own. Ask around Anchorhead. Someone may be able to help you.
2. I'm looking for older things. Antiques. Artifacts. 3. I'm looking for a Star Map. Very old. Very complex.
Customs Officer: You a digger? I've heard of ruins being found now and then, but they've always been stripped by Sand People soon after. You're not going to get anywhere with them. I guess you could ask around, but I doubt you'll learn anything different. Customs Officer: A Star Map? That's old holo-tech, isn't it? Not much reason to outfit this dry rock with tech like that. You could ask around, but for something like that you'll probably have to go digging. I wouldn't know where to begin.
Customs Officer: You could always ask a Jawa. It's hard to tell what they know.
5. Let's go back to my other questions.
Customs Officer: I will answer as best I can. What will you need while on Tatooine?

The docking bay is lined with autoguns, with an ion defense turret by both the east and west walls and a heavy blaster turret by the south wall. One docking bay guard patrols from east to west between the Ebon Hawk and the south wall, while another patrols clockwise around the docking bay:

Docking Bay Guard
Czerka Corporation has too much invested here to take chances with safety.
We'll watch your ship like any other. The bay is safe.
I've got orders to kill trouble makers. Keep walking.
There some reason you don't move along?
Move along.
You a swoop racer? Dead in a week, I bet.
We don't get much trouble. People die in the desert, not here.
The landing bay is lined with autoguns. To keep it safe. Understand?

A footlocker can be found by the middle of the east and west walls. On the south wall on the shelf behind Mic'Tunann'Jus Orgu there is also a pouch.

Item(s) Received Footlocker
  • ?
Item(s) Received Pouch
  • ?
Item(s) Received Footlocker
  • ?

Exit[edit | edit source]

As you approach the exit to Anchorhead is in the south wall in the southeast corner of the docking bay, you may encounter a messenger for a party member if unlocked by dialog:

Bastila Canderous Carth Jolee Juhani Mission
Malare No Jordo Davin Kotras Xor No

The docking bay mechanic stands to the left:

Docking Bay Mechanic
Tatooine's a dustbowl, and that's all it'll ever be.
Czerka Corporation keeps me working. Don't care what else they do.
You here to hunt wraid? I work a wrench. Boring, but I know it won't kill me.
You a swoop racer? Crazy fool.
Business is up a little, so leave me to my work.
Some ships I fix, some I scrap. Depends if the owner disappears in the dunes.
Why are you bothering me? You've got a ship. You can leave this rock.
Leave me be. If I don't get these converters working, I lose my job.

Trouble With Gizka[edit | edit source]

Jor Ul Kurax, an Aqualish dockworker, stands to the right of the exit, and speaks to you as you approach:

Jor Ul Kurax: Hello there, captain. Let's see… ah, yes. Here it is. It looks like the shipment has been delivered to your ship, as requested.
1. What shipment? What are you talking about? 2. Err… what shipment was that again? 3. Excellent. Thank you.
Jor Ul Kurax: This is docking bay 32, isn't it? Yes, it is, and that's what I have here on the requisition form. Everything seems to be in order. The gizka are your problem now. Jor Ul Kurax: Well, let me see. Docking bay 32, check… crate 42-B7, check… manifest lists "life form: gizka". Everything seems to be in order. Jor Ul Kurax: Wait a second, is this right? It says docking bay 32 on the form, but you just arrived. Oh, well, the gizka are your problem now.
1. Excuse me, did you say "gizka"? 2. What do you mean "my problem"? I didn't order any gizka. 4. Fair enough. Thanks. 3. Whatever you put on my ship, I want it off. Now.
Jor Ul Kurax: It says right here on the manifest that you ordered a crate of gizka. To be delivered to docking bay 32… that's right here. Jor Ul Kurax: If you want the cargo removed, you'll have to fill out another requisition. I have one right… wait. I thought I had one. Oh, well.
Jor Ul Kurax: Now, all I need is your thumbprint for the… wait a second, where did the datapad go? *sigh* Nothing is ever organized around here.
Jor Ul Kurax: At any rate, the gizka are yours. One of the loaders said the crate split open once he put it in your hold… some of the critters might have gotten loose. That happens, I'm afraid. We don't accept liability… and we certainly couldn't take the cargo back. Enjoy.
Journal Entry Added The Trouble With Gizka
The fates seem to be conspiring against you. The disorganized port authorities on Tatooine appear to have shipped a delivery of gizka to the Ebon Hawk's hold... and there doesn't appear to be any way to give them back! The dockworker mentioned that some of the gizka "escaped", which certainly doesn't sound good...

Mic'Tunan'Jus Orgu[edit | edit source]

A two-headed alien merchant called Mic'Tunan'Jus Orgu has set up shop in the shade of the south wall of the docking bay, to the right of the exit. If you saw Ja'Gatcha in the tap room of Javyar's cantina on Taris you may recognize the type, and if you spoke to them you'll already be able to identify them as Paaerduag from Sorjus:

Mic'Tunan'Jus Orgu: Who that? Turn it, you gunda fasca, customers are talking! That's better. Hello customer! Buy from Mic'Tunan'Jus and save your credits!
Mic'Tunan'Jus Orgu: And don't be shy. Just ask to see what you want. If you can't get a good look, we don't move the merchandise. Mic'Tunan'Jus Orgu: Very important to save these days, Thuursa knows it's true. Kolto prices make healing expensive, but you can't go without, we're sure. Mic'Tunan'Jus Orgu: Yes, save, because you never know when situations turn all around. Look at Czerka. We hear... well, things are not well on outpost Kashyyyk, we're sure you know.
1. Just show me what you have for sale.
Mic'Tunan'Jus Orgu: Yes, of course. We don't want to keep you from your important business. Please, have a look.
Mic'Tunan'Jus Orgu
Buy Item Cost Amount Buy Item Cost Amount
Life Support Pack 150 4 Sith Energy Shield 350 2
Advanced Medpac 80 Infinite Energy Shield 140 4
Antidote Kit 49 Infinite Thermal Shield Generator 8000 1
Medpac 40 Infinite Nerve Amplifier Belt 1000 1
Yusani's Brand 8000 1 Verpine Cardio-Regulator 200 1
Jamoh Hogra's Carbine 9000 1 Stealth Field Generator 100 1
Mandalorian Heavy Repeater 2500 1 Retinal Combat Implant 750 1
Advanced Aural Amplifier 400 1 Nerve Enhancement Package 500 1
Verpine Headband 200 1 Adrenal Alacrity 50 Infinite
Bothan Sensory Visor 150 1 Adrenal Stamina 50 Infinite
Breath Mask 100 3 Adrenal Strength 50 Infinite
Karakan Gauntlets 7500 1 Gizka Poison 350 Infinite
Arkanian Energy Shield 700 1 Bantha Fodder 1 1

You can also ask questions about themselves, Tatooine and any off-world rumors:

Mic'Tunan'Jus Orgu: Turn it around, fassa to gammenda! The customers come back and we need to see them good! There you are, back to save your credits.
Mic'Tunan'Jus Orgu: And like we were saying, we don't sell anything if you don't ask for it, so step up and see what Mic'Tunan'Jus can both do for you. Mic'Tunan'Jus Orgu: Yes, save, because you never know when hardship will come. The galaxy is dangerous, we say, even before we hear of Sith trouble on Korriban. Mic'Tunan'Jus Orgu: You will want to save your money for your swoop, we would bet. Yes, you have the champion's face. we'll have what you need.
2. I want to ask you a few questions. 3. Let's go back to my other questions.
Mic'Tunan'Jus Orgu: We are here to serve. What do you need to know?
1. I want to ask about you.
Mic'Tunan'Jus Orgu: Mic'Tunan'Jus is just a humble merchant from the Rim. What would you wish to know about we? Mic'Tunan'Jus Orgu: Again you ask, but we have not changed. Just an honest merchant from the Rim.
1. Where do you come from?
Mic'Tunan'Jus Orgu: You couldn't say it, and don't have the ears for it. Two voices create the name, and four ears hear the true sound. We suppose the trade lanes have had to call us something. With one mouth the world is Sorjus, far off the Perlemian trade route. It's an unimportant stop, we admit. We left for a life of trade, because we are strong and a good talker. We have done well.
2. Are you one creature or two?
Mic'Tunan'Jus Orgu: You are pardoned for asking because you only know one mind… or at least only one at a time. We are one now, but weren't always. We grow together, bonded from the age of choosing when we become whole. Not like you. You are half of what you should be, like brood-squeeler. Er, not that we would want to offend you. We don't want to lose any business. That is just our way as Paaerduag.
1. Your other half doesn't say much.
Mic'Tunan'Jus Orgu: Just because *you* can't hear it, doesn't mean it isn't there.
2. Do you know anything about Tatooine?
Mic'Tunan'Jus Orgu: Not as much as we should. If we knew more, we would have better business. Travelers like us best. Settlers don't have much to trade. We don't travel far on Tatooine itself, you see. The weather is not like our home. Too dry. Way to dry. Mic'Tunan'Jus Orgu: We have not moved since you last asked. The Tatooine dust is rough on our hide, and the sun is much harsher than it needs to be.
1. Who would I ask to get more information?
Mic'Tunan'Jus Orgu: Always trust the locals, even if they don't trust you. They are the ones that really know what's going on. That's true on any world.
3. Heard any off-world rumors?
Mic'Tunan'Jus Orgu: Just what everyone else talks about: Taris and the Sith and the stirring of change. Could be good for business, could be bad for business. All that we know is that wise people keep low and stay out of the way. Something to always remind your other half. Er… if you have one.
3. I have to go now.
Mic'Tunan'Jus Orgu: We wait for your return. Anyone with credits is always welcome.