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After entering from Upper City South for the first time, you need to get the Sith Armor from the North Apartments opposite, in the northeast, to fool the Sith guarding the Upper City elevator to the northwest so that you can use it to go down to the Lower City. An encounter with drunk men midway between the east and west ends can be avoided by staying on the south side of the walkway, but if you don't then it can move you closer to the light or dark side of the Force.

There's no need to visit Droids by Janice to the southwest or the Sith Base to the northwest before completing the search for Bastila in the Lower City and Undercity, and an encounter with Gorton Colu at the west junction may be more interesting once you can return with Mission and Zaalbar from the Undercity.

Map of the north Upper City

Upper City South[edit | edit source]

You enter from Upper City South in the southeast corner of Upper City North, which is patrolled by Sith troopers and populated with a couple of protocol droids and Taris citizens like the men in Upper City South, but there are also another Taris citizen, a couple of Taris merchants, and a child who may comment, but cannot be engaged in dialog:

Taris Citizen
I hear there's a gang war between the Hidden Beks and the Black Vulkars raging in the lower city.
I hear the crime lord Davik has a ship that can break through the Sith blockade.
That new mercenary working for Davik - I heard he's a Mandalorian! I wonder if he fought in the Mandalore Wars?
I'm just an ordinary citizen minding his own business. Really... you Sith don't have to worry about me.
Hey - didn't you just win the big swoop bike race in the Lower City? Yes, it was you, I'm sure! That race was amazing!
Have you got your tickets for Bendak Starkiller's return to the duel ring? I hear it's going to be an illegal death match!
Check this out... we've got a real live celebrity here. The Mysterious Stranger mixing with the common folk!
Taris Merchant
The Sith wouldn't be so bad if they'd let us leave the planet. This quarantine is killing my business!
I'm in the wrong business... Davik's got a piece of everyone's action. I should have been a crime lord, too! Ha-ha!
Huh... if the Sith cared anything about us, they'd stop that gang war in the Lower City.
My "protection" costs have doubled in the last week. Ever since that Mandalorian started working for the Exchange, Davik's been cracking down on all his Underworld operations.
Please... don't hurt me! I'm just a simple merchant. I... I don't want anything to do with you Sith. Please, just leave me alone.
Have you got your tickets for Bendak Starkiller's return to the duel ring? I hear it's going to be an illegal death match!
You beat Bendak Starkiller! Nobody's ever beaten Bendak! Ah, I wouldn't believe it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes!
Is you one of the Sith? My daddy says the Sith are nothing but bullies. You don't look like a bully.
My Momma says I have to stay out of the Lower City. That's where bad people live.
You ever seen a swoop bike? I seen them at the races sometimes. They go fast and make lots of noise!
You're one of them Sith, ain't you? My mommy says I'm not supposed to talk to you.

Apartments[edit | edit source]

The exit to the North Apartments is directly opposite the entrance from Upper City South, to the north (as you'd expect). Whether you've come here directly or after being invited to a party by Sarna or Yun Genda in the Upper City Cantina, this should be your first destination upon arrival in Upper City North.

After opening the Upper City elevator to access the Lower City, an Ithorian and a taunting boy and girl appear here. As you approach them, the Ithorian speaks to you, giving you a chance to receive a small amount of experience and move closer to the light side of the Force:

Ithorian: Please, human – I am injured and in need of assistance. These human children keep hitting and kicking me. I cannot reason with them, but if I fight back I could be arrested.
Taunting Boy: Get out of here you goggle-eyed freak! You're too ugly for the Upper City!
Taunting Girl: Yeah – go back where you came from! We don't want your kind up here!
Ithorian: Unh! Please – human! Help me! Maybe these offspring of your species will listen to you.

The Ithorian is saved if you get involved, or Mission, Bastila or Carth do so if you don't:

1. Sorry – I don't want to get involved! Taunting Boy: Yeah – why would a human want to help you, freak?

Mission has the most robust response:

Mission: Hey! You aren't going to just let them keep hurting him, are ya?
Taunting Boy: You're a freak, too! Why don't you get outta here, ya freaks!!
Zaalbar: Away with you children! RRAWWWWRR!! Mission: You want me to come over there and kick your little butts?! That's it... now you're in for it!!
Taunting Boy: Ahh!! Run for it!

In her absence, Bastila and Carth can get involved:

Bastila: I will not stand here and let that poor man be stoned! You there, children... leave him alone! Carth: Hey, aren't you...? Hey, hey stop that, you kids! Leave him alone! 2. Hey – you kids! Leave the Ithorian alone!
Taunting Girl: Why do you care what happens to some scummy alien? He's just a freak!
Taunting Boy: Yeah – he isn't even supposed to be in the Upper City!
Light Side Points Gained: +2
1. Fine – I don't want to get involved. 3. Get out of here you punks or you'll be the ones in pain!
2. Just because he's different doesn't give you the right to attack him! Bastila: Well I will. You children get away... just because he is different does not give you the right to attack him! Carth: Well, I will. You kids... get lost before I kick your sorry butts! Now, now beat it!
Taunting Boy: Come on – let's go. I don't want to listen to this alien lover anymore! Taunting Boy: Ahh!! Run for it!
Ithorian: Among my people many believe all the Sith are cruel and heartless, but I see now that is not true.

Otherwise, you can move closer to the light side of the Force at the cost of a Medpac:

Ithorian: Thank you, human. I was returning from a visit with a work associate when those child humans attacked me and chased me through the streets.
1. You should be okay now. I'm glad I could help. 2. You look hurt. Here, I've got a medpac. Let me help you. 3. Do you have any kind of reward for me helping you?
Light Side Points Gained: +4
Ithorian: You are too kind, human. I thank you for your generosity. Most of your kind here on Taris care little for aliens like myself. Ithorian: I am sorry, human. I wish I had a reward to give you to show my appreciation for your intervention, but I have no suitable reward on my person.
Ithorian: Once more, thank you for saving me from those human children. I must take leave of you now. My life mate will be wondering where I am.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 60 Drove away kids taunting the Ithorian

If no one gets involved, the boy kills the Ithorian before running away:

1. Sorry – I don't want to get involved! 1. Fine – I don't want to get involved.
Taunting Boy: Yeah – why would a human want to help you, freak?
Taunting Boy: Take that you alien scum!
Taunting Girl: Wow! You got him good that time! Hey - I think he's dead! Let's get out of here!

Drunk Men[edit | edit source]

When traveling between the east and west ends of Upper City North, you'll notice a multicultural trio of drunk men on the north side of the walkway. You can use the south side of the walkway to avoid them, but approaching them gives you a chance to move closer to the light or dark side of the Force (and in the latter case receive a small number of credits), unless someone is equipping Sith Armor:

Drunk Man: Woo, hey, look at this... it's the Shith! [hic] Oh no, I'm sho shcared! Hoo hoo hoo.
Drunk Man: Careful... don't do anything shtupid! [hic] We don't want no trouble with the Shith. [hic]
Drunk Man: Uh... yeah. You're right. [hic] Shorry about this, Shithy. [hic] Come on fellas, let's go.

They all run off to the east and disappear to the south. Otherwise:

Drunk Man: What is thish planet coming to, huh? [hic] Shlummies walkin' around the Upper City!
Drunk Man: Shouldn't you go back to the Lower Cities where you belong, shlummie?
Carth: Well, this is rich.
Drunk Man: Yeah, like he said, these streets are for the Upper City citizens! You better get out of our way if you know what's good for you!
Always 1. [Persuade] Hey, guys, we can all be friends here. Let me buy you a drink. Always 2. [Persuade] You'd better think twice about what you're doing. This might be more than you can handle.
Light Side Points Gained: +2
Drunk Man: [Success] a drink? Hey – for a shlummie you ain't so bad! Come on boys – this shlummie's buying the next round! Drunk Man: [Success] Uh... c'mon, fellas. This shlummie ain't worth the bother.
Drunk Man: No way! Forget it! No more drinksh! We're late enough as it is.
Drunk Man: Uh... yeah. I guess you're right. Maybe next time, shlummie. [hic] Come on fellas, let's go.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 60 Avoided fight with drunk men

They all wander to the east and stop at the junction. If you speak to them again:

Drunk Man: [The drunk waves sheepishly at you, but doesn't speak. He seems to be having trouble standing.]


3. If you're trying to pick a fight, you've got one! Dark Side Points Gained: -2
Drunk Man: Hey, this shlummie's got a mouth!
Carth: Oh, great. We're fighting the drunks, are we? Man, do they stink.
Drunk Man: You talk big, shlummie! Maybe you should show us a little more reshpect!
Drunk Man: Time to teach you a lesson, shlummie! [hic] Maybe you'll think twice about coming up into our turf!
Drunk Men
Class Soldier
Level 1
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 8 -1
Dexterity 8 -1
Constitution 8 -1
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 15 +2
Charisma 12 +1
Vitality 4
Defense 9
Fortitude 1
Reflex -1
Will 2
Awareness 2
Ranged Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Melee Main Off
Attack 0 -
Piercing 0-5-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats
Clothing + Short Sword Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons

Any nearby Sith troopers may attack them, but you still receive experience if any drunk man is killed as a result (although this won't be recorded in Feedback).

Experience Points (XP) Received:

Droids by Janice[edit | edit source]

Droids by Janice is at the west end of Upper City North: turn south at the T-junction and open the door labeled Droid Shop to enter. Three incomplete droids are in bays in the south wall, while Janice Nall, a female Twi'lek, stands in a kiosk in the west wall with two utility droids to the left.

There's no need to come here until you've completed the search for Bastila, but buying T3-H8 gives you a chance to receive some experience, and perhaps receive a few more credits and move closer to the dark side of the Force:

Janice Nall: A customer? Come in, come in. Janice Nall at your service. Welcome to my droid and droid supply shop. Always good to see a new face – customers are hard to come by. A lot of the Taris citizens won't even come in here; they refuse to shop at a store owned by a Twi'lek.
1. What do they have against Twi'leks? 2. I'd like to see what you have in stock.
Janice Nall: They don't like aliens much here in Upper Taris. They tolerate us Twi'leks, but they'd rather see us as dancers in the cantina than successful business owners.
Carth: You'd think people would be a little more tolerant of others in this day and age. *sigh* I guess stupidity and ignorance will never go out of style.
Janice Nall: You'll see a few aliens around, but most of the non-humans stick to the Lower City. I've learned not to dwell on it. though. I try to stay focused on running my store.
Janice Nall: My selection is a bit limited right now – the Sith confiscated all my assault droids. But I've got a utility droid you might find interesting.
1. Utility droids? What do they do?
Janice Nall: What don't they do? They're great at making vehicle repairs, for starters. Pretty handy to have in a fight – small, but tough with a surprising amount of firepower. And there's no better code breaker or security system slicer around... not that I'd ever condone you doing anything illegal, of course.
1. Let me see your droids.

You can also ask her to let you see what she's got for sale, in her inventory:

Janice Nall: Back again, I see. Well, I've never turned a potential customer away yet. You interested in seeing what I have in stock? Janice Nall: Oh... hello. Uh... welcome to my shop. Of course the Sith are always welcome here. Would you like to see my inventory?
2. Let me see what you've got for sale. 1. Let me see what you have for sale.
Janice Nall: You want to see my inventory, or are you here to buy a utility droid? My prices are very reasonable, and all my droids come with a money back guarantee.
2. Let me see your inventory. Janice Nall: Of course. Right away, your Sithness.
Janice Nall: My inventory is a bit limited because of the quarantine, but if you need anything to do with droids or computers this is still the place to shop.
Janice Nall
Buy Item Cost Amount Buy Item Cost Amount
Repair Kit 25 Infinite Sensor Probe 500 Infinite
Computer Spike 250 Infinite Computer Probe 500 Infinite
Parts 200 Infinite Security Interface Tool 500 Infinite
Droid Light Plating Type 2 150 Infinite Environment Shield Level 1 350 Infinite
Droid Light Plating Type 1 75 Infinite Stun Ray 300 Infinite
Basic Targeting Computer 500 Infinite Shield Disruptor 300 Infinite

You can ask her some questions about Taris as well, although this isn't necessary:

2. I want to ask you some questions.
Janice Nall: Questions? But... I don't know anything. If I did, I'd tell you right away. I've got no secrets from the Sith.


Janice Nall: Have you heard the news? Bendak Starkiller is coming out of retirement to fight in a death match. Everybody's trying to get tickets to see it. I've never understood why people always want to watch each other get killed. Droids don't think that way. Maybe that's why I like them better than people. Janice Nall: I heard Bendak Starkiller finally met his match. I can't say I'm surprised - he was getting on in years. People start to lose their edge as they get older. That's the nice thing about droids. A yearly maintenance check and a few replacement parts here and there and they can last forever.
3. I want to ask you some questions. 2. I want to ask you more some more questions.
Janice Nall: I don't know if I can help you with your questions – I don't get out much. I prefer spending time with my droids to mingling with the Taris citizens. But I'll try to help you out.
1. Do you know anything about those escape pods that crashed here on Taris?
Janice Nall: People are saying a few of the pods crashed down in the Undercity. I blame it on human error – a droid wouldn't lose control of the ship like that. Anything else?
2. I was wondering how you feel about the Sith?
Janice Nall: I don't think much of them since they came and seized most of my droids. I guess they were afraid of someone using my droids against them. Or maybe they wanted to use my droids for themselves. There's no such thing as a bad droid, but sometimes they fall in with bad owners.
3. I need some general information on Taris.
Janice Nall: Well, I don't know exactly what to tell you. Stick to the Upper City and you should be okay, as long as you don't do anything foolish to draw the attention of the Sith. Some of the Upper City citizens are biased against aliens – makes it tough for me to run my store – but a human like you shouldn't run into any problems. I wouldn't recommend going down into the Lower City unless you have business with Davik or something like that. The place is overrun with swoop gangs.
1. Swoop gangs? What can you tell me about them?
Janice Nall: They're nothing but a bunch of thugs! Things didn't used to be so bad when the Hidden Beks were in charge – I even sold some droids to them. But now the Black Vulkar gang is making a bid for control of the Lower City. The place has become a war zone. Even some of Davik's people are getting killed off.
2. What do you know about Davik?
Janice Nall: Davik Kang's a dangerous man. If it's illegal on Taris, he's got a hand in it. And I heard he's a member of the Exchange – you know, the intergalactic crime syndicate. I'd stay out of Davik's business if I were you. If you cross Davik you'll learn that his men are even more dangerous than the swoop gangs.
4. I'll be going now. 3. I'll be going now.
Janice Nall: Maybe I'll see you around later. Don't forget my store motto: if you need droid parts, Janice Nall is your gal! Janice Nall: Oh... alright then. Goodbye. Please... please do come again. I... I mean it. Really. I've got nothing against you Sith.

Purchasing a Droid[edit | edit source]

Janice Nall: I've only got two droids left: a re-built T3-H8 unit for 50 credits and a top-of-the-line T3-M4 model with all the options. But he's not for sale. Janice Nall: All I've got left is this T3-M4 unit. Excellent codebreaker. Fantastic security, programming and droid repair skills. A good amount of firepower, too.
2. Tell me about that top-of-the-line T3-M4 droid.
Janice Nall: The T3-M4 is the best utility droid ever built: top-notch codebreaker; expert security, programming and droid repair skills. He's even got the firepower to be handy in battle.
Janice Nall: This little guy is the absolute top of the line... but he's not for sale. He's a custom job I'm holding for a very special buyer. Sorry.
Journal Entry Added Purchasing a Droid
You're interested in purchasing a T3-M4 droid, but unfortunately it's being held for another buyer. There is nothing you can do about it for now.

You can only buy T3-H8 if you have 50 credits and haven't already bought T3-M4:

1. I'll take the T3-H8 unit. Here's 50 credits. 2. I don't have 50 credits.
Janice Nall: You know a bargain when you see one. This little guy's as reliable as used droids get. I did the reconditioning on him myself! Don't worry... he'll follow you everywhere! Is there anything else you need? Janice Nall: Well, I'm not going to drop the price on that model. At 50 credits it's already a bargain. If you can't afford it, you can't afford it.
Credits Lost: 50 Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 110 Bought T3-H8 utility droid
Beep. Click. Whirr. Grind. Beep.

As T3-H8 crosses the threshold of the shop as you leave, it explodes. Naturally, you return to Janice to get a refund:

Janice Nall: Welcome back to my shop. Hey – where's that little T3-H8 unit I sold you?
1. It blew up. I came to get my money back. 2. That thing was a piece of junk! You ripped me off!
Janice Nall: It blew up? Huh, I thought I'd taken care of that little cross-wiring problem. Well, don't worry – I run an honest business here. Janice Nall: Now just settle down. There's no need to get upset – I run an honest business here.
Janice Nall: I don't have to give you a refund, but I don't want to lose a customer. Here... have your 50 credits back. No hard feelings, right?
1. No hard feelings. Medium 2. [Persuade] I think you should give me something extra for all the trouble.
Janice Nall: Glad to hear you're being reasonable. You have to understand that I'm trying to run a business here. Now, is there anything else you need? Janice Nall: [Failure] What? I offer you a full refund and you want more? Business is tough enough as it is... you should be glad I'm giving you a refund at all!
1. Fine... just give me the 50 credits.
Janice Nall: Glad to hear it. I can't afford to make my customers unhappy... business is tough enough as it is. So, anything else you need?
Credits Received: 50

She can be persuaded to give something extra, although if you fail then you can move closer to the dark side of the Force by threatening her instead:

Medium 2. [Persuade] I think you should give me something extra for all the trouble. Always 2. [Persuade] Maybe I'll just start telling people not to shop here. You'll be ruined!
Dark Side Points Gained: -2
Janice Nall: [Success] Well... I guess I did cause you some inconvenience. And I don't want to get a reputation for poor customer service... business is tough enough as it is. Janice Nall: [Success] No! Don't do that. I... I can't afford that kind of hit to my business. We can reach some kind of compromise here.
Janice Nall: Here's 75 credits... I think that's more than fair. Now, is there anything else I can do for you?
Credits Received: 75

Gorton Colu[edit | edit source]

Gorton Colu stands at the northwest corner of the T-junction at the west end of Upper City North, with an audience of a couple of Taris citizens:

Listen to me, people! There is a terrible scourge sweeping our planet! Heed my warning, before it is too late! The evil walks among us! The enemy is here! We must act now before we are overrun with the vermin invaders! A plague spreads through our streets! We cannot sit idly by while this pox infects our society!
Taris Citizen
This crazy street preacher keeps on about war and days of reckoning and the Sith just might lock him away.
This guy's just stirring up trouble! Sure, there's a lot of aliens on Taris, but most of them stick to the Lower City.
I'm no alien-lover, but I don't want to see them all killed! This kook's way out of line.
You Sith should shut this guy up. I think he's violently dangerous. Just listen to him!

You can ignore him, although if you want to find out what he's talking about then it can get particularly heated if you return with Zaalbar or Mission:

Gorton Colu: Greetings, my Sith friends. Rest assured, I have all the proper permits to be here spreading my message. Feel free to stay and listen if you wish. You'll find my message most enlightening.


Gorton Colu: Friends and fellow humans – I bring you a warning! A warning of a great plague spreading across our planet! Please, listen to me! My name is Gorton Colu. Will you join my cause? We must band together if we are to stop the spread of vermin and scum throughout Taris! Gorton Colu: How dare you speak to me while you travel in the presence of alien Wookiee scum! You have violated one of this great planet's oldest and most revered laws! You have brought aliens to the Upper City! They are a blight upon Taris – they take our jobs and our homes, and spread their filth throughout our world.
3. I'll be going now. Zaalbar: No more filth than you're spreading, crazy man.
Mission: Yeah! You tell him, Big Z!
Gorton Colu: Go then – you are no better than the alien-lovers! Turn a blind eye. Ignore what is happening, and one day you will see it is too late! Gorton Colu: This beast just growled at me! It is a savage creature that will hurt someone! How dare you brazenly parade about the Upper City with such alien scum at your side! I, Gorton Colu, founder of the Anti-Alien League will not stand for this!
1. Vermin and scum? What are you talking about? 2. Are you refering to the Sith? 4. Don't worry – this Wookiee is just my servant.
Gorton Colu: I am speaking of the hideous-looking aliens who walk the world of Taris! The Wookiees and Ithorians and Rodians and Bith – all of them! Listen, friend, for these are dark times. Gorton Colu: I see you share the opinions of many on this world: that aliens are useful as servants and slaves. But I am here to tell you this is not so! Aliens deserve only death!
Mission: Do we have to stand here and listen to this space-slug? He’s starting to get on my nerves, you know?
Gorton Colu: Silence, alien scum! The presence of your kind is tolerated here on Taris, but a change is coming!
Gorton Colu: That is why I, Gorton Colu, have formed the Anti-Alien League. The time has come for action! We cannot sit idly by while aliens blight our glorious planet!

An enthusiastic response, whether in jest or in earnest, won't go down well with Mission or Bastila:

4. You're right! We should slaughter the whole bunch of them!
Gorton Colu: Yes, my fellow human! You have seen the light! Gorton Colu has marked your face – I will remember you when the time to destroy the alien-lovers is upon us! For now, stay vigilant. Be ready. Trust no one. I will find you when the day of reckoning is upon us, and together we will rid beautiful Taris of these alien species!
Mission: Hmph! You may think it's okay to joke about killing aliens to string Gorton along, but I don't think that kind of thing is funny at all! Bastila: That's not exactly humorous. You are encouraging his hatred and blindness.

If you humor him:

3. I see... well, good luck in your crusade. Gorton Colu: Greetings again, friend. Have you mentioned my Anti-Alien League to others? We must always be looking for those sympathetic to our cause.
2. Uhh... I haven't mentioned it yet, but I will. Don't worry. 3. Uh... yes. I mention it to everyone I meet.
Gorton Colu: Excellent, excellent! There is much work yet to be done, but spreading our message is the first step!
Gorton Colu: Remain true to the cause, friend. Enlightened humans such as yourself are few and far between – but we shall triumph when the day of reckoning comes!
Mission: What a rail-slug! Give Big Z five minutes alone with that guy and he'd straighten him out... or maybe twist him like a Tarisian Zella nut.

If you're not supportive:

1. I don't know which is worse – your hate-mongering or your ignorance. 2. Back off, you crazy kook. I don't have time for this. 3. I keep whatever company I want! 1. Get away from me, you bigot!
Mission: Hear that, laser brain? Sell it somewhere else, 'cause we ain't buying!
Gorton Colu: You are like all the rest! You will not see the truth! On the day of reckoning you will suffer with the rest of the alien lovers!
Carth: Come on. We should keep moving. Kook or no, people like him can make trouble for us. Bastila: We should leave. This man may be deranged, but he could also make considerable trouble for us.
Gorton Colu: It pains me to see that an alien lover such as yourself is still allowed to walk free! I've seen how the Sith operate... I know they will support my anti-alien policies! When the day of reckoning comes, you will suffer with the rest of the scum and alien lovers!

Lower City[edit | edit source]

At the west end of Upper City North, turn north at the T-junction and as you turn right around a hairpin bend at its apex you'll see the Upper City elevator in the east wall.

Search for Bastila[edit | edit source]

A Sith guard stands to the right of the elevator to the Lower City. If you try to approach the elevator or speak to him:

Sith Guard: This elevator is off limits. Only Sith patrols and those with proper authorization are allowed into the Lower City. It's obvious from the way you're dressed that you're not one of the Sith patrols, so unless you have the authorization papers you must move along!
1. Where can I get authorization papers?
Sith Guard: If you were supposed to have them you'd know where to get them. Now quit wasting my time and move along.
2. Can I ask you some questions? 3. I'll be going now.
Sith Guard: I'm not here to give you information! I work for the Sith, not the Taris tourist board! Now just move along, unless you have the proper authorization papers. Sith Guard: Move along then.
Carth: *whispers* We're going to need some kind of disguise if we want to get past this guy.
Journal Entry Added The Search for Bastila
Your efforts to search for Bastila in the lower regions of Taris have hit a snag. The Sith guard at the elevator down to the Lower City won't let you past without a Sith uniform or the proper authorization papers.
Security Elevator Unlock 100 (80) Bash Resist - Vitality -

The elevator remains locked until someone equips the Sith Armor from the North Apartments, and you approach or speak to the Sith guard again:

Sith Guard: Another patrol heading down to the Lower City, eh? Good luck... I've heard it's pretty rough down there. There's a big swoop gang war going on, you know. You better watch yourself: those gangs will take a shot at anyone – even us! It's too bad we don't have the manpower to just sweep those slums clean.
Journal Entry Added The Search for Bastila
Your Sith disguise has fooled the guard at the Upper City elevator, giving you access to the Lower City. Hopefully it will be just as easy to gain access to the Undercity so you can search for signs of Bastila's crashed escape pod.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 350 Fooled guard at Upper City elevator
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 50 Opened Upper City elevator

Sith Armor needs to remain equipped until you've taken the elevator to the Lower City. Aside from allowing access to the Lower City, opening the elevator door also spawns the Ithorian being taunted by a boy and a girl at the entrance to the North Apartments. After trading the Sith Armor for papers with Gadon Thek below, those need to be presented instead:

1. I've got my authorization papers right here. Sith Guard: Look, you've already shown me your authorization so you can go on down to the Lower City anytime you want. You don't have to keep bothering me. Just be careful down there. Those swoop gangs will take a shot at anybody. Even our Sith patrols have come under fire!
Sith Guard: Well why didn't you say so? Hmmm... everything seems to be in order. Okay, I guess you can go down to the Lower City. Just be careful down there. Those swoop gangs will take a shot at anybody. Even our Sith patrols have come under fire!

Sith Base[edit | edit source]

The entrance to the Sith base is to the north of the Upper City elevator, but there's no reason to go there until you've completed the search for Bastila and you're escaping Taris.

A ship takes off from the landing pad to the left of the Sith Base entrance.

If you try to open or use the door, you're informed of the following:

[This security door is sealed and cannot be opened using normal security skills.]
Security Military Base Unlock 100 (80) Bash Resist - Vitality -