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When you first enter the south end of the Outer Courtyard from the Jedi enclave and go up the path to the north, at the intersection a settler named Jon begs you to find and destroy the Mandalorian Raiders who killed his daughter: completing this quest requires you to explore the plains more than necessary to complete the Jedi Trials, but in any case you need to cross the bridge to the east to enter the plains and take a Path South to the Matale grounds.

Across the bridge at the entrance to the plains you can speak to Elise, who tells you about her Missing Companion, and the merchant Adum Larp. On the plains themselves, you'll encounter kath hounds and horned kath hounds.

There's no need to go to the Strange Ruins at the east end of the plains until you've completed the Jedi trials and reported back to Master Zhar Lestin and the Jedi Council in the enclave.

Map of the courtyard

Jedi Enclave[edit | edit source]

You exit the door of the Jedi Enclave at the south end of the outer courtyard. Two female settlers stand in front of you to the east, while a male Jedi walks the length of the path to the north. Settlers and Jedi will comment when spoken to, but they cannot be engaged in dialog.

I hear the Sith have been beating the Republic pretty bad. They must've spent the whole time building ships since we beat them last time.
I don't understand why the Jedi Council are hiding here. Shouldn't they be helping the Republic?
Did you hear about the young Jedi girl from a couple days ago? I heard she hurt her master pretty bad...
Master Quatra was hurt very badly. She might die. I heard it was her own apprentice that did it.
Those damn Mandalorians have been raiding farms all over this continent. The Jedi won't do anything, so where does that leave us?
Ahlan Matale likes to lord his wealth over the rest of us. What I wouldn't give for him to eat his own words... His son seems like a nice boy though.
Rahasia Sandral is a nice young woman. But her father has been keeping her at their estate since her brother went missing...
You know those stones to the east of here? I heard they did some digging and found they aren't natural.
The Council's been telling us not to go near the stones to the east. Just as well, the kath hounds near there seem a lot more vicious...
Jedi Trials
I heard the rogue Jedi girl was killed. Good riddance! We don't need any Dark Jedi here on Dantooine! One of the Jedi managed to turn that Dark Jedi girl back to the light side. That's a relief!
I heard another Republic fleet was wiped out in this sector! I hope they don't find the Jedi here!
Sandral-Matale Feud
Did you hear? Shen Matale and Rahasia Sandral are getting married! I would never have thought their fathers would allow it! The children of Nurik Sandral and Ahlan Matale apparently fled here to the Enclave. Their families are both very mad. Ahlan Matale locked himself up in his estate with his son. I wonder what the boy did. Did you hear? The Sandrals and Matales massacred each other! It's horrible!
I heard there was fighting coreward towards Coruscant. I wonder if the Republic will survive...

Another male Jedi named Nemo is standing on your left to the northeast, just before the path to the north, apparently reflecting on Dantooine's natural beauty. You can ask him about the tainted grove you must cleanse to complete your third trial, the stores and caves of Dantooine, and himself. Later you can also ask him about the Mandalorian Raiders, although none of this is necessary:

Nemo: It is good, sometimes, to stop and reflect on the beauty of nature and the Force.
Nemo: I am sorry, I tend to get carried away... I do not believe we have met, apprentice. My name is Nemo. Nemo: How go your studies, my young friend?
Nemo: Is there something I can help you with?
1. I have been given a task by the Council...
Nemo: Indeed. What is it you would like from me?
1. What do you know of the tainted grove?
Nemo: The Council has told you nothing of the grove?
1. No, they have not. 2. I know it is tainted by the dark side.
Nemo: Then it would not be my place to explain its significance. But as the light side can be embodied in living beings, so can the dark. Nemo: Do not be so quick to judge circumstances about which you are ignorant. Not everything may be as transparent as you would believe.
Nemo: The grove can be found to the south and east in the plains. But be wary of kath hounds, they may be agitated by the power in the grove.
2. Um... never mind.
Nemo: Very well.
2. I have a question about Dantooine.
Nemo: Very well, what is it you wish to know?
1. Where can I find a store?
Nemo: Ah, you can find two stores here at the Enclave. Aratech has opened both a general supply store and a droid facility and I think you will find their products quite good. The supply store is run by a Twi'lek named Crattis Yurkal. A talkative being with a big chip on his shoulder, but generous despite that. The droid repair facility is managed by Karal Kaar. A bit brusque, perhaps, but a good being nonetheless. We have shared many a game of Pazaak in the small hours of the morning.
2. Master Zhar said there are caves on Dantooine with lightsaber crystals.
Nemo: Ah, yes, those caves. Those caves are dangerous for the unwary. Kinrath spiders infest the places. They are attracted by the colors and heat given off by the crystals, I think. It is a pity... Those caves are strong in the Force. Is there anything else I can help you with?
2. I've heard people mention Mandalorians.
Nemo: Mandalorian raiders, yes. They have been preying on the settlers in the surrounding farms. Stealing food, money, weapons... Jon was hit really hard recently… He lost his daughter.
Canderous: You Republics are too weak. You should protect what you want to keep, otherwise someone stronger will take it.
Nemo: Perhaps, perhaps. But not everyone in the galaxy is a warrior like you.
Nemo: They were not a problem before... But now it would seem prudent to be rid of them. If you could accomplish this, it would not harm your training and the settlers would greatly appreciate it. Jon is currently waiting to petition the Council. He is on the path north of here. He might be able to tell you more about what had happened. Can I help you with anything else?
3. I would like to know about you.
Nemo: About me? I am truly flattered. What is it you wish to know?
1. Who are you?
Nemo: As I have said, I believe, my name is Nemo. I am here by the will of the Jedi Council.
1. You are a Jedi?
Nemo: Indeed, my young friend, that I am. I have served the Council for many years, and have seen many apprentices pass through this Enclave.
1. Are you a member of the Council?
Nemo: I think, perhaps, you place an undue importance on rank and hierarchy. Understandable, but regrettable also. We each serve in our place, high and low.
2. I want to ask you something else.
2. What do you do here?
Nemo: I am here by the will of the Jedi Council. I serve the good and, hopefully through that, the people of the Republic.
3. What kind of a name is Nemo anyway?
Nemo: *chuckle* The importance you put in a name is misleading, young one. You of all people should remember that.
Nemo: Is there something else I can help you with?
4. I must be going now.
Nemo: I hope your time is well spent here on Dantooine.

Mandalorian Raiders[edit | edit source]

Gar and his wife Rilka stand midway down the south half of the path to the north. Rilka defers to her husband:

Rilka: Hello, I'm afraid I'm not very good at explaining things. If you have any questions, please ask my husband.

You can ask Gar about himself, Dantooine and its kath hounds, Mandalorian raiders and farms:

Gar: Greetings, friend. I think I can safely assume you are a member of the Jedi Order. Has the Council agreed to hear our petition?
1. I am merely an apprentice.
Gar: Ah. I'm sorry. I was mistaken. Does the Council require our presence?
2. Yes, they are waiting for you now.
Gar: Ah! Yes, thank you, Master Jedi. Stay here Rilka, I'll be back in an hour or so.
Rilka: Yes, dear. Good luck.

He walks south to enter the Enclave. Rilka doesn't become more forthcoming in his absence:

Rilka: I hope the Jedi Council will listen to Gar. If they don't, I don't know what we'll do...

Once you leave then return to the area, you'll never see either of them again. Otherwise:

3. I am sorry. I do not know. 4. I don't know anything. Leave me alone.
Gar: Oh, I see. I am mistaken. Gar: Ve... very well. Thank you, Master Jedi.

The dialog continues, or resumes if you talk to him again:

Gar: How may I be of assistance, Master Jedi?
3. I am not a Jedi Master yet.
Gar: Ah, but you are still a Jedi.
Gar: How may I be of assistance?
1. Who are you?
Gar: My name is Gar. Me and my fine wife Rilka here...
Rilka: A pleasure.
Gar: ... live on one of the northern farms. But the kath hounds and the Mandalorian problem has been getting really bad of late, and we're here to ask the Jedi Council to help.
1. You mentioned kath hounds?
Gar: Recently the kath hounds have been acting much more aggressively. They've even attacked some of the settlers! Those Mandalorian raiders have been milking the outlying farms dry, too... I hear Jon got hit really bad. Too bad about his daughter.
Canderous: He should have been protecting her better if he wanted to keep her.
Juhani: Don't be so heartless, Mandalorian. Gar: Mandalorian beast! Some of us don't like fighting and killing and butchering as much as you!
Gar: I'm not sure exactly what the Council will do about it, but we need some help with this. I only hope they'll listen to me... Is there anything else you require?
4. What about Jon and his daughter?
Gar: His daughter was killed by Mandalorians when their farm was raided. He's been taking it pretty hard. If you want to ask him about it, he's just north of here. It's not my place to say anything else.
2. Mandalorians? Here?
Gar: Ever since the Republic beat them years ago, little groups have been roaming all over the place.
Canderous: They're pathetic. They're taking scraps when they should be taking worlds.
Gar: With the Sith invasion, the Republic doesn't have the manpower to hunt them down. The Jedi are even worse off because Malak has been hunting them specifically. They're worried that he might even be supporting these raiders, so don't want to face them directly. That puts us in a kind of hard situation. Is there anything else I can help you with?
2. What can you tell me about Dantooine? 3. Are there many farms here on Dantooine?
Gar: Well, as you can see here, Dantooine is mostly plains and grassland, but it has nice hearty soil. A lot of new people have come in the last generation or so. Hm... the ones you'll most likely hear about are the Sandrals and Matales. Big, wealthy land-owners, both of them. But Ahlan Matale and Nurik Sandral just can't seem to get along, and now Ahlan wants to get the Council to do something.
1. Do something? Has something happened?
Gar: Well... from what I hear it started about a week ago. See, Nurik's son Casus is an archaeologist, bright lad too, but he disappeared. Nurik of course blamed Ahlan, but even he didn't take it before the Council. But now Ahlan's son Shen has disappeared as well... and no one knows where he's gone. Ahlan blames Nurik. He thinks he's kidnapped his son. I don't know exactly what he wants to ask the Council, but from what I know of Ahlan, he's probably going to be after blood...
Gar: Is there anything else you require?
2. I would like to ask you something else.
3. I must be going now.
Gar: Farewell, then. May the Force be with you, is that how it goes? Yes, may the Force be with you.
Journal Entry Added Mandalorian Raiders
You have heard that bands of Mandalorian raiders have been harassing the settlers on Dantooine.

They remain until you kill the leader of the Mandalorian raiders. A settler named Jon stands at the intersection to the north. To the west is a small plaza with a pillar in the middle of it and a female settler and male Jedi stand to the left. The path to the north ends in another small plaza where two female settlers stand, and the path itself is walked by a Duros refugee named Kni:

Kni: Ah, yes, you are a Jedi. I am grateful that your people harbor me in my times of need. Kni: You return, yes? What else do you wish from me?
1. What happened to you?
Kni: I am a victim, a refugee, yes. I flee… fled from my world once the Sith fleet comes. They bomb my world, destroy it, yes? They scour the continents, boil the oceans. Sith are bad, yes. But I run here, find the Jedi already here, unknown. They take me in... one left of a billion, yes... The Republic fights, but does not win. Not you to blame, of course, no. The Sith are strong and destroy those who would oppose them, yes. My thanks you have, and your Order. Is there anything else you require?
2. You might give something back...
Kni: After my flight, all I have left to give is my thanks, which your Order gladly has.
3. I must be going now.
Kni: Yes, yes. Jedi always have more to attend to. Good day, friend Jedi.

However, as you try to cross the intersection Jon will approach and demand your attention if you don't speak to him yourself:

Jon: Are you a Jedi? How long can you people continue to sit by and claim you protect us? Protectors? Ha! You sit in your Enclave safe from the Mandalorians while we suffer!
2. We are Jedi. What we decide is always right. 3. Mandalorians? They were all beaten in the last war.
Mission: Wow, talk about an ego trip! You Jedi aren't perfect; remember Revan and Malak? Maybe these Mandalorians are worth looking into. Carth: Is that an impersonation of Bastila? If it is, it's a good one. Jon: No! They've been raiding planets across this sector, and farms around here often.
Jon: You Jedi have left them alone because they haven't harmed you, but they steal our property, destroy our land and worse!
Carth: I say we look for these Mandalorians. I fought them in the war... they're nothing but vicious pirates. We should... we should stop them if we can.
1. What are you talking about? 2. We are Jedi. What we decide is always right. 3. Mandalorians? They were all beaten in the last war.
Jon: Those Mandalorian brutes have killed my daughter!
Canderous: You should have protected her better. And you call yourself her father.
Jon: And what am I supposed to do against a dozen Mandalorians and Duros? Nothing... There was nothing I could do...
Jon: They came to our land, demanding our livelihood. But Ilsa, my Ilsa, said no...
1. They killed her? 2. Only an idiot says no when they have a gun in their face. 3. You didn't try to stop them?
Jon: She was always impulsive... *sob*
Jon: There was nothing I could do... Too many of the Mandalorians and their Duros allies... I've come here to ask you, please, master Jedi, stop these raiders and get revenge for my daughter.
5. Your problems are not my concern. 6. Revenge is never a good reason.
Jon: Please, I beg of you! Find the Mandalorian raiders and destroy them so my daughter can rest in peace!


1. I am not a Jedi yet. 3. I will protect you and your fellow settlers.
Jon: But you have been accepted into the Order. Yours is the authority of the Jedi.

You have two options but only one opportunity to move closer to the dark side of the Force:

2. Maybe you could make it worth my while. 4. Those animals! I'll kill them for what they did to your daughter!
Dark Side Points Gained: -2
Dark Side Points Gained: -4
Jon: I will give you all I have, just please, annihilate them from the face of this planet!
Journal Entry Added Mandalorian Raiders
Jon has told you of the attacks by the raiders that killed his daughter. He has begged you to find them and destroy them. If they are destroyed, then they won't bother the settlers anymore... but it could be dangerous.

If you return before finding any of the raiders, you can ask him more about them:

Jon: Have you found the Mandalorian raiders yet?

If you told him his problems are not your concern, or that revenge is never a good reason:

1. I didn't say I was going to find them!
Jon: Please, help us if you can! They are as much a danger to you as to us! It is only a matter of time before they come here...


1. What do you know about these raiders?
Jon: Not much that would help you, I'm afraid. They're Mandalorians in their battle armor with some Duros allies. They came down on us on landspeeders, so they could be anywhere now. One thing I do remember when those dogs killed my Ilsa, is that their leader was a giant of a man... who wielded a lightsaber.
1. A lightsaber?? 2. He was Jedi? 3. What does this mean?
Jon: Yes it was. Mandalorians have never been open to the ways of the Jedi. Jon: Mandalorians have never been open to your ways.
Jon: They are much too barbaric and violent.
Canderous: Practical.
Jon: I rather think that it may have been from some poor Jedi he had slain before. You can see now that he is as much of a threat to you as to me! You must kill them! They have been troubling farms in the south most recently, having already dealt with many to the north. Please go there, find them and kill them!
2. No, I have not found them yet.
Jon: Please! Find them and destroy them before they kill anyone else!

If you return to the Jedi Enclave you can ask Masters Vandar Tokare and Vrook Lamar why the Council has done nothing to stop the raiders, and they will give you leave to do so now, while the Jedi Nemo and the merchants Adum Larp, Crattis Yurkal and Karal Kaar can now comment on them. None of this is necessary, though.

Should you return to Jon after killing some (but not all) Mandalorians on the plains:

1. I killed some of them on the plains. Jon: Now those Mandalorians know what it's like to be hunted!
Jon: Good, good! Put them down like the animals they are!
Jon: But now that you've killed some of them, they won't stop until you've defeated their leader. You must find him and kill him, too.
1. I will come back if I find their leader.
Jon: Thank you, young Jedi.

Their leader, Sherruk, won't appear until you've found and killed all three Mandalorian groups in the Matale grounds, Grove and Sandral grounds, at which point he appears in the same location as the late Mandalorian group in the Grove. A light side character who wants to complete the Genoharadan quests later may want to delay reporting his death until after completing those quests, although Jon's reward is substantial:

1. I fought and killed their leader.
Jon: Thank you, young Master. My daughter can now, I think, rest in peace. Here is the reward I promised you.
1. Thank you, Jon. 2. There is no need for a reward. Light Side Points Gained: +2
Jon: No, please, take it. This pitiful amount will never be enough for what you have done for me.
Jon: Again, I thank you. I will be sure to tell the Council of your great deed.
3. What?? That's it? Give me more! Dark Side Points Gained: -2
Jon: Wha... what? I did not think the Jedi were so greedy. You seem almost Mandalorian. I thank you for what you have done for me, but I have nothing else to give. The Council will hear of your deeds... and your greed.
Bastila: That was beneath you. I hope in the future you will strive to be better than this. Carth: That was totally uncalled for. Juhani: You are a representative of the Jedi Order. When you behave this way you disgrace us all!
Journal Entry Added Mandalorian Raiders
Jon has thanked you for slaying the leader of the Mandalorian raiders. Perhaps now the settlers can live their lives without fear.
Credits Received: 1000 Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 250 Thanked for slaying the leader of the Mandalorian raiders
Jon: Thank you for exacting my revenge on those Mandalorian beasts. If only I could have been the one to tear out Sheruk's heart.

Missing Companion[edit | edit source]

To the east of the intersection where Jon accosts you is a bridge across a river which separates the courtyard from the plains to the south and east. A woman named Elise stands to the left by her landspeeder in the northeast corner:

Elise: Greetings, young Jedi, I wonder if you could assist me. I seem to have lost my... companion, you see.
2. Who are you?
Elise: Oh, I'm sorry, master Jedi, I did not give you a proper introduction. I am Elise Montagne. I own the farm to the north of here. But I really am in need of your assistance. Time may be critical with so many kath hounds about. Oh, and those Mandalorians! Please, will you help me find him?
3. I am sorry, I have no time for this.
Elise: Please, I beg of you, I must find him. How can you leave him out there with so many dangerous beasts and predators? Have you no humanity?
1. Your companion? 1. Alright, I will help you. Tell what happened. 1. Could you tell me what happened to him?
Elise: We were working on my farm to the north of here. I was working in the garden outside, and he was working inside. I heard the door to the house open, but not close. I went to see and found it wide open! I searched everywhere, and could not find him! I worry so much. I need him back so badly. I wonder if he... Could he have been kidnapped?
3. Does anyone hold a grudge against him?
Elise: Not that I know of... Er... *ahem* None of my neighbors really know he's there.
1. It is possible... 3. Does anyone hold a grudge against him? 2. Could it have been kath hounds?
Elise: Maybe it was the Mandalorians... or maybe kath hounds. But... no...
Elise: Kath hounds are not intelligent enough to open doors. Although they have been more vicious lately... No it must have been someone who could open the door by himself. Come to think of it, the door was locked!
1. Did someone break it down? 2. Could someone have bypassed the lock?
Elise: No, the door was undamaged and showed no signs of tampering...
3. Could it have been opened from the inside? 2. No means no.
Elise: Well... Yes, it could have. But he had no reason to run away! His programming... Elise: Please, if you do see him, return him to me. He is so far from home... He is a C8 model droid about a meter and a half tall...
1. Your missing companion is a droid?? 2. A droid?? 3. You expect me to run off to find some stupid droid??
Elise: Well... yes... he is a droid. But he is very valuable to me all the same! He is the last piece of my poor, passed-away husband that I have left. He is very dear to me, my precious is. I don't know what I'd do without him!
T3-M4: Beep! Beep-beep boople boop!
1. Yes, Teethree, I understand that you're concerned about him, too...
Elise: He's the only companionship I have on all of Dantooine!
1. You live alone with this... droid? 2. What exactly did you use him for again?
Elise: He is a personal assistance droid. My husband was a genius at constructing droids. He made this one capable of taking care of me for the rest of my life. As the last legacy of my husband, for my own personal ease of mind, I need him back! His absence gnaws at me like a gaping wound.
Carth: Wow. She really misses her droid, doesn't she?
Bastila: There is no need for you to make fun of her. She is obviously desperate.
Carth: I'll say.
Bastila: Carth! Enough!
Elise: Please, I beg of you, return my droid to me!
1. I will help you find your droid. 2. If I happen to see him, I will send him back to you. 3. I am not interested.
Elise: Thank you! Thank you, master Jedi! If you find him, please send him home to me. I need him so much! Elise: Please! Should you find him, send him home to me!
Journal Entry Added Missing Companion
You have met Elise Montagne, who has lost her... companion. Her droid companion.

It is all that she has left of her late husband, and she wishes you to find him. He was apparently kidnapped from her home, and she has been searching for him ever since. She misses him VERY much.

If you speak to her again before finding her droid:

Elise: My droid is still missing. I can feel him like a hole in my aching heart.

You can ask her to tell you what happened to him again, or for the first time if you told her you have no time for this and then that no means no, repeating the dialog above up to the revelation that her companion was a droid, but with a different ending:

Elise: He was supposed to be completely loyal! To serve me after my husband died! 2. Do not worry, I will find him. 3. I am sorry, I must be going.
T3-M4: Beep! Beep-beep boople boop!
1. Yes, Teethree, I understand that you're concerned about him, too...
Elise: Please, if you come across my droid, bring him to me. I need him so much...

The droid C8-42 can be found on the east side of the Sandral grounds, right outside of the Crystal Cave, beyond the Matale grounds and Grove. If you convince him to return:

C8-42: I...
Elise: Aren't you just a sweet little droid, yes you are!
Elise: Oh, thank you! Thank you! I don't know what I would have done if I had lost him!
1. It's... 2. I... 3. No...
Elise: It's just soo great to have him back! We're just going to go right home, right now, and celebrate, aren't we, my lovely little droid? Don't worry, I'm going to hug you and oil you and care for you and make sure you never ever get away again.

If you follow them back inside the Jedi Enclave to the middle of the three rooms to the north and west of the exit back to the outer courtyard, that dialog can be repeated but the following is added before they leave:

C8-42: Please kill me...
Carth: I don't think I've ever felt so bad for a droid before.
T3-M4: [sadly] Beep Boop-oop.
1. I agree. Completely.
Canderous: Ha! I guess that droid is really going to serve his master tonight!
Journal Entry Added Missing Companion
You met Elise and C8-42 back near the Enclave. Elise was overjoyed that you returned her droid to her, and thanked you profusely.

C8-42 was a little less... enthusiastic.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 200 Met Elise and C8-42 back near the Enclave

If you destroyed C8-42 instead, you can move closer to the dark side of the Force by fooling her:

3. Your droid escaped and is nowhere to be found. He's still out there somewhere. Dark Side Points Gained: -2
Elise: He is out there still? I must find him!
Mission: Hey, why'd you have to do that? That was just mean! Carth: Why did you do that? Sometimes... sometimes I just can't understand how you can be so cruel.
Jolee: Nice. Real nice. Maybe later we could find some insects to pull the legs off, huh?
Bastila: It troubles me to see you behaving this way. Such acts can lead to the dark side. Juhani: The dark side dwells in us all, but you cannot give in to your baser instincts like this!
Zaalbar: Your actions disturb me. Among my kind, those who take pleasure in the suffering of others are considered dangerously unstable.
Journal Entry Added Missing Companion
You fooled Elise into thinking that her droid was still out there, so she flew off after him. Maybe she'll reaize what happened... in a year or two.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 150 Fooled Elise into thinking that her droid was still out there

Otherwise, you can tell her about his destruction:

Always 1. [Lie] I found your droid... but he had been destroyed by kath hounds. 2. I am afraid your droid had to be destroyed.
Elise: [Success] My droid... destroyed? No, no! This cannot be happening! I can't bear to live without him! Elise: My droid... destroyed? No, no! This cannot be happening! I cannot bear to live without him!
Journal Entry Added Missing Companion
You told Elise that her droid had been destroyed. She was devastated.

She ran off towards the Jedi Enclave.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 150 Told Elise that her droid had been destroyed

She can now be found back inside the Jedi Enclave in the middle of the three rooms to the north and west of the exit back to the outer courtyard, with a man named Samnt:

Samnt: What do YOU want?
Elise: Now, Samnt, don't be so rude. If it wasn't for this young Jedi, we wouldn't have met.
Elise: I... I took the loss of my droid much too hard. I feel I must apologize.
2. Damn right! 3. A reward speaks louder than words.
1. There is no need. Dark Side Points Gained: -2
Elise: But I must. I was much too attached to my droid... It was all that was left of my husband, you see. Maybe I thought that, through the droid, my husband could live again... be with me still... Elise: Unfortunately I have none to give, otherwise I would. But I still feel I must explain myself... I suppose I came across as a little odd.
Bastila: I think we understand. Love can do strange things to anyone. Elise: I was much too attached to my droid... It was all that was left of my husband, you see. Maybe I thought that through the droid, my husband could live again... be with me still...
Elise: But I went too far. I could not see what was missing in living a normal life. Fortunately, in my grief I returned here and ran into Samnt - an absolutely fascinating man!
1. Yes, he seems quite nice. 3. Not half the man I am! 3. Meh, I've seen better.
2. He doesn't look that impressive. Bastila: Well, if his ego is similarly halved he should be just about right.
Elise: Samnt and I got to talking and, well, we have a lot in common. I think we'll be seeing more of each other. It's funny how these things work out in the end. Maybe there is such a thing as fate, after all... But I think we should be going now... we have so much more to talk about! I just wanted to thank you for what you've done for me, and what you tried to do. Goodbye, and thank you.
Journal Entry Added Missing Companion
You met Elise in the Jedi Enclave. It turns out that not everything had ended badly after the destruction of her droid.
She met a man named Samnt, and they appear quite interested in each other. Perhaps she can lead a normal, happy life yet.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 150 Met Elise in the Jedi Enclave

Adum Larp[edit | edit source]

Just across the bridge to the east, over the river separating the courtyard from the plains, the... enthusiastic Rodian arms merchant Adum Larp stands on the right by his landspeeder to the south:

Adum Larp: Greetings, fellow sentient! I notice that you are not heavily armed… or at least, not heavily armed, enough! Please allow my self to introduce myself. I am Adum, a simple merchant with a much noble purpose!
1. Purpose? 2. Noble, are you...
Adum Larp: Yes! Purpose! Adum Larp: Yes! Noble it is!
Adum Larp: The settlers and noble humans of Dantooine have been plagued by kath hounds, raiders and other fearsome troubles of late. It is much, much too sad to see these things happen to such people as this. Therefore, I have made this my mission to be!
1. Er... mission? 2. You're trying to sell me something, aren't you... 3. I really don't think I have time for this.
Adum Larp: To overcome their troubles, they must be able to defend themselves. Therefore, I shall offer the highest of quality of weapons at the lowest of the low of prices for them!
Adum Larp: I am here, offering you much in the way of weaponry at low, low prices! How can any sentient pass up such a bargain? They cannot!
Adum Larp: Weaponry it is, and weaponry I have! What is it you would like from me this fine day?

He greets you with this last line whenever you return to talk to him:

1. Let me see what you're selling. 2. I'd like to take a closer look at your weapons. 4. Actually, I'd like to see what you have in stock.
Adum Larp: Yes, yes! Here is the best you can find anywhere on this world!
Adum Larp
Buy Item Cost Amount Buy Item Cost Amount
Cinnagar War Suit 3000 1 Ion Grenade 130 5
Cassus Fett's Battle Armor 15000 1 Frag Grenade 80 5
Bronzium Light Battle Armor 1500 1 Concussion Grenade 80 5
Stun Baton 30 2 Minor Flash Mine 100 2
Blaster Pistol 100 5 Minor Frag Mine 100 2
Light Repeating Blaster 500 1 Minor Gas Mine 100 2
Blaster Rifle 300 5 Minor Plasma Mine 100 2
Adhesive Grenade 130 5 Flame Thrower 300 2
Sonic Grenade 130 5

You can also buy maps for the courtyard and Matale Grounds to the south:

2. Do you happen to have any maps of the area?
Adum Larp: Maps? Why yes, yes I have. What areas would you like a map to? I am afraid I do not have all areas of maps, though.
1. I would like a map to this area. 2. I would like a map to the area south of here.
Adum Larp: Maps for little, maps for cheap! Only 2 credits for this fine, fine map.
2. I don't have enough.
Adum Larp: Come back, then, when enough money is there, and the map I'll have.


1. I'll take it.
Adum Larp: Here then, is that map I have. Is there anything else you would like?
Credits Lost: 2 Credits Lost: 2

You can ask him about Mandalorian Raiders, kath hounds and the corrupted Grove (among other things later, although none of this is necessary):

3. I'd like to ask something else.
Adum Larp: Well then, yes, what is it that you want?
3. I would like to ask you some questions.
Adum Larp: Of course I shall endeavor to be of service to whatever endeavor you are on. What is it you wish to ask?
1. What do you know about the Mandalorian raiders? 2. What do you know about the kath hounds?
Adum Larp: A plague on this world... a plague that must be cleansed with fire! Fire generated from a sterling example of weaponcraft such as this fine Blaster Rifle right here. Can't do better, you know! Adum Larp: Fearsome beasts! Predators! A danger that the settlers of this world must constantly face and do battle with! And what better way to battle them than with this handy Blaster Pistol! Crafted from the finest, sturdiest materials, it can stop a kath hound dead in its tracks at fifty paces!
1. Um... yeah, hold it. I'd like to ask something else.
3. What do you know about the corrupted grove? 2. What do you know about the Sandral-Matale feud? 4. What do you know about ancient ruins here?
Adum Larp: I am sorry, but I have not been on this world long. I am not familiar with any specific locales in this area. Adum Larp: I am sorry, but I have not been on this world long. I am not familiar with the names of all the sentients who dwell here. Adum Larp: I am sorry, but I have not been on this world long. I am not familiar with the rich cultural history of its hardy peoples.
Adum Larp: Is there something else you wish to ask?
4. I think I should be going now.
Adum Larp: Not everyone can have the best... but I can offer it! Come back if there is ever any need.

Path South[edit | edit source]

Once you've let the courtyard and crossed the bridge to the plains in the east, you should see a lone kath hound standing on a ridge to your left as you go south. As you approach, it calls three level 5 kath hounds from around the southeast corner:

Kath Hound
Class Minion
Level 5
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 16 +3
Dexterity 16 +3
Constitution 12 +1
Intelligence 3 -4
Wisdom 3 -4
Charisma 6 -2
Vitality 45
Defense 14
Fortitude 3
Reflex 5
Will -2
Awareness -1
Ranged Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Melee Main Off
Attack 8 -
Slashing 4-13-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats
None None
Experience Points (XP) Received:

If you continue down to the southwest corner, you'll find the first path south, taking you to the west end of the Matale Grounds. This is the quickest and safest route to the Grove further south. Alternatively, there's another path south to the east, taking you to the opposite end of the Matale grounds. You'll have to cross an area populated by more kath hounds to reach it.

Around the corner to the east is a lone level 3 kath hound with 63 Vitality lying at the base of a standing stone to the northwest:

Kath Hound
Class Minion
Level 3
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 16 +3
Dexterity 16 +3
Constitution 12 +1
Intelligence 3 -4
Wisdom 3 -4
Charisma 6 -2
Vitality 63
Defense 14
Fortitude 2
Reflex 4
Will -3
Awareness -1
Ranged Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Melee Main Off
Attack 6 -
Slashing 4-13-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats
None None
Experience Points (XP) Received:

In the northeast corner are a level 6 horn kath hound with two more level 5 kath hounds and a level 3 kath hound with 43 vitality:

Horn Kath Hound
Class Minion
Level 6
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 18 +4
Dexterity 18 +4
Constitution 12 +1
Intelligence 3 -4
Wisdom 3 -4
Charisma 10 0
Vitality 106
Defense 16
Fortitude 3
Reflex 6
Will -2
Awareness 2
Ranged Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Melee Main Off
Attack 10 -
Slashing 5-14-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats
None None
Kath Hound
Class Minion
Level 5
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 16 +3
Dexterity 16 +3
Constitution 12 +1
Intelligence 3 -4
Wisdom 3 -4
Charisma 6 -2
Vitality 45
Defense 14
Fortitude 3
Reflex 5
Will -2
Awareness -1
Ranged Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Melee Main Off
Attack 8 -
Slashing 4-13-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats
None None
Kath Hound
Class Minion
Level 3
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 16 +3
Dexterity 16 +3
Constitution 12 +1
Intelligence 3 -4
Wisdom 3 -4
Charisma 6 -2
Vitality 43
Defense 14
Fortitude 2
Reflex 4
Will -3
Awareness -1
Ranged Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Melee Main Off
Attack 6 -
Slashing 4-13-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats
None None
Experience Points (XP) Received: Experience Points (XP) Received:

A lone level 9 horn kath hound wanders back and forth from the stones in the southeast:

Horn Kath Hound
Class Minion
Level 9
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 16 +3
Dexterity 16 +3
Constitution 12 +1
Intelligence 3 -4
Wisdom 3 -4
Charisma 6 -2
Vitality 79
Defense 20
Fortitude 4
Reflex 6
Will -1
Awareness -1
Ranged Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Melee Main Off
Attack 12 -
Slashing 4-13-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats
None None
Experience Points (XP) Received:

Another appears if you leave then return to the area. The stones to the southeast shelter another level 6 horn kath hound, two level 5 kath hounds and a level 3 kath hound with 43 vitality. There's another level 3 kath hound with 63 vitality lying behind a stone by the north wall.

Experience Points (XP) Received: Experience Points (XP) Received:

Another level 9 horn kath hound wanders to either side of the east path south:

Experience Points (XP) Received:

Another also appears if you leave then return to the area. Continue east through the stones and you'll see the second path south.

Strange Ruins[edit | edit source]

At the east end of the plains beyond the other path south there are some strange ruins, with a slope leading down to a heavy stone door.

[This heavy stone door is sealed. The door is too thick to be cut through with a lightsaber.]

It remains locked, but it looks like the same kind of door you saw Revan and Malak pacing before in the dream or vision you shared with Bastila on your first night on Dantooine...