Mini Dungeons are special, isolated zones with only one entrance. They usually contain large amounts of a monster and are very good for training without being KSed. When you enter a Mini Dungeon, a two hour timer will appear at the top of the screen. If the timer runs out, you will be automatically placed outside of its entrance. If you re-enter a Mini Dungeon quickly enough, you can reach dropped items before they vanish, however some will disappear immediately. If you enter and exit Mini Dungeons rapidly, you may be subject to a short cooldown period (5 minutes at most) where you cannot enter a Mini Dungeon.
Under each Mini Dungeon section (below) you will find information about its location and the enemies that appear within.
Note: Mini-Dungeons are currently unavailable in KMS.
Victoria Island[edit | edit source]
The Pig Beach[edit | edit source]

- Zone name: "Beach: The Pig Beach".
- Entrance location: "Beach: Wave Beach".
- Enemies: Ribbon Pig.
Warm Shade[edit | edit source]

- Zone name: "Singing Mushroom Forest: Warm Shade".
- Entrance location: "Singing Mushroom Forest: Ghost Mushroom Forest".
- Enemies: Zombie Mushroom.
One-Eyed Lizard[edit | edit source]

- Zone name: "North Forest: One-Eyed Lizard".
- Entrance location: "North Forest: Young Tree Forest".
- Enemies: Cold Eye.
Golem's Castle Ruins[edit | edit source]

- Zone name: "Golem's Temple: Golem's Castle Ruins".
- Entrance location: "Golem's Temple: Golem's Temple 4".
- Enemies: Mixed Golem.
Security Room[edit | edit source]

- Zone name: "Mushroom Castle: Security Room".
- Entrance location: "Mushroom Castle: Castle Wall 3" (Must have Rusty Key in possession after rescuing Violetta and starting the quest Eliminating the Rest.)
- Enemies: Helmet Pepe.
Blue Drake Cave[edit | edit source]

- Zone name: "Drake Cave: Blue Drake Cave".
- Entrance location: "Drake Cave: Cave Exit".
- Enemies: Dark Drake.
Ossyria[edit | edit source]
Drummer Bunny's Lair[edit | edit source]

- Zone name: "Mini Dungeon: Drummer Bunny's Lair"
- Entrance location: "Ludibrium: Eos Tower 70th Floor".
- Enemies: Drumming Bunny.
Burning Hills[edit | edit source]

- Zone name: "Mini Dungeon: Burning Hills"
- Entrance location: "The Burning Sands: Cactus Desert 1".
- Enemies: Cactus.
Warning! Alien Sightings Area[edit | edit source]

- Zone name: "Mini Dungeon: Warning! Alien Sightings Area"
- Entrance location: "Omega Sector: Kulan Field I".
- Enemies: Barnard Gray.
Hill of Sandstorms[edit | edit source]

- Zone name: "Mini Dungeon: Hill of Sandstorms".
- Entrance location: "Sunset Road: Sahel 2".
- Enemies: Scorpion.
Critical Error[edit | edit source]

- Zone name: "Hidden Street: Critical Error".
- Entrance location: "Alcadno Research Institute: Lab - Area C-1".
- Enemies: Roid.
Spatial Distortion[edit | edit source]

- Zone name: "Mini Dungeon: Spatial Distortion"
- Entrance location: "Ludibrium: Forgotten Path of Time<1>".
- Enemies: Soul Teddy.
Pillage of Treasure Island[edit | edit source]

- Zone name: "Mini Dungeon: Pillage of Treasure Island".
- Entrance location: "Herb Town: Red-Nose Pirate Den 2".
- Enemies: Captain.
The Round Table of Kentaurus[edit | edit source]

- Zone name: "Mini Dungeon: The Round Table of Kentaurus".
- Entrance location: "Leafre: Battlefield of Fire and Water".
- Enemies: Red Kentaurus, Blue Kentaurus and Black Kentaurus.
Newt Secured Zone[edit | edit source]

- Zone name: "Mini Dungeon: Newt Secured Zone".
- Entrance location: "Leafre: Destroyed Dragon Nest".
- Enemies: Jr. Newtie and Transforming Jr. Newtie.
The Restoring Memory[edit | edit source]

- Zone name: "Mini Dungeon: The Restoring Memory".
- Entrance location: "Leafre: The Dragon Nest Left Behind".
- Enemies: Skelegon and Skelosaurus.
World Tour[edit | edit source]
Longest Ride on ByeBye Station[edit | edit source]

- Zone name: "Malaysia: Longest Ride on ByeBye Station".
- Entrance location: "Fantasy Theme Park 3".
- Enemies: Jester Scarlion and Froscola.
Remaining Memories of the Ship[edit | edit source]

- Zone name: "Singapore: Remaining Memories of the Ship".
- Entrance location: "Singapore: Mysterious Path 3".
- Enemies: Slimy and Selkie Jr..
- Comments: This is not available in GMS.
Long Kiss Duku Good Night[edit | edit source]

- Zone name: "Singapore: Long Kiss Duku Good Night"
- Entrance location: "Singapore: Destroyed Park II"
- Enemies: Duku.