Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic/Light armor

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Armor Proficiency: Light is required to use light armor, and it's not usable by Droids and Wookiees. Although all other classes can select this feat, it's only granted upon character generation to Soldiers like Carth and Canderous, Scouts, and Scoundrels like Mission.

Summary at end of page.

Armor 4

These light armors all have armor 4 and Max Dexterity Bonus: +5.

Combat Suit

Even the most frugal of mercenaries know they need at least some protection from the rigors of combat, although suits of this type are recommended for light skirmishes only.

World Area Source Cost Amount
Endar Spire Command Module Footlocker 50 1
Taris South Apartments Larrim 55 Infinite
Upper City South Equipment Emporium 50 Infinite
Lower City Apartments (West) Vulkar Gang Boss 50 1
Dantooine Jedi Enclave Crattis Yurkal 50 2
Tatooine Czerka Office Greeta Holda 50 1
Dune Sea Tanis Venn 50 1
Kashyyyk Czerka Landing Port Eli Gand/Matton Dasol 50 Infinite
Great Walkway Metal Box 50 2
Plasteel Cylinder 50 1
Manaan East Central Tyvark's Shop 50 1
Leviathan Prison Block Riot Equipment 50 1
Star Forge System Rakatan Settlement Wicker Footlocker 50 1

Zabrak Combat Suit

A Zabrak improvement on the combat suit, this armor is good protection where speed and unrestricted movement are more important than bulky plating.

World Area Source Cost Amount
Tatooine Czerka Office Greeta Holda 750 1
Kashyyyk Upper Shadowlands Corpse 750 1
Star Forge System Rakatan Settlement Wicker Footlocker 750 1

Echani Light Armor

Echani prefer elegant design to brute force. The Maktites learned this when their stores of thermal weapons were rendered ineffective by simple changes in the Echani light armor.

World Area Source Cost Amount
Dantooine Matale Grounds Dead Settler 1000 1
Kashyyyk Upper Shadowlands Metal Box 1000 1
Korriban Dreshdae Czerka Store 1000 1
Sith Academy Lashowe 1000 1

Massassi Ceremonial Armor

Long-term domination by the Sith has erased the memory of the Massassi rituals for which this armor was designed, but it retains its effectiveness on the battlefield regardless.

World Area Source Cost Amount
Korriban Shyrack Caves Corpse 3000 1

Cinnagar Weave Armor

A complex organic weave protects this armored suit from extremes in temperature. Armor similar to it proved decisive in defending Cinnagar from the Sith under Naga Sadow.

This armor isn't available to player characters without cheating.

GenoHaradan Mesh Armor

This perfectly balanced armor provides maximum protection without hampering a Genoharadan agent's ability to stalk his prey in total secrecy.

World Area Source Cost Amount
Tatooine Dune Sea Hulas Dark Side Points Gained 5000 1

Darth Bandon's Fiber Armor

Special: Upgradeable, Armor
  • Defense Bonus: 7 Armor Reinforcement
  • Max Dexterity Bonus: +5
  • Damage Resistance: Resist 25/- vs. Fire
  • Immunity: Mind-Affecting Mesh Underlay

Despite the unfortunate fate of Darth Bandon, this light armor remains a desirable asset for any warrior. The silvery polish reflects a pride in craftsmanship rarely seen today.

World Area Source Cost Amount
Tatooine Eastern Dune Sea Darth Bandon 5000 1
Kashyyyk Upper Shadowlands Darth Bandon
Manaan Hrakert Station Darth Bandon
Korriban Valley of Dark Lords Darth Bandon

Echani Fiber Armor

Special: Upgradeable, Armor
  • Defense Bonus: 7 Armor Reinforcement
  • Max Dexterity Bonus: +5
  • Damage Resistance: Resist 20/- vs. Cold Mesh Underlay
  • Damage Resistance: Resist 20/- vs. Fire Mesh Underlay

Many elite Echani duelists use armor of this type, though its adaptability has made it popular with professional soldiers and bounty hunters alike.

World Area Source Cost Amount
Taris Lower City Apartments (East) Security Crate 900 1

Light Exoskeleton

Special: Upgradeable, Armor
  • Defense Bonus: 8 Armor Reinforcement Mesh Underlay
  • Max Dexterity Bonus: +5
  • Dexterity: +1
  • Strength: +2 Armor Reinforcement

A relatively new type of power-assisted armor, this suit mimics the major muscle movements of the wearer with mechanical impulses, resulting in greater strength and faster reaction times.

World Area Source Cost Amount
Yavin Yavin Station Suvam Tan (First Star Map) 10000 1
Suvam Tan (Third Star Map) 10000 1
Suvam Tan (Fifth Star Map) 10000 1

Armor 5

These light armors all have armor 5 and Max Dexterity Bonus: +4.

Heavy Combat Suit

This version of the combat suit offers more protection than the basic model. It is heavier overall and not quite as flexible, but many consider the tradeoffs worthwhile.

World Area Source Cost Amount
Taris South Apartments Larrim 110 1
Upper City South Equipment Emporium 100 Infinite
Undercity Corpse - Sith Soldier 100 1
Black Vulkar Base Footlocker 100 1
Black Vulkar Base (Garage) Garage Head 100 1
Dantooine Jedi Enclave Crattis Yurkal 100 2
Tatooine Czerka Office Greeta Holda 100 1
Kashyyyk Czerka Landing Port Eli Gand/Matton Dasol 100 Infinite

Bonadan Alloy Heavy Suit

Bonadan is an emerging industrial society financing their exploration of the galaxy through production of small arms and armor. They favor heavy materials offering solid defense.

World Area Source Cost Amount
Taris Upper City South Equipment Emporium 900 1
Korriban Dreshdae Mika Dorin 1350 1

Zabrak Battle Armor

In northern Iridonia the Zabrak produce expensive armor that nonetheless has become very popular on the galactic markets, due to excellent low-temperature defensive properties.

World Area Source Cost Amount
Tatooine Czerka Office Greeta Holda 2000 1

Republic Mod Armor

Special: Upgradeable, Armor

The Republic has prospered militarily by keeping its troops well supplied with modular armor, ensuring they are always prepared for a variety of battle conditions.

World Area Source Cost Amount
Taris Lower City Apartments (West) Sealed Strongbox 1000 1

Reinforced Fiber Armor

Inspired by craftsmen on worlds where metal is in short supply, this type of light armor consists of jung-ju tree fibers bound with synthetics, offering good, flexible protection.

World Area Source Cost Amount
Kashyyyk Czerka Landing Port Eli Gand/Matton Dasol 3500 2
Korriban Dreshdae Czerka Store 3500 1

Baragwin Shadow Armor

Special: Upgradeable, Armor
  • Defense Bonus: 9 Armor Reinforcement
  • Max Dexterity Bonus: +4
  • Skills: Stealth +8 Mesh Underlay

A specialty of the Baragwin, this modifiable suit has advanced adaptive camouflage technology that, when combined with a stealth generator, allows it to blend in nearly seamlessly with the background when viewed from any direction. It is generally only sold to respected governments, but a number have found their way into more disreputable distribution channels.

World Area Source Cost Amount
Yavin Yavin Station Suvam Tan (First Star Map) 6000 1
Suvam Tan (Third Star Map) 6000 1
Suvam Tan (Fifth Star Map) 6000 1


Only the 14 light armors a player character can acquire are listed below.

Light armor Defense Bonus Resist Attributes Skills Immunity
Arm Dex FEM Max Cold Fire Dexterity Strength Stealth
Combat Suit 4 5 0 9
Zabrak Combat Suit 4 5 1 10
Echani Light Armor 4 5 1 10 15/-
Massassi Ceremonial Armor 4 5 1 10 Immunity: Critical Hits
GenoHaradan Mesh Armor Dark Side Points Gained 4 5 3 12 +3 +4
Darth Bandon's Fiber Armor 4 5 1 10 25/-
Darth Bandon's Fiber Armor Upgraded 4 5 3 12 25/- Immunity: Mind-Affecting
Echani Fiber Armor 4 5 1 10
Echani Fiber Armor Upgraded 4 5 3 12 20/- 20/-
Light Exoskeleton Yavin Station 4 5 2 11 +1 +1
Light Exoskeleton Upgraded 4 5 4 13 +1 +2
Heavy Combat Suit 5 4 0 9
Bonadan Alloy Heavy Suit 5 4 1 10
Zabrak Battle Armor 5 4 1 10 20/-
Republic Mod Armor 5 4 0 9
Republic Mod Armor Upgraded 5 4 1 10 Immunity: Mind-Affecting
Reinforced Fiber Armor 5 4 2 11
Baragwin Shadow Armor Yavin Station 5 4 2 11 +4
Baragwin Shadow Armor Upgraded 5 4 4 13 +8