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Entering the cantina in the southwest of the Upper City isn't strictly necessary, although if you do so then you can be invited to a party, allowing you to get the Sith uniform needed to get past the guard to the Lower City elevator in Upper City North. Once the search for Bastila is complete you can find Canderous here or in Javyar's cantina in the Lower City to see about escaping Taris, and here is more convenient at that point.

You can buy a Pazaak Deck in the east room to play this card game, wagering credits, and speak to the duel organizer in the south room to enter the duel ring, earning credits and experience, where becoming Taris Dueling Champion also gives you a chance to collect Bendak's Bounty (moving closer to the dark side of the Force). However, in both cases it's better to wait until you've explored more of Taris while completing the search for Bastila, getting more cards, items and experience levels.

Map of the Upper City cantina

Upper City[edit | edit source]

You enter from the Upper City at the east end of the Pazaak room, which has a Pazaak table in the middle. A door at the other end leads to the central hub of the cantina to the west.

Pazaak Rules[edit | edit source]

There are three people standing around the Pazaak table, to all of whom you can speak.

Christya is the closest to you, standing by the Pazaak table, to your left. There's no need to speak to her, although she'll flirt with a successful male player... and relieve you of some credits, if you're not careful.

Christya: Don't you love watching the Pazaak players? All that strategy. All those credits... it's enough to make a girl all flushed! Christya: I saw your match against Niklos – if you could even call it that. You aren't much of a Pazaak player, are you? Christya: I saw your match against Niklos. He doesn't lose very often. I bet you could make a lot of credits as a professional Pazaak player!
Christya: You know, you're my kind of guy; rich and handsome – just the way I like them. Why don't we slip away to the tap room together? The bartender can mix us up something special for only twenty credits. If you play your cards right Pazaak might not be the only game you get lucky at tonight.
2. 20 credits? That seems expensive for a couple of drinks.
Christya: Well, I'm used to the finer things in life. I'm not about to lower my standards for any man. So how about it – you want to get those drinks for us?
1. Sounds good to me! Here's 20 credits. 3. I don't have that much on me. 4. Sorry, not interested.
Christya: I love a man who's not afraid to spend his credits! I'll meet you in the tap room. Don't be too long – I'm not a patient girl. Christya: Really? You must not be as good at Pazaak as I thought. Well, I'm not going to waste my time with some penniless gambler! Suddenly I find you very boring. Maybe I can find someone more interesting in the tap room. Christya: What's the matter, you shy? Suit yourself. I'll be here if you change your mind, just waiting for a nice, rich Pazaak player to come along...
Credits Lost: 20

If she leaves for the tap room, when you follow her you'll find her speaking to the Tarisian noble mentioned later:

Christya: Wow, are you really a noble? You must be pretty rich, right? Is your family important?
Tarisian Noble: I can trace my lineage back five generations to one of the founding houses of Taris. In fact... uh, we seem to have unexpected company, my darling.
Christya: Oh, don't pay any attention to him. He's just some Pazaak player I met. He's not an actual noble, like you! C'mon, sweetie... let's go back to your mansion.

Past Christya is Niklos, also standing by the Pazaak table, to your left. You don't need to speak to him, but you can play Pazaak and wager for credits once you've bought a Pazaak deck from Garouk.

Niklos: What do you want? Have you come here just to bother me, or do you wish to test yourself against the best Pazaak player on Taris? Heh heh heh.
1. Who are you? 1. Who are you again?
Niklos: My name is Niklos. I'm the unofficial champion of the Pazaak circuit here on Taris. If you don't mind losing your wager we could play a few hands.
2. I want to ask you some questions.
Niklos: Questions? Heh. I don't come here to answer questions. If you want to play Pazaak, let's play. If not, then quit crowding my gaming table.
3. I want to play Pazaak, but I don't have a deck. 4. Goodbye.
Niklos: You don't even have your own deck? Then why are you bothering me? You can't play Pazaak without your own deck! If you're serious about Pazaak, go speak to old Garouk on the other side of the tavern. His gambling days are over, and he's looking to sell his deck. Niklos: If you ever wish to test yourself against the best Pazaak player on Taris, heh, you know where to find me.

Once you've bought a Pazaak deck from Garouk, you can speak to Niklos again to play:

Niklos: Back again? Well... do you have a deck yet? Would you like to play some Pazaak? Niklos: I saw you getting a Pazaak lesson from that old fossil Garouk. Learning the rules of Pazaak is easy, but actually playing the game is a much greater challenge. Normally I wouldn't bother with a novice like you, but since Gelrood was banned for hustling cards I haven't been able to find a good game around here. Do you wish to play a hand?
3. I don't have a deck yet. 4. Sorry, not interested right now.
Niklos: You still don't have a deck? Then why are you bothering me? Until you get a deck from Garouk we have nothing to discuss. Niklos: If you ever wish to test yourself against the best Pazaak player on Taris, heh, you know where to find me.
1. Let's play.

Garouk stands at the corner of the Pazaak table to the northwest, on the opposite side to Christya and Niklos. You don't need to speak to him unless you want to buy a Pazaak deck and play Pazaak to try to win some credits:

Garouk: Hello there, youngster. You interested in buying the Pazaak deck of an old man looking to get out of the gambling game? Just fifty credits and I'll sell you all my cards. I'll even throw in a free lesson to boot. It's a great deal, if you can afford it.
1. Who are you?
Garouk: My name's Garouk. I used to be a card shark – one of the best Pazaak players on the Outer Rim. But that was before I retired from the gambling life.
3. You're giving up gambling? Why?
Garouk: Don't get me wrong, the game's been good to me over the years. I've traveled the span of the galaxy, from the Core Worlds to the farthest reaches of the Outer Rim. I've won countless fortunes... and lost countless more. But that was long ago, and things have changed. Gambling is a young man's game. That's why I'm looking to get out. My offer still stands – fifty credits gets you my old Pazaak deck and a free lesson. A great offer if you can afford it.
1. I can't afford that.
Garouk: I'm sorry to hear that, but fifty credits is my best offer. I'm practically giving the deck away at that price. If you want it, it's yours. If not, no hard feelings.


2. Sure, I'll buy your deck.
Garouk: Glad to see you're interested in the grand old game. The rules are pretty simple. Here: I'll load them up into your datapad so you can check them out anytime you want. Good luck: I hope the game's as good to you as it was for me. Now, is there anything else I can do for you?
1. I'd like a Pazaak lesson.
Credits Lost: 50 Item(s) Received Garouk
  • Pazaak Deck
This is a standard Pazaak deck, complete with side deck cards.

You can ask him some questions, but this isn't necessary:

Garouk: Back again? Is there something old Garouk can do for you, or did you just come to chat with a lonely old man? Garouk: Is it true what everyone's saying? That you're going to fight Bendak Starkiller in a death match? You know, I'd love to see someone take that arrogant fool down! Garouk: Pretty soon all of Taris will be talking about how you beat Bendak in that fight, Stranger. You're famous now - but that's not necessarily a good thing. The more well known you are the more chance the Sith will take an interest in you. And nobody wants that kind of attention.
4. I want to ask you some questions.
Garouk: Of course, of course. My mind isn't as sharp as it used to be – that's why I'm giving up the gambler's life. But I think I can still manage to answer some simple questions.
3. I want some general information on Taris. 4. Do you know anything about those Republic escape pods that crashed down in the Undercity?
Garouk: Mmm. Don't know what I can tell you that would be any use. The Upper City is nice enough, though it was better before the Sith showed up. But they don't bother an old man like me much. Don't know much about the Lower City. It's rough down beneath. I just stay up here where it's safe and mind my own business. Garouk: I spend my days in the cantina, sipping ale and chatting with the folks who wander by. I don't have much use or care what goes on outside these walls.
Garouk: I don't see much point in worrying about that kind of stuff now that I've given up the gambler's life. Is there anything else I can do for you?
5. I'll be going now.
Garouk: Of course, of course. No sense in a youngster like you wasting your days away with an old man in a dingy bar. But if you ever want to chat, you know where to find me.

Bendak's Bounty[edit | edit source]

Bendak Starkiller appears in the northeast corner of the Pazaak room after you've entered the lobby for the duel ring, to the right of some arena monitors on the north wall.

[There is no action in the duel ring right now, so the monitor is blank.]

Although you can speak to Bendak before you've even entered the duel ring, there's no real point until you've become Taris Dueling Champion:

Bendak Starkiller: Leave me alone... I'm not giving out any autoprints to my fans today.
1. Autoprints? What are you talking about?
Bendak Starkiller: What, you don't recognize me? I'm Bendak Starkiller, the most famous blaster-slinger on Taris. Over 100 duels without a loss – every one of them a death match! Bendak Starkiller: People are always bugging me for my autoprint. Comes with the territory. You survive over 100 death matches and people tend to see you as something of a legend.
1. You don't look so tough. Maybe you'll take me on. 2. How come you don't hang around with the other duelists?
Bendak Starkiller: I'm retired now. Once death matches became illegal I just got bored with the game. I've got no interest in using stun blasters! There was nobody left to challenge me, anyway.
Bendak Starkiller: I've been watching these new kids in the ring, but I haven't found anyone worth my notice so far. Still, if someone could beat all these other pretenders I might give them a shot. Bendak Starkiller: I've seen you in the dueling ring, but you haven't impressed me. Now, if you could beat all these other pretenders... that might get my attention. Bendak Starkiller: But I saw you in the ring against Twitch. You've got enough talent to make me consider coming out of retirement for one last death match – unless you're afraid to face me.
2. I want to ask you some questions.
Bendak Starkiller: Since I'm not going to answer them, you'd just be wasting your breath. So move along before people see us talking and think I'm signing autoprints today. I don't want to be mobbed.
3. I'll be going now.
Bendak Starkiller: Off with you then. I'm done with this conversation anyway.

If you've asked about the bounties while speaking to Zax in the Bounty Office of Javyar's cantina in the Lower City:

1. I'm here to collect the bounty on your head, Bendak!
Bendak Starkiller: So you're the one doing Zax's dirty work. Well I've got some bad news for you, little bounty hunter. There's no way you're bringing me in. This cantina is wired with a top-level security grid. You pull a weapon on me and the auto-fire turrets will fry you before you can even pull the trigger.
1. So you'll just hide in here like a coward? 2. You have to leave sometime, Bendak!
Bendak Starkiller: Why would I ever want to leave here? I've got food and drinks, a place to stay – and everybody treats me with the respect I've earned for my dueling career. But if you're set on collecting that bounty I'll make you a deal. I kind of miss the fight game; my hand is itching for the feel of a blaster in my grip.
Bendak Starkiller: If you can prove yourself in the ring by beating all these other so-called duelists, I'll agree to face you in a death match. You win, you get to collect that bounty for killing me. Bendak Starkiller: I've seen you in the duel ring. You're just good enough to spark my interest, so I'll agree to face you in a death match. You win, you get to collect that bounty for killing me.
Journal Entry Added Bendak's Bounty
You've located Bendak Starkiller in the Upper City cantina, but it looks like the only way you can collect his bounty is if you manage to beat him in the duel ring. Of course, you have to become the Taris duel champion before he'll come out of retirement to face you...

Speaking to him again to challenge him to a duel is fruitless...

Bendak Starkiller: Back again? You're starting to bore me. I don't come here to talk – I come to watch the duels and see if there's anyone worthy of stepping into the ring with me.
1. I'll step into the ring with you Bendak!
Bendak Starkiller: Sorry, I don't waste my time with no-names. You have to prove yourself before you get a shot at me. I'm the real deal, kid – 100 death matches without a loss! But if you can knock off all these other pretenders in the duel ring, I might consider coming out of retirement to face you in one last death match.
1. I'll be back as soon as I beat all these other duelists.
Bendak Starkiller: Good luck with that, kid... you're going to need it. HA-HA-HA!
Carth: You sure you want to get involved in this? Seems a bit pointless to me. Up to you.

... until you've become Taris Dueling Champion:

Bendak Starkiller: I've been watching you in the dueling ring. Not bad for an amateur. I'm tempted to come out of retirement and show you what it's like to do battle against a real champion. But I only fight in death matches, and not too many people are willing to step into the ring knowing they won't ever come out. How 'bout you, Stranger? You think you got what it takes?
2. Forget it – I'm not interested in a death match.
Bendak Starkiller: Hmmm... never figured you for a coward. You ever get the guts to fight me come on back and we can set the match up. Otherwise we've got nothing to talk about. Bendak Starkiller: I'm not going to force you to fight. But it's the only way you'll ever collect the bounty on my head. Until then, we've got nothing to talk about.
Bendak Starkiller: What are you doing back here? You finally find the guts to meet me in a death match?
1. You're on, Bendak! Name the time and place!

Search for Bastila[edit | edit source]

The western exit to the Pazaak room leads to the central hub of the cantina, populated by male and female Taris citizens who can comment, but cannot be engaged in dialog:

Taris Citizen (male)
I heard the Sith sent a bunch of patrols into the Undercity. Probably want to loot the crash sites of those Republic escape pods that went down there.
The Lower City is nothing but a slum! If the Sith want to win us Tarisians over they should clean the gangs out of there!
You like Pazaak? I used to watch it all the time when Gelrood was playing here. He had some great matches against Niklos... until they banned him for cheating.
Have you gone into the music room in the back? Yeah, I don't care much for the band, but those dancing Twi'leks are something else, I'm telling you now!
Hey - I saw you win the big swoop race! Too bad Brejik had to get greedy and ruin everything!
Hey! You heard the latest rumor? Bendak Starkiller is coming out of retirement for one last illegal death match! Oohoo! I'm not missing this!
Hey, I know you - you're the Mysterious Stranger! I saw you beat Bendak in the dueling ring! Ha! I lost a bundle betting against you!
Taris Citizen (male)
Ah. There's too many people in this cantina since they added the music room at the back! I come here to relax, not to fight with crowds.
I'm surprised the Sith haven't done anything to try and bring in Davik. After all, everyone knows he's the crime lord who runs this planet.
The Sith are hunting for any Republic soldiers who escaped the battle overhead. They even sent a patrol into the Undercity to look for survivors!
Look at Niklos sitting over there with his Pazaak deck. I used to play, you know. But I wasn't very good. I finally sold my deck and gave it up.
Did you hear about the big fight at the swoop races? I wasn't there, but someone told me Brejik flipped out on the podium and wouldn't pay up!
Bendak Starkiller is coming out of retirement! Everyone's talking about it! Some spacer agreed to fight him in an illegal death match! I wonder how I can get a ticket?
You... you're the one who killed Bendak Starkiller, aren't you? What a match - best duel I ever saw! You know, you might want to lay low for a while.
Taris Citizen (male)
It's bad enough the Sith conquered this planet, but do they have to come in here to relax and rub their presence in our faces?
Hey, that quarantine must be tough on you off-worlders stuck here. You should try to make the best of it and order yourself some Tarisian ale. It'll take away some of the sting.
I wish the off duty Sith would stop coming in here for drinks. They've been scouring the Undercity looking for Republic escape pods and they reek of the sewers!
Have you heard? Bendak Starkiller's coming out of retirement! I have to get tickets for that match!
Hey - you're the Mysterious Stranger! I saw you take out Bendak. Very harsh, man! You're one stone cold killer! Hey - you're the Mysterious Stranger! I saw you fight Bendak! There's nothing more exciting than a woman with a blaster, I say! Too bad my wife wouldn't agree...
Taris Citizen (female)
Nice outfit. I've seen Outcasts in the Undercity who dress better than you.
It's a good thing a few of the Sith come in here to relax when they're off duty. That should keep them from closing this cantina down.
You aren't from Taris, are you? Do yourself a favor and stay away from the Tarisian ale - it packs more kick than most off-worlders can handle.
Have you heard? Bendak Starkiller's coming out of retirement! I almost feel bad for the blaster fodder who's going up against him.
I know you - you're the one who killed Bendak Starkiller in that death match! Too bad the quarantine has made Tarisian ale so expensive or I'd buy you a drink. Hey - you're the Mysterious Stranger! I saw you gun down Starkiller in that death match! Guess you proved you don't have to be a man to handle a blaster.

There's also Sarna, an off-duty Sith officer, standing to the right as you enter and, if he hasn't left with Christya, a Tarisian noble standing to the right of her:

Tarisian Noble: What? Why are you speaking to me? Can't you tell from my clothing that I'm of the nobility! Get away from me – I can't be seen talking with the common rabble. It wouldn't be proper for a man of my standing.

Invited to a Party[edit | edit source]

A male character should speak to the aforementioned Sarna; a female character should speak to Yun Genda, another off-duty Sith officer, standing to the left inside the entrance to the music room to the north: the dialog for both is almost identical, with only the names changing. If you speak to a character of the same sex:

Sith: Sorry, but I'm not here looking for conversation. I just came to get a drink, listen to some music and try to relax before my next shift at the military base.
3. I'll be going now.
Sith: Good. Move along and leave me alone or I might have to run you in for questioning.

Otherwise, or upon returning:

1. You're from the military base? You don't look like one of the Sith.
Sith: I don't wear my uniform when I'm off duty. It's not allowed. In fact, anyone in uniform is banned from entering the cantina. The officers don't like it when we show up here off duty. Don't like us fraternizing with the locals, I guess. But it gets pretty stale hanging out around the base all the time. Besides, the Sith don't own me. Being a soldier in their fleet is just a job, you know? A job with long hours and low pay, I might add.
1. So why do you do it? 2. Sounds like you aren't very happy.
Sith: When I signed up I was promised adventure and excitement in exotic locales. Instead, I end up stationed at a military base on some backwater planet on the fringes of the galaxy. If I could just find some other way to earn some credits I could give up this lousy job. Retire my uniform, so to speak.
3. I'm not interested in chatting right now. 2. I'll be going now. 1. Can I ask you some questions? Sith: I'm surprised to see you again. I thought you had gotten sick of me complaining about my job at the Sith military base. I guess I kind of obsess about it. That can't be healthy.
Sith: First you come over and say hi, then you scurry off as soon as you find out I'm a Sith soldier. You Tarisians are a funny bunch. Sith: Oh... okay. Well, see you around. Say, do me a favour and don't repeat all the stuff I just told you. Eh, might not go over well with my superiors. Sith: The senior officers don't really like it when we start answering questions, you know? They don't want us fraternizing with the locals. Just another "perk" of the job.
Sith: No offence, but I probably shouldn't be talking to you anymore. I'm liable to say something that might get me in trouble.


Sith: Hi there – I haven't seen you around before. Of course they don't give us Sith officers from the military base much time off...
1. You're from the military base? You don't look like one of the Sith. 2. I'm not interested in chatting right now.
Sith: I'm off duty right now, so I'm not in uniform. My name is Sith – junior officer first class with the Sith occupation force. Sith: First you come over and say hi, then you scurry off as soon as you find out I'm a Sith soldier. You Tarisians are a funny bunch.
1. Nice to meet you, Sarna. I'm Name. Sith: Hey, there. I didn't think we'd be chatting again so soon. You took off on me pretty quick last time.
1. Nice to meet you, Yun. I'm Name.
Sith: I'm actually a little surprised you're talking to me at all... most of the people here on Taris can't stand us Sith. It can make this job pretty lonely.
Medium 1. [Persuade] You're just doing your job, right? I don't hold that against you. 2. You can't really blame people... you did conquer the planet.
Sith: [Failure] Save the sympathetic best friend act. I'm not buying it. But I don't want to fill out a bunch of paperwork on my day off, so let's just pretend this conversation never happened. Now move along. Sith: Oh, great... I see where this is going: the Sith are evil; why did I join them; blah, blah, blah. I don't need a lecture from the likes of you.
2. You seem pretty touchy about this. Maybe you feel a little guilty about what you do.
Sith: Don't try to analyze me. I'm just doing my job – same as any other soldier in any other army. Besides, I don't have to explain myself to you! I don't think we have much else to say to each other. Let's keep this civil and go our separate ways, okay?

Upon returning after being unpersuasive or unsympathetic:

Sith: Back again? Didn't I make myself clear enough? The senior Sith officers don't like us fraternizing with the locals. Besides, I don't need you lecturing me for my career choice.
3. I'll be going now.
Sith: Good. Move along and leave me alone or I might have to run you in for questioning.

To progress you don't need to be persuasive, only sympathetic:

1. Sorry – I'm not trying to judge you.
Sith: Ah, it's okay. I might have overreacted a bit. But can you blame me? Everywhere I look I see one of you Tarisians glaring at me with hate in your eyes.
Medium 1. [Persuade] You're just doing your job, right? I don't hold that against you. 3. I'm not actually from Taris. I'm just stuck here until the quarantine ends.
Sith: [Success] That's true, but people don't appreciate what we've done for them. We could have slapped a curfew on this whole planet, but we didn't. Sith: You're an off-worlder? Huh, I figured you'd be even more angry, being stuck on a foreign planet and all.
2. Being stuck on Taris isn't so bad... but the locals aren't much fun. Easy 1. [Persuade] Hey, we're both strangers on Taris. We have to stick together.
Sith: You know, it's like everyone on this backwater planet is in a permanent bad mood. Don't they know we have to make the best of things? Sith: [Success] You're right! It's like everyone on this backwater planet is in a permanent bad mood. Don't they know they have to make the best of things?
1. You've got a pretty positive attitude. 2. Everybody has their ups and downs... it's how you deal with them that counts.
Sith: Exactly! It's all about attitude. I didn't ask to be assigned to this backwater planet, but I try to make the best of it. It's pretty easy to get depressed on an assignment like this, but we do what we can to keep our spirits up.
1. You need to blow off steam once in a while. 2. It must be tough, being stationed on a hostile world.
Sith: That's true. It's nice to meet someone who understands what I'm going through. It's good to talk about this stuff – It gets pretty lonely up at the military base. I have to get going soon – I've got a shift at the military base. But some of us junior Sith officers are having a party tonight to blow off some steam. I'd really like to see you again. Why don't you drop by the party? I'll show you where it is on your map.
1. Sounds good. I'll be there. 2. I don't think I can make it.
Sith: Just because I'm with the Sith doesn't mean I don't know how to have a good time. You'll enjoy yourself. I promise.
Sith: Don't be late. We're starting right after our shifts end. Most of us won't even be going back to the base to lock up our uniforms. I look forward to seeing you there.
Journal Entry Added Invited to a Party
You've been invited to a party by one of the Sith. According to the directions on your datapad they're getting together at an apartment on the east side of the North Upper City.
Journal Entry Added The Search for Bastila
You've been invited to a party being given by one of the off-duty Sith officers. Going there might be risky, but it could also get you a step closer to finding Bastila.

The party is in the North Apartments, which are directly opposite the entrance to Upper City North from Upper City South.

Duel Organizer[edit | edit source]

The lobby for the duel ring, containing the duel organizer, is to the south. Arena monitors line its east wall, and two duel spectators stand in the northeast corner. As you enter, a scene plays as you watch a duel between Gerlon Two-Fingers and Deadeye Duncan:

Duel Spectator: I can't believe we couldn't get arena tickets for this match! Now we'll have to watch the duel on the view screen.
Duel Spectator: Who cares? It's Duncan and Gerlon fighting. It's not like we're going to miss anything good.
Duel Spectator: Shh! They're about to start, so quit complaining and just watch the view screen!
Duel Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, I draw your attention to the dueling ring. Here, two combatants will battle for your viewing and gambling enjoyment. Now, I hope all your bets are down, because we're ready to roll! In this corner, I give you... Gerlon Two-Fingers! And over here, looking to climb the ranks yet again is the ever persistent Deadeye Duncan!

As they draw, Deadeye Duncan drops his blaster, and Gerlon Two-Fingers has no problem gunning him down with his own.

Duel Announcer: And, to nobody's great surprise, Deadeye is down again. Don't worry, folks – he's just unconscious. As usual. Our medics will have him up and about in a bit. Well, that was quick, wasn't it? So I give you the winner... Gerlon Two-Fingers!
[There is no action in the duel ring right now, so the monitor is blank.]

If you speak to the duel spectators they comment on the duelists, and you can also speak to the duelists (with varying degrees of success), although it isn't necessary to do so. Four of them are clustered together by the west wall:

Deadeye Duncan: What are you looking at, fresh meat? You want a piece of me? You want to step into the dueling chambers with me?
1. Who are you?
Deadeye Duncan: I'm Deadeye Duncan, the number five ranked duelist in this cantina. You must have seen me in the dueling chambers, right?
2. You're the number five ranked duelist? Out of how many?
Deadeye Duncan: Uh... five. But it's an elite group, okay? It's not like just anyone can step into the dueling chamber! Well, actually anyone can... but not many do!
2. Dueling chambers?
Deadeye Duncan: You know – the dueling chambers: two people in combat, loser gets carried out unconscious on a stretcher. It's the only reason people come into this part of the cantina. Look, I'm the number five ranked duelist around here; I don't have time to explain all this. Go talk to the Duel Organizer if you're interested. He’s the Hutt over there in the corner.
3. You don't look so tough. I think I could beat you in a duel. 4. Goodbye.
Deadeye Duncan: Big talk. Go speak with the Hutt in the corner to back it up – he's the Duel Organizer. I'll look forward to our match. Fresh meat is just what I need to end my losing streak! Deadeye Duncan: Yeah, that's right – back off! You know better than to challenge Deadeye Duncan. I will mess you up!
Gerlon Two-Fingers: I haven't seen you around here before. You looking to step into the duel ring, or did you just come to watch? Gerlon Two-Fingers: You seem to be hanging around here an awful lot. You actually going to step into the duel ring sometime, or are you just here to watch?
1. Duel ring? What are you talking about? 3. I want to ask you some questions. 2. I want to step into the ring. 4. I'll be going now.
Gerlon Two-Fingers: What? Why are you here if you don't even know what the dueling ring is? Gerlon Two-Fingers: Good to see some new blood in the fight game. Things have gotten pretty stale around here lately. If you're serious about this go talk to Ajuur Hutt. He's the Duel Organizer. He'll probably start a rookie like you out against Duncan. Gerlon Two-Fingers: Fair enough. Goodbye, then.
Gerlon Two-Fingers: I don't have time to answer your questions – I need to stay focused for my next match. Maybe Ajuur can help you out. He's the Hutt over in the corner. He arranges all the duels.
Ice: Wait, I know what you're going to say: I'm so beautiful, I'm so attractive, how can someone who looks so hot with a weapon in her hand be called Ice? Well, I've heard it all before. I'm here to take care of business in the dueling ring, not to have some slack-jawed, goggle-eyed man slobber all over me. So back off! Ice: Wait, I know what you're going to say: it's great to see a woman in the duel ring, strike a blow for equality, I'm a credit to my gender, blah, blah, blah. Just save it, okay? I'm just here to take care of business in the dueling ring. For some reason every woman who comes in here thinks we should have some kind of female bond. Guess what? We don't!
2. Dueling ring? What are you talking about? 3. I just want to ask you some questions.
Ice: You don't even know about the dueling ring? This is unbelievable! Then why are you even here? Wait – never mind. I don't really care.
Ice: You know what? I'm not one for friendly chit-chat, so I'm just going to deliver the cold, hard facts: I don't want to waste any more time with you.
1. Wow – that was cold!
Ice: Now you know why they call me Ice. If you're looking for a match, go talk to the Ajuur. He's that big Hutt over there in the corner. Otherwise, just go away.
Ice: Back again? Didn't you get the message last time – I'm not here to make friends. Talk to the Duel Organizer if you want a match, otherwise leave me alone.

Marl is the oldest, friendliest and most informative of the duelists (at least outside the duel ring):

Marl: Hello there, off-worlder. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Marl. I'm one of the duelists here at the cantina. I was wondering when you'd get around to talking to me.
1. Do I know you? 2. Were you expecting me?
Marl: No, we've never met. It's just that most people who come here to watch the duels are bored nobles looking for a little excitement in their drab lives. But you're different. You look like you know a thing or two about combat. I'm guessing you didn't come here to sit on the sidelines and watch a duel. Are you looking for a match?
3. Goodbye.
Marl: Goodbye, stranger. Maybe we'll talk again later.
Marl: Back again? Are you just here to watch the stun duels, or is there something else I can do for you?
1. I'm looking for a match. 3. Tell me more about these duels.
Marl: The duels themselves are simple enough. Two combatants armed with stun pistols enter the ring. One walks out a winner, the other is carried out unconscious on a stretcher.
Marl: If you're interested in setting up a match – or if you want to place a wager – just speak to Ajuur. He's that Hutt over in the corner. He'll make all the arrangements.
2. I want to ask you some questions. 7. I want to ask something else.
Marl: My area of expertise is pretty much limited to the dueling ring and the other combatants here at the cantina, but I'll try to answer any questions you might have.
2. Do you know anything about the crashed Republic escape pods?
Marl: Only what I heard from the news reports, which are all censored by the Sith. Some pods crashed into the Undercity, anyone caught harboring survivors will be arrested and executed. Really, I don't think it's any of my business. The Sith want to call themselves rulers of Taris, it's fine by me. Just so long as they don't shut the duel ring down.
3. I just want some general information on Taris.
Marl: I can only tell you what is recorded in the basic visitor guides: the Upper City is a beautiful destination where intergalactic travelers can find all their basic needs. If you're looking for excitement the duel rings here are your best bet. Stay out of the Lower City – it's nothing but a gang ridden slum. Is there anything else you want to know?
1. I want to ask you about the duelists here.
Marl: You've come to the right man. I've been dueling here for nearly twenty years and I remember every duelist who's been through this cantina. Of course, there are only five of us left now: Duncan, Gerlon, Ice, Twitch and me. Bendak Starkiller comes in once in a while, but he's retired now.
1. Tell me about Duncan. 2. Tell me about Gerlon. 3. Tell me about Ice.
5. Tell me about yourself. 4. Tell me about Twitch. 6. Tell me about Bendak Starkiller.

The current Taris Dueling Champion, a Rodian nicknamed Twitch, stands alone in the southeast corner by a First Aid container. If you try talking to him, it soon becomes clear why he has that nickname, and why he isn't mingling with all the other duelists:

Twitch: Ready Aim Fire!! Is your trigger finger as itchy as mine? Twitch: Shoot first! Shoot last! Party with me, we'll have a blast! Twitch: Blast away! Open fire! Shot, kill, maim!
1. What the hell are you talking about? 2. Are you completely insane? 1. What the hell are you talking about? 2. Are you completely insane? 1. What the hell are you talking about? 2. Are you completely insane?
Twitch: Shoot first! Shoot last! Party with me, we'll have a blast! Twitch: Blast away! Open fire! Shot, kill, maim! Twitch: Ready Aim Fire!! Is your trigger finger as itchy as mine?
3. Uh... okay. Goodbye then.
Twitch: Blast away! Open fire! Shot, kill, maim! Twitch: Ready Aim Fire!! Is your trigger finger as itchy as mine? Twitch: Shoot first! Shoot last! Party with me, we'll have a blast!
Item(s) Received First Aid

The duel organizer, a Hutt called Ajuur, sits at the back of the lobby by the south wall. To join the Taris dueling circuit to try to earn experience and credits, and possibly collect Bendak's Bounty, approach and speak to him:

Ajuur: I'm sorry, human – the betting window's closed. No more fights right now. People are sick of seeing the same duelists all the time. It's bad for business. Unless... My name's Ajuur. I organize all the duels here. We need a new face in the dueling game, human. Maybe you want to step into the duel ring? It can be a highly profitable venture.
3. I just want to ask you some questions.
Ajuur: Questions? Bah – questions don't make me money! But if you want to fight, it could be very profitable for both of us. You interested?
4. Sorry, I'm not interested.
Ajuur: Don't pass this opportunity up, human. You fight for me and I'll make you rich. If you change your mind you come back and talk to me again.


Ajuur: You're back, human. Does this mean you want to step into the duel ring? It could be very profitable for both of us. Ask around – everyone knows Ajuur treats his fighters well.
1. What are you talking about? 2. I might be interested – what's in it for me?
Ajuur: I can arrange for you to fight in the duel ring. If you win, you get the standard contract: 10% of all wagers. And don't worry, nobody dies in the duel ring anymore. Death matches are illegal now. Most fighters in the duel ring use vibroblades or stun sticks because the ring's pretty small, but a few of the duelists use blasters. Use whichever you prefer.
Carth: Vibroblades and blasters? And nobody ever dies? How come I get the feeling you're trying to take us for a ride?
Ajuur: The duel ring has energy suppressor fields to make sure nobody dies. Weapons are limited so they hurt, but don't kill. And we've got a medic droid in case of serious injuries. Are you interested?

You can still tell him you're not interested, but if you do it then you can never persuade him to give more than 10% of all wagers if you win:

Never 2. [Persuade] I'll do it, but I want more than 10 percent.
Ajuur: [Failure] Ha-ha-ha! You're joking, right? If I pay you more, then everyone wants more. No, you get the same as all the others – ten percent. That's my final offer.
1. Okay, I'll do it.

Music Room[edit | edit source]

The music room to the north hosts two Twi'lek dancers accompanied by three Bith musicians, with a couple of music room patrons and a couple of Taris citizens.

Music Room Patron (female)
Hmph - who dresses you? You look like you crawled up here from the Lower City. Oh well, I guess we can't all have style.
Isn't this band great? They can't leave Taris because of the Sith quarantine, so they've been playing here every night! Talk about a good break for us!
Hmph! I don't know what the guys in here find so attractive about those Twi'leks. Look at them - they're dressed like dirty little space wenches!
Everyone's worried the Sith will come in here and shut this place down. Can you imagine how dull it would be if we didn't have any music on Taris?
Did you hear what happened after the big swoop race? They say Brejik wouldn't pay up when he lost, and a brawl broke out! I can't believe I missed it!
Have you heard? Someone's going to fight Bendak Starkiller in an illegal death match! I should go talk to that Hutt and try to get some tickets...
Did you hear the news? Bendak got dusted in that death match! I'll never get a chance to see something like that again. I can't believe I didn't get a ticket! Did you hear? Bendak got dusted in that death match - by a woman, no less! Heh. Isn't that great? That should show these men a thing or two about who's the boss!
Music Room Patron (male)
Nice outfit. You steal those clothes from a bum in the Lower City? Oh well, I guess you don't have to have good taste in clothes to come and enjoy the music.
The band is pretty good, but I'm getting a little sick of them. If it wasn't for the Sith quarantine maybe we could get somebody new in here to play!
Check out those Twi'lek dancers. I don't know who designed their outfits, but that man deserves a raise!
Well, people complain, but things under the Sith really aren't so bad. Sure, we can't leave the planet, but we're still allowed to come here and listen to the music.
They say a brawl broke out at the swoop races this year. Sound like things are getting out of control in the Lower City... maybe the Sith should go and clean it up!
Have you heard? Somebody's going to fight Bendak Starkiller in an illegal death match! Heh heh. I wonder if the old guy's still got what it takes. You figure he'd be out of practice, right?
So I heard Bendak Starkiller finally lost a death match. Can't say I'm surprised. The guy was retired for so long he probably lost his edge. Did you hear? The great Bendak Starkiller is dead. Killed in the duel ring - by a woman! Can't say I'm surprised. The guy was retired for so long he probably lost his edge.

Aside from the aforementioned Yun Genda standing to the left inside the entrance, Jergan stands to the right. If a male character speaks to him then the dialog is brief, but he automatically talks to a female character as you enter, and can be revealed as something of a con man:

Jergan: No hard feelings, my good man, but I can't really talk with you right now. It's difficult enough to draw the interest of the ladies in this establishment as it is. Surely you understand what I'm talking about. I'd guess you've experienced many lonely evenings... something I'm hoping to avoid tonight.
Jergan: Well, hello there! I see from your exotic appearance that you are not from Taris originally. All me to introduce myself – my name is Jergan.
1. Pleased to meet you. My name's Name. 2. What do you want, Jergan?
Jergan: What do you think of our local music? The band is quite good, wouldn't you agree? They're on the verge of intergalactic stardom, you know.
1. They're very good. 2. It's different, but I like it. 3. I don't much care for the band. 4. These guys are the worst!
Jergan: Obviously you have an ear for music. Mark my words, they'll be famous soon enough. They were about to go on tour before this Sith quarantine stranded them here. Jergan: They are something of an acquired taste. But mark my words, they'll be famous soon enough. They were about to go on tour before this Sith quarantine stranded them here.
Jergan: Would you like to meet the band after the show? Maybe have a brief brush with fame before they become intergalactic superstars? I can arrange it, you know.
1. How will you arrange that? 2. Sure, I'd like to meet them. 3. I'll pass.
Jergan: Are you certain? This is a once in a lifetime opportunity – meet the legends before they were famous. All it will cost you is a small handful of credits.
Jergan: I have a standing arrangement with one of the Rodian bodyguards backstage. For the small sum of 20 credits he'll let me set up a meeting with you and the band.
2. I can't afford that much. 3. Sounds like you're running a scam to me. 4. I’m not interested in meeting the band.
Jergan: Well, I would like to help you but I can't arrange the meeting for free. And I'm afraid your feminine charms would have little effect on the Rodian bodyguards backstage. If you manage to come up with the credits just come back and see me. I'll be more than happy to arrange for you to meet the band. Until then, please enjoy the music. Jergan: You sting me with your words! I merely thought I could offer you the rare opportunity to meet a celebrity before they were famous. But I see you're not interested.
Jergan: That's too bad. They really are charming fellows. Very well, then – I hope you enjoy the music. If you change your mind come speak with me again.
Jergan: The exotic beauty returns. Hello again, my dear. Have you changed your mind? Do you want to take me up on my offer? Just twenty credits and I can arrange a meeting with the band.
1. I want to meet the band. Here's twenty credits. Credits Lost: 20
Jergan: Excellent. Wait here while I go set it up with my contact. I'll give him your credits, then I'll come back out and take you to meet the band.

If you do take him up on his offer, he leaves with your twenty credits and an angry woman comes up to speak to you:

Angry Woman: Was that Jergan I just saw you talking to? Do you know where he went?
1. He went backstage to arrange a meeting between me and the band. 2. No. I have no idea where he went.
Angry Woman: You fell for his story, too? Well, I got some bad news for you sister – he ain't coming back. I gave him 20 credits last week, and he just disappeared with it! Angry Woman: Well if you see that slime ball tell him Lana is looking for him! I gave him 20 credits and he promised to get me backstage to meet the band. Then, he disappeared!
Angry Woman: When I tried to get backstage to look for him, nobody even knew who he was! He can't set up a meeting with the band – he's just some sleazy con artist spinning lies! I doubt he'd be dumb enough to show up here again; he knows I'm looking for him! And if I ever find him he's going to pay for ripping me off - with interest!

There's no point speaking to any of the Bith musicians, but trying to speak to either of the Twi'lek dancers suggests you didn't lose anything other than money (and dignity):

[The musician is too busy playing to pay any attention to you.]
Twi'lek Dancer: You may be a big celebrity and all, but I'm trying to earn a living here! Twi'lek Dancer: You may be a big celebrity and all, but I'm trying to earn a living here!
Twi'lek Dancer: Don't bother me while I'm working... I get paid to dance, not to talk.

Tap Room[edit | edit source]

The bar to the west is frequented by a couple of Sith patrons, a couple of Taris citizens and a noble youth, all tended by a waiter.

I'm sorry. I'm too busy to talk. I have to get these drink orders to the customers!
Noble Youth
Do I know you? No? Then why are you speaking to me?
Why do you poor folk always smell so funny?
Are you our waiter? Gana's buying tonight. Talk to her to get my order.
Sith Patrons
Taris isn't such a bad place. I've been stationed in worse places than this during my commission. If you're here to complain about the quarantine don't waste your breath. There's nothing I can do about it. I just follow the orders I'm given.
This Tarisian ale is fantastic! We should have conquered this planet ages ago! I'm not here to chat. I just finished a long shift at the military base and now I'm just looking to relax.
This cantina isn't the fanciest joint I've ever been in, but it's a good place to unwind after a hard shift at the military base. Let me enjoy my drink in peace, and I won't have to run you in for questioning.

There's also Gana Lavin, standing by the south wall.

Gana Lavin: Where did you get those clothes – a trash compactor in the Lower City? And where are those drinks we ordered?
1. Sorry, I'm not your waiter. 2. Who are you and why are you bossing me around? 3. Order? I have no clue what you're talking about.
Carth: *whisper* Careful what you say. I get the feeling this spoiled brat could cause us more trouble than she's worth.
Gana Lavin: Why is the help here so incompetent? One word from Daddy and I could get you fired!
Easy 1. [Persuade] I'm sorry, don't get upset. I'll go get that drink.
Gana Lavin: [Success] That's better! Now hurry up with our order!
Waiter: Here are your drinks, Miss Lavin. I apologize for the delay.
Gana Lavin: Don't bother me... I don't speak to the help.

This is the only outcome that avoids violence once you walk out of the cantina. Otherwise:

Gana Lavin: [Failure] It's too late for apologies! Daddy's going to hear about this! You'll lose your job for sure! 2. I don't even work here! 3. Shut up, you spoiled brat!
Gana Lavin: How dare you speak to me like that! Daddy's going to hear about this!

She runs off and out of the cantina. If you follow, you'll catch up with her just before the entrance to the Equipment Emporium, where she's now flanked on each side by a Rodian thug, both of whom attack you on sight (unfortunately Lavin herself takes no part).

You need a lesson on how to treat your social betters. Maybe you'll think twice before mocking me next time!
Lavin Thug
Class Soldier
Level 2
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 10 0
Dexterity 10 0
Constitution 10 0
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 10 0
Charisma 10 0
Vitality 8
Defense 10
Fortitude 3
Reflex 0
Will 0
Awareness 0
Ranged Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Melee Main Off
Attack 2 -
Piercing 1-10-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats
Vibroblade Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons
Experience Points (XP) Received: Item(s) Received Lavin Thug (2)
Help! Daddy!

She runs off and disappears in the direction of the apartments, never to be seen again.