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This article attempts to simplify the gameplay of MapleStory into various objectives and tips. It primarily outlines the training areas that, since the latest patches, are accessible to just about every class at their minimum required levels (these minimums exist because lower level characters may not be able to hit the enemies, or do enough damage to make training on them efficient). The goal here is to allow new players to avoid confusion and for regular players to have an easy reference of where to train and at what levels. For details on individual areas, quests, party quests, etc., see their respective pages in the Table of Contents. For additional details on your particular class, see their page, which is linked in the header above this paragraph.

This walkthrough is split up by job advancement (not by class). Before first job, the info provided blow outlines the basics of how to proceed through the game from character creation to questing.

  1. Create character.
  2. Put all AP into the primary stat for that character. Since the Tempest update, secondary stats are no longer required, and since they give a fraction of the bonus of primary stats, characters with AP in secondary stats should be reset (using a cash shop coupon or a coupon given during an event), if possible. Note that although classes may not derive from adventurers/explorers (the main five), all classes fall into one of these five types. Some types use different primary stats (e.g. some pirates use STR and some use DEX). Thus, below all classes are laid out to avoid confusion.
Class primary stats. Key: DEX: green, INT: blue, LUK: purple, STR: orange.
Adventurers/Explorers Cygnus Knights Resistance Nova Hero Exclusive
Bowman Blaze Wizard Battle Mage Angelic Buster Aran Dragon Warrior (Zen)
Cannoneer Dawn Warrior Mechanic Kaiser Evan Hayato
Magician Night Walker Wild Hunter Luminous Jett
Pirate (Brawlers/Infighters) Thunder Breaker Demon Slayer Mercedes Kanna
Pirate (Gunslingers) Wind Archer Demon Avenger (HP) Phantom
Thief/Dual Blade Xenon (STR, DEX, LUK)
  1. Follow a recommend Skill Points (SP) build to avoid wasting SP. Beginner skills are usually negligible, although you should also get the mobility skill (increased walking speed or stealth, for Resistance characters) as these can be useful in some situations at later levels.
  2. Begin questing and leveling.
    • Each tutorial area, the starting area for each class, will have the quests necessary to level up quickly.
  3. Complete the first job advancement at level 10. This depends on what class you are. Explorers get to choose what they become, so if you reach the minimum level to advance, go seek out the trainer in the city for that class (Ellinia for Magicians, Henesys for Bowmen, Kerning City for Thieves, Nautilus for Pirates, and Perion for Warriors). If you are a linear class (i.e. not an Explorer class), then your job advancements will be straight forward because you have no choice of where to go. A bubble will appear and will direct you to the area and NPC you must speak to. For more info, see your class's page (linked at the top of this page and in the Table of Contents).

Training Locations and level ranges are just a general trend, it is actually up to your discretion as to where to train.

First job[edit | edit source]

Most newer jobs can skip through pre-first job with the click of a button (MapleAdmin usually asks a question like "Do you want to skip the tutorial?"). At first job, newer jobs have a quest line that, in some cases, can lead them to second job without needing to grind on monsters or acquiring other quests in the area. It is recommended that you follow these quest lines, although in some cases a group of people can power level more quickly by grinding monsters (see below for recommended areas).

Note: Cygnus Knights and Resistance Characters will not be on Victoria Island at the start, so train where you are. At this point, your skills rarely enable you to grind efficiently anyway. It would be a waste of time, unless experimenting, to seek out these areas without prior knowledge of how they compare.

Also: each major town on Victoria Island has its own quest line that helps characters level from First to Second job. The Henesys quest line is a good way to get up to 30, although if you are not funded (that is, if you don't have a higher level character to pay for equipment) you should stick to the town for your class type so you receive equipment that you can wear.

Training areas[edit | edit source]

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  • Level 10-30: Job-specific areas and quests
  • Level 10-30: Golems in Golem Temple.

Second job[edit | edit source]

Second job is levels 30-60. You might need to go through a test to certify that you have mastered first job proficiencies. For explorer jobs, you can choose a split path to specialise on 1 of the 2 or 3 jobs in the same category. If you regretted your choice, you can change to other jobs in the same categoy starting Level 101, with a starting cost of 10 Million Mesos (increases with level).

Training areas[edit | edit source]

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  • Level 30-50: Gold Beach Monsters (you can start doing the quests from Level 35)

Third job[edit | edit source]

Third job is level 60-100.

Training areas[edit | edit source]

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  • Level 60-75: Copper Drakes in Silent Swamp of Sleepywood.
  • Level 75-100: Mysterious Path 3 (For MSEA)
  • Level 60-90: Tangyoon's Cooking Class PQ
  • Level 70-90: Stairway to the Sky 1 in Orbis
  • Level 80-100: Sahel 2 in Magatia
  • Level 90-100: Roids and Neo Huroids in Lab C-2 of Magatia
  • Level 70-100: Romeo and Juliet Party Quest (recommended to just grind inside until Nexon decides to nerf it)

Fourth job[edit | edit source]

Fourth job is from Level 100 onwards. You can max all your skills at Level 140, after which it will be carried over to the Hyper Skills System. (Yes, 110 levels of having the exact same max level skills with almost stagnant damage throughout the levels, excluding the hyper skills)

Training areas

This is split into 2 different sections: Pro-unfunded and Pro-funded (since this is the phase where funding of damage matters ridiculously much higher than earlier levels), so there is little to no equilibrium in terms of the training difficulty faced by both types of players.

Pro-Unfunded Training Areas[edit | edit source]

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More suitable for Unfunded players. Note that the level ranges can be staggered based on the character's damage ability.

  • Level 100-110: Normal Zakum
  • Level 100-110: Grand Athenaeum (it can be very slow)
  • Level 100-110: Rash or Dark Rash in Leafre
  • Level 100-140: Romeo and Juliet PQ (recommended to just grind inside until Nexon decides to nerf it)
  • Level 100-250: Party Quests suitable for your level
  • Level 105-140: Evolution System (core modifiers are up to your discretion)
  • Level 110-120: Hobi in Leafre
  • Level 120-140: Robos in Apparatus Room of Ludibrium
  • Level 120-140: Dragon Forests in Leafre
  • Level 120-250: Dragon Rider PQ
  • Level 140-160: Monster Park (if you can go higher level parks, go ahead)
  • Level 140-170: Time Temple Monsters (if you can do starforce maps, go ahead)
  • Level 140-250: Dimension Invasion PQ
  • Level 150-160: Poisonous Zombies in Eastern China (near Yuyuan)
  • Level 150-170: Chaos Zakum Arms
  • Level 150-170: Easy Horntail
  • Level 160-170: Future Henesys
  • Level 170-180: Future Ereve (if you can do starforce maps, go ahead)
  • Level 170-200: Normal Horntail
  • Level 180-190: Hall of Honor in Future Ereve
  • Level 180-200: Rolling Hedgedogs in Alishan (after clearing the pre-requisites, if you are really, really, very unfunded, these mobs are broken and gives post-Rising Heroes EXP but has pre-Rising Heroes HP)
  • Level 180-210: Kritias (after clearing the pre-requisites, most recommended Frozen Solitude)
  • Level 180-250: Monster Park (if you can go higher level parks, go ahead)
  • Level 190-250: Normal Pink Bean
  • Level 200-210: Ancient Mixed Golems in Twilight Perion
  • Level 210-250: Scrapyard (recommended to be near the Skyline areas or Scrapyard Hills)
  • Level 210-250: Additional Bosses that you can kill comfortably that gives reasonable EXP: Chaos Horntail, Normal Cygnus, Normal Hilla, etc.

Pro-Funded Training Areas[edit | edit source]

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More suitable for Funded players. Note that the level ranges can be staggered based on the character's damage ability.

  • Level 100-110: Normal Zakum
  • Level 100-110: Star Force Harps and Blood Harps in Leafre
  • Level 100-140: Romeo and Juliet PQ (recommended to just grind inside until Nexon decides to nerf it)
  • Level 100-140: Monster Park Extreme
  • Level 110-130: Star Force Kentaruses in Leafre
  • Level 120-140: Star Force Lowest Floor Ludibrium
  • Level 130-150: Star Force Wyverns in Leafre
  • Level 130-150: Star Force Bains in El Nath (near Zakum)
  • Level 135-180: Normal Horntail
  • Level 140-150: Posionous Zombies in Eastern China (near Yuyuan)
  • Level 140-160: Star Force Skelegons & Skelosaurus in Leafre
  • Level 140-160: Chaos Zakum
  • Level 140-250: Dimension Invasion PQ
  • Level 150-170: Star Force Time Temple Monsters
  • Level 160-250: Monster Park
  • Level 160-200: Chaos Horntail
  • Level 160-220: Normal Pink Bean
  • Level 170-190: Star Force Armory 2 in Future Ereve
  • Level 180-200: Mid Level Corrupted Mage in Kritias (Corrupted Forest Spell 2)
  • Level 180-250: Kritias Invasion Maps (only available during Invasion Hours)
  • Level 190-250: Scrapyard (if you can advance deeper, go ahead)
  • Level 190-250: Normal Cygnus (reset count if possible)