Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic/Black Vulkar Base (Garage)

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The Garage Elevator takes you to the northwest corner of the Black Vulkar garage: you cannot return to hideout or change party selection here, so you'd need to go back to the main base and out to the Sewers or Lower City to do either of these things.

The prototype accelerator is found in the Engine Lab to the southeast of the Garage, but first you need to get the garage head key card from the desk in the Office at the north end of the tunnel exiting the southwest corner of the garage.

Once you open the engine lab, you're confronted by Kandon Ark and his bodyguards, and you must make a choice: agree to return to the Hidden Bek Base to kill Gadon Thek and then race for the Black Vulkars, moving closer to the dark side of the Force, or take the prototype accelerator back to the Hidden Beks and race for them. You can also agree to kill Gadon but then return to the engine lab for the accelerator, take it back to Zaerdra and race for the Hidden Beks before returning to their base to kill their leader, moving closer to the dark side of the Force.

Whatever your choice, you may want to open the Loading Bay on the east side of the garage first, either by reprogramming one of the junkpile droids by the elevator to ram its doors, or using the computer in the office to open all security doors. However, if the Vulkar patrol droid inside is too great a challenge, you can return later or skip it.

Map of the Black Vulkar base garage

Main Base[edit | edit source]

Journal Entry Added Inside the Vulkar Base
You've successfully shut down the thermal security system protecting the elevator to the garage level of the Vulkar Base. Now all you have to do is go down there and find the prototype accelerator... and deal with any angry Vulkars you might meet along the way.

In the northwest corner of the garage, there's a deactivated junkpile droid to your left (a war droid), and another one (a Mark II) further away by the west wall:

Junkpile Droid: This droid is damaged and inactive.
Repair 1. Reactivate the droid. (1 repair part) 2. Leave it alone.
Junkpile Droid: The droid is now active. It will attack any enemies that come in range. Junkpile Droid: [Failure] You don't have any repair parts. You leave the droid alone for now. Junkpile Droid: You leave the droid alone for now.
Junkpile Droid
Class Combat Droid
Level 3
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 12 +1
Dexterity 18 +4
Constitution 12 +1
Intelligence 6 -2
Wisdom 6 -2
Charisma 6 -2
Vitality 33
Defense 16
Fortitude 4
Reflex 5
Will -1
Awareness -2
Ranged Main Off
Attack 7 -
Energy 1-8-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Melee Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Items and abilities Feats
Blaster Rifle Combat Logic Upgrade Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifle
Junkpile Droid
Class Combat Droid
Level 5
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 18 +4
Dexterity 12 +1
Constitution 12 +1
Intelligence 6 -2
Wisdom 6 -2
Charisma 6 -2
Vitality 55
Defense 13
Fortitude 5
Reflex 2
Will -1
Awareness -2
Ranged Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Melee Main Off
Attack 9 -
Blunt 5-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats
None Combat Logic Upgrade
Repair 1. Optimize droid's weaponry. (4 repair part(s))
Junkpile Droid: [Success] The droid is now set for maximum firepower. Junkpile Droid: [Failure] You do not have enough repair parts.
Repair 2. Optimize droid's targeting systems. (4 repair part(s))
Junkpile Droid: [Success] The droid is now set for maximum accuracy.
Repair 3. Activate droid's shields (5 repair part(s))
Junkpile Droid: [Success] The droid's shields are now active.
Repair 4. Engage droid in patrol mode. (6 repair part(s))
Junkpile Droid: [Success] Patrol mode engaged. Once you end this session the droid will begin patrol and destroy any enemies it encounters. WARNING: Once you end this session the droid's program will be locked in. You will not be able to modify the droid anymore.
5. Leave it alone.
Junkpile Droid: The droid engages its patrol mode and moves off to carry out your programme instructions.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 15 * level Optimized droid's weaponry
  • 15 * level Optimized droid's targeting systems
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 15 * level Activated droid's shields
  • 20 * level Engaged droid in patrol mode.
The droid is actively engaged in its patrol route. You cannot reprogram it anymore.

The Mark II is a melee droid that will patrol down the south tunnel and turn west at the T-junction. It's capable of killing the two Black Vulkars guarding the tunnel, even on Difficult without optimized weaponry or targeting systems, and without activated shields. It will also trigger the Minor Gas Mine on the right of that tunnel as it patrols, although it isn't worth repairing it for this purpose alone: a single Parts pack costs just over four times as much as a simple Anitdote Kit.

The war droid will patrol the north and east sides of the garage, bringing it into combat with the Vulkar patrol droid guarding the Loading Bay. However, there's another option to patrolling which may be more useful:

Repair 4. Reprogram droid to ram loading bay doors. (6 repair part(s))
Junkpile Droid: [Success] The droid engages its program and moves off to carry out your instructions.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 20 * level Reprogrammed droid to ram loading bay doors

The droid will run to the loading bay and destroy itself, unlocking and opening it to allow access to the loading bay beyond.

Garage[edit | edit source]

There are two swoop bikes in the central garage bay, and a Vulkar patrol droid can be seen in the distance patrolling in front of the Loading Bay in the east wall. Out of sight in the south wall is a tunnel with ramps down to it on either side, leading to the Engine Lab.

View of the garage from the elevator. The loading dock can be seen in the distance to the left beyond the two swoop bikes in front of you, and the garage head has just emerged from the west tunnel to the right and is about to go down one of the ramps leading to the south tunnel, where he'll disappear from view.

The garage head patrols from just outside his Office, followed by two Vulkar guards. About 35 seconds after you enter, he'll emerge from the west tunnel in the southwest corner before making an anticlockwise circuit of the garage and returning to his office. He can be ambushed as he emerges, before his escort can catch up.

Garage Head
Class Soldier
Level 8
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 14 +2
Dexterity 16 +3
Constitution 14 +2
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 15 +2
Charisma 12 +1
Vitality 64
Defense 18
Fortitude 8
Reflex 5
Will 4
Awareness 2
Ranged Main Off
Attack 12 -
Energy 3-10-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Melee Main Off
Attack 10 -
Slashing 4-14-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats
Heavy Combat Suit Heavy Blaster + Vibrosword Armor Proficiency: Light Weapon Specialization: Blaster Pistol Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons Power Blast Master Power Blast Master Rapid Shot
Vulkar Guard
Class Minion
Level 5
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 12 +1
Dexterity 12 +1
Constitution 12 +1
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 15 +2
Charisma 12 +1
Vitality 40
Defense 11
Fortitude 3
Reflex 3
Will 4
Awareness 2
Ranged Main Off
Attack 6 -
Energy 1-6-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Melee Main Off
Attack 6 -
Piercing 2-11-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats
Blaster Pistol + Vibroblade Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Pistol Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons Power Blast Rapid Shot

However, if you hold your starting position and wait, he and his escort will emerge and patrol the south side of the garage, oblivious to your presence. When they become visible again in the southeast corner, you can go down the west tunnel to his office and use the garage computer to overload one of the swoop bikes in the central bay, sounding an alarm that causes the garage head and his escort, plus the four Vulkar guards in the room next to the engine lab, to all gather around it just as it explodes, killing all seven at a blow if you haven't already done so.

Experience Points (XP) Received: Item(s) Received Garage Head

Office[edit | edit source]

Go down the west tunnel in the southwest corner of the garage, turning north around the corner. There are two standard doors in the east wall towards the end of the tunnel, and the garage head's office is behind the north door. Once inside, the garage head's desk is against the north wall, and there are some supplies in the southeast corner:

Item(s) Received Supplies Item(s) Received Garage Head's Desk This key card will give access to most of the restricted areas in the Vulkar garage.

The garage head key card is the only way to open the security doors of the Engine Lab. The garage computer is in the southeast corner.

Garage Computer: SYSTEM LOADING...
Computer Use 1. [Computer] Slice the computer. (2 spike(s))
Garage Computer: ENTER COMMAND
1. [Computer] Access security cameras. Garage Computer: SECURITY CAMERAS ACCESSED
1. [Computer] CAM-11A Garage 2. [Computer] CAM-11B Garage Office
Garage Computer: CAM-11A SUB MENU Garage Computer: CAM-11B SUB MENU
Computer Use 2. [Computer] Overload swoop bike in garage bay. (5 spikes) 2. [Computer] Overload terminal.
3. [Computer] CAM-11C Loading Bay 4. [Computer] CAM-11D Engine Lab
Garage Computer: CAM-11C SUB MENU Garage Computer: CAM-11D SUB MENU
1. [Computer] Switch to camera. 2. [Computer] Return to camera root menu.
5. [Computer] Return to root menu. Garage Computer: ENTER COMMAND
2. [Computer] Access system commands. Garage Computer: SYSTEM COMMANDS ACCESSED
Computer Use 1. [Computer] Open all security doors. (3 spikes) Computer Use 2. [Computer] Upload area schematics (5 spikes)
3. [Computer] Log out. Garage Computer: EXITING SYSTEM...
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 20 * level Overloaded swoop bike in garage bay
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 15 * level Opened all security doors

Overloading the swoop bike in the garage bay will sound an alarm that causes the garage head, his escort and the four Vulkar guards in the room adjacent to the Engine Lab to gather around it as it explodes, killing them all if you haven't already done so. Opening all security doors unlocks but does not open the Loading Bay, but it neither unlocks nor opens the engine lab's security doors.

Otherwise, if you open all security doors so you can open the loading dock then do not access its security camera: this causes the Vulkar patrol droid within to start patrolling so you cannot be sure where it will be when the loading dock is opened.

The standard door in the south wall opens onto a room which is also accessible from the right door in the tunnel to the west. A Vulkar gang member is standing on either side of a workbench to the south:

Vulkar Gang Member
Class Minion
Level 2
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 10 0
Dexterity 12 +1
Constitution 10 0
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 15 +2
Charisma 12 +1
Vitality 12
Defense 11
Fortitude 1
Reflex 2
Will 3
Awareness 2
Ranged Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Melee Main Off
Attack 2 -
Piercing 1-6-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats
Short Sword Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons

There's a footlocker against the east wall in the southeast corner.

Experience Points (XP) Received: Item(s) Received Footlocker
  • ?

Engine Lab[edit | edit source]

Once you've got the garage head key card from the desk in his Office, you can use it to open the security doors of the engine lab. Otherwise:

[It looks like you will need a special pass to open this door.]

Return to the garage and go down the ramp to the tunnel in the south wall. Just inside are two Black Vulkars, picked at random from one armed with a Blaster Pistol, another armed with a Vibrosword or a Twi'lek male armed with a Stun Baton.

Black Vulkar
Class Minion
Level 3
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 12 +1
Dexterity 12 +1
Constitution 12 +1
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 15 +2
Charisma 12 +1
Vitality 21
Defense 11
Fortitude 2
Reflex 2
Will 3
Awareness 2
Ranged Main Off
Attack 4 -
Energy 1-6-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Melee Main Off
Attack 4 -
Piercing 2-11-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats
Blaster Pistol + Vibroblade Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Pistol
Black Vulkar
Class Minion
Level 3
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 12 +1
Dexterity 12 +1
Constitution 12 +1
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 15 +2
Charisma 12 +1
Vitality 21
Defense 11
Fortitude 2
Reflex 2
Will 3
Awareness 2
Ranged Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Melee Main Off
Attack 4 -
Slashing 3-13-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats
Vibrosword Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons
Black Vulkar
Class Minion
Level 3
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 12 +1
Dexterity 12 +1
Constitution 12 +1
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 15 +2
Charisma 12 +1
Vitality 21
Defense 11
Fortitude 2
Reflex 2
Will 3
Awareness 2
Ranged Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Melee Main Off
Attack 4 -
Blunt 2-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats
Stun Baton On Hit: Stun10 Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons
Experience Points (XP) Received:

The tunnel beyond is mined just before it reaches a T-junction:

Awareness Minor Gas Mine (2) Detect 20 (0) Demolitions Disable 20 (0) Recover 30 (10)

It isn't possible to walk around them, but both Mission and Zaalbar can at least disable them. Otherwise, it's best to enter Solo mode and have one party member trigger the mines before using an Anitdote Kit if need be (Zaalbar is recommended, and if he's at least level 7 and selected the Toughness and Increased Toughness feats then he'll take no damage whatsoever, even on Difficult).

Turn left at the junction and you'll see first a standard door and then a security door in the north wall as you approach the east end of the tunnel. The first door opens on a room containing four Vulkar guards, two start armed with Vulkar Shock Sticks and another two start armed with Blaster Pistols:

Vulkar Guards
Class Minion
Level 3
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 12 +1
Dexterity 12 +1
Constitution 12 +1
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 15 +2
Charisma 12 +1
Vitality 21
Defense 15
Fortitude 2
Reflex 2
Will 3
Awareness 2
Ranged Main Off
Attack 4 -
Energy 1-6-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Melee Main Off
Attack 4 -
Blunt 3-6-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats
Combat Suit Blaster Pistol + Vulkar Shock Stick On Hit: Stun10 Armor Proficiency: Light Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Pistol Power Blast Power Attack

However, it's much easier to use the garage computer in the Office to overload one of the swoop bikes in the central garage bay, sounding an alarm that causes the garage head and his escort plus these four to gather around it just as it explodes, killing them all if you haven't already done so.

Experience Points (XP) Received:

There's another security door to the engine lab in the east wall of this room. If you try to open it before you've got the garage head key card from the desk in his office:

[It looks like you will need a special pass to open this door.]

Once you have the card, do not open either door unless you're prepared for a fight as a light side character (opening the door in the tunnel may lead to preferable positioning), or ready to leave the base as a dark side character.

Journal Entry Added Inside the Vulkar Base
You've found the prototype accelerator and, not surprisingly, it was under heavy guard by a Twi'lek named Kandon Ark, Brejik's right-hand man.

In any case, if you go west at the T-junction you'll see two standard doors in the north wall. The first opens to reveal a Duros Vulkar gang member in a room, working on a swoop bike, with a radiation shields locker in the southwest corner, just to the left of the door from the tunnel:

Experience Points (XP) Received: Item(s) Received Radiation Shields

The second door opens to reveal two Vulkar gang members in a room working on a swoop bike, another Duros to the left and the other to the right.

Experience Points (XP) Received:

There's a Workbench at the back of the room against the north wall, which can be used to add any upgrade items you have to any upgradeable weapons and body armor you have.

Search for Bastila[edit | edit source]

Once you open either of the security doors to the engine lab, you enter a dialog with Kandon Ark, a Twi'lek male who stands to the right behind a desk, while one of his bodyguards, a Twi'lek female, stands to the left. Two more bodyguards are behind them against the north wall.

Kandon Ark: Looks like we have visitors – lackeys conned by Gadon Thek into trying to steal Brejik's swoop engine accelerator, I bet!
Mission: Brejik stole that engine from Gadon! It was never yours to begin with! Carth: You're talking like Brejik didn't steal that engine, himself, to begin with!
Kandon Ark: Well I didn't go to all the trouble of acquiring this prototype just so you could steal it back for that old fool!
Kandon's Bodyguard: Would you like me to dispose of these Bek spies, Kandon?
Kandon Ark: No – hold on a second. I see you aren't wearing the Hidden Bek colors, so I'm guessing you aren't part of that feeble old man's gang. You must be a freelance mercenary.
1. You're right, I'm not one of the Beks. My name's Name. 2. Enough yapping! Hand over that accelerator.
Kandon Ark: Instead of stealing the prototype for the Beks, why don't you come work for us? The Black Vulkars could use someone like you.
2. Forget it! I know all about you Black Vulkars!
Kandon Ark: Be smart: Gadon Thek is old news! He's a blind fool in more ways than one! Brejik is a visionary – soon he'll control the entire Lower City! Don't shackle yourself to a losing team.
1. You've got my attention. What's your offer?
Mission: What? You can't betray Gadon! I won't let you!
Kandon Ark: Ah, Mission – the Hidden Bek's unofficial mascot! Your loyalty is admirable, but misplaced. Gadon only kept you around so they could laugh at you and your furry friend.
Mission: No, that's not true! You're lying!
Kandon Ark: Am I? How long have you known Gadon? How long have you worked for him? But they never offered to make you a Hidden Bek, did they?
Mission: They... they said I was too young!
Kandon Ark: And you believed them? Come on, Mission. You're smarter than that. To Gadon and his crew you were nothing but a running joke. Weren't they always teasing you?
Mission: Well, yeah. Some of them were. But you Vulkars have tried to kill me more than once!
Kandon Ark: That's only because you were with the Hidden Beks – and because we respected you. Brejik knows you're not a joke, Mission. He made sure the Vulkars took you very, very seriously.
Mission: But... but Gadon said Brejik...
Kandon Ark: Gadon had to poison your mind against Brejik! It was the only way to keep you from seeing the truth. The Beks were mocking you, Mission. You don't need friends like that.
Mission: You're right! I don't need anyone but Zaalbar! If Gadon dies, he's only getting what's coming to him!
1. You've got my attention. What's your offer? 1. You were about to tell me your offer, Kandon.
Kandon Ark: Brejik has grown tired of this petty war with Gadon and his pathetic followers. He needs someone to get rid of Gadon... permanently. If you do this task for him Brejik is willing to offer a very substantial reward. How does 500 credits sound? Oh, and we'll throw in that young Republic soldier we captured, too.
1. I thought she was being offered up as the prize in the swoop race. 2. Brejik will let me have Bastila if I kill Gadon for him?
Kandon Ark: Well... we can't just give the girl to you. Not after Brejik's publicly offered her up as a prize in the big swoop race. But we can do the next best thing. Whoever wins the swoop race gets the girl. Kill Gadon and we'll give you 500 credits, sponsor you as a Vulkar rider and equip your swoop with the accelerator. You can't lose!
2. Just give me the girl now or we have no deal.
Kandon Ark: Brejik can't withdraw his prize without losing the respect of every gang in the Lower City. Besides, she isn't even here. Brejik's keeping her somewhere safe until after the race.
Journal Entry Added The Search for Bastila
Kandon Ark, one of the Black Vulkars, has given you a counter to Gadon Thek's offer. He claims that if you kill the Hidden Bek leader, then Brejik and the Black Vulkars will sponsor your entry into the swoop race where Bastila is being offered up as part of the champion's prize.

You now have two choices: kill Gadon and return to the Vulkar base, or take the swoop accelerator back to the Hidden Beks.
1. Okay, we have a deal. I'll kill Gadon for you. Dark Side Points Gained: -2
Carth: Are you sure about this? I mean, I want to get Bastila back... but taking contracts to kill people is a bit much. Even if it is just more biker scum.
Kandon Ark: Excellent. Here – you might need these for this mission. They're access codes to Gadon's private chambers in the Bek base. Without them you won't be able to get at the old man. My guards will escort you to the main doors of our base. After you have killed Gadon return to the main doors and I will arrange for you to ride for the Vulkars in the swoop race. I'd suggest you don't come back until the job is done, or we might think you've decided to renegotiate on our offer. The Vulkars won't consider you a friend until Gadon is dead.

You regain control at the main entrance to the Black Vulkar Base in the Lower City. After returning to the Hidden Bek Base and killing Gadon Thek, Kandon meets you upon your return to the Black Vulkar base from the Lower City (or even the Sewers):

Kandon Ark: I've heard the news – Gadon is dead. You have done well. Brejik himself would be here to congratulate you if he was not so busy preparing for the big swoop race.
1. I've done my part, now you better live up to your end of the bargain! 2. Gadon died screaming like a skinned ronto. So will you if you don't hand over Bastila right now!
Kandon Ark: Don't do anything foolish. If you attack me then you'll lose any chance of ever getting your hands on that girl. Besides, we had a deal, remember?
Kandon Ark: Here are the 500 credits for eliminating Gadon and, as promised, we will let you ride for the Black Vulkars in the big swoop race. We'll provide you with a swoop bike that has the prototype accelerator installed. Your modified bike will be fast enough to beat every other racer on the track.
Carth: And when we win the race, we get Bastila, right?
Kandon Ark: When you win Brejik will turn the girl over to you. You get Bastila, A Vulkar rider wins the race, and Brejik doesn't lose face for withdrawing his prize. Everybody wins.
1. Why do I get the feeling you're not telling me something? 2. Okay, let's do this. 3. I've changed my mind – I’m not racing for you!
Kandon Ark: Who will sponsor you then, the Beks? I'm sure they’d love to back the assassin who killed their beloved leader. No, I think you'll race for us – you don't have any other options.
Kandon Ark: There is one small thing you should be aware of before you race tomorrow: the prototype accelerator isn't exactly stable yet – there's a chance it might explode during the race.
Carth: Explode? Are you crazy? Why would we risk riding that thing, then?
Kandon Ark: That's part of the reason Brejik installed it on your bike – none of our Vulkar riders are willing to risk their lives to win the prize. They're afraid of getting blown to bits.
1. Why do you think I'm willing to risk my life?
Kandon Ark: You've already gone to a great deal of trouble to get your hands on this Bastila. You want this Republic soldier in your possession for some reason. I don't know why – I really don't care. But I get the feeling you’re willing to risk dying on the swoop bike if that's what it takes to get her.
2. I'm not afraid to ride that bike! 3. I guess I don't have any choice. I'll race for the Vulkars.
Kandon Ark: I'm glad to see you're being reasonable. The race is tomorrow, so I'm afraid you won't have time to practice. But nobody will be able to keep up with your modified swoop. All you have to do is hold on tight, try not to smash into anything, and hope the accelerator doesn't explode. Simple. Get some rest and I'll come for you in the morning to take you to the swoop track. Good luck... you're going to need it.
Kandon Ark: [You spend a restless night in the Vulkar base. In the morning, one of the Vulkars takes you to the swoop racing pits, where only racers and mechanics are allowed to go.]
Journal Entry Added The Search for Bastila
The Black Vulkars have entered you as a rider in the swoop race. If you can post the fastest time, you'll win the champion's prize – including Bastila. The Vulkars are allowing you to ride a bike equipped with the prototype accelerator, giving you a better chance to win the race... if you survive.
Credits Received: 500

If you ever return here, you can fight Kandon’s bodyguards but he himself will no longer be there, while returning before you've attacked the Hidden Beks allows you to take the swoop accelerator back to them. Otherwise:

2. Don't listen to him, Mission. He's twisting your mind! 3. Forget it – I'm not going to betray Gadon! 4. How about I just kill you instead? 2. Forget it. I want Bastila up front or no deal!
Kandon Ark: *Sigh* I can see there's not much chance of convincing you to come work for us after all. Most unfortunate.
Kandon's Bodyguard: Now can I kill them, Kandon?
Kandon Ark: Yes, darling. Kill them. Kill them all.
Kandon's Bodyguard
Class Soldier
Level 10
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 12 +1
Dexterity 18 +4
Constitution 14 +2
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 15 +2
Charisma 12 +1
Vitality 88
Defense 19
Fortitude 9
Reflex 7
Will 5
Awareness 4
Ranged Main Off
Attack 15 -
Energy 3-10-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Melee Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Items and abilities Feats
Response Package Aural Amplifier Echani Fiber Armor Energy Shield Heavy Blaster Implant Level 1 Armor Proficiency: Light Weapon Specialization: Blaster Pistol Power Blast Rapid Shot
Kandon Ark
Class Scoundrel
Level 8
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 12 +1
Dexterity 19 +4
Constitution 12 +1
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 15 +2
Charisma 12 +1
Vitality 64
Defense 23
Fortitude 3
Reflex 10
Will 7
Awareness 2
Ranged Main Off
Attack 11 -
Physical 3-6-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Melee Main Off
Attack 7 -
Piercing 2-11-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats
Response Package Verpine Headband Military Suit Sith Energy Shield Disruptor Pistol + Vibroblade Improved Scoundrel's Luck Implant Level 1 Armor Proficiency: Medium Weapon Specialization: Blaster Pistol Improved Power Blast Improved Rapid Shot
Kandon's Bodyguard
Class Soldier
Level 5
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 12 +1
Dexterity 14 +2
Constitution 12 +1
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 15 +2
Charisma 12 +1
Vitality 49
Defense 12
Fortitude 5
Reflex 3
Will 3
Awareness 2
Ranged Main Off
Attack 7 -
Energy 1-6-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Melee Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Items and abilities Feats
Blaster Pistol Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Pistol Power Blast

All are armed with ranged weapons, although Kandon Ark may draw a Vibroblade, so melee attackers like Zaalbar can be at an advantage, particularly since Kandon's female bodyguard will use an Energy Shield while Kandon himself will use a Sith Energy Shield (which can also absorb sonic damage). He and the female are close enough together that Grenades thrown at either of them will damage the other, but this isn't the case for the other two bodyguards: any ranged attackers in your party should focus fire on them since they don't use shields.

Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • Challenge Rating 8 Killed Kandon's Bodyguard
  • Challenge Rating 6 Killed Kandon Ark
  • Challenge Rating 4 Killed Kandon's Bodyguard (2)
Item(s) Received Kandon Ark Item(s) Received Kandon's Bodyguard

The swoop accelerator is in the alcove in the northwest corner of the room, and it's mined, although it's possible to enter Solo mode and get around it:

Awareness Minor Frag Mine (2) Detect 20 (0) Demolitions Disable 20 (0) Recover 30 (10)
Item(s) Received Engine Lab
  • Swoop Accelerator
Though not overly large the prototype swoop accelerator is surprisingly heavy. Without being an expert on swoop bike construction it is difficult to imagine how this simple device could be so valuable.

Leave the Black Vulkar base via its main entrance to the Lower City, and return to the Hidden Bek base to speak to Gadon Thek (or Zaerdra) in its Main Hall.

Loading Bay[edit | edit source]

The loading dock is in the east wall of the garage, guarded by a Vulkar patrol droid:

Vulkar Patrol Droid
Class Combat Droid
Level 3
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 10 0
Dexterity 16 +3
Constitution 10 0
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 15 +2
Charisma 12 +1
Vitality 18
Defense 16
Fortitude 3
Reflex 4
Will 3
Awareness 2
Ranged Main Off
Attack 7 -
Ion 1-6 +2-12 vs Droid
Threat 20-20,x2-
Melee Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Items and abilities Feats
Ion Rifle Combat Logic Upgrade Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifle

Reactivating the junkpile droid to the left of the garage elevator and engaging its patrol mode will lead to it attacking this droid, although you shouldn't normally have any trouble killing it yourself.

Experience Points (XP) Received:
Security Loading Dock Unlock 100 (80) Bash Resist - Vitality -

There are two ways to open the loading dock, the first of which is to program the junkpile droid previously mentioned to ram the loading bay doors instead of patrolling. This is recommended, since it both unlocks and opens the door. The second way is to use the garage computer in the Office to open all security doors, which will unlock but not open the loading dock. If you access the security camera for the loading bay, the Vulkar patrol droid within starts patrolling and you cannot be sure where it will be when the loading dock is opened (otherwise, it will be at the south end of its patrol, facing the south wall, when it opens).

Once open, you'll see the Vulkar patrol droid patrolling back and forth between the south and north ends of the loading bay:

Vulkar Patrol Droid
Class Combat Droid
Level 8
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 14 +2
Dexterity 18 +4
Constitution 14 +2
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 15 +2
Charisma 12 +1
Vitality 96
Defense 24
Fortitude 8
Reflex 6
Will 4
Awareness 102
Ranged Main Off
Attack 14 -
Energy 3-12 +1-4 Ion
Threat 20-20,x2-
Melee Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Items and abilities Feats
Carbonite Projector On Hit: Paralyze15 Mandalorian Heavy Repeater Energy Shield Level 3 Tactician Logic Upgrade Droid Upgrade Class 3 Weapon Specialization: Heavy Weapons

This is much tougher than the droid that was patrolling outside, and its Carbonite Projector can be particularly troublesome because it will still paralyze for 3 seconds (the length of a combat round) even if your Reflex save against DC 15 is successful. However, Echani Fiber Armor (received from the Security Crate in the east Lower City apartments) upgraded with a Mesh Underlay (retrieved from the center footlocker inside the Armory of the Black Vulkar base) has Damage Resistance: Resist 20/- vs. Cold, which will at least always negate its cold damage. It also activates its Energy Shield Level 3 before anything else, so most ranged weapons are much less effective since it can take 50 points of energy damage.

The easiest way to defeat it is to enter Solo mode and move each member of your party down the south wall of the garage to the southeast corner, then along the east wall until they're all lined up to the right of the open Loading Dock.

Mission and Zaalbar are already in position to ambush the Vulkar patrol droid, which is unaware of their presence.

From this position your party can observe it and throw Grenades just before it reaches the north end of its patrol, so that when it returns it will still be within the area of effect. 3–5 (most likely 4) Ion Grenades are the quickest way to kill it, although if it survives the first salvo then even though it shouldn't attack, it will activate its Energy Shield Level 3 and finishing it with a Frag Grenade would be advisable.

Experience Points (XP) Received:

There are a footlocker and a strong box in the southeast corner of the loading bay.

Security Strong Box Unlock 24 (4) Bash Resist 5 Vitality 15
Item(s) Received Footlocker
  • ?
Item(s) Received Strong Box