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Completing the Upper City cantina's duel ring is optional, but you earn credits and experience for doing so, and becoming Taris Dueling Champion also gives you a chance to collect Bendak's Bounty (moving closer to the dark side of the Force since it's a deathmatch), and his blaster. However, it's better to wait until you've explored more of Taris while completing the search for Bastila, getting more items and experience levels.

The duel ring is a large circular room with nowhere to hide from your opponent.

After speaking to Ajuur, the Duel Organizer in the lobby on the south side of the Upper City cantina, and telling him you'll step into the duel ring:

Ajuur: Good – new blood for the ring! But you need a nickname, like Ice or Deadeye or Twitch. Good nicknames make people bet more. Hmmm... what's a good name for you? You're an off-worlder. You're new here, people won't recognize you... I know! From now on in the duel ring you'll be the Mysterious Stranger!
1. The Mysterious Stranger. I like it. 2. That's a terrible name! 3. My name is Name. I think that sounds better than a nickname.
Ajuur: Bah – what do you know about nicknames? I've been giving names for twenty years! Mysterious Stranger – that's your name now.
Ajuur: The Mysterious Stranger is a perfect name for you. You've got no past, no history... it makes you seem like you have some big, dark secret. People like that. Makes them bet more.
Carth: This is for the best. We could use the credits from these duels, but using your real name is too risky. The Sith might have come across a crew manifest back on the Endar Spire.
Ajuur: You ready for a duel now? You want to step into the ring right away? I'll set you up with Deadeye Duncan to start. I'll tell you the rules if you're ready.
2. I'm not ready for the match yet.
Ajuur: Not ready? You look ready to me! Why are you here if you don't want to fight? You don't get paid if you don't fight! Come on... are you sure you don't want to step into the ring?
3. I want to ask you some questions.
Ajuur: Questions? Bah. I don't have time for questions. They don't make me any credits! I want you to fight, not to ask questions. So, are you ready to step into the ring?
4. Goodbye.
Ajuur: I have big plans for your next match, tiny human. You come back when you want to fight.
Journal Entry Added The Duel Ring
You've agreed to join the Taris dueling circuit. The non-lethal duels seem quite popular with the spectators, and you sense the chance for substantial profit. Whenever you want a duel, all you have to do is speak to Ajuur.

The duel ring is to the southeast of the Upper City cantina; when you duel, any party remains in the lobby.

Security Arena Door Unlock 100 (80) Bash Resist - Vitality -

The arena door in the north wall of the dueling arena cannot be opened once a duel has begun: you have no choice but to fight until one of you drops. Regardless of the outcome, after each duel you return to the lobby. There's no need to heal if you duel again, since you always begin each duel fully healed. You can speak to Ajuur again:

Ajuur: Good fight, good fight. People like you, Mysterious Stranger. They bet a lot when you fight. It makes me happy... and rich.

If you won, you receive your percentage of the purse. If you lost, you can get a rematch:

Ajuur: I always pay my debts. You won, so you get paid. Ten percent of the purse – that was the deal. Here's your credits. You come see me when you're ready to fight again.
Ajuur: Too bad you lost, though. I don't pay you for losing. But I'll give you a rematch if you want one. What do you say?
1. Give me a rematch. 2. No – not right now.
Ajuur: Yes – rematch! People always bet lots on a rematch! And who knows, Stranger... maybe you'll even win this time. Ajuur: I hope you're not giving up, Stranger. You lost this time, but maybe next time you'll win. You come speak to me if you ever want a rematch.
Ajuur: You lost last time, but maybe this time fortune will smile on you. I'll give you a rematch and a chance to redeem yourself.

The rewards for winning each duel are as follows:

Duelist Duncan Gerlon Ice Marl Twitch Total
Experience 55 80 105 125 155 520
Credits 100 200 300 400 500 1500

Although the Upper City Cantina may be the third area you visit after leaving your Hideout, and you may be able to win the first couple of duels even if you're still level 2 and playing on Difficult, it's better to return after completing the search for Bastila and meeting Canderous here about escaping Taris. Exploring Taris up to that point allows you to get many items that make later duels more manageable, particularly if you're saving levels:

If you pause game the second the duel announcer finishes and you enter the arena, combat mode won't have engaged yet and you can use your Energy Shield and as many Stimulants as you deem necessary (unfortunately they're always canceled after a duel). Otherwise, you can only use one item in each combat round (remember to do so using the Inventory screen rather than wasting a round using the action menu).

You may have low chance to hit your opponent, particularly if your character isn't combat-oriented or you're saving levels, or both. If this is the case, ranged weapons are advised since a future Jedi Consular or other Force user may have neglected Strength entirely while having moderate to high Dexterity as a secondary attribute.

If you move close enough to your opponent, the Close Proximity Ranged Bonus adds 10 to your Attack roll (check Feedback to confirm that you're close enough). Of course, the same bonus affects a ranged opponent, or a melee opponent receives a melee on ranged bonus adding 10 to their attack roll. It's possible to be close enough to receive the bonus without prompting a ranged opponent to draw a melee weapon, and you can use Energy Shields to absorb blaster fire.

Your chance to hit your opponent can also be improved by debilitating them with a Concussion Grenade. All duelists are Soldiers, which means their Will save is their lowest:

Duelist Duncan Gerlon Ice Marl Twitch Bendak
Will save -1 3 3 4 5 6
Save failure 75% 55% 55% 50% 45% 40%

If their Will saves fail, they're debilitated for 9 seconds or 3 rounds, during which time a debilitated penalty of -4 is included in Defense, and Dexterity modifier is excluded:

Duelist Duncan Gerlon Ice Marl Twitch Bendak
Defense 13 15 17 17 19 21
Debilitated 10 10 10 10 13 16

If you're a Scoundrel, this is a perfect opportunity for Sneak Attacks. Once debilitated, Dexterity modifier is also excluded from their Reflex saves:

Duelist Duncan Gerlon Ice Marl Twitch Bendak
Reflex save -1 2 4 5 6 8
Debilitated 0 1 1 2 2 4

This will make them less likely to save against the damage of Frag and Plasma Grenades. Their low Will saves also make them less likely to save against Sonic Grenades, which inflict -6 Dexterity for 30 seconds: this results in -3 Attack (with ranged weapons), Defense and Reflex saves, and the effects of multiple Sonic Grenades can stack, making it even less likely that they'll save against Frag and Plasma Grenade damage.

Using Grenades of any kind is only recommended against ranged or debilitated melee opponents, since active melee opponents either run out of their area of effect in the interval between throwing and exploding, or you'll be within the area of effect as well.

If you're too fragile for melee combat, you can maintain distance by running around the arena perimeter: every quarter revolution, pause game and fire, then resume running before repeating. You should be able to maintain distance without needing the 20% speed bonus of an Adrenal Alacrity stimulant (although Dexterity: +4 adds 2 to your attack roll).

If you have the Demolitions skill, setting recovered or store-bought Mines is another option against melee opponents, although only Marl is exclusively melee (all the others have ranged options, which they'll use in preference to chasing you when you're too far away). Rank 14 is required to be absolutely certain of setting Minor mines in combat, and those set in earlier duels will remain there for later ones, allowing you to prepare for Marl if you want.

Deadeye Duncan[edit | edit source]

Marl: Duncan? Worst duelist ever. His nickname is Deadeye because he fights like he's blind! I wouldn't worry about him.
Duel Spectator: Why doesn't Duncan just give the sport up? He's terrible.

Speak to Ajuur and tell him you're ready for a duel:

Ajuur: Ah, Mysterious Stranger... I knew you'd be back. They all come back.
Ajuur: You've come for a duel, right? I can set up a match and we'll make some money, yes? You get ten percent of the purse if you win.
Ajuur: You want to step into the ring now? Are you ready to prove yourself against the best duelists on Taris?
1. I'm ready for a duel.
Ajuur: Yes! You fight and people bet and I make money! It's all good. Only one rule – nobody dies. Your opponent goes down, you don't finish them off. Death matches are illegal now. You new at this, so I'll start you off easy. You get to fight Deadeye Duncan. Are you ready to go into the ring now?
2. I've changed my mind.
Ajuur: You say you're ready, then you change your mind? Is this a joke to you? I don't have time for jokes – they don't make me any money! Come back when you're ready to fight.
1. Let's do it.
Duel Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, draw your eyes to the center ring! We have a very special presentation in store for you:
Duel Announcer: You've seen him lose night after night after night. But this time, he's after fresh meat. In this corner I give you Deadeye Duncan!
Duel Announcer: And in the other corner, a relative newcomer to the Taris dueling scene. Emerging from the shadows with no history, no past and no name... the Mysterious Stranger!
Deadeye Duncan
Class Soldier
Level 1
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 10 0
Dexterity 8 -1
Constitution 10 0
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 8 -1
Charisma 10 0
Vitality 8
Defense 13
Fortitude 2
Reflex -1
Will -1
Awareness -1
Ranged Main Off
Attack 0 -
Energy 1-6-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Melee Main Off
Attack 1 -
Piercing 1-6-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats
Combat Suit + Blaster Pistol Short Sword Armor Proficiency: Light Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Pistol Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons

Duncan really lives up to his reputation. Even at level 2 on Difficult, you shouldn't lose to him unless you're actually trying to throw the match (maybe because you feel sorry for him?). If you do lose:

Duel Announcer: The Stranger is down! The Mysterious Stranger is down!
Duel Announcer: This is unbelievable, folks! Deadeye Duncan has won a fight! Is it possible we have a new contender for the title of worst duelist ever? Only time – and a possible rematch – will tell!

Deadeye Duncan's reaction will quickly extinguish any pity:

Deadeye Duncan: Back for more, eh? I thought you would have learned your lesson by now: don't step into the dueling ring with Deadeye Duncan!
2. I want to ask you some questions.
Deadeye Duncan: Questions? Ha! I don't think so, Stranger! You don't get to ask me questions; I beat you in the ring – I OWN you!
1. I want a rematch! 3. Goodbye.
Deadeye Duncan: I may have lost 54 consecutive matches before I beat you, but I figure I've got your number! You want to step into the ring again, just tell the duel organizer to set it up! 3. Yeah yeah, off you go. Run away like the coward you are!

If When you win:

Duel Announcer: It's over! The fight is over! The Mysterious Stranger has won!
Duel Announcer: But really, are any of us surprised? Deadeye losing isn't news. You have to do better than that to impress us, Stranger!
Journal Entry Added The Duel Ring
You've claimed your first victory in the dueling ring by defeating Deadeye Duncan. Unfortunately, Duncan's lack of ability is legendary, so hardly anyone is impressed by your victory.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 55 Defeated Deadeye Duncan
Credits Received: 100

Always speak to Ajuur to receive your percentage of the purse. It's your turn to gloat, should you feel like it:

Deadeye Duncan: What do you want? Oh, let me guess – you beat me in the dueling ring and now you're here to rub it in my face! Yeah well, I'm used to it. So pardon me if I ignore your gloating.
1. I want to ask you some questions. 2. Wow – you sure have a bad attitude.
Deadeye Duncan: Questions? I don't have to answer your questions just because you beat me in the ring! Deadeye Duncan: Gee, I wonder why? Couldn't have anything to do with being the WORST duelist on Taris, could it? Even a rookie like you got the better of me!
Deadeye Duncan: Look, I admit it – you're better than me. Everyone is better than me! A blindfolded, one-legged tach with a rusty knife could probably beat me, okay? Is that what you wanted to hear? You satisfied yet? Are you happy now that you've taken the last shred of dignity I have?
3. Uh… I'll just be going now. 1. Yeah, I'm happy now.
Deadeye Duncan: Oh. Well… okay. Goodbye, then. Deadeye Duncan: Slime-rat.

Speaking to other duelists and duel spectators will put it in perspective, though:

Gerlon Two-Fingers: I saw your match against Duncan. Not bad for a rookie, but Deadeye's a joke. Even after I lost the use of my fingers I can still beat him! Go talk to Ajuur, the Duel Organizer, if you want to step up to the big leagues. I'll show you what it's like to fight a real duelist. Ice: What do you want? Wait, let me guess – now that you're a duelist you figure we have something in common? Something to chat about, right? Wrong! Just because we're both duelists doesn't mean we're suddenly friends. So give me some space, Stranger. I've got nothing more to say to you.
Marl: I see you got your feet wet in the duel ring. Not bad… you've got real talent, kid. Stick with it and you'll go places.
Duel Spectator: You'd think Duncan would want to retire after losing to a raw rookie, but Deadeye is still at it. Gotta admire his persistence, I guess. Duel Spectator: You're not so hot, Stranger. Everybody beats Duncan.
Duel Spectator: I recognize you – you're that new duelist everyone's talking about: the Mysterious Stranger. Duel Spectator: Hey – you're one of the duelists! The one they call the Mysterious Stranger – sure, I know you.
Duel Spectator: Congratulations on your first win. Of course, you beat Duncan so it's nothing to get excited about. Duel Spectator: I couldn't believe Duncan's last match. How could he lose to a raw rookie – no disrespect, of course. Duncan's pathetic!

Gerlon Two-Fingers[edit | edit source]

Marl: Gerlon used to be pretty good, before the accident. His blaster overheated during a match and exploded. One in a million occurrence. Paralyzed three fingers on his right hand. They call him Gerlon Two-Fingers now. He hasn't been the same since the accident, but he's still out here trying to earn a living. That's why I never fight with blasters.
Duel Spectator: Gerlon used to be one of the best in the game. Now he's barely better than old Deadeye Duncan.

Speak to Ajuur and tell him you're ready for a duel:

Ajuur: Ah, Mysterious Stranger… I knew you'd be back. They all come back.
Ajuur: You fought well last time. People like you, Stranger. They bet lots on your last fight. They'll bet more on your next fight. You get ten percent, same as always.
Ajuur: You want to step into the ring now? Are you ready to prove yourself against the best duelists on Taris?
1. I'm ready for a duel.
Ajuur: You handled Duncan pretty well. I think you're ready to fight Gerlon Two-Fingers. Just remember – Gerlon uses blasters in the ring sometimes. You ready to step into the arena?
1. Let's do it.
Duel Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, draw your eyes to the center ring! We have a very special presentation in store for you:
Duel Announcer: In this corner, one of the greats; a man so tough even a disfiguring injury couldn't end his career. I give you Gerlon Two-Fingers!
Duel Announcer: And in the other corner, a relative newcomer to the Taris dueling scene. Emerging from the shadows with no history, no past and no name... the Mysterious Stranger!
Gerlon Two-Fingers
Class Soldier
Level 4
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 13 +1
Dexterity 12 +1
Constitution 10 0
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 15 +2
Charisma 12 +1
Vitality 30
Defense 15
Fortitude 4
Reflex 2
Will 3
Awareness 2
Ranged Main Off
Attack 5 -
Energy 1-6-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Melee Main Off
Attack 5 -
Piercing 2-11-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats
Combat Suit + Blaster Pistol Vibroblade Armor Proficiency: Light Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Pistol Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons

He's more damaging in melee combat, so maintaining distance is advised unless melee combat plays to your strengths as well. However, he shouldn't be difficult to beat even if saving levels on Difficult.

Duel Announcer: It's over! The fight is over! The Mysterious Stranger has won! Duel Announcer: The Stranger is down! The Mysterious Stranger is down!
Duel Announcer: Gerlon losing to a rookie: is this a sign that his injuries have finally caught up with him? Or is the Mysterious Stranger for real? Only time will tell! Duel Announcer: Gerlon Two-Fingers gets the win! And, for a change, it wasn't against Duncan. This has got to be a tough loss for the Mysterious Stranger. Imagine: losing to a crippled opponent!
Journal Entry Added The Duel Ring
Gerlon Two-Fingers has fallen before you in battle, gaining you some measure of respect among aficionados of the sport, though you are still ranked far below the top-ranked duelists.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 80 Defeated Gerlon Two-Fingers
Credits Received: 200

If you speak to Gerlon Two-Fingers or the duel spectators afterwards:

Gerlon Two-Fingers: You beat me fair and square, Stranger. But if I still had the use of my fingers you wouldn't have won! Back before my injury I would've mopped the ring up with you!
Duel Spectator: I wish Bendak Starkiller would get back into the fight game. None of these duelists here can measure up to his legend! Duel Spectator: I saw Bendak Starkiller sitting in the Pazaak room. I wish he'd come out of retirement.

Ice[edit | edit source]

Marl: Ice? Eh, she's not much for personality, but she's a hell of a fighter – confident, steady. Popular with the crowd, too. If you go up against her you know you're in for a tough match.
Duel Spectator: I love watching Ice in the ring! Is there anything more exciting than a woman who's armed and dangerous? Duel Spectator: I love watching Ice fight! She proves this isn't just a man's game!

Speak to Ajuur and tell him you're ready for a duel:

Ajuur: Ah, Mysterious Stranger… I knew you'd be back. They all come back.
Ajuur: You want to set up another fight, right? The ring is in your blood now, like a virus. You need to hear the cheers of the crowd; you need the rush of battle… you need to fight again.
Ajuur: You want to step into the ring now? Are you ready to prove yourself against the best duelists on Taris?
1. I'm ready for a duel.
Ajuur: I think you're ready to go against Ice, human. She's tough, but so are you. There'll be lots of action on the fight… a huge purse! You ready?
1. Let's do it.
Duel Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, draw your eyes to the center ring! We have a very special presentation in store for you:
Duel Announcer: Over in this corner, a woman with steel in her bones and ice water in her veins. She's cold and quick as death itself. You know her, you love her... Ice!
Duel Announcer: And in the other corner, a rising star taking that first step into the big leagues... I give you the Mysterious Stranger!
Class Soldier
Level 5
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 14 +2
Dexterity 16 +3
Constitution 14 +2
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 15 +2
Charisma 12 +1
Vitality 52
Defense 17
Fortitude 6
Reflex 4
Will 3
Awareness 2
Ranged Main Off
Attack 9 -
Energy 1-8-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Melee Main Off
Attack 7 -
Piercing 3-12-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats
Combat Suit + Heavy Blaster Vibroblade Armor Proficiency: Light Weapon Focus: Blaster Pistol Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons Power Blast

Her ranged and melee abilities are fairly balanced, so play to your own strengths. However, if you remain at range then this may be the first duel where using an Energy Shield is advisable, particularly if saving levels or playing on Difficult.

Duel Announcer: It's over! The fight is over! The Mysterious Stranger has won! Duel Announcer: The Stranger is down! The Mysterious Stranger is down!
Duel Announcer: Ice is knocked out cold! Looks like we have a rising star in the Mysterious Stranger, folks: but how high can this star soar? You'll just have to watch and see! Duel Announcer: Ice wins! Once again the Queen of Mean has dispatched her opponent in the ring. Hard luck, Stranger, but Ice is tough. She never goes down easy.
Journal Entry Added The Duel Ring
With your victory over Ice people are beginning to notice your accomplishments in the ring. If you continue to climb the ranks a championship match is inevitable.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 105 Defeated Ice
Credits Received: 300

If you speak to Ice, other duelists or duel spectators afterwards:

Ice: I've never been one to shy away from the cold, hard truth so I'll just come right out and say it: I can't compete with the likes of you, Stranger. I know when I'm overmatched. You're good – very good. But you're wrong if you think that means I'm suddenly going to warm up to you. Truth is, I really don't have anything more to say, so you might as well move on.
Deadeye Duncan: You beat Ice! I've been trying to beat her for years, and you do it just like that! Heh. I can't believe how lucky you are! That's right – I said lucky! Lucky to be born with the kind of talent I've spent a lifetime trying to build. It isn't fair, I tell you!
Marl: Pretty impressive, Stranger, Ice is no pushover. People are starting to take notice of you. They say you're the best thing to come along since Twitch stepped into the ring. If you're going to keep climbing the ranks, then I guess I'm the next on your hit list, kid. I'm looking forward to it.
1. Let's step into the ring, then!
Marl: You don't waste any time, do you? Go talk to Ajuur – he'll set the match up.
Duel Spectator: Can I have your autoprint, Stranger? I'm your biggest fan!
Duel Spectator: Hey, Stranger... I like watching you in the ring. Nothing's more exciting than a woman who isn't afraid to deal out the hurt. It's too bad I'm married... Duel Spectator: Hey, Stranger... I like watching you in the ring. It's enough to make a girl get all flushed.

Marl[edit | edit source]

Marl: Me? I've seen my share of battles. My best years are gone, but I can still hold my own against anyone in here… except maybe Twitch.
Duel Spectator: It's good to see Marl's still around after all these years. He proves this isn't just a young man's game. Duel Spectator: Marl's been around forever. I wonder if he ever thinks about retiring?

Speak to Ajuur and tell him you're ready for a duel:

Ajuur: Ah, Mysterious Stranger… I knew you'd be back. They all come back.
Ajuur: My latest find; my new rising star. We make good team. I'm making money, you're getting famous… it's all good.
Ajuur: You want to step into the ring now? Are you ready to prove yourself against the best duelists on Taris?
1. I'm ready for a duel.
Ajuur: You've got a real talent for this game, Stranger. I think it's time you fought Marl. He's getting up there in years, but he's still very, very good. He used to be the duel champion.
1. Let's do it.
Duel Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, draw your eyes to the center ring! We have a very special presentation in store for you:
Duel Announcer: He's a legend in the sport, a twenty-year veteran who still knows how to show the young kids a trick or two. Let's have a big hand for... Marl!
Duel Announcer: But there's always some young gun coming up to knock the veterans off... and we've got one of the best right here! I give you, the Mysterious Stranger!
Class Soldier
Level 7
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 14 +2
Dexterity 16 +3
Constitution 16 +3
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 15 +2
Charisma 12 +1
Vitality 75
Defense 17
Fortitude 8
Reflex 5
Will 4
Awareness 2
Ranged Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Melee Main Off
Attack 6 0
Slashing 6-206-20
Threat 20-20,x220-20,x2
Items and abilities Feats
Combat Suit Vibro Double-Blade Armor Proficiency: Light Weapon Specialization: Melee Weapons Power Attack Critical Strike9

Marl is an exclusively melee fighter who attacks twice in each combat round. However, although he can hit hard he isn't particularly accurate: if you decide to go toe-to-toe with him equipping a melee weapon of your own, a Republic Mod Armor with Armor Reinforcement (found in the supplies of the Vulkar Gang Boss in the west Lower City apartments), at least 14 Dexterity and an Adrenal Alacrity stimulant give you 20 Defense, enough to give Marl just 35% chance to hit with his first attack (20% if he uses Power Attack) and only 5% chance with his second.

The same armor with Mesh Underlay has Immunity: Mind-Affecting, eliminating the threat of being debilitated if he uses Master Critical Strike. This also allows you to try to debilitate him, since a Concussion Grenade thrown at point-blank range won't affect you. Alternatively, if you're too fragile to risk being in melee range, you can run and gun.

Duel Announcer: It's over! The fight is over! The Mysterious Stranger has won! Duel Announcer: The Stranger is down! The Mysterious Stranger is down!
Duel Announcer: Marl is down, and questions abound! Is this the end for the long-time vet? Is it time for Marl to hang up his spurs? And what of the Mysterious Stranger? Twitch is waiting in the wings... do you dare take a shot at the champion himself? Will the wild-eyed wonder finally be unseated? Duel Announcer: Marl has done it again! Twenty years and still going strong for the veteran. And a hard lesson for the up and coming rookie. Better luck next time, Stranger.
Journal Entry Added The Duel Ring
By defeating Marl, you've solidly staked your claim among the duel ring's elite. In fact, only one fighter stands between you and the title of duel champion... the crazed Rodian, Twitch.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 125 Defeated Marl
Credits Received: 400

If you speak to Marl, Gerlon Two-Fingers or duel spectators afterwards:

Marl: You're good, Stranger… maybe even as good as Bendak in his prime. There's no shame in losing to you. But when you beat me you made me realize something, kid. First it was just Twitch I couldn't handle. Now it's you and Twitch. Pretty soon there'll be another young hotshot clawing past me in the rankings. This game's been good to me, but my time is done. I need to get away from the duel rings for a while, think things over. Goodbye, Stranger – I wish you all the best.
Gerlon Two-Fingers: First I go down to an injury, and now it looks like Marl's been dropped by old age. No room in this game for the veterans anymore, I guess. But don't get cocky, kid! One day it'll happen to you too! Time catches up to us all, sooner or later. Well, everyone except Bendak Starkiller.
Duel Spectator: You gonna fight Twitch soon? I'd love to see that crazy psycho get what's coming to him! Duel Spectator: I guess Twitch is next up for you, eh? Good luck – you'll need it!
Duel Spectator: So when are you going to take on Twitch? He's crazy, but he's fast. Damn fast. Still, I think you can beat him. Duel Spectator: Look - it's the Mysterious Stranger! You're just great! I watch all of your matches!

Twitch[edit | edit source]

Marl: Twitch? I think that Rodian is completely crazy, but he's very, very good despite his insanity. Or maybe because of it. Even I can't beat him.
Duel Spectator: That Twitch is an animal! You couldn't pay me enough to get into the ring with him. Duel Spectator: Twitch is my favourite – he's wild!

Speak to Ajuur and tell him you're ready for a duel:

Ajuur: Ah, Mysterious Stranger… I knew you'd be back. They all come back.
Ajuur: You're getting quite the reputation, stranger. Everyone's excited, they all want to bet on your next match. I'm excited, too… more bets means more credits for me!
Ajuur: You want to step into the ring now? Are you ready to prove yourself against the best duelists on Taris?
1. I'm ready for a duel.
Ajuur: You've beaten almost everyone, human. I think you ready to fight Twitch. Twitch might be crazy, but he's the best in the game. If you beat him, you'll be the new champion.
1. Let's do it.
Duel Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, draw your eyes to the center ring! We have a very special presentation in store for you:
Duel Announcer: Hold on to your seats and stay back from the edges of the ring! He's wild, he's unpredictable, he's borderline psychotic... and he's the best damn duelist in the game today. Give it up for Twitch!
Duel Announcer: But Twitch's opponent plans to take the champion down! Night after night, battle after battle we've watched this young phenom rise through the ranks... In this corner, the challenger for the title of Taris Dueling Champion – the Mysterious Stranger!
Class Soldier
Level 9
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 12 +1
Dexterity 18 +4
Constitution 14 +2
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 15 +2
Charisma 12 +1
Vitality 84
Defense 19
Fortitude 8
Reflex 7
Will 5
Awareness 2
Ranged Main Off
Attack 12 10
Energy 3-113-11
Threat 20-20,x220-20,x2
Melee Main Off
Attack 10 -
Piercing 2-11-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats
Light Battle Armor Heavy Blaster(2) + Vibroblade Armor Proficiency: Medium Weapon Specialization: Blaster Pistol Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons Improved Two-Weapon Fighting Rapid Shot

Twitch favors two Heavy Blasters and he can use Rapid Shot, so closing to melee range and obliging him to draw his Vibroblade is recommended. However, if you're saving levels or have low chance to hit, you may prefer to maintain distance, using Energy Shields to negate his blaster damage and Grenades to inflict it: save any Plasma Grenades for Bendak, and start with Sonic Grenades since they're just as damaging as Frag Grenades but may also inflict -6 Dexterity for 30 seconds, resulting in -3 to his ranged attack rolls, defense and Reflex saves each time his Will save fails. 5-9 Sonic or Frag Grenades (6 on average) should do the job.

Duel Announcer: It's over! The fight is over! The Mysterious Stranger has won! Duel Announcer: The Stranger is down! The Mysterious Stranger is down!
Duel Announcer: Twitch's reign of terror is over! Ladies and gentlemen, we have a new champion – the Mysterious Stranger! Duel Announcer: Twitch has done it! Once again the wild-eyed champion has defended his title! But don't give up, Stranger – we all want to see you go after the champ again!
Journal Entry Added The Duel Ring
Like all the others, Twitch was no match for you in the duel ring. The title of duel champion is yours, by right and by might.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 155 Defeated Twitch

Speak to Ajuur once again to receive your percentage of the purse:

Ajuur: Congratulations, Mysterious Stranger. You're the new duel champion. Twitch had a good run, but you took him down! Here's the purse for beating Twitch. The bad news is that I don't have anyone left who wants to fight you – you're too good for your own good. Nobody wants to go in the ring with you. Ajuur: Mysterious Stranger – why are you here? I don't have anyone who wants to fight you – you're too good for your own good. Nobody wants to go in the ring with you.
Ajuur: The only one left who'll fight you is Bendak Starkiller, but he's retired. Too bad. People would pay a fortune to see you fight Bendak.
Journal Entry Added The Duel Ring
You are the reigning duel champion on Taris, but only by facing the legendary Bendak Starkiller in a death match can you prove yourself the greatest duelist of all time… unless you end up a smoking corpse in the middle of the ring.
Credits Received: 500

If you speak to Twitch, Deadeye Duncan or duel spectators afterwards:

Twitch: You fast, you quick. You even beat Twitch.
Deadeye Duncan: Wow – you're the new champ. Congratulations, I guess. You know, when you started out I actually thought I'd be able to crawl up from my last-place ranking for a while. Shows what I know. Enjoy your time at the top, Stranger. Sooner or later someone will come along to knock you down here with the rest of us grinders!
Duel Spectator: You're good, Stranger. As good as I ever seen – with the exception of Bendak Starkiller, of course. Duel Spectator: I like your style, Stranger. You're the best thing the duel ring's seen since Bendak Starkiller retired!
Duel Spectator: Hey, Stranger... I like watching you in the ring. Nothing's more exciting than a woman who isn't afraid to deal out the hurt. It's too bad I'm married... Duel Spectator: Hey, Stranger... I like watching you in the ring. It's enough to make a girl get all flushed.
Duel Spectator: It's too bad Bendak Starkiller retired - I'd like to see you take him on. Duel Spectator: None of these fighters would stand a chance against Bendak Starkiller!

Bendak's Bounty[edit | edit source]

Marl: What can I say? Bendak was a legend. Never lost a match his entire career. But he was bloodthirsty as an Iridorian battle rager – never liked having to face the same opponent twice. Got so he wouldn't battle anyone unless it was a death match. When they made death matches illegal, he went into retirement. He still hangs around here sometimes. Bendak's the best there ever was, plain and simple. Even now I'd bet that anyone who steps into the ring with him wouldn't make it out alive.

Once you've become Taris Dueling Champion, you can go to Bendak in the northeast corner of the Upper City cantina's Pazaak room and agree to meet him in a deathmatch, giving you an opportunity to kill him and then collect the bounty from Zax in Javyar's cantina in the Lower City.

Bendak Starkiller: Finally – fresh meat! Ajuur will set it all up; go talk to him. It will take some time to arrange, so no point sticking around here until then. I'll be back when it's time for you to die!
Journal Entry Added The Duel Ring
Bendak Starkiller will face you in an illegal death match. The death match will take Ajuur some time to prepare, giving ample opportunity for news of Bendak's return to spread quickly among the people of Taris. But when the battle is over, it's you the people will be talking about... you hope.

To save time, you should follow him out of the cantina and then return, before speaking to Ajuur, the remaining duelists or duel spectators:

Ajuur: I've heard the news, Mysterious Stranger. You and Bendak are planning a death match. This is excellent news… people will bet a fortune on this fight!
Ajuur: But why are you here now? A death match takes time to get ready. I have to bribe officials so they don't break it up. You might as well leave the cantina for now and come back later.
Deadeye Duncan: I heard you challenged Bendak Starkiller. I'll probably watch the fight… but forgive me if I don't go to your funeral.
Gerlon Two-Fingers: You're good, Stranger. I'll give you that. But going up against Bendak is suicide! Even before I lost feeling in my fingers I wouldn't have risked a death match with the Starkiller!
Ice: I heard you're going to fight Bendak Starkiller, Stranger. I'm not one to mince words, so let me just say this: you're dead. He'll kill you, end of story. You think I'm cold and hard, wait until you step into the ring with him. He's a natural born killer. You had great potential, Stranger. Too bad you're going to throw it all away.
Duel Spectator: Ha ha. I don't believe this - you're actually going to fight Bendak Starkiller in a death match! No way I'm going to miss this! Duel Spectator: I hear you're going to fight Bendak Starkiller! This is great – I'm finally going to get to see a real death match!
Duel Spectator: Everybody's talking about the big death match between you and Bendak. I just hope the Sith don't decide to shut it down. Duel Spectator: I hope the authorities don't hear about this death match – they'll shut it down if they find out!

Speaking to Ajuur after returning to the cantina, you're not committed to the death match until you tell him you're ready:

Ajuur: Not many people want to fight a death match anymore. Some are scared, others think it's wrong to kill someone else for credits. I guess that’s why they're illegal now.
1. Maybe it is wrong to take a life just for credits.
Ajuur: What? What are you talking about? No, no, no. I was just making idle chatter, it doesn't mean anything! Bendak is an evil, evil man. Killing him would be a good thing.
2. Sounds like you're just trying to rationalize this. I need to think this over.
Ajuur: Why don't you think this over? Think about all those credits you'll get if you kill Bendak. Then come back and talk to me. I'm confident you'll want to step into the ring.


2. Let's get on with the match! 1. You're right… let's do this!
Ajuur: This fight is different than most, of course. We'll turn off the energy suppressor, so weapons won't be limited – they can kill. Anything goes. So, you ready to fight this match now?
2. I'm not ready yet.
Ajuur: You're not ready? What are you waiting for? Are you scared? Look, don't worry about it. I'll wait. You just come back when you're ready to fight.
1. I'm ready! Dark Side Points Gained: -2
Ajuur: Good. Excellent. High wagering means lots of credits for the winner of this match. Come see me after the fight to collect your credits – if you're still alive.
Duel Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, come with me now on a journey to the savage days of years gone by... to a time when two combatants entered the arena, and only one came out alive. They're illegal, they're banned, they've been outlawed for nearly ten years – but we've got one for you tonight! A good, old-fashioned death match!
Duel Announcer: In this corner, a living legend. A man who's very name would make his opponents shake in their boots… if any of them were still alive. Ha ha ha! Out of retirement for one last battle: Bendak Starkiller!
Duel Announcer: And who would be crazy enough to step into the ring with such a lethal legend? Who would be mad enough to face almost certain death merely for your enjoyment? Ladies and gentlemen, feast your wondering eyes on… the Mysterious Stranger!
Duel Announcer: And now, the moment we've all been waiting for… LET THE DEATH MATCH BEGIN!
Bendak Starkiller
Class Soldier
Level 12
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 16 +3
Dexterity 18 +4
Constitution 18 +4
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 15 +2
Charisma 12 +1
Vitality 148
Defense 21
Fortitude 12
Reflex 8
Will 6
Awareness 2
Ranged Main Off
Attack 17 -
Energy 3-9,+1-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Melee Main Off
Attack 15 -
Piercing 4-13-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats
Mandalorian Armor Damage Resistance vs. Sonic25/- Bendak's Blaster + Plasma Grenade(3) Vibroblade Armor Proficiency: Heavy Weapon Specialization: Blaster Pistol Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons Master Power Blast Master Rapid Shot Master Sniper Shot12 Master Power Attack

The first thing Bendak does is throw his Plasma Grenades. He'll stop once you're in melee range, but if you're too fragile to go toe-to-toe with him then keep moving around the arena until he's thrown all three. Don't even bother trying to pause game and use anything before combat mode engages: instead, throw a grenade yourself, then move, pause, throw another and repeat until Bendak has thrown all three of his: this allows you to damage him for three rounds without taking damage yourself, sparing your shields.

Although, like Twitch, Bendak's ranged attacks look stronger, on balance it's probably better to keep your distance, using Energy Shields to negate his blaster damage and Grenades to inflict it. Don't worry too much about trying to conserve them for later: once you've become a Jedi on Dantooine, you or any other Jedi in your party can select Energy Resistance, and Improved Energy Resistance at level 9, to replace shields, and other Force powers replace grenades as the Saves of your enemies increase to the point where they rarely, if ever, fail to save against them.

However, Bendak's Mandalorian Armor has Damage Resistance: Resist 25/- vs. Sonic, so Sonic Grenades won't damage him and a Concussion Grenade has the same 40% chance to reduce his Reflex save against Frag or Plasma Grenades, but by -4 rather than -3 (although multiple Sonic Grenades may stack). You could have 8 Plasma Grenades of your own, and on average 6-7 will do the job (you may want to start with a Poison Grenade for 4 damage every 3 seconds for 30 seconds, or 40 damage over 10 combat rounds, although there's still 40% chance that Bendak will save and no damage will be inflicted at all).

Duel Announcer: Bendak is down! It's over! It's over! The fight is over! Bendak Starkiller is down! Bendak Starkiller is dead! All hail the Mysterious Stranger, the greatest duelist to ever grace the rings of Taris!
Journal Entry Added The Duel Ring
Bendak is dead, both in the ring and in the minds of the people. Now it is you they talk about: the Mysterious Stranger, the greatest duelist in the history of Taris.
Journal Entry Added Bendak's Bounty
Bendak is dead. Now all you have to do is go back to Zax and collect his bounty.
Experience Points (XP) Received:

Speak to Ajuur to receive your percentage of the purse:

Ajuur: Bendak Starkiller's dead! I don't believe it! Bendak never loses… that was an amazing duel! Best duel I've ever seen!
1. Glad you enjoyed it. Now where's my share of the purse? 2. I know, I know – I'm a living legend. Now, what about my cut? 3. Cut the flattery – just get to my credits.
Ajuur: You've done well, Stranger. I'm pleased. Very pleased. Here are your credits. Plus, I'll give you Bendak's blaster pistol as bonus as a sign of my appreciation.
1. Thank you, Ajuur. That's very generous of you. Medium 2. [Persuade] I think I deserve a little extra for putting my life on the line.
Ajuur: [Failure] I always pay my debts, but if you get more then all the duelists will want more. We had a deal – ten percent. I expect you to honor it.
1. Okay, I'll take the ten percent.
Ajuur: Everyone will be talking about you now, Stranger. They're all going to know you were the one who killed Bendak Starkiller. You're famous now.
Item(s) Received Ajuur Credits Received: 700

Otherwise, more credits are received if you're persuasive, or you're willing to move closer to the dark side of the Force:

Medium 2. [Persuade] I think I deserve a little extra for putting my life on the line.
Ajuur: [Success] Very well, Stranger. I like you, and this was a special fight. Biggest purse I've ever handled! I'll give you a little bonus this one time only. Ajuur: [Failure] I always pay my debts, but if you get more then all the duelists will want more. We had a deal – ten percent. I expect you to honor it.
2. Pay up, you overgrown slug, or I'll tell people you went back on our deal! Your reputation will be ruined!
Ajuur: Everyone will be talking about you now, Stranger. They're all going to know you were the one who killed Bendak Starkiller. You're famous now. Dark Side Points Gained: -2
Ajuur: You'd lie about me? Maybe it would have been better if Bendak had killed you in that ring. But you're still alive, and I can't afford to have a new legend disparaging my reputation. Okay, you win. Here's another 200 credits… more than fair. Now don't be accusing me of not paying my fighters; I've got a reputation to protect!
Item(s) Received Ajuur Credits Received: 900

If you speak to him, the remaining duelists or duel spectators afterwards:

Ajuur: Mysterious Stranger – why are you here? I don't have anyone who wants to fight you – you're too good for your own good. Nobody wants to go in the ring with you.
Ajuur: The only one who'd fight you was Bendak Starkiller, but you killed him. Now I'll never find anyone to fight you. I'm sorry to say, but your dueling career is over, Stranger.
Deadeye Duncan: This is great! You beat Bendak – you're a legend! Whenever anyone asks I can say I was the first duelist the Mysterious Stranger ever beat in the ring! I'm going to be famous!
Gerlon Two-Fingers: I didn't think you had a chance against Bendak, but you sure showed me. You showed us all. Too bad your career as a duelist is over now. I mean, nobody's going to be stupid enough to go up against you anymore – not even Twitch! Kind of funny, isn't it? You win the big match, and you kill your career!
Ice: Congratulations, Stranger. I never thought anyone would beat Starkiller. Did you know it was because of him that I became a duelist in the first place? As a little girl I used to dream of meeting him one day. When I finally did, the guy was a complete slime ball. Made me realize I had to be cold and ruthless to survive, like him. And now he's dead. There's probably a lesson in there somewhere. Something for me to think about, at least. Congratulations again, Stranger… and goodbye.
Duel Spectator: I never thought anyone would ever beat Bendak. A hundred years from now people will still be talking about you! Duel Spectator: You beat Bendak Starkiller! I can't believe it… you actually beat him!
Duel Spectator: Hey – it's the Mysterious Stranger! Great match against Bendak Starkiller – truly one for the ages. Duel Spectator: I never saw a death match before. I thought it would be exciting but it was actually kind of gross…

Now all that remains is to go to Zax in the Bounty Office of Javyar's cantina in the Lower City to collect Bendak's bounty...