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Stat build

Unlike other jobs, Bowmen do not have any "special" AP distribution. STR does not contribute much to damage and currently, it is useless.

Yet, it must be noted that to maximize training efficiency, STR should be kept to 4 points.

LUK and INT should both ALWAYS be 4.

First Job Skill Build

There are many skills offered to Archers in the first Job that cannot be maxed by 2nd Job. As such, one must carefully determine which skills to forgo.

There are some essential skills that must be maxed such as the following:

Some skills are alternatives of each other and one must be maxed:

Some skills are pre-requisites of other essential skills and must be learnt:

As the order of learning these skills will have no permanent impact as compared to Improve Max MP Increase and Improve Max HP Increase. Therefore, the order will only affect your training style.

Below is the best recommendation for all new skills.

Build Order 1: Recommended for the unfunded new Archer

With this build, Range is maxed immediately, allowing you to stay away from the monsters and prevent being hit. Critical Shot is maxed next, adding to average damage but still saving money on MP. Double Shot is next, as by this time enough funds should have accumulated that MP potions won't be a problem.

Build Order 2: Recommended for the experienced and funded player

Those who are rich, through funding from another character or sheer luck in getting valuable drops, can choose to go the more expensive path and max their active skills first. They would max Double Shot as soon as possible, and then max Critical Shot for the most damage as soon as possible. This comes at the expense of range and lots of money spent on mana potions.

Alternative Build: Arrow Blow

There are Archers who choose Arrow Blow over Double Shot despite its lower damage output. The common reasons for choosing Arrow Blow:

  • Double the knocking back ability due to large consolidated damage
  • Lower MP cost and arrow cost during lower levels
  • Aesthetics
  • Ability to hit multople monsters at once.

Second Job Skill Builds

After completing the first job, the second job unlocks many new powerful skills. Unlike the first job build order here is important, as it takes much longer to get to level 60. Having chosen between getting Final Attack or not, you should now execute your decision and follow the appropriate section.

Final Attack Build

If choosing to raise Final Attack in the second job, this is how your skills will look like after you are done with them.

First Job Build (FA archer)
Archery Mastery MAX (15)
Critical Shot MAX (20)
Arrow Blow 14
Double Shot 15
2nd Job FA Build
Mastery MAX(10)
Final Attack MAX (20)
Booster 10
Soul Arrow 10
Bomb or IA MAX (20)
Physical Training MAX (10)
Silver Hawk 14
Build Order

Variations: You can get 15 Silver Hawk instead of saving up points. Some people opt for a longer booster/SA combo earlier, and get 10 booster and 3 Soul Arrow.

Ask Shu: Explainations

  • 1. A bowman is a job that in the beginning of first job, has mobbing skills. Adding your first skill point into the mobbing skill is needed for a bowman to strike many monsters. Bowman's have random damage in the beginning of the game and usually hit extremely high to average. Maxing out mastery is needed to balance out this weakness of bowmans. With critical, the range of bowman attacks will be even larger making Mastery and Expertise crucial to any bowman.
  • 2. Booster, for bowmans, increases speed of attack, but increased level doesn't effect the speed that comes with it. Leveling booster up to six would make it so that booster doesn't run out so quickly, but still have a fairly good attack speed.
  • 3. Soul arrow is, like booster, unaffected by the level of the skill. Only the time limit is increased by the addition of more soul arrow level ups, level 2 or 3 is good enough for this skill at this point.
  • 4. Leveling up Iron Arrow/Arrow Bomb one by one is a waste of money. Instead, letting it be level 1, 15, and 20 at intervals is the best efficient plan. Level 1 allows it to be your first mob skill, 15 allows it to drastically improve in power, and 20 is its maximum level.
  • 5. Physical Training is needed as it boosts 30 Strength and Dexterity, indirectly increasing your damage.
  • 6. Finally, contribute all points into silver hawk, soul arrows, and booster at the same time. Silver Hawk is the only move that improves with levels, so focus your attention on focus. Level soul arrow and booster too. You should max all moves except silver hawk by level 60.

Third Job

Currently agreed points

  • All 3rd job archer skills are great, which makes the 3rd job builds difficult, since not all skills can be maxed.
  • Strafe, and Arrow Rain/Eruption are must-max skills. Strafe is both faster and stronger than any other skill you will get, and Arrow Rain/Eruption covers your "minimum range" skill.
  • Mortal Blow is an underrated skill. Its purpose is to do its instant kill on the enemy.
  • Arrow Rain/Eruption is extremely useful, and should be put up to level 20.
  • Snipers should get ONLY 15 Ice Shot. No more, no less. The reason is that it is not best to use Ice Shot as a main mob attack, but to freeze the mob for seconds. 15 points in Ice Shot is the lowest possible investment to give 3 seconds of freezing.
  • The minimum build for 3rd job archer skills:

20 Strafe
15 Mortal Blow
20 Arrow Rain/Eruption
15 Phoenix
12 Puppet
1 Inferno/15 Ice shot
10 Drain Arrow
Minimum 1 Evasion Boost Almost all archers would have at least these skills, and they form the most basic build for any 3rd job archer. How the rest of the skill points are allocated depends on the player, and they are covered in the following section.


Inferno Debate (Rangers only)

Inferno is an attack that, when maxed, does 520% fire damage to 6 enemies. This is more powerful than Arrow Bomb and has the added advantage of not stunning mobs. This means that monsters weak to fire will get hurt 780% damage (520% * 1.5 elemental damage), while monsters strong to fire will resist the damage by a .5 rate, but in reverse. That means that if the max damage is 520%, a fire-based enemy would receive a .5 multiplier, meaning 260% damage.

Additionally, Arrow Rain does more damage than Inferno. Supporters demonstrate that Inferno is an arrow based attack, while Rain is an area based attack; they have different uses. Inferno is a ranged attack, and can hit monsters across the screen. Rain on the other hand, can only hit monsters in the immediate vicinity. Granted, the horizontal range for Rain is still massive, but not as massive as Inferno's horizontal range.

Another argument for Inferno is that the fact that it can't stun/freeze or otherwise cause flying enemies to sink posing a threat to those below makes it a great skill for destroying the minions summoned by Zakum and other bosses.

Inferno is obviously quite strong on monsters weak to fire. There are more monsters in the game that are weak to fire than any other element. Some high level monsters that are trained on, like Bains, have a resistance to fire. On the other hand, most monsters in El Nath are weak to fire due to the cold environment. In Ludibrium, there are a few Viking ships that archers generally train on that are also strong to fire. Areas of Leafre in the Ice Mountain are full of monsters weak to fire. However, skelegons/skelesaurs and jr newties/nest golems, the two most trained on monsters for higher leveled archers are not fire weak, and require some effort to mob together for inferno to be effective. So there would be a wide variety of monsters Inferno would be useless to, and still a good variety of monsters that Inferno would be the best long ranged mob skill in the game.

Puppet Debate

While a relatively minor debate over a measly 1 skill point, archers know that they must spend every skill point as wisely as possible. Both 9 and level 10 puppet last for a full minute, but level 10 puppet has 10000 HP instead of 9100. 9100 HP for a puppet is a lot, as puppets have godly defense. People for Level 10 Puppet knows that Elite Puppet, a 4th job skill requires level 10 Puppet and has far greater uses than the current one. Level 8 puppet supporters claim that barely any monsters can take out a level 8 puppet before time runs out anyway. Some even advocate a lower level, like 5 or 6.

Springers' build

This is a possible but untested build for a Ranger:

  1. Strafe(20) - Must-max skill, main attack -
  2. Arrow Rain(20) - Good for closer ranges-
  3. Inferno(20) - Elemental advantage on some monsters, long range mob skill -
  4. Phoenix(10) - High chance of stun, pre-requisite for Phoenix -
  5. Puppet(10) - Must-max skill, makes you able to actually survive as well as taking less damage at 4th job (Elite Puppet)-
  6. Mortal blow(15) - Insta-kill and recover HP and MP= YAY -
  7. Evasion Boost (10) - Critical hit for 1 sec after dodging! -
  8. Drain Arrow (10) - Lesser pot consumption, time to save $$$! -

Springers,Demethos, GlobalMS

IsaacGS's Third Job Build

For Rangers:

  1. Strafe (20)
  2. Arrow Rain (20)
  3. Inferno (20)
  4. Phoenix (10)
  5. Puppet (10)
  6. Mortal Blow (15)

There are 124 points available for Third Job, levels 60 to 100. Some skills are practically required. Strafe, Arrow Rain, Puppet, and Hawk are very important skills. Strafe becomes the primary attacking skill practically as soon as it is acquired. Arrow Rain is great for attacking monsters located above or below, and it's also good for attacking when monsters mob around. The best use for both Rain and puppet is to use Rain to aggravate monsters and then setup a puppet outside of their reach. Inferno serves this purpose well also. For characters with Final Attack, level 20 inferno has the same 130% damage as Arrow Bomb, making it a good option on Fire neutral monsters, and much more powerful on fire weak ones. Phoenix, when used in one on one combat, practically renders a monster helpless at max. It can launch another attack to re-stun monsters before their old stun wears off, making them unable to react. Mortal Blow provides a good backup in case monsters spawn too close. Thrust, while not a bad skill, is by far the worst in the ranger skill book.

For Snipers:

  1. Strafe (20)
  2. Arrow Eruption (20)
  3. Blizzard (15)
  4. Frostprey (10)
  5. Puppet (10)
  6. Mortal Blow (15)

There are 124 points available for Third Job, levels 60 to 100. Some skills are practically required. Strafe, Arrow Eruption, Puppet, and Hawk are very important skills. Blizzard is only useful for the freezing aspect, so 21 points (3 seconds of freeze) is good enough. Strafe becomes the primary attacking skill practically as soon as it is acquired. Arrow Eruption is great for attacking monsters located above or below, and it's also good for attacking when monsters mob around. The best use for both Eruption and puppet is to use Eruption to aggravate monsters and then setup a puppet outside of their reach. Eagle, when used in one on one combat, practically renders a monster helpless at max, though it is not as important for Snipers since they can freeze with a 100% chance. It can launch another attack to re-stun monsters before their old stun wears off, making them unable to react. Mortal Blow provides a good backup in case monsters spawn too close. Thrust, while not a bad skill, is by far the worst in the Sniper skill book.

TruZen's Third Job Build (Sniper)

  1. Strafe (20)
  2. Eruption (20)
  3. Snapfreeze Shot (15)
  4. Frostprey (10)
  5. Puppet (10)
  6. Mortal Blow (15)
  7. Evasion Boost (10)

I agree with IsaacGS on many points, but I really do feel that evasion boost can't be denied. You'll notice that I withdrew points from Frostprey. A 100% success rate of stunning isn't a huge difference from a 100% chance. The same goes for a 20 second drop in duration of frostprey and a 10 hit drop. The biggest deterrent is that frostprey can't be controlled on which enemy it hits. Snipers have Snapfreeze shot which can compensate for the loss of stuns (elemental monsters depending). A 30% dodge increase can eliminate the reliance on pills and def equips/weapons. Elimination of pill reliance will save money and there are still 3 different types of Neschere (100 xbow). Only one of the 3 types adds speed.

DragonForceX's Ranger Build

  1. Strafe (20)(MAX)
  2. Mortal Blow (5)
  3. Arrow Rain (20) (MAX)
  4. Puppet (5)
  5. Frostprey (10)
  6. Puppet (10)(MAX)
  7. Mortal Blow (15)(MAX)
  8. Evasion Boost (10)
  9. Inferno (15)

I totally agree with TruZen's build, but I'm just here to edit the order a bit. The skills which are required for survival are Strafe, Arrow Rain, Puppet and Golden Eagle. First, max Strafe, which is a HUGE improvement from Double Shot. Then, put 5 on Mortal Blow because it is a pre-requisite for Arrow Rain. Max Arrow Rain then, because it is a mob skill which can still be used at close ranges. 5 Puppet comes next, once again for a pre-requisite, for Frostprey. Put 10 on Frostprey which has a sufficient 100% freeze rate which is extremely helpful. Next you finish off Puppet, which is essential for survival, when you're not partied with a DK with HB. Your puppet has godly defense, so it ensures safety. Mortal Blow comes next and it is helpful when a strong monster suddenly spawns right onto you and Puppet can't save you. Evasion Boost isn't too essential, but its still useful as it allows you to use your scrolls on something else, and its also feels better when you know you can dodge more than anyone else. Inferno comes last, because in my opinion, it is the most useless skill. Apart from being long ranged and having a possibility of an elemental advantage, the damage is pathetic, and cannot be used close ranged like Arrow Rain can.

Trinityblast's Strafeless Third Job Build

For Rangers:

  1. Strafe (1)
  2. Arrow Rain (20)
  3. Inferno (20)
  4. Phoenix (10)
  5. Puppet (10)
  6. Mortal Blow (15)
  7. Evasion boost (10)

The explanation for this is due to the recent updates in KMS. In KMS, many of the bowmen skills were upgraded, inferno being one of them. Currently in GMS, inferno hits for about 520% with 100% DOT for 6 seconds besides the elemental attribute. In KMS, the updates made inferno upgrade with a 4th job skill, Ultimate Flame Shot. Additionally, it was given a 6 second burn effect that burns the affected monster by 100% of the maximum damage in the damage range per second. This is considered to be of great use on higher HP monsters during 4th job when hurricane is still weak. Whether it is useful once hurricane can mow down monsters is a subject of debate. The reason why this build maxes everything but strafe is because strafe is almost entirely replaced by hurricane. Because bowmen can train with maxing arrow rain alone at typhons after windraidering from level 70-80 until fourth job, it is very easy to forgo strafe without suffering any major consequences training-wise. The build here is highly reliant on the fact that GMS will get the updates that KMS did, but that can be considered questionable.

Radical Soloing Sniper build

DISCLAIMER: This build is constructed based on what I know of 3rd job Snipers. I have a crossbowman, which I intend to use this build for.

  1. Mortal Blow (5)

Firstly, Mortal blow is required to unlock your 3rd job mobbing skill, Arrow Eruption. Secondly, if you train smartly, monsters can't get close enough to you to trigger a bow-whack.

2.Strafe (20) (MAX)

Strafe will be your main solo attacking skill so it is a must max. Strafe can do a maximum of 400% damage and 1200% damage with Critical Shot applied to all 4 arrows. Strafe will also be your main bossing skill.

3.Puppet (10) (MAX)

Some people think that maxing puppet is a waste of SP. They believe that leaving puppet at 9 is enough. With the release of Time Temple in MSEA, 1k more health for your puppet can't be better. With the release of Elite Puppet, level 10 Puppet is required.

4.Blizzard (1)

This skill can freeze monsters solid, reducing your dependence on freeze from Frostprey

5.Frostprey (10) (MAX)

Frostprey will freeze monsters for you, reducing your pot costs.

6.Arrow Eruption (20)

My decision to leave Eruption at 20 is because the seal chance will be 60% for 4 seconds. It can hit 10 monsters.

7.Evasion Boost (10)

Lowering your dependence on parties, A lv 10 Evasion Boost grants you a +30% dodge chance increase, giving you a god-like bonus. Evasion Boost should be added at the end of the 3rd job.

This is completly theoretical, and anyone who chooses to use this build can end up screwing themselves. A 1st point into Blizzard is absolutely necessary at lv 70 for the 1 sec freeze. Next, Strafe is maxed, followed 5 into Puppet. Then put 5 into Mortal Blow, unlocking Eruption. After that, max Eruption for power, followed by Eagle, then Blizzard. Maxing Puppet after that, your last points should go into Evasion Boost for a dodge boost that comes in handy during soloing as mobs will generally hit you with a miss hit.


When newbies begin this game, they come in and think they can do better than the guide. This should be encouraged, but if you wish to wander from the path, at least know which paths that you should be warned against. Now the following are all controversial whether or not they are bad or not, but they aren't the cookie cutter for a reason.

However, if an archer is willing to sacrifice power, speed, and efficiency for uniqueness, go ahead with one of these builds.

The max Arrow Blow Build

This build does have small advantages over the Double Shot build, as noted in "Ongoing Debates" below.

Double Shot (DS) has been proven time and time again to be stronger, contrary to the information that Wizet gives us. DS does up 460% damage with critical shot, while Arrow Blow (AB) does a flimsy 360% with critical (see "Ongoing Debates" below). The pros this build has is simply more monsters hit instead of power; high-leveled enemies don't flinch unless they are hit by one massive hit.

It should be added here that AB and DS have the same "armor break" value. Armor of the monster effects this skill just as much as DS, except DS is still stronger. In addition, it should be noted that lvl.

Note: There seems to be much controversy about these facts. I assure you; they are true. After spending hours shooting Snails, Iron Hogs, and Werewolves; the only conclusion possible is that AB's max damage is 360%, with DS's max damage at 465%. If anyone wishes to contradict this statement; please submit a screenshot of Arrow-Blow doing more than 400% damage with your stat window up. (Ex: Damage Range 300 to 400 damage, a screenshot of AB doing 1600 damage on Snails is all that is necessary to disprove this fact) Thank you.

The max Arrow Blow and max Double Shot build

Ah, you hate FA (it slows down training in some cases, because of the uncontrollable free shot, you may end up shooting nothing instead, except in high spawn maps), but now where do you put the points? The obvious choice is into Arrow Blow (AB). While it seems like a good idea at first, just know that you will only find AB useful at one monster, Cargos (in OMS anyway). Every other monster does not require knockback because they are either too slow, or have suitable sniping spots, or Bomb/FA can handle them fine, or simply: DS would KB them anyway.

If you max both, you will find that you will not be using AB that much at all.

There are a few rogue archers that go against the crowd and believe AB is better than Archery Mastery

Ongoing Debates

Arrow Blow versus Double Shot

The bottom of this section, titled "Appendix", lists the various calculations that govern this issue.

Short answer

For First Job, Double Shot deals more damage than Arrow Blow in terms of average damage and maximum damage. However, Arrow Blow's useful knockback is not superseded until 4th Job. Therefore, Double Shot is better for leveling (killing monsters), but Arrow Blow is better for bossing safely (soloing or in a group) until 4th Job (at that time, both skills are ignored as Bowmen acquire more powerful ones).

Neither skill has an advantage over the other when choosing one of the Job trees (Hunter or Crossbowman).

Long answer

First of all, players need to be aware of what affects the damage calculations:

  • A critical results in +100% damage.
  • With Critical Shot maxed, archers have a 40% chance to crit.
  • Both arrows from Double Shot may crit.

Secondly, players need to know how much damage each skill is capable of dealing:

  • Arrow Blow, when maxed, deals 260% regularly, 360% on a crit, and 300% on average.
  • Double Shot, when maxed, deals 260% regularly, 360% on a single crit, 460% on a double-crit, and 340% on average.

In conclusion, the following can be said:

  • Double Shot deals more maximum and average damage than Arrow Blow. It is thus better for leveling.
  • Arrow Blow's damage cannot be matched in terms of affecting the chances of a knockback (Double Shot's maximum individual projectile damage is only 230%). Arrow Blow doesn't spread the damage between arrows, thus while the total damage may be lower, the damage per arrow is higher, and thus the chance of "knockback" is higher. Although it has its uses, there are many knockback skills that can be used instead.
  • Some players put one point in Arrow Blow (141% damage) after they reach First Job, but then max Double Shot.
  • Both Double Shot and Arrow Blow are superceded by more powerful Second, Third, and Fourth Job skills (particularly Strafe and Dragon Pulse).

  • Arrow Blow's maximum damage is 260% + 100% = 360%.
  • Arrow Blow's average damage is ((260% * 0.6) + (360% * 0.4)) = 300%.
  • Double Shot's maximum damage is (130% + 100%) * 2 = 460%.
  • Double Shot's average damage is ((260% * 0.36) + (360% * 0.48) + (460% * 0.16)) = 340%.
  • Double Shot's probabilities (used in the average damage calculation): 16% chance of double crit, 48% of one crit, and 36% chance of no crit.
Monster Defense

The point at which Monster defense reduces your base damage is often misunderstood. Some players believe it affects your base damage (the range that appears in your stat window). However, at low levels such as 30, attacking a much higher level monster, such as a Stone Golem, with Double Shot often results in only 1 damage per arrow. On the other hand, when using Arrow Blow in the same situation, numbers upwards of 100 can be produced.

Some claim that both skills "take in" the same amount of armor from the enemy. For example: Iron Hogs may remove 300 damage from arrow-blow, but it will only remove 150 damage from each double shot. The amount of armor removed is proportional to the % damage. So Power Strike, which does 260% damage, will take in 260% more armor than a normal hit. Same with Arrow Blow, Double Shot, and Final Attack. The only attack that this may not work with is Arrow Bomb, PKB, and "Spread" Final attack on warriors; but tests in this area have been too few and no conclusion has been reached yet, as the damage formulas for these attacks are unknown. Also, when you do a critical shot with AB, the "armor" value is 360% higher than normal.

The New Job One Debate: AB vs. Focus vs. Blessing

Note: This section is currently incomplete.

All right, so we proved that DS > AB, but that still doesn't answer whether to get blessing, focus, or AB for your free 9 points. It should be noted that whatever you do, some archers consider these 9 points to be a waste anyway, so there is no massive disadvantage any way you go. Additionally, just because a build is cookie cutter doesn't mean it is the "best" either.

Pros for Blessing:

  • Passive -- No worries about casting or anything. Once you place points in here, you forget them, and they will always work to your favor
  • Stacks with Cleric's bless -- Unlike focus, Blessing stacks with the skill "Bless" assuming you are with a cleric.
    • Rebuttal: It is difficult to find a cleric, and archers hit most targets at 100% accuracy before they can even break the armor of enemies, so accuracy is generally a non-issue.

Cons for Blessing:

  • Archers have highest accuracy in the game, blessing does virtually nothing for an archer.
  • You gain about 2 levels worth of accuracy, every level you gain you basically get free accuracy + the fact you got dex
  • Opportunity cost for active Avoidability (aka, focus) or 10 AB.

Pros for Focus:

  • Offers a potential of 20 avoid (9 if you go for the 9 focus build).
  • Works great in FA-less build, as you can use points in 2nd job to finish off focus.

Cons for Focus:

  • Active -- for you lazy people, you have to cast this skill.
    • Rebuttal: You don't have to cast it if you don't want to, only cast it if you feel it will make a difference. Example: Stone golems have very low accuracy, so using focus in Stone Golem temple is a good idea. Basically, if you need it, it is there for you.
  • Costs MP with no direct offensive output.
    • Rebuttal: MP costs is minimal compared to DS.
  • You don't max this until 2nd job. Until then, you have 9 focus
    • Rebuttal: 9 avoidability is still a lot.
  • Opportunity cost for AB if you get Final attack
    • Rebuttal: 10 AB without final attack is too pathetically weak to train with
  • May increase chance of 'false hit' when used in conjunction with puppet

Pros for 10 AB:

  • Offers a cheaper alternative to your level 20 DS, 9mp for MSea (someone, check this please was it 9 or 10 ???) and 7 for OMS.
  • MP efficiency! This attack has the most MP efficiency of all Bowman skills if you get Final attack.
    • Rebuttal: Mana is cheap at level 50 and above, and by that point, killing efficiency takes priority over money-efficiency.
      • Rebuttal-Rebuttal: Bowmen use lots of mana at lower levels and are easily one of the poorest classes early on; having a cheaper skill that still does comparable damage is a nice advantage.
        • Rebuttal^3: There is always "Normal" attack that uses no mana; although it is weaker.
  • Best synergy with FA. FA enhances this skill with a lot more damage.

Cons for 10 AB:

  • Pathetically weak in comparison to DS.
  • In MSEA, level 1 AB costs 8 mana for 190% (MSEA archers, please fill out what the most efficient level for AB is.)
  • Opportunity cost for Focus.
  • AB will be underused at higher levels, a big waste of 10 SP.

The Greater Archer Debate: FA or FA-less?

Unlike the AB vs. DS debate, a conclusion has not yet been reached. FA and FA-less have many pros and cons for and against both of them; this coupled with the fact that FA is a very "feel" based attack makes this is a difficult topic to discuss in the archer community.

Just know full well that if you go either FA or FA-less, the other half of the archer population will think you are stupid!

Reasons to get Final Attack:

  • You are fine with 5 Soul Arrow and 15 Bow Booster.
    • This should probably be explained in more depth. Soul Arrow and Bow Booster work as timer skills. Adding points to them does not increase their effectiveness as they only really decrease how often you cast these skills. The mana cost for both of these skills is negligible, and by using 5 SA /15 BB, you are already gaining back the mana cost by natural mana regeneration (both skills last 150 seconds at those levels, so you gain back 45 mana; BB and SA combined only costs 30 mana and 15 hit points at those levels).
  • You wish for more damage/time.
    • Final Attack increases your shots/time quite a lot. Final attack is fired at least 2x faster than DS, and so your bow shoots much faster as FA comes out.
  • You want to save mesos.
    • Final Attack is a free skill that activates 60% of the time when maxed. This means that instead of firing your DS, which costs 16 mana, 60% of the time you will shoot something for free. This gives loads of savings in mana potions.
  • FA has no minimum range.
    • If Final Attack activates, you won't "bow-whack". You will always fire FA, no matter what the distance between you and your enemy.
  • FA knocks back enemies when DS cannot.
    • While many archers agree that knockback is not a necessary feature, they do agree that it is a nifty little feature of FA. DS damage is split over two weaker shots, while FA is one strong shot. This means that enemies that require 1000 damage dealt to them at once to be "flinched" or "KBed" may not be KBed by DS, and have a much higher chance of getting KBed by FA.
  • FA does not fire when you jump shot with a bow. However, you may need jump shoes or activate booster for it to not activate (For Hunters, +1 Jump is all that is required). Furthermore, because XBows are slower, FA may still fire with an XBow. The amount of jump required to not activate FA on an XBow is around +13.

Reasons to NOT get Final Attack

  • To max out SA and Bow Booster.
  • When you skip FA, you get your mob skill much earlier on, and Iron Arrow/Arrow Bomb are very potent on large mobs of weak enemies, the main thing you will train on during those early levels.
  • You dislike FA itself; that is, you think the skill makes you worse and not better.
    • There is a valid argument to this. FA is a double-edged sword. While it does increase your damage/second, your mobility and control over your character is reduced — you lose control of your character during that 1/3 of a second when FA is fired.
    • FA-less archers also note that while FA is firing, your crowd-control skills such Bomb or IA are greatly reduced in effectiveness. If you're mobbing with BA/IA and an FA shot is fired it will only affect the first monster coming towards you, leaving the other monsters to overrun you and force you to relocate. Some argue that this is actually good for arrow bomb, because the first monster takes much lower damage than the rest of the mob due to bomb's low impact damage so FA actually evens out the damage throughout the mob.
  • However, there is a general consensus that FA is not good with IA, as IA does not stun monsters like bomb so FA will only hit the first monster, while the rest overruns your character.
  • FA can get you mobbed if it gets activated. The delay can cause you not to turn quick enough if there is an enemy behind you, alas, causing damage.


  • FA does not activate when using 3rd job skills.
    • This sounds bad, but it is also good. Strafe does so much damage in the 3rd job that it beats DS/FA in all respects, including speed and power. If final attack activated in 3rd job skills, you'd be weaker. So it is a good thing it goes away.
  • FA always hits only one enemy. (It may even end up hitting a monster you didn't even provoke, such as when the skill activates and a monster spawns right in front in that same period of time.)
  • DS is more powerful than FA. See DS vs. AB debate; the rules in the debate apply to FA as well. FA receives only +100% from Critical Shot, and thus the max damage is 350% damage. But because FA is faster than DS and is a free shot, FA is more mana/damage efficient and damage/time efficient.
  • The delay of FA is between .3 and .35 of a second for bows, it is unknown what the delay is for XBows. For some, this is too long, others, it is not noticeable, which contributes to the controversy of this skill.

Dragontamer believes that as a rule of thumb, Hunters should get FA, while XBows should not. Currently though, most archers do not get FA, especially crossbowmen because of FA's detrimental effect to Iron Arrow.

Common Myths

Myth: I only need 15 Bomb/IA or 10 DS/AB

30 Bomb or IA is MUCH better than 15 bomb/IA. Additionally, the money "saved" in mana pots is near nothing compared to the money you will spend on your equipment, which will be many millions at higher levels.

Myth: I only need 19 mastery

This was commonly told in older guides, because the only bonus gained from level 20 mastery is 1 accuracy, which is useless for archers. However, it is now a prerequisite for the 4th job skill (Cross)bow Expertise. One could also max it later with one point from 3rd or 4th job, but this would be a poor waste of SP.

Myth: Bowmen shoot much faster than Xbowmen in 2nd and 3rd job

While bows do fire faster than crossbows without any skills, booster makes normal speed crossbows fire at the same rate as normal bows fire with booster. The maple bow, soul searcher, kandiva, and blue metus are some exceptions to this rule though, as these fast attack speed bows fire faster than fast attack speed crossbows.