The Ariant Survival quest, called Nett's Pyramid, can be found a few maps away from Ariant, in Sahel 3.
Nett, the God of Chaos and Revenge, and whom is a Pharaoh Yeti, demanded that his temple to be risen from the depths of the sandy Ariant Desert. Many challengers from afar will try to conquer Nett's test; an unlimited wave of creatures to be destroyed in order to please the Yeti. Those who live from the bloody reins shall be honored by the God, but those who fall shall face demise.
Mechanics[edit | edit source]
This party quest is similar to a tower defense type of game, and is comprised of 20 waves. There will be 4 lanes, and each member takes each lane. They will have to kill monsters going towards the Obelisk. Each monster deals 1 damage to the Obelisk, except the Pharaoh Yeti, which deals 2 damage, and the Pharaoh Mummy, which deals 5. Once all 20 life points are gone, the party loses.
Powerups[edit | edit source]
You can use points acquired to "buy" any of the following buffs:
- Anubis' Eye: Increases 40 attack for 15 seconds. Costs 500 points.
- Osiris' Eye: Stuns monsters for 1 second. Includes Pharaoh Yetis and Pharaoh Mummies at a 30% chance. Costs 500 points.
- Isis' Eye: Does Damage over time to all monsters for 15 seconds every second. Costs 500 points.
- Horus' Eye: Slows down all monsters for 15 seconds. Includes Pharaoh Yetis and Pharaoh Mummies at a 30% chance. Costs 700 points.
- Ra's Eye: instantly kills the first 20 monsters that are the nearest to the obelisk. Deals 10% of the HP to Pharaoh Yetis and Pharaoh Mummies at a 30% chance. Costs 2,000 points.
Points can be acquired by damaging monsters.
- Normal Mode: 1 point every 3,000 monster HP depleted
- Hard Mode: 1 point every 10,000 monster HP depleted
Monsters per wave[edit | edit source]
The monsters in each wave consist of the following: (the numbers next to each monster indicate that it has more HP than the previous version of it (for example, Giant Scorpion (3) has more HP than Giant Scorpion (2). and that has more HP than Giant Scorpion (1)).
- Wave 1: Skeledog (1)
- Wave 2: Pyramid Skeleton (1)
- Wave 3: Skeledog (1), Pyramid Skeleton (1)
- Wave 4: Giant Scorpion (1)
- Wave 5: Giant Scorpion (1), Pyramid Skeleton (2)
- Wave 6: Pyramid Skeleton (2), Skeledog (2)
- Wave 7: Skeledog (2), Giant Scorpion (2)
- Wave 8: Pyramid Skeleton (2), Horus (1)
- Wave 9: Pyramid Skeleton (2), Advisor Mummy (1)
- Wave 10: Pharaoh Yeti
- Wave 11: Mummydog (1)
- Wave 12: Pyramid Skeleton Commander (1)
- Wave 13: Mummydog, Horus (2)
- Wave 14: Pyramid Skeleton Commander (1), Giant Scorpion (3)
- Wave 15: Giant Scorpion (3), Pharaoh Snake (1)
- Wave 16: Advisor Mummy (2), Pyramid Skeleton Commander (2)
- Wave 17: Mummydog (2), Horus (3)
- Wave 18: Mummydog (2), Advisor Mummy (2), Giant Scorpion (4)
- Wave 19: Advisor Mummy (3), Pyramid Skeleton Commander (3), Pharaoh Snake (2)
- Wave 20 (2 lanes): Pyramid Skeleton Commander (3), Pharaoh Mummy
Rewards[edit | edit source]
Every wave completed = 1 Nett's Emerald
- Collect 200 Nett's Emeralds to obtain The Immortal Pharaoh Belt (+1 weapon attack, +2 magic attack, 55 weapon/magic defense)
- Collect 250 Nett's Emerald for The Immortal Pharaoh Shoes (+2 to all stats, 50 weapon/magic defense, +5 speed and jump)
- Collect 300 Nett's Emerald for a time-limited Immortal Pharaoh Ring (+2 to all stats, +100 HP/MP).
EXP is also awarded at the end of the whole quest.
- Level 80 to 119:
- Level 120+:
The EXP received will vary with your team's ability.
Waves Cleared | EXP in proportion to above values (may be inaccurate) |
0 | 0% |
1 | 2.2222% |
2 | 4.4444% |
3 | 6.6666% |
4 | 8.8888% |
5 | 11.1111% |
6 | 16% |
7 | 18.6666% |
8 | 21.3333% |
9 | 24% |
10 | 26.6666% |
11 | 34.2222% |
12 | 37.3333% |
13 | 40.4444% |
14 | 43.5555% |
15 | 46.6666% |
16 | 60.4444% |
17 | 64.2222% |
18 | 68% |
19 | 71.7777% |
20 (1 to 19 lives left) | 100% |
20 (20 lives left) | 110% |
Monsters[edit | edit source]
Note: The monster stats listed here are the base stats (before the PQ stats get calculated), and therefore NOT what you should expect when doing this PQ.