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Judge Shelkar in the center presides over the Ahto High Court with, from right to left, Judges Jhosa, Naleshekan, Kota and Duula: you'll be seeing a lot of these guys…

If you've returned from the Upper Shadowlands after Jolee Bindo joined your party on Kashyyyk, a woman named Elora awaits you as you enter the Ahto West courtyard. If Jolee is not currently in your party:

Elora: I was told that you're a friend of Jolee Bindo... and that Jolee has returned to the sector. Please, I must speak to him. It's very urgent!
1. Who are you? 2. Why do you need to speak to Jolee?
Elora: My name is Elora. My husband Sunry and Jolee are old friends. Now Sunry needs Jolee's help.
2. Maybe I can help your husband.
Elora: Someone is out to destroy my husband. I... I don't know who I can trust. I don't know you. But Jolee - he was always a true friend to Sunry.
1. I shall tell Jolee immediately. 2. Maybe I can help your husband. 3. I don't have time for this.
Elora: Please, I beg you to bring Jolee to speak to me about my husband. Sunry's life depends on it!
Journal Entry Added Sunry Murder Trial
You have been approached by Elora, wife of Jolee's friend Sunry. She has begged you to bring Jolee to her so that she may speak to him.

If Jolee is currently in your party:

Elora: Jolee! It *is* you! I... need your help.
Jolee: Elora? Of all the people... How did you even know I'd left Kashyyyk?
Elora: I didn't. Nobody knew where you were, not even Sunry! But I heard the Selkath mention you and your friends. The Force has brought you to help us!
Jolee: Why? Whatever could be the matter, my dear?
Elora: It's horrible, Jolee! Sunry has been arrested! The Sith have accused him of murder!
Jolee: Murder? But how...
Elora: It's all a mistake, Jolee! Sunry isn't a murderer - someone is trying to frame him.
Jolee: Calm down, Elora. Where's Sunry now?
Elora: Sunry's being held at the Selkath courts. They won't let anyone in to see him. Please, go to the courts, talk to the Judges. Maybe the Selkath will listen to you.
Jolee: Don't worry, Elora. We'll get to the bottom of this and help Sunry... somehow.
Journal Entry Added Sunry Murder Trial
Elora has told Jolee that her husband has been imprisoned for the murder of a Sith woman. Elora is adamant that her husband is not responsible and has begged you and Jolee to help prove his innocence. She says that you can talk to the judges in the court to help get him released.

Go to the Ahto High Court to the south and speak to judge Shelkar to be appointed Arbiter in this case: you can do this without speaking to Elora with Jolee in your party, but you won't be able to question her until you've done so (although this isn't necessary, since you can speak to Sunry instead).

2. I would like to investigate the murder case involving Sunry.
Judge Shelkar: That is acceptable, I believe. In Manaan legal tradition the defendant can have an Arbiter who tries to prove his innocence in court. This Arbiter is a neutral party that can investigate and present evidence in the trial, and argue on the defendant's behalf. As you are a Jedi, I believe you could fulfill this role adequately.
Jolee: I suppose you're Sunry's only hope. We have to at least try to help him. Bastila: Jedi are renowned for being arbiters in times of need. We will investigate this matter as best we are able. Carth: We'll do our best. You can count on that.
Judge Shelkar: So be it! You are now appointed Arbiter in the case of Sunry vs. The Sith Empire. Your name and position have been recorded in our files. I will now inform you of the pertinent facts in this case. You have a limited amount of time in which to investigate and organize a defense of your client, and I advise you to use it wisely.

Sunry was seen leaving a hotel, leaving behind a dead Sith woman - Elassa Huros. He has been charged with murder and is being held in the Ahto City prison facilities. Due to his crippled status he is being kept in a solitary holding cell. Witnesses claimed to have seen the killing and are being detained at the hotel in question pending the trial. The manager of the hotel has now been informed of your appointment. Elassa was found dead of a blaster wound with an incriminating Republic medal clutched in her hand.

This information has been uploaded to your datapad. It would be wise to review all information before the trial starts. You may question Sunry or the witnesses. The evidence in this case is heavily stacked against Mr. Sunry. I believe it will take some doing to absolve him of guilt.
Jolee: Yes... but it almost seems too heavily stacked, doesn't it? Very suspicious.
Judge Shelkar: You may also interview the judges here, including myself, to get an idea of the pertinent factors in this case. Since this is also your first case, and you are an off-worlder, I feel compelled to add "good luck" as my final missive.
Journal Entry Added Sunry Murder Trial
You have spoken to the judges in the court and they have consented to appoint you Arbiter in this case. As Arbiter you will defend your client to the best of your ability before the judges.

They have given you the following information as well:

Sunry was seen leaving the scene of the murder after a blaster shot was heard. Sunry was noticeable, crippling injuries from his past experience as a war hero against the Sith, so it was definitely him. This is testified to by the proprietor of the hotel where this occurred, Ignus.

In the room that he had rented, a Sith woman, Elassa, was found dead, clutching a Republic war medal in her hand.

There were two witnesses besides the hotel owner. One is Gluupor, a Rodian who was staying in the next room. The other is Firith Me, a gambler who was also staying nearby. Their stories seem to corroborate Ignus'.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 100 Spoke to judges in the court and appointed Arbiter in this case

All the judges can now be asked what they think of Sunry, if there's anything suspicious about this case and what they think of the Republic and the Sith Empire, although this isn't necessary.

Judge Duula
Judge Duula: I shall answer questions pertaining to the case and those questions only.
1. What do you think of Sunry?
Judge Duula: I find the idea that some half-human cripple could murder someone as obviously competent as the Sith Elassa questionable at best. A man who can barely walk killed a Sith warrior in her prime? Preposterous! But I wouldn't put it past the Republic to try and arrange such circumstances to see her dead. The Sith are much more straight forward about their intentions. Is that all?
2. Is there anything suspicious about this case?
Judge Duula: I find it presumptuous to assume that the cripple Sunry could kill Elassa. I think that there must have been another there who killed her. Perhaps one of the 'witnesses'. I do not know the reason for the medal clutched in Elassa's hand either, but it may have been that she fought them off even as she died. I think this may be the work of some Republic conspiracy and I am not afraid to say so! If the only means I have of hurting the Republic is through Sunry, then so be it! Is that all?
3. What do you think of the Republic and the Sith Empire?
Judge Duula: I think the Republic is an institution in sore need of change. It has gone on too long and the Sith are the fresh wind of change blowing across the galaxy. I do not believe in the false stories of the evils of the Sith Empire. They are nothing compared to the oppression and stagnation that the Republic represents at its core. If I was given the power to decide, Manaan would join with the Sith, forcing the Republic to accept the new face of the future. But sadly, it would appear that I am wiser and more farsighted than my immediate superiors. I am relegated to civil judicial matters. I will judge this case. And I will find Sunry as guilty as he is charged to be.
Jolee: So nice to meet an impartial judge, for a change. Carth: Hey! I thought you Selkath judges were supposed to follow the law! You can't already have decided that Sunry is guilty!
Judge Duula: Impartiality is one thing. Blindness is another entirely. Bastila: If you had listened, Carth, you would know that that *is* the law. Sunry is guilty until proven innocent.
Jolee: You said it, not I. Carth: That's a stupid law for any civilized world to have.
Bastila: Angering the judge won't get us a more impartial decision, Carth.
Judge Duula: It is up to you off-worlders to prove the human's innocence. I simply doubt that you will be capable of doing so.
Judge Duula: Are you finished?
4. I have no more questions for now.
Judge Duula: Do not bring frivilous topics to discuss. I deal only with trial information.
Judge Kota
Judge Kota: Ah, the Arbiter. Since you have been permitted to defend Sunry against these accusations I shall assist how I can.
1. What do you think of Sunry?
Judge Kota: Sunry was a great warrior in his time. He fought for the Republic against the Sith aggression and proved valorous. I have great respect for his accomplishments and find it tragic that he finds himself in his current condition. If the Republic had more individuals like him right now, I do not believe the Sith would be so great a problem for your people. Is there any other way I can assist you?
2. Is there anything suspicious about this case?
Judge Kota: I find it questionable that a man with such a reputable past as Sunry would murder a Sith woman. Especially not from behind. But knowing the Sith, there was probably some deception involved. They seek to do the same thing to us here. There has been much pressure by the Sith on our government - and even on the judges themselves - to deliver a guilty verdict in this case. But the letter of the law is absolute, and we will not be compromised for Sith power-games. Is there anything else you need?
3. What do you think of the Republic and the Sith Empire?
Judge Kota: I find this great battle being waged across the galaxy both disturbing and, ultimately, tragic. For all its faults, your tottering Republic has benefitted the vast majority of the galaxy for many millenia. To see it fall into ruin in such a short time... I do not like the Sith, that I make no effort to hide. I will even admit that if given the option, I would rule that we should join the Republic. But I must remain impartial and rule on this case as the law requires.
4. I have no more questions for now.
Judge Kota: If there is anything else you require, feel free to inquire with me.
Judge Shelkar
Judge Shelkar: As Arbiter of the Sunry murder trial you have the authority to question me on matters pertaining to this case.
1. I have questions about the trial.
Judge Shelkar: You have the right, Arbiter, to ask me questions regarding the case.
1. What do you think of Sunry?
Judge Shelkar: Sunry is known to us as a hero of the Republic in your perpetual conflicts with the Sith Empire. While he may have been severely injured in the line of duty, I personally hold him in quite high regard.
Jolee: Speaking of that injury, has it been taken into consideration, your honor? Carth: Well, speaking of that injury... does that not make it seem unlikely that he killed anyone?
Judge Shelkar: In no way does his disability hamper him, though. Rest assured that my personal regard for Sunry will not affect my judgment. While emotion may rule your Senate, the cold hard hand of the law rules here on Manaan. Is there anything else you wished to ask me, human?
2. Is there anything suspicious about this case?
Judge Shelkar: Yes, there is something that has been bothering me: the medal that was found clutched in the Sith's hand. I find it most odd that such a blatantly incriminating piece of evidence would be left at the scene of the crime. We have analyzed the evidence and it does not appear to be a replica, but I still have my doubts. In the midst of the crime, though, Sunry could well have lost it. I have seen much more improbable things happen in my tenure to the courts.
Jolee: Hmmm. Simply because it was real does not mean Sunry would have overlooked it being in Elassa's hand.
Judge Shelkar: Is there another matter you wish to inquire about, human?
3. What do you think of the Republic and the Sith Empire?
Judge Shelkar: The governing bodies of both states seek to keep an amicable relationship with our world in order to facilitate the exporting of kolto. I do not delude myself into thinking that either of your states holds any great love for us, but we are necessary so you will let us hold our autonomy. I try not to concern myself with intragalactic policy. I find it stretches the letter of the law too much for my tastes. Is there something else that concerns you, human?
4. I want to ask you something else.
Judge Shelkar: What is it you wish to ask?
4. I have no more questions for now.
Judge Shelkar: Very well. When you feel you have gathered enough evidence, you may speak to the warden in charge of the prison where Sunry is being held. He will bring Sunry to us and the trial will commence.
Judge Naleshekan
Judge Naleshekan: I suppose I must spend some time talking to you since you are here in an official capacity. What do you need?
1. What do you think of Sunry?
Judge Naleshekan: Sunry was a Republic soldier, a hero even. Do you think his Republic masters would let someone so valuable go so easily? I think not. I think Sunry maintains his contacts with the Republic and seeks to escalate the situation here. Is there something else you require?
2. Is there anything suspicious about this case?
Judge Naleshekan: I find this case to be fairly straight forward. Sunry is from the Republic, Elassa from the Sith. The great empires battling now live out their conflict through their minions too. Is that all?
3. What do you think of the Republic and the Sith Empire?
Judge Naleshekan: I do not buy into the Republic line that this is some epic battle of the 'good' Republic against the 'evil' Sith Empire. The Sith empire is merely an expansionistic power, much like the Republic was early in its history. It is simply the turning of history, where the old is swept away by the better new. Is there anything intelligent you wish to know?
4. I have no more questions for now.
Judge Naleshekan: Then go and do not disturb me unless you have trial business to discuss.
Judge Jhosa
Judge Jhosa: Since you have been designated Arbiter in the Sunry case, I shall answer questions that you might have.
1. What do you think of Sunry?
Judge Jhosa: Sunry is a former Republic officer who is highly regarded by your people. He is admired by your people here on Manaan, and even seems to maintain some sort of relations with them still. If he is as capable as some of the Republic citizens still believe him to be, he is certainly capable of actions that would result in this murder. Is there anything else you wish to ask in relation to this case?
2. Is there anything suspicious about this case?
Judge Jhosa: Well I have often wondered, if Sunry were so innocent, why was he seen fleeing the scene of the crime? Why would he have been running if he had not committed the crime himself, or was at least aware of what had occurred? This case seems fairly simple and obvious to me. You Republic types stick together, however, and I assume you will go to lengths to defend him.
Carth: The Republic believes in justice, as do you. We just want Sunry to be fairly treated, that's all.
Judge Jhosa: What else do you want to ask?
3. What do you think of the Republic and the Sith Empire?
Judge Jhosa: Both empires are at fault for this current conflict. The Republic in the past for laying the foundations upon which the Sith Empire grew. And the Sith now, obviously, for starting the war. But no matter the wrongs that had been done in the past, the Sith now have no cause for renewing hostilities. It almost seems as if they just want to conquer everything!
Bastila: 'Almost seems'? They do wish to conquer everything, and will not stop at Manaan. Why the Selkath believe themselves invulnerable I have no idea.
Judge Jhosa: I believe the Republic has every right to defend itself and drive the Sith back where they came from. Unfortunately for them... and perhaps for us... they do not seem to be doing too good a job of it. Was there anything else you want to know?
4. I have no more questions for now.
Judge Jhosa: Return if you have pertinent details about the case to discuss.

What is necessary (or at least highly recommended) is at a bare minimum to speak to Gonto Vas and then Elora or Sunry in this courtyard, and ideally investigate the crime scene and Republic Embassy in the East Central courtyard to receive much more experience:

Area Source Action XP
East Central Ignus Persuaded to tell that he saw Sunry leaving before the shot went off 500
Firith Me Persuaded to tell you what he saw 500
Gluupor Confessed that the Sith made him plant the medal 500
Republic Embassy Accessed restricted data archives 20 * level
Ahto West Elora / Sunry Confessed he was having an affair with Elassa 500
Sunry Confronted Sunry with the evidence of his crime 500
Total 2500+

Overall, in excess of 3000 XP can be received, and a proper investigation makes it easier to convince the court of Sunry's innocence, and possibly even get the Sith sanctioned for their actions for slightly more experience.

It saves time to investigate before infiltrating the Sith base on your mission for the Republic, then begin the trial after exiting the base and being arrested, brought back to Ahto High Court and released here following the successful outcome of your own trial... or, you could wait until after the second one (you can get into a lot of trouble here; just try not to get sentenced to death or banished, because the only reason Sunry might not be left hanging is because they electrocute people on this planet).

Elora, Sunry's Wife

Once you have been appointed Arbiter by the Ahto High Court, you can return to question Elora about her husband:

Elora: I hear you have been appointed as Arbiter in Sunry's trial. My husband is innocent - please don't let him go to jail for a crime he didn't commit!
1. Can you tell me anything about Sunry?
Elora: Sunry is... he's a cripple. There's no way he could have overpowered this Sith woman like they claim.
Jolee: That's true... I'd forgotten about that. Let's not forget that he would have had to have been considerably older than the Sith woman.
1. Are you saying someone your age couldn't overpower a woman?
Jolee: Hmph. I'm a Jedi... and one who was living alone in the Shadowlands until recently. That keeps you in shape, damn it! We're talking about Sunry, here.
Elora: And there's no way he would do something so dishonorable as hit her from behind. Sunry's a decorated war hero! He's a hero of the Republic!
3. I have this recording showing Sunry killing Elassa.
Elora: Lies! It... it must be! I knew the Sith would never let a Republic hero get away... You must find Sunry innocent!
2. Your husband might not be so innocent, Elora.
Elora: This is all a plot to discredit the Republic! Sunry is a victim of a Sith frame up!
Jolee: It's possible. I haven't seen Sunry since I crashed on Kashyyyk... a man can change a lot in that time. The man I knew could never have done this crime, however.
1. Don't worry, Elora. I'll save him. 2. Your husband might not be so innocent, Elora.
Elora: Find the real evidence, that's all I ask. The real evidence will prove Sunry didn't do this.
Journal Entry Added Elora, Sunry's Wife
Elora professes Sunry's innocence. She claims that this is some sort of frame-up by someone who wants to get revenge on him. Sunry was an old war hero against the Sith, so they might harbor him ill…

However, this isn't necessary until you've learned about Sunry's alleged affair with the victim. Ask the Pazaak player Gonto Vas in the mercenary enclave about the recent murder and he'll tell you about it if you ask him:

2. Do you know anything about the recent murder?
Gonto Vas: What do you expect when a Sith spy and a Republic war hero are having an affair? Anyone could see it would end ugly.
2. Anything else you can tell me?
Gonto Vas: Don't know much else. If I did you can bet I'd be blackmailing either the Sith or the Republic to keep quiet.
1. Affair? What are you talking about?
Gonto Vas: Oh-ho! So, you didn't know about Sunry stepping out on his wife? Well it may have been a secret to some, but I'm not blind! I should have charged you for that juicy tidbit, but I figured anyone investigating the murder would have already figured that out by now. Okay - you got a freebie out of me. But that's all I know about Sunry and his hot Sith side dish.
Journal Entry Added Elora, Sunry's Wife
You have heard rumors that Sunry may have been cheating on his wife… Perhaps you should ask Elora about this.

You can also hear the rumors if you investigate the crime scene, the visitor's hotel in the East Central courtyard, and ask Ignus the proprietor or Firith Me the Pazaak player about Sunry and Elassa. You could then ask Elora about this:

Medium 2. [Persuade] Was Sunry having an affair?
Elora: [Failure] What?? Don't insult us both! Sunry is... Sunry is a just and honorable man. How dare you accuse him... us, of such a thing!
Jolee: Now, now, Elora. We're not here to pass judgment, my dear. We do need to know everything if we're to help, yes? Bastila: Madam. I would remind you that I am a Jedi. Now, then... was he having an affair? Elora: Find proof to set him free instead of bringing these baseless accusations against us.

Although she confesses even if persuasion fails if Jolee or Bastila is present, you need to succeed in order to update your journal, receive experience and, most importantly, use it in court:

Elora: [Success] Of... of course not! He... he... *sob*
Elora: Yes... *sob* ...yes, he was having an affair. He was seeing that... that Sith woman. After all these years we've been together he just... just dropped me like that. Not publicly, oh no, but inside that's what it feels like. 2. Tell me about Sunry and Elassa.
Elora: He started seeing Elassa last year. I... I had my suspicions for a while, but he was careless. Pretty soon everyone knew. But... but... even though I'm sure that harlot was only using him, I know he couldn't have killed her. He came and confessed to the affair to me. He said he was going there to break it off - to end it. Maybe the Sith woman attacked him and he had to defend himself? But even though he cheated on me, inside he's still the man I loved... love... He is too kind and gentle to have killed her in cold blood.
1. He is a soldier, though. 2. He has killed many Sith before.
Elora: That was a long time ago, in a war far, far away. He's changed now... settled down. Just please, prove his innocence.
Journal Entry Added Elora, Sunry's Wife
Under pressure Elora confessed that Sunry had been having an affair with the Sith woman Elassa, but that he had been going there to end the affair.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 500 Elora confessed that Sunry had been having an affair with the Sith woman Elassa

However, the same experience is received if Sunry confesses to the affair instead, and he can always be persuaded to do so (after which Elora will just tell you about Sunry and Elassa when asked).

Sunry's Story

Once you've been appointed Arbiter by the Ahto High Court, the guard will unlock the door to Ahto City Prison after you speak to him.

Selkath Guard: You may come and go as you please, Arbiter - you will find the door unlocked. If you wish to begin your trial, you must make the request with the warden. It shall then be passed on to the judges.

Once inside, there's a prisoner caged in the northwest corner. If you speak to him:

Prisoner: *growl* *snarl* When I get out of here, you're dead! I'll gut your fishy little corpse, cut off your head and bathe in your blood!
Selkath Warden: Be quiet, off-world scum!

Sunry is caged in the southeast corner, between the door and the Selkath warden.

Sunry: Jolee! What... what are you doing here? Sunry: Who are you? What are you doing here?
Jolee: Elora sent me, Sunry. I'm here to get you out of this mess. The courts went and made us Arbiters for your case. 1. Your wife asked me to come. I'm a friend of Jolee Bindo.
Sunry: Just like old times, eh Jolee? You come swooping in out of nowhere to save my tail from the fire. Sunry: Jolee? What's he doing here on Manaan? Never mind - I'm just glad he's here. So is this some kind of prison break? If it is we won't get very far before the Selkath cut us down I can tell ya.
Jolee: You saved my wrinkled butt more than a few times as well, friend, if I recall. But there'll be time for catching up later. Right now we need to focus on the case. 1. I've been appointed as your Arbiter.
Sunry: Well, I guess if you're going to be my Arbiter you'll need to hear what happened. I might as well start at the beginning.
Sunry: The case is a complete frame-up. Anyone looking at the evidence could see that - or so I thought. But the Selkath seem to think, well that there's enough to go to trial. There aren't any witnesses. All that evidence against me is circumstantial... and completely flawed.
3. There's a few things we have to clear up.
Sunry: Go ahead, ask... ask what you need to. I've got nothing to hide.
2. There was a Rodian who planted evidence at the murder scene.
Sunry: A Rodian? I didn't know there were any Rodians on Manaan. Oh, except for Tyvark... and this one named Gluupor who was hanging around the hotel all the time. OK, so maybe there are a whole bunch of Rodians on Manaan, but what does that matter? If he planted evidence at the scene it's a clear sign of a frame-up. He probably took all the evidence of the real killer at the same time. The evidence of a Sith conspiracy keeps getting stronger, doesn't it? But I suspect there is still stuff you want to clear up.
4. The judges said you left after the shot was fired.
Sunry: How would they know? They weren't there! I heard some of the witnesses said that too, but I swear she was alive when I left! I wonder if the Sith have been putting pressure on people to get them to convict me... It wouldn't surprise me at all. They've had it in for me since the war... You should ask everyone about that... they might admit to helping the Sith under pressure.
5. On second thought, I will ask something else.
Sunry: Er... OK. What else do you want to know?
2. I need to investigate the case some more. Any ideas where I should look?
Sunry: I guess you could interview witnesses at the hotel where the murder happened. The Selkath already did that, but the fish folk don't have much rapport with off-worlders. Maybe one of them was holding something back. But I think you'd be better off investigating the Sith themselves. Maybe you could find some proof they planted evidence to frame me - though that might mean figuring out a way into the Sith Embassy.
Sunry: Anything else I can help you with? I want my Arbiter to be well prepared before we go to trial.

Let's find out what he has to say for himself...

1. Let's go over the evidence.
Sunry: Well I was at the hotel, I admit. And I did meet Elassa there that night. But it's not what you think! I... I was working with Republic Intelligence. We were pretending to feed information to the Sith while I turned Elassa into a double agent working for us. It was going well, too... Until she turned up dead... Hm... maybe the Sith had found out I was turning her and had her eliminated... Sunry: Well... you know I was having an affair with Elassa... I went there to break it off that night. I can tell you it wasn't easy. She is... was... young and beautiful. But I love Elora, and I knew I had to do it. I broke it off as quickly as I could and then left. I found out later she'd been murdered when the Selkath authorities came knocking on my door...
Sunry: But let's look at the facts they've given: Elassa was brutally killed. Think about that - she was a Sith, trained in battle and I'm just a crippled old man! My war injuries make it difficult for me to walk even to hold things. See how my hands are shaking! How could I kill a Sith warrior at close quarters? I ask you! Further: They say they found my Hero's Cross at the crime scene. Would I leave my war medal behind if I killed someone? Even I'm not that stupid. Obviously the Sith planted the Cross. And what about the lack of forensic evidence? Skin and hair samples, clothing fibers - why isn't there anything like that at the crime scene? Sounds like an obvious frame-up to me. I hope you can see how the Sith are manipulating the Selkath, and probably even you, to set up this against me! We need to get this over with quickly and clear my name.
Sunry: Anything else I can help you with? I want my Arbiter to be well prepared before we go to trial.
4. I'll be going now.
Sunry: Very well. I suppose there is still much you must do before the trial. Once you've gotten enough evidence to go to trial just tell the warden we're ready. The sooner I get out of this cell the better.
Journal Entry Added Sunry's Story
Sunry claims that he's been set up by someone to take the fall for Elassa's murder. He claims that he was secretly trying to turn her into a double agent for the Republic and that the Sith most likely killed her as a result of that.

If Elora cannot be persuaded to confess Sunry's affair with Elassa, Sunry always can:

Sunry: Jolee - coming to check in on an old man? I must confess, I... I would rather you were here to speak to the warden and begin my trial. Sunry: Ah, I see you're back. Not that I don't appreciate the visit, but I had hoped you were going to speak to the warden so we might begin the trial.
Jolee: Soon, old friend. But we don't want to go to trial until we've got the whole picture.
Sunry: I grow weary of staring at these four bare walls. But I suppose you know what you are doing. You know the role of Arbiter cannot be taken lightly.
3. There's a few things we have to clear up.
Sunry: Go ahead, ask... ask what you need to. I've got nothing to hide.
Always 1. [Persuade] Were you and Elassa having an affair?
Sunry: [Success] We... I... Oh, no... what must this look like... Yes. Yes we were having an affair. I know it was wrong, but I'm a weak man. Elassa was beautiful and young - how was I to resist her charms? But I didn't kill her! I loved her! Please, I know I made a terrible mistake getting involved with Elassa, but I was going there to break it off with her. I did it, but found out later that she was dead. I don't deserve to go to jail just for having an affair, do I? You have to help me prove that I wasn't the killer!
Journal Entry Added Sunry's Story
Sunry has admitted that he was having an affair with Elassa, but that he was going there to end it. He said he truly loved and never would have harmed her.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 500 Sunry admitted he was having an affair with Elassa

After accessing the Republic Embassy's computer room in the East Central courtyard and slicing the Republic's system to access its restricted data archives, you can confront Sunry with the evidence of his guilt and move closer to the dark side of the Force by trying to use to the Force to get him to confess:

3. I know you're guilty, Sunry. I've got the Republic's data recording.
Sunry: So the truth is out. I never meant to kill her, you know. When I found out she was a Sith spy using me to gain information, something inside me just snapped. She didn't know I had found out, so I waited until she fell asleep and then I... I killed her. Simple, really. But once I realized what I'd done I... I panicked. I contacted those spies from the Republic to help me. They found the illegal monitoring device that the Sith had planted in the room, altered its recording to hide my part in it and cleared up the evidence. I figured that was the end of it.
3. You're nothing but a cold blooded killer!
Sunry: It's easy for you to judge me - but you weren't there! You don't know what it was like, realizing what I'd done. But it...but it doesn't matter anyway.
1. But the Sith found out the truth, didn't they? 2. You should have known the truth would come out eventually. 3. You're nothing but a cold blooded killer!
Sunry: The Sith must have been spying on me and Elassa, trying to make sure she wasn't a double agent. They must have seen the Republic spies getting rid of all the evidence. And so they planted their own evidence. Elassa must have stolen that Hero's Cross from me long ago and given it to her Sith masters, like some kind of trophy. I just thought I'd misplaced it. But when the Cross turned up on her body, I knew the Sith had put it there. So now you know the whole story, what are you going to do?
1. You're guilty, Sunry. Confess. 2. I don't know.
Sunry: You think I'm some kind of monster, don't you? All I did was kill a Sith! How many Sith have you killed? Dozens? Hundreds? Thousands?
Jolee: That's different, Sunry, and you know it. We don't kill them in cold blood while they sleep. Carth: You're talking about acts of war. We're just defending ourselves! You murdered your girlfriend in her sleep. HK-47: Commentary: The meatbag has a point, master. Killing is often justified, if illegal in the eyes of many.
Sunry: I don't see how the two of us are any different. She was a spy! She was using me to get information so Malak's army could destroy the Republic! She deserved to die!
1. Killing your lover while she sleeps is murder - even if she is a Sith! 3. If you confess the court might show mercy.
Sunry: If I confess I'm looking at 20 years in prison! And the Ahto City officials might even place kolto sanctions on the Republic Embassy. Without kolto how can we treat the injuries to our soldiers on the front lines!
2. These are just excuses, Sunry. We both know you have to own up to your crimes. link=Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic}}/Force powers#Affect Mind 3. [Force Persuade] You will confess your crimes. You WANT to confess your crimes.
Sunry: No. I can't do that and put the Republic's supply of kolto in danger. No I won't! Now look, I may have done something stupid, and it may only be worse for my standing by it, but I will not confess. Dark Side Points Gained: -2
Sunry: [Failure] Oh, That's low - using a Jedi mind trick to extort a confession from me. You might as well beat it out of me, you'd have better luck!
Sunry: If you turn me in, the Republic will likely lose its kolto export privileges and then we'll lose the war for sure. Are you going to send all those thousands, millions - like on Taris - to their deaths, just for your sense of 'justice'?
Jolee: Sunry... this is wrong, and you know it. I am a Jedi... what is it that you expect me to do to defend your actions? Carth: I hate to say it, but he has a point. The Republic needs that kolto.
Sunry: You do whatever you have to, Jolee. I know what I did, but I also know what's at stake, here. Bastila: And you would propose what? Letting a murderer free on the chance it will help the Republic?
Carth: If need be. We are talking about a Sith, remember? I don't approve of what he did any more than you –
Bastila: But you're willing to overlook it. Are the principles that the Republic stands on so very weak, Carth?
Carth: The Republic's principles aren't worth a hill of beans if it falls, Bastila. I'll do whatever I can to save it.
Sunry: No, I'll rot in here if I have to, but I won't betray the Republic. Do what you have to, but know what the consequences will be.

You can also move closer to the dark side of the Force by agreeing to keep his secret:

Dark Side Points Gained: -2
3. I won't betray your secret. We'll go on with the trial.
Dark Side Points Gained: -2
2. I suppose you're right. I won't expose you.
Jolee: But Sunry is a murderer. I'm sorry, old friend, but you are. I... I can't approve of this. You go ahead, however, if that's what you think is best.
Sunry: I'm glad you decided to see reason in this. If I'm convicted it could cause trouble for the Republic embassy here on Manaan. And none of us want that, now do we?
Journal Entry Added Sunry's Story
Confronted with the evidence of the recording of him killing Elassa, Sunry admitted to his crime. He refuses to confess to the court, however. He says he will not betray the Republic or harm it because of what happened.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 500 Confronted Sunry with the evidence of his crime

The Selkath warden stands behind a counter in the south wall. However, speaking to him isn't necessary until you want to begin the trial:

Selkath Warden: So you are the Arbiter in the Sunry-Elassa murder case then. I hope you are as impartial as the office is traditionally supposed to be. You off-worlders have a tendency to ignore the rule of law in favor of some rather irrational causes.
Selkath Warden: What is it that I can do for you now?
1. Do you know anything about a Star Map?
Selkath Warden: No I do not. And it is quite illogical to think that a being who spends his entire day locked in a room with insane people and murderers would know much about the outside world.
2. Have you heard about young Selkath going missing?
Selkath Warden: Yes, actually I have. We find it very suspicious, but there are no signs of kidnappings. It is likely, though, that it has been perpetrated by out-worlders... ones such as yourself perhaps...
3. I am here to see the prisoner Sunry.
Selkath Warden: Yes, I am aware of this fact, human. He is in his cage over there and I am sure can hear you quite clearly.
4. What do you know about the murder of Elassa?
Selkath Warden: Sunry is from the Republic. Elassa was from the Sith. They kill each other all the time. What more is there to know? But as to the details, that is for the judges of our courts to decide.
5. I want to begin Sunry's trial now.
Selkath Warden: Are you certain, human? Once the trial has begun it cannot be stopped. And once judgment is given, the case can never be reopened. You must be certain your investigations are complete before you request a trial. This is the role of the Arbiter. Are you certain you wish to begin the trial now?
1. Yes, let's begin the trial. 2. Are you deaf, flipper head? Let's get this trial over with! 3. Actually, I've reconsidered. I don't want a trial just yet.
Selkath Warden: Very well, human. I shall advise the court and we will begin immediately. Selkath Warden: That is your right as Arbiter. When you are ready to proceed with the trial come speak to me.


Selkath Warden: Is there anything else you need?
6. Nothing for now.
Selkath Warden: Very well then. I will, of course, be here if you need something else.


Judge Shelkar: Let the record show that the trial of Sunry vs. the Ahto City Authority has commenced. Presiding are judges Shelkar...
Judge: Jhosa... Judge: Naleshekan... Judge: Kota... Judge: and Duula.
Judge Shelkar: This trial is to determine the culpability of Sunry in the death of the Sith Elassa. Representing Sunry in his defense is a member of the Jedi Order. Do you have any opening statements?

The quickest way to end the trial is to present the data recording of Sunry killing Elassa to the court, proving his guilt beyond reasonable doubt but resulting in his summary execution:

2. Sunry is guilty of the murder. I have this recording as proof.

Otherwise the trial will proceed with the witnesses and cross-examinations, even if you plead guilty based on Sunry's confession to you when confronted with the data recording, or try to use the Force to persuade the court to find him innocent:

1. Sunry is guilty of the murder. He has confessed to me. link=Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic}}/Force powers#Affect Mind 3. [Force Persuade] You will find Sunry innocent.
Sunry: No! You traitor! Judge Shelkar: [Failure] You are in no position to tell us how to judge our laws!
Elora: Sunry! No! Judge Duula: We know of your Order, Jedi. We know that you have powers to manipulate the minds of lesser creatures. Do not think that we Selkath, the pinnacle of evolution, can be swayed by such means!
Judge Shelkar: Your client is guilty, Arbiter? Are you sure you wish to enter this plea?
1. I do. 2. I have reconsidered. Judge Shelkar: If you attempt such manipulations again, Sunry will be found guilty, and you will summarily be put to death! We do not tolerate intrusions upon the justice of our courts!
Sunry: No! I object! I am the victim of a conspiracy here! Judge Shelkar: Honesty is an attribute essential to the position of Arbiter, as is impartiality. It would not be advised for you to abuse either of these.
Judge Shelkar: Is this true Arbiter? Your client does not seem to agree with your assertions. The position of Arbiter is to defend your client. Therefore, in spite of your personal feelings, you must do so to the best of your ability. This trial will proceed on schedule. Judge Duula: Do not mock us, Jedi!
Judge Shelkar: Enough! This case will proceed on schedule.
4. I will find Sunry innocent. 5. I have no comments at this time.
Judge Shelkar: That remains to be seen.
Judge Shelkar: Acting as a prosecutor for the Ahto City Authority is an impartial observer from the Sith Empire.
Sith Diplomat: It is an honor to see justice served. And I will see Sunry is executed for the crime he has committed.
Judge Kota: Do not be too overzealous in pressing your commission, Sith!
Judge Shelkar: The first matter of business is the presentation of a sworn testimony by the proprietor - Ignus - of the hotel where the murder occurred. What is the testimony you wish to give us?
Ignus: The man I saw leaving - Sunry - left before I heard the blaster shot. Ignus: The man I saw leaving - Sunry - probably left after I heard the blaster shot.
Sith Diplomat: Impossible! Sith Diplomat: The guilt of the accused is apparent even this early in the trial.
Judge Jhosa: Know your place, Sith!
Judge Shelkar: This is serious evidence indeed. The court will keep this in mind near the top of the list of pertinent facts.
Firith Me
Judge Shelkar: We will now begin by calling forth the witnesses to the crime and taking their testimony. After each witness has given their testimony and you have cross-examined them, you may ask the presiding judges for their opinions on the current state of the case. This is a special privilege given by Manaan law only to the defendant, so use it wisely.
Judge Naleshekan: The first witness is Firith. The prosecution will question the witness first.
Sith Diplomat: You are Firith Me, the well-known Pazaak player. I wonder if we can trust the word of a gambler as reliable testimony...
1. Objection, your Honors! 2. Do not undermine the witness!
Judge Shelkar: Objection sustained. Ask the witness your questions and do it promply.
Sith Diplomat: Of course, your Honor. Firith: what did you see the night of the murder?
Firith Me: I came out into the hallway after hearing the blaster shot and saw Sunry over there limping down the hall out of the building.
Sith Diplomat: Heh. A very obvious point, your Honors. The accused was seen leaving the scene of the crime after the blaster that killed Elassa was fired.
Judge Shelkar: A very pertinent point, prosecutor. It is now the defense's turn to cross-examine the witness.
2. Did you actually see the murder happen?
Firith Me: You mean actually see him kill her with my own eyes? Well... no... But I don't think there could have been anyone else there.
Judge Shelkar: Your point is well-taken Arbiter.
3. Was the medal left at the crime scene not a little too obvious?
Firith Me: I think it may have been. I mean, you'd have to pretty stupid to leave something that important lying around, wouldn't you?
Judge Jhosa: This argument has merit.
4. How could Sunry have harmed her if he was a cripple?
Firith Me: Well he was moving pretty fast running away... but yeah, I mean, how could he kill a Sith warrior in combat? I don't know for sure...
Judge Shelkar: Do not think less of Sunry because of his handicap. He is fully capable.
Judge Duula: Can't you see that the man can hardly walk, let alone fight Elassa?
Judge Shelkar: That is enough for now. We will deliberate on this later in private.
5. Elassa is a Dark Jedi, isn't she?
Firith Me: Yes, from what I could tell. She carried a lightsaber around under that cloak of hers.
Sith Diplomat: Objection! That doesn't prove she was a Jedi!
Judge Shelkar: No, this piece of evidence is very important. It establishes the character of Elassa and perhaps her intent in dealing with Sunry.
Judge Shelkar: Do you have additional questions?
Judge Shelkar: Since the defense has no further questions, we will call out the second witness: the Rodian Gluupor. The prosecution may question the witness.
Sith Diplomat: Gluupor the Rodian, you were staying in the hotel the night of the murder and saw Sunry leaving Elassa's room didn't you?
Gluupor: Yes, Gluupor see Sunry running down hallway, and when Gluupor look in room, Sith woman dead on floor.
Sith Diplomat: This is clear then: that Sunry left the room with the Sith Elassa already dead behind him.
Judge Shelkar: Perhaps, Sith, perhaps. It is the turn of the defense to question the witness now.
2. Did you see Sunry kill Elassa?
Gluupor: Gluupor... Gluupor not see Sunry really hurt Sith... But Gluupor did see Sunry leaving room with dead Sith in it! But... Gluupor not see him really kill Sith...
Judge Shelkar: An important distinction Arbiter.
3. Isn't the medal at the crime scene too obvious a clue?
Gluupor: Gluupor not know. Why anyone leave things in someone else's room? Gluupor just think these things happen. It is just... odd...
Judge Kota: Yes. Odd indeed.
4. Do you really think a cripple could have hurt Elassa?
Gluupor: Sunry seems like strong man, but he is hurt, too. Gluupor not think that man like that would stand up to a Sith. Not at all. But Sunry still run fast after.
Judge Duula: We know full well the extend of Sunry's injuries, Arbiter!
Judge Shelkar: But the fact still remains.
5. Did you plant the medal on Elassa?
Gluupor: Gluupor... Gluupor...
Sith Diplomat: Don't do it, Gluupor...
Judge Shelkar: The prosecution will be silent!
Judge Naleshekan: What is it you wish to say Gluupor?
Gluupor: Gluupor... Gluupor paid by Sith to plant that medal.
Sith Diplomat: Lies! Slander! I object!
Judge Naleshekan: You are certain of this Gluupor?
Gluupor: Gluupor certain...
Judge Shelkar: This new evidence puts the entire case in a new light.
Judge Shelkar: Do you wish to ask the witness anything else?
Judge Shelkar: If the defense has no more questions, the court will call out Elora, Sunry's wife.
Sith Diplomat: You Elora, are Sunry's lawful wife. Your husband was a hero in the last war between the Sith Empire and the Republic. He was crippled in that war. Do you not believe he'd blame the Sith for his injury?
Elora: Yes, I guess he would.
Sith Diplomat: And there you have motive! Sunry seeks revenge on the Sith for what they did him and killed Elassa.
Judge Shelkar: A supposition for now, prosecutor. Does the defense have any questions for the witness?
2. Was it true your husband was having an affair with Elassa?
Elora: Yes... Yes it was true. He was having an affair with that Sith harlot.
Sith Diplomat: It seems painfully obvious that he killed her to keep quiet about the affair.
Judge Naleshekan: Be silent! You have already questioned the witness, prosecutor.
Elora: He had been seeing her for some time, I think. *sniff* But he said he was going to change! He had gone there that night to end it! We talked the night before and he had promised! But now things have become so very complicated...
Judge Shelkar: That is very enlightening evidence. It will influence our deliberation considerably.
3. Sunry was a cripple. Could he have killed Elassa?
Elora: He was a good man, but his injuries pained him terribly. But he always held on. Always persevered. I don't think he could have beaten her or anything like that... but a blaster? I just don't know...
Judge Kota: Sunry seems fully capable to me. But it seems unlikely that he would choose to do such a thing.
4. Sunry was a Republic war hero, wasn't he?
Elora: Yes. He fought against the Sith in the last war. He fought bravely and was even awarded the Hero's Cross! I don't know how much that means to the Sith or to your Selkath, your Honors, but in the Republic it is awarded only to the bravest, most valorous, most honorable men. The kind of man who earns that medal would not kill someone in cold blood!
Judge Jhosa: Your husband earned a medal because he excelled at killing Sith. It relates directly.
Judge Kota: Do not let personal opinions sway your judgment of the law!
Judge Shelkar: Do you have any more questions, Arbiter?
Judge Shelkar: Does the prosecution have any remaining witnesses to call forth?
Sith Diplomat: I wish to call forth Sunry himself, your Honors.
Judge Shelkar: Very well.
Sith Diplomat: Are you a war hero, Mr. Sunry? You fought in wars against the Sith Empire, correct?
Sunry: Yeah, that's right. I don't regret it either. The Republic needs its heroes.
Sith Diplomat: Indeed... Would you say that you dislike the Sith? Even... hate them?
Sunry: Of course I hate them! Trying to take over the galaxy every chance they get! Killing millions of innocents!
Sith Diplomat: Pure politics. Were you in Elassa's room on the night of the murder?
Sunry: Well, yes I... I was...
Sunry: I knew she was a Sith, and she would be trying to pump me - for information, of course - so I... I just simply turned the tables.
Sunry: I was working on her, trying to turn her over to the Republic's side. Trying to turn her into a double agent. But that's kind of ruined now that she's been murdered.
Sith Diplomat: An obviously false story! I have proof here, in the form of data recording, that proves you were, in fact, having an affair with Elassa!
Judge Shelkar: Let this new evidence be entered in the court records.
Judge Naleshekan: So be it.
Sunry: I... I... What's the use now... I had been having an affair with Elassa, it's true. But I had realized my mistake and was going there to end it! But I did not kill her!
Sunry: I had been having an affair with Elassa on my wife, yes... But I realized how wrong I had been and I was going there to end it! Sunry: I knew she was a Sith, and she would be trying to pump me - for information, of course - so I... I just simply turned the tables.
Sith Diplomat: You were having an affair with a Sith! You wanted to end it quickly and quietly, so you killed her from behind and tried to flee!
Sunry: No, I...
Sith Diplomat: I think we can see the answer clear enough, Mr. Sunry!
Judge Duula: Do not interrupt the accused!
Judge Jhosa: In fact, I think you've said quite enough already, prosecutor.
Judge Shelkar: Do you have any question to ask the accused, Arbiter?
2. Elassa was a Sith spy, wasn't she?
Sunry: Of course she was! Why would a young, beautiful Sith woman get with an old cripple like me?
Judge Kota: You are not helping yourself, Sunry. You only give reason why you might kill her.
Judge Jhosa: He merely states facts. The incompetence of the murder indicates that her occupation was not the motive for the killing. The fact remains: Elassa was a Sith and likely a spy as well.
3. How could Elassa have got a hold of your medal?
Sunry: I don't know. The medal had gone missing some time ago. I never found out what happened to it. It's possible the Sith had stolen it and had it planted on the body...
Sith Diplomat: Supposition, your Honors!
Judge Kota: True, but it does have merit and deserves consideration.
4. You were going there to end the affair. Would the Sith object?
Sunry: Yes I think they would. They wouldn't want to lose one of their sources - even though I didn't give them anything! They... they might have killed her for her failure... or they might have thought she'd turn against them or something like that.
Sith Diplomat: The Sith Empire is not the barbaric institution you portray it to be!
Judge Naleshekan: Be silent, prosecutor. This is a valuable point, that lends some credence to your defense, Arbiter.
Judge Shelkar: Is there anything else you wish to ask the accused?
1. I have no additional questions.
Judge Shelkar: Very well. Would you like to use this opportunity to poll the judges?
1. Yes. 2. No.

Once you have no additional questions for each witness, you'll be given the opportunity to poll the judges to give some indication of how your defense is faring:

Points Judge
Duula Kota Shelkar Naleshekan Jhosa
< 0 Sunry is obviously guilty of killing the Sith woman. Despite his honorable past, Sunry would seem to have done something deplorable. I think that Sunry, perhaps, could have been the culprit. It seems to me that the evidence is weighted against Sunry. I think that Sunry was perfectly capable of committing this crime.
0-2 I cannot tell yet if Sunry killed Elassa, but I am confident it will be proven. I just do not have enough information to judge this case yet. I do not have enough information to make an informed decision. I cannot make my decision on what I have yet seen. I am unsure as yet as to whether Sunry was the actual murderer.
> 2 Perhaps I was wrong, after all, in my thoughts about Sunry. I do not believe Sunry, as a well-standing Republic citizen, could have committed this crime. I think that Sunry could not have committed this crime. Sunry did not have the capacity to commit these murders... I think. Sunry perhaps was not the killer.

The trial concludes with the closing statements of the prosecution and defense:

Judge Shelkar: The witnesses have all been called forward and questioned by both prosecution and defense. The prosecution will now present, in closing, its summary of the pertinent facts of this case.
Sith Diplomat: I think the facts in this case are very straight forward: Sunry was having an affair with Elassa. He sought to end it, and the simplest, quickest method given his hatred of the Sith was to simply kill her. *Ahem* Witnesses saw Sunry fleeing the scene, and material evidence places him there at the time of the murder as well. I am confident that any informed observation of the facts will lead the judges - your Honors - to this very conclusion.
Judge Shelkar: Indeed. And your closing statements, Arbiter?
1. No one actually witnessed the murder.
Judge Duula: Truth.
Sith Diplomat: That doesn't mean a thing! He was there, running from the room!
Judge Shelkar: If you speak out of turn again, you will be forcibly ejected from the court! The Arbiter speaks a valid fact. Is there another point you would make?
2. Sunry was a cripple and couldn't have killed her.
Judge Shelkar: A cripple can be just as capable as any other man. And Sunry more than most.
Judge Duula: You overrate this man!
Judge Shelkar: Perhaps. Are there any other arguments, Arbiter?
3. The Sith are obviously evil and set this up.
Sith Diplomat: Objection!
Judge Shelkar: The Arbiter is allowed an opinion as well as you, prosecutor.
Judge Duula: No matter how erroneous...
Judge Kota: Or truthful.
4. Sunry was ending the affair, so the Sith killed her.
Sith Diplomat: The Sith would not leave the medal of her killer clutched in her hand!
Judge Jhosa: Your time for arguments has passed, and you would do well to remember that!
Judge Shelkar: The Arbiter's argument does bring up a valid point. Is there anything else you would state?
5. Elassa was a spy and the Sith are framing Sunry.
Judge Naleshekan: I find that highly unlikely, Arbiter. The Sith have no need of such deception. The facts speak clear.
Judge Jhosa: But the Sith have been known for violence, deception, and murder before.
Judge Shelkar: That is also true. Is there another point you would make?
6. My arguments are complete.
Judge Shelkar: Then the court will now deliberate amongst ourselves.

Whether Sunry is found guilty or innocent depends on the extent of your investigation before the trial, the questions you ask the witnesses during it and the statements you make at its conclusion.


If you speak to none of the witnesses before beginning the trial, the only possible outcome is a guilty verdict:

Judge Shelkar: This court hereby finds Sunry guilty of the murder of the Sith Elassa.
Judge Naleshekan: According with Selkath law the proscribed punishment for murder is death.
Elora: *sob* Sunry... No...
Judge Shelkar: But due to the extenuating circumstances surrounding this case...
Judge Jhosa: ... and to not provoke additional tension between the Sith and Republic elements within Ahto City...
Judge Shelkar: ... this sentence is commuted to a life-term in the Ahto City Prison.
Sith Diplomat: No, your honors! I demand the death penalty!
Judge Kota: You are in no position to argue, Sith! Do not think that your Empire can pressure this court! We have made our decision!
Judge Shelkar: The verdict has been delivered and this trial is now over.
Mission: Well, that didn't go well. If I'm ever on trial remind me not to ask you for help. Carth: I... I don't believe this. Sunry should be remembered as a hero, not as a murderer. This isn't right. Bastila: This is the will of the court, but it doesn't feel like justice to me. Canderous: This is why we Mandalorians don't have courts. We prefer to settle things with trial by combat.
Judge Shelkar: Remove the guilty party from this courtroom.
Jolee: The Republic will attempt to have him freed, Elora, I am sure. This... this is the best we could do. I'm sorry.
Elora: Sunry...
Journal Entry Added Sunry Murder Trial
You have failed in your efforts to prove Sunry's innocence. The court has found him guilty as charged. Due to the tensions between the Sith and the Republic at the present time, though, they have decided to waive the death penalty and merely sentence him to life imprisonment. Justice has been served, after a fashion.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 300 Failed in your efforts to prove Sunry's innocence

You can ask Jolee what he thinks of the verdict:

2. So what do you think of Sunry's verdict?
Jolee: You defended him well enough. I wish we had had time to look into matters more fully, but wishing is only useful for the young and idealistic. What's done is done. The Republic will likely appeal the matter eventually and he'll be free. I just… I just would like to know if that's best. Sunry was a good man once. And a good friend. I'll miss him. Bah. I don't want to talk about this anymore. My jaw aches.

This is the worst outcome in terms of experience received, particularly due to the length of the trial, so it's much better to do the leg work necessary for an innocent verdict and receive much more experience for doing so.


Judge Shelkar: A recording? Let this new evidence be entered in the records.
Judge Naleshekan: Ah... this new evidence is most convincing.
Judge Kota: Yes. Yes it seems to be.
Judge Shelkar: This shortens the trial considerably. In light of this new evidence there is no need to proceed with the witnesses or cross-examinations. This court hereby finds Sunry guilty of the murder of the Sith Elassa. In accordance with Selkath law the proscribed punishment for murder is death. The verdict has been delivered and this trial is now over.
Mission: Well, that didn't go well. If I'm ever on trial remind me not to ask you for help. Carth: I... I don't believe this. Sunry should be remembered as a hero, not as a murderer. This isn't right. Bastila: This is the will of the court, but it doesn't feel like justice to me. Canderous: This is why we Mandalorians don't have courts. We prefer to settle things with trial by combat.
Judge Shelkar: Remove the guilty party from this courtroom.
Jolee: I... I'm sorry, Sunry. And Elora. There is nothing more we can do.
Elora: *sob* Sunry... No...
Journal Entry Added Sunry Murder Trial
You have presented the data recording of Sunry killing Elassa to the court and they have summarily found Sunry guilty as charged. Due to the nature of the crime, the death sentence has been decreed. Justice has been served.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 400 Presented the data recording of Sunry killing Elassa to the court

You can ask Jolee what he thinks of the verdict:

2. So what do you think of Sunry's verdict?
Jolee: You did what was necessary. Sunry was guilty, as sad as that fact makes me, justice had to be done. Doesn't matter that his victim was a Sith or that he was once a hero. I only wish that my old friend hadn't done it. But that's the thing about wishes. They don't come true. And now Sunry's dead, which is a shame. He *was* a good man, you know… once. Bah. I don't want to talk about this anymore. My jaw aches.

This is the second best outcome in terms of experience received and equivalent to that received from an innocent verdict, but defending Sunry gives you an opportunity to receive slightly more (100 XP) and you move no closer to the dark side of the Force for condemning him to death (so this isn't recommended unless role-playing a dark side, or possibly just lawful, character).


An innocent verdict requires you to score at least three points with at least three of the judges. The bare minimum necessary for this is to get Elora or Sunry to admit to the affair with Elassa before beginning the trial, then ask or state the following during it:

Witness Question or Statement Judge
Firith Me Sith Diplomat -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
2. Did you actually see the murder happen? +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
3. Was the medal left at the crime scene not a little too obvious? +1 +1 +1
Gluupor Sith Diplomat -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
2. Did you see Sunry kill Elassa? +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
3. Isn't the medal at the crime scene too obvious a clue? +1 +1 +1
Elora Sith Diplomat -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
2. Was it true your husband was having an affair with Elassa?
Sunry Sith Diplomat -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
3. How could Elassa have got a hold of your medal? +1 +1 +1
4. You were going there to end the affair. Would the Sith object? +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
Closing 1. No one actually witnessed the murder. +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
4. Sunry was ending the affair, so the Sith killed her. +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
Total 1 4 4 1 4

Judges Kota, Shelkar and Jhosa will still find Sunry innocent if you miss one of these questions, but you must ask Elora if it's true her husband was having an affair with Elassa. Although you may gain Judge Duula if you suggest more than once that Sunry couldn't have killed her because he's a cripple, you'll lose Judges Shelkar and Jhosa:

Witness Question or Statement Judge
Firith Me 4. How could Sunry have harmed her if he was a cripple? +1 -1 -1
Gluupor 4. Do you really think a cripple could have hurt Elassa? +1 -1 -1
Elora 3. Sunry was a cripple. Could he have killed Elassa? +1 -1 -1
Closing 2. Sunry was a cripple and couldn't have killed her. +1 -1 -1

The remaining options can actually make it even harder to convince Judges Duula and Naleshekan of Sunry's innocence, and risk losing one of the other three:

Witness Question or Statement Judge
Opening 3. [Force Persuade] You will find Sunry innocent. -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
Elora 4. Sunry was a Republic war hero, wasn't he? +1 -1 -1
Sunry 2. Elassa was a Sith spy, wasn't she? -1 -1 -1 +1
Closing 3. The Sith are obviously evil and set this up. -1 +1 -1
5. Elassa was a spy and the Sith are framing Sunry. -1 -1 -1 +1

If you don't get Elora or Sunry to admit to the affair before the trial, an innocent verdict is still possible if you don't lose too many points with the judges and thoroughly investigate the crime scene in the visitor's hotel of the East Central courtyard, as this gives you more options to counter this damaging revelation during the trial:

Witness Question or Statement Judge
Subtotal 1 4 4 1 4
Ignus The man I saw leaving - Sunry - left before I heard the blaster shot. +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
Firith Me 5. Elassa is a Dark Jedi, isn't she? +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
Gluupor 5. Did you plant the medal on Elassa? +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
Sunry Sith Diplomat -2 -2 -2 -2 -2
Total 2 5 5 2 5

You actually have more leeway than if you ignore the visitor's hotel altogether and rely solely on the admission of the affair before the trial.

Judge Shelkar: This court hereby finds Sunry innocent of the murder of the Sith Elassa.
Journal Entry Added Sunry Murder Trial
You have managed to convince the Selkath court that Sunry is innocent of his crime. Sunry and Elora both thanked you profusely. They say they'll be heading off-world as soon as possible to get somewhere more peaceful.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 400 Managed to convince the Selkath court that Sunry is innocent of his crime

However, the best possible outcome requires you to score at least three points with all five judges, which is impossible without both the admission of the affair and the investigation of the visitor's hotel before the trial. The maximum points achievable with each judge without losing points with others are as follows:

Judge Duula Kota Shelkar Naleshekan Jhosa
Points 4 7 7 4 7

You have the least leeway with Judge Naleshekan, as you can gain points with Judge Duula at the expense of Judges Shelkar and Jhosa.

Judge Jhosa: In addition, this court finds the Sith Empire guilty of conspiracy and obstruction of justice.
Sith Diplomat: Your Honors! No!
Judge Naleshekan: Silence!
Judge Jhosa: The Sith Empire is hereby forced to subsidize a portion of Republic purchases on Manaan for a period of the next solar year.
Judge Shelkar: The verdict has been delivered and this trial is now over.
Mission: Yes! Score one for the good guys! Carth: I knew you wouldn't let the Republic down! Jolee: Well done. You showed wisdom worthy of a Jedi Master during this trial. Canderous: I guess you got the result you wanted, but I still think this was a big waste of time. We Mandalorians prefer to settle things with a nice, quick trial by combat.
Elora: Sunry... I'm so glad...
Sunry: Elora...
Sunry: Thank you for saving me. I don't know how I can repay you. Elora and I are going to leave here and get as far away from all this as soon as we can. I - and the Republic - will not forget what you've done for us. Thank you. Jolee: We have done all we could for you, old friend.
Sunry: Thank you, Jolee! I... I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't shown up!
Jolee: Don't thank me, thank your Arbiter. I was glad to help.
Journal Entry Added Sunry Murder Trial
You have managed to convince the Selkath court that Sunry is innocent of his crime. Sunry and Elora both thanked you profusely. They say they'll be heading off-world as soon as possible to get somewhere more peaceful.

In addition, you proved that the Sith were guilty of trying to frame Sunry. The Ahto City authorities have imposed additional sanction on the Sith in the form of subsidies towards kolto purchases. This should make things easier in the future.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 500 Proved that the Sith were guilty of trying to frame Sunry

You can ask Jolee what he thinks of the verdict:

2. So what do you think of Sunry's verdict?
Jolee: Innocent, mm? I don't know what to make of it, to tell the truth. Do you think justice has been done?
1. Yes, of course. 2. No, not really.
Jolee: I see. I am not so sure. If he did kill that woman, Sunry's going to have to live with that on his conscience. And if he's justified her death in his mind… well… Sunry was a good man, once. I only hope that is still the case. I enjoyed his company. Jolee: But that has little to do with the law, does it? A sad state of affairs, that. Too bad, really… Sunry was a good man, once.
Jolee: Bah. I don't want to talk about this anymore. My jaw aches.

Once the trial is over, if you speak to Judge Shelkar again:

Judge Shelkar: Your task with the courts has been completed, human. You have fulfilled your role as Arbiter to the satisfaction of this court. Should you have any other grievances you wish to present, give them to the judge on duty at that time.

The Selkath guard also remains in the court:

Selkath Guard: Sunry's trial is over, human. You are no longer an Arbiter of the Selkath courts. I cannot allow you into the cells.

If you did as recommended and completed this trial after infiltrating the Sith base on your mission for the Republic and concluding your own trial, then it's time to return to the Republic Embassy and access the submersible which can take you down to Hrakert Station...