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Map of the Rakatan settlement

Trapped on a Nameless World[edit]

If you agreed to be taken to the One by the Rakatan elite warrior that challenged you upon entering the North Beach then you're taken to the Arena of the One at the northwest end of the Rakatan settlement:

The One: Revan. Somehow I knew we would meet again. Even when you vanished, I knew you would not forget the vow you swore to me. And when my scouts told me of a great warrior from the sky slaughtering our raiding parties with mysterious powers and magics, I knew you had at last returned!
1. I have no clue what you are talking about. 2. I'm not Revan anymore. That part of me is gone. I'm Name now. 3. Vow? I don't remember any vow.
The One: Your words are confusing. I recognize you: you are the one called Revan. You are the one who came here before; you and Malak, the one who served you. You promised to slay our enemy. In exchange for our aid you swore to destroy the Elders and bring us their secrets. Are you saying this means nothing to you now?
1. My mind was destroyed. My memories were lost. 2. I'm sorry, but I don't remember any of this.
The One: I believe you, Revan. I sense there is something different about you. Something that has changed. You are not the same as you were before. Yet the power of magic - what you call the Force - is within you still. You can still destroy the Elders and fulfill your vow!
1. You can't force me to kill your enemies! 2. What was this vow, exactly?
The One: Force you? No, Revan - we were allies working to a common goal! It was you who suggested we forge our alliance.
The One: You vowed to kill the Elders and bring us the secret knowledge they protect. In exchange, we promised to use this lost knowledge to help you enter the Temple of the Ancients. When you vanished, we thought you had forgotten us - or been killed by the Elders. Now that you have returned our alliance still holds: destroy the Elders, and we will help you.
1. Temple of the Ancients? I still don't remember anything. 3. I will help you, but first you must answer my questions. Always 2. [Persuade/Lie] I'll help you, but you have to answer my questions first.
The One: I suppose that if what you say is true - that you cannot remember when you were last here - then you must have many questions. Very well, Revan. The One: [Success] I suppose that if what you say is true - that you cannot remember when you were last here - then you must have many questions. Very well, Revan.
The One: I will help you to understand. And then you will destroy the Elders tribe and fulfill the oath you swore to us long ago.
1. You should probably start with the last time I was here. 2. I'm going to need some information if you want me to succeed.
The One: Yes, I suppose that is true. I will start at the beginning, with our first meeting.
The One: You arrived with Malak - your servant - three of your galactic standard years ago. My scouts saw your sky ship plummet to the earth and they went to loot the crash site. They tried to take you prisoner, but you unleashed your magic - what you called the Force - upon them. Seeing your power they bowed before you and brought you here to me. You used your power to rip the Rakata language from my mind, even as you drove Basic into our skulls so we could help you in your quest to find something called the 'Star Forge'. But the answers you sought lay within the Temple of the Ancients, and we could not help you enter the Temple. The Elders alone hold its secrets, guarding them with their very lives.

You can ask him if your ship crashed because of the disruptor field, tell him you need parts to repair it and ask him to tell you about the Temple of the Ancients and more about the Elders:

1. You say my ship crashed. Was it because of the disruptor field?
The One: I know nothing of this disruptor field, but throughout the history of our tribe ships have fallen from the sky. It has always been this way; though in recent generations it has become more frequent. We have little understanding of such magic to make metal fly, but my scouts rush to take whatever we can carry from the crash sites in the hopes we may one day unlock these secrets. This was how we acquired our rancor war beasts. Several very young specimens were recovered from a crashed vessel. We raised them to adulthood, training and breeding them to be loyal beasts of war.
2. I need parts to repair my ship.
The One: That I cannot help you with. Although we have recovered many strange devices from the sky ships that crash to the earth, their use is a mystery to us. As a show of good faith, I will allow you to search the stores of our tribe, and take whatever you find. In exchange, I know you will destroy the Elders and bring the secrets they guard back to me.
3. Tell me about the Temple of the Ancients.
The One: There is little I can tell you about the Temple. I know the secrets of our ancestors are contained within, but the Temple itself is barred to us. When last you were here, you and Malak sought to enter the Temple. You sought ancient knowledge and a way to escape this world within its stone walls. But only the Elders know how to bypass the barrier that surrounds it. Destroy them and bring back their secrets to us, and we will help you enter the Temple. That was our agreement.
4. Tell me more about the Elders.
The One: The Elders guard the ancient secrets. Within their compound is the knowledge of power and magic; including the knowledge of how to enter the Temple itself. I have lost many warriors storming the gates of their compound, but they use weapons of light and fire against us, and not even our war beasts are strong enough to breach their defenses. Sometimes we can capture an Elder when they venture forth from their compound, and we have learned something about them. That is how we know they guard the ancient secrets. But no matter what tortures we inflict upon them, they will not reveal their secrets to us. They fear the knowledge they themselves guard, and they will never willingly surrender it to us.

Offering to help him doesn't commit you to doing so, and is recommended if you or your party still need to gain experience as you can receive it for speaking to Loremaster Gjarshi and returning from the Temple exterior with the Mandalorian head for Warleader Garn on the north beach:

1. I don't see any other choice, so I'll help you. 2. I'll be back after I kill the Elders. Always 3. [Persuade/Lie] I will kill the Elders and bring you their secrets!
The One: [Success] I see you that you have changed much since our last meeting. I am confident you will not betray us this time.
The One: The compound of the Elders is to the south, beyond the Temple of the Ancients. From torturing the few Elders we have captured, we know something of what lies beyond the gates. The Elders are few in number. If you can get past the exterior defenses, you could surely slaughter them all. Then you can bring us back the knowledge they guard.
1. So where is this information? Is it in some kind of computer?
The One: Computer? That is a word our prisoners have used. When we forced them to explain it to us, they said this 'computer' was some type of thinking machine. More magic we cannot understand. Before they died, some prisoners did speak of such a machine inside their compound. But I do not believe it has anything to do with the secrets they are trying to protect.
1. The Elders are dead. I killed them myself. 2. If I kill the Elders, how can I bring you their secrets? 1. Why do you think that?
The One: Dead? Is this why you returned, Revan? To tell us that you have fulfilled your oath? If this is true, then there is something I must ask you.
The One: There was one prisoner, an Elder who's mind broke beneath our tortures. He raved of ancient rituals, of lost power and forgotten secrets! Unfortunately, most of his dying screams made no sense. Yet in his last hours he spoke of a book; an ancient tome that recorded the most powerful knowledge of the Elders, and detailed the rituals that could unleash the secrets. I am certain this ancient tome will allow me to unleash what has, for so long, been hidden by the Elders. Bring me this book and I will use the knowledge within it to help you enter the Temple.
1. I'll be back when I get that book. 2. [Lie] Don't worry. I will slay the Elders and honor our deal.
The One: When you have it, bring it here to me. Until then, you may move freely about our village. I will be waiting for your return.

However, you still receive experience even if you refuse:

4. Forget it. I'll never help you against the Elders!
The One: You refuse to help us? Is that why you returned, Revan? To tell us you have broken your vow? No one defies the will of the One, Revan - not even you! My war beasts will destroy you, and the tribe will feast on your bones!
Journal Entry Added Trapped on a Nameless World
The One, leader of a Rakata tribe, has made a deal with you. He has agreed to help you enter the Temple if you slaughter another Rakatan tribe known as the Elders. He wants you to go to their compound near the Temple and bring back an ancient tome in exchange for his help.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 1000 Made a deal with the One


The One: I have given you free reign within our camp, Revan. Take whatever supplies you may need from our caches, if you think it will help you destroy the Elders and recover the ancient tome.
1. I want to ask you some questions.
The One: I am the One, warrior-chieftain of this tribe. Answering questions is the work of Gjarshi, our Loremaster. Seek him out if you wish to know of our tribe. But I will answer no more questions. The time for questions is done: now you must fulfill your promise. Slay the Elders and bring us their secrets. This is the will of the One.

If you return after retrieving the ancient tome from the remains of Keeper Orsaa in the Elder settlement on the south beach beyond the Temple exterior:

The One: My scouts have reported a great battle in the compound of the Elders. Tell me, Revan - in your slaughter did you find the book recording the great secrets of the past?
1. Here is the ancient tome.
The One: Well done, Revan. But before I will consider your oath fulfilled, I must study this tome. I must see if it truly contains the ancient knowledge I seek. I will have the guards escort you back here once we have studied the contents of the manuscript you have brought us.
The One: I have studied this tome, Revan. Much of it is beyond me, it speaks often of 'technology' - a form of magic I do not comprehend. But one thing has become clear to me: This tome does not hold the great secrets I was hoping for. Although it contains many rituals, only one appears to be of any real consequence.
1. That's not my problem! We had a deal! 2. That was the only tome I found in the Elder's compound.
The One: All is not lost, Revan. After studying this book I have come to understand that even the Elders themselves did not actually possess the ancient secrets. They were only the guardians. The knowledge of magic and power is locked away within the Temple itself. And this book is the key to the Temple, for only the rituals in this tome can lower the shields protecting it.
1. So now you know how to get inside the Temple? 2. You better not be looking to double-cross me here!
The One: I will honor our agreement, Revan. There is little reason for me to betray you, in any case.
The One: I now have the rituals to lower the shields, but the Temple is guarded by yet another barrier. Only those with powerful magic - what you call the Force - can pass through the entrance. None among my tribe - or perhaps none among any of the Rakata - has this power. Only you can enter the Temple, Revan. But you cannot do it without our help. You can pass the barrier at the entrance, but you cannot get past the shield that surrounds the Temple. Only the ancient ritual, performed by those of pure Rakata blood, can lower the shield.
1. Looks like we still need each other. 2. So you will help me enter the Temple?
The One: Yes. You brought this tome to me as you promised. Now I must trust you again. We will help you enter the Temple, and in exchange you will bring forth the great secrets within. My priests can prepare and perform the ritual whenever you are ready, Revan. But in accordance with the traditions within the ritual tome, you must enter the Temple alone.
1. Why do I have to go in alone? 2. I'm not going into the Temple without help!
The One: The Temple is a sacred place to the Rakata, its power is bound in ritual and tradition. I have studied the ritual closely. It is forbidden for more than one to enter the Temple at a time. This is one of the sacred traditions of our ancestors; I will not permit you to defile it.
2. Forget it! I'll find my own way into the Temple.
The One: You have the power to enter the Temple itself, but you cannot lower the energy shields the Elders built around it. Only a Rakata can invoke the ritual chant with the proper intonation.
1. I will go into the Temple alone. 1. I see I have no choice. Okay, I'll go into the Temple alone.
The One: If you are ready to enter the Temple, we can begin the ritual immediately.
2. No, I'm not ready yet.
The One: As you wish. Come speak to me and when you are ready to enter the Temple and I will have my priests perform the ritual. But remember: when the time comes you must enter the Temple alone, in accordance with the traditions of the ancient Rakata.
Journal Entry Added Trapped on a Nameless World
The One has agreed to help you enter the Temple of the Ancients. However, he refuses to perform the ritual unless you go in alone. None of your companions can come with you.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 3000 The One has agreed to help you enter the Temple of the Ancients
The One: You have returned. Do you wish to enter the temple now?
1. I'm ready to enter the Temple now.
The One: Remember: in accordance with ancient Rakata tradition you must enter the Temple alone. My priests will meet you at the shield's edge to perform the ritual.

You must make your own way to the Temple Entrance.

Arena of the One[edit]

The exit to the east is flanked on either side by a Rakatan elite warrior:

Rakatan Elite Warrior
The loremaster will surely be interested in the stories you have gained since leaving us last, Revan.
The One has said that we must let you aid yourself to what we may have so that you may overcome the Elders.
You betrayed us last time you were here, Revan. Do not let this happen again.
You have done us a great help by removing the Elders from our way. Now we can at last gain entrance to the Temple.

There's a portcullis in each of the walls to the northwest, northeast, southeast and southwest walls:

Security Portcullis Unlock 100 (80) Bash Resist - Vitality -

There's a cage lever by the west wall:

The lever is stuck and will not budge.

To either side of the lever are a selection of containers: to the left are a wicker footlocker, two wicker bins, another wicker footlocker and a storage bin, while to the right are another storage bin, a wicker bin, two wicker footlockers and another wicker bin. Only the contents of the leftmost wicker footlocker, the two storage bins to either side of the lever and the rightmost wicker bin aren't random:

Item(s) Received Wicker Footlocker Item(s) Received Storage Bin Item(s) Received Storage Bin Item(s) Received Wicker Bin

If the Rakatan elite warrior and his party have already attacked you on the North Beach, then when you've fought your way into the arena:

The One: The Black Rakata shall never fall to you!

Regardless of why he becomes hostile, he pulls the cage lever to raise the four portcullises, releasing the young rancors from the enclosures within:

The One
Class Soldier
Level 15
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 21 +5
Dexterity 18 +4
Constitution 16 +3
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 18 +4
Charisma 12 +1
Vitality 150
Defense 28
Fortitude 15
Reflex 12
Will 12
Awareness 14
Treat Injury4
Ranged Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Melee Main Off
Attack 24 24
Damage 9-19,+59-19,+5
Threat 19-20,x219-20,x2
Items and abilities Feats
Sith Power Gauntlets

Sith Energy Shield Vibrosword(2) +Concussion Grenade(5) Advanced Medpac(5)

Master Conditioning

Toughness Uncanny Dodge 2 Master Two-Weapon Fighting Weapon Specialization: Melee Weapons Master Power Attack Master Flurry Master Critical Strike20

Journal Entry Added Trapped on a Nameless World
The One is dead, slaughtered by your hand. You won't be able to count on help from him or his tribe now.
Experience Points (XP) Received: Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 1000 The One is dead
Item(s) Received The One

Grenades and medical items are only received if unused.

Young Rancor
Class Soldier
Level 15
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 30 +10
Dexterity 8 -1
Constitution 20 +5
Intelligence 3 -4
Wisdom 6 -2
Charisma 4 -3
Vitality 145
Defense 16
Fortitude 20
Reflex 20
Will 19
Awareness 13
Ranged Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Melee Main Off
Attack 28 -
Damage 12-26-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats
None None

Although they're nowhere near as damaging as rancors encountered elsewhere, debilitating them is still advisable due to their number and the strength of their melee attacks: although they're immune to Force Push and Whirlwind and cannot be knocked back and down, Force Wave can still damage and stun them.

Rakatan Elite Warrior
Class Soldier
Level 10
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 10 0
Dexterity 18 +4
Constitution 14 +2
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 14 +2
Charisma 8 -1
Vitality 78
Defense 26
Fortitude 16
Reflex 14
Will 12
Awareness 4
Ranged Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Melee Main Off
Attack 11 -
Damage 3-12-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats
Vibroblade Master Conditioning

Toughness Uncanny Dodge Master Two-Weapon Fighting Weapon Specialization: Melee Weapons Improved Power Attack Master Flurry Improved Critical Strike10

Experience Points (XP) Received: Experience Points (XP) Received:

The western enclosures are empty, while that to the southeast contains ship parts in its east corner:

Item(s) Received Ship Parts

These ship parts appear to be similar enough to those on the Ebon Hawk that they could be used to repair it.

There's an Elder warrior in the north corner of the northeast enclosure who needs to be rescued now that you've burned your bridges with the One:

Elder Warrior: *groan* You... you have saved me from the savages and their war beasts...
3. You are the only surviving prisoner?
Elder Warrior: Yes... Of the four of us that they had captured, only I remain...
5. What did they do to you?
Elder Warrior: They... they were trying to find out how to breach our defenses and gain entry to our camp... My comrades, they... they wouldn't tell them. I'm sure that, had you not come, I would have ended up as they did.
2. Who are you? 4. Why did they capture you?
Elder Warrior: I am one of the Elders, the other remaining tribe of Rakata on this island. The tribe you have fought has attempted to destroy us and seize our secrets to gain access to the Temple of the Ancients... Thus far, they have failed.
1. I was sent by the Council to save you. 2. Temple of the Ancients? 3. Do you know anything about the disruptor field surrounding this world?
Elder Warrior: I don't know what I could have done if you had not come. I suppose I would be dead now, like the others they captured with me. Elder Warrior: The Temple to the east of here... the largest structure on the island. Elder Warrior: The field? We... may.
Elder Warrior: You should speak with the Council of our tribe... They may be able to help you for what you have done for me.
Elder Warrior: Thank you for saving me. I shall attempt to return to the Enclave on my own. I will tell the Council of what you have done.
Journal Entry Added Trapped on a Nameless World
You've rescued a Rakata being held prisoner by the One. Now that he's been saved, it is likely his tribe - the Elders - will help you find a way off this world. You should go speak to them in their enclave near the Temple of the Ancients.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 1000 Rescued Rakata being held prisoner by the One

The passage exiting east leads to a circular pool with a path around its north perimeter and a bridge across to its east side, where the path curves south to enter the northeast quadrant of the hub of the settlement, to the north of the entrance from the North Beach. You'll encounter six Rakata between the arena and the hub. Rakata using a Vibrosword make the same comments as Rakatan elite warriors:

Class Minion
Level 8
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 10 0
Dexterity 17 +3
Constitution 17 +3
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 14 +2
Charisma 8 -1
Vitality 70
Defense 22
Fortitude 13
Reflex 13
Will 12
Awareness 4
Ranged Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Melee Main Off
Attack 8 -
Damage 2-12-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats
Vibrosword Master Conditioning

Toughness Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons Power Attack Flurry Critical Strike8

Those using two or a Vibro Double-Blade comment differently:

The One has decreed that you may claim any piece you wish from the treasures we have collected from the ships that fell from the sky, Revan.
The One is studying the secrets of the Red Rakata. In time he will use them to unlock the knowledge trapped within the Temple of the Ancients!
As a reward for slaying our hated enemy you may search our cache for whatever parts you need to repair your ship, Revan.
With the knowledge of the Red Rakata the One will lead us to dominance over all the other tribes of the world!
Class Minion
Level 8
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 10 0
Dexterity 17 +3
Constitution 17 +3
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 14 +2
Charisma 8 -1
Vitality 70
Defense 22
Fortitude 13
Reflex 13
Will 12
Awareness 4
Ranged Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Melee Main Off
Attack 6 6
Damage 2-122-12
Threat 19-20,x219-20,x2
Items and abilities Feats
Vibrosword(2) Master Conditioning

Toughness Master Two-Weapon Fighting Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons Power Attack Flurry Critical Strike8

When we have defeated the Elders, then at last can we leave this cursed island.
The war against the Elders will soon be over with you on our side.
The Elders have held us up here long enough. Now, with your help, we can at last break this stalemate.
Class Minion
Level 8
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 10 0
Dexterity 17 +3
Constitution 17 +3
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 14 +2
Charisma 8 -1
Vitality 70
Defense 22
Fortitude 13
Reflex 13
Will 12
Awareness 4
Ranged Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Melee Main Off
Attack 8 6
Damage 2-162-16
Threat 20-20,x220-20,x2
Items and abilities Feats
Vibro Double-Blade Master Conditioning

Toughness Master Two-Weapon Fighting Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons Power Attack Flurry Critical Strike8

Experience Points (XP) Received:

North Beach[edit]

The settlement exit is in the south wall in the southeast corner of the settlement. Luo stands opposite:

Luo: You are the one who defeated our warriors in combat, aren't you? The one who wields the magic to defeat the Elders?
1. I wield the Force, yes. 2. I will see what can be done about the Elders. 3. I decide what I will do!
Luo: Of course. None could make you do that which you do not desire.
Luo: It is glorious to see such a power come to our aid when all was thought lost here on this gods-forsaken island. To be able to command the elements in such a way is awesome to behold... and must be even more so to wield.
1. I think you misunderstand what the Force is... 2. The Force is not merely the elements! 3. You don't know the half of it...
Luo: I am sorry for not comprehending your great powers. What then, are they? Luo: Please, great one, enlighten me to the scope of the power you wield... this 'Force'.
1. The Force is a power that flows from all life in the universe.
Luo: Flows from life?
1. It connects all living beings in the universe. 3. It is the combined affinity that all life hold for each other. 2. Life itself generates the Force.
Luo: All beings are connected? Through some sort of life Force? Luo: The power over life gives you magic to create and destroy?
2. The Force is a natural energy that gifted people can use.
Luo: A natural energy? Like fire and lightning?
1. Much more powerful than just lightning. 2. It is like being able to shoot lightning from your fingertips. 3. Fire that only genetically gifted people can use.
Luo: Such power! If only we Rakata could wield that power, too... Luo: 'Genetically'? Is it that only your people can use the magic? There have been tales from the past of Rakata wielding magic, as the Elders do now. But maybe you mean something greater, something in all peoples that can harness its power.
3. The true nature of the Force is being able to project your will upon reality.
Luo: Project your will? To force things to be the way you want?
1. The only true Force is to be able to change destiny. 2. The strong of will can have whatever they desire. 3. One as weak as yourself could not see the true power of it.
Luo: Just as you are able to change this destiny we are in, this... stagnation. You, with your power, can break the Elders' power and free us to move on! Luo: The strong of will... with the will to power. Yes, yes I see!
Luo: You are truly great in your power and your wisdom.
Luo: I can't wait to see what havoc your magics will wreak on the Elders!

If you speak to him after returning from the Elder Settlement:

Luo: You entered the Elders' compound and returned alive! I knew your magic was strong, but this is amazing! Maybe someday I could wield magic too! Would you... teach me, Master?
1. You are not strong enough to wield the Force. 3. I will not teach one as worthless as you! 2. I will teach you in time. I'm busy now.
Luo: I... I understand, Master... I hope that someday you will reconsider and find me worthy of your tutelage.
Luo: I hope that someday, you will find me worthy to teach, Master. Luo: I await the day when your tasks are done and you will have time to teach me, Master.

Behind him, there is a wicker bin in the northwest corner, and another wicker bin and a wicker footlocker in the northeast corner with random contents. A passage exits this lobby to the west and east and curves north around the southern perimeter of the hub of the settlement, with entrances to the four quadrants of that hub in the inner wall at the north ends.

The northeast quadrant has an exit to the north which leads to a pool and the Arena of the One beyond to the northwest; the southeast quadrant has a back room to the west with three wicker footlockers in its southwest corner, the left of which does not have random contents:

Item(s) Received Wicker Footlocker

The southwest quadrant contains another wicker footlocker with random contents, while the northwest quadrant contains Loremaster Gjarshi. 17 more Rakata also wander the hub and its perimeter, and like Luo they attack if the Rakatan elite warrior and his party attacked you on the North Beach or you refused to help the One:

Class Minion
Level 8
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 10 0
Dexterity 17 +3
Constitution 17 +3
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 14 +2
Charisma 8 -1
Vitality 70
Defense 22
Fortitude 13
Reflex 13
Will 12
Awareness 7
Ranged Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Melee Main Off
Attack 8 -
Damage 1-10-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats
Vibroblade Master Conditioning

Toughness Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons Power Attack Flurry Critical Strike8

Experience Points (XP) Received: Experience Points (XP) Received:

Loremaster Gjarshi[edit]

Loremaster Gjashi can be found in the northwest quadrant of the hub of the settlement:

Loremaster Gjarshi: Greetings, Revan, I am Gjarshi, the loremaster of our tribe. I am the keeper of our histories and chronicler of the conquests of the One.
1. I am not Revan any more! I am Name!
Loremaster Gjarshi: Your life has been defined by your identity Revan, your fate. If you no longer wish me to call you this, then I shall not, but you cannot change who you are.
1. A person decides their own fate!
Loremaster Gjarshi: As you will. I know better than to argue with you when you have set your mind to something.
2. You are a loremaster? What do you do? Memorize books?
Loremaster Gjarshi: The position of loremaster is a sacred and respected one among our people. We are the keepers of history, the ones who pass down the traditions of our people. I am here to chronicle the conquests and achievements of the One. I have followed his exploits for many years... and yours as well.
1. Mine? 2. You know nothing of me!
Loremaster Gjarshi: When last you came to this island, the One had just arrived with his army. We spoke then, as now, and you told me of your travels and stories about the worlds beyond ours. You spoke of the magical Force you wielded which gave you power over the elements. But then you left us and went back to the stars, never to be heard from again. We wondered what had happened, what could have gone wrong, but could do nothing against you, or the Elders.
3. Do you not hate me for leaving your people before?
Loremaster Gjarshi: It does not matter to me what path you choose. History flows in mysterious ways and my task is only to witness and remember which course it takes. Your actions then, as now, are memories to be passed on to future generations. When you are dead and gone, your memory shall remain with us.
4. I must go now.
Loremaster Gjarshi: If you must. I shall remain here as I always do, listening to those who wish to speak... and remembering.
Loremaster Gjarshi: Greetings once again. How may the loremaster of our tribe serve you now?
3. What happened the last time I was here?
Loremaster Gjarshi: You came to us shortly after we had arrived on this island, before we had yet constructed this settlement. You came to us after defeating our scouts who confronted you, much as you have again this time. The One saw your power... and your desire for the knowledge inside the Temple. We had not yet attacked the Elders' compound, but we knew of their presence... and the depths of their knowledge. We advised you that the answers you sought may lie with them. We made a pact, an agreement, that if we could breach their compound together and take their secrets, we would do all we could to help you enter the Temple as well. Then you found a way into the Elders' compound, and we never heard from you again...
4. Tell me of the Elders.
Loremaster Gjarshi: We know the Elders are Rakata like us, but different as well. They control strange powers and magics that we cannot understand. When we came to this island, drawn by the strange structure we call the Temple of the Ancients, we were expecting perhaps a few survivors... but not another race of Rakata. The One's troops captured a few of their scouts, but we could learn nothing intelligible from them. Attacks against their compound were fruitless and reaped terrible casualties. We came here with near a thousand warriors... and you can see now what we are reduced to... This is why the One thinks we need your help once again. You were able to enter the Elders' compound once before... perhaps you can again.
5. Tell me of the Temple of the Ancients.
Loremaster Gjarshi: It is a large structure, the like of which we have seen on no other island anywhere. It's architecture resembles our own, but on a vastly greater scale. We believe that it may have been built in an age long past by our forebears, but none can understand it now. The Elders may hold the key to it, but they will not divulge it, and we cannot take it from them by force. The One believes that this Temple may bring him the power to unify the entire world beneath his banner. The nature of this power escapes me, but I cannot deny his vision. The barriers around it keep us from entering, the power of the Elders seems to draw upon it, and we can see strange objects rise from it into the sky regularly.
1. Strange objects?
Loremaster Gjarshi: Objects come and go from the far end of the temple frequently. We do not know what manner of thing they are, but we suspect they are like our boats... boats that ride on air. If we could make these boats our own, nothing would escape our grasp!
2. How are you prevented from entering?
Loremaster Gjarshi: There is a strong barrier of light guarding the front entrance to the Temple. We cannot breach this barrier. Our attempts to go around through other entrances have also met with failure. No one who has tried to enter the temple through other means, or travelled to the island at its far side has ever returned...
3. How is the Elders' power similar?
Loremaster Gjarshi: When we tried to assault the Elders' compound, we were met by defenses of caged lightning and beams of light that cut warriors in half just by touching them, or turned them into charred meat in an instant. Many warriors died there... their bodies forming a new wall for the Elders' defence... The Temple too, uses light, though this time as a shield to block us from entering... We believe they may be connected somehow.
6. Do you know anything about other survivors?
Loremaster Gjarshi: Other survivors? You mean others who have crashed onto this world as you have? Yes, there have been others... Others who wield powers like yours, whose weapons spit fire and light. They have killed many of our warriors and we hunt them down as we can. Perhaps there are some among them who would prove useful... but we cannot take the chance of that in our lessened state.

He can tell you the history of his people:

3. Can you tell me of the history of your people? 1. Tell me the history of your people. 4. I'd like to know something else.
Loremaster Gjarshi: What of our people would you like to know?
1. Tell me how your people came to be.
Loremaster Gjarshi: In the times before our most ancient histories, there was nothing you could call the Rakatan people. There were unintelligent proto-Rakata wandering the surface of this world. Spawned from the womb of this world, they were gifted with the brilliance of thought, but not tempered with the wisdom to use it. When the gods of the sky first spoke to them, the ground shook and heaved, and fires raced across the surface of the world. They fled beneath the ground to escape the calamity and dwelt there for some time. At last the gods spoke to them in dreams... dreams of the surface and the light. They re-emerged from the ground and found the land much changed around them. Gone were the plains and valleys they had known. Instead, there were islands stretching across the breadth of the world. The world had been remade for them by the gods of the sky, and they gave thanks in fear and gratitude.
2. Tell me of the gods you mentioned.
Loremaster Gjarshi: The world is ruled by the gods of the earth and sky, both living and dead. When the sky gods remade the world, the gods of the earth, who had sheltered and protected the Rakata, were gone. Whether dead of asleep, they have not been heard from again. Nor do the gods in the sky listen to our pleas any longer, although we can still see their lights gleam in the heavens. So we mortal Rakata are left here to our own devices... to make the future we demand for ourselves.
3. Tell me of your first civilizations.
Loremaster Gjarshi: Back in the days of the first awakening, when our people rose from the ground and brought the light of civilization to our new world, our people spread far and wide across all the islands. Among these peoples, there were some that rose to greatness on the largest islands. Rakatans of vision and forethought who built great monuments to themselves and their leaders. But these cultures did not know their true strengths. They did not draw upon the knowledge of their past to feed their present. Of course these cultures, with their centers of learning and their great temples, collapsed in riots and chaos, burning their cultures from the world in an orgy of violence. It was a thousand years of darkness before the light of First Empire rose upon the blood of the past.
4. Tell me of the First Empire.
Loremaster Gjarshi: With the first civilizations of our people destroyed, and chaos and anarchy sweeping the islands, it seemed that a time of darkness had descended upon us that would never end. But a strong nation of survivors yet endured. On one of the smaller islands near the equatorial regions, they had not forgotten the oldest traditions, those learned from the gods of the earth while we dwelt beneath the surface. Taking the knowledge of their elders and passing their wisdom and skills on to the next generation by eating their flesh, they built a culture unrivaled throughout history. Greater, even, than your vaunted 'Republic'. For millennia this empire stood, uniting the many islands of our world into one cohesive whole. Each generation passing its strength on to the one that followed. But... fate was unkind to these great Rakata, these first ones of our kind to rise above savagery and create a true, lasting civilization.
5. Tell me what happened to the First Empire.
Loremaster Gjarshi: Our skin had been hardened and turned black from the time our people spent beneath the surface, but always at the fringes of society there were rumors... rumors of those of others colors who survived above the surface while we dwelt below. We can pinpoint no direct cause for the collapse of the First Empire, but it was swift and total. What had taken centuries to build and was maintained for thousands of years disappeared within ten, perhaps twenty, years. From the ancient cities we have examined, there was much fighting and death, as well as fires that burned bright and hot enough to melt the stones of their palaces to glass. Also, in scattered fragments and records, we have heard of a people being found... a people unlike the Rakata but taking our form, who waged a monumental war that tore civilization apart. What this war was, or who those beings were we do not know, but they are the demons of our legends now. We believe them to be gone, wiped out in that vast conflagration, but we cannot know for sure...
6. What happened after the collapse of the First Empire?
Loremaster Gjarshi: Our civilization lapsed back into savagery. We were no longer the great people of centuries past. Brother turned on brother, tribesman on tribesman, until all fought and sought to destroy each other. The legacy of the final war and the collapse that came after it still echo with us today. We are still a fractured people. Many tribes dwell on these islands, warring with each other constantly. Each seeks to grow its own strength, absorbing that of its enemies through their flesh cut down in battle, but none has been strong enough to exert their influence over more than a handful of islands. Until now that is... We now are in the midst of a great war of reformation, of reclamation.
7. Tell me of the war of reformation.
Loremaster Gjarshi: Before none were strong enough to bind together the tribes and unite them towards a common goal, but that changed. Now we do have a leader, and under him, we have swept across the islands, conquering all who have stood before us.
1. This leader... is it the One? 2. How many islands have you conquered? 3. How long has this war been waged?
Loremaster Gjarshi: Over the last 20 years we have conquered over a hundred islands, both large and small. The One has led us to victory where none have before, further strengthening us with the blood of our enemies. We have subjugated many tribes as well, their warriors joining ours in our great crusade. But recently, things have not gone so well... More and more outsiders fall from the sky and kill our people. More and more tribes resist us, or even rebel! It has taken a great part of our strength to resist, but under the One, we shall prevail! Nothing shall stop him from forming the Second Empire!
8. What is the One doing here, then?
Loremaster Gjarshi: We... we heard of the temple on this island... the Temple of the Ancients. A building the like of which has not been seen anywhere else. A place of great power it was reputed, with great guardians as well. The One came here with an army to see this temple and seize it for our cause, but we were met with strange and powerful magics which have defeated us at every turn. So now the One sits here and broods on his troubles, listening only to the messengers who bear his orders to all corners of his territory. If only the riddle of the temple could be solved, and its guardian Elders removed, then he would consume their flesh and knowledge and bring unity to our people. It is my sincere hope as well, that you can help us with our great task.

He can also tell you of the One:

2. Tell me of the One.
Loremaster Gjarshi: The great story of the One would take many days to tell in its entirety. It is my specialty, of course. What would you like to know of his great story?
1. Tell me how he was raised.
Loremaster Gjarshi: Born to poverty, raised in a hovel with no elders to guide him and share their strength with him, he had nothing to rely on but himself. But in his weakness, he was uniquely destined for strength and the burdens it carries with it. Even in his youth, it was obvious that the One was destined for greatness. When but a youngling, he defeated one of the strange blue-armored warriors who fall from the sky and feasted upon him. The respect from his battle gave him the step he needed to go forward on a path that has led him ever upward since.
2. Tell me of how he came to power.
Loremaster Gjarshi: By adulthood, the One was held in awe by those of his tribe as both a warrior and a leader. When he challenged the chieftain of his tribe, no one doubted that he would prevail. The chieftain could see and, knowing that the One would bring the tribe into greatness, offered himself up without a fight. The tribe fed well and was stronger for his sacrifice. Under the leadership of the One, his tribe conquered all others on the island, capturing and subduing their warriors, feasting on their chieftains, and growing his own army at the same time. He was truly a force that could not be stopped, a leader unlike any we have seen in our history. He will be the one to unite us all!
3. Tell me of his conquests.
Loremaster Gjarshi: After he had conquered his own island, and his army had grown to a large size, he turned his eyes towards the nearest other islands in the archipelago. With each island that fell to him, his army grew stronger, his wisdom greater with each chief given up to him, and his vision of a future for our people brighter. Before long he had conquered every island in a month's sailing and had armies expanding in every direction. It seemed that nothing would stand against him then. But we heard of the Temple of the Ancients here, on this forgotten island at the edge of the True Sea, and the One was intrigued. It was a place of power, to be sure, and none could doubt its significance. Driven by portents and omens, we came to this island with a thousand of his finest warriors... and here we stay... We cannot leave while the Temple stands unopened, but we cannot enter while the Elders stand against us... and the One sits each day brooding on the fate that has led us to this impasse.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 500 Told the history of Loremaster Gjarshi's people
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 1100 Told of the One

He attacks if the Rakatan elite warrior and his party attacked you on the North Beach or you refused to help the One:

Loremaster Gjarshi
Class Soldier
Level 8
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 10 0
Dexterity 17 +3
Constitution 17 +3
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 14 +2
Charisma 8 -1
Vitality 70
Defense 22
Fortitude 16
Reflex 12
Will 11
Awareness 7
Ranged Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Melee Main Off
Attack 8 6
Damage 1-61-6
Threat 20-20,x220-20,x2
Items and abilities Feats
Quarterstaff Master Conditioning

Toughness Master Two-Weapon Fighting Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons Power Attack Flurry Critical Strike8

The contents of the wicker footlocker in the southwest corner and the two wicker bins in the northeast corner are random; the contents of the wicker bin by the northwest wall are not:

Experience Points (XP) Received: Item(s) Received Wicker Bin