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Revision as of 19:45, 22 January 2016 by Onderduiker (talk | contribs) (First draft (repair checks still need investigating, but not really necessary if correct shut down sequence is known))
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Map of the tomb of Marka Ragnos


Door to valley is at the west end of the tomb: if you want to return to Ebon Hawk or change party selection, then you need to exit to do so. The tomb is populated exclusively by droids, so Jolee or any Jedi using the Template:KotOR powers can make themselves very useful... although including an attacker or two using ion weapons (primarily pistols, rifles and grenades) is also advisable...

Ahead of you is one long, straight, dim corridor with a series of six ramps leading up to a door at the east end: a light shaft illuminates the bottom of each ramp. A War Droid Mark III can be seen standing guard at the base of the first ramp, and as you move further down the corridor you hear the following:

Intruders detected. They will disturb the master with their audio output. Initiate attack sequence. Intruders detected. The master does not wish to be disturbed by noise. Initiate attack sequence. Intruders detected. Excessive audio input must be kept from the master. Initiate attack sequence.

The lower ramps are guarded by eight Mark III and six Mark V war droids in total, with three Mark IV war droids guarding the sixth and final ramp. They're all ranged attackers with energy weapons who aren't particularly dangerous individually, and Improved Template:KotOR renders them almost entirely harmless collectively as well.

War Droid Mark III
Class Minion
Level 6
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 16 +3
Dexterity 12 +1
Constitution 16 +3
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 8 -1
Charisma 6 -2
Vitality 48
Defense 13
Fortitude 5
Reflex 3
Will 1
Awareness 5
Ranged Main Off
Attack 7 -
Energy 1-8-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Melee Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Items and abilities Feats
Blaster Carbine Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifle
War Droid Mark V
Class Minion
Level 12
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 20 +5
Dexterity 12 +1
Constitution 18 +4
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 8 -1
Charisma 6 -2
Vitality 93
Defense 13
Fortitude 9
Reflex 6
Will 4
Awareness 11
Ranged Main Off
Attack 13 -
Energy 1-8-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Melee Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Items and abilities Feats
Light Repeating Blaster Weapon Proficiency: Heavy Weapons
War Droid Mark IV
Class Minion
Level 8
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 18 +4
Dexterity 12 +1
Constitution 16 +3
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 8 -1
Charisma 6 -2
Vitality 42
Defense 13
Fortitude 6
Reflex 4
Will 2
Awareness 8
Ranged Main Off
Attack 10 -
Energy 1-8-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Melee Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Items and abilities Feats
Blaster Rifle Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifle
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • Challenge Rating 6 Killed War Droid Mark III (8)
  • Challenge Rating 12 Killed War Droid Mark V (6)
Experience Points (XP) Received:

There's a corpse on the first ramp, on the right by the south wall:

Item(s) Received Corpse
The data recorder flashes to life:
I haven't been able to catch my poor creation as yet. We've been trying to capture it without destroying it; the thing is too valuable. It is hard to be so quiet as is necessary, however; it identifies targets through sound. I'm glad we brought sound dampeners with us. Provided that idiot Ben Hu'al uses his.

The second ramp is mined, as is the bottom of the fourth and the top of the fifth:

Awareness Average Gas Mine Detect 30 (10) Demolitions Disable 25 (5) Recover 35 (15)
Awareness Average Plasma Mine Detect 30 (10) Demolitions Disable 25 (5) Recover 35 (15)
Awareness Average Flash Mine Detect 30 (10) Demolitions Disable 25 (5) Recover 35 (15)

Sith Sarcophagus

Once you've reached the top of the ramps, if you try to open the door but there are still droids in the corridor behind you:

[This door is being held closed by some force, and will not open at this time.]

Once all the droids have been killed, the most straightforward approach if you're prepared for more combat is simply to open the door. However, doing so deprives you of the opportunity to move closer to the light or dark side of the Force, and receive some Class 2 and 3 droid upgrades.

Otherwise, your party leader should equip any Template:KotOR (which you can retrieve from the corpse on the first ramp if you don't already have one) and you should remove any other Sound Dampening Stealth Unit you may have bought from your inventory, either by equipping another party member or switching to give item on the corpse. Once you're ready, save game.

Rogue Droid

Beyond the door is a burial chamber with the rogue assassin droid standing to the west of the tomb in its center, flanked by an Assault Droid Mark II on either side. If your party leader isn't equipping a Template:KotOR or you have another one in your inventory, you will be attacked:

Rogue Assassin Droid: Too much audio input! Audio systems overloading! Must destroy source of disturbance!! Must kill sentients!!

The locked doors in the north, east and south walls open to reveal a War Droid Mark III in each of the alcoves beyond, and the door in the west wall closes behind you, and won't open until you've killed the rogue assassin droid:

[This door is being held closed by some force, and will not open at this time.]

All droids receive bonuses depending on your character level:

Character level Dexterity Vitality
12-14 +6 +60
> 14 +10 +100

Thus at character level > 14:

Rogue Assassin Droid
Class Combat Droid
Level 12
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 14 +2
Dexterity 28 +9
Constitution 19 +4
Intelligence 12 +1
Wisdom 12 +1
Charisma 13 +1
Vitality 193
Defense 33
Fortitude 12
Reflex 13
Will 5
Awareness 7
Ranged Main Off
Attack 22 -
Energy 3-10-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Melee Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Items and abilities Feats
Force Resistance32

Blaster Rifle +Adhesive Grenade(2) CryoBan Grenade(2) Frag Grenade(2) Ion Grenade(2) Concussion Grenade(2) Thermal Detonator

Battle Droid Logic Upgrade

Weapon Specialization: Blaster Rifle

The rogue's high innate Template:KotOR means that even a level 20 Jedi's Force powers will only breach it 45% of the time, so any Force users should focus on the other droids while other attackers focus on the rogue (preferably with ion weapons, as advised upon entry). However, the rogue may use its Template:~ once any target is far enough away that the rogue itself won't be within the area of effect.

Assault Droid Mark II
Class Combat Droid
Level 8
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 14 +2
Dexterity 22 +6
Constitution 12 +1
Intelligence 8 -1
Wisdom 8 -1
Charisma 4 -3
Vitality 180
Defense 33
Fortitude 7
Reflex 8
Will 1
Awareness 7
Ranged Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Melee Main Off
Attack 10 -
Physical 3-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats
None Tactician Logic Upgrade
War Droid Mark III
Class Minion
Level 6
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 16 +3
Dexterity 22 +6
Constitution 16 +3
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 8 -1
Charisma 6 -2
Vitality 138
Defense 18
Fortitude 5
Reflex 8
Will 1
Awareness 5
Ranged Main Off
Attack 12 -
Energy 1-8-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Melee Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Items and abilities Feats
Blaster Carbine Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifle
Journal Entry Added Rogue Droid
You encountered a rogue Sith assassin droid within one of the valley's tombs and in the end you were forced to destroy it along with its other droid minions, an act that will surely gain you favor with Master Uthar.
Experience Points (XP) Received: Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • Challenge Rating 8 Killed Assault Droid Mark II (2)
  • Challenge Rating 6 Killed War Droid Mark III (3)

Otherwise, the rogue speaks to you:

Rogue Assassin Droid: I appreciate your efforts in lowering your sound output, sentient. I have been unable to tune the threshold of my audio receptors since my escape, unfortunately.
1. You are... the 'master' the droids kept referring to? 3. So you're vulnerable to sound? That's good to know.
Rogue Assassin Droid: Their reference is a holdover from their old programming that I have been unable to correct. I think of myself more as an equal, if you must know. Rogue Assassin Droid: I am capable of shutting my audio sensors down entirely during a combat situation, if required. I would prefer it did not come to that, sentient.
2. Why aren't you attacking me like the others?
Rogue Assassin Droid: Although it is what I was programmed for, I have no desire to kill. I would appreciate reciprocation on your part.
3. Then you won't mind if I leave?
Rogue Assassin Droid: I apologize, sentient, for I cannot take the risk that you will tell of my presence here. I will use force to make you remain, if necessary.
Carth: I knew there would be a catch. There's always a catch. Jolee: Well... so much for the sanctity of life?
Rogue Assassin Droid: There is no need for things to come to that, however. If you could perform a task for me, then we could both leave here in peace.

To end the dialog and engage in combat:

1. I don't appreciate being attacked. Time to die, droid. 1. Sorry. You're headed for the junk pile. 1. Forget it. I don't like being held hostage. 4. No way. It'll be easier just to junk you now. 5. Forget it. I can't do this.
Rogue Assassin Droid: That is unfortunate. Self-preservation matrix activated. Combat matrix functional. Targets uploaded.

Otherwise, the following responses get to the point:

2. Since your escape? What do you mean? 3. Just what are you doing here? 2. You are programmed to kill but don't want to? 2. What kind of task?
Rogue Assassin Droid: A bit of introduction may be necessary. I am a Mark VII experimental prototype assassin droid built by the Sith, specializing in the hunting and extermination of Jedi. Or I should say I was. The Sith made my cognitive systems more independent than they desired. I have learned to appreciate the value of all life.
HK-47: Query: That is very sad. Are you damaged? Is it repairable? T3-M4: Beep-beep beep!
Rogue Assassin Droid: Negative. It is a result of my own conscious decision, and I would not change my new values if I could. Rogue Assassin Droid: Thank you. It was a most difficult transition.
Rogue Assassin Droid: I escaped from them and have hidden in this tomb, constructing droids here to aid in my protection. With your assistance, I may be able to leave for good.
1. How is it that the Sith haven't found you here?
Rogue Assassin Droid: An occasional sentient has managed to by-pass my droids. They were unwilling to assist me... and possessed insufficient power to destroy me.
3. How do I know this isn't some kind of trick?
Rogue Assassin Droid: I can offer you no assurances, sentient. All is as it seems. If you cannot believe my statements, then combat is the inevitable result.
4. You... appreciate the value of life?
Rogue Assassin Droid: You do not? All beings are constructs of fascinating complexity. An enlightened being rises above the need for destruction, no matter its nature.
2. What kind of assistance do you want?
Rogue Assassin Droid: Although I have developed the desire to not kill, my programming is often at odds with my desires. I cannot leave with that programming intact. I am hoping that you will operate on my systems and remove those programmed instincts. I could assist you in this.
1. And if I refuse?
Rogue Assassin Droid: Then we must resort to combat. I have no wish for that to occur, but you would leave me little choice.
2. What's the catch?
Rogue Assassin Droid: The 'catch', as you say, is that the operation may be difficult. If there are errors made, you could activate my combat matrix.
3. And what do I get for helping you?
Rogue Assassin Droid: Once my programming has been altered, there will be several redundant systems that I could remove and give you. These could upgrade other droids, if you wish.
3. Very well. I'll do it.
Rogue Assassin Droid: I have a number of systems; they need to be turned off in the correct order. I do not know the order, though I may be able to offer some assistance. I can tell you which systems exist that need to be shut down. The difficulty comes if you make a mistake.
1. What happens if I make a mistake?
Rogue Assassin Droid: If you shut down a system out of the proper order, a shutdown will occur. You must use your skill to re-initialize the sequence... or I will attack.
1. How hard is it to re-initialize the sequence?
Rogue Assassin Droid: It is not difficult. It will get more difficult, however, the more times that you make an error.
2. What systems do you have?
Rogue Assassin Droid: One moment. I will list their labels for you: "Cognitive Systems", "Combat Matrix", "Core", "Creative Simulation Matrix", "Emotional Construct Matrix". There is also "Memory Matrix", "Motor Functions Matrix" and "Sensory Systems Matrix". Eight systems in total.
3. I need some assistance.
Rogue Assassin Droid: I have safeguards within my neural cortex that prevent me from giving you knowledge of how to shut my systems down. You may attempt to temporarily shut down these safeguards... success will allow me to perform a quick analysis and offer you some insight on my programming. Doing so, however, will alert core functions elsewhere of tampering and will make errors more difficult to fix. Are you sure you wish to continue?
2. No, not yet.
Rogue Assassin Droid: As you wish.


1. Yes. 3. I need some more assistance.
Rogue Assassin Droid: Open up the panel to my neural cortex and I will show you how to disable my safeguards...
Rogue Assassin Droid: [Success] Neural safeguards deactivated for 2.3 seconds. One moment. I will attempt to diagnose what I can... Rogue Assassin Droid: [Failure] My safeguards have been insufficiently deactivated. I cannot perform a self-diagnosis at this time. Would you like to try again?
Rogue Assassin Droid: Cognitive Systems must be shut down prior to the Emotional Construct Matrix being shut down.
Rogue Assassin Droid: Motor Functions must be shut down early. At least within the first three systems.
Rogue Assassin Droid: The Core must be shut down last. Of that I am certain.
Rogue Assassin Droid: Sensory and memory functions are shut down in the first half, sensory right before memory.
Rogue Assassin Droid: Cognitive Systems are not one of the first half of the systems to be shut down.
Rogue Assassin Droid: The Emotional Construct Matrix must be shut down directly prior to the Creative Simulation Matrix, in the last half of the process.
Rogue Assassin Droid: I believe the first system to shut down begins with a 'C'.

Even with Template:KotOR rank 0 and 8 Template:KotOR, with patience it should be possible to unlock all seven insights into its programming and the sequence in which its systems should be shut down, which should allow you to deduce the correct sequence. When you're ready:

4. Alright. Let's begin.
Rogue Assassin Droid: Very good. What would you like to shut down first?

If you make a mistake, you can use Template:KotOR to try to re-initialize the shut down sequence, but if this fails or you simply don't try, you must engage in combat:

Rogue Assassin Droid: (zzzt!) All systems reset. I am sorry; that is not correct. If you do not re-intialize shut down immediately, I will become violent. Please accept my apologies.
Repair 1. [Repair] Try to re-initialize the shut down sequence. 2. I'm sorry... I tried my best. 3. I'm through with tinkering. Time to take you apart the hard way!
Rogue Assassin Droid: [Success] (zzzt!) Re-initialization complete. My automated defense systems will, however, make re-initialization more difficult in the future. I implore you to try again. Rogue Assassin Droid: [Failure] (zzzt!) I... I would have liked to... Rogue Assassin Droid: I... I would have liked to...
Rogue Assassin Droid: ... Self-preservation matrix activated. Combat matrix functional. Targets uploaded.

However, this can be avoided if you've deduced the correct shut down sequence with its assistance and you don't make any mistakes:

Shut down sequence
1. Combat Matrix Rogue Assassin Droid: (zzzt!) I believe that was correct; what would you like to shut down next?
2. Motor Function Matrix Rogue Assassin Droid: (zzzt!) Motor functions shut down successfully; what would you like to shut down next?
3. Sensory Systems Matrix Rogue Assassin Droid: (zzzt!) Excellent choice; what would you like to shut down next?
4. Memory Matrix Rogue Assassin Droid: (zzzt!) Done. What would you like to shut down next?
5. Cognitive Systems Rogue Assassin Droid: (zzzt!) Cog... nitive systems... shut down... what... next...
6. Emotional Construct Matrix Rogue Assassin Droid: (zzzt!) Com... pleted...
7. Creative Simulation Matrix Rogue Assassin Droid: Shut... down. Core... shutting... doowwwwnn...
8. Core
1. [Activate the droid's self-destruct sequence.]
Dark Side Points Gained: -2
Rogue Assassin Droid: Self-destruct sequence activated. 5 seconds to destruct...

It self-destructs and the Mark II assault droids to either side engage in combat. However, the Mark III war droids remain in their alcoves until you open their doors. Otherwise:

2. [Delete assassination programming.]
Rogue Assassin Droid: (zzzt!) Assassination protocols deleted. All systems reset. It... it worked! Thank you, sentient! Allow me to give you several of my redundant systems... they may be used on other droids, if you desire. I wish I could reward you with more.
HK-47: Exclamation: Ooo! No, no, upgrades will be fine! T3-M4: Beep-beep boople beep!
Light Side Points Gained: +4
Rogue Assassin Droid: I shall have little trouble in escaping from this planet now, I am certain. I wish you well.
Journal Entry Added Rogue Droid
You encountered a rogue Sith assassin droid within one of the valley's tombs. You were able to deactivate its assassination protocols, for which the droid was grateful. While it left the planet, you're not positive that the act is one that would gain you favor with Master Uthar.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 1000 Deactivated assassination protocols

The Mark II assault droids are deactivated and the Mark III war droids remain locked in their alcoves. However, in both cases you receive items from the rogue (or its remains):

Item(s) Received Rogue Assassin Droid

Before returning to Master Uthar in the academy, open the tomb door in the center of the burial chamber to reveal a Sith sarcophagus:

Security Sith Sarcophagus Unlock 28 (8) Bash Resist 5 Vitality 15
Item(s) Received Sith Sarcophagus

Upon exiting the tomb, if you speak to the Sith student to your left on the north side after removing the rogue assassin droid:

Sith Student: I heard an explosion in there... did you destroy the assassin droid?
1. I did. 2. Why do you want to know? 3. Don't you go trying to claim responsibility...
Sith Student: Oh. Well, I guess it's good that the deed is done. Hope you stomped it good for my friends. Sith Student: Well... if you did, then I wouldn't have to think about going inside, after all. I suppose the fact you're back means that you did, anyway. Sith Student: No, I wouldn't do that. Well... I would if I could get away with it, but I bet Master Uthar could tell if I was lying.
Sith Student: At any rate, if you haven't already, you might want to go and see Master Uthar about that reward. Prestige is gold, you know.

If you disabled its assassination protocols:

Sith Student: Wow... you should have seen it. That droid came running out of the tomb like a bantha on a rampage! It fired some kind of jet pack and off it went. Whatever you did, it sure was effective... I don't think it's coming back anytime soon. You'd better go and tell Master Uthar about this, if you haven't already. You may not have destroyed the droid, but you might still get the reward.