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Please note This area was closed as of the Elite Heroes/You and I update.

Florina Beach

  • Region: Victoria Island
  • Roads: Florina Beach
  • Level Range: 26-30
Florina Beach has a cool island appearance.

Florina Beach is a very small area, accessed from the Nautilus. It has palm trees and wooden decks, and is populated by the crab-like Clangs and Lorangs, in addition to Torties and other aquatic life. There is one shop, halfway across the beach, where players can buy most types of food potions. Talking to the NPC Pison will return you to White Wave Harbor for free.


Florina Beach has a Boss monster, the King Clang. It is a giant shelled monster resembling the huge shells seen stuck in the sand across the area. The King Clang will not emerge from its hiding spot amongst these uninhabited shells unless it is attacked.

Lorang (26)

Clang (27)

Tortie (28)

King Clang (Defensive) - Boss (40)

King Clang - Boss (40)


To see the NPCs, visit this page.