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Map of the Eastern Dune Sea

Sand People Territory[edit | edit source]

The entrance from Sand People Territory is on the southwest side of the Eastern Dune Sea: although it could also be entered from the Dune Sea to the northwest, the cave containing the Star Map (among other things) is clearly visible to the northeast upon entering from the territory.

Aside from the cave, the only noteworthy features of the Eastern Dune Sea upon entry are a trio of docile Dewbacks roaming the area. As ever, Czerka marker posts are dotted along the boundaries:

Danger! Turn back.

If you try to cross these boundaries:

Dune Sea: [A vast expanse of desert stretches before you, with no markers or any indications of life. It would be a deathtrap for anyone wandering aimlessly.]

Star Map: Tatooine[edit | edit source]

As you approach the cave to the northeast, you'll see a speeder parked to the right on the southeast side with the Tw'ilek hunter Komad Fortuna from Anchorhead's hunting lodge. Another hunter stands closer to the mouth of the cave to the northeast:

Hunter: I'm tired of waiting, Komad. How big can this dragon of yours be? I'm going in!

This will seem particularly foolish since even you can clearly see the size of the krayt dragon curled up within, from much further back. Needless to say, following his example results in death, so you should speak to Komad...

Desert Hunt[edit | edit source]

If you're still wearing Sand People Clothing, Komad isn't fooled:

Komad Fortuna: Why are you in robes? I know you are not of the Sand People. I have hunted too long to be fooled by mere appearances.
Komad Fortuna: Greetings to you, human. I believe I saw you in Anchorhead. I thought I would see you on the dunes. You look like a hunter. Komad Fortuna: Greetings to you, human. If you are the person I think you are, I may have seen you in Anchorhead. You looked like a hunter. Komad Fortuna: I thought I would see you out here, human. We are hunters, you and I. Perhaps... we should pool our skills... Komad Fortuna: You have the same gait as the human I met in Fazza's lodge. We are hunters, you and I. Perhaps... we should pool our skills...
Komad Fortuna: Perhaps you are interested in the ways of the hunt? Will you help me? I have tracked a very special beast to its lair. A krayt dragon, the largest of the Tatooine desert predators. It is an honored creature to hunt, although we must use unorthodox methods today. Komad Fortuna: I have tracked a very special beast to its lair. A krayt dragon rests within, and tonight he is the hunted, although by unorthodox means.
4. I'm looking for a Star Map. It may be in this dragon's lair.
Komad Fortuna: I have no knowledge of that, but there may be something in there. There are signs that this lair was purposefully dug out. Krayt are opportunistic, and may have lazily moved into someone else’s excavation. Of course, we must remove him to see.
3. Why should I trust you?
Komad Fortuna: I might very well ask you why you shouldn't? I haven't threatened you, human. I have merely asked you to help me. Perhaps I should question you. I have said my reason for being out here. I can't be certain you are trustworthy.
1. If it's such an honor, why do you want help? 1. I thought you preferred the solo hunt.
Komad Fortuna: A valid question. This is a very critical fight. Bull dragons are rare to see. Rarer still is the apparent size of this one. Komad Fortuna: That is true, but this is a very critical fight. Bull dragons are rare to see. Rarer still is the apparent size of this one.
Komad Fortuna: It is larger than the one my father felled a decade ago, and he is too far out of his territory and must be dealt with. I might not prevail alone, human, but I must try.
1. Why should we kill this great beast?
Komad Fortuna: The natural cycle on Tatooine spans hundreds of years, but there are complications that must be addressed. Complications from our presence. Krayt dragons feed on banthas. If the numbers of either species fall, the other grows too numerous, and unbalances the cycle. Now settlers use banthas, so there are less for dragons to eat. This one is moving closer to Anchorhead. Perhaps there will be more, but he is the threat tonight.
3. I don't have time for this right now.
Komad Fortuna: That is too bad. The hunt will have to wait for you. I can't do this alone.
Journal Entry Added Star Map: Tatooine
There is a krayt dragon in the Eastern Dune Sea. The beast will have to be dealt with before any search for the Star Map can be made.
Journal Entry Added A Desert Hunt
The Twi'lek hunter Komad has tracked a krayt dragon to its lair and wants assistance drawing the creature out.

You must tell him you'll help before he'll tell you how to bait the krayt dragon out of its lair:

Komad Fortuna: You are back? There is still time to pursue the hunt, human. Will you aid me? Komad Fortuna: If you will quit your foolishness there is still time to pursue the hunt. Will you aid me, human?
2. Why do you want me and not another hunter?
Komad Fortuna: You are here, they are not. I also didn't know the size of my quarry until I was tracking him. And perhaps there are... other reasons. I tried to get the help of one other, but you saw him die in the lair. He lacked experience and, more importantly, patience. I usually hunt for the skill of it, but must make an exception today. I want newcomers to understand the proper intent behind the hunt, no matter the methods we use.
1. Why would I want to do this?
Komad Fortuna: We each have our reasons. You might select "challenge" or "glory" as your own. "Profit" is also valid. When bull dragons reach this size it is rumored that they have a number of pearls within them. You would receive a generous share.
1. Rumored? You don't know?
Komad Fortuna: Nobody from our lodge has successfully hunted a bull dragon in perhaps a decade. My father may have been the last. His words are what I go by.
3. I'll help. Give me more information about how.
Komad Fortuna: We must bait the great beast out of hiding and ambush him swiftly. There is no room to engage him in the lair, and his hide will repel blaster fire. I have placed mines around the mouth of the cave. We must coax him out, but this is the end of his season of hibernation. It will take much to rouse him. The food of a beast this size is almost exclusively banthas... and foolish hunters, if we are not careful. To lure him out we must lure his food to tempt him.
1. How will we lead the banthas here? 2. You placed mines? That doesn't seem sporting.
Komad Fortuna: They too have their food of choice. We must find some bantha fodder to lead the banthas here. I have a few ideas about where this may be found. Sand People keep bantha herds, so some of them must have fodder on hand or in their settlement. A vendor in Anchorhead also had some. He had a kiosk in the spaceport. Komad Fortuna: That is true, and I regret it. I tracked this beast for many days and hoped to face him fairly, but there are other concerns than my honor. It may seem like he is isolated, but the range of his territory extends deep into settled areas. We must kill him for the safety of others, and blasters will not do the job. We must lead the banthas here using fodder like the Sand People do. Their warriors may carry some, or you could search the settlement. The spaceport merchant also had some. I'm not sure why.
Komad Fortuna: If you find fodder and bait the banthas here, the mines will deal with the dragon as it emerges to feed. Not exactly a glorious hunt, but it will ensure the safety of the region.
1. That seems very easy. What aren't you telling me? 2. If it were as simple as that you'd have done it yourself.
Komad Fortuna: There is one added threat. The Sand People regard banthas as sacred. Attempting to feed the herd in this area will likely lead to an attack. We are far from the weakened tribes around Anchorhead. The Sand People of this region are strong, fierce, and will think nothing of killing you. Be careful.
1. They posed no real threat to me before. 2. Yet more Sand People? I've dealt with their kind before.
Komad Fortuna: You likely mean the tribe that has been harassing Czerka Corporation. This group is used to the deep desert. They appear to be much more dangerous.
1. Why am I doing most of the legwork?
Komad Fortuna: I have spent a long time tracking this creature. Many hunters do not return from such searches. I have earned my place here. And, if I didn't mention it, I am interested in having new hunters like you understand that even though I must use untraditional methods, the hunted still deserves respect.
1. I'm not interested in this any more. 2. I will go find bantha fodder.
Komad Fortuna: I can't attempt this alone. If you won't help, I will have to wait for another hunter to come. The offer stands, if you change your mind. Komad Fortuna: I wish you luck against the Sand People. When you return, the dragon will fall. I wish it could be under more sporting circumstances, but we must do what the circumstances call for. I had hoped for a mirror of my father's expedition, but that will have to wait.
Journal Entry Added A Desert Hunt
Komad maintains that the only way to bait the krayt dragon out of its lair is to tempt it with banthas. Banthas will need to be lured into position with bantha fodder. Some of the Sand People may carry fodder, and there might also be some in the enclave. The vendor in the Anchorhead spaceport may also have some.

Of course once he does so he becomes expendable, allowing you to move closer to the dark side of the Force if you take the kill for yourself, and even closer if you cut him down:

3. Thanks for the information. I don't need you anymore.
Komad Fortuna: What do you mean, human? This task is better attempted together. You won't leave now, will you?
Dark Side Points Gained: -2
1. Leave? No, I'm going to take the kill for myself.
Mission: You're going to turn on this guy now? This is low, even for you. Juhani: After all this hunter has done to help us, you turn on him? This is a disgusting display, even for you! Zaalbar: You would betray this noble hunter? At times like this I regret ever swearing my life debt to one such as you.
Canderous: We Mandalorians believe in loyalty to our brothers-in-arms. You have allied yourself to this hunter; betraying him now is disgraceful!
Bastila: This betrayal is beneath you. Do not let your greed draw you to the dark side.
Carth: There's an unwritten code of loyalty. You just don't turn on your allies like this. Any good soldier would tell you that.
Jolee: You keep turning on people like this, kid, and one day you just might find yourself without any help when you really need it.
Komad Fortuna: I have spent many years following in the memory of my father. I can't step away from a battle like this. No words can express my distaste for you. If you intend to take what I worked for, you will have to fight for it.
Dark Side Points Gained: -2
1. Then I will cut you down!
2. Then we will continue with the hunt. 3. Bah! Then you are no use to me. I'm leaving.
Komad Fortuna: We shall see, human! Komad Fortuna: No we won't. You would simply turn on me at earliest convenience. I won't have that. It's too late for that. Komad Fortuna: No, I won't allow you to simply walk away. You could return when I am weak or unsuspecting. I won't allow it.
HK-47: Preparing blasters, Master. This should be fun!
Komad Fortuna: Defend yourself, human! You will die here!
Komad Fortuna
Class Scoundrel
Level 9
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 14 +2
Dexterity 14 +2
Constitution 15 +2
Intelligence 15 +2
Wisdom 12 +1
Charisma 12 +1
Vitality 98
Defense 16
Fortitude 5
Reflex 8
Will 4
Awareness 1
Ranged Main Off
Attack 8 -
Damage 1-8-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Melee Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Items and abilities Feats
Blaster Rifle Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifle
Experience Points (XP) Received:
Journal Entry Added A Desert Hunt
Komad is dead, but he already told you how to bait the krayt dragon out of its lair. You'll have to lure banthas into position by tempting them with bantha fodder. Some of the Sand People may carry fodder, and there might also be some in the enclave. The vendor in the Anchorhead spaceport may also have some.

A herd of three bantha now appears to the southwest. If you don't already have it, bantha fodder can be found in the rag pile to the left of the two banthas at the entrance to the Sand People Enclave, on the remains of ranged Elite Warriors in the Dune Sea, or as a last resort it's sold for a single credit by the merchant Mic'Tunan'Jus Orgu in Anchorhead's spaceport. Even if Komad is still alive, you don't need to speak to him:

Komad Fortuna: Time wears on. Have you found the bantha fodder integral to our plan? This dragon will not reveal himself for our paltry scent. Bantha must be led to the cave to spur the beast out in the open. He will have a quick death after that.
1. Look, I have your fodder.
Komad Fortuna: Good. Now, there is a herd that moves out in the desert. Lead them here. Approach them with the fodder and lead them here.
1. I'll see what I can do. 2. I'm tired of running around like this.
Komad Fortuna: I wish you luck against the Sand People. When you return, the dragon will fall. I wish it could be under more sporting circumstances, but we must do what the circumstances call for. I had hoped for a mirror of my father's expedition, but that will have to wait. Komad Fortuna: I can't attempt this alone. If you won't help, I will have to wait for another hunter to come. The offer stands, if you change your mind.

Once you have fodder, simply approach any of the bantha and interact with them:

Bantha: [This bantha perks up as you approach, obviously attracted to the smell of the fodder you are carrying. The whole herd falls in step.]
Journal Entry Added A Desert Hunt
As Komad said to do, you have several banthas following you, lured by the scent of fodder. You must lead them to the mouth of the krayt dragon lair.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 100 Banthas lured by the scent of fodder

However, you're ambushed by four Elite Warriors who must be killed before continuing. All are armed with Light Repeating Blasters but use Gaffi Sticks in melee range, and they receive bonuses depending on your character level:

Character level Strength Vitality
12-14 +6 +60
> 14 +10 +100

Thus at character level > 14:

Elite Warrior
Class Minion
Level 10
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 30 +10
Dexterity 15 +2
Constitution 14 +2
Intelligence 12 +1
Wisdom 10 0
Charisma 8 -1
Vitality 220
Defense 20
Fortitude 6
Reflex 6
Will 4
Awareness 5
Ranged Main Off
Attack 12 -
Damage 1-8-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Melee Main Off
Attack 16 10
Damage 11-1811-18
Threat 20-20,x220-20,x2
Items and abilities Feats
Light Repeating Blaster

+Adhesive Grenade(3) Gaffi Stick

Weapon Proficiency: Heavy Weapons

Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons

Three are also armed with Grenades, the most dangerous of which is the one at the left end of their line to the southwest: those entangled by Adhesive Grenades suffer -4 Dexterity and cannot use Force powers for 15 seconds, and make perfect targets for the grenades of the others.

Elite Warrior
Class Minion
Level 10
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 30 +10
Dexterity 15 +2
Constitution 14 +2
Intelligence 12 +1
Wisdom 10 0
Charisma 8 -1
Vitality 220
Defense 20
Fortitude 9
Reflex 9
Will 7
Awareness 5
Ranged Main Off
Attack 12 -
Damage 1-8-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Melee Main Off
Attack 16 10
Damage 11-1811-18
Threat 20-20,x220-20,x2
Items and abilities Feats
Light Repeating Blaster

+Poison Grenade(3) Gaffi Stick

Weapon Proficiency: Heavy Weapons

Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons

Elite Warrior
Class Minion
Level 10
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 30 +10
Dexterity 15 +2
Constitution 14 +2
Intelligence 12 +1
Wisdom 10 0
Charisma 8 -1
Vitality 220
Defense 20
Fortitude 9
Reflex 9
Will 7
Awareness 5
Ranged Main Off
Attack 12 -
Damage 1-8-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Melee Main Off
Attack 16 10
Damage 11-1811-18
Threat 20-20,x220-20,x2
Items and abilities Feats
Light Repeating Blaster

+Gaffi Stick

Weapon Proficiency: Heavy Weapons

Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons

Elite Warrior
Class Minion
Level 10
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 30 +10
Dexterity 15 +2
Constitution 14 +2
Intelligence 12 +1
Wisdom 10 0
Charisma 8 -1
Vitality 220
Defense 20
Fortitude 9
Reflex 9
Will 7
Awareness 5
Ranged Main Off
Attack 12 -
Damage 1-8-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Melee Main Off
Attack 16 10
Damage 11-1811-18
Threat 20-20,x220-20,x2
Items and abilities Feats
Light Repeating Blaster

+Plasma Grenade(3) Gaffi Stick

Weapon Proficiency: Heavy Weapons

Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons

Experience Points (XP) Received:

Once all have been killed, interact with any bantha again to complete the journey to the mouth of the cave. If Komad is still alive:

Komad Fortuna: Good job! Come talk to me!
Komad Fortuna: Quickly, be ready. The banthas are in position and will soon stir our restless prey. I hope the mines do their job quickly. Komad Fortuna: Don't let your wardrobe distract you. Be ready for battle. The banthas are in position and will soon stir our restless prey.
1. Don't worry, I'm ready. 2. Just do your part.
Komad Fortuna: Wait... what is that rumbling sound? Oh boy, he's a big one.

The banthas bait the krayt dragon out of its lair, where it's killed by the mines that Komad laid.

Journal Entry Added A Desert Hunt
The hunt was successful and the krayt dragon is dead. Whatever might be hidden in the depths of its lair is now yours to claim.
Journal Entry Added Star Map: Tatooine
The krayt dragon has been killed. Whatever might be hidden in the depths of its lair is now yours to claim.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 400 Killed krayt dragon

If Komad has already been killed, then you receive your prize from the remains of the dragon (which resist 5 damage and have 15 Vitality):

Item(s) Received Krayt Dragon

Otherwise, you'll always receive a pearl from Komad:

Komad Fortuna: It is done, and the great beast is dead. To my shame, I denied him a final fight, but I will honor his memory to make amends. I thank you for your aid, human. You have earned a share of the victory, such as it is.
Item(s) Received Komad Fortuna
  • Krayt Dragon Pearl

If you tell him you want more, you can move closer to the dark side of the Force by cutting him down for a second pearl:

3. I want more. You will give me all of it.
Komad Fortuna: Will I? I don't think so. You have been given what you are worth. Respect the hunt and leave it at that.
Mission: You're going to turn on this guy now? This is low, even for you. Juhani: After all this hunter has done to help us, you turn on him? This is a disgusting display, even for you! Zaalbar: You would betray this noble hunter? At times like this I regret ever swearing my life debt to one such as you.
Canderous: We Mandalorians believe in loyalty to our brothers-in-arms. You have allied yourself to this hunter; betraying him now is disgraceful!
Bastila: This betrayal is beneath you. Do not let your greed draw you to the dark side.
Carth: There's an unwritten code of loyalty. You just don't turn on your allies like this. Any good soldier would tell you that.
Jolee: You keep turning on people like this, kid, and one day you just might find yourself without any help when you really need it.
Komad Fortuna: And I will warn you, no words will change my mind. Regardless of the circumstances, respect for the hunt governs me. I will die defending it.
Dark Side Points Gained: -2
1. Then I will cut you down!
Komad Fortuna: We shall see, human!
HK-47: Preparing blasters, Master. This should be fun!
Komad Fortuna
Class Scoundrel
Level 9
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 14 +2
Dexterity 14 +2
Constitution 15 +2
Intelligence 15 +2
Wisdom 12 +1
Charisma 12 +1
Vitality 98
Defense 16
Fortitude 5
Reflex 8
Will 4
Awareness 1
Ranged Main Off
Attack 8 -
Damage 1-8-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Melee Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Items and abilities Feats
Blaster Rifle Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifle
Experience Points (XP) Received: Item(s) Received Komad Fortuna
  • Krayt Dragon Pearl

Otherwise, you should be content with one:

1. Thanks. We did what had to be done. 2. I don't want it. Your skill made it possible. 2. Fine, keep your share. I guess you earned it.
Komad Fortuna: Regrettably so. I just hope you remember there were higher reasons for this. Don't let the spoils be your only reason to hunt. Wealth fades. The sands remain. Komad Fortuna: You flatter more than I am worth, given the circumstances. Any technician can place explosives. The only difference is that I feel shame about it. Komad Fortuna: I knew you would respond to reason. You act harshly, but you are a hunter, like me. You will come to understand these things.
Komad Fortuna: I thank you for your help here today, human. I shall see you again, I am sure.

Once he leaves, you may encounter him again in the Czerka landing port on Kashyyyk if you haven't already been there and sided with Freyyr. Now that you have a pearl, if the Sand People chieftain is still alive then you can return to the Sand People enclave and give one to him to prove yourself Worthy of History (and you can kill him afterwards to get it back again).

Krayt Dragon Cave[edit | edit source]

Just inside the mouth of the cave is a chewed human corpse on the southeast side to the right, beyond which is a pile of rubble:

Item(s) Received Chewed Human Corpse Item(s) Received Rubble

Further inside the cave is a chewed Twi'lek corpse on the same side, with another pile of rubble on the northwest side opposite:

Item(s) Received Chewed Twi'lek Corpse Item(s) Received Rubble

Right at the back of the cave to the northeast is the Star Map. As you approach it, Calo Nord appears outside the cave if you haven't encountered him since escaping Taris, challenging you as you leave, or Darth Bandon does so if he hasn't been encountered since leaving the planet on which your third Star Map was found.

Carth: Anyone else get the feeling that finding this Star Map in the back of this krayt dragon's cave is more than just a coincidence? Canderous: Anybody else get the feeling that finding this Star Map in the back of this krayt dragon's cave is more than just a coincidence? Mission: Hey - it's one of those Star Maps, ain't it? Kind of weird finding it in the back of a krayt dragon's lair, don't you think? Jolee: Finding this Star Map here in this cave gives me a cold shiver. You don't think it's just coincidence that the krayt dragon made its home here, do you? Juhani: The Star Map. Even after all thousands of years it has been here, it still has tremendous power. Can you not feel it?

The only remaining member of your party whose dialog takes partial precedence over HK-47 is Bastila:

HK-47: Statement: I believe there can be little doubt that we have found the Star Map you were seeking. I am surprised it is still working after all this time.
Bastila: I do not think it is mere chance that we have found the Star Map here, in the lair of a krayt dragon. HK-47: Observation: There is tremendous power emanating from the Star Map. I wonder if the krayt dragon was drawn to this cave because of it?
Bastila: The Star Map is an artifact of the dark side. The krayt dragon may have been drawn here by its dark power, only to be enslaved by it. 1. Possibly. The Star Map is a powerful dark side artifact. 2. It's probably just coincidence.
Bastila: Come. We should leave this place. There is nothing else for us here. HK-47: Yes, master. I'm certain you are correct. Now that we have what we came for I do hope we will be leaving this world soon. I am growing so sick of sand in my circuits.

Otherwise, one of the Jedi or HK-47 can speculate about the krayt dragon being drawn here by the power of the Star Map:

Bastila: The Star Map is an artifact of the dark side. The krayt dragon may have been drawn here by its dark power, only to be enslaved by it. Juhani: The Star Map is an artifact of the dark side. The krayt dragon may have been drawn here by its dark power, only to be enslaved by it. Jolee: The Star Map is an artifact of the dark side. The krayt dragon may have been drawn here by its dark power, only to be enslaved by it. HK-47: Observation: There is tremendous power emanating from the Star Map. I wonder if the krayt dragon was drawn to this cave because of it?

This dialog then ends:

Mission: Say, now that we've got the Star Map do you think we can leave this planet soon? I've got sand *everywhere*! Canderous: Now that we've got what we came for we should probably move on. Can't say I'm going to miss this pit of a world. Zaalbar: We've found the Star Map, now let's get out of here. There's a foul smell in this place. Something worse than any krayt dragon stench. Carth: We should probably get going now. We've found the Star Map, and I'm guessing there isn't much else worth seeing on this planet.
Bastila: Come. We should leave this place. There is nothing else for us here. Jolee: Well, no point hanging around here. Now that we've got the Star Map we might as well move on. Juhani: Come. We should leave this place. There is nothing else for us here.

If T3-M4 is the only member of your party:

T3-M4: Boop-boop. Beep. Click-whirr.
1. I agree. It's amazing the Star Map is still working after all these years.
T3-M4: Beep. Fritz. Zzzott.
1. You're right. Let's get moving.
T3-M4: Beep. Whoop. Woo.
Journal Entry Added Star Map: Tatooine
You have acquired the Star Map from the lair of the krayt dragon on Tatooine.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 2000 Acquired Star Map from the lair of the krayt dragon on Tatooine

If Calo Nord or Darth Bandon have appeared behind you outside the cave, it's time to engage them...

Quest for the Star Forge[edit | edit source]

Journal Entry Added A Quest for the Star Forge
You've discovered another ancient Star Map in the Dune Sea of Tatooine. As before, the map is incomplete. But each map you find fills in more missing pieces of the puzzle. Hopefully, once you find all the Star Maps they will give you the location of the Star Forge.
Item(s) Received Star Map
  • Star Map: Tatooine

You have recorded the coordinates from the Star Map on Tatooine into a datapad.

The Dune Sea is to the northwest of the Eastern Dune Sea, while Sand People Territory is to the southwest if you have unfinished business in the enclave: you can then return to Ebon Hawk to more quickly return to west Anchorhead or leave Tatooine.

Bastila's Mother[edit | edit source]

Once you and Bastila have spoken to her mother Helena in Anchorhead's cantina, a tattered equipment pack appears in the north corner of the cave:

Item(s) Received Tattered Equipment Pack
  • Holocron

This holocron has been cracked and worn by the sands and wind, but is still marginally operational. When activated, it shows the holographic image of a middle-aged human man and appears to have been used as a means to record his personal thoughts over many years.

You can now ask Bastila if she'll give it back to her mother:

Bastila: How can I help?
1. Do you want to talk?
Bastila: About my mother? I am unsure. I seem to find it difficult to remain objective when it comes to her. I find that... disturbing.
1. Are you going to give the holocron to her?
Bastila: Do you think I should?
3. Probably not. She doesn't deserve it.
Bastila: I find myself agreeing with you, but I don't like how that feels.

This ends the dialog. Otherwise:

1. You might want to consider it. 2. Do you need it more than she does?
Bastila: That would just lead into another argument. How I always despised talking to her. Bastila: I would like to keep something to remember Father as much as she would.
Bastila: I'll think about it. I should... try and remember my training. I should be able to let go of this, but I can't. I don't want to talk about this any more. Let's... keep going.
Journal Entry Added Bastila's Mother
Bastila's father's holocron has been found out in the desert, still intact. Bastila is unsure, however, whether she intends to give it back to her mother. Part of her thinks she should keep it for herself... she and her father were close. Either way, it is probably a good idea to return to her mother at the cantina.

Dune Sea[edit | edit source]

The exit to the southeast corner of the Dune Sea is on the northwest side of the Eastern Dune Sea.