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Weapon Proficiency: Heavy Weapons is required to use heavy weapons. All classes except Expert Droids can select this feat, but it's only granted upon character generation to Soldiers like Canderous (who specializes in them), although it can also be granted to any organic character using the level 3 Advanced Combat Implant available from Yavin Station.

Heavy weapons are all energy weapons (the more advanced can have damage bonuses of other types) that have Range: 28m and Critical Threat: 20-20,x2 (5% chance).

Repeating blasters

Repeating blasters all have at least Damage: Energy 1-8.

Light Repeating Blaster

This weapon allows the user to fire more quickly than usual, increasing his chances of survival without drastically changing the amount of equipment he would normally carry.

World Area Source Cost Amount
Taris South Apartments Larrim 550 1
Dantooine Courtyard Adum Larp 500 1
Kashyyyk Upper Shadowlands Metal Box 500 1
Manaan East Central Tyvark's Shop 500 1
Leviathan Command Deck Gun Locker 500 1
Star Forge System Temple Main Floor Large Locker 500 2

Medium Repeating Blaster

Weapons such as this are not usually available for public purchase. They are best utilized during quick troop deployment and other situations where rapid suppressing fire is required.

World Area Source Cost Amount
Korriban Dreshdae B'ree 800 2
Star Forge System Rakatan Settlement Wicker Bin 800 1

Blaster Cannon

The blaster cannon is a favorite among captains wealthy enough to hire experienced, dangerous crews and who might need a way to take them out quick if things go bad.

World Area Source Cost Amount
Kashyyyk Czerka Landing Port Janos' Office 600 2

Baragwin Assault Gun

Special: Upgradeable, Ranged
  • Damage: Energy, 3-20 (1d8+2d6)
  • Damage Bonus: +3-18 Sonic (3d6) Improved Energy Cell Beam Splitter Hair Trigger
  • Range: 28m
  • Critical Threat: 20-20,x2
  • Attack Modifier: +5 Scope (+3) Beam Splitter Hair Trigger

This light repeating blaster is an excellent example of the Baragwin aptitude for weaponry. By taking and modifying an existing repeating blaster design, the Baragwin have managed to greatly increase the damage output and added additional functionality with a variety of upgrade options.

World Area Source Cost Amount
Yavin Yavin Station Suvam Tam (Third Star Map) 15000 1
Suvam Tam (Fifth Star Map) 15000 1

Heavy repeating blasters

Heavy repeating blasters all have at least Damage: Energy 1-10 .

Heavy Repeating Blaster

This weapon again increases the firepower available to the foot soldier or mercenary, but it is not for the lightly armored who wish to be quick on their feet.

World Area Source Cost Amount
Korriban Dreshdae B'ree 1500 2
Sith Academy Footlocker 1500 1

Mandalorian Heavy Repeater

With this weapon, the Mandalorians again demonstrate a complete lack of subtlety. The only thing better than a big blaster, apparently, is one that shoots faster.

World Area Source Cost Amount
Tatooine Docking Bay Mic'Tunan'Jus Orgu 2500 1
Star Forge System Rakatan Settlement Wicker Bin 2500 1

Ordo's Repeating Blaster

Special: Upgradeable, Ranged
  • Damage: Energy, 5-14 (1d10,+4) Improved Energy Cell Beam Splitter Hair Trigger
  • Range: 28m
  • Critical Threat: 20-20,x2
  • Attack Modifier: +1 Scope

This prototype heavy repeater was developed during the latter part of the Mandalorian War and never saw general production.

World Area Source Cost Amount
Taris Davik's Estate Canderous 800 1

Baragwin Heavy Repeating Blaster

Special: Upgradeable, Ranged
  • Damage: Energy, 3-22 (1d10 + 2d6)
  • Damage Bonus: +4-24 Fire (4d6) Scope Improved Energy Cell Beam Splitter Hair Trigger
  • Range: 28m
  • Critical Threat: 20-20,x2
  • Attack Modifier: +3 Scope Beam Splitter Hair Trigger

A heavier version of the Baragwin Assault Gun, this weapon features similar improvements over its more common version. The incredible amounts of energy contained in the beam can be upgraded even further to produce a blast capable of setting even durasteel on fire for brief periods.

World Area Source Cost Amount
Yavin Yavin Station Suvam Tam (Fifth Star Map) 19000 1