Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic/Jedi Enclave

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Map of the Jedi enclave

Ebon Hawk

After landing the Template:~ within the Jedi enclave, you confer with Bastila and Carth:

Bastila: Dantooine... it seems like a lifetime since I last set foot on her surface, though in truth it has only been a few months. We should be safe from Malak here... for now, at least.
Carth: Safe? You saw what his fleet did to Taris: there wasn't a building over two stories high left standing! They... they turned the planet into one big pile of rubble.
Bastila: Even the Sith would think twice before attacking Dantooine. There are many Jedi here, including several of the most powerful Masters of the Order. There is great strength within this place.
2. I think Carth has a point. We should keep moving.
Bastila: We can't just keep running; Malak will find us eventually. We need to regroup; we need a plan.
1. I agree with Bastila. We should be save here.
Bastila: We can get supplies here and recuperate. The Academy is a place of mental and spiritual healing; something we could all use after what we've been through.
Carth: Maybe you're right. It isn't easy to witness the annihilation of an entire planet. I know Mission must be taking it pretty hard.
Bastila: She will find a way to come to terms with her grief. She is stronger than she appears. We just need to give her time.
Bastila: Now I must go speak with the Council. I need their advice on... recent developments. After I have met with them I will meet you outside the ship.

When she returns:

Bastila: I have spoken briefly with the council; they request an audience with you. We should go at once.
Carth: An audience with the Jedi Council? That's pretty unusual for someone who isn't even a Jedi. What's this about, Bastila?
Bastila: I'm sorry, Carth, but I cannot tell you. All I ask is that you trust in the Force and the wisdom of the Council.
Carth: Well, I don't like being left out of the loop, but I'm not looking to get you in any trouble with the Jedi Masters. We'll do things your way for a while.
Bastila: Come, they are expecting us. I will lead you to the Council chambers.

[Until you have talked with the Jedi Council, you will be unable to switch characters in and out of the party.]

Bastila leaves and Carth follows, down a ramp to a tunnel exiting the docking bay to the north, leading to the Council chambers. If you don't follow immediately, you can look around the docking bay first. If you try to speak to any security droid:

Beep beep beep-oop!

There's also a protocol droid, and male and female Jedi who can comment but don't engage in dialog:

Jedi (male)
Dantooine is one of our last refuges. The Sith hunt us everywhere.
If you are seeking information, perhaps the Jedi Council will help. I am afraid I cannot.
I hear that the Sith torture Jedi prisoners until they give in to the dark side. I hope that never happens to me!
I fear it is only a matter of time before the Sith find us here, too...
Enjoy the time you have here on Dantooine. I think the Council might decide to move to a different world soon.
Please, do not disturb me, I have pressing matters at hand.
I heard that the Sith have destroyed Taris. This bodes ill for us...
Good day to you. I am afraid I cannot speak to you at the moment. I apologize.
Jedi (female)
It is relaxing to come outside and enjoy the fresh air once in a while. It relieves stress.
If you are seeking information, perhaps the Jedi Council will help. I am afraid I cannot.
Dantooine has a splendid environment. I would hate to see it damaged by too many settlers.
I fear it is only a matter of time before the Sith find us here, too...
I hear that the Sith have defeated another Republic battlefleet. I do not know how much longer the Republic can last.
Please, don't disturb me; I have pressing matters at hand.
The kath hounds have been very active of late. The settlers feel they are becoming more dangerous.
Good day to you. I am afraid I cannot speak to you at the moment. I apologize.
The kath hounds seem to have calmed down. The settlers must be relieved.

Beyond the east door in the northeast corner is the Template:KotOR store.

Lur Arka Sulas, a green Twi'lek male, stands to the left at the top of the ramp down to the north exit tunnel. If spoken to, he will ask you about a kidnapped girl called Sasha:

Lur Arka Sulas: Greetings, sentient. May I take a moment of your time for a question?
3. I don't have time for questions.
Lur Arka Sulas: As you desire. I bid you good day, sentient.


1. Go ahead. 2. Only if I get to ask you something in return.
Lur Arka Sulas: As you desire, though I suspect there is little information I possess that would be of use to an off-worlder such as yourself.
Lur Arka Sulas: I represent a human citizen of Dantooine by the name of Rundil ot Sulem. His ranch has had considerable difficulty with Mandalorian raiders for many years. His young daughter was kidnapped by those raiders many years ago and has not been returned. Might you have news of her? Her name is Sasha.
2. Do you actually believe she's still alive?
Lur Arka Sulas: It is not customary for the Mandalorians to terminate their captives. It is my hope Sasha has escaped or been sold into slavery. If so, I may yet locate her.
3. Is there a reward for this news?
Lur Arka Sulas: I wish there were, sentient, for the possibility of a reward would certainly make my search much easier. Since his daughter's kidnapping, however, the human citizen I work for has fallen on difficult times. He has no credits to offer. I would still implore you to offer information, if you have it. Sasha is missed by her family and I desire very much to reunite them.
1. Sorry, I have no idea who you're talking about.
Lur Arka Sulas: Ah, that is too bad. I shall have to continue my search.


1. Are problems with Mandalorians common on Dantooine?
Lur Arka Sulas: I understand they are, though I know little of the history behind this conflict. Someone native to this planet could tell you more.
2. Isn't this something the local authorities should handle?
Lur Arka Sulas: Dantooine has little in the way of local authorities, sentient. I asked the Jedi of the enclave to intervene, but they have far more pressing concerns to attend to. As is often the way on this planet, if a citizen wishes to accomplish something, they must seek to do it themselves.
3. Is there anything of interest on Dantooine that you can tell me about?
Lur Arka Sulas: There is no large urban center on Dantooine, if that is what interests you. I find the variety and number of natural habitats to be most intriguing, however. If you get the chance, I would urge you to explore the planet's ranges in more detail. They are quite beautiful.
4. I'll keep my eye out for your girl. 5. I've got to go.
Lur Arka Sulas: I would appreciate that, sentient. Lur Arka Sulas: As you wish. Thank you for your assistance.

Once you've talked to the Jedi Council, or boarded the Ebon Hawk, you can ask other members of your party what they know about Dantooine (although Carth is unavailable until you've talked to the Council, and Bastila is unavailable until you've completed the Template:KotOR):

2. Do you know anything about this world?
Canderous: From what we saw from space this world doesn't have a lot of people. I couldn't really have found much work here anyway, so I never had an interest. It looks like a farm world. The Republic has thousands of these places – ones that get by farming crops and hunting herds of native beasts. But I might have underestimated this place. It seems to be more than I had thought.
2. Do you know anything about this place?
Bastila: Dantooine is a peaceful and pastoral planet. There are few large communities. Mostly what you will find here are ranchers and farmers. I find it a tranquil place like few in the galaxy. The perfect site for the Jedi enclave. You will like it here.
Carth: Dantooine's a boring place. It's all plains and herders and small settlements. Perfect for the Jedi to lose themselves in, I guess. That's all I can think of, at any rate.
Juhani: Dantooine? Dantooine has been my home for many years, ever since I started my training with the Jedi. It is a lightly populated planet, mostly focused on agriculture and hunting of the wild beasts that roam its plains. The most popular form of animals on its surface are the iriaz, herd beasts that are normally quite tame, but can be violent when provoked, and the kath hounds, vicious pack predators. Kath hounds do not normally attack people except when it is a pack of them ambushing a lone individual. But recently they have become much more aggressive. I am to blame for that, I believe. But enough of my self-recrimation, I should not dwell on the past, but rather look to the future.
Jolee: No more than you. Get going.
2. Do you know anything about the planet we're on?
Mission: I'm not the one you should ask about Dantooine. I didn't even know there was a Jedi Academy here; I always thought it was just a bunch of settlers and farmers! Sorry I can't be more help, you know? Is there anything else I can do for you?
Zaalbar: I know that it isn't my homeworld. That is all I care about. There is nothing here to interest me. Zaalbar: I don't know much about the planets we visit, but... I suppose I should learn. When you ask someone else, I will listen as well.

You may also encounter a messenger for a party member if unlocked by dialog:

Bastila Canderous Carth Jolee Juhani Mission
Malare Jagi Jordo Davin Kotras No Lena

Jedi Council Chambers

As you go down the ramp to the tunnel exiting the docking bay to the north, you'll see Deesra, a green Twi'lek male Jedi, to the left at its base. If you're following Bastila and Carth then you'll lose sight of them if you stop to talk to him:

Deesra: Welcome to the Jedi enclave on Dantooine. I do not believe we know each other. My name is Deesra Luur Jada. You may call me Deesra.

If you talk to him before your second meeting with the Jedi Council:

Deesra: I have not heard of any new apprentices being accepted for training recently. What brings you to this place, if I may ask?
2. My business here is my own.
Deesra: Oh... I see. Very well, I have no wish to make you uncomfortable. I suppose I shall just wish you a good day, then.
1. I came here with Bastila.
Deesra: Yes, of course. I should have known. I have only heard a little of how she escaped the destruction of Taris. Tell me, did she save you from the planet as well?
1. She didn't save me. We worked together to escape Taris. 2. Get your story straight: I'm the one who saved her!
Deesra: Oh, I see. Well, I meant no offense of course. In any case, it is good to have her back here on Dantooine again. We were afraid Malak had captured her.
Deesra: I hope you enjoy your time here on Dantooine. May the Force be with you.

He repeats the last line if you try to talk to him again before your second meeting with the Jedi Council. Otherwise:

Deesra: You must be the new apprentice Master Zhar is training. I hear you are progressing at an astonishing rate. How are you finding your lessons? Deesra: Greetings, apprentice. How goes your training? I hear you are progressing at an astonishing rate.
1. It's difficult, but worthwhile. 2. The Masters are bringing me along too slowly. They're holding me back.
Deesra: Patience, apprentice. The Force is a great gift, but it also brings us a heavy burden.
Deesra: The lessons we learn at the feet of our Masters teach us to use the Force for good. They show us the power of the light side, and protect us from the dark. Good luck with your continued training. May the Force be with you.

After Master Zhar tells you about the Template:~:

3. I am looking for crystals to alter my lightsaber.
Deesra: There are caves here on Dantooine that hold the rare crystals we use in our lightsabers. But if you wish to go there, you must be careful. The caves are a place of great danger.
Deesra: Good luck with your continued training. May the Force be with you.

The north tunnel turns east, then north again, before exiting into a small courtyard. The first time you enter, a human female Jedi on the left named Belaya challenges you:

Belaya: You there! Padawan! Why are you not wearing the customary robes of the Jedi? Do you mock the honored traditions of our Order?
1. Are you a Jedi?
Belaya: My name is Belaya. I have come here to further my learning in the ways of the Force. Many Jedi come here to train under Master Zhar. Any who belong to the Order should surely know this. You must be neglecting your studies, Padawan.
2. I believe you are mistaken. I am not a Padawan. I am Template:KotOR. I came here with Bastila. 3. Back off! I'm no Padawan! I'm Template:KotOR. I just came here with Bastila.
Belaya: Bastila? I have heard of her. They say she has already mastered the art of Battle Meditation, remarkable in one so young. Though I have heard she has a foolish pride in her own talents. But as for you... you claim you are not a Padawan? I find this hard to believe. The Force is strong within you. I can feel its presence. If this is some type of jest, it is in very poor taste. The Jedi Order is not a subject for jokes.
1. I am telling you the truth. 2. I didn't come here to be scolded by you!
Belaya: No, I suppose you did not. I apologize.
Belaya: Please forgive the abruptness with which I first greeted you. It was harsh, and perhaps unfair. My Master often warns me I must learn to control my emotions. I see I have much left to learn.
Belaya: I wish you a pleasant stay here on Dantooine. May the Force be with you.

She repeats the last line if you try to talk to her again before your second meeting with the Jedi Council. Otherwise:

Belaya: Greetings, apprentice... though I understand you shall not have that lowly title much longer. Master Zhar tells me your progress has been remarkable. Soon, he feels, you will attain the rank of Padawan. Then you will truly be a full-fledged Jedi. How are you enjoying your training?
1. It's difficult, but worthwhile. 2. I want to learn to use the Force, not listen to your philosophical babbling!
Belaya: You speak as if this were some foolish game! Have you no idea what is at stake?
Belaya: With power comes responsibility, and only by learning discipline and sacrifice can we truly learn to master our potential. I wish you luck in your training, apprentice. There is much you must yet learn. May the Force be with you.

After Master Zhar tells you about the crystal cave:

3. I am looking to alter my lightsaber, and I heard about some caves.
Belaya: There are caves on Dantooine that hold those rare crystals. But be warned, apprentice: they are dangerous. You should not meddle in things beyond you.
Belaya: I wish you luck in your training, apprentice. There is much you must yet learn. May the Force be with you.

You may have lost sight of Bastila and Carth (if you hadn't already), or depending on the camera angle you may have seen them exit the courtyard to the west as you talked to Belaya. Do likewise and you'll see Carth waiting for you to the left when you reach the T-junction; to the right is a door to the training room:

Carth: They're waiting for you inside.

The Council chambers are behind him to the southwest, through the west archway.

Bastila to the left of the four Masters of the Jedi Council of Dantooine. From left to right: Master Dorak, Master Vandar Tokare, Master Vrook Lamar and Master Zhar Lestin.

As you approach, they will speak to you:

Zhar Lestin: Ah, so you are the one who rescued Bastila. It is appropriate you are here. We have been discussing your rather special case. I am Zhar, a member of the Jedi Council. With me are Master Vrook, Master Vandar and, of course, the Chronicler of our Academy, Master Dorak. Padawan Bastila I am sure you are already familiar with.
2. So you've drawn me into your little trap, Bastila. What now?
Bastila: This is no trap. The Council just wants to talk to you. There is much that needs to be discussed.
3. Isn't the Jedi Council on Coruscant?
Zhar Lestin: Yes, the High Council of the Jedi Order is on Coruscant, but we are the Council in charge of the training facility here on Dantooine.
4. I've got some questions for all of you.
Zhar Lestin: Indeed, I am sure that you do. I assure you that we will have answers for you.
3. Why did the Sith destroy Taris?
Vandar Tokare: Darth Malak seeks to destroy the Jedi Order. Our most effective weapon, perhaps our only hope, is Bastila's skill with Battle Meditation. With this power she can swing the tide of nearly any battle in our favour. Which is why Malak was seeking her so fervently.
Vrook Lamar: And if he could not have her, he would see her destroyed. Taris was just in the way.
Zhar Lestin: We need Bastila in our fight against the Sith. Indeed, we need every Jedi we can muster, since the Sith have been hunting us down at every opportunity. Which brings us to you...
1. What do you want from me? 1. Why am I a special case? 2. Why am I here? 1. Me? What about me? 2. I feel I'm not going to like this...
Zhar Lestin: Bastila tells us you are strong in the Force. We are considering you for Jedi training.
1. Nothing would give me greater honor than learning the ways of the Jedi. 2. I don't know if I'm ready for this. 3. Strong in the Force?
Zhar Lestin: Do not worry. I am confident in your ability to learn.
Vrook Lamar: Master Zhar speaks out of turn, perhaps. We need indisputable proof of your strong affinity to the Force before we would even consider accepting you for training.
Bastila: Proof? Surely the entire Council can feel the strength of the Force within this man... and I have already related to you the events that took place on Taris...
Vrook Lamar: Perhaps it was simple luck.
Zhar Lestin: We both know there is no luck. There is only the Force. We all feel the power in Bastila's companion, though it is wild and untamed. Now that this power has begun to manifest itself, can we safely ignore it?
Vrook Lamar: The Jedi training is long and difficult, even when working with a young and open mind. Teaching a child is hard. How much harder will it be for an adult to learn the ways of the Jedi?
2. I am ready to accept the training... and my age has nothing to do with it!
Vrook Lamar: Such pride! Such arrogance! Ach. This one is already on the path to the dark side!
Vandar Tokare: As are many who are not given proper training, Master Vrook. Only through our guidance can we hope to lead those who have strayed back to the path of light.
1. I am willing to try my best. 2. I am ready to accept the training... and my age has nothing to do with it! 3. [Lie] Of course, great Jedi. I will learn your ways and follow the light.
Dorak: Traditionally the Jedi do not accept adults for training, though there are rare exceptions in the history of our Order. But you are a special case.
Vandar Tokare: I agree with Master Dorak. Many of our own pupils are leaving the Jedi order to follow the Sith teachings, we need recruits to stand against Malak! With Revan dead...
Vrook Lamar: Are you certain Revan is truly dead? What if we undertake to train this one, and the Dark Lord should return?
Vandar Tokare: We should discuss this matter more fully in private. Bastila, you and your companion must go. This is a matter for the Council alone.
Bastila: As you wish, Master Vandar. We shall return to the Ebon Hawk and leave you to your deliberations.

Afterwards you automatically return to the Template:KotOR to sleep, when you have another dream or vision. Revan is pacing in front of a closed door in an ancient ruin, when Malak begins voicing his misgivings:

Malak: The dark side is strong in this place – I can feel its power! Is this wise? The ancient Jedi sealed this archway. If we pass beyond this door, we can never go back. The Order will surely banish us. Are the secrets of the Star Forge so valuable? Can its power truly be worth the risk?

Revan opens the door, and Malak follows him through it into the chamber beyond...

The next morning, Carth informs you that Bastila had already left, and mentioned that you should also return to the Council chambers:

Carth: This morning's getting stranger by the minute. First Bastila comes out looking like she saw a ghost, and now you. Well, Bastila did mention that you should go to the Council chambers before she left. It is no doubt urgent, so you shouldn't keep them waiting.
1. Did she say anything else?
Carth: No, she didn't. She didn't seem well, as I recall... and for that matter neither do you. Are you alright?
2. I had a rough night...
Carth: Well, I can't say I blame you. I... I haven't exactly been sleeping well myself. Here I thought things would get better once we escaped Taris.
1. I had a rough night... Let's go. 2. I'm fine. Let's go. 3. Let's go.
Carth: You got it.

You are now able to change party selection again.

Jedi Trials

Dantooine Jedi Trials - No Commentary Light (33:16)

When you return to the Council chambers, they'll once again speak to you as you approach. You can move closer to the dark side of the Force if you lie or express selfish concern for your own safety:

Vandar Tokare: Bastila has told us of a most unusual development. She claims you and she have shared a dream, a vision of Malak and Revan in the ancient ruins here on Dantooine.
Dorak: These ruins have long been known to us, but we believed them to be merely burial mounds. Perhaps they are more than we first suspected, if Revan and Malak found something there.
3. What?? How would Bastila know if we shared a dream? Dark Side Points Gained: -2
4. [Lie] I don't know what Bastila is talking about.
Vandar Tokare: She says that she felt your presence within the dream, the presence she has felt within you ever since... Vrook Lamar: [Failure] See? Dishonesty! We are taking an incalculable risk in even considering training this one!
Vrook Lamar: Master Vandar! Zhar Lestin: You cannot deny what you are. These dreams are part of you. The Force is part of you, though a part you cannot yet control. But through training and discipline we can teach you to live as one with the Force.
Vandar Tokare: ... ever since Taris. It is not unknown for this to happen between two people strong in the Force.
1. They seemed to be searching for something. 2. I don't want to talk about it. 3. What?? How would Bastila know if we shared a dream? 4. [Lie] I don't know what Bastila is talking about.
Vandar Tokare: Bastila has described this shared dream to the Council in great detail. We feel it is more than a dream. It is a vision. The Force is acting through you as it acts through Bastila.
1. I am having visions now? 2. I trust in your greater wisdom.
Zhar Lestin: You and Bastila share a powerful connection to the Force... and each other. This is not unheard of. Connections often form between Master and student, but rarely does a bond develop so quickly.
Vandar Tokare: Whatever dangers may lie ahead, we cannot ignore the destiny that has brought you and Bastila here to us. Together.
1. Are you saying I'm... joined with her? 2. What are you talking about?
Vandar Tokare: You and she are linked, as is your fate to hers. Together, you two may be able to stop Darth Malak and the Sith.
Vrook Lamar: But do not let your head be filled with visions of glory and power! Such thoughts are the path to the dark side. The way of the light is long and difficult, as you must learn. Are you ready for such hardship?
Dark Side Points Gained: -2
3. [Lie] Of course, Masters. I seek to follow the light.
Vandar Tokare: Good. It is well that you see how important this is and have the devotion to follow it.
1. Yes. I'm ready for whatever awaits me. 2. I will try my best. 3. [Lie] Of course, Masters. I seek to follow the light.
Vandar Tokare: Understand that there is little choice in this matter, for you or us. Across the galaxy the numbers of our Order dwindle. We have sent many Jedi in quest of a way to thwart Malak's advance... many have not returned. The Sith hunt the Jedi down like animals, ambushing and assassinating our brothers wherever they are found. We fear it is only a matter of time until they discover even this hidden refuge.
Vrook Lamar: Other Jedi have fallen from the light and embraced the dark side, giving their allegiance to the Sith and Malak, their dark lord.
1. Jedi are turning to the dark side? 2. [Lie] Do not fear Masters, I will not fall.
Vrook Lamar: The lure of the dark side is not easy to resist. Malak's power grows as more and more planets fall to his conquering armies.
Zhar Lestin: If Malak is not stopped the Republic will fall, and the Jedi will be hunted to extinction. The galaxy will enter a time of darkness and tyranny not seen for a thousand generations.
Vandar Tokare: The Council has decreed that you and Bastila must investigate the ancient ruins you dreamed of... once the Council deems you ready.
Dorak: Perhaps there you will find some clue, some explanation, of how Revan and Malak were corrupted. And perhaps there you shall find a way to stop them.
Dark Side Points Gained: -2
2. I don't know if I want to do this... it sounds dangerous.
Vandar Tokare: You have a strong affinity with the Force. With such power comes great responsibility... and danger. You may wish to deny what you are, but the Council cannot turn a blind eye.
Zhar Lestin: Neither will Darth Malak. Your strength is a threat to him. In time he will learn of you and the Sith will hunt you down. It is inevitable. Defeating the Sith is the only way to save yourself.
3. [Lie] Of course, Masters. Anything to further the light. 1. I'm ready now. I accept this mission. 3. I will learn your Jedi powers and defeat Malak!
Vandar Tokare: [Success] Hm, yes. Your devotion is most commendable. Vrook Lamar: The Force flows through you like no student we have ever seen. But you are willful and headstrong... a dangerous combination.
1. I'm ready now. I accept this mission. 3. [Lie] Of course, Masters. Anything to further the light. 1. Very well, I will help you. 2. It seems I have no choice... 3. I will learn your Jedi powers and defeat Malak!
Vandar Tokare: Before we send you to investigate the ruins, you must be trained in the ways of the Jedi so that you can resist the darkness within yourself... within all of us. Otherwise you are doomed to fail.
1. We don't have time for this! 2. As you wish, Master Vandar. 3. [Lie] I surrender myself to the will of the Council.
Vandar Tokare: You must learn patience and discipline. The ruins are a place of corruption. The dark side is strong there. We cannot risk sending you there unprepared. Vandar Tokare: [Success] We must begin your training at once. You have a destiny upon you that you must be prepared to face. The entire fate of the galaxy is upon you.
Zhar Lestin: We must begin your training at once. You have a destiny upon you that you must be prepared to face. The entire fate of the galaxy is upon you.
Vrook Lamar: I can only hope you will prove up to the task.

The obligatory montage now plays as you're trained in the ways of the ancient Jedi Order in the courtyard and Council chambers by Master Zhar Lestin with Bastila's assistance:

Zhar Lestin: The path you have chosen to walk is difficult. Intensive training will prepare you physically for the demands of the Order.
Zhar Lestin: Meditation will teach you to channel the power of the Force. To truly understand the way of the Jedi, you must open your mind to knowledge. Seek wisdom in the teachings of the great Masters of our Order.
Zhar Lestin: A Jedi is never alone – others in the Order will always stand by you. You and Bastila share a special bond. Do not be afraid to turn to her when you need help in your training.
Zhar Lestin: The way of the Jedi is difficult. It requires great discipline. Yet even though you are a mere apprentice, your potential is unlimited – and your progress amazing.
Zhar Lestin: In all my years I have never seen one who has mastered the initial training so quickly. You have done in weeks what many cannot do in years. I am honored to welcome you fully into the Jedi Order.

It ends with you talking to Zhar Lestin in the training room:

Zhar Lestin: Soon your apprenticeship will end and you will be granted the title of Padawan, the lowest rank of those within the Jedi Order. Yet first you must prove yourself worthy.
2. I want to ask some questions, Master Zhar. Questions about Revan and Malak.
Zhar Lestin: Few mention those names around here anymore... but I suppose it is just as dangerous to deny they were ever part of the Order. When I was still on Coruscant Revan and Malak often came to me for additional training. In particular, Revan's hunger to learn semed insatiable. I should have recognized this as a warning sign. But I perceived the young Padawan's lust for knowledge as simple exuberance and eagerness. Revan was my most promising pupil, one I felt sure would someday become a champion of the Jedi Order.
1. What happened?
Zhar Lestin: The Jedi Order moved too slowly for Revan and Malak; we were too cautious in their eyes. They always sought to learn far quicker than their Masters felt was prudent. It is one thing to understand a lesson, but to truly comprehend it takes a wisdom that only comes with time. Several years ago, when the Mandalorian threat first arose, Revan and Malak were eager to journey to the Outer Rim to defeat the enemy of the Republic. But the Council felt it best if we moved with care and caution. The true threat, the Council feared, had not yet revealed itself. But Revan would not be dissuaded. Charismatic and powerful, it was inevitable many of the Order would flock to Revan's seemingly noble cause. Malak was the first to join his closest friend. Others soon followed, many of our youngest and brightest, intent on saving the galaxy from the Mandalorian threat.
1. They disobeyed the Jedi Council! 2. What happened to this noble mission?
Zhar Lestin: They were foolish to disregard the Council's wishes. I do not know what happened to Revan, Malak and their followers on the farthest reaches of the Outer Rim, but something corrupted them. Their ideals became twisted, their spirits were tainted and they fell to the dark side. There is a lesson in this, a lesson you would do well to take to heart: the dark side can corrupt even the most noble of Jedi.
1. I will heed the lesson, Master Zhar. 2. Yeah, yeah, get on with it. 3. I should be going now.
Zhar Lestin: You have learned much, yet there is much more for you to still understand. The way of the Jedi must be entered into with a clear and focused mind. When you feel you are ready to continue your training, know that you can find me here.

You can talk to him again to begin the first trial, or if you did so already instead of questioning him about Revan and Malak, you can question him now. Otherwise, this is your first opportunity to exit the training room through its south archway and talk to the masters of the Jedi Council individually in the Council chambers beyond. You cannot talk to Bastila at this point:

Bastila: If you have questions, you should direct them towards the Jedi Council members.

Master Dorak is the chronicler of the Academy, and he can share the recent history of the Jedi order with you, namely the Mandalorian Wars, the fall of Revan and Malak, and the rise of the Sith:

Dorak: Greetings, young apprentice. Have you come seeking knowledge of the past? Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it, or so they say.
Dorak: As a chronicler of the Academy here on Dantooine, I feel it is my duty to share the history of our Order with the newly initiated. Unfortunately, our recent history is one of tragedy and bloodshed. The Mandalorian Wars, the fall of Revan and Malak, the rise of the Sith: there are important lessons to be learned from these events if we do not wish to repeat the mistakes of our past.
4. I don't have time for this right now.
Dorak: As you wish. I will not force you to hear what I have to say, though I think it is unwise to ignore the lessons of the past. Perhaps you can return when you have more time.

This is your first opportunity to end the dialog. You can always return and talk to Master Dorak again:

3. Where are the Academy's archives?
Dorak: This facility is a training academy. The archives here are restricted to those who have attained the rank of Master. We must protect overeager Padawans from being exposed to dangerous knowledge. The pursuit of knowledge is a noble goal, but there are some things that require the wisdom of a Master to truly understand.
1. I am eager to learn, Master Dorak. 2. Very well... tell me the history of the Jedi.
Dorak: Of course I could not tell you the entire history of our Order; the Jedi have existed for thousands upon thousands of years. We are as old as the Republic itself. Instead, I will begin forty years ago with the war of Exar Kun. Like Malak and Revan, Exar Kun was a Jedi who fell to the dark side and led an army against the Jedi and the Republic. Exar Kun was defeated, but the war left both the Republic and our own Order severely weakened. For twenty years we struggled to rebuild, trying to erase the scars of the terrible conflict.
3. I don't have time for this right now.

Whenever you end the dialog without completing the history from now on, you can continue from where you last left it as follows:

Dorak: I bid you welcome once more. I assume you have come so that I might continue my recounting of the recent history of the Jedi Order.
1. Yes, continue the tale.
Dorak: It pleases me to see a student who understands the value of history. I shall resume where we last left off.
Dorak: I have already told you of the war against Exar Kun and the damage it wrought upon the Republic and the Jedi Order. Even now we are still rebuilding from that terrible conflict.
1. What does this have to do with Revan and Malak? 2. What about the Mandalorian Wars? 1. Yes, continue the tale.
Dorak: All things in time. You shall learn that history is an intricate weaving of many events. No one thing can be understood without the proper context.
Dorak: Twenty years ago the Mandalorians, aware the Republic was in a weakened state, began conquering small worlds on the Outer Rim. They were careful to choose only planets outside the Republic's jurisdiction. After much debate, the Senate chose not to intervene. As long as the Mandalorians avoided planets that were members of the Republic itself, there would be no retaliation.
1. That sounds like a big mistake. 2. They should have protected them! 3. But we ended up in a war anyway.
Dorak: Well, you can hardly blame the Republic. The memory of war was fresh in everyone's mind, nobody was eager to relive the horrors in a campaign against the Mandalorians. But in the end it was unavoidable.
Dorak: The Mandalorians stockpiled resources from their conquered worlds, preparing for a massive assault. Seven years ago they launched a simultaneous attack on three separate sectors of Republic space. The Senate had no choice but to retaliate with the entire Republic fleet. The Mandalorian Wars had begun.
3. I don't have time for this right now.
Dorak: When we last spoke I had just told you of the Mandalorian invasion of seven years ago. The Republic sent their entire fleet to do battle with this new threat.
1. Did the Jedi join in? 2. What about Malak and Revan? 1. Yes, continue the tale.
Dorak: The Republic petitioned the Jedi Council for aid, but there were many factors to consider before we allowed ourselves to be drawn into another conflict so soon after the war with Exar Kun. While the Jedi Council preached patience, there were many among our Order who were eager for us to join the battle. Two young Knights in particular demanded immediate action: Revan and Malak. They rallied many of the Jedi to their cause and, against the wishes of their Masters, joined the Republic fleet battling the Mandalorians. Revan was a brilliant military leader, and the Republic fleet began to win victory after victory. Four years ago the Mandalorians surrendered unconditionally.
1. So Revan did the right thing. 2. How did Revan fall to the dark side?
Dorak: No one is denying that Revan was one of the keys to defeating the Mandalorians... but something happened out there on the Outer Rim. Dorak: Revan and Malak were heroes, the great saviors of the Republic. A third of the Republic fleet was under their direct command... and them something happened.
Dorak: Instead of returning after the war's end, the ships under Revan's command went deep into unexplored space. They claimed to be searching for the last remnants of the Mandalorian fleet. All contact was lost. For many months it was assumed some great disaster had befallen the entire fleet. Everyone thought they were dead. There were unsubstantiated rumors of Revan and Malak being seen on a number of different planets during these months – scattered sightings that were never confirmed.
1. Where did they disappear to? 2. What happened next?
Dorak: Perhaps they simply went far beyond the edges of Republic space. Maybe they found previously undiscovered hyperspace routes to the ends of the galaxy. Nobody knows for certain.
Dorak: Three years ago, Revan and Malak returned at the head of a massive invasion fleet. Revan had assumed the title of Sith Lord; the hero had become a conqueror.
3. I don't have time for this right now.
Dorak: I was telling you how Revan and Malak returned three years ago, at the head of a massive invasion fleet.
1. Where did Revan get the ships for the Sith fleet? 1. Yes, continue the tale. 2. How did Revan get so many followers?
Dorak: Some of the ships in the Sith fleet are those that were under Revan's command during the Mandalorian Wars. But many more are of an alien design we have never seen before. The source of this massive fleet is one of the many things about the Sith we cannot explain. It seems impossible to have created it in such a short time, yet we cannot deny its existence. The source of the Sith soldiers is, unfortunately, much easier to understand. Dorak: Initially the bulk of the Sith force were former Republic soldiers who had served under Revan. With each conquest thousands more flocked to join the invaders, swelling their numbers. Even many of our own Order have betrayed us, lured by Sith promises of riches and power. But what is more disturbing is the size of the Sith fleet itself.
Dorak: Initially the bulk of the Sith force were former Republic soldiers who had served under Revan. With each conquest thousands more flocked to join the invaders, swelling their numbers. Even many of our own Order have betrayed us, lured by Sith promises of riches and power. Dorak: Some of the ships in the Sith fleet are those that were under Revan's command during the Mandalorian Wars. But many more are of an alien design we have never seen before. The source of this massive fleet is one of the many things about the Sith we cannot explain. It seems impossible to have created it in such a short time, yet we cannot deny its existence.
1. So what happened next? 2. How can anyone hope to stop the Sith?
Dorak: For two years the Sith were all but invincible. Fortunately, Bastila and her Battle Meditation allowed the Republic to win a few key victories and kept the Sith from total triumph. In desperation we set a trap for the Dark Lord. Bastila was with the strike team that tried to capture Revan, as you probably know. She was there at Revan's end. That was nearly a year ago, but things have not improved. Malak has stepped in and assumed the mantle of Dark Lord for himself, though he is far from Revan's equal in strategy or tactics. Still, his fleet continues to grow in both ships and soldiers. If we do not find some way to stop the Sith soon, Malak will overwhelm us with sheer numbers.

If you return after hearing the complete history:

Dorak: Greetings, young apprentice. Have you come seeking knowledge of the past? Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it, or so they say. As Chronicler of the Academy here on Dantooine, I find your quest for knowledge admirable. But I do not want to overwhelm you with the long history of the Jedi Order. You should ponder the history of Revan; it contains many lessons you may need if we hope to defeat Malak and the Sith.
1. What can I learn from Revan's history? 1. What am I supposed to learn from this? 2. Don't worry. I'll find a way to stop the Sith!
Dorak: Your confidence is admirable, but you must guard against pride and arrogance. These lead to the dark side.
Dorak: Revan's tale shows us how even the greatest of Jedi can fall to the dark side. You must always be on guard against the evil that dwells within you. Think hard upon this lesson.
1. I will think on this, Master Dorak. 4. I'll be going now.
Dorak: May the Force be with you.

Later you can also seek knowledge of the Jedi Code during your first trial, from all three masters in the Council chambers.

Master Vandar Tokare can also be asked about Revan and Malak, as well as Bastila, and Master Vrook Lamar's apparent dislike for you. Later you can also ask him about the Template:KotOR:

Vandar Tokare: Good evening, apprentice. I trust your training goes well?
1. My training is progressing quite well.
Vandar Tokare: I have faith that you will achieve the rank of Padawan soon. Master Zhar is most impressed with your progress. May the Force be with you, apprentice.

This ends the dialog. Otherwise:

2. I'd like to ask you some questions.
Vandar Tokare: A Jedi must ever be seeking knowledge. What is it you wish to know?
1. What can you tell me about Bastila?
Vandar Tokare: Bastila will be a great Jedi someday. Even among the Masters and the Council it is rare to find one so skilled in the art of Battle Meditation. Bastila was there when Revan was slain. Did you know that?
1. I had no idea. 2. Carth mentioned something about it.
Vandar Tokare: Bastila herself does not like to talk about it. She was accompanying the strike team that confronted Revan when the Dark Lord was destroyed. Her role in the death of such a promising young Jedi as Revan upset her greatly. But Bastila knew she had to set her personal feelings aside for the sake of the galaxy and the Republic. The Force is strong with her now, and without her skill in Battle Meditation we would have lost this war long ago.
2. Is there anything you can tell me about Revan and Malak?
Vandar Tokare: I knew Revan as a promising young pupil. Revan was strong in the Force, but also headstrong and proud. Such traits are not unusual in a Padawan. Perhaps that was why I did not see the true extent of the danger. Many of the young Jedi admired Revan, including Malak. When Revan set off to challenge the Mandalorians, Malak was the first to join the cause.
Canderous: And they beat my people so easily in battle...
Vandar Tokare: And when Revan fell to the dark side it was inevitable Malak would fall as well.
1. So Revan was stronger than Malak? 2. Are you saying Revan was responsible for Malak's fall?
Vandar Tokare: Revan was always the leader, the more powerful of the pair. When Revan fell we had hoped the Sith threat was ended. But Malak quickly assumed Revan's role, and embraced the dark side power as fully as his old master ever did. Now Malak leads the Sith armada against the Republic. Hate and vengeance for his master's death draw Malak ever further down the path of the dark side, fueling his powers until they surpass those of his old master. Only you and Bastila together can stop Malak now.
3. Master Vrook doesn't seem to like me very much...
Vandar Tokare: Master Vrook may seem harsh and critical, but he understands the dangers that lie in your path. He wants you and Bastila to be fully prepared when you finally face Lord Malak.
Vandar Tokare: The way ahead will be difficult for young Bastila... and for you. But you must draw strength from each other. May the Force be with you.
4. Why does the Council do nothing about the Mandalorian raiders?
Vandar Tokare: The Mandalorians have not hurt anyone before now. We thought they would keep their activities down with our presence here. But it seems we were tragically wrong... You may deal with the Mandalorian raiders should you meet them. It might be good training to test your fighting skills this way.
Canderous: These raiders are a disgrace. No true Mandalorian would stoop to raiding farms when whole worlds were open to them.
Vandar Tokare: Is there anything else you would like to know?
3. I must be going now. 3. I think I'll be going now.
Vandar Tokare: Very well. May the Force be with you.

Finally, Master Vrook Lamar can also be asked about Revan and Malak, as well as Bastila, and his apparent displeasure with, and criticism of, you. Later you can also ask him about the Mandalorian raiders:

Vrook Lamar: I see you insist on wandering the halls of our Enclave when you should be busy studying your lessons.
3. I must be going now.
Vrook Lamar: Hmph! Well, get along then! Maybe you'll find the time to do something useful.


1. My training is going well.
Vrook Lamar: It appears that soon you will achieve the rank of Padawan. Master Zhar is most impressed with your progress. But I cannot help but wonder if you move forward too quickly.
2. I would like to ask some questions.
Vrook Lamar: I suppose such desires are inevitable, though I fear you may seek knowledge for which you are not prepared. Yet I will do my best to guide your quest.
1. What can you tell me about Bastila?
Vrook Lamar: Bastila? The young Jedi holds great promise... and great danger. She can do much for both the Republic and the Council. Without her skill in Battle Meditation the Sith armada would have conquered the galaxy long ago. But despite her command of the Force Bastila is still young. She is a Jedi, but she has not attained the rank of Master. The Council would do well to remember this before we lay the fate of the galaxy on her slender shoulders.
2. Is there anything you can tell me about Revan and Malak?
Vrook Lamar: Revan was once a promising Padawan. But ever eager to learn more about the Force, Revan sought knowledge of ancient Sith magics, foolishly ignoring the dangerous lure of the dark side. When the Mandalorian invasion came, Revan seized the opportunity it presented. Many Jedi flocked to the Outer Rim to follow the charismatic young Knight... and many fell under the sway of the dark side.
1. What happened on the Outer Rim to corrupt Revan?
Vrook Lamar: I do not believe Revan and Malak were corrupted on the Outer Rim. They had begun their journey down the dark path long before the Mandalorian threat appeared. Here on Dantooine they discovered a sinister cave, a place where the strength of the dark side overwhelms the light. Perhaps this discovery was what first corrupted them... or perhaps they sought the cave out because they were already corrupted. Whatever the explanation, the Order was unable to turn them back to the light. Had the Council taken more decisive action in this matter, perhaps Revan and Malak could have been stopped. But in this we failed.
3. You often seem angry with me, Master Vrook. Have I displeased you? 4. Why are you always criticizing me?
Vrook Lamar: If you find me overly critical, perhaps it is because you do not fully understand what is at stake. For fifteen thousand years the Republic has brought peace and stability to the galaxy. Now the Republic may be destroyed because we, the Jedi, have failed them. Revan and Malak were paragons of the ideals the Order seeks to uphold, yet they succumbed to the temptations of the dark side. When Revan fell, Malak took up the mantle of Dark Lord of the Sith. Should Malak be stopped, what is to stop another Jedi from taking his place? This is the burden we Masters must carry. Only through strict training and relentless lessons can we prevent the Dark Master from being reborn. That is why the Order can brook no failure in our apprentices and pupils. That is why I can accept nothing but perfection from you.
5. Why does the Council not stop the Mandalorian raiders?
Vrook Lamar: So you heard about them, did you? They have been harmless up until now. It is tragic that someone had to die before we took action. You have our leave to deal with the murdering Mandalorian raiders should you encounter them.
Vrook Lamar: You would do well to focus more closely on your lessons. The Force is strong in you, but you need training and guidance in the ways of the Jedi, lest you suffer a fate similar to that of Revan.

You don't need to speak to them now, and you can still do so at a later stage.

First trial

1. What must I do to prove myself? 1. I am ready to continue my training.
Zhar Lestin: In the traditions and customs of our Order, as handed down from Master to pupil for a thousand generations, you must successfully complete three tests before you earn your place among the Jedi.
1. I am ready for the tests, Master Zhar. 2. What kind of tests are these? 3. Let's get these tests over with!
Zhar Lestin: These tests will see if you have truly mastered the training you have been given, both mental and physical. Upon completing these tests you will pass from apprentice to Padawan, and join the ranks of the Jedi. First I will test your knowledge of the Jedi Code. These tenets must always guide your actions, in everything you do you must always be conscious of their wisdom.
Zhar Lestin: You must prove you have a Jedi's understanding of the Code. Return when you feel you are ready for this challenge.
Journal Entry Added Jedi Trials
The Jedi Council on Dantooine has decided to train you in the ways of the ancient Jedi Order. After much initial training, your first task will be to learn the precepts of the Jedi Code. This code is the path by which all Jedi should lead their lives.

At this point, a number of quest items left over from Template:~ will be removed from your inventory. You can seek knowledge of the Jedi Code from any of the other three masters in the Jedi Council chambers through the archway to the south:

2. I seek knowledge of the Jedi Code.
Dorak: All Jedi must know the code, its tenets are the fundamental teachings of our Order. Think and meditate on these truths, apprentice: Vandar Tokare: All Jedi must know the code, its tenets are the fundamental teachings of our Order. Think and meditate on these truths, apprentice: Vrook Lamar: You do not know the Jedi Code? Without knowledge of those doctrines all your training will be for naught! All Jedi must know the code, its tenets are the fundamental teachings of our Order!
Master: There is no emotion; there is peace. There is no ignorance; there is knowledge. There is no passion; there is serenity. There is no chaos; there is harmony. There is no death; there is the Force.
Dorak: Knowledge of the code will lead you to the rank of Padawan, and knowledge of the Order and its history will guide you down the path of the light. Vandar Tokare: I have faith that you will achieve the rank of Padawan soon. Master Zhar is most impressed with your progress. May the Force be with you, apprentice. Vrook Lamar: Learn these truths, apprentice... or we shall all regret the decision to accept you into the Order.

You can also learn it from the Jedi Belaya or Deesra:

3. I am still learning the Jedi Code.
Belaya: All Jedi must know the code. Its tenets are the fundamental teachings of our Order. Deesra: Of course. Learning the Code is an essential part of our training, for there is great wisdom in its words. Allow me to help you with this, apprentice.
Jedi: There is no emotion; there is peace. There is no ignorance; there is knowledge. There is no passion; there is serenity. There is no chaos; there is harmony. There is no death; there is the Force.
Belaya: Think and meditate on these truths, apprentice, if you ever wish to become a Padawan. Deesra: Take heed of these words, apprentice. They contain a deeper truth than it first appears.
Journal Entry Added Jedi Trials
The Jedi Council on Dantooine has decided to train you in the ways of the ancient Jedi Order. After much initial training, your first task will be to learn the precepts of the Jedi Code. This code is the path by which all Jedi should lead their lives.

There is no emotion, there is peace. There is no ignorance, there is knowledge. There is no passion, there is serenity. There is no chaos, there is harmony. There is no death, there is the Force.

Once you've learned it, return to Master Zhar in the training room to the north of the Council chambers:

Zhar Lestin: Greetings, my young pupil. Your progress has been most remarkable so far. Are you here to continue your training in the ways of the Jedi?
2. Not right now.
Zhar Lestin: You have learned much, yet there is much more for you to still understand. The way of the Jedi must be entered into with a clear and focused mind. When you feel you are ready to continue your training, know that you can find me here.


1. I am ready to continue my training.
Zhar Lestin: Soon your apprenticeship will end and you will be granted the title of Padawan, the lowest rank of those within the Jedi Order. Yet first you must prove yourself worthy.

The first dialog repeats itself, until you reach this point:

Zhar Lestin: You must now prove you have a Jedi's understanding of the Code by completing these fundamental precepts of our Order:
Zhar Lestin: There is no emotion...
1. There is the light. 2. There is serenity. 3. There is knowledge. 4. There is the Force. 5. There is justice. 6. There is peace. 7. There is harmony.
Zhar Lestin: There is no ignorance...
1. There is the light. 2. There is serenity. 3. There is knowledge. 4. There is the Force. 5. There is justice. 6. There is harmony.
Zhar Lestin: There is no passion...
1. There is the light. 2. There is serenity. 3. There is the Force. 4. There is justice. 5. There is peace.
Zhar Lestin: There is no chaos...
1. There is the light. 2. There is serenity. 3. There is knowledge. 4. There is the Force. 5. There is justice. 6. There is harmony.
Zhar Lestin: There is no death...
1. There is the light. 2. There is serenity. 3. There is knowledge. 4. There is the Force. 5. There is justice. 6. There is peace.

If you make a mistake, Master Zhar will stop you:

Zhar Lestin: That is not correct, apprentice. Perhaps you are not yet ready for this challenge. There is no shame in admitting weakness. Feel free to speak to the other Jedi in the academy if you require assistance. They will gladly share their knowledge with you. Return when you feel you are ready for this challenge. May the Force be with you.

You'll need to start again, and repeat until you get it all right:

Zhar Lestin: You have learned your studies well, apprentice. It will not be long before you are a full member of our Order. But first you must pass the second test, and learn about the most prized possession of a Jedi, the very symbol of our Order: the lightsaber. The lightsaber is the traditional weapon of our Order. It is a symbol of a Jedi's skill, dedication and authority, and each lightsaber is as individual as the Jedi who wields it. The blade is made of pure energy, focused by polished crystals in the hilt. As the second test, each Jedi must construct his lightsaber with his own hands. And now it is your time. Speak with Master Dorak and he will guide you through the choosing of a crystal.
Journal Entry Added Jedi Trials
Having completed the first trial, your second task to become a Jedi is to speak to Master Dorak and determine what sort of path within the Order you wish to follow.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 200 Completed first trial

Master Dorak awaits you in the Jedi Council chambers through the archway to the south.

Second trial

Zhar Lestin: You should speak to Master Dorak. He can assist you in selecting your lightsaber crystal.

Before speaking to Master Dorak, save game: this is your last opportunity to level up as your starting class, and you may change your mind later. You may also want to use the training computer in the southeast corner for a training orientation about the three Jedi classes:

Welcome, sentient. It is important for the peace and harmony of all beings, that the many paths of the Jedi Order be understood. Only through knowledge can all see the truth of the Force.
Jedi Guardians train for battle and physical prowess. In contrast, Jedi Consulars seek to master the awesome power of the Force. Jedi Sentinels seek to find a balance between these two extremes.
1. Tell me more about the Jedi Guardian.
TRAINING COMPUTER: Jedi Guardians battle against the forces of evil and the dark side. They focus on combat training and masterful use of the lightsaber.
Basic Class Attributes: 10 vitality / level, 4 Force points / level, slow skill progression, fast feat progression
Jedi Guardians gain the Force Jump feat automatically. This feat allows them to instantly close the distance and attack an opponent within 10 metres.
2. Tell me more about the Jedi Consular.
TRAINING COMPUTER: Jedi Consulars seek to bring balance to the universe. They focus less on physical combat and more on mental disciplines in order to augment their mastery of the Force.
Basic Class Attributes: 6 vitality / level, 8 Force points / level, slow skill progression, slow feat progression
Jedi Consulars gain the Force Focus feat automatically. This feat makes it harder for opponents to resist their Force Powers.
3. Tell me more about the Jedi Sentinel.
TRAINING COMPUTER: Jedi Sentinels ferret out deceit and injustice, bringing them to light. They strike a balance between the physical and mental disciplines of the Jedi Order.
Basic Class Attributes: 8 vitality / level, 6 Force points / level, average skill progression, slow feat progression
Jedi Sentinels gain the Jedi Immunity feat automatically. This makes them immune to fear.
4. Show me a statistical comparison of all 3 classes.
TRAINING COMPUTER: Guardian: 10 vitality/ 4 Force points/ level
Consular: 6 vitality/ 8 Force points/ level
Sentinel: 8 vitality/ 6 Force points/ level
5. Log off.

When you're ready, go and speak to Master Dorak:

Dorak: Ah, you have come, young apprentice, at Master Zhar's bidding. He sees great promise in you... as do I. The time has come for you to choose the color of your lightsaber. This color also reflects your demeanor and position within the Order.
3. Why do I get set with a single color?
Dorak: A Jedi is not restricted to a single color. Rather, that color is a badge of pride for the Jedi path it signifies. Should you have an appropriate crystal, you may change your blade to anything you desire. But first you should learn of the different paths a Jedi may take.
1. What colors are there? 2. What positions are there? 3. Why do I get set with a single color?
Dorak: Blue is the color of the Jedi Guardian. This Jedi battles against the forces of evil and the dark side. They focus more on combat training and use of the lightsaber. Yellow is the color of the Jedi Sentinel. This Jedi ferrets out deceit and injustice, bringing it to light. They focus less on combat and more on other skills and abilities. Green is the color of the Jedi Consular. This Jedi seeks to bring balance to the universe. They mediate between other groups, using their powers to end conflict and preserve peace.
1. I want to be a Jedi Guardian! 2. I want to be a Jedi Sentinel! 3. I want to be a Jedi Consular!
Dorak: Indeed. We shall see. I will now ask you questions, and your responses will indicate which class you lean most towards. A woman and her small child are beset by a desperate-looking group of thugs. They are menacing her with weapons and she screams to you for help. What do you do?
Jedi Sentinel 1. Help them flee. Jedi Guardian 2. Attack the thugs. Jedi Consular 3. Stop the thugs and find out why they are attacking her.
Dorak: Hm... indeed. Very well, on to the next question. You are in combat with a Dark Jedi allied with the Sith. There is a pause in the combat. What do you do?
Jedi Guardian 1. Attack him again. Jedi Consular 2. Find out why he turned to the dark side and try to turn him. Jedi Sentinel 3. Try to see a weakness in his technique.
Dorak: Yes, I suspected as much. Now for the next question. There is a locked door and your goal lies on the other side. What do you do?
Jedi Guardian 1. Smash the door down. Jedi Sentinel 2. Try to pick the lock. Jedi Consular 3. Knock.
Dorak: I am beginning to see a pattern here, apprentice. I have a feeling about what you would be best at. But first, the final question. You are the head of an Enclave on a contested world. The Dark Jedi have infiltrated and are causing unrest across the planet. What do you do?
Jedi Guardian 1. Hunt them down. Jedi Sentinel 2. Try to lure them out into a trap. Jedi Consular 3. Coordinate with the planetary government to identify the infiltrators.
Dorak: Yes, I thought as much.
Jedi Guardian Dorak: As I suspected, you would be most suitable as a Jedi Guardian. Jedi Sentinel Dorak: As I suspected, you would be most suitable as a Jedi Sentinel. Jedi Consular Dorak: As I suspected, you would be most suitable as a Jedi Consular.
Dorak: Which color and path do you believe yourself most suited to, apprentice?

Although the answers to his four questions inform his own recommendation, and may influence your choice of Jedi class if you're still undecided, you're free to choose any class at this point (although do not make the choice based on crystal color, as this isn't at all permanent).

1. Blue. The path of the Jedi Guardian. 2. Yellow. The path of the Jedi Sentinel. 3. Green. The path of the Jedi Consular.
Dorak: Here is a blue crystal for your lightsaber. Dorak: Here is a yellow crystal for your lightsaber. Dorak: Here is a green crystal for your lightsaber.
Dorak: Go speak to Master Zhar again and he will instruct you in how to construct it.
Journal Entry Added Jedi Trials
Having completed the first trial, your second task to become a Jedi is to speak to Master Dorak and determine what sort of path within the Order you wish to follow.

You have received your lightsaber crystal and become a Jedi. You must return to Master Zhar and complete your training.
Item(s) Received Dorak Item(s) Received Dorak Item(s) Received Dorak

You also receive enough experience to level up, and you must do so now. So even if you haven't been saving any levels, you will gain at least one as your Jedi class.

Return to the training room to speak to Master Zhar:

Zhar Lestin: Ah, good. Now that you have selected your crystal, we shall begin the construction of your lightsaber.

You automatically walk to the workbench in the southwest corner to assemble your lightsaber:

Item(s) Received Workbench

Speak to Master Zhar again to learn more about lightsabers and their crystals:

Zhar Lestin: You have done extremely well in constructing your lightsaber, apprentice. Your crystal seems to have been set perfectly. It is rare indeed for that to happen the first time one constructs their lightsaber. These crystals are very rare, found only in certain caves strong in the Force. By adding crystals to your lightsaber you can alter or enhance its properties. There have even been unconfirmed rumors of certain Force-sensitive caves here on Dantooine that may hold these crystals.
1. I can find crystals on Dantooine? 2. What will these crystals do for me? 3. Should I know anything else about lightsabers?
Zhar Lestin: It is a rumor only. I do not know if there is any truth in it. Zhar Lestin: They can modify simple things, such as the color of your blade, or complex ones, such as crystals that reputedly increase the strength of the beam.
Zhar Lestin: But you must learn first to use your lightsaber and take care when drawing it.
Zhar Lestin: Your lightsaber identifies you as a member of the Jedi Order. With such recognition comes honor and respect... and the attention of dangerous enemies. The Sith and Dark Jedi will seek to destroy you, apprentice. And you must prove yourself worthy in battle against a foe who wields lightsaber. Are you ready to face the final challenge, apprentice?
2. I need more time to prepare myself.
Zhar Lestin: You have learned much, yet there is much more for you to still understand. The way of the Jedi must be entered into with a clear and focused mind. When you feel you are ready to continue your training, know that you can find me here.

Although you can end the dialog here, you need to complete it before the Council decrees you may come and go as you please, allowing you to leave the Jedi enclave to face your third and final trial. The only thing you can do at this point that you couldn't before is tell the Jedi Belaya or Deesra you're looking for crystals to alter your lightsaber, but neither has anything to add to what Master Zhar has just told you about Template:~:

Zhar Lestin: Greetings, my young pupil. Your progress has been most remarkable so far. Are you here to continue your training in the ways of the Jedi?
1. I am ready to face the third trial. 1. I am ready to continue my training.
Zhar Lestin: For every Jedi the threat of the dark side is always present. You must truly understand this before you are accepted into the Order. You must see the corruption of the dark side for yourself. Even here on Dantooine there are places where the dark side holds sway, twisting and tainting nature itself. The ancient grove once used for deep meditation by the Jedi is now tainted, a wave of darkness perverts the region around it. The kath hounds in the area have become savage and ruthless. They have become a threat to the settlers, a threat the Jedi have promised to stop.
1. What would you have me do, Master Zhar? 2. You want me to go kill kath hounds? 3. What's causing this corruption?
Zhar Lestin: The kath hounds are but a symptom of the true problem. You must journey into the grove and confront the true source of the darkness. That is your task.
1. Do you have no other guidance? 2. You know more than you're telling me...
Zhar Lestin: I can say no more; some things you must see for yourself. None of the other Jedi at the academy are permitted to help you in this task. But remember this, my young apprentice: a Jedi acts with patience and care, and those on the dark path are not always lost forever.
Zhar Lestin: The dark side still taints the ancient grove. Your lessons cannot continue until the spreading corruption of the dark side has been stopped. This is your task, apprentice. May the Force be with you.
Journal Entry Added Jedi Trials
You must cleanse a meditation grove to the southeast of the dark taint that has been infesting it. The exact nature of the cause of the taint has not been made clear.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 200 Completed the second trial

Now you can finally leave the enclave...

Third trial

Zhar Lestin: The dark side still taints the ancient grove. Your lessons cannot continue until the spreading corruption of the dark side has been stopped. This is your task, apprentice. May the Force be with you.

You can now exit the enclave and travel to the southeast through the plains outside the Template:~ and across the Template:~ to find the tainted Template:~ beyond. The reception you receive upon your return from Nemo in the courtyard outside the enclave, and Belaya and Masters Vandar Tokare and Vrook Lamar within, depends on how you chose to remove the taint from the grove. If you redeemed the fallen Jedi Padawan Juhani:

Nemo: I hear you managed to return Juhani to the Order. Congratulations. I regret not being able to tell you more, but some things you must see with your own eyes.
Belaya: You have done a great thing. One of our own had strayed, but you have returned Juhani to the Order. For this you deserve the highest praise.
Vrook Lamar: I must congratulate you on your actions. You have saved Juhani and brought her back into the Order, and have given us all great hope for your future success. May the Force be with you as you continue your training.
Vandar Tokare: It is good to see Juhani has returned to the way of the light. You are to be commended for your role in this. Your actions give us great hope for the future. Go to Master Zhar and inform him that Juhani has returned to us. I think you may be nearing the end of your apprenticeship.

Juhani herself now stands to the northeast in the inner courtyard. You can speak to her now, although you may want to wait until you've spoken to the Council about the ruins and Bastila has become available again to explore all dialog options:

Juhani: I must give you my thanks. Because of you, I am once again welcome within the Jedi Order.
1. Have you spoken to the Council? 2. Did you learn anything more about Quatra?
Juhani: I Have spoken to the Council, and they have helped me see the truth. The truth about myself, and the truth of my actions.
Juhani: Quatra's injuries were not so severe as I first believed. I was foolish to believe I could harm a Master such as she with my... my clumsy efforts. The fierce confrontation between us was nothing more than a part of my training. Quatra wanted me to understand the threat of the dark side, to see how easy it was to fall from the path of light.
1. That's pretty harsh... 3. The ways of the Jedi are strange indeed. 2. So where is Quatra now?
Juhani: Quatra's methods may seem strange, but I trust her wisdom. The lesson has been difficult, but I am better because of it. Humility is never easy to teach, but now I truly understand my own limitations.
Canderous: You can't expect everything to get handed to you on a silver platter.
Juhani: After our last battle, Quatra had nothing left to teach me. I needed time alone to explore the turmoil of my own spirit. Only then was I ready to follow a guide – you – back to the light. When I left, Quatra knew her work with me was done. There are other disciples who need training throughout the galaxy, and she could not stay to see if I passed this most difficult trial.
3. I'm just glad I could help. 1. That's pretty harsh... 2. So where is Quatra now? 3. The ways of the Jedi are strange indeed.
Juhani: With your help, I have passed this difficult trial. The Council now feels I am ready to continue with my training, though they have asked me to wait here for the time being.
Mission: Hey, I'm glad to see you're not getting hung up on all this. The past is in the past, you know?
Carth: First the Jedi trick you into becoming an enemy, then they welcome you back as a friend. I can't say I approve of their training methods.
Zaalbar: You have been given another chance to prove yourself. I hope you use it well.
Canderous: Giving you a second chance like this is a clear sign of weakness. Sometimes I find it hard to believe the Jedi could defeat my people in battle.
Bastila: This has been a painful lesson, Juhani, but it seems you have learned it well. I am certain you will be a credit to the Order.
Juhani: I do not know what the Council has in store for me, but I will trust in the Force and the way of the Jedi to help me through whatever is to come.

She repeats this if you speak to her again before speaking to the Council after investigating the ruins.

Journal Entry Added Jedi Trials
Juhani has been accepted back into the Enclave while the Council debates her case. It seems that redemption can come even to those who have fallen so far.

If Juhani is slain to remove the taint from the grove, unsurprisingly everyone questions your choice:

Nemo: Juhani has been slain, I hear. You fought with her in the grove?
1. She attacked me. 2. She had been turned to the dark side! 3. She deserved to die.
Nemo: Even in the darkest heart there is hope for rebirth. Anyone can be turned back to the light. Anyone.
Nemo: It should not have had to go that far... but some things cannot be avoided. You would do well to mind Juhani's tragic example and not to let yourself fall into the sway of the dark side.
Vrook Lamar
Vrook Lamar: I have heard what you have done, and how Juhani has been slain. I had hoped that this would not have to come to pass. Could you find nothing in Juhani that could be redeemed?
1. I could not see a way to save her. 2. [Lie] She didn't give me a chance. 3. [Lie] She was too far gone to the dark side.
Vrook Lamar: I am skeptical of your methods and your intentions. But if nothing could be done, them that is the way of things. Vrook Lamar: [Success] I am skeptical of your methods and your intentions. But if nothing could be done, them that is the way of things.
Vrook Lamar: Keep in mind the danger of the dark side, lest you fall into its grasp.
Vandar Tokare
Vandar Tokare: It is most regrettable that Juhani could not be saved. We in the Council had high hopes for her in the future. In every heart there is some means of redemption. Could you find none in Juhani?
1. I couldn't see a way to save her. 2. [Lie] She attacked without speaking. 3. [Lie] She was too evil to ever come back.
Vandar Tokare: Perhaps that was the case. It is most regrettable, indeed. Vandar Tokare: [Success] Perhaps that was the case. It is most regrettable, indeed.
Vandar Tokare: Heed her example: all are susceptible to the lure of the dark side. We must always remain vigilant against it. Go to Master Zhar and inform him that the Grove has been cleansed. I think you may be nearing the end of your apprenticeship.

Belaya in particular finds it unacceptable:

Belaya: Juhani was a... a dear companion to me for many years. We spent many nights together alone under the stars. That will never happen again, thanks to you. Curse the Council for sending you, of all people, to speak to her! Could you have done nothing else?!
1. She had it coming, trust me. 2. Should you be talking like that? 3. I did my best. I'm sorry. 4. Why didn't you go to her, then?
Belaya: She had it coming, did she? She had it coming?! Belaya: Do not presume to tell me how I should speak of anything! They should have known better than to entrust such a task to you! Belaya: Pardon me if I find your apology rather disingenuous. Juhani meant nothing to you, and the Council should have known better than to entrust her life to you. Belaya: Why? Because the Council believed that my closeness to her might do more harm than good... and yet they send *you*, instead? And look what has happened.
Belaya: The Juhani I knew deserved more than this! She deserved more from the Council, and more from you! You... you did not even try, did you? Did it even occur to you that Juhani might have been saved? That she might be worth saving? I should kill you for what you've done! And yet I can't, can I? I am a Jedi, and we are sworn to protect all... even the likes of you. Get... get out of my sight! The very thought of the Council... and of you... makes me ill.

She exits the enclave, never to return... although this won't be the last you see of Template:KotOR...

Regardless of how you removed the taint from the grove, you need to speak to Master Zhar Lestin again to complete your training. He's still standing in the training room to the north of the Council chambers, waiting for you.

Zhar Lestin: You have done well, my pupil. The ancient grove has been purified, and Juhani's journey down the dark path has been halted. Because of you she walks once more in the light. But though she was saved, do not dismiss what happened to her. Juhani is both dedicated and true to the ideals of the Order, yet she was still vulnerable to the dark side. As are we all. She struck her master in anger during training, and injured her greatly. But it was Quatra's choice to test Juhani this way, and it seems to have made its point. Juhani has been redeemed, and you have passed your final test. Zhar Lestin: You have cleansed the grove of its dark taint, but at great cost. Juhani was a most promising student and could one day have been strong in the Force. Do not dismiss what happened to her, however. Juhani was both dedicated and true to the ideals of the Order, yet she was still vulnerable to the lure of the dark side. Keep this in mind always in the future, and do not forsake the path of the light.
Zhar Lestin: Congratulations, apprentice. Or should I say congratulations, Padawan? You have proven yourself worthy of joining the Jedi. Let me be the first to welcome you as a full-fledged member of our Order!
Journal Entry Added Jedi Trials
You have completed the final stages of your training and have been accepted into the Jedi Order as a Padawan.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 800 Completed final trial
Item(s) Received Zhar Lestin

Jedi Council

Journal Entry Added The Jedi Council
Now that you have been accepted as a Padawan, the Jedi Council might tell you more about the bigger picture and what you must do.

Master Zhar returns to the Council chambers, rejoining the rest of the Jedi Council of Dantooine:

Zhar Lestin: I have nothing left to teach you, Padawan, though a Jedi is ever learning. Even the Masters know their training is but in its infancy. Now is the time for you to seek wisdom outside the training chambers. The lessons that yet await you are to be found beyond the walls of this academy. You should speak to the Council, Padawan. Now that the first stage of your training is complete I am certain they would be eager to have you aid us in our struggle against Darth Malak and the Sith.
Vrook Lamar: For good or ill, you are now a true Padawan. The time has come for you and Bastila to investigate the dream you shared. The secrets to stopping Malak may lie hidden within the ancient Dantooine ruins you both saw in your visions.

You must speak to Master Vandar Tokare.

Investigate Ruins

Vandar Tokare: Your training is now complete, young Padawan. And perhaps now it is time we dealt with the matter of the dream you and Bastila shared. When we heard of the ruins in your dreams, Master Dorak recognized it as one of a series of ancient structures here on Dantooine. This one in particular lies to the east of this Enclave. We sent a Jedi to investigate... but he has not returned. Perhaps sending him in the first place was a mistake. The Force is guiding you through your visions; it may be that exploring the ruins is a task tied to your destiny. That is why the Council has now decided you should be the one to investigate this. The secrets to stopping Malak may be hidden within those ruins. You must investigate them and find what Revan and Malak were looking for.
1. I'd like to ask you some questions. 3. What happened to the Jedi who went to investigate?
Vandar Tokare: A Jedi must ever be seeking knowledge. What is it you wish to know? Vandar Tokare: We do not know. That is one of the things you must investigate. We... fear the worst. Is there anything else you want to know?

Now you can ask him about Bastila, Revan and Malak, and Master Vrook Lamar's apparent dislike for you, if you haven't already done so:

2. I will investigate the ruins right away. 4. I think I'll be going now.
Vandar Tokare: Be sure to bring Bastila with you. There is a powerful link between you, and you will need to draw strength from each other during the trials ahead. Vandar Tokare: The way ahead will be difficult for young Bastila... and for you. But you must draw strength from each other. May the Force be with you.

The party selection screen opens, and Bastila is available again.

Journal Entry Added Investigate Ruins
The Jedi Council has ordered you to investigate some strange ruins on Dantooine. It would seem that this is one of the places Revan and Malak visited when they were on the planet, and it may hold some key to their fall.

If you then talk to Bastila about your shared dream:

1. I want to talk about that dream.
Bastila: It was less of a dream and more of a vision... a vision the two of us shared. But I am certainly willing to answer any questions the Jedi Council did not.
1. I still don't understand why we shared this 'vision'.
Bastila: Are you wondering why we shared the vision? Or why we even received it in the first place? To the first I can only repeat the answer that the Council gave us. Our fates are linked, and for two as strong as we are in the Force that amounts to a near-physical bond. As to the second, I don't truly have an answer for you. The Force works as it will, and perhaps we should be grateful for what we have been given.
1. But how did our fates become linked?
Bastila: I... I don't know. Believe me, I certainly don't find the prospect of being joined to you enjoyable in any fashion.
1. Well, thanks a lot. 2. Believe me, the feeling is mutual.
Bastila: Please forgive me. I did not mean to imply that you were repulsive in any sense of the word. That we shared something so personal is just not something I'm used to. Bastila: Then perhaps the sooner we see to our destiny the sooner that we can proceed on our separate paths. That seems the logical solution, no?
3. It just seems a little... convenient.
Bastila: The Force often seems to cause events that bend the laws of probability, especially with those that are strongly affiliated with it. In this respect, you and I will simply have to become accustomed to such 'convenience'. We are the tools of the Force and we will do as it wills.
1. Not me! I do what I want. 2. We have no free will of our own, then? 3. You make the Force sound alive.
Bastila: The Force does not compel obedience. You have a destiny, but the choices you make along it are ultimately your own. Bastila: Quite the contrary. Ours is the ultimate free will. The Force is our destiny, but the choices we make along it are ultimately our own. Bastila: There is no evidence one way or the other. What you believe the Force to be ultimately will decide who you are.
1. I have another question.
Bastila: What would you like to know?
2. Why did we dream of Malak and Revan?
Bastila: Perhaps because we desired to. Perhaps because they came to this planet and were strong enough in the Force to leave a... a trace.
1. Well, I certainly didn't want to dream about them. 2. What do you mean by a 'trace'? 3. Isn't it a bit convenient to dream about our enemies?
Bastila: That would not be my first choice, either, but choice appears to be irrelevant in this matter. Bastila: They did something important here, of that I am certain. It may be simply that we are sensitive to that event. Or it may not. Bastila: And what else should we dream about except that which is most important to our fate?
Bastila: We dreamed about Revan and Malak either because we were meant to or because we needed to. There is no other way to look at it.
3. What do you think Malak and Revan were doing?
Bastila: I have no idea. It was obviously important, however. That is why we must investigate this further.
4. I'm not sure I like the idea of you being in my dreams.
Bastila: And are you so certain that it is not you in my dreams?
1. Pretty certain, yes. 2. I suppose that's possible.
Bastila: I see. That is most likely vanity speaking, for I am not certain, myself. Regardless, our fates are linked... the vision was no doubt meant for us both. Bastila: Regardless of which it is, our fates are linked... the vision was doubtless meant for both of us.
5. Do you think we will receive more of these visions?
Bastila: With luck we will. I would rather not rely on such visions to guide us, but when we have so little else to go on and the galaxy hangs in the balance...
6. Never mind. 2. That's all I wanted to know.
Bastila: As you wish. We really should return our thoughts to business, anyway.

The last two responses will end the dialog at any time, never to be repeated; otherwise, the dialog loops, allowing you to explore all possible options.

You need to exit the enclave again and travel to the ruins at the east end of the plains beyond the outer courtyard. On your way you may notice that Nemo is missing....

Sandral-Matale Feud

Before you can leave to investigate the ruins, Ahlan Matale bursts into the Council chambers to speak with the Council:

Ahlan Matale: I demand justice! The Sandral family is a blight upon Dantooine! They must be punished!
Vandar Tokare: The Council will look into this matter, Mr. Matale. You must be patient. Your accusations have no proof, and we do not want you stirring up trouble with the Sandrals if there is some mistake.
Ahlan Matale: Mistake? My son Shen is missing! How can there be any doubt the Sandrals are to blame?
Vrook Lamar: There are other possible explanations for your son's disappearance.
Ahlan Matale: Bah! You Jedi are good for nothing but talk! I shall only wait so long before I take action on my own!

He leaves.

Vandar Tokare: As dangerous as the threat from Darth Malak and the Sith may be, we Jedi cannot simply abandon our other responsibilities. The Council has promised Alhan Matale we will look into his son's disappearance. Should you have time, Padawan, you may want to investigate this matter.
4. Is there anything else I should know?
Vandar Tokare: These two families have been settled here for some years now...
Vrook Lamar: And causing me no end of trouble!
Vandar Tokare: Indeed. They have been settled here for some time and feuding ever since.
1. What caused this feud?
Vandar Tokare: I do not know how the original feud started, but they want nothing to do with each other. As you may have heard, Ahlan Matale believes that his son, Shen, has been kidnapped by Nurik Sandral.
Dorak: Curiously, Nurik's son Casus has been missing for some time as well... I fear Nurik may suspect Ahlan in this...
Vandar Tokare: Is there anything else you wish to know?
2. Which families are involved?
Vandar Tokare: The Sandral and Matale families are involved. The Sandrals live far to the south. The head of that family is Nurik Sandral. He is a stern man, but I believe him fair. Under the present circumstances, though... who knows? Ahlan Matale can be much more unstable. He is convinced of his own importance and can be a most... oppressive individual at times. He lives closer to the enclave, but still to the south.
3. Where are they settled?
Vandar Tokare: Both families are settled to the south of this enclave. The Matales are the closer of the two. Both have similar estates, but Ahlan is much more paranoid about his and guards it quite heavily.
1. I shall look into it at once. 4. I shall investigate this immediately. 5. I will investigate if there is time.
Vrook Lamar: If Shen Matale is not returned to his father it may ignite a savage and bloody feud between the Matale and Sandral estates. We must not allow that to happen.
1. I shall look into it at once. 2. But what about my Jedi training? 3. I have more important things to do!
4. I shall investigate this immediately. 5. I will investigate if there is time. 6. I must continue on my main mission.
Vandar Tokare: Your study and training are important, of course. But the Jedi are not a cloistered Order. Our influence and teachings must spread beyond the walls of our Academies.
Vrook Lamar: It is in the real world that we truly prove ourselves worthy of the title Jedi. You would do well to remember this, young Padawan.
Carth: Not to mention that I wouldn't mind getting out of this enclave for a bit. I mean, come on, how bad could it be? Bastila: This task has its own importance. It may also serve to divert our minds for a short time... something which carries its own rewards.
Journal Entry Added Sandral-Matale Feud
Ahlan Matale has approached the Jedi Council and demanded action. He believes that the head of the rival Sandral family, Nurik Sandral, has kidnapped his son. The Jedi Council has decreed that you may investigate the disappearance so long as it does not detract from your main quest.

If you speak to Master Vandar again:

Vandar Tokare: A Jedi must ever be seeking knowledge. What is it you wish to know?
4. What should be done about the Sandral and Matale families?
Vandar Tokare: If Shen Matale is not returned to his father it may ignite a savage and bloody feud between the Matale and Sandral estates. We must not allow that to happen. You should ask Master Vrook about that, Padawan. He is in charge of our relations with the settlers.

Outer Courtyard

To the east from the courtyard outside the Template:KotOR is the enclave exit to the Template:~, with a Jedi droid standing to the left. If you try to open the door before beginning your third trial, you'll find it locked. If you speak to the droid:

The Council has decreed you must not leave the enclave. Please return to your room.

Once you have begun your third trial, speak to the droid to open the door:

The Council has decreed you may come and go as you please.

Where your room is, or even if you have one, isn't specified, but if you exit the courtyard to the north then the tunnel turns west and there are three doors in the south wall. Beyond the right door is a room occupied by Ahlan Matale, who does not want to be bothered, while beyond the middle door is an unoccupied room, with a footlocker at the base of the bed:

Ahlan Matale: Why are you bothering me? I am here to speak with the Council, not some servant! Please leave or I shall be forced to tell the Council of your rude behavior! Item(s) Received Footlocker


Beyond the left door is a room occupied by Sol'aa, an orange Tw'lek male Template:~ player and card seller. If you don't already have a Pazaak deck then you can buy one:

Sol'aa: I haven't seen you around here before... I'm a traveller in search of a little entertainment.
Sol'aa: Care to have a hand of Pazaak with me?
1. What's Pazaak?
Sol'aa: A marvellous card game indeed. It's sweeping the galaxy I've heard. While I'm no master myself, I do have some proficiency.
1. What's Pazaak? 2. I don't have a deck.
Sol'aa: I happen to have a spare deck on me. I can sell it to you for 100 credits if you want.
2. I don't have that much.
Sol'aa: That's unfortunate. If you ever find the credits, I'd be happy to sell it to you. Perhaps we could even have a hand or two if you're willing to wager something.


1. Sure. Here are the credits.
Sol'aa: Good, good. Here is your deck. As a bonus, I'll give you a digital copy of the instructions for novice players. Now... want to play a hand or two?
Credits Lost: 100 Item(s) Received Sol'aa
  • Pazaak Deck

This is a standard Pazaak deck, complete with side deck cards.

You can play, or buy cards for your side deck:

1. Sure, I'll play. 4. Not right now.
Sol'aa: Ah, well. Come back if you ever feel up to a game.
3. Do you have any cards to sell?
Sol'aa: As a matter of fact, I do. If you see any you like, I am willing to part with them for a small sum.
Buy Item Cost Amount Buy Item Cost Amount
Pazaak Card +/-2 150 1 Pazaak Card +4 25 3
Pazaak Card +/-4 100 2 Pazaak Card -3 25 2
Pazaak Card +1 100 2 Pazaak Card -4 25 2
Pazaak Card -1 100 1 Pazaak Card +5 12 4
Pazaak Card +/-5 75 3 Pazaak Card -5 12 4
Pazaak Card +2 75 2 Pazaak Card +6 5 5
Pazaak Card -2 75 1 Pazaak Card -6 5 5
Pazaak Card +3 50 3


Aratech Mercantile

Beyond the east door in the northeast corner of the docking bay is the Aratech Mercantile store. The proprietors are two green Twi'lek males assisted by two protocol droids, both of which are sorry to be unable to render assistance to you at this time (or any time, as it turns out):

I am sorry, human, I am unable to render assistance at this time. I am sorry, apprentice, I am unable to render assistance at this time. I am sorry, Padawan, I am unable to render assistance at this time.

Crattis Yurkal

Crattis Yurkal is closer on the left, and will talk (at length) about the evils of the Czerka Corporation. Later you can also ask him (and Karal) about the Template:KotOR:

Crattis Yurkal: Greetings, my young friend. I assume you are not a member of the Order, as you are not wearing the traditional garb of the Jedi. Crattis Yurkal: You must be the one I've been hearing about... the new recruit, as it were. Name, I think they said. Another fresh-faced apprentice ready to leap into Jedi training with both feet. Well, best of luck to you is all I can say about that!
Crattis Yurkal: Allow me to introduce myself. I am Crattis Yurkal, proprietor of the general store here on Dantooine. Not much to look at now, I'll admit, but I'm on the ground floor! I mean, look at this planet – majestic fields, rolling plains, wide open terra firma. Elbow room – that's what people want. Once word gets out, we'll have settlers and tourists from the galactic core just dying to come here. And guess who'll be waiting for them? Not that blasted Czerka Corp., that's for sure! Not this time, no sir! This time it'll be Crattis Yurkal who makes the big bucks! But listen to me... Crattis Yurkal: How goes the training? I hear the life of an apprentice can be pretty rough, but you should be proud of what you're doing! It's always good to see another ally in the fight against darkness and corruption. If there were more people like you around, an honest businessman could make a decent living, and companies like that damn Czerka Corp. wouldn't even exist! But listen to me...
Crattis Yurkal: You didn't come here to listen to my ramblings on the evils of the Czerka Corp., I'll bet! What can I do for you?
2. What do you have against the Czerka Corporation?
Crattis Yurkal: Don't get me started on Czerka Corp.! They've got a monopoly on half the galaxy already, and they do everything they can to keep anyone else from getting a foothold in their territory: extortion, bribing officials and government diplomats. Not to mention driving up prices on essentials like food and water on distant colonies. I've heard stories of them letting people starve to death because they couldn't afford their jacked-up prices! And since they've thrown themselves in with the Sith, things have only gotten worse.
1. Worse? How has it gotten worse? 2. Do you mean Czerka Corp. are allied with the Sith?
Crattis Yurkal: The Sith are tangled up in an expensive war with the Republic. They need supplies, equipment, resources. There's lots of opportunities for a company with no morals, like Czerka Corp., to make some major profits. Malak has given them exclusive trading rights wherever the Sith have control. It's bad enough they're helping to finance the Sith war effort, but I've heard rumors of even worse stuff. Slaving, pillaging planets of their resources, genocide of indigenous species. The Sith and Czerka Corp. seem like a perfect match to me. Ah, listen to me going on...
3. What have you heard about the Mandalorian raiders?
Crattis Yurkal: They're vermin, mostly. Leftovers from the Mandalorian Wars. They lost their armies and worlds and now wander the galaxy raiding weak farms and outposts.
Canderous: They are the scum who could not stand defeat and fled the final battles. They do us no credit.
Crattis Yurkal: Any reasonably well-defended base could withstand them. This Enclave, for instance, would never fall to them. They do make trouble for the farmers though... They're almost as much of a burden on ordinary people as that damn Czerka Corporation! But I digress...
3. I think I'll be going now. 3. Maybe we could discuss this some other time.
Crattis Yurkal: Be sure to come back every now and again. I'm always getting more inventory in. You never know what I might have in stock, and my prices are always better than those crooks at Czerka Corp.!
1. I'd like to see what you have for sale.
Crattis Yurkal: Excellent. As always, my selection is somewhat limited. Czerka Corp. has a monopoly on some of the suppliers. But I'm sure you'll find all my inventory is of the highest quality... and I've got a few special items you won't find anywhere else!
Crattis Yurkal
Buy Item Cost Amount Buy Item Cost Amount
Template:KotOR 80 5 Template:KotOR 700 1
Template:KotOR 49 5 Template:KotOR 140 4
Template:KotOR 40 Infinite Template:KotOR 8500 1
Template:KotOR 150 2 Template:KotOR 3000 1
Template:KotOR 100 2 Template:KotOR 750 1
Template:KotOR 50 2 Template:KotOR 50 5
Template:KotOR 400 1 Template:KotOR 50 5
Template:KotOR 250 1 Template:KotOR 50 5
Template:KotOR 7000 1 Template:~ 200 1
Template:KotOR 8000 1 Pazaak Card +/-3 125 1
Template:KotOR 2400 1 Pazaak Card -2 75 1
Template:KotOR 1000 1 Pazaak Card +/-5 75 1
Template:KotOR 100 1 Pazaak Card -4 25 1
Template:KotOR 50 1 Pazaak Card -6 5 1
Template:KotOR 7000 1


Karal Kaar

Karal Kaar stands further back, and is much less talkative:

Karal Kaar: I greet you, human. I am Karal Kaar, owner of this outpost of Aratech Droids, Inc. My protocol droids are not programmed to interact with customers, so should you desire assistance I can aid you. Karal Kaar: I greet you, apprentice Jedi. Master Zhar has informed me that your training is progressing most rapidly.
Karal Kaar: I am honored to have such a promising pupil in my shop. How may I serve you?
2. I think I'll be going now.
Karal Kaar: Please return again soon to Aratech Droids, Inc. for all your droid needs.


Karal Kaar: I greet you, human. How may this outpost of Aratech Droids serve your needs?
2. What do you know of the Mandalorian raiders?
Karal Kaar: Only that they have been a nuisance to the farmers and settlers in the region. They do not have the resources to penetrate this base, so I do not know of them first-hand. Is there anything else I can do for you?
1. Let me see what you have in stock.
Karal Kaar: Explore my inventory at your convenience. Settler families have purchased all my droids, but I have many upgrades and other wares for purchase.
Karal Kaar
Buy Item Cost Amount Buy Item Cost Amount
Template:KotOR 50 5 Template:KotOR 500 1
Template:KotOR 25 Infinite Template:KotOR 500 1
Template:KotOR 1250 1 Template:KotOR 500 1
Template:KotOR 500 1 Template:KotOR 350 1
Template:KotOR 250 1 Template:KotOR 300 1
Template:KotOR 150 1 Template:KotOR 300 Infinite
Template:KotOR 75 2 Template:KotOR 300 Infinite
Template:KotOR 500 1
