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This page describes the potential and bonus potential system used by equipment items. Click here to be directed to the Bonus Potential section.

Regular Potential[edit | edit source]

The potential system is a bonus to item stats previously set. If you pick up an item, there might be a notice in your chat window saying, "You get the Rare/Epic/Unique/Legendary Item.", depending on rank. That item will have a coloured border around it based on the potential or bonus potential rank. The colour corresponding to the rank is based on the higher rank out of normal potential and bonus potential but if either of them is unrevealed, the border will be red.

  • If the item has a red outline, it means it has hidden potential or hidden bonus potential. Mouse over the item to view the regular potential rank, bonus potential rank will remain hidden.
  • If the item has a blue outline, it's a rare item with both revealed potentials exist at rare rank or below.
  • If the item has a purple outline, it's an epic item with both revealed potentials exist at epic rank or below.
  • If the item has a yellow outline, it's an unique item with both revealed potentials exist at unique rank or below.
  • If the item has a green outline, it's a legendary item with both revealed potentials exist at legendary rank or below.

Tiers[edit | edit source]

There are 4 tiers of normal potential items and weapon/secondary weapon/emblem's bonus potentials:

  • Level 0~30 items can get: 1% on rare, 2% on epic, 3% on unique, 6% on legendary
  • Level 31~70 items can get: 2% on rare, 4% on epic, 6% on unique, 9% on legendary
  • Level 71~200 items (level 71~150 items for GMS and TMS) can get: 3% on rare, 6% on epic, 9% on unique, 12% on legendary
  • Level 201+ items (level 151+ items for GMS and TMS) can 4% on rare, 7% on epic, 10% on unique, 13% on legendary
    • All stat % are 1 rank below the stated rank.

Potential Scrolls[edit | edit source]

An item without potential can gain potential using the following items:

  • Potential Scroll (70% pass, applies Rare potentials if successful with a small chance of Epic or Unique)
  • Advanced Potential Scroll (90% pass, applies Rare potentials if successful with a small chance of Epic or Unique)
  • Special Potential Scroll (100% pass, untradable, applies Rare potentials if successful with a small chance of Epic or Unique)
  • Epic Potential Scroll (40%/50%/80%/100% pass depending on scroll, potential rank is set to Epic, usable on Rare rank potentials too)
  • Unique Potential Scroll (40%/50%/60%/80%/100% pass depending on scroll, potential rank is set to Unique, usable on Rare and Epic rank potentials too)
  • Karma Unique Potential Scroll 100% (100% pass, potential rank is set to Unique, usable on Rare and Epic rank potentials too, only usable on Untradable items (can be traded only once, inter-account transactions only, can be transferred once, cannot be traded after equipped are all not counted as untradable)
  • Legendary Potential Scroll 50% (50% pass, potential rank is set to Legendary, usable on Rare, Epic and Unique potentials too)
  • Event Ring Exclusive Legendary Potential Scroll 100% (100% pass, potentil rank is set to Legendary, usable on Rare, Epic and Unique potentials too, only usable on most event rings as stated in description)

You can gain the above-mentioned scrolls from the following methods (All scrolls are tradable and permanent unless specified):

Potential Scroll
  • Monster Drops (super low chance)
  • Evolution System's Vendor-C2 Shop (200 Evolving Coins, untradable)
  • 5 Miracle Cube Fragments (from using 5 Miracle Cubes) -> 1 Potential Scroll
Advanced Potential Scroll
  • Boss Drops (super low chance)
  • Evolution System's Vendor-C2 Shop (250 Evolving Coins, untradable)
  • 10 Miracle Cube Fragments (from using 10 Miracle Cubes) -> 1 Potential Scroll
Special Potential Scroll
  • 7 Red Cube Fragments (from using 7 Red Cubes) -> 1 Special Potential Scroll
Epic Potential Scrolls (success rate varies)
  • Union/Legion Coin Shop (300 coins, 100% pass, untradable, each character can buy 2 per week, expires in 10 days)
  • Elite Boss (50% pass)
  • Mu Lung Dojo (15,000 Points, 50% pass, untradable, each character can buy 1 per week, expires in 7 days)
  • 30 Super Miracle Cube Fragments (from using 30 Super Miracle Cubes) -> 1 Epic Potential Scroll 80%
  • Oz Tower (low chance to obtain from Rank 4 or better boxes, 50% pass)
  • Ursus (30 Bones + 30 Fur + 20 Quality Leather + 3 Tooth + 10 Horns -> 1 Epic Potential Scroll 50%, untradable, expires in 7 days)
  • (Reboot World Only): Yu Garden Shop (50% pass)
  • Bounty Portal Pouches (low chance to obtain from Advanced pouches, 50% pass, untradable, expires in 7 days)
  • Monster Collection (6 or 24 hour exploration, 50% pass, untradable, expires in 7 days)
  • Event Shops (usually 100% pass, untradable, expires in 7 days)
  • Cash Shop Events (usually 100% from Grand Red Cube packages)
  • Fairy Bros' Daily Gift Day 26 (50% pass, untradable, expires in 7 days)
Unique Potential Scrolls (success rate varies)
  • Monster Park Tuesday (low chance to obtain if completed on Tuesdays, 100% pass, untradable, expires in 7 days)
  • Cash Shop Events (usually 30% from Grand Black Cube packages)
Karma Unique Potential Scroll 100%
  • Certain Events (usually during summer, winter and anniversary coin events, so up to 3 times per year)
Legendary Potential Scrolls (success rate varies)
  • Certain Events (when they are really generous, which only happened twice till date and has not returned for years)
    • Maplehood Watch Tuesdays (50% pass, expires in 7 days)
Event Ring Exclusive Legendary Potential Scroll 100%
  • Certain Events (usually the summer, winter and anniversary coin events, so up to 3 times per year, usable only on most event rings)

Reveal Potential[edit | edit source]

You will need to reveal the equipment by clicking the magnifying glass icon in your inventory to reveal the potential, which costs a certain amount of mesos based on the level of the equipment. It will be free if your Insight traits allow. Level 30+ for level <30, Level 60+ Insight for equipment level <70 and level 90+ Insight for equipment level <120.

Reveal Potential Cost[edit | edit source]

EquipmentLevel2 × Constant, where constant equals to

  • 0 when Equipment Level Requirement is 30 or less
  • 0.5 when Equipment Level Requirement is 31 to 70
  • 2.5 when Equipment Level Requirement is 71 to 120
  • 20 when Equipment Level Requirement is 121 or more


  • Prices formulated in the above formulas are based on the original Equipment Level Requirement, that means excluding Bonus Stat Equipment Level Reduction.
  • Prices for Equipment Level 70 or less (before Bonus Stat Level Reduction) are fully waived if your Insight Trait is Level 60-89.
  • Prices for Equipment Level 120 or less (before Bonus Stat Level Reduction) are fully waived if your Insight Trait is Level 90 or higher.

Increasing Potential Lines[edit | edit source]

Items with potential will have either 2 or 3 lines of stat bonuses. Normally, when a potential scroll is used on an item without potential, there is a 75% chance of it being 2 lines and a 25% chance of it being 3 lines. If a higher graded potential scroll is used on an item with potential, the number of lines will be inherited.

You can increase the number of lines from 2 to 3 using the following items:

  • Carved Silver Stamp (50% pass, potentials are not reset)
  • Carved Golden Stamp (80% pass, potentials are not reset)
  • Perfect Carved Stamp (100% pass, potentials are not reset, untradable)

You can obtain Carved Silver Stamps and Carved Golden Stamps from the following methods (tradable and does not expire unless specified):

Carved Silver Stamps
  • Hard Ranmaru drops at a low chance
  • Elite monsters/champions drop at a really low chance
  • Bounty Portal Pouches (low chance from Basic and Intermediate pouches, untradable, expires in 7 days)
  • Monster Collection (low chance to obtain from 3/6/24 hour explorations, untradable, expires in 7 days)
  • (Reboot World Only) Elite Boss
  • 10 Super Miracle Cube Fragments (from using 10 Super Miracle Cubes) -> 1 Carved Silver Stamp
  • Certain Events
Carved Golden Stamps
  • Hard Ranmaru drops at a low chance
  • Union/Legion Coin Shop (40 coins, each character can buy 3 per week, untradable, expires in 10 days)
  • Monster Collection (low chance to obtain from 6 or 24 hour exploration, untradable, expires in 7 days)
  • Event Shops (usually untradable and expires in 7 days)
  • Certain Events (usually untradable and expires in 7 days)
Perfect Carved Stamps (untradable)
  • 10 Red Cube Fragments (from using 10 Red Cubes) -> 1 Perfect Carved Stamp
  • 10 Black Cube Fragmemts (from using 10 Black Cubes) -> 1 Perfect Carved Stamp

Reset Potentials[edit | edit source]

You can reset potentials using the following items (Item rank can increase at a small chance, it will never decrease unless Selection cube is used):

  • Red Cube (cost 1,200 NX cash (2,100 cash in MSEA), usable from Rare to Legendary)
  • Black Cube (cost 2,200 NX cash (3,500 cash in MSEA), usable from Rare to Legendary, choose between before or after reset)
  • Selection Cube (Event Sales, Usable on weapons only, from Rare to Legendary, potentials chosen are from a fixed pool that reshuffles every 20 minutes, rank can decrease)
  • Violet Cube/Hexa Cube (Event Sales, Cost 4,000 NX cash (6,000 cash in MSEA), sold only during certain events, usable from Rare to Legendary, choose 2 lines from 4 lines for 2 lined items, choose 3 lines from 6 lines for 3 lined items)
  • Equality Cube (Event Sales, costs more than Hexa cube, usable from Rare to Epic, all 3 lines will be prime)
  • Occult Cube/Suspicious Cube (Usable from Rare to Epic, can be obtained through game methods)
  • Master Craftsman's Cube/Yellow Cube (Usable from Rare to Unique, can be obtained through game methods)
  • Meister's Cube/Purple Cube (Usable from Rare to Legendary, can be obtained through game methods)

Karma type cubes can only be used on untradable items, Event Ring Exclusive Purple Cubes can only be used on event rings, and the performance follows that of the normal type cube.

For Zero weapons, using 600 Weapon Points + 100,000 mesos to reset is also possible. This will work exactly the same way as a Yellow/Master Craftsman Cube.

For Chaos Ring from event shops, the reset is possible 10 times per week (resets on Monday 12am server time) for 180 days from the time the ring is obtained after exchanging from the coupon. The reset will also reset base stats. It can only reset up to Unique rank potentials and it can rank up to Unique if it is not at Unique. When resetting the base stats with legendary potentials, the potential is not reset.

During Miracle Time events, the chance of increasing the potential rank from any method is doubled. During Double Miracle Time events, the chance of increasing the potential rank is doubled and also allows a very small chance of a double rank-up in a single reset.

In general, outside the miracle time and double miracle time event, the chance of the rank to increase is estimated as below. May be inaccurate. Zero weapons reset using the Weapon Point system follows the Master Craftsman/Yellow cube probabilities.

The rate is stated as such in the official Korean MapleStory website.

For GMS, the rates are noted to be wildly higher than stated, and for MSEA, it is assumed to be the same as KMS but no official rates are stated.

Cube Rare -> Epic Epic -> Unique Unique -> Legendary
Occult/Suspicious 1% N/A N/A
Master Craftsman/Yellow 11.8% 3.8% N/A
Meister/Purple, RED 14.1% 6% 2.4%
Black 16% 11% 4.7%
Cube Rare -> Epic Epic -> Unique Unique -> Legendary
Occult/Suspicious 0.99% (1 in 101) N/A N/A
Master Craftsman/Yellow 4.7619% (1 in 21) 1.1857% (1 in 84.9666) N/A
Meister/Purple 7.9994% (1 in 12.5008) 1.6958% (1 in 58.9666) 0.1996% (1 in 501)
RED 6% 1.8% 0.3%
Black 15% 3.5% 1.2%

There is also a small chance for the 2nd and 3rd line to give the maximum value (also known as prime), 1st line will always give the maximum value, unless the Hexa/Violet cube is used. Equality cubes ensure that it is 100% chance of prime lines. For the other cash cubes, the chance of the rank is dependent on the cube and the line's position, meaning that if the 2nd line is not a prime line, the chance of the 3rd line being a prime line still remains the same.

For in game cubes, the rates are set based on the cube and rank, and the 2nd and 3rd line have the same chance, even though they are determined separately.

Cube Chance at Rare Chance at Epic Chance at Unique Chance at Legendary
Suspicious 0.0999% (1 in 1,001) 0.99% (1 in 101)
Master Craftsman/Yellow 16.6666% (1 in 6) 4.7619% (1 in 21) 1.1857% (1 in 84.3333)
Meister/Purple 16.6666% (1 in 6) 7.9994% (1 in 12.5008) 1.6958% (1 in 58.9666) 0.1996% (1 in 501)

For cash cubes, the rates are set based on the cube itself rather than the rank, and the 2nd and 3rd line have separate chances.

Cube 2nd line chance 3rd line chance
RED cube 10% 1%
Black cube 20% 5%

For Hexa/Violet cubes, the prime line chances are as below.

Line Prime line chance
1st 100%
2nd 10% (20% in TMS)
3rd 1% (15% in TMS)
4th 1% (100% in TMS)
5th 10% (20% in TMS)
6th 1% (15% in TMS)
Samples used
Video Samples
Uncertainty clarifications
  • HP skill and potion efficiency: all treated as 30%, non-prime as prime line on legendary potentials on cash cubes will not award that stat (it being 40%)
  • Chance to ignore damage: prime line chance would be 10%, non-prime line chance would be 5%, regardless of whether its 20% or 40% negation
  • Decent speed infusion = prime, decent sharp eyes = non-prime
  • All stats 9% = prime, all stats 6% = non-prime
Sampling results

Prime line rates

  • 2nd line: 31
  • 3rd line: 1
  • 4th line: 2
  • 5th line: 27
  • 6th line: 4

Total cubes counted: 290

The prime line rates are compared below, based on Legendary.

Cube Double Prime or better Triple Prime or better
Meister/Purple Cube 0.3988% 0.000398% (1 in 251,001)
RED Cube 10.9% 0.1%
Black Cube 24% 1%
Hexa Cube 21.4057% (100% in TMS) 1.5587% (53.76% in TMS)
Equality Cube 100% 100%

Obtaining Cubes[edit | edit source]

Cubes can be obtained from various methods.

Occult/Suspicious Cubes (tradable and permanent unless specified)
  • General Raid Bosses
  • Monster Collection (tradable within account, up to 5 can be obtained depending on duration of exploration)
  • Elite Boss (3~15 at once if you get it)
  • Elite Monsters
  • Bounty Portal Pouches (1 from Basic pouches, 5 from Intermediate pouches, 10 from Advanced pouches, 20 from Premium pouches)
Master Craftsman/Yellow Cubes (tradable unless specified)
  • Master Craftsman's Smithing Crafting (5 Cubic Blades/Blade of Chaos + 5 Cube Fragments + 20 Superior Item Crystals + 10 Superior Abrasive -> 1 Yellow Cube, expires in 7 days, tradable within account in GMS, tradable in other services)
  • Elite Monsters and Champions (tradable within account for GMS, tradable for MSEA, low chance in GMS, very low chance and drop rate increases with monster level in non-GMS, expires in 7 days)
  • Bounty Portal Pouches (low chance to obtain 1 from Premium pouches, untradable, expires in 7 days)
  • Monster Collection (low chance from 3/6/24 hours explorations, tradable within account, expires in 7 days)
  • General Raid Bosses (only in GMS, tradable within account, expires in 7 days)
Karma Master Craftsman Cubes/Karma Yellow Cubes
  • Events, Event Shops (usually untradable and expires in 7 days)
  • Union/Legion Coin Shop (100 coins, each world can buy 30 per week, untradable, expires in 10 days)
Meister/Purple Cubes
  • Meister Smithing Crafting (5 Chaos Cubic Blades/Powerful Blade of Chaos + 10 Cube Fragments + 30 Superior Item Crystals + 15 Superior Abrasive -> 1 Purple Cube, expires in 7 days, tradable within account in GMS, tradable in other services)
  • Elite Monsters and Champions (tradable within account for GMS, tradable for MSEA, low chance in GMS, very low chance and drop rate increases with monster level in non-GMS, expires in 7 days)
  • Bounty Portal Pouches (low chance from Premium pouches, untradable, expires in 7 days)
  • Monster Collection (low chance from 6/24 hour explorations, tradable within account, expires in 7 days)
  • General Raid Bosses (only in GMS, tradable within account, expires in 7 days)
Karma Meister Cube/Karma Purple Cube
  • Events, Event Shops (usually untradable and expires in 7 days)
Event Ring Exclusive Meister Cube/Event Ring Exclusive Purple Cube
  • Events, Event Shops (usually untradable and expires in 7 days)
Cash Shop Cubes
  • Red Cube
    • (GMS) Bought from Maple Rewards shop for 1,200 Reward Points, max 5 per month per account, reset on 1st day of the month
    • Fairy Bros' Daily Gift Day 14 (cube expires in 7 days upon claiming)
      • 1 Red Cube if you are MVP Bronze 2 or lower
      • 2 Red Cubes if you are MVP Bronze 3 or higher
  • Black Cube
    • (GMS) Bought from Maple Rewards shop for 2,200 Reward Points, max 5 per month per account, reset on 1st day of the month
    • Fairy Bros' Daily Gift Day 28 (cube expires in 7 days upon claiming)
      • 1 Black Cube if you are not qualified for MVP Bronze 1
      • 2 Black Cubes if you are MVP Bronze 1 ~ Bronze 4
      • 3 Black Cubes if you are MVP Silver
      • 4 Black Cubes if you are MVP Gold
      • 5 Black Cubes if you are MVP Diamond and above

All other cubes (Red, Black, Bonus Potential, White Bonus Potential, Hexa/Violet, Equality, Selection) are bought from the cash shop only (Reward Points/Mileage cannot be used). Events may give out some of these cubes for free but it is quite rare.

White Bonus Potential cubes, Hexa/Violet cubes, Selection Cubes and Equality Cubes are only sold during event periods only.

Cubes found in the cash shop will give a Cube Fragment that you can use to exchange for items after collecting a certain number of them.

Cube Fragments (not the one from using Cash Shop Cubes) and Cubic Blades/Chaos Cubic Blades (along with other materials) are needed to craft the Yellow/Purple Cubes respectively. They can be obtained as such (all of them are tradable and permanent):

Cube Fragments
  • Extraction of Occult Cubes (usually you will get 1, but it is possible to get up to 5, requires Master Craftsman and above Alchemy, or Cube Extractor)
Cubic Blades
  • Kritias Shop (Kritias Commemorative Coin x4, 20 Coins needed to make one Yellow Cube)
  • Hard Ranmaru drop at a chance
  • Elite Monsters and Champions (low chance in GMS, very low chance and drop rate increases with monster level in non-GMS)
Chaos Cubic Blades
  • Kritias Shop (Kritias Commemorative Coin x8, 40 Coins needed to make one Purple Cube)
  • Hard Ranmaru drop at a chance
  • Elite Monsters and Champions (low chance in GMS, very low chance and drop rate increases with monster level in non-GMS)

Potentials List[edit | edit source]

These are the list of possible stats for regular potentials. Possible stats for each rank is denoted as follows: Rank (Non-prime) and Rank (Prime). Example: You can get STR +12% and STR +9% on the same equipment Legendary rank. Lines can be the same for multiple lines.

Some stats are limited up to 2 appearances on a single cube (different stats have their own separate limit)

  • Damage on boss monsters increase
  • Ignore monster DEF increase
  • Item Drop Rate increase
  • Chance to ignore % damage
  • Chance to become invincible

Some stats are limited up to 1 appearance on a single cube (different stats have their own separate limit)

  • Invincibility time increase
  • Decent skills of any type

The weighted chance of each potential line is dependent on the cube used. The rates stated below exclude the prime/non-prime chances, where the definition are as follows.

  • Initial: When the item is obtained and it comes with potential automatically
  • In-game cubes: Suspicious Cubes, Yellow cubes, Purple cubes of any type
  • Cash cubes: Cubes sold in the cash shop. If the same cubes are also found in game (example: events), it will be treated as a cash cube.

For specific details on the probabilities for a particular stat, you can refer to (Tap/click on "Cubing Statistics", credits to amphs of MapleSEA)

Hat[edit | edit source]

Rare (Non-prime)[edit | edit source]

Stat List
STR Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-20 +1
21-40 +2
41-50 +3
51-70 +4
71-90 +5
91+ +6
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 6.25% (1 in 16) 6.25% (1 in 16) 14.2857% (1 in 7)
DEX Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-20 +1
21-40 +2
41-50 +3
51-70 +4
71-90 +5
91+ +6
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 6.25% (1 in 16) 6.25% (1 in 16) 14.2857% (1 in 7)
INT Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-20 +1
21-40 +2
41-50 +3
51-70 +4
71-90 +5
91+ +6
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 6.25% (1 in 16) 6.25% (1 in 16) 14.2857% (1 in 7)
LUK Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-20 +1
21-40 +2
41-50 +3
51-70 +4
71-90 +5
91+ +6
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 6.25% (1 in 16) 6.25% (1 in 16) 14.2857% (1 in 7)
MaxHP Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-10 +5
11-20 +10
21-30 +15
31-40 +20
41-50 +25
51-60 +30
61-70 +35
71-80 +40
81-90 +45
91-100 +50
101-110 +55
111+ +60
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 9.375% (1 in 10.6666) 9.375% (1 in 10.6666) 14.2857% (1 in 7)
MaxMP Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-10 +5
11-20 +10
21-30 +15
31-40 +20
41-50 +25
51-60 +30
61-70 +35
71-80 +40
81-90 +45
91-100 +50
101-110 +55
111+ +60
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 9.375% (1 in 10.6666) 9.375% (1 in 10.6666) 14.2857% (1 in 7)
DEF Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-10 +5
11-20 +10
21-30 +15
31-40 +20
41-50 +25
51-60 +30
61-70 +35
71-80 +40
81-90 +45
91-100 +50
101-110 +55
111+ +60
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 9.375% (1 in 10.6666) 9.375% (1 in 10.6666) 14.2857% (1 in 7)
10% chance to show rage for 10 seconds when being attacked[edit | edit source]

Equip level requirement: 0 or higher.

Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 9.375% (1 in 10.6666) 9.375% (1 in 10.6666) 0%
10% chance to show happy for 10 seconds when being attacked[edit | edit source]

Equip level requirement: 0 or higher.

Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 9.375% (1 in 10.6666) 9.375% (1 in 10.6666) 0%
10% chance to fall in love for 10 seconds when being attacked[edit | edit source]

Equip level requirement: 0 or higher.

Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 9.375% (1 in 10.6666) 9.375% (1 in 10.6666) 0%
10% chance to feel deeply moved for 10 seconds when being attacked[edit | edit source]

Equip level requirement: 0 or higher.

Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 9.375% (1 in 10.6666) 9.375% (1 in 10.6666) 0%
10% chance to show angry for 10 seconds when being attacked[edit | edit source]

Equip level requirement: 0 or higher.

Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 9.375% (1 in 10.6666) 9.375% (1 in 10.6666) 0%

Rare (Prime) / Epic (Non-prime)[edit | edit source]

Stat List
STR Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-20 +2
21-40 +4
41-50 +6
51-70 +8
71-90 +10
91+ +12
(GMS) 151+ +13
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 5.5555% (1 in 18) 5.5555% (1 in 18) 7.5% (1 in 13.3333)
DEX Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-20 +2
21-40 +4
41-50 +6
51-70 +8
71-90 +10
91+ +12
(GMS) 151+ +13
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 5.5555% (1 in 18) 5.5555% (1 in 18) 7.5% (1 in 13.3333)
INT Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-20 +2
21-40 +4
41-50 +6
51-70 +8
71-90 +10
91+ +12
(GMS) 151+ +13
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 5.5555% (1 in 18) 5.5555% (1 in 18) 7.5% (1 in 13.3333)
LUK Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-20 +2
21-40 +4
41-50 +6
51-70 +8
71-90 +10
91+ +12
(GMS) 151+ +13
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 5.5555% (1 in 18) 5.5555% (1 in 18) 7.5% (1 in 13.3333)
MaxHP Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-10 +10
11-20 +20
21-30 +30
31-40 +40
41-50 +50
51-60 +60
61-70 +70
71-80 +80
81-90 +90
91-100 +100
101-110 +110
111+ +120
(GMS) 151+ +125
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 8.3333% (1 in 12) 8.3333% (1 in 12) 7.5% (1 in 13.3333)
MaxMP Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-10 +10
11-20 +20
21-30 +30
31-40 +40
41-50 +50
51-60 +60
61-70 +70
71-80 +80
81-90 +90
91-100 +100
101-110 +110
111+ +120
(GMS) 151+ +125
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 8.3333% (1 in 12) 8.3333% (1 in 12) 7.5% (1 in 13.3333)
DEF Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-10 +10
11-20 +20
21-30 +30
31-40 +40
41-50 +50
51-60 +60
61-70 +70
71-80 +80
81-90 +90
91-100 +100
101-110 +110
111+ +120
(GMS) 151+ +125
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 8.3333% (1 in 12) 8.3333% (1 in 12) 5% (1 in 20)
STR % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +1%
31-70 +2%
71+ +3%
(GMS) 151+ +4%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 5.5555% (1 in 18) 5.5555% (1 in 18) 7.5% (1 in 13.3333)
DEX % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +1%
31-70 +2%
71+ +3%
(GMS) 151+ +4%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 5.5555% (1 in 18) 5.5555% (1 in 18) 7.5% (1 in 13.3333)
INT % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +1%
31-70 +2%
71+ +3%
(GMS) 151+ +4%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 5.5555% (1 in 18) 5.5555% (1 in 18) 7.5% (1 in 13.3333)
LUK % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +1%
31-70 +2%
71+ +3%
(GMS) 151+ +4%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 5.5555% (1 in 18) 5.5555% (1 in 18) 7.5% (1 in 13.3333)
MaxHP % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +1%
31-70 +2%
71+ +3%
(GMS) 151+ +4%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 8.3333% (1 in 12) 8.3333% (1 in 12) 5% (1 in 20)
MaxMP % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +1%
31-70 +2%
71+ +3%
(GMS) 151+ +4%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 8.3333% (1 in 12) 8.3333% (1 in 12) 5% (1 in 20)
DEF % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +1%
31-70 +2%
71+ +3%
(GMS) 151+ +4%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 8.3333% (1 in 12) 8.3333% (1 in 12) 5% (1 in 20)
All Stats Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-20 +1
21-40 +2
41-60 +3
61-80 +4
81+ +5
(GMS) 151+ +6
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 5.5555% (1 in 18) 5.5555% (1 in 18) 5% (1 in 20)

Epic (Prime) / Unique (Non-prime)[edit | edit source]

Stat List
STR % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +2%
31-70 +4%
71+ +6%
(GMS) 151+ +7%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 7.4074% (1 in 13.5) 7.4074% (1 in 13.5) 14.2857% (1 in 7)
DEX % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +2%
31-70 +4%
71+ +6%
(GMS) 151+ +7%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 7.4074% (1 in 13.5) 7.4074% (1 in 13.5) 14.2857% (1 in 7)
INT % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +2%
31-70 +4%
71+ +6%
(GMS) 151+ +7%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 7.4074% (1 in 13.5) 7.4074% (1 in 13.5) 14.2857% (1 in 7)
LUK % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +2%
31-70 +4%
71+ +6%
(GMS) 151+ +7%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 7.4074% (1 in 13.5) 7.4074% (1 in 13.5) 14.2857% (1 in 7)
MaxHP % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +2%
31-70 +4%
71+ +6%
(GMS) 151+ +7%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 11.1111% (1 in 9) 11.1111% (1 in 9) 14.2857% (1 in 7)
MaxMP % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +2%
31-70 +4%
71+ +6%
(GMS) 151+ +7%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 11.1111% (1 in 9) 11.1111% (1 in 9) 14.2857% (1 in 7)
DEF % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +2%
31-70 +4%
71+ +6%
(GMS) 151+ +7%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 11.1111% (1 in 9) 11.1111% (1 in 9) 8.5714% (1 in 11.6666)
All Stats % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +1%
31-70 +2%
71+ +3%
(GMS) 151+ +4%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 3.7037% (1 in 27) 3.7037% (1 in 27) 5.7142% (1 in 17.5)
20% chance to ignore monster damage dealt[edit | edit source]

Damage ignored as listed. % HP attacks not affected

Equip level Stat value
0-10 3
11-20 5
21-30 7
31-40 9
41-50 11
51-60 13
61-70 15
71-80 17
81-90 19
91-100 21
101-110 23
111+ 25
(GMS) 151+ 26
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 11.1111% (1 in 9) 11.1111% (1 in 9) 0%
20% chance to ignore monster damage dealt[edit | edit source]

Damage ignored as listed. % HP attacks not affected

Equip level Stat value
0-10 5
11-20 8
21-30 11
31-40 14
41-50 17
51-60 20
61-70 23
71-80 26
81-90 29
91-100 32
101-110 35
111+ 38
(GMS) 151+ 39
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 11.1111% (1 in 9) 11.1111% (1 in 9) 0%
30% chance to ignore monster damage dealt[edit | edit source]

Damage ignored as listed. % HP attacks not affected

Equip level Stat value
0-10 7
11-20 11
21-30 15
31-40 19
41-50 23
51-60 27
61-70 31
71-80 35
81-90 39
91-100 43
101-110 47
111+ 51
(GMS) 151+ 53
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 11.1111% (1 in 9) 11.1111% (1 in 9) 0%

Unique (Prime) / Legendary (Non-prime)[edit | edit source]

Stat List
STR % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +3%
31-70 +6%
71+ +9%
(GMS) 151+ +10%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
70+ 6.8965% (1 in 14.5) 6.8965% (1 in 14.5) 8.9285% (1 in 11.2)
DEX % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +3%
31-70 +6%
71+ +9%
(GMS) 151+ +10%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
70+ 6.8965% (1 in 14.5) 6.8965% (1 in 14.5) 8.9285% (1 in 11.2)
INT % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +3%
31-70 +6%
71+ +9%
(GMS) 151+ +10%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
70+ 6.8965% (1 in 14.5) 6.8965% (1 in 14.5) 8.9285% (1 in 11.2)
LUK % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +3%
31-70 +6%
71+ +9%
(GMS) 151+ +10%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
70+ 6.8965% (1 in 14.5) 6.8965% (1 in 14.5) 8.9285% (1 in 11.2)
MaxHP % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +3%
31-70 +6%
71+ +9%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
70+ 10.3448% (1 in 9.6666) 10.3448% (1 in 9.6666) 10.7142% (1 in 9.3333)
MaxMP % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +3%
31-70 +6%
71+ +9%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
70+ 10.3448% (1 in 9.6666) 10.3448% (1 in 9.6666) 10.7142% (1 in 9.3333)
DEF % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +3%
31-70 +6%
71+ +9%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
70+ 10.3448% (1 in 9.6666) 10.3448% (1 in 9.6666) 7.1428% (1 in 14)
All Stats % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +2%
31-70 +4%
71+ +6%
(GMS) 151+ +7%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
70+ 3.4482% (1 in 29) 3.4482% (1 in 29) 7.1428% (1 in 14)
5% chance to ignore 20% of monster damage dealt[edit | edit source]

Chance to ignore percentage damage can only appear up to 2 times on a single cube.

Equip level requirement: 20 or higher, % HP attacks not affected

Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
70+ 10.3448% (1 in 9.6666) 10.3448% (1 in 9.6666) 7.1428% (1 in 14)
5% chance to ignore 40% of monster damage dealt[edit | edit source]

Chance to ignore percentage damage can only appear up to 2 times on a single cube.

Equip level requirement: 40 or higher, % HP attacks not affected

Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
70+ 10.3448% (1 in 9.6666) 10.3448% (1 in 9.6666) 7.1428% (1 in 14)
Skills and Potion HP Recovery % Increase[edit | edit source]

Does not apply to MP potion recovery (for dual heal potions, only HP is affected) and any % based potion or skill heal applied individually.

Equip level Stat value
0-30 +10%
31-70 +20%
71+ +30%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
70+ 10.3448% (1 in 9.6666) 10.3448% (1 in 9.6666) 7.1428% (1 in 14)
Decent Mystic Door enabled[edit | edit source]

Decent Skills of any type can only appear up to 1 time on a single cube.

Equip level requirement: 70 or higher

Use 2 Magic Rock to summon a temporary door that lasts for 120 seconds to town and from town to the map used.

Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
70+ 6.8965% (1 in 14.5) 6.8965% (1 in 14.5) 7.1428% (1 in 14)

Legendary (Prime)[edit | edit source]

Stat List
STR % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +6%
31-70 +9%
71+ +12%
(GMS) 151+ +13%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
120+ 5.5555% (1 in 18) 5.5555% (1 in 18) 8.8888% (1 in 11.25)
DEX % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +6%
31-70 +9%
71+ +12%
(GMS) 151+ +13%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
120+ 5.5555% (1 in 18) 5.5555% (1 in 18) 8.8888% (1 in 11.25)
INT % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +6%
31-70 +9%
71+ +12%
(GMS) 151+ +13%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
120+ 5.5555% (1 in 18) 5.5555% (1 in 18) 8.8888% (1 in 11.25)
LUK % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +6%
31-70 +9%
71+ +12%
(GMS) 151+ +13%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
120+ 5.5555% (1 in 18) 5.5555% (1 in 18) 8.8888% (1 in 11.25)
MaxHP % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +6%
31-70 +9%
71+ +12%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
120+ 8.3333% (1 in 12) 8.3333% (1 in 12) 8.8888% (1 in 11.25)
MaxMP % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +6%
31-70 +9%
71+ +12%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
120+ 8.3333% (1 in 12) 8.3333% (1 in 12) 8.8888% (1 in 11.25)
DEF % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +6%
31-70 +9%
71+ +12%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
120+ 8.3333% (1 in 12) 8.3333% (1 in 12) 8.8888% (1 in 11.25)
All Stats % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +3%
31-70 +6%
71+ +9%
(GMS) 151+ +10%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
120+ 5.5555% (1 in 18) 5.5555% (1 in 18) 6.6666% (1 in 15)
10% chance to ignore 20% of monster damage dealt[edit | edit source]

Chance to ignore percentage damage can only appear up to 2 times on a single cube.

Equip level requirement: 20 or higher, % HP attacks not affected

Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
120+ 8.3333% (1 in 12) 8.3333% (1 in 12) 6.6666% (1 in 15)
10% chance to ignore 40% of monster damage dealt[edit | edit source]

Chance to ignore percentage damage can only appear up to 2 times on a single cube.

Equip level requirement: 40 or higher, % HP attacks not affected

Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
120+ 8.3333% (1 in 12) 8.3333% (1 in 12) 6.6666% (1 in 15)
Skills and Potion HP Recovery % Increase[edit | edit source]

Does not apply to MP potion recovery (for dual heal potions, only HP is affected) and any % based potion or skill heal applied individually.

Equip level Stat value
0-30 +20%
31-70 +30%
71+ +40%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
120+ 8.3333% (1 in 12) 8.3333% (1 in 12) 0%
Skill Cooldown -1 second[edit | edit source]

Equip level requirement: 70 or higher.

If the skill cooldown is 5~10 seconds after % cooldown reductions, cooldown reduces by 5% of the remaining cooldown instead of 1 second (minimum cooldown 5 seconds).

If the skill cooldown is more than 10 seconds after % cooldown reductions, but it is reduced below 10 seconds from this option, the number of seconds that will reduce below 10 seconds will be halved.

Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
120+ 8.3333% (1 in 12) 8.3333% (1 in 12) 6.6666% (1 in 15)
Skill Cooldown -2 seconds[edit | edit source]

Equip level requirement: 120 or higher

If the skill cooldown is 5~10 seconds after % cooldown reductions, cooldown reduces by 10% of the remaining cooldown instead of 2 seconds (minimum cooldown 5 seconds).

If the skill cooldown is more than 10 seconds after % cooldown reductions, but it is reduced below 10 seconds from this option, the number of seconds that will reduce below 10 seconds will be halved.

Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
120+ 5.5555% (1 in 18) 5.5555% (1 in 18) 4.4444% (1 in 22.5)
Decent Advanced Bless enabled[edit | edit source]

Decent Skills of any type can only appear up to 1 time on a single cube.

Equip level requirement: 120 or higher

For 240 seconds, Weapon and Magic Attack +20, DEF +425, MaxHP and MaxMP +475, MP cost reduced by 12%. Does not stack with Advanced Bless, personal buff only.

Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
120+ 8.3333% (1 in 12) 8.3333% (1 in 12) 6.6666% (1 in 15)

Top and Overall[edit | edit source]

Rare (Non-prime)[edit | edit source]

Stat List
STR Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-20 +1
21-40 +2
41-50 +3
51-70 +4
71-90 +5
91+ +6
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 11.7647% (1 in 8.5) 11.7647% (1 in 8.5) 14.2857% (1 in 7)
DEX Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-20 +1
21-40 +2
41-50 +3
51-70 +4
71-90 +5
91+ +6
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 11.7647% (1 in 8.5) 11.7647% (1 in 8.5) 14.2857% (1 in 7)
INT Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-20 +1
21-40 +2
41-50 +3
51-70 +4
71-90 +5
91+ +6
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 11.7647% (1 in 8.5) 11.7647% (1 in 8.5) 14.2857% (1 in 7)
LUK Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-20 +1
21-40 +2
41-50 +3
51-70 +4
71-90 +5
91+ +6
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 11.7647% (1 in 8.5) 11.7647% (1 in 8.5) 14.2857% (1 in 7)
MaxHP Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-10 +5
11-20 +10
21-30 +15
31-40 +20
41-50 +25
51-60 +30
61-70 +35
71-80 +40
81-90 +45
91-100 +50
101-110 +55
111+ +60
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 17.647% (1 in 5.6666) 17.647% (1 in 5.6666) 14.2857% (1 in 7)
MaxMP Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-10 +5
11-20 +10
21-30 +15
31-40 +20
41-50 +25
51-60 +30
61-70 +35
71-80 +40
81-90 +45
91-100 +50
101-110 +55
111+ +60
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 17.647% (1 in 5.6666) 17.647% (1 in 5.6666) 14.2857% (1 in 7)
DEF Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-10 +5
11-20 +10
21-30 +15
31-40 +20
41-50 +25
51-60 +30
61-70 +35
71-80 +40
81-90 +45
91-100 +50
101-110 +55
111+ +60
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 17.647% (1 in 5.6666) 17.647% (1 in 5.6666) 14.2857% (1 in 7)

Rare (Prime) / Epic (Non-prime)[edit | edit source]

Stat List
STR Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-20 +2
21-40 +4
41-50 +6
51-70 +8
71-90 +10
91+ +12
(GMS) 151+ +13
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 5.5555% (1 in 18) 5.5555% (1 in 18) 7.5% (1 in 13.3333)
DEX Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-20 +2
21-40 +4
41-50 +6
51-70 +8
71-90 +10
91+ +12
(GMS) 151+ +13
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 5.5555% (1 in 18) 5.5555% (1 in 18) 7.5% (1 in 13.3333)
INT Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-20 +2
21-40 +4
41-50 +6
51-70 +8
71-90 +10
91+ +12
(GMS) 151+ +13
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 5.5555% (1 in 18) 5.5555% (1 in 18) 7.5% (1 in 13.3333)
LUK Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-20 +2
21-40 +4
41-50 +6
51-70 +8
71-90 +10
91+ +12
(GMS) 151+ +13
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 5.5555% (1 in 18) 5.5555% (1 in 18) 7.5% (1 in 13.3333)
MaxHP Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-10 +10
11-20 +20
21-30 +30
31-40 +40
41-50 +50
51-60 +60
61-70 +70
71-80 +80
81-90 +90
91-100 +100
101-110 +110
111+ +120
(GMS) 151+ +125
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 8.3333% (1 in 12) 8.3333% (1 in 12) 7.5% (1 in 13.3333)
MaxMP Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-10 +10
11-20 +20
21-30 +30
31-40 +40
41-50 +50
51-60 +60
61-70 +70
71-80 +80
81-90 +90
91-100 +100
101-110 +110
111+ +120
(GMS) 151+ +125
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 8.3333% (1 in 12) 8.3333% (1 in 12) 7.5% (1 in 13.3333)
DEF Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-10 +10
11-20 +20
21-30 +30
31-40 +40
41-50 +50
51-60 +60
61-70 +70
71-80 +80
81-90 +90
91-100 +100
101-110 +110
111+ +120
(GMS) 151+ +125
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 8.3333% (1 in 12) 8.3333% (1 in 12) 5% (1 in 20)
STR % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +1%
31-70 +2%
71+ +3%
(GMS) 151+ +4%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 5.5555% (1 in 18) 5.5555% (1 in 18) 7.5% (1 in 13.3333)
DEX % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +1%
31-70 +2%
71+ +3%
(GMS) 151+ +4%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 5.5555% (1 in 18) 5.5555% (1 in 18) 7.5% (1 in 13.3333)
INT % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +1%
31-70 +2%
71+ +3%
(GMS) 151+ +4%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 5.5555% (1 in 18) 5.5555% (1 in 18) 7.5% (1 in 13.3333)
LUK % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +1%
31-70 +2%
71+ +3%
(GMS) 151+ +4%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 5.5555% (1 in 18) 5.5555% (1 in 18) 7.5% (1 in 13.3333)
MaxHP % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +1%
31-70 +2%
71+ +3%
(GMS) 151+ +4%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 8.3333% (1 in 12) 8.3333% (1 in 12) 5% (1 in 20)
MaxMP % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +1%
31-70 +2%
71+ +3%
(GMS) 151+ +4%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 8.3333% (1 in 12) 8.3333% (1 in 12) 5% (1 in 20)
DEF % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +1%
31-70 +2%
71+ +3%
(GMS) 151+ +4%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 8.3333% (1 in 12) 8.3333% (1 in 12) 5% (1 in 20)
All Stats Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-20 +1
21-40 +2
41-60 +3
61-80 +4
81+ +5
(GMS) 151+ +6
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 5.5555% (1 in 18) 5.5555% (1 in 18) 5% (1 in 20)

Epic (Prime) / Unique (Non-prime)[edit | edit source]

Stat List
STR % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +2%
31-70 +4%
71+ +6%
(GMS) 151+ +7%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 6.6666% (1 in 15) 6.6666% (1 in 15) 13.1578% (1 in 7.6)
DEX % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +2%
31-70 +4%
71+ +6%
(GMS) 151+ +7%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 6.6666% (1 in 15) 6.6666% (1 in 15) 13.1578% (1 in 7.6)
INT % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +2%
31-70 +4%
71+ +6%
(GMS) 151+ +7%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 6.6666% (1 in 15) 6.6666% (1 in 15) 13.1578% (1 in 7.6)
LUK % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +2%
31-70 +4%
71+ +6%
(GMS) 151+ +7%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 6.6666% (1 in 15) 6.6666% (1 in 15) 13.1578% (1 in 7.6)
MaxHP % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +2%
31-70 +4%
71+ +6%
(GMS) 151+ +7%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 10% (1 in 10) 10% (1 in 10) 13.1578% (1 in 7.6)
MaxMP % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +2%
31-70 +4%
71+ +6%
(GMS) 151+ +7%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 10% (1 in 10) 10% (1 in 10) 13.1578% (1 in 7.6)
DEF % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +2%
31-70 +4%
71+ +6%
(GMS) 151+ +7%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 10% (1 in 10) 10% (1 in 10) 7.8947% (1 in 12.6666)
All Stats % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +1%
31-70 +2%
71+ +3%
(GMS) 151+ +4%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 3.3333% (1 in 30) 3.3333% (1 in 30) 5.2631% (1 in 19)
20% chance to ignore monster damage dealt[edit | edit source]

Damage ignored as listed. % HP attacks not affected

Equip level Stat value
0-10 3
11-20 5
21-30 7
31-40 9
41-50 11
51-60 13
61-70 15
71-80 17
81-90 19
91-100 21
101-110 23
111+ 25
(GMS) 151+ 26
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 10% (1 in 10) 10% (1 in 10) 0%
20% chance to ignore monster damage dealt[edit | edit source]

Damage ignored as listed. % HP attacks not affected

Equip level Stat value
0-10 5
11-20 8
21-30 11
31-40 14
41-50 17
51-60 20
61-70 23
71-80 26
81-90 29
91-100 32
101-110 35
111+ 38
(GMS) 151+ 39
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 10% (1 in 10) 10% (1 in 10) 0%
30% chance to ignore monster damage dealt[edit | edit source]

Damage ignored as listed. % HP attacks not affected

Equip level Stat value
0-10 7
11-20 11
21-30 15
31-40 19
41-50 23
51-60 27
61-70 31
71-80 35
81-90 39
91-100 43
101-110 47
111+ 51
(GMS) 151+ 53
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 10% (1 in 10) 10% (1 in 10) 0%
Invincibility Time +1 second[edit | edit source]

Invincibility time increase can only appear up to 1 time on a single cube.

Invincibility time does not work on % HP attacks.

Equip level requirement: 0 or higher

Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 10% (1 in 10) 10% (1 in 10) 7.8947% (1 in 12.6666)

Unique (Prime) / Legendary (Non-prime)[edit | edit source]

Stat List
STR % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +3%
31-70 +6%
71+ +9%
(GMS) 151+ +10%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
40+ 5.1282% (1 in 19.5) 6.0606% (1 in 16.5) 7.5757% (1 in 13.2)
DEX % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +3%
31-70 +6%
71+ +9%
(GMS) 151+ +10%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
40+ 5.1282% (1 in 19.5) 6.0606% (1 in 16.5) 7.5757% (1 in 13.2)
INT % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +3%
31-70 +6%
71+ +9%
(GMS) 151+ +10%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
40+ 5.1282% (1 in 19.5) 6.0606% (1 in 16.5) 7.5757% (1 in 13.2)
LUK % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +3%
31-70 +6%
71+ +9%
(GMS) 151+ +10%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
40+ 5.1282% (1 in 19.5) 6.0606% (1 in 16.5) 7.5757% (1 in 13.2)
MaxHP % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +3%
31-70 +6%
71+ +9%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
40+ 7.6923% (1 in 13) 9.0909% (1 in 11) 9.0909% (1 in 11)
MaxMP % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +3%
31-70 +6%
71+ +9%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
40+ 7.6923% (1 in 13) 9.0909% (1 in 11) 9.0909% (1 in 11)
DEF % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +3%
31-70 +6%
71+ +9%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
40+ 7.6923% (1 in 13) 9.0909% (1 in 11) 6.0606% (1 in 16.5)
All Stats % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +2%
31-70 +4%
71+ +6%
(GMS) 151+ +7%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
40+ 2.5641% (1 in 39) 3.0303% (1 in 33) 6.0606% (1 in 16.5)
5% chance to ignore 20% of monster damage dealt[edit | edit source]

Chance to ignore percentage damage can only appear up to 2 times on a single cube.

Equip level requirement: 20 or higher, % HP attacks not affected

Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
40+ 7.6923% (1 in 13) 9.0909% (1 in 11) 6.0606% (1 in 16.5)
5% chance to ignore 40% of monster damage dealt[edit | edit source]

Chance to ignore percentage damage can only appear up to 2 times on a single cube.

Equip level requirement: 40 or higher, % HP attacks not affected

Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
40+ 7.6923% (1 in 13) 9.0909% (1 in 11) 6.0606% (1 in 16.5)
Invincibility Time +2 seconds[edit | edit source]

Invincibility time increase can only appear up to 1 time on a single cube.

Invincibility time does not work on % HP attacks.

Equip level requirement: 0 or higher

Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
40+ 7.6923% (1 in 13) 9.0909% (1 in 11) 6.0606% (1 in 16.5)
2% chance to be invincible when attacked[edit | edit source]

Chance to be invincible can only appear up to 2 times on a single cube.

Invincibility time does not work on % HP attacks. Invincibility time as listed.

Equip level Stat value
0-40 5 seconds
41-80 6 seconds
81+ 7 seconds
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
40+ 7.6923% (1 in 13) 9.0909% (1 in 11) 6.0606% (1 in 16.5)
Reflect damage at a chance[edit | edit source]
Equip level Reflect chance Reflect damage (% of damage taken by you)
0-30 10% 20%
31-50 10% 35%
51-70 20% 35%
70-100 20% 50%
101+ 30% 50%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
40+ 7.6923% (1 in 13) 0% 6.0606% (1 in 16.5)
Reflect damage at a chance[edit | edit source]
Equip level Reflect chance Reflect damage (% of damage taken by you)
0-30 10% 30%
31-50 10% 50%
51-70 20% 50%
70-100 20% 70%
101+ 30% 70%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
40+ 7.6923% (1 in 13) 0% 3.0303% (1 in 33)
Skills and Potion HP Recovery % Increase[edit | edit source]

Does not apply to MP potion recovery (for dual heal potions, only HP is affected) and any % based potion or skill heal applied individually.

Equip level Stat value
0-30 +10%
31-70 +20%
71+ +30%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
40+ 7.6923% (1 in 13) 9.0909% (1 in 11) 6.0606% (1 in 16.5)

Legendary (Prime)[edit | edit source]

Stat List
STR % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +6%
31-70 +9%
71+ +12%
(GMS) 151+ +13%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
70+ 5.8823% (1 in 17) 5.8823% (1 in 17) 9.3023% (1 in 10.75)
DEX % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +6%
31-70 +9%
71+ +12%
(GMS) 151+ +13%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
70+ 5.8823% (1 in 17) 5.8823% (1 in 17) 9.3023% (1 in 10.75)
INT % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +6%
31-70 +9%
71+ +12%
(GMS) 151+ +13%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
70+ 5.8823% (1 in 17) 5.8823% (1 in 17) 9.3023% (1 in 10.75)
LUK % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +6%
31-70 +9%
71+ +12%
(GMS) 151+ +13%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
70+ 5.8823% (1 in 17) 5.8823% (1 in 17) 9.3023% (1 in 10.75)
MaxHP % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +6%
31-70 +9%
71+ +12%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
70+ 8.8235% (1 in 11.3333) 8.8235% (1 in 11.3333) 9.3023% (1 in 10.75)
MaxMP % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +6%
31-70 +9%
71+ +12%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
70+ 8.8235% (1 in 11.3333) 8.8235% (1 in 11.3333) 9.3023% (1 in 10.75)
DEF % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +6%
31-70 +9%
71+ +12%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
70+ 8.8235% (1 in 11.3333) 8.8235% (1 in 11.3333) 9.3023% (1 in 10.75)
All Stats % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +3%
31-70 +6%
71+ +9%
(GMS) 151+ +10%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
70+ 5.8823% (1 in 17) 5.8823% (1 in 17) 6.9767% (1 in 14.3333)
10% chance to ignore 20% of monster damage dealt[edit | edit source]

Chance to ignore percentage damage can only appear up to 2 times on a single cube.

Equip level requirement: 20 or higher, % HP attacks not affected

Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
70+ 8.8235% (1 in 11.3333) 8.8235% (1 in 11.3333) 6.9767% (1 in 14.3333)
10% chance to ignore 40% of monster damage dealt[edit | edit source]

Chance to ignore percentage damage can only appear up to 2 times on a single cube.

Equip level requirement: 40 or higher, % HP attacks not affected

Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
70+ 8.8235% (1 in 11.3333) 8.8235% (1 in 11.3333) 6.9767% (1 in 14.3333)
Invincibility Time +3 seconds[edit | edit source]

Invincibility increase can only appear up to 1 time on a single cube.

Invincibility time does not work on % HP attacks.

Equip level requirement: 0 or higher

Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
70+ 8.8235% (1 in 11.3333) 8.8235% (1 in 11.3333) 6.9767% (1 in 14.3333)
4% chance to become invincible when attacked[edit | edit source]

Chance to become invincible can only appear up to 2 times on a single cube.

Invincibility time does not work on % HP attacks. Invincibility time as listed.

Equip level Stat value
0-40 5 seconds
41-80 6 seconds
81+ 7 seconds
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
70+ 8.8235% (1 in 11.3333) 8.8235% (1 in 11.3333) 6.9767% (1 in 14.3333)
Skills and Potion HP Recovery % Increase[edit | edit source]

Does not apply to MP potion recovery (for dual heal potions, only HP is affected) and any % based potion or skill heal applied individually.

Equip level Stat value
0-30 +20%
31-70 +30%
71+ +40%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
70+ 8.8235% (1 in 11.3333) 8.8235% (1 in 11.3333) 0%

Bottom[edit | edit source]

Rare (Non-prime)[edit | edit source]

Stat List
STR Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-20 +1
21-40 +2
41-50 +3
51-70 +4
71-90 +5
91+ +6
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 11.7647% (1 in 8.5) 11.7647% (1 in 8.5) 14.2857% (1 in 7)
DEX Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-20 +1
21-40 +2
41-50 +3
51-70 +4
71-90 +5
91+ +6
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 11.7647% (1 in 8.5) 11.7647% (1 in 8.5) 14.2857% (1 in 7)
INT Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-20 +1
21-40 +2
41-50 +3
51-70 +4
71-90 +5
91+ +6
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 11.7647% (1 in 8.5) 11.7647% (1 in 8.5) 14.2857% (1 in 7)
LUK Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-20 +1
21-40 +2
41-50 +3
51-70 +4
71-90 +5
91+ +6
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 11.7647% (1 in 8.5) 11.7647% (1 in 8.5) 14.2857% (1 in 7)
MaxHP Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-10 +5
11-20 +10
21-30 +15
31-40 +20
41-50 +25
51-60 +30
61-70 +35
71-80 +40
81-90 +45
91-100 +50
101-110 +55
111+ +60
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 17.647% (1 in 5.6666) 17.647% (1 in 5.6666) 14.2857% (1 in 7)
MaxMP Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-10 +5
11-20 +10
21-30 +15
31-40 +20
41-50 +25
51-60 +30
61-70 +35
71-80 +40
81-90 +45
91-100 +50
101-110 +55
111+ +60
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 17.647% (1 in 5.6666) 17.647% (1 in 5.6666) 14.2857% (1 in 7)
DEF Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-10 +5
11-20 +10
21-30 +15
31-40 +20
41-50 +25
51-60 +30
61-70 +35
71-80 +40
81-90 +45
91-100 +50
101-110 +55
111+ +60
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 17.647% (1 in 5.6666) 17.647% (1 in 5.6666) 14.2857% (1 in 7)

Rare (Prime) / Epic (Non-prime)[edit | edit source]

Stat List
STR Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-20 +2
21-40 +4
41-50 +6
51-70 +8
71-90 +10
91+ +12
(GMS) 151+ +13
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 5.5555% (1 in 18) 5.5555% (1 in 18) 7.5% (1 in 13.3333)
DEX Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-20 +2
21-40 +4
41-50 +6
51-70 +8
71-90 +10
91+ +12
(GMS) 151+ +13
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 5.5555% (1 in 18) 5.5555% (1 in 18) 7.5% (1 in 13.3333)
INT Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-20 +2
21-40 +4
41-50 +6
51-70 +8
71-90 +10
91+ +12
(GMS) 151+ +13
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 5.5555% (1 in 18) 5.5555% (1 in 18) 7.5% (1 in 13.3333)
LUK Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-20 +2
21-40 +4
41-50 +6
51-70 +8
71-90 +10
91+ +12
(GMS) 151+ +13
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 5.5555% (1 in 18) 5.5555% (1 in 18) 7.5% (1 in 13.3333)
MaxHP Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-10 +10
11-20 +20
21-30 +30
31-40 +40
41-50 +50
51-60 +60
61-70 +70
71-80 +80
81-90 +90
91-100 +100
101-110 +110
111+ +120
(GMS) 151+ +125
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 8.3333% (1 in 12) 8.3333% (1 in 12) 7.5% (1 in 13.3333)
MaxMP Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-10 +10
11-20 +20
21-30 +30
31-40 +40
41-50 +50
51-60 +60
61-70 +70
71-80 +80
81-90 +90
91-100 +100
101-110 +110
111+ +120
(GMS) 151+ +125
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 8.3333% (1 in 12) 8.3333% (1 in 12) 7.5% (1 in 13.3333)
DEF Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-10 +10
11-20 +20
21-30 +30
31-40 +40
41-50 +50
51-60 +60
61-70 +70
71-80 +80
81-90 +90
91-100 +100
101-110 +110
111+ +120
(GMS) 151+ +125
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 8.3333% (1 in 12) 8.3333% (1 in 12) 5% (1 in 20)
STR % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +1%
31-70 +2%
71+ +3%
(GMS) 151+ +4%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 5.5555% (1 in 18) 5.5555% (1 in 18) 7.5% (1 in 13.3333)
DEX % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +1%
31-70 +2%
71+ +3%
(GMS) 151+ +4%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 5.5555% (1 in 18) 5.5555% (1 in 18) 7.5% (1 in 13.3333)
INT % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +1%
31-70 +2%
71+ +3%
(GMS) 151+ +4%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 5.5555% (1 in 18) 5.5555% (1 in 18) 7.5% (1 in 13.3333)
LUK % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +1%
31-70 +2%
71+ +3%
(GMS) 151+ +4%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 5.5555% (1 in 18) 5.5555% (1 in 18) 7.5% (1 in 13.3333)
MaxHP % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +1%
31-70 +2%
71+ +3%
(GMS) 151+ +4%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 8.3333% (1 in 12) 8.3333% (1 in 12) 5% (1 in 20)
MaxMP % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +1%
31-70 +2%
71+ +3%
(GMS) 151+ +4%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 8.3333% (1 in 12) 8.3333% (1 in 12) 5% (1 in 20)
DEF % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +1%
31-70 +2%
71+ +3%
(GMS) 151+ +4%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 8.3333% (1 in 12) 8.3333% (1 in 12) 5% (1 in 20)
All Stats Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-20 +1
21-40 +2
41-60 +3
61-80 +4
81+ +5
(GMS) 151+ +6
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 5.5555% (1 in 18) 5.5555% (1 in 18) 5% (1 in 20)

Epic (Prime) / Unique (Non-prime)[edit | edit source]

Stat List
STR % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +2%
31-70 +4%
71+ +6%
(GMS) 151+ +7%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 7.4074% (1 in 13.5) 7.4074% (1 in 13.5) 14.2857% (1 in 7)
DEX % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +2%
31-70 +4%
71+ +6%
(GMS) 151+ +7%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 7.4074% (1 in 13.5) 7.4074% (1 in 13.5) 14.2857% (1 in 7)
INT % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +2%
31-70 +4%
71+ +6%
(GMS) 151+ +7%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 7.4074% (1 in 13.5) 7.4074% (1 in 13.5) 14.2857% (1 in 7)
LUK % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +2%
31-70 +4%
71+ +6%
(GMS) 151+ +7%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 7.4074% (1 in 13.5) 7.4074% (1 in 13.5) 14.2857% (1 in 7)
MaxHP % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +2%
31-70 +4%
71+ +6%
(GMS) 151+ +7%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 11.1111% (1 in 9) 11.1111% (1 in 9) 14.2857% (1 in 7)
MaxMP % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +2%
31-70 +4%
71+ +6%
(GMS) 151+ +7%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 11.1111% (1 in 9) 11.1111% (1 in 9) 14.2857% (1 in 7)
DEF % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +2%
31-70 +4%
71+ +6%
(GMS) 151+ +7%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 11.1111% (1 in 9) 11.1111% (1 in 9) 8.5714% (1 in 11.6666)
All Stats % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +1%
31-70 +2%
71+ +3%
(GMS) 151+ +4%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 3.7037% (1 in 27) 3.7037% (1 in 27) 5.7142% (1 in 17.5)
20% chance to ignore monster damage dealt[edit | edit source]

Damage ignored as listed. % HP attacks not affected

Equip level Stat value
0-10 3
11-20 5
21-30 7
31-40 9
41-50 11
51-60 13
61-70 15
71-80 17
81-90 19
91-100 21
101-110 23
111+ 25
(GMS) 151+ 26
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 11.1111% (1 in 9) 11.1111% (1 in 9) 0%
20% chance to ignore monster damage dealt[edit | edit source]

Damage ignored as listed. % HP attacks not affected

Equip level Stat value
0-10 5
11-20 8
21-30 11
31-40 14
41-50 17
51-60 20
61-70 23
71-80 26
81-90 29
91-100 32
101-110 35
111+ 38
(GMS) 151+ 39
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 11.1111% (1 in 9) 11.1111% (1 in 9) 0%
30% chance to ignore monster damage dealt[edit | edit source]

Damage ignored as listed. % HP attacks not affected

Equip level Stat value
0-10 7
11-20 11
21-30 15
31-40 19
41-50 23
51-60 27
61-70 31
71-80 35
81-90 39
91-100 43
101-110 47
111+ 51
(GMS) 151+ 53
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 11.1111% (1 in 9) 11.1111% (1 in 9) 0%

Unique (Prime) / Legendary (Non-prime)[edit | edit source]

Stat List
STR % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +3%
31-70 +6%
71+ +9%
(GMS) 151+ +10%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
70+ 6.8965% (1 in 14.5) 6.8965% (1 in 14.5) 8.9285% (1 in 11.2)
DEX % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +3%
31-70 +6%
71+ +9%
(GMS) 151+ +10%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
70+ 6.8965% (1 in 14.5) 6.8965% (1 in 14.5) 8.9285% (1 in 11.2)
INT % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +3%
31-70 +6%
71+ +9%
(GMS) 151+ +10%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
70+ 6.8965% (1 in 14.5) 6.8965% (1 in 14.5) 8.9285% (1 in 11.2)
LUK % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +3%
31-70 +6%
71+ +9%
(GMS) 151+ +10%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
70+ 6.8965% (1 in 14.5) 6.8965% (1 in 14.5) 8.9285% (1 in 11.2)
MaxHP % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +3%
31-70 +6%
71+ +9%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
70+ 10.3448% (1 in 9.6666) 10.3448% (1 in 9.6666) 10.7142% (1 in 9.3333)
MaxMP % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +3%
31-70 +6%
71+ +9%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
70+ 10.3448% (1 in 9.6666) 10.3448% (1 in 9.6666) 10.7142% (1 in 9.3333)
DEF % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +3%
31-70 +6%
71+ +9%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
70+ 10.3448% (1 in 9.6666) 10.3448% (1 in 9.6666) 7.1428% (1 in 14)
All Stats % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +2%
31-70 +4%
71+ +6%
(GMS) 151+ +7%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
70+ 3.4482% (1 in 29) 3.4482% (1 in 29) 7.1428% (1 in 14)
5% chance to ignore 20% of monster damage dealt[edit | edit source]

Chance to ignore percentage damage can only appear up to 2 times on a single cube.

Equip level requirement: 20 or higher, % HP attacks not affected

Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
70+ 10.3448% (1 in 9.6666) 10.3448% (1 in 9.6666) 7.1428% (1 in 14)
5% chance to ignore 40% of monster damage dealt[edit | edit source]

Chance to ignore percentage damage can only appear up to 2 times on a single cube.

Equip level requirement: 40 or higher, % HP attacks not affected

Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
70+ 10.3448% (1 in 9.6666) 10.3448% (1 in 9.6666) 7.1428% (1 in 14)
Skills and Potion HP Recovery % Increase[edit | edit source]

Does not apply to MP potion recovery (for dual heal potions, only HP is affected) and any % based potion or skill heal applied individually.

Equip level Stat value
0-30 +10%
31-70 +20%
71+ +30%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
70+ 10.3448% (1 in 9.6666) 10.3448% (1 in 9.6666) 7.1428% (1 in 14)
Decent Hyper Body enabled[edit | edit source]

Decent Skills of any type can only appear 1 time on a single cube.

Equip level requirement: 70 or higher

For 240 seconds, MaxHP and MaxMP +40%, does not stack with Hyper Body, personal buff only.

Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
70+ 6.8965% (1 in 14.5) 6.8965% (1 in 14.5) 7.1428% (1 in 14)

Legendary (Prime)[edit | edit source]

Stat List
STR % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +6%
31-70 +9%
71+ +12%
(GMS) 151+ +13%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
70+ 5.8823% (1 in 17) 5.8823% (1 in 17) 10.8108% (1 in 9.25)
DEX % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +6%
31-70 +9%
71+ +12%
(GMS) 151+ +13%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
70+ 5.8823% (1 in 17) 5.8823% (1 in 17) 10.8108% (1 in 9.25)
INT % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +6%
31-70 +9%
71+ +12%
(GMS) 151+ +13%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
70+ 5.8823% (1 in 17) 5.8823% (1 in 17) 10.8108% (1 in 9.25)
LUK % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +6%
31-70 +9%
71+ +12%
(GMS) 151+ +13%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
70+ 5.8823% (1 in 17) 5.8823% (1 in 17) 10.8108% (1 in 9.25)
MaxHP % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +6%
31-70 +9%
71+ +12%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
70+ 8.8235% (1 in 11.3333) 8.8235% (1 in 11.3333) 10.8108% (1 in 9.25)
MaxMP % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +6%
31-70 +9%
71+ +12%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
70+ 8.8235% (1 in 11.3333) 8.8235% (1 in 11.3333) 10.8108% (1 in 9.25)
DEF % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +6%
31-70 +9%
71+ +12%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
70+ 8.8235% (1 in 11.3333) 8.8235% (1 in 11.3333) 10.8108% (1 in 9.25)
All Stats % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +3%
31-70 +6%
71+ +9%
(GMS) 151+ +10%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
70+ 5.8823% (1 in 17) 5.8823% (1 in 17) 8.1081% (1 in 12.3333)
10% chance to ignore 20% of monster damage dealt[edit | edit source]

Chance to ignore percentage damage can only appear up to 2 times on a single cube.

Equip level requirement: 20 or higher, % HP attacks not affected

Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
70+ 8.8235% (1 in 11.3333) 8.8235% (1 in 11.3333) 8.1081% (1 in 12.3333)
10% chance to ignore 40% of monster damage dealt[edit | edit source]

Chance to ignore percentage damage can only appear up to 2 times on a single cube.

Equip level requirement: 40 or higher, % HP attacks not affected

Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
70+ 8.8235% (1 in 11.3333) 8.8235% (1 in 11.3333) 8.1081% (1 in 12.3333)
Reflect damage at a chance[edit | edit source]
Equip level Reflect chance Reflect damage (% of damage taken by you)
0-30 10% 20%
31-50 10% 35%
51-70 20% 35%
70-100 20% 50%
101+ 30% 50%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
70+ 8.8235% (1 in 11.3333) 8.8235% (1 in 11.3333) 0%
Reflect damage at a chance[edit | edit source]
Equip level Reflect chance Reflect damage (% of damage taken by you)
0-30 10% 30%
31-50 10% 50%
51-70 20% 50%
70-100 20% 70%
101+ 30% 70%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
70+ 8.8235% (1 in 11.3333) 8.8235% (1 in 11.3333) 0%
Skills and Potion HP Recovery % Increase[edit | edit source]

Does not apply to MP potion recovery (for dual heal potions, only HP is affected) and any % based potion or skill heal applied individually.

Equip level Stat value
0-30 +20%
31-70 +30%
71+ +40%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
70+ 8.8235% (1 in 11.3333) 8.8235% (1 in 11.3333) 0%

Gloves[edit | edit source]

Rare (Non-prime)[edit | edit source]

Stat List
STR Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-20 +1
21-40 +2
41-50 +3
51-70 +4
71-90 +5
91+ +6
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 11.7647% (1 in 8.5) 11.7647% (1 in 8.5) 14.2857% (1 in 7)
DEX Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-20 +1
21-40 +2
41-50 +3
51-70 +4
71-90 +5
91+ +6
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 11.7647% (1 in 8.5) 11.7647% (1 in 8.5) 14.2857% (1 in 7)
INT Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-20 +1
21-40 +2
41-50 +3
51-70 +4
71-90 +5
91+ +6
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 11.7647% (1 in 8.5) 11.7647% (1 in 8.5) 14.2857% (1 in 7)
LUK Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-20 +1
21-40 +2
41-50 +3
51-70 +4
71-90 +5
91+ +6
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 11.7647% (1 in 8.5) 11.7647% (1 in 8.5) 14.2857% (1 in 7)
MaxHP Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-10 +5
11-20 +10
21-30 +15
31-40 +20
41-50 +25
51-60 +30
61-70 +35
71-80 +40
81-90 +45
91-100 +50
101-110 +55
111+ +60
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 17.647% (1 in 5.6666) 17.647% (1 in 5.6666) 14.2857% (1 in 7)
MaxMP Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-10 +5
11-20 +10
21-30 +15
31-40 +20
41-50 +25
51-60 +30
61-70 +35
71-80 +40
81-90 +45
91-100 +50
101-110 +55
111+ +60
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 17.647% (1 in 5.6666) 17.647% (1 in 5.6666) 14.2857% (1 in 7)
DEF Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-10 +5
11-20 +10
21-30 +15
31-40 +20
41-50 +25
51-60 +30
61-70 +35
71-80 +40
81-90 +45
91-100 +50
101-110 +55
111+ +60
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 17.647% (1 in 5.6666) 17.647% (1 in 5.6666) 14.2857% (1 in 7)

Rare (Prime) / Epic (Non-prime)[edit | edit source]

Stat List
STR Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-20 +2
21-40 +4
41-50 +6
51-70 +8
71-90 +10
91+ +12
(GMS) 151+ +13
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 5.5555% (1 in 18) 5.5555% (1 in 18) 7.5% (1 in 13.3333)
DEX Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-20 +2
21-40 +4
41-50 +6
51-70 +8
71-90 +10
91+ +12
(GMS) 151+ +13
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 5.5555% (1 in 18) 5.5555% (1 in 18) 7.5% (1 in 13.3333)
INT Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-20 +2
21-40 +4
41-50 +6
51-70 +8
71-90 +10
91+ +12
(GMS) 151+ +13
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 5.5555% (1 in 18) 5.5555% (1 in 18) 7.5% (1 in 13.3333)
LUK Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-20 +2
21-40 +4
41-50 +6
51-70 +8
71-90 +10
91+ +12
(GMS) 151+ +13
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 5.5555% (1 in 18) 5.5555% (1 in 18) 7.5% (1 in 13.3333)
MaxHP Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-10 +10
11-20 +20
21-30 +30
31-40 +40
41-50 +50
51-60 +60
61-70 +70
71-80 +80
81-90 +90
91-100 +100
101-110 +110
111+ +120
(GMS) 151+ +125
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 8.3333% (1 in 12) 8.3333% (1 in 12) 7.5% (1 in 13.3333)
MaxMP Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-10 +10
11-20 +20
21-30 +30
31-40 +40
41-50 +50
51-60 +60
61-70 +70
71-80 +80
81-90 +90
91-100 +100
101-110 +110
111+ +120
(GMS) 151+ +125
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 8.3333% (1 in 12) 8.3333% (1 in 12) 7.5% (1 in 13.3333)
DEF Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-10 +10
11-20 +20
21-30 +30
31-40 +40
41-50 +50
51-60 +60
61-70 +70
71-80 +80
81-90 +90
91-100 +100
101-110 +110
111+ +120
(GMS) 151+ +125
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 8.3333% (1 in 12) 8.3333% (1 in 12) 5% (1 in 20)
STR % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +1%
31-70 +2%
71+ +3%
(GMS) 151+ +4%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 5.5555% (1 in 18) 5.5555% (1 in 18) 7.5% (1 in 13.3333)
DEX % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +1%
31-70 +2%
71+ +3%
(GMS) 151+ +4%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 5.5555% (1 in 18) 5.5555% (1 in 18) 7.5% (1 in 13.3333)
INT % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +1%
31-70 +2%
71+ +3%
(GMS) 151+ +4%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 5.5555% (1 in 18) 5.5555% (1 in 18) 7.5% (1 in 13.3333)
LUK % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +1%
31-70 +2%
71+ +3%
(GMS) 151+ +4%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 5.5555% (1 in 18) 5.5555% (1 in 18) 7.5% (1 in 13.3333)
MaxHP % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +1%
31-70 +2%
71+ +3%
(GMS) 151+ +4%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 8.3333% (1 in 12) 8.3333% (1 in 12) 5% (1 in 20)
MaxMP % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +1%
31-70 +2%
71+ +3%
(GMS) 151+ +4%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 8.3333% (1 in 12) 8.3333% (1 in 12) 5% (1 in 20)
DEF % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +1%
31-70 +2%
71+ +3%
(GMS) 151+ +4%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 8.3333% (1 in 12) 8.3333% (1 in 12) 5% (1 in 20)
All Stats Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-20 +1
21-40 +2
41-60 +3
61-80 +4
81+ +5
(GMS) 151+ +6
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 5.5555% (1 in 18) 5.5555% (1 in 18) 5% (1 in 20)

Epic (Prime) / Unique (Non-prime)[edit | edit source]

Stat List
STR % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +2%
31-70 +4%
71+ +6%
(GMS) 151+ +7%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 6.0606% (1 in 16.5) 6.0606% (1 in 16.5) 12.1951% (1 in 8.2)
DEX % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +2%
31-70 +4%
71+ +6%
(GMS) 151+ +7%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 6.0606% (1 in 16.5) 6.0606% (1 in 16.5) 12.1951% (1 in 8.2)
INT % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +2%
31-70 +4%
71+ +6%
(GMS) 151+ +7%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 6.0606% (1 in 16.5) 6.0606% (1 in 16.5) 12.1951% (1 in 8.2)
LUK % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +2%
31-70 +4%
71+ +6%
(GMS) 151+ +7%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 6.0606% (1 in 16.5) 6.0606% (1 in 16.5) 12.1951% (1 in 8.2)
MaxHP % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +2%
31-70 +4%
71+ +6%
(GMS) 151+ +7%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 9.0909% (1 in 11) 9.0909% (1 in 11) 12.1951% (1 in 8.2)
MaxMP % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +2%
31-70 +4%
71+ +6%
(GMS) 151+ +7%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 9.0909% (1 in 11) 9.0909% (1 in 11) 12.1951% (1 in 8.2)
DEF % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +2%
31-70 +4%
71+ +6%
(GMS) 151+ +7%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 9.0909% (1 in 11) 9.0909% (1 in 11) 7.317% (1 in 13.6666)
All Stats % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +1%
31-70 +2%
71+ +3%
(GMS) 151+ +4%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 3.0303% (1 in 33) 3.0303% (1 in 33) 4.878% (1 in 20.5)
20% chance to ignore monster damage dealt[edit | edit source]

Damage ignored as listed. % HP attacks not affected

Equip level Stat value
0-10 3
11-20 5
21-30 7
31-40 9
41-50 11
51-60 13
61-70 15
71-80 17
81-90 19
91-100 21
101-110 23
111+ 25
(GMS) 151+ 26
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 9.0909% (1 in 11) 9.0909% (1 in 11) 0%
20% chance to ignore monster damage dealt[edit | edit source]

Damage ignored as listed. % HP attacks not affected

Equip level Stat value
0-10 5
11-20 8
21-30 11
31-40 14
41-50 17
51-60 20
61-70 23
71-80 26
81-90 29
91-100 32
101-110 35
111+ 38
(GMS) 151+ 39
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 9.0909% (1 in 11) 9.0909% (1 in 11) 0%
30% chance to ignore monster damage dealt[edit | edit source]

Damage ignored as listed. % HP attacks not affected

Equip level Stat value
0-10 7
11-20 11
21-30 15
31-40 19
41-50 23
51-60 27
61-70 31
71-80 35
81-90 39
91-100 43
101-110 47
111+ 51
(GMS) 151+ 53
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 9.0909% (1 in 11) 9.0909% (1 in 11) 0%
15% chance to recover HP when you killed a monster[edit | edit source]

HP recovered as listed.

Equip level Stat value
0-10 40
11-20 45
21-30 50
31-40 55
41-50 60
51-60 65
61-70 70
71-80 75
81-90 80
91-100 85
101-110 90
111+ 95
(GMS) 151+ 97
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 9.0909% (1 in 11) 9.0909% (1 in 11) 7.317% (1 in 13.6666)
15% chance to recover MP when you killed a monster[edit | edit source]

MP recovered as listed.

Equip level Stat value
0-10 40
11-20 45
21-30 50
31-40 55
41-50 60
51-60 65
61-70 70
71-80 75
81-90 80
91-100 85
101-110 90
111+ 95
(GMS) 151+ 97
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 9.0909% (1 in 11) 9.0909% (1 in 11) 7.317% (1 in 13.6666)

Unique (Prime) / Legendary (Non-prime)[edit | edit source]

Stat List
STR % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +3%
31-70 +6%
71+ +9%
(GMS) 151+ +10%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
120+ 4.2553% (1 in 23.5) 5.7142% (1 in 17.5) 8.3333% (1 in 12)
DEX % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +3%
31-70 +6%
71+ +9%
(GMS) 151+ +10%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
120+ 4.2553% (1 in 23.5) 5.7142% (1 in 17.5) 8.3333% (1 in 12)
INT % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +3%
31-70 +6%
71+ +9%
(GMS) 151+ +10%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
120+ 4.2553% (1 in 23.5) 5.7142% (1 in 17.5) 8.3333% (1 in 12)
LUK % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +3%
31-70 +6%
71+ +9%
(GMS) 151+ +10%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
120+ 4.2553% (1 in 23.5) 5.7142% (1 in 17.5) 8.3333% (1 in 12)
MaxHP % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +3%
31-70 +6%
71+ +9%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
120+ 6.3829% (1 in 15.6666) 8.5714% (1 in 11.6666) 10% (1 in 10)
MaxMP % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +3%
31-70 +6%
71+ +9%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
120+ 6.3829% (1 in 15.6666) 8.5714% (1 in 11.6666) 10% (1 in 10)
DEF % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +3%
31-70 +6%
71+ +9%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
120+ 6.3829% (1 in 15.6666) 8.5714% (1 in 11.6666) 6.6666% (1 in 15)
All Stats % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +2%
31-70 +4%
71+ +6%
(GMS) 151+ +7%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
120+ 2.1276% (1 in 47) 2.8571 (1 in 35) 6.6666% (1 in 15)
STR +1 per 10 Character Levels[edit | edit source]

Equip level requirement: 30 or higher

Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
120+ 6.3829% (1 in 15.6666) 0% 1.6666% (1 in 60)
DEX +1 per 10 Character Levels[edit | edit source]

Equip level requirement: 30 or higher

Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
120+ 6.3829% (1 in 15.6666) 0% 1.6666% (1 in 60)
INT +1 per 10 Character Levels[edit | edit source]

Equip level requirement: 30 or higher

Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
120+ 6.3829% (1 in 15.6666) 0% 1.6666% (1 in 60)
LUK +1 per 10 Character Levels[edit | edit source]

Equip level requirement: 30 or higher

Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
120+ 6.3829% (1 in 15.6666) 0% 1.6666% (1 in 60)
5% chance to ignore 20% of monster damage dealt[edit | edit source]

Chance to ignore percentage damage can only appear up to 2 times on a single cube.

Equip level requirement: 20 or higher, % HP attacks not affected

Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
120+ 6.3829% (1 in 15.6666) 8.5714% (1 in 11.6666) 6.6666% (1 in 15)
5% chance to ignore 40% of monster damage dealt[edit | edit source]

Chance to ignore percentage damage can only appear up to 2 times on a single cube.

Equip level requirement: 40 or higher, % HP attacks not affected

Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
120+ 6.3829% (1 in 15.6666) 8.5714% (1 in 11.6666) 6.6666% (1 in 15)
Skills and Potion HP Recovery % Increase[edit | edit source]

Does not apply to MP potion recovery (for dual heal potions, only HP is affected) and any % based potion or skill heal applied individually.

Equip level Stat value
0-30 +10%
31-70 +20%
71+ +30%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
120+ 6.3829% (1 in 15.6666) 8.5714% (1 in 11.6666) 6.6666% (1 in 15)
1% Auto Steal Chance[edit | edit source]

Equip level requirement: 20 or higher, the monster will drop an item while alive. Boss monsters not affected.

Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
120+ 6.3829% (1 in 15.6666) 8.5714% (1 in 11.6666) 0%
2% Auto Steal Chance[edit | edit source]

Equip level requirement: 40 or higher, the monster will drop an item while alive. Boss monsters not affected.

Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
120+ 6.3829% (1 in 15.6666) 8.5714% (1 in 11.6666) 0%
Decent Sharp Eyes enabled[edit | edit source]

Decent Skills of any type can only appear 1 time on a single cube.

Equip level requirement: 120 or higher

For 240 seconds, Critical rate +10%, Critical Damage +8%, does not stack with Sharp Eyes, personal buff only.

Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
120+ 4.2553% (1 in 23.5) 5.7142% (1 in 17.5) 6.6666% (1 in 15)

Legendary (Prime)[edit | edit source]

Stat List
STR % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +6%
31-70 +9%
71+ +12%
(GMS) 151+ +13%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
120+ 4.5454% (1 in 22) 4.5454% (1 in 22) 9.0909% (1 in 11)
DEX % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +6%
31-70 +9%
71+ +12%
(GMS) 151+ +13%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
120+ 4.5454% (1 in 22) 4.5454% (1 in 22) 9.0909% (1 in 11)
INT % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +6%
31-70 +9%
71+ +12%
(GMS) 151+ +13%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
120+ 4.5454% (1 in 22) 4.5454% (1 in 22) 9.0909% (1 in 11)
LUK % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +6%
31-70 +9%
71+ +12%
(GMS) 151+ +13%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
120+ 4.5454% (1 in 22) 4.5454% (1 in 22) 9.0909% (1 in 11)
MaxHP % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +6%
31-70 +9%
71+ +12%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
120+ 6.8181% (1 in 14.6666) 6.8181% (1 in 14.6666) 9.0909% (1 in 11)
MaxMP % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +6%
31-70 +9%
71+ +12%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
120+ 6.8181% (1 in 14.6666) 6.8181% (1 in 14.6666) 9.0909% (1 in 11)
DEF % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +6%
31-70 +9%
71+ +12%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
120+ 6.8181% (1 in 14.6666) 6.8181% (1 in 14.6666) 9.0909% (1 in 11)
Critical Damage % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
50-60 +5%
61-80 +6%
81+ +8%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
120+ 9.0909% (1 in 11) 9.0909% (1 in 11) 9.0909% (1 in 11)
All Stats % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +3%
31-70 +6%
71+ +9%
(GMS) 151+ +10%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
120+ 4.5454% (1 in 22) 4.5454% (1 in 22) 6.8181% (1 in 14.6666)
10% chance to ignore 20% of monster damage dealt[edit | edit source]

Chance to ignore percentage damage can only appear up to 2 times on a single cube.

Equip level requirement: 20 or higher, % HP attacks not affected

Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
120+ 6.8181% (1 in 14.6666) 6.8181% (1 in 14.6666) 6.8181% (1 in 14.6666)
10% chance to ignore 40% of monster damage dealt[edit | edit source]

Chance to ignore percentage damage can only appear up to 2 times on a single cube.

Equip level requirement: 40 or higher, % HP attacks not affected

Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
120+ 6.8181% (1 in 14.6666) 6.8181% (1 in 14.6666) 6.8181% (1 in 14.6666)
Skills and Potion HP Recovery % Increase[edit | edit source]

Does not apply to MP potion recovery (for dual heal potions, only HP is affected) and any % based potion or skill heal applied individually.

Equip level Stat value
0-30 +20%
31-70 +30%
71+ +40%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
120+ 6.8181% (1 in 14.6666) 6.8181% (1 in 14.6666) 0%
3% Auto Steal Chance[edit | edit source]

Equip level requirement: 20 or higher, the monster will drop an item while alive. Boss monsters not affected.

Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
120+ 6.8181% (1 in 14.6666) 6.8181% (1 in 14.6666) 0%
5% Auto Steal Chance[edit | edit source]

Equip level requirement: 40 or higher, the monster will drop an item while alive. Boss monsters not affected.

Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
120+ 6.8181% (1 in 14.6666) 6.8181% (1 in 14.6666) 0%
7% Auto Steal Chance[edit | edit source]

Equip level requirement: 60 or higher, the monster will drop an item while alive. Boss monsters not affected.

Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
120+ 6.8181% (1 in 14.6666) 6.8181% (1 in 14.6666) 0%
Decent Speed Infusion enabled[edit | edit source]

Decent Skills of any type can only appear 1 time on a single cube.

Equip level requirement: 120 or higher

For 240 seconds, Attack Speed +1, does not go beyond Attack Speed limit unless already broken, does not stack with Speed Infusion, personal buff only.

Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
120+ 6.8181% (1 in 14.6666) 6.8181% (1 in 14.6666) 6.8181% (1 in 14.6666)

Shoes[edit | edit source]

Rare (Non-prime)[edit | edit source]

Stat List
STR Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-20 +1
21-40 +2
41-50 +3
51-70 +4
71-90 +5
91+ +6
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 8.6956% (1 in 11.5) 8.6956% (1 in 11.5) 12% (1 in 8.3333)
DEX Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-20 +1
21-40 +2
41-50 +3
51-70 +4
71-90 +5
91+ +6
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 8.6956% (1 in 11.5) 8.6956% (1 in 11.5) 12% (1 in 8.3333)
INT Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-20 +1
21-40 +2
41-50 +3
51-70 +4
71-90 +5
91+ +6
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 8.6956% (1 in 11.5) 8.6956% (1 in 11.5) 12% (1 in 8.3333)
LUK Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-20 +1
21-40 +2
41-50 +3
51-70 +4
71-90 +5
91+ +6
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 8.6956% (1 in 11.5) 8.6956% (1 in 11.5) 12% (1 in 8.3333)
MaxHP Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-10 +5
11-20 +10
21-30 +15
31-40 +20
41-50 +25
51-60 +30
61-70 +35
71-80 +40
81-90 +45
91-100 +50
101-110 +55
111+ +60
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 13.0434% (1 in 7.6666) 13.0434% (1 in 7.6666) 12% (1 in 8.3333)
MaxMP Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-10 +5
11-20 +10
21-30 +15
31-40 +20
41-50 +25
51-60 +30
61-70 +35
71-80 +40
81-90 +45
91-100 +50
101-110 +55
111+ +60
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 13.0434% (1 in 7.6666) 13.0434% (1 in 7.6666) 12% (1 in 8.3333)
Speed Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +1
31-70 +2
71-110 +3
111+ +4
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 13.0434% (1 in 7.6666) 13.0434% (1 in 7.6666) 8% (1 in 12.5)
Jump Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +1
31-70 +2
71-110 +3
111+ +4
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 13.0434% (1 in 7.6666) 13.0434% (1 in 7.6666) 8% (1 in 12.5)
DEF Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-10 +5
11-20 +10
21-30 +15
31-40 +20
41-50 +25
51-60 +30
61-70 +35
71-80 +40
81-90 +45
91-100 +50
101-110 +55
111+ +60
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 13.0434% (1 in 7.6666) 13.0434% (1 in 7.6666) 12% (1 in 8.3333)

Rare (Prime) / Epic (Non-prime)[edit | edit source]

Stat List
STR Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-20 +2
21-40 +4
41-50 +6
51-70 +8
71-90 +10
91+ +12
(GMS) 151+ +13
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 4.7619% (1 in 21) 4.7619% (1 in 21) 6.8181% (1 in 14.6666)
DEX Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-20 +2
21-40 +4
41-50 +6
51-70 +8
71-90 +10
91+ +12
(GMS) 151+ +13
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 4.7619% (1 in 21) 4.7619% (1 in 21) 6.8181% (1 in 14.6666)
INT Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-20 +2
21-40 +4
41-50 +6
51-70 +8
71-90 +10
91+ +12
(GMS) 151+ +13
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 4.7619% (1 in 21) 4.7619% (1 in 21) 6.8181% (1 in 14.6666)
LUK Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-20 +2
21-40 +4
41-50 +6
51-70 +8
71-90 +10
91+ +12
(GMS) 151+ +13
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 4.7619% (1 in 21) 4.7619% (1 in 21) 6.8181% (1 in 14.6666)
MaxHP Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-10 +10
11-20 +20
21-30 +30
31-40 +40
41-50 +50
51-60 +60
61-70 +70
71-80 +80
81-90 +90
91-100 +100
101-110 +110
111+ +120
(GMS) 151+ +125
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 7.1428% (1 in 14) 7.1428% (1 in 14) 6.8181% (1 in 14.6666)
MaxMP Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-10 +10
11-20 +20
21-30 +30
31-40 +40
41-50 +50
51-60 +60
61-70 +70
71-80 +80
81-90 +90
91-100 +100
101-110 +110
111+ +120
(GMS) 151+ +125
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 7.1428% (1 in 14) 7.1428% (1 in 14) 6.8181% (1 in 14.6666)
Speed Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +2
31-70 +4
71-110 +6
111+ +8
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 7.1428% (1 in 14) 7.1428% (1 in 14) 4.5454% (1 in 22)
Jump Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +2
31-70 +4
71-110 +6
111+ +8
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 7.1428% (1 in 14) 7.1428% (1 in 14) 4.5454% (1 in 22)
DEF Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-10 +10
11-20 +20
21-30 +30
31-40 +40
41-50 +50
51-60 +60
61-70 +70
71-80 +80
81-90 +90
91-100 +100
101-110 +110
111+ +120
(GMS) 151+ +125
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 7.1428% (1 in 14) 7.1428% (1 in 14) 4.5454% (1 in 22)
STR % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +1%
31-70 +2%
71+ +3%
(GMS) 151+ +4%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 4.7619% (1 in 21) 4.7619% (1 in 21) 6.8181% (1 in 14.6666)
DEX % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +1%
31-70 +2%
71+ +3%
(GMS) 151+ +4%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 4.7619% (1 in 21) 4.7619% (1 in 21) 6.8181% (1 in 14.6666)
INT % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +1%
31-70 +2%
71+ +3%
(GMS) 151+ +4%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 4.7619% (1 in 21) 4.7619% (1 in 21) 6.8181% (1 in 14.6666)
LUK % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +1%
31-70 +2%
71+ +3%
(GMS) 151+ +4%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 4.7619% (1 in 21) 4.7619% (1 in 21) 6.8181% (1 in 14.6666)
MaxHP % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +1%
31-70 +2%
71+ +3%
(GMS) 151+ +4%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 7.1428% (1 in 14) 7.1428% (1 in 14) 4.5454% (1 in 22)
MaxMP % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +1%
31-70 +2%
71+ +3%
(GMS) 151+ +4%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 7.1428% (1 in 14) 7.1428% (1 in 14) 4.5454% (1 in 22)
DEF % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +1%
31-70 +2%
71+ +3%
(GMS) 151+ +4%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 7.1428% (1 in 14) 7.1428% (1 in 14) 4.5454% (1 in 22)
All Stats Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-20 +1
21-40 +2
41-60 +3
61-80 +4
81+ +5
(GMS) 151+ +6
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 4.7619% (1 in 21) 4.7619% (1 in 21) 4.5454% (1 in 22)

Epic (Prime) / Unique (Non-prime)[edit | edit source]

Stat List
STR % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +2%
31-70 +4%
71+ +6%
(GMS) 151+ +7%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 7.4074% (1 in 13.5) 7.4074% (1 in 13.5) 14.2857% (1 in 7)
DEX % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +2%
31-70 +4%
71+ +6%
(GMS) 151+ +7%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 7.4074% (1 in 13.5) 7.4074% (1 in 13.5) 14.2857% (1 in 7)
INT % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +2%
31-70 +4%
71+ +6%
(GMS) 151+ +7%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 7.4074% (1 in 13.5) 7.4074% (1 in 13.5) 14.2857% (1 in 7)
LUK % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +2%
31-70 +4%
71+ +6%
(GMS) 151+ +7%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 7.4074% (1 in 13.5) 7.4074% (1 in 13.5) 14.2857% (1 in 7)
MaxHP % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +2%
31-70 +4%
71+ +6%
(GMS) 151+ +7%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 11.1111% (1 in 9) 11.1111% (1 in 9) 14.2857% (1 in 7)
MaxMP % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +2%
31-70 +4%
71+ +6%
(GMS) 151+ +7%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 11.1111% (1 in 9) 11.1111% (1 in 9) 14.2857% (1 in 7)
DEF % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +2%
31-70 +4%
71+ +6%
(GMS) 151+ +7%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 11.1111% (1 in 9) 11.1111% (1 in 9) 8.5714% (1 in 11.6666)
All Stats % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +1%
31-70 +2%
71+ +3%
(GMS) 151+ +4%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 3.7037% (1 in 27) 3.7037% (1 in 27) 5.7142% (1 in 17.5)
20% chance to ignore monster damage dealt[edit | edit source]

Damage ignored as listed. % HP attacks not affected

Equip level Stat value
0-10 3
11-20 5
21-30 7
31-40 9
41-50 11
51-60 13
61-70 15
71-80 17
81-90 19
91-100 21
101-110 23
111+ 25
(GMS) 151+ 26
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 11.1111% (1 in 9) 11.1111% (1 in 9) 0%
20% chance to ignore monster damage dealt[edit | edit source]

Damage ignored as listed. % HP attacks not affected

Equip level Stat value
0-10 5
11-20 8
21-30 11
31-40 14
41-50 17
51-60 20
61-70 23
71-80 26
81-90 29
91-100 32
101-110 35
111+ 38
(GMS) 151+ 39
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 11.1111% (1 in 9) 11.1111% (1 in 9) 0%
30% chance to ignore monster damage dealt[edit | edit source]

Damage ignored as listed. % HP attacks not affected

Equip level Stat value
0-10 7
11-20 11
21-30 15
31-40 19
41-50 23
51-60 27
61-70 31
71-80 35
81-90 39
91-100 43
101-110 47
111+ 51
(GMS) 151+ 53
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 11.1111% (1 in 9) 11.1111% (1 in 9) 0%

Unique (Prime) / Legendary (Non-prime)[edit | edit source]

Stat List
STR % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +3%
31-70 +6%
71+ +9%
(GMS) 151+ +10%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
70+ 6.8965% (1 in 14.5) 6.8965% (1 in 14.5) 8.9285% (1 in 11.2)
DEX % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +3%
31-70 +6%
71+ +9%
(GMS) 151+ +10%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
70+ 6.8965% (1 in 14.5) 6.8965% (1 in 14.5) 8.9285% (1 in 11.2)
INT % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +3%
31-70 +6%
71+ +9%
(GMS) 151+ +10%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
70+ 6.8965% (1 in 14.5) 6.8965% (1 in 14.5) 8.9285% (1 in 11.2)
LUK % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +3%
31-70 +6%
71+ +9%
(GMS) 151+ +10%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
70+ 6.8965% (1 in 14.5) 6.8965% (1 in 14.5) 8.9285% (1 in 11.2)
MaxHP % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +3%
31-70 +6%
71+ +9%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
70+ 10.3448% (1 in 9.6666) 10.3448% (1 in 9.6666) 10.7142% (1 in 9.3333)
MaxMP % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +3%
31-70 +6%
71+ +9%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
70+ 10.3448% (1 in 9.6666) 10.3448% (1 in 9.6666) 10.7142% (1 in 9.3333)
DEF % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +3%
31-70 +6%
71+ +9%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
70+ 10.3448% (1 in 9.6666) 10.3448% (1 in 9.6666) 7.1428% (1 in 14)
All Stats % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +2%
31-70 +4%
71+ +6%
(GMS) 151+ +7%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
70+ 3.4482% (1 in 29) 3.4482% (1 in 29) 7.1428% (1 in 14)
5% chance to ignore 20% of monster damage dealt[edit | edit source]

Chance to ignore percentage damage can only appear up to 2 times on a single cube.

Equip level requirement: 20 or higher, % HP attacks not affected

Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
70+ 10.3448% (1 in 9.6666) 10.3448% (1 in 9.6666) 7.1428% (1 in 14)
5% chance to ignore 40% of monster damage dealt[edit | edit source]

Chance to ignore percentage damage can only appear up to 2 times on a single cube.

Equip level requirement: 40 or higher, % HP attacks not affected

Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
70+ 10.3448% (1 in 9.6666) 10.3448% (1 in 9.6666) 7.1428% (1 in 14)
Skills and Potion HP Recovery % Increase[edit | edit source]

Does not apply to MP potion recovery (for dual heal potions, only HP is affected) and any % based potion or skill heal applied individually.

Equip level Stat value
0-30 +10%
31-70 +20%
71+ +30%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
70+ 10.3448% (1 in 9.6666) 10.3448% (1 in 9.6666) 7.1428% (1 in 14)
Decent Haste enabled[edit | edit source]

Decent Skills of any type can only appear 1 time on a single cube.

Equip level requirement: 70 or higher

For 200 seconds, Movement Speed +20, Jump +10, does not break maximum movement speed and jump limit, does not stack with Haste, personal buff only.

Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
70+ 6.8965% (1 in 14.5) 6.8965% (1 in 14.5) 7.1428% (1 in 14)

Legendary (Prime)[edit | edit source]

Stat List
STR % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +6%
31-70 +9%
71+ +12%
(GMS) 151+ +13%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
70+ 6.4516% (1 in 15.5) 6.4516% (1 in 15.5) 10% (1 in 10)
DEX % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +6%
31-70 +9%
71+ +12%
(GMS) 151+ +13%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
70+ 6.4516% (1 in 15.5) 6.4516% (1 in 15.5) 10% (1 in 10)
INT % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +6%
31-70 +9%
71+ +12%
(GMS) 151+ +13%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
70+ 6.4516% (1 in 15.5) 6.4516% (1 in 15.5) 10% (1 in 10)
LUK % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +6%
31-70 +9%
71+ +12%
(GMS) 151+ +13%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
70+ 6.4516% (1 in 15.5) 6.4516% (1 in 15.5) 10% (1 in 10)
MaxHP % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +6%
31-70 +9%
71+ +12%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
70+ 9.6774% (1 in 10.3333) 9.6774% (1 in 10.3333) 10% (1 in 10)
MaxMP % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +6%
31-70 +9%
71+ +12%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
70+ 9.6774% (1 in 10.3333) 9.6774% (1 in 10.3333) 10% (1 in 10)
DEF % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +6%
31-70 +9%
71+ +12%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
70+ 9.6774% (1 in 10.3333) 9.6774% (1 in 10.3333) 10% (1 in 10)
All Stats % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +3%
31-70 +6%
71+ +9%
(GMS) 151+ +10%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
70+ 6.4516% (1 in 15.5) 6.4516% (1 in 15.5) 7.5% (1 in 13.3333)
10% chance to ignore 20% of monster damage dealt[edit | edit source]

Chance to ignore percentage damage can only appear up to 2 times on a single cube.

Equip level requirement: 20 or higher, % HP attacks not affected

Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
70+ 9.6774% (1 in 10.3333) 9.6774% (1 in 10.3333) 7.5% (1 in 13.3333)
10% chance to ignore 40% of monster damage dealt[edit | edit source]

Chance to ignore percentage damage can only appear up to 2 times on a single cube.

Equip level requirement: 40 or higher, % HP attacks not affected

Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
70+ 9.6774% (1 in 10.3333) 9.6774% (1 in 10.3333) 7.5% (1 in 13.3333)
Skills and Potion HP Recovery % Increase[edit | edit source]

Does not apply to MP potion recovery (for dual heal potions, only HP is affected) and any % based potion or skill heal applied individually.

Equip level Stat value
0-30 +20%
31-70 +30%
71+ +40%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
70+ 9.6774% (1 in 10.3333) 9.6774% (1 in 10.3333) 0%
Decent Combat Orders enabled[edit | edit source]

Decent Skills of any type can only appear 1 time on a single cube.

Equip level requirement: 70 or higher

For 240 seconds, All Skill Levels +1, majority of 4th job skills can surpass Maximum Skill Level, does not stack with Combat Orders, personal buff only. 5th job skills not affected.

Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
70+ 9.6774% (1 in 10.3333) 9.6774% (1 in 10.3333) 7.5% (1 in 13.3333)

Cape, Belt, Shoulderpad[edit | edit source]

Rare (Non-prime)[edit | edit source]

Stat List
STR Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-20 +1
21-40 +2
41-50 +3
51-70 +4
71-90 +5
91+ +6
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 11.7647% (1 in 8.5) 11.7647% (1 in 8.5) 14.2857% (1 in 7)
DEX Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-20 +1
21-40 +2
41-50 +3
51-70 +4
71-90 +5
91+ +6
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 11.7647% (1 in 8.5) 11.7647% (1 in 8.5) 14.2857% (1 in 7)
INT Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-20 +1
21-40 +2
41-50 +3
51-70 +4
71-90 +5
91+ +6
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 11.7647% (1 in 8.5) 11.7647% (1 in 8.5) 14.2857% (1 in 7)
LUK Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-20 +1
21-40 +2
41-50 +3
51-70 +4
71-90 +5
91+ +6
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 11.7647% (1 in 8.5) 11.7647% (1 in 8.5) 14.2857% (1 in 7)
MaxHP Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-10 +5
11-20 +10
21-30 +15
31-40 +20
41-50 +25
51-60 +30
61-70 +35
71-80 +40
81-90 +45
91-100 +50
101-110 +55
111+ +60
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 17.647% (1 in 5.6666) 17.647% (1 in 5.6666) 14.2857% (1 in 7)
MaxMP Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-10 +5
11-20 +10
21-30 +15
31-40 +20
41-50 +25
51-60 +30
61-70 +35
71-80 +40
81-90 +45
91-100 +50
101-110 +55
111+ +60
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 17.647% (1 in 5.6666) 17.647% (1 in 5.6666) 14.2857% (1 in 7)
DEF Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-10 +5
11-20 +10
21-30 +15
31-40 +20
41-50 +25
51-60 +30
61-70 +35
71-80 +40
81-90 +45
91-100 +50
101-110 +55
111+ +60
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 17.647% (1 in 5.6666) 17.647% (1 in 5.6666) 14.2857% (1 in 7)

Rare (Prime) / Epic (Non-prime)[edit | edit source]

Stat List
STR Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-20 +2
21-40 +4
41-50 +6
51-70 +8
71-90 +10
91+ +12
(GMS) 151+ +13
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 5.5555% (1 in 18) 5.5555% (1 in 18) 7.5% (1 in 13.3333)
DEX Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-20 +2
21-40 +4
41-50 +6
51-70 +8
71-90 +10
91+ +12
(GMS) 151+ +13
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 5.5555% (1 in 18) 5.5555% (1 in 18) 7.5% (1 in 13.3333)
INT Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-20 +2
21-40 +4
41-50 +6
51-70 +8
71-90 +10
91+ +12
(GMS) 151+ +13
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 5.5555% (1 in 18) 5.5555% (1 in 18) 7.5% (1 in 13.3333)
LUK Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-20 +2
21-40 +4
41-50 +6
51-70 +8
71-90 +10
91+ +12
(GMS) 151+ +13
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 5.5555% (1 in 18) 5.5555% (1 in 18) 7.5% (1 in 13.3333)
MaxHP Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-10 +10
11-20 +20
21-30 +30
31-40 +40
41-50 +50
51-60 +60
61-70 +70
71-80 +80
81-90 +90
91-100 +100
101-110 +110
111+ +120
(GMS) 151+ +125
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 8.3333% (1 in 12) 8.3333% (1 in 12) 7.5% (1 in 13.3333)
MaxMP Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-10 +10
11-20 +20
21-30 +30
31-40 +40
41-50 +50
51-60 +60
61-70 +70
71-80 +80
81-90 +90
91-100 +100
101-110 +110
111+ +120
(GMS) 151+ +125
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 8.3333% (1 in 12) 8.3333% (1 in 12) 7.5% (1 in 13.3333)
DEF Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-10 +10
11-20 +20
21-30 +30
31-40 +40
41-50 +50
51-60 +60
61-70 +70
71-80 +80
81-90 +90
91-100 +100
101-110 +110
111+ +120
(GMS) 151+ +125
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 8.3333% (1 in 12) 8.3333% (1 in 12) 5% (1 in 20)
STR % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +1%
31-70 +2%
71+ +3%
(GMS) 151+ +4%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 5.5555% (1 in 18) 5.5555% (1 in 18) 7.5% (1 in 13.3333)
DEX % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +1%
31-70 +2%
71+ +3%
(GMS) 151+ +4%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 5.5555% (1 in 18) 5.5555% (1 in 18) 7.5% (1 in 13.3333)
INT % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +1%
31-70 +2%
71+ +3%
(GMS) 151+ +4%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 5.5555% (1 in 18) 5.5555% (1 in 18) 7.5% (1 in 13.3333)
LUK % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +1%
31-70 +2%
71+ +3%
(GMS) 151+ +4%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 5.5555% (1 in 18) 5.5555% (1 in 18) 7.5% (1 in 13.3333)
MaxHP % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +1%
31-70 +2%
71+ +3%
(GMS) 151+ +4%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 8.3333% (1 in 12) 8.3333% (1 in 12) 5% (1 in 20)
MaxMP % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +1%
31-70 +2%
71+ +3%
(GMS) 151+ +4%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 8.3333% (1 in 12) 8.3333% (1 in 12) 5% (1 in 20)
DEF % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +1%
31-70 +2%
71+ +3%
(GMS) 151+ +4%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 8.3333% (1 in 12) 8.3333% (1 in 12) 5% (1 in 20)
All Stats Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-20 +1
21-40 +2
41-60 +3
61-80 +4
81+ +5
(GMS) 151+ +6
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 5.5555% (1 in 18) 5.5555% (1 in 18) 5% (1 in 20)

Epic (Prime) / Unique (Non-prime)[edit | edit source]

Stat List
STR % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +2%
31-70 +4%
71+ +6%
(GMS) 151+ +7%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 7.4074% (1 in 13.5) 7.4074% (1 in 13.5) 14.2857% (1 in 7)
DEX % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +2%
31-70 +4%
71+ +6%
(GMS) 151+ +7%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 7.4074% (1 in 13.5) 7.4074% (1 in 13.5) 14.2857% (1 in 7)
INT % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +2%
31-70 +4%
71+ +6%
(GMS) 151+ +7%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 7.4074% (1 in 13.5) 7.4074% (1 in 13.5) 14.2857% (1 in 7)
LUK % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +2%
31-70 +4%
71+ +6%
(GMS) 151+ +7%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 7.4074% (1 in 13.5) 7.4074% (1 in 13.5) 14.2857% (1 in 7)
MaxHP % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +2%
31-70 +4%
71+ +6%
(GMS) 151+ +7%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 11.1111% (1 in 9) 11.1111% (1 in 9) 14.2857% (1 in 7)
MaxMP % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +2%
31-70 +4%
71+ +6%
(GMS) 151+ +7%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 11.1111% (1 in 9) 11.1111% (1 in 9) 14.2857% (1 in 7)
DEF % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +2%
31-70 +4%
71+ +6%
(GMS) 151+ +7%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 11.1111% (1 in 9) 11.1111% (1 in 9) 8.5714% (1 in 11.6666)
All Stats % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +1%
31-70 +2%
71+ +3%
(GMS) 151+ +4%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 3.7037% (1 in 27) 3.7037% (1 in 27) 5.7142% (1 in 17.5)
20% chance to ignore monster damage dealt[edit | edit source]

Damage ignored as listed. % HP attacks not affected

Equip level Stat value
0-10 3
11-20 5
21-30 7
31-40 9
41-50 11
51-60 13
61-70 15
71-80 17
81-90 19
91-100 21
101-110 23
111+ 25
(GMS) 151+ 26
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 11.1111% (1 in 9) 11.1111% (1 in 9) 0%
20% chance to ignore monster damage dealt[edit | edit source]

Damage ignored as listed. % HP attacks not affected

Equip level Stat value
0-10 5
11-20 8
21-30 11
31-40 14
41-50 17
51-60 20
61-70 23
71-80 26
81-90 29
91-100 32
101-110 35
111+ 38
(GMS) 151+ 39
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 11.1111% (1 in 9) 11.1111% (1 in 9) 0%
30% chance to ignore monster damage dealt[edit | edit source]

Damage ignored as listed. % HP attacks not affected

Equip level Stat value
0-10 7
11-20 11
21-30 15
31-40 19
41-50 23
51-60 27
61-70 31
71-80 35
81-90 39
91-100 43
101-110 47
111+ 51
(GMS) 151+ 53
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 11.1111% (1 in 9) 11.1111% (1 in 9) 0%

Unique (Prime) / Legendary (Non-prime)[edit | edit source]

Stat List
STR % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +3%
31-70 +6%
71+ +9%
(GMS) 151+ +10%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
40+ 7.4074% (1 in 13.5) 7.4074% (1 in 13.5) 9.6153% (1 in 10.4)
DEX % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +3%
31-70 +6%
71+ +9%
(GMS) 151+ +10%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
40+ 7.4074% (1 in 13.5) 7.4074% (1 in 13.5) 9.6153% (1 in 10.4)
INT % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +3%
31-70 +6%
71+ +9%
(GMS) 151+ +10%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
40+ 7.4074% (1 in 13.5) 7.4074% (1 in 13.5) 9.6153% (1 in 10.4)
LUK % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +3%
31-70 +6%
71+ +9%
(GMS) 151+ +10%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
40+ 7.4074% (1 in 13.5) 7.4074% (1 in 13.5) 9.6153% (1 in 10.4)
MaxHP % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +3%
31-70 +6%
71+ +9%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
40+ 11.1111% (1 in 9) 11.1111% (1 in 9) 11.5384% (1 in 8.6666)
MaxMP % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +3%
31-70 +6%
71+ +9%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
40+ 11.1111% (1 in 9) 11.1111% (1 in 9) 11.5384% (1 in 8.6666)
DEF % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +3%
31-70 +6%
71+ +9%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
40+ 11.1111% (1 in 9) 11.1111% (1 in 9) 7.6923% (1 in 13)
All Stats % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +2%
31-70 +4%
71+ +6%
(GMS) 151+ +7%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
40+ 3.7037% (1 in 27) 3.7037% (1 in 27) 7.6923% (1 in 13)
5% chance to ignore 20% of monster damage dealt[edit | edit source]

Chance to ignore percentage damage can only appear up to 2 times on a single cube.

Equip level requirement: 20 or higher, % HP attacks not affected

Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
40+ 11.1111% (1 in 9) 11.1111% (1 in 9) 7.6923% (1 in 13)
5% chance to ignore 40% of monster damage dealt[edit | edit source]

Chance to ignore percentage damage can only appear up to 2 times on a single cube.

Equip level requirement: 40 or higher, % HP attacks not affected

Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
40+ 11.1111% (1 in 9) 11.1111% (1 in 9) 7.6923% (1 in 13)
Skills and Potion HP Recovery % Increase[edit | edit source]

Does not apply to MP potion recovery (for dual heal potions, only HP is affected) and any % based potion or skill heal applied individually.

Equip level Stat value
0-30 +10%
31-70 +20%
71+ +30%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
40+ 11.1111% (1 in 9) 11.1111% (1 in 9) 7.6923% (1 in 13)

Legendary (Prime)[edit | edit source]

Stat List
STR % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +6%
31-70 +9%
71+ +12%
(GMS) 151+ +13%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
40+ 7.1428% (1 in 14) 7.1428% (1 in 14) 10.8108% (1 in 9.25)
DEX % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +6%
31-70 +9%
71+ +12%
(GMS) 151+ +13%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
40+ 7.1428% (1 in 14) 7.1428% (1 in 14) 10.8108% (1 in 9.25)
INT % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +6%
31-70 +9%
71+ +12%
(GMS) 151+ +13%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
40+ 7.1428% (1 in 14) 7.1428% (1 in 14) 10.8108% (1 in 9.25)
LUK % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +6%
31-70 +9%
71+ +12%
(GMS) 151+ +13%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
40+ 7.1428% (1 in 14) 7.1428% (1 in 14) 10.8108% (1 in 9.25)
MaxHP % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +6%
31-70 +9%
71+ +12%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
40+ 10.7142% (1 in 9.3333) 10.7142% (1 in 9.3333) 10.8108% (1 in 9.25)
MaxMP % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +6%
31-70 +9%
71+ +12%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
40+ 10.7142% (1 in 9.3333) 10.7142% (1 in 9.3333) 10.8108% (1 in 9.25)
DEF % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +6%
31-70 +9%
71+ +12%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
40+ 10.7142% (1 in 9.3333) 10.7142% (1 in 9.3333) 10.8108% (1 in 9.25)
All Stats % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +3%
31-70 +6%
71+ +9%
(GMS) 151+ +10%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
40+ 7.1428% (1 in 14) 7.1428% (1 in 14) 8.1081% (1 in 12.3333)
10% chance to ignore 20% of monster damage dealt[edit | edit source]

Chance to ignore percentage damage can only appear up to 2 times on a single cube.

Equip level requirement: 20 or higher, % HP attacks not affected

Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
40+ 10.7142% (1 in 9.3333) 10.7142% (1 in 9.3333) 8.1081% (1 in 12.3333)
10% chance to ignore 40% of monster damage dealt[edit | edit source]

Chance to ignore percentage damage can only appear up to 2 times on a single cube.

Equip level requirement: 40 or higher, % HP attacks not affected

Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
40+ 10.7142% (1 in 9.3333) 10.7142% (1 in 9.3333) 8.1081% (1 in 12.3333)
Skills and Potion HP Recovery % Increase[edit | edit source]

Does not apply to MP potion recovery (for dual heal potions, only HP is affected) and any % based potion or skill heal applied individually.

Equip level Stat value
0-30 +20%
31-70 +30%
71+ +40%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
40+ 10.7142% (1 in 9.3333) 10.7142% (1 in 9.3333) 0%

Face Accessory, Eye Accessory, Ring, Earring, Pendant[edit | edit source]

Rare (Non-prime)[edit | edit source]

Stat List
STR Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-20 +1
21-40 +2
41-50 +3
51-70 +4
71-90 +5
91+ +6
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 11.7647% (1 in 8.5) 11.7647% (1 in 8.5) 14.2857% (1 in 7)
DEX Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-20 +1
21-40 +2
41-50 +3
51-70 +4
71-90 +5
91+ +6
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 11.7647% (1 in 8.5) 11.7647% (1 in 8.5) 14.2857% (1 in 7)
INT Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-20 +1
21-40 +2
41-50 +3
51-70 +4
71-90 +5
91+ +6
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 11.7647% (1 in 8.5) 11.7647% (1 in 8.5) 14.2857% (1 in 7)
LUK Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-20 +1
21-40 +2
41-50 +3
51-70 +4
71-90 +5
91+ +6
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 11.7647% (1 in 8.5) 11.7647% (1 in 8.5) 14.2857% (1 in 7)
MaxHP Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-10 +5
11-20 +10
21-30 +15
31-40 +20
41-50 +25
51-60 +30
61-70 +35
71-80 +40
81-90 +45
91-100 +50
101-110 +55
111+ +60
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 17.647% (1 in 5.6666) 17.647% (1 in 5.6666) 14.2857% (1 in 7)
MaxMP Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-10 +5
11-20 +10
21-30 +15
31-40 +20
41-50 +25
51-60 +30
61-70 +35
71-80 +40
81-90 +45
91-100 +50
101-110 +55
111+ +60
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 17.647% (1 in 5.6666) 17.647% (1 in 5.6666) 14.2857% (1 in 7)
DEF Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-10 +5
11-20 +10
21-30 +15
31-40 +20
41-50 +25
51-60 +30
61-70 +35
71-80 +40
81-90 +45
91-100 +50
101-110 +55
111+ +60
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 17.647% (1 in 5.6666) 17.647% (1 in 5.6666) 14.2857% (1 in 7)

Rare (Prime) / Epic (Non-prime)[edit | edit source]

Stat List
STR Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-20 +2
21-40 +4
41-50 +6
51-70 +8
71-90 +10
91+ +12
(GMS) 151+ +13
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 4.7619% (1 in 21) 4.7619% (1 in 21) 7.5% (1 in 13.3333)
DEX Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-20 +2
21-40 +4
41-50 +6
51-70 +8
71-90 +10
91+ +12
(GMS) 151+ +13
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 4.7619% (1 in 21) 4.7619% (1 in 21) 7.5% (1 in 13.3333)
INT Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-20 +2
21-40 +4
41-50 +6
51-70 +8
71-90 +10
91+ +12
(GMS) 151+ +13
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 4.7619% (1 in 21) 4.7619% (1 in 21) 7.5% (1 in 13.3333)
LUK Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-20 +2
21-40 +4
41-50 +6
51-70 +8
71-90 +10
91+ +12
(GMS) 151+ +13
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 4.7619% (1 in 21) 4.7619% (1 in 21) 7.5% (1 in 13.3333)
MaxHP Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-10 +10
11-20 +20
21-30 +30
31-40 +40
41-50 +50
51-60 +60
61-70 +70
71-80 +80
81-90 +90
91-100 +100
101-110 +110
111+ +120
(GMS) 151+ +125
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 7.1428% (1 in 14) 7.1428% (1 in 14) 7.5% (1 in 13.3333)
MaxMP Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-10 +10
11-20 +20
21-30 +30
31-40 +40
41-50 +50
51-60 +60
61-70 +70
71-80 +80
81-90 +90
91-100 +100
101-110 +110
111+ +120
(GMS) 151+ +125
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 7.1428% (1 in 14) 7.1428% (1 in 14) 7.5% (1 in 13.3333)
DEF Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-10 +10
11-20 +20
21-30 +30
31-40 +40
41-50 +50
51-60 +60
61-70 +70
71-80 +80
81-90 +90
91-100 +100
101-110 +110
111+ +120
(GMS) 151+ +125
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 7.1428% (1 in 14) 7.1428% (1 in 14) 5% (1 in 20)
STR % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +1%
31-70 +2%
71+ +3%
(GMS) 151+ +4%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 4.7619% (1 in 21) 4.7619% (1 in 21) 7.5% (1 in 13.3333)
DEX % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +1%
31-70 +2%
71+ +3%
(GMS) 151+ +4%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 4.7619% (1 in 21) 4.7619% (1 in 21) 7.5% (1 in 13.3333)
INT % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +1%
31-70 +2%
71+ +3%
(GMS) 151+ +4%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 4.7619% (1 in 21) 4.7619% (1 in 21) 7.5% (1 in 13.3333)
LUK % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +1%
31-70 +2%
71+ +3%
(GMS) 151+ +4%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 4.7619% (1 in 21) 4.7619% (1 in 21) 7.5% (1 in 13.3333)
MaxHP % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +1%
31-70 +2%
71+ +3%
(GMS) 151+ +4%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 7.1428% (1 in 14) 7.1428% (1 in 14) 5% (1 in 20)
MaxMP % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +1%
31-70 +2%
71+ +3%
(GMS) 151+ +4%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 7.1428% (1 in 14) 7.1428% (1 in 14) 5% (1 in 20)
DEF % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +1%
31-70 +2%
71+ +3%
(GMS) 151+ +4%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 7.1428% (1 in 14) 7.1428% (1 in 14) 5% (1 in 20)
All Stats Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-20 +1
21-40 +2
41-60 +3
61-80 +4
81+ +5
(GMS) 151+ +6
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 4.7619% (1 in 21) 4.7619% (1 in 21) 5% (1 in 20)
Recover HP every 4 seconds[edit | edit source]

HP recovered as listed. Only applies when not in combat stance.

Equip level Stat value
0-10 2
11-20 4
21-30 6
31-40 8
41-50 10
51-60 12
61-70 14
71-80 16
81-90 18
91-100 20
101-110 22
111+ 24
(GMS) 151+ 25
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 7.1428% (1 in 14) 7.1428% (1 in 14) 0%
Recover MP every 4 seconds[edit | edit source]

MP recovered as listed. Applies even when in combat.

Equip level Stat value
0-10 2
11-20 4
21-30 6
31-40 8
41-50 10
51-60 12
61-70 14
71-80 16
81-90 18
91-100 20
101-110 22
111+ 24
(GMS) 151+ 25
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 7.1428% (1 in 14) 7.1428% (1 in 14) 0%

Epic (Prime) / Unique (Non-prime)[edit | edit source]

Stat List
STR % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +2%
31-70 +4%
71+ +6%
(GMS) 151+ +7%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 11.1111% (1 in 9) 11.1111% (1 in 9) 14.2857% (1 in 7)
DEX % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +2%
31-70 +4%
71+ +6%
(GMS) 151+ +7%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 11.1111% (1 in 9) 11.1111% (1 in 9) 14.2857% (1 in 7)
INT % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +2%
31-70 +4%
71+ +6%
(GMS) 151+ +7%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 11.1111% (1 in 9) 11.1111% (1 in 9) 14.2857% (1 in 7)
LUK % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +2%
31-70 +4%
71+ +6%
(GMS) 151+ +7%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 11.1111% (1 in 9) 11.1111% (1 in 9) 14.2857% (1 in 7)
MaxHP % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +2%
31-70 +4%
71+ +6%
(GMS) 151+ +7%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 16.6666% (1 in 6) 16.6666% (1 in 6) 14.2857% (1 in 7)
MaxMP % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +2%
31-70 +4%
71+ +6%
(GMS) 151+ +7%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 16.6666% (1 in 6) 16.6666% (1 in 6) 14.2857% (1 in 7)
DEF % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +2%
31-70 +4%
71+ +6%
(GMS) 151+ +7%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 16.6666% (1 in 6) 16.6666% (1 in 6) 8.5714% (1 in 11.6666)
All Stats % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +1%
31-70 +2%
71+ +3%
(GMS) 151+ +4%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 5.5555% (1 in 18) 5.5555% (1 in 18) 5.7142% (1 in 17.5)

Unique (Prime) / Legendary (Non-prime)[edit | edit source]

Stat List
STR % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +3%
31-70 +6%
71+ +9%
(GMS) 151+ +10%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 9.5238% (1 in 10.5) 9.5238% (1 in 10.5) 11.3636% (1 in 8.8)
DEX % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +3%
31-70 +6%
71+ +9%
(GMS) 151+ +10%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 9.5238% (1 in 10.5) 9.5238% (1 in 10.5) 11.3636% (1 in 8.8)
INT % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +3%
31-70 +6%
71+ +9%
(GMS) 151+ +10%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 9.5238% (1 in 10.5) 9.5238% (1 in 10.5) 11.3636% (1 in 8.8)
LUK % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +3%
31-70 +6%
71+ +9%
(GMS) 151+ +10%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 9.5238% (1 in 10.5) 9.5238% (1 in 10.5) 11.3636% (1 in 8.8)
MaxHP % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +3%
31-70 +6%
71+ +9%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 14.2857% (1 in 7) 14.2857% (1 in 7) 13.6363% (1 in 7.3333)
MaxMP % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +3%
31-70 +6%
71+ +9%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 14.2857% (1 in 7) 14.2857% (1 in 7) 13.6363% (1 in 7.3333)
DEF % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +3%
31-70 +6%
71+ +9%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 14.2857% (1 in 7) 14.2857% (1 in 7) 9.0909% (1 in 11)
All Stats % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +2%
31-70 +4%
71+ +6%
(GMS) 151+ +7%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 4.7619% (1 in 21) 4.7619% (1 in 21) 9.0909% (1 in 11)
Skills and Potion HP Recovery % Increase[edit | edit source]

Does not apply to MP potion recovery (for dual heal potions, only HP is affected) and any % based potion or skill heal applied individually.

Equip level Stat value
0-30 +10%
31-70 +20%
71+ +30%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 14.2857% (1 in 7) 14.2857% (1 in 7) 9.0909% (1 in 11)

Legendary (Prime)[edit | edit source]

Stat List
STR % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +6%
31-70 +9%
71+ +12%
(GMS) 151+ +13%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 5.8823% (1 in 17) 5.8823% (1 in 17) 9.3023% (1 in 10.75)
DEX % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +6%
31-70 +9%
71+ +12%
(GMS) 151+ +13%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 5.8823% (1 in 17) 5.8823% (1 in 17) 9.3023% (1 in 10.75)
INT % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +6%
31-70 +9%
71+ +12%
(GMS) 151+ +13%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 5.8823% (1 in 17) 5.8823% (1 in 17) 9.3023% (1 in 10.75)
LUK % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +6%
31-70 +9%
71+ +12%
(GMS) 151+ +13%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 5.8823% (1 in 17) 5.8823% (1 in 17) 9.3023% (1 in 10.75)
MaxHP % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +6%
31-70 +9%
71+ +12%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 8.8235% (1 in 11.3333) 8.8235% (1 in 11.3333) 9.3023% (1 in 10.75)
MaxMP % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +6%
31-70 +9%
71+ +12%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 8.8235% (1 in 11.3333) 8.8235% (1 in 11.3333) 9.3023% (1 in 10.75)
DEF % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +6%
31-70 +9%
71+ +12%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 8.8235% (1 in 11.3333) 8.8235% (1 in 11.3333) 9.3023% (1 in 10.75)
All Stats % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +3%
31-70 +6%
71+ +9%
(GMS) 151+ +10%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 5.8823% (1 in 17) 5.8823% (1 in 17) 6.9767% (1 in 14.3333)
MP Cost Reduction[edit | edit source]

MP cost reduction as listed.

Equip level Stat value
0-50 5%
51-100 10%
101+ 15%
(GMS) 151+ 17%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 8.8235% (1 in 11.3333) 8.8235% (1 in 11.3333) 6.9767% (1 in 14.3333)
MP Cost Reduction[edit | edit source]

MP cost reduction as listed.

Equip level Stat value
0-50 10%
51-100 20%
101+ 30%
(GMS) 151+ 35%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 8.8235% (1 in 11.3333) 8.8235% (1 in 11.3333) 6.9767% (1 in 14.3333)
Skills and Potion HP Recovery % Increase[edit | edit source]

Does not apply to MP potion recovery (for dual heal potions, only HP is affected) and any % based potion or skill heal applied individually.

Equip level Stat value
0-30 +20%
31-70 +30%
71+ +40%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 8.8235% (1 in 11.3333) 8.8235% (1 in 11.3333) 0%
Mesos Obtained % Increase[edit | edit source]

Maximum +100% from equipment Potentials and Bonus Potentials.

Equip level Stat value
0-30 +10%
31-70 +15%
71+ +20%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 8.8235% (1 in 11.3333) 8.8235% (1 in 11.3333) 6.9767% (1 in 14.3333)
Item Drop Rate % Increase[edit | edit source]

Item Drop Rate increase can only appear up to 2 times on a single cube.

Maximum +200% from equipment Potentials and Bonus Potentials.

Equip level Stat value
0-30 +10%
31-70 +15%
71+ +20%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 8.8235% (1 in 11.3333) 8.8235% (1 in 11.3333) 6.9767% (1 in 14.3333)

Weapon[edit | edit source]

Rare (Non-prime)[edit | edit source]

Stat List
STR Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-20 +1
21-40 +2
41-50 +3
51-70 +4
71-90 +5
91+ +6
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 12.5% (1 in 8) 12.5% (1 in 8) 13.6363% (1 in 7.3333)
DEX Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-20 +1
21-40 +2
41-50 +3
51-70 +4
71-90 +5
91+ +6
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 12.5% (1 in 8) 12.5% (1 in 8) 13.6363% (1 in 7.3333)
INT Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-20 +1
21-40 +2
41-50 +3
51-70 +4
71-90 +5
91+ +6
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 12.5% (1 in 8) 12.5% (1 in 8) 13.6363% (1 in 7.3333)
LUK Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-20 +1
21-40 +2
41-50 +3
51-70 +4
71-90 +5
91+ +6
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 12.5% (1 in 8) 12.5% (1 in 8) 13.6363% (1 in 7.3333)
MaxHP Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-10 +5
11-20 +10
21-30 +15
31-40 +20
41-50 +25
51-60 +30
61-70 +35
71-80 +40
81-90 +45
91-100 +50
101-110 +55
111+ +60
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 18.75% (1 in 5.3333) 18.75% (1 in 5.3333) 13.6363% (1 in 7.3333)
MaxMP Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-10 +5
11-20 +10
21-30 +15
31-40 +20
41-50 +25
51-60 +30
61-70 +35
71-80 +40
81-90 +45
91-100 +50
101-110 +55
111+ +60
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 18.75% (1 in 5.3333) 18.75% (1 in 5.3333) 13.6363% (1 in 7.3333)
Weapon ATT Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-20 +1
21-40 +2
41-60 +3
61-80 +4
81-90 +5
91+ +6
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 6.25% (1 in 16) 6.25% (1 in 16) 9.0909% (1 in 11)
Magic ATT Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-20 +1
21-40 +2
41-60 +3
61-80 +4
81-90 +5
91+ +6
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
0+ 6.25% (1 in 16) 6.25% (1 in 16) 9.0909% (1 in 11)

Rare (Prime) / Epic (Non-prime)[edit | edit source]

Stat List
STR Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-20 +2
21-40 +4
41-50 +6
51-70 +8
71-90 +10
91+ +12
(GMS) 151+ +13
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
30+ 3.5087% (1 in 28.5) 3.5087% (1 in 28.5) 6.1224% (1 in 16.3333)
DEX Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-20 +2
21-40 +4
41-50 +6
51-70 +8
71-90 +10
91+ +12
(GMS) 151+ +13
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
30+ 3.5087% (1 in 28.5) 3.5087% (1 in 28.5) 6.1224% (1 in 16.3333)
INT Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-20 +2
21-40 +4
41-50 +6
51-70 +8
71-90 +10
91+ +12
(GMS) 151+ +13
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
30+ 3.5087% (1 in 28.5) 3.5087% (1 in 28.5) 6.1224% (1 in 16.3333)
LUK Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-20 +2
21-40 +4
41-50 +6
51-70 +8
71-90 +10
91+ +12
(GMS) 151+ +13
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
30+ 3.5087% (1 in 28.5) 3.5087% (1 in 28.5) 6.1224% (1 in 16.3333)
MaxHP Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-10 +10
11-20 +20
21-30 +30
31-40 +40
41-50 +50
51-60 +60
61-70 +70
71-80 +80
81-90 +90
91-100 +100
101-110 +110
111+ +120
(GMS) 151+ +125
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
30+ 5.2631% (1 in 19) 5.2631% (1 in 19) 6.1224% (1 in 16.3333)
MaxMP Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-10 +10
11-20 +20
21-30 +30
31-40 +40
41-50 +50
51-60 +60
61-70 +70
71-80 +80
81-90 +90
91-100 +100
101-110 +110
111+ +120
(GMS) 151+ +125
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
30+ 5.2631% (1 in 19) 5.2631% (1 in 19) 6.1224% (1 in 16.3333)
Weapon ATT Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-20 +2
21-40 +4
41-60 +6
61-80 +8
81-90 +10
91+ +12
(GMS) 151+ +13
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
30+ 3.5087% (1 in 28.5) 3.5087% (1 in 28.5) 4.0816% (1 in 24.5)
Magic ATT Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-20 +2
21-40 +4
41-60 +6
61-80 +8
81-90 +10
91+ +12
(GMS) 151+ +13
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
30+ 3.5087% (1 in 28.5) 3.5087% (1 in 28.5) 4.0816% (1 in 24.5)
STR % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +1%
31-70 +2%
71+ +3%
(GMS) 151+ +4%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
30+ 3.5087% (1 in 28.5) 3.5087% (1 in 28.5) 6.1224% (1 in 16.3333)
DEX % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +1%
31-70 +2%
71+ +3%
(GMS) 151+ +4%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
30+ 3.5087% (1 in 28.5) 3.5087% (1 in 28.5) 6.1224% (1 in 16.3333)
INT % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +1%
31-70 +2%
71+ +3%
(GMS) 151+ +4%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
30+ 3.5087% (1 in 28.5) 3.5087% (1 in 28.5) 6.1224% (1 in 16.3333)
LUK % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +1%
31-70 +2%
71+ +3%
(GMS) 151+ +4%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
30+ 3.5087% (1 in 28.5) 3.5087% (1 in 28.5) 6.1224% (1 in 16.3333)
Weapon ATT % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +1%
31-70 +2%
71+ +3%
(GMS) 151+ +4%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
30+ 1.7543% (1 in 57) 1.7543% (1 in 57) 2.0408% (1 in 49)
Magic ATT % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +1%
31-70 +2%
71+ +3%
(GMS) 151+ +4%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
30+ 1.7543% (1 in 57) 1.7543% (1 in 57) 2.0408% (1 in 49)
Critical Rate +4%[edit | edit source]

Equip level requirement: 0 or higher

Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
30+ 1.7543% (1 in 57) 1.7543% (1 in 57) 2.0408% (1 in 49)
Damage % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +1%
31-70 +2%
71+ +3%
(GMS) 151+ +4%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
30+ 1.7543% (1 in 57) 1.7543% (1 in 57) 2.0408% (1 in 49)
All Stats Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-20 +1
21-40 +2
41-60 +3
61-80 +4
81+ +5
(GMS) 151+ +6
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
30+ 3.5087% (1 in 28.5) 3.5087% (1 in 28.5) 4.0816% (1 in 24.5)
Chance to recover HP when attacking[edit | edit source]

HP recovered as listed.

Initial, In-game cubes

Chance of recovery: 3%

Equip level Stat value
0-10 10
11-20 12
21-30 14
31-40 16
41-50 18
51-60 20
61-70 22
71-80 24
81-90 26
91-100 28
101-110 30
111+ 32
(GMS) 151+ 33
Cash cubes

Chance of recovery: 20%

Equip level Stat value
0-10 20
11-20 40
21-30 60
31-40 80
41-50 100
51-60 120
61-70 140
71-80 160
81-90 180
91-100 200
101-110 220
111+ 240
(GMS) 151+ 250
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
30+ 5.2631% (1 in 19) 5.2631% (1 in 19) 2.0408% (1 in 49)
Chance to recover MP when attacking[edit | edit source]

MP recovered as listed.

Initial, In-game cubes

Chance of recovery: 3%

Equip level Stat value
0-10 10
11-20 12
21-30 14
31-40 16
41-50 18
51-60 20
61-70 22
71-80 24
81-90 26
91-100 28
101-110 30
111+ 32
(GMS) 151+ 33
Cash cubes

Chance of recovery: 20%

Equip level Stat value
0-10 20
11-20 30
21-30 40
31-40 50
41-50 60
51-60 70
61-70 80
71-80 90
81-90 100
91-100 110
101+ 120
(GMS)151+ 125
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
30+ 5.2631% (1 in 19) 5.2631% (1 in 19) 2.0408% (1 in 49)
Chance to inflict darkness when attacking[edit | edit source]

Not applicable to boss monsters.

Initial, In-game cubes

Activation chance: 10%

Cash cubes

Activation chance: 20%

Equip level Stat value
10-50 Level 1 (reduces accuracy by 70% for 5 seconds)
51-100 Level 2 (reduces accuracy by 70% for 10 seconds)
101+ Level 3 (reduces accuracy by 80% for 15 seconds)
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
30+ 5.2631% (1 in 19) 5.2631% (1 in 19) 2.0408% (1 in 49)
Chance to inflict slow when attacking[edit | edit source]

Not applicable to boss monsters.

Initial, In-game cubes

Activation chance: 10%

Cash cubes

Activation chance: 20%

Equip level Stat value
10-70 Level 1 (reduces speed by 30% for 10 seconds)
71+ Level 2 (reduces speed by 40% for 10 seconds)
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
30+ 5.2631% (1 in 19) 5.2631% (1 in 19) 2.0408% (1 in 49)
Chance to inflict poison when attacking[edit | edit source]

Not applicable to boss monsters.

Initial, In-game cubes

Activation chance: 10%

Cash cubes

Activation chance: 20%

Equip level Stat value
10-20 Level 1 (deals 20 damage per second for 20 seconds)
21-40 Level 2 (deals 40 damage per second for 20 seconds)
41-60 Level 3 (deals 60 damage per second for 20 seconds)
61-80 Level 4 (deals 80 damage per second for 20 seconds)
81-100 Level 5 (deals 100 damage per second for 20 seconds)
101+ Level 6 (deals 120 damage per second for 20 seconds)
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
30+ 5.2631% (1 in 19) 5.2631% (1 in 19) 2.0408% (1 in 49)
Chance to inflict stun when attacking[edit | edit source]

Not applicable to boss monsters.

Initial, In-game cubes

Activation chance: 5%

Cash cubes

Activation chance: 10%

Equip level Stat value
10-70 Level 1 (stuns for 3 seconds)
71+ Level 2 (stuns for 4 seconds)
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
30+ 5.2631% (1 in 19) 5.2631% (1 in 19) 2.0408% (1 in 49)
Chance to inflict seal when attacking[edit | edit source]

Not applicable to boss monsters.

Initial, In-game cubes

Activation chance: 5%

Cash cubes

Activation chance: 10%

Equip level Stat value
10-70 Level 1 (seals all skills for 4 seconds)
71+ Level 2 (seals all skills for 6 seconds)
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
30+ 5.2631% (1 in 19) 5.2631% (1 in 19) 2.0408% (1 in 49)
Chance to inflict freeze when attacking[edit | edit source]

Not applicable to boss monsters.

Initial, In-game cubes

Activation chance: 5%

Cash cubes

Activation chance: 10%

Equip level Stat value
10-70 Level 1 (freezes for 2 seconds)
71+ Level 2 (freezes for 3 seconds)
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
30+ 5.2631% (1 in 19) 5.2631% (1 in 19) 2.0408% (1 in 49)
Ignores 15% of Monster's DEF when attacking[edit | edit source]

Ignore Monster DEF can only appear up to 2 times on a single cube.

Equip level requirement: 30 or higher

Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
30+ 1.7543% (1 in 57) 1.7543% (1 in 57) 2.0408% (1 in 49)

Epic (Prime) / Unique (Non-prime)[edit | edit source]

Stat List
STR % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value
0-30 +2%
31-70 +4%
71+ +6%
(GMS) 151+ +7%
Chance to obtain the stat
Item Level Initial In-game cube Cash cube
50+ 7.6923% (1 in 13) 7.6923% (1 in 13) 10.8695% (1 in 9.2)
DEX % Increase[edit | edit source]
Equip level Stat value