- Level requirement: 170+
- Recommended level: 170+
Kritias is an upside down tower. It is connected to Leafre in Sky Nest I.
Travelling[edit | edit source]
There are multiple ways to enter Kritias:
- Sky Nest I from Leafre, which brings you to Frozen Path 2.
- Veritas/Pantheon/Shanghai portal to Market in Kritias.
- Maple Guide teleports (Level 170~200 or by obtaining the stamps by killing 999 Solitude monsters in the same level range)
Similarly, you can exit Kritias by the following:
- Using the Kerca Porta in Enheim, Academy of Magic to teleport to a town of your choice (like Veritas, Pantheon and Shanghai)
- Walk to Frozen Path 2 and entering the left portal to exit to Sky Nest I in Leafre.
- Teleport rock/Maple Guide teleports
The Kritias shop[edit | edit source]
The Kritias shop is located at the Kritias Market (when you use Pantheon or Veritas teleport to Kritias you will land on that map). It is represented by the NPC Kuelbern. This shop can easily be classified as the best shop in the whole game that is permanent (other than the ridiculously high costs of items). The shop uses 2 type of coins, the Enheim coin (silver, derived from the name of the Academy of Magic) and the Kritias Coin (gold, derived from town name). The shop sells the following items (bolded items are highly sought after):
- Cubic Blade (4 Kritias coins)
- Chaos Cubic Blade (8 Kritias coins)
- Unextinguishable flame (5 Kritias coins)
- Super unextinguishable flame (10 Kritias coins)
- 100 Spell Trace (3 Enheim coins)
- 3 Traits potion of your choice, 15 trait EXP in total (1 Enheim coin)
- Hilla/Arkarium/Von Leon/Magnus Transform potion (7 Enheim coins)
- EXP entropy (3 Enheim coins, 50% EXP increase under Buff Bonus EXP, EXP boost works only in Kritias, lasts for 1 hour)
- AMP entropy (2 Enheim coins, Anti-Magic-Points increased by 50% for 1 hour, bonus points are excluded from the 10,000 Anti-Magic daily looting limit.)
- Hekathrone chair (100 Kritias coins)
- Inverse Set
- All equipments are Untradeable permanently and no scissors can be used.
- Inverse Codex (100 Kritias coins, pocket item, Stats increase with item level, item level increases when fed with anti magic, decays daily)
- Inverse Jewel Earrings (200 Kritias coins, earring, 4 Weapon and Magic ATT, 6 All Stats, 80 DEF, 600 HP and MP, 6 upgrade slots before hammers)
- Inverse Shoulderpad (200 Kritias coins, shoulderpad, 10 Weapon and Magic ATT, 10 All Stats, 180 DEF, 1 upgrade slot before hammers)
- Wear all 3 items for 20% increased damage to boss monsters and 20 Weapon and Magic Attack boost.
- Tyrant Gloves (400 Kritias coins)
- All Gloves are Untradeable when bought and Platinum Scissors of Karma can be used to allow trading once.
- Stats (Warrior): 12 STR and DEX, 300 HP, 15 Weapon ATT, 160 DEF, 2 upgrade slots before hammer, Superior item (1st 5 stars only increases STR and DEX)
- Stats (Magician): 12 INT and LUK, 300 MP, 15 Magic ATT, 2 upgrade slots before hammer, Superior item (1st 5 stars only increases INT and LUK)
- Stats (Bowman): 12 STR and DEX, 300 HP, 15 Weapon ATT, 80 DEF, 2 upgrade slots before hammer, Superior item (1st 5 stars only increases STR and DEX)
- Stats (Thief): 12 DEX and LUK, 300 HP, 15 Weapon ATT, 60 DEF, 2 slots before hammer, Superior item (1st 5 stars only increases DEX and LUK)
- Stats (Pirate): 12 STR and DEX, 300 HP, 15 Weapon ATT, 100 DEF, 2 slots before hammer, Superior item (1st 5 stars only increases STR and DEX)
- Basic Damage Skin (15 Enheim coins)
- Digital Damage Skin (100 Enheim coins)
- Kritias Damage Skin (100 Enheim coins)
- Boss limit reset tickets (can be used once every week, limit resets on Thursday 12am)
- Hard Magnus/Chaos Von Bon/Chaos Bloody Queen/Chaos Pierre (10 Enheim coins each)
- Cygnus/Chaos Vellum (12 Enheim coins each)
- Anti Magic Condenser (5,000 meso)
Inverse Codex[edit | edit source]
It is a pocket item sold in the shop and has unique characterstics (which is why it has its own section). It is part of the Inverse Set.
Leveling and Stats[edit | edit source]
You can feed Anti-magic to the Inverse Codex by talking to Ravian. Methods to obtain Anti-magic are seen here. You must be wearing the Inverse Codex to feed it with Anti-magic, where 1 Anti-magic = 1 EXP. Note that it loses EXP everyday (and it loses a ridiculous amount at higher levels).
The Inverse Codex starts off with All Stats +2 and Weapon and Magic ATT +2. Stats can be increased with its level.
Current Level | EXP to next level | Total EXP from Level 1 | Daily EXP Decay | Current Stats | Stats Increase upon level up |
1 | 1,000 | 0 | 100 |
2 | 1,600 | 1,000 | 150 |
3 | 2,560 | 2,600 | 225 |
4 | 4,096 | 5,160 | 338 |
5 | 6,554 | 9,256 | 506 |
6 | 10,486 | 15,810 | 759 |
7 | 16,777 | 26,296 | 1,139 |
8 | 26,844 | 43,073 | 1,709 |
9 | 42,950 | 69,917 | 2,563 |
10 | 68,719 | 112,867 | 3,844 |
11 | 109,951 | 181,586 | 5,767 |
12 | 175,922 | 291,537 | 8,650 |
13 (MAX) | N/A | 467,459 | 12,975 |
N/A |
At Max Level 13, the Inverse Codex has the following stats:
- All Stats +5
- Weapon and Magic ATT +5
- DEF +150
- HP and MP +300
- Damage to Boss Monsters +5%
- Ignore DEF +5%
- However in exchange you have to feed 12,975 Anti-magic daily to maintain the maximum level and its stats.
Anti magic and Anti magic stones[edit | edit source]
To acquire anti magic and anti magic stones, you have to participate in activities in Kritias. Note that you must have an Anti Magic Condenser to collect anti magic.
Weekly Quests[edit | edit source]
Every week (resets on Monday 12am), you can do weekly quests which can be completed in any order. There are 5 weekly quests. All 5 quests will be given at the same time. You can choose to change up to 5 quests once before attempting the quests, however, quests in Category 1 will only be exchanged for a different quest in Category 1, while the quest in Category 2 will only be exchanged for a different quest in Category 2.
- Quests in blue takes a shorter time than average.
- Quests in black takes an average amount of time.
Category 2 quest will not be rated as the demand is very similar across all quests.
If multiple quests require the same monster to be hunted, it can be completed at the same time, transforming a quest that is rated more time consuming to be otherwise (especially "Ominous Energy" (category 2) combined with any burning quest and any frozen quest), if you are intending to complete the quest in Category 2. However, be careful, quests asking for general item drops that are not "Quest Item" tagged will be in conflict as they ask for the same item, so you need even more of that item to complete multiple of such quests. (However, they can be obtained even when the quest is not active)
Category 1 quests reward 12,000,000 (12 Million) EXP and 2,500 anti magic each (given as an Use item, so if you have AMP entropy active, it will give 3,750 instead. Does not count towards the daily limit). You must have the Anti Magic Condenser to absorb the half magic or else you will not be able to double click to use it.
Category 2 quest rewards 12,000,000 (12 Million) EXP and 3 Anti-magic Stones (etc item). If you are not trying to exchange for Kritias Commemorative Coins, you can skip category 2 since it does not reward any anti magic.
- Category 1 quests
- Recommended Quests to remove
- Broken Blades of Solitude - (Kill 300 Frozen Solitude and collect 200 Broken Blade (Blue))
- The Hilts of Terror - (Kill 300 Frozen Terror and collect 200 Broken Hilt (Blue))
- The Shards of Rage - (Kill 300 Frozen Rage and collect 200 Broken Shaft (Blue))
- The Bows of Anxiety - (Kill 300 Frozen Anxiety and collect 200 Broken Bow (Blue))
- The Feathers of Vanity - (Kill 300 Frozen Vanity and collect 200 Broken Feather (Blue))
- Solitude in Flames - (Kill 450 Burning Solitude)
- Terror in Flames - (Kill 450 Burning Terror)
- Rage in Flames - (Kill 450 Burning Rage)
- Anxiety in Flames - (Kill 450 Burning Anxiety)
- Vanity in Flames - (Kill 450 Burning Vanity)
- All Fired Up - (Kill 100 of each monster in the Burning series)
- Putting Out Fires - (Kill 100 of each monster in the Burning series)
- Burning Weapons Round-Up - (Kill 100 of each monster in the Burning series and collect 300 Burning Energies (quest item))
- Burning for Intel - (Collect 300 Burning Energies (quest item) from monsters in the Burning series)
- Intermediate Magician Inquisition - (Kill 400 Corrupted Intermediate Magicians)
- Intermediate Magician Elimination - (Kill 450 Corrupted Intermediate Magicians)
- Attack of the Evil Threads - (Kill 400 Corrupted Intermediate Magicians and collect 250 Intermediate Magician's Cloths)
- Recommended Quests to keep
- Lonely Hunt - (Kill 250 Frozen Solitude)
- Scary Hunt - (Kill 250 Frozen Terror)
- Raging Hunt - (Kill 250 Frozen Rage)
- Anxious Hunt - (Kill 250 Frozen Anxiety)
- Vain Hunt - (Kill 250 Frozen Vanity)
- The Blades of Solitude - (Kill 250 Frozen Solitude and collect 150 Broken Blade (Blue))
- Terrifying Hilts - (Kill 250 Frozen Terror and collect 150 Broken Hilt (Blue))
- Raging Shafts - (Kill 250 Frozen Rage and collect 150 Broken Shaft (Blue))
- Anxious Bows - (Kill 250 Frozen Anxiety and collect 150 Broken Bow (Blue))
- Vain Accessories - (Kill 250 Frozen Vanity and collect 150 Broken Feather (Blue))
- Solitude on Ice - (Kill 300 Frozen Solitude)
- Terror on Ice - (Kill 300 Frozen Terror)
- Rage on Ice - (Kill 300 Frozen Rage)
- Anxiety on Ice - (Kill 300 Frozen Anxiety)
- Vanity on Ice - (Kill 300 Frozen Vanity)
- Crossed Blades - (Kill 150 Frozen Solitude and 150 Frozen Terror)
- Frozen Trinity - (Kill 100 Frozen Rage, 100 Frozen Anxiety and 100 Frozen Vanity)
- Frosty Research - (Kill any monsters in the Frozen series and collect 200 Frozen Energies (quest item))
- Preventing Permafrost - (Kill 50 of each monster in the Frozen series and collect 100 Frozen Energies (quest item))
- Arrow of Anxiety - (Kill 300 Frozen Anxiety and steal 10 Frozen Arrows (quest item) by using 10 Black Magnets (given when accepting) near them)
- Fallen Low Mages Behind - (Kill 300 Corrupted Low Level Mage)
- Collecting Sleeves of Low Mages - (Kill 250 Corrupted Low Level Mage and collect 150 Cloth of Low Level Mage)
- Category 2 quests
- Possible Quests
- The Spreading Solitude - (Kill 600 Permeating Solitude)
- The Spreading Terror - (Kill 600 Permeating Terror)
- The Spreading Rage - (Kill 600 Permeating Rage)
- The Spreading Anxiety - (Kill 600 Permeating Anxiety)
- The Spreading Vanity - (Kill 600 Permeating Vanity)
- Permeating Blades (Kill 300 Permeating Solitude and 300 Permeating Terror)
- The Clash of Weapons (Kill 200 Permeating Rage, 200 Permeating Anxiety and 200 Permeating Vanity)
- Advanced Magician Anguish (Kill 600 Corrupted Advanced Magician)
- Corruption De-Mystified (Kill 200 Corrupted Basic Magician, 200 Corrupted Intermediate Magician and 200 Corrupted Advanced Magician and collect 100 Basic Magician's Cloths, 100 Intermediate Magician's Cloths and 100 Advanced Magician's Cloths)
- The Complete Set (Kill any monsters in Kritias and collect 200 Frozen Energies (quest item) from the Frozen series, 200 Burning Energies (quest item) from the Burning series and 200 Permeating Energies (quest item) from the Permeating series)
- Category 1 quests
- Recommended Quests to remove
- Collecting the Broken Blade of Solitude - (Kill 300 Frozen Loneliness and collect 200 Broken Blade (Blue))
- Collecting the Broken Handle of Fear - (Kill 300 Frozen Fear and collect 200 Broken Hilt (Blue))
- Collecting the Broken Hilt of Fury - (Kill 300 Frozen Anger and collect 200 Broken Shaft (Blue))
- Collecting the Broken Bow of Anxiety - (Kill 300 Frozen Anxiety and collect 200 Broken Bow (Blue))
- Collecting the Broken Ornament of Futility - (Kill 300 Frozen Emptiness and collect 200 Broken Feather (Blue))
- Suppressing Burning Solitude - (Kill 450 Burning Loneliness)
- Suppressing Burning Fear - (Kill 450 Burning Fear)
- Suppressing Burning Fury - (Kill 450 Burning Anger)
- Suppressing Burning Anxiety - (Kill 450 Burning Anxiety)
- Suppressing Burning Futility - (Kill 450 Burning Emptiness)
- Ominously Burning Weapons - (Kill 100 of each monster in the Burning series)
- Suppressing Burning Weapons - (Kill 100 of each monster in the Burning series)
- Collecting Burning Weapons and Energy - (Kill 100 of each monster in the Burning series and collect 300 Burning Energies (quest item))
- Collecting Burning Energy - (Collect 300 Burning Energies (quest item) from monsters in the Burning series)
- Fallen Novice Mages Behind - (Kill 400 Corrupted Mid Level Mage)
- Suppressing Fallen Novice Mages Behind - (Kill 450 Corrupted Mid Level Mage)
- Collecting Sleeves of Novice Mages - (Kill 400 Corrupted Mid Level Mage and collect 250 Cloth of Mid Level Mage)
- Recommended Quests to keep
- Solitary Hunt - (Kill 250 Frozen Loneliness)
- Fearful Hunt - (Kill 250 Frozen Fear)
- Furious Hunt - (Kill 250 Frozen Anger)
- Anxious Hunt - (Kill 250 Frozen Anxiety)
- Futile Hunt - (Kill 250 Frozen Emptiness)
- Collecting the Blade of Solitude - (Kill 250 Frozen Loneliness and collect 150 Broken Blade (Blue))
- Collecting the Handle of Fear - (Kill 250 Frozen Fear and collect 150 Broken Hilt (Blue))
- Collecting the Hilt of Fury - (Kill 250 Frozen Anger and collect 150 Broken Shaft (Blue))
- Collecting the Bow of Anxiety - (Kill 250 Frozen Anxiety and collect 150 Broken Bow (Blue))
- Collecting the Ornament of Futility - (Kill 250 Frozen Emptiness and collect 150 Broken Feather (Blue))
- Suppressing Frozen Solitude - (Kill 300 Frozen Loneliness)
- Suppressing Frozen Fear - (Kill 300 Frozen Fear)
- Suppressing Frozen Fury - (Kill 300 Frozen Anger)
- Suppressing Frozen Anxiety - (Kill 300 Frozen Anxiety)
- Suppressing Frozen Futility - (Kill 300 Frozen Emptiness)
- The Sound of Cold Blades - (Kill 150 Frozen Loneliness and 150 Frozen Terror/Fear)
- The Roar of Frozen Weapons - (Kill 100 Frozen Anger, 100 Frozen Anxiety and 100 Frozen Emptiness)
- Collecting Frozen Energy - (Kill any monsters in the frozen series and collect 200 Frozen Energies (quest item))
- Yet Unfrozen Forest Path - (Kill 50 of each monster in the frozen series and collect 100 Frozen Energie (quest item))
- Category 2 quests
- Possible Quests
- Suppressing Infiltrating Solitude - (Kill 600 Seeping Loneliness)
- Suppressing Infiltrating Fear - (Kill 600 Seeping Fear)
- Suppressing Infiltrating Fury - (Kill 600 Seeping Anger)
- Suppressing Infiltrating Anxiety - (Kill 600 Seeping Anxiety)
- Suppressing Infiltrating Futility - (Kill 600 Seeping Emptiness)
- Infiltrating Blades - (Kill 300 Seeping Loneliness and 300 Seeping Fear)
- Infiltrating Roar of Weapons - (Kill 200 Seeping Anger, 200 Seeping Anxiety and 200 Seeping Emptiness)
- Fallen High Level Wizards Behind - (Kill 600 Corrupted High Level Mage)
- Suppressing Fallen Mages Behind - (Kill 200 Corrupted Low Level Mage, 200 Corrupted Mid Level Mage and 200 Corrupted High Level Mage and collect 100 Cloth of Low Level Mage, 100 Cloth of Mid Level Mage and 100 Cloth of High Level Mage)
- Ominous Energy - (Kill any monsters in Kritias and collect 200 Frozen Energies (quest item) from the Frozen series, 200 Burning Energies (quest item) from the Burning series and 200 Seeping Energy (quest item) from the Seeping series)
Hunting[edit | edit source]
Monsters in Kritias have a low chance to drop a fragment of anti magic. The chance is estimated to be around 2% at 1x. When collected, it is used immediately (10-20 per fragment, additional 50% if AMP entropy is used). The base amount counts towards the 10,000 anti magic limit while the 50% additional from AMP entropy is not counted towards the limit.
- You must have the Anti Magic Condenser to collect the anti magic, otherwise you will receive 0 Anti magic upon picking up.
Maximum daily looting limit (excluding AMP entropy bonus): 10,000
- The 50% boost is based on the base amount obtained, so if you hit the limit already and obtained 0 anti magic from the ground, the 50% boost will be based on the base amount obtained, which is 0, so the boost will also be 0.
Coins[edit | edit source]
The acquired anti magic and anti magic stones can be used to synthesise into coins. You can synthesise anti magic and anti magic stones into coins by talking to Ravian in Lenheim, Academy of Magic. You can check the amount of Anti Magic Points that you have by double clicking on your Anti Magic Condenser. Note that if you threw it away, your anti magic will be retained, so do not worry about throwing it away in the case of an emergency freeing of inventory (such as Elite Boss). However you will need to buy another one for 5,000 mesos.
- 700 anti magic is needed for an Enheim coin.
- 1,200 anti magic and 1 anti magic stone is needed for a Kritias coin. (You need both of them to change for a coin)
- Note
- Anti magic stone cannot be broken to form anti magic, and neither can you fuse anti magic to form anti magic stones.
- You cannot break the Enheim coins and Kritias coins to form Anti magic or Anti magic stones.