Root Abyss was released in GMS on January 15th, 2013. Players over level 125 receive a lightbulb notification for the starting quest.
- Side Note
If you cleared all the quests, at Level 180, you can enter the Neglected Garden which acts as a training spot. It is a mini dungeon, so nobody will interfere with you. However, there is a one hour time limit every entry. You can enter unlimited times.
Entry Requirements[edit | edit source]
- Minimum Level
- Normal Mode: 125 or higher
- Chaos Mode: 180 or higher
- Prior Experiences
- Normal Mode: None
- Chaos Mode: Cleared the respective Normal Mode version 5 times
- Item Possession: 1 Deadwood Key per entry, including Chaos Practice mode (costs 100,000 mesos or get 2 for 1 Yggdrasil Coin)
- Clear Limit
- Normal Mode: 1 per boss daily
- Chaos Mode: 1 per boss weekly, resets at Thursday 12am. Clear limit can be reset again using a Kritias Boss Limit Reset Ticket, once weekly.
- Re-entry cooldown: 30 minutes (shared across normal and chaos mode, not applied to practice mode). Each boss will have its own timer.
- Practice mode is allowed 20 times daily for Chaos mode only (shared across all the bosses). Deadwood Key is not needed for Practice Mode. No rewards (EXP, items, monster collection chance, quests) can be earned even if the boss is killed in practice mode.
Von Bon[edit | edit source]

The rooster/chicken guy. There is an 8 minute timer for this fight in Normal mode and 10 minutes for Chaos mode. If it reaches zero your party will die.
General details and stats[edit | edit source]
- Normal mode
Time limit: 8 minutes
- HP: 315,000,000 (315 Million)
- Level 120
- DEF 50%
- All elements resisted.
- EXP: 220,000 (220 Thousand), given as Quest EXP
- For Zero: 100 Weapon Points when killed.
- 5 Death counts
- Chaos mode
Time limit: 10 minutes
- HP: 100,000,000,000 (100 Billion)
- Level 190
- DEF 100%
- All elements resisted.
- EXP: 2,100,000 (2.1 Million), given as Quest EXP
- For Zero: 150 Weapon Points when killed.
- 5 Death counts
- Chaos mode (Disembodied Von Bon)
- HP: 800,000,000 (800 Million)
- Level 190
- DEF 100%
- All elements resisted.
- Skills (Both Modes)
- Black dials increase your time left by 6 seconds if Von Bon is standing in it (maximum 8 minute time left at any time for Normal mode, 10 minutes for Chaos mode.)
- White dials decreases your time left by 8 seconds if Von Bon is standing in it (which is bad).
- Normal attacking (non % based damage + 3 second stun for normal mode, 70% damage + 3 second stun for Chaos mode)
- Projectile shot (60% damage in normal mode, 100% in chaos mode). Either jump over it (recommended) or kneel down and let it fly above you (not recommended, see point below)
- When his HP is below 80%, he can jump up and smacks the floor down, dealing 90% damage in normal mode (100% in chaos mode). This can be dodged by being off the ground when he lands (since you cannot get injured by the vibrating ground if you are not on it)
- (Chaos mode only) When his HP is below 45%, clocks stop spawning and he will spawn inner world portal instead. Enter the portal and kill the inner world Von Bon (within 20 seconds, else everyone will automatically die). Inner world map does 20% damage per 2 seconds. Inner world Von Bon can deal 70% damage normal attack and seals your skills.
- When his HP is below 10%, he will do a flapping skill that superknockbacks everyone around him for 50% damage per half second. In Chaos mode, bombs also drop from the sky (30% for green, 50% for blue, 100% for red)
Rewards[edit | edit source]
- Yggdrasil Coin
- (Chaos Mode only) Chaos Yggdrasil Coin
- Glowing Soul Crystal (individual drop)
- Max 180 per world weekly, limit resets on Thursday 12am
- 5x value on Reboot servers
- The entire service will be adjusted the same way, and adjustment happens every Thursday 12am
- The price will be based on the time the crystal is obtained, not the time it is sold. You can check with NPC Collector to see the price and to sell the crystals.
- Price shown are by solo standards. The actual price is inversely proportional to party size when entering the boss fight
- Suspicious Cubes
- 1 for Normal mode
- 13 for Chaos mode
- Boss Medal of Honor (individual drop, gives 100~200 Honor Points when picked)
- 2 for Normal mode
- 14 for Chaos mode
- Potions
- 15 Elixirs for Normal mode
- 35 Power Elixirs for Chaos mode
- Von Bon Hat
- (Chaos Mode only) Chaos Von Bon Hat (joker item, can fit into all sets that contains a hat, with at least 3 equipped items and no joker items has filled in the set yet)
- (Chaos Mode only) Shard of Eternity (up to 6 individual drop, up to 10 shared drop, collect 5 to swap for a Fafnir Top of your choice)
- Von Bon Chair
- Von Bon Soul Shard (individual drop, Collect 10 and swap for a random Von Bon Weapon Soul)
Crimson Queen[edit | edit source]

The Crimson Queen fight is simple, but it is very easy to die. The mechanic here is that she has multiple faces that indicate her behavior and what you need to do to counter her.
General details and stats[edit | edit source]
- Normal Mode
Time limit: 15 minutes
- HP: 315,000,000 (315 Million HP)
- Level 120
- DEF 50%
- EXP: 220,000 (220 Thousand), given as Quest EXP
- Resists all elements
- 5 Death counts
- Chaos mode
Time limit: 20 minutes
- HP: 140,000,000,000 (140 Billion HP)
- Level 190
- DEF 120%
- EXP: 2,100,000 (2.1 Million), given as Quest EXP
- Resists all elements.
- 5 Death counts
- Skills (Both Modes)
The skills used vary with the facial expression of the boss. It will change once every minute in no specific order.
Angry Face (Default Face)[edit | edit source]
- Normal attack inflicts Area Blindness.
- Charges up a purple breath attack for about 2 seconds that will deal heavy damage that is inversely proportional to number of members hit by the breath. It has a really long range. To dodge, go behind her and stay out of melee range, but don't stay too far away or she'll trap you in a corner. If the party size is big enough, or your MaxHP is high enough, everyone just cluster together and get hit to reduce the damage. The damage dealt is as follows, based on 1 player getting hit. (For multiple players getting hit, the damage will be reduced inversely)
- Normal Mode: 25% of your HP + 19,250 - 55% of your DEF. However, the minimum damage is 25% of your HP + 3,850. (DEF would be at least 28,000.) To survive, your HP should be at least 25,668 with 0 DEF, or at least 5,135 with 28,000 DEF.
- Chaos Mode: 45% of your HP + 38,500 - 55% of your DEF. However, the minimum damage is 45% of your HP + 7,700. (DEF would be at least 56,000.) To survive, your HP + DEF added up should be at least 70,001.
- (Chaos Mode only) Casts an aura around you to deal 4,000 damage per second (can be stacked up till 3 times for 12,000 damage per second), if party members are around the burning aura, they also get damaged at the same rate as the strongest aura wihin their range. To remove it, get hit by the breath skill as stated above, or die.
Winking Face[edit | edit source]
- Normal attack inflicts Seal.
- Summon a mirror. The mirror can seduce someone towards it. If you don't break the mirror quickly, the seduced person will instantly die and she will be healed back considerably.
- (Chaos mode only) Spawn exploding hearts that hits 50% upon explosion per heart.
Smiling Face[edit | edit source]
- Normal attack inflicts Reverse Keys.
- Summon purple holes that will continuously suck you in and do 3,000 damage per second.
- (Chaos mode only) Suck you towards her, if you touch her while she is sucking, you instantly die.
Crying Face[edit | edit source]
- Normal attack inflicts Poison.
- Damage Reflect, represented by summoning a red shield around herself
- (Chaos mode only) Inflict Advanced Zombify, even potions will damage you in this zombify by half of the amount it is supposed to recover, unlike the standard zombify
Rewards[edit | edit source]
- Yggdrasil Coin
- (Chaos Mode only) Chaos Yggdrasil Coin
- Glowing Soul Crystal (individual drop)
- Max 180 per world weekly, limit resets on Thursday 12am
- 5x value on Reboot servers
- The entire service will be adjusted the same way, and adjustment happens every Thursday 12am
- The price will be based on the time the crystal is obtained, not the time it is sold. You can check with NPC Collector to see the price and to sell the crystals.
- Price shown are by solo standards. The actual price is inversely proportional to party size when entering the boss fight
- Suspicious Cubes
- 1 for Normal mode
- 13 for Chaos mode
- Boss Medal of Honor (individual drop, gives 100~200 Honor Points when picked)
- 2 for Normal mode
- 14 for Chaos mode
- Potions
- 15 Elixirs for Normal mode
- 35 Power Elixirs for Chaos mode
- Queen Tiara
- (Chaos Mode only) Chaos Queen Tiara (joker item, can fit into all sets that contains a hat, with at least 3 equipped items and no joker items has filled in the set yet)
- (Chaos Mode only) Shard of Anguish (up to 6 individual drop, up to 10 shared drop, collect 5 to swap for a Fafnir Hat of your choice)
- Bloody Queen Chair
- Bloody Queen Soul Shard (individual drop, Collect 10 and swap for a random Bloody Queen Weapon soul)

Pierre[edit | edit source]

Pierre has various tricks to play with you, which you have to respond approproately. Responding incorrectly may cause your fight to be lengthened or undesirable consequences.
General details and stats[edit | edit source]
- Normal mode
Time limit: 15 minutes
- HP: 315,000,000 (315 Million)
- Level 120
- DEF 50%
- EXP: 220,000 (220 Thousand), given as Quest EXP
- Resists all elements.
- 5 Death counts
- Chaos mode
Time limit: 20 minutes
- HP: 80,000,000,000 (80 Billion HP)
- Level 190
- DEF 80%
- EXP: 2,100,000 (2.1 Million), given as Quest EXP
- Resists all elements.
- 5 Death counts
- Skills (Both Modes)
- Landing Hats (if player is underneath the hat when the hat lands on the floor, player must tap on Left Arrow Key and Right Arrow Key alternatingly and quickly to get out within 10 seconds, otherwise instantly die. Chaos mode hats tend to fall closer to one another than Normal mode.)
- Changing Hat Colours (below 70% HP, changes once every 30 seconds)
- Purple Hat: Free-for-all, players can damage him at normal rate. Pierre will stay for 10 seconds before changing (5 seconds for Chaos Mode)
- Red Hat: Only players with Blue Hats can damage him at 2x the rate, players with Red Hats wil heal him if they attacked. Players without any coloured hat can damage him at normal rate.
- Blue Hat: Only players with Red Hats can damage him at 2x the rate, players with Blue Hats wil heal him if they attacked. Players without any coloured hat can damage him at normal rate.
- Normal attacks inflict damage and a status aliment.
- Purple Hat: Reverse Keys
- Red Hat: Slow
- Blue Hat: Not Applicable (Pierre will be spinning all the time, see point below)
- (Blue Hat only) Spinning fire tornado towards a targeted person all the time, indicated by a clown icon above the character. Also leaves a trail of fire that does 3,000 damage per second. If player touches him, the player will be inflicted with Seal.
- (Red Hat only) Blinks and disappears for a few seconds, then uses his umbrella to stab a targeted spot. The targeted spot is selected based on the location of everyone on the map at the time of disappearance. Solution: Just move away from your current spot when he disappears (but do not stop at another person's initial location).
- (Chaos Mode only) When HP is below 30%, he will duplicate into Red and Blue Hats with the same HP. There will not be any more purple hats. Every 30 seconds, the 2 Pierres will swap their colours while retaining their respective HP. Both must be killed within 5 seconds of each other's death, else the dead one will revive with around 10 Billion HP.
Two person strategy (duo)[edit | edit source]
Teamwork here is essential, otherwise you will make the fight very hard.
- When you see a glowing thing on the floor, move away from it, as it will drop a hat on you and prevent you from moving.
- If caught in a falling hat, press left and right arrow keys quickly to break free.
- Pierre changes into three colors: blue, purple, and red. Important: pay attention to this as you and your partner will get equipped with a random hat on your head. If your hat is the same color as Pierre's clothes, stop attacking him, otherwise every hit will heal him. Only the player with a different color hat can hurt him.
- In his purple (normal) form he, his attacks are dodgeable.
- In his red form, he will disappear and attack with a sneak attack. All you need to do is to move away from your original spot as he will move to 1 of the original spots of the party members.
- In his blue form: he will spin and chase after people. If you get hit you will be sealed. You can hurt him while he's spinning, so you have to attack while on the move.
- In chaos mode, when HP is below 30%, he will separate into Blue Pierre and Red Pierre (HP is the same for each pierre as before splitting). You must kill both pierres in the same time (5 seconds of window maximum between the deaths of 2 Pierres, else the dead Pierre will revive with about 20% HP). To achieve this, perform 1 of the following:
- Get lucky with the hat colours and each person damage the different pierres respectively.
- Everyone suicide and revive at the same time after the pierres exchanged their hats (members will have no hats upon revive, both pierres can be damaged by the same person).
- Bind can also be used upon reviving to prevent the Red Pierre from disappearing to perform his attack (since you need to kill the 2 Pierres 1 after another within 5 seconds).
- Before the HP even goes below 30%, wait for the hat colour to change, then if both members (or 1 member if he is sufficiently strong enough) are of different colour compared to Pierre, just kill Pierre all the way before he turns back to purple hat. Bind if needed.
Red Pierre.
Blue Pierre.
Rewards[edit | edit source]
- Yggdrasil Coin
- (Chaos Mode only) Chaos Yggdrasil Coin
- Glowing Soul Crystal (individual drop)
- Max 180 per world weekly, limit resets on Thursday 12am
- 5x value on Reboot servers
- The entire service will be adjusted the same way, and adjustment happens every Thursday 12am
- The price will be based on the time the crystal is obtained, not the time it is sold. You can check with NPC Collector to see the price and to sell the crystals.
- Price shown are by solo standards. The actual price is inversely proportional to party size when entering the boss fight
- Suspicious Cubes
- 1 for Normal mode
- 13 for Chaos mode
- Boss Medal of Honor (individual drop, gives 100~200 Honor Points when picked)
- 2 for Normal mode
- 14 for Chaos mode
- Potions
- 15 Elixirs for Normal mode
- 35 Power Elixirs for Chaos mode
- Pierre Hat
- (Chaos Mode only) Chaos Pierre Hat (joker item, can fit into all sets that contains a hat, with at least 3 equipped items and no joker items has filled in the set yet)
- (Chaos Mode only) Shard of Mockery (up to 6 individual drop, up to 10 shared drop, collect 5 to swap for a Fafnir Bottom of your choice)
- Pierre Chair
- Pierre Soul Shard (individual drop, Collect 10 and swap for a random Pierre Weapon Soul)
Vellum[edit | edit source]

Vellum, the giant worm/snake is a straightforward fight.
General details and stats[edit | edit source]
- Normal mode
Time limit: 15 minutes
- HP: 550,000,000 (550 Million HP)
- Level 130
- DEF 55%
- EXP: 264,000 (264 Thousand), given as Quest EXP
- Resists all elements.
- Chaos mode
Time limit: 20 minutes
- HP: 200,000,000,000 (200 Billion)
- Level 190
- DEF 200%
- EXP: 2,520,000 (2.52 Million), given as Quest EXP
- Resists all elements.
- Skills
- Rocks fall (no damage but causes a 3 second stun)
- Pops out of floor (60% damage for normal mode, 70% damage for Chaos mode if half length, 100% for Chaos mode if full length, + super knockback for all cases)
- Throws fireballs (100% damage, occurs only when less than 80% HP for normal mode only, occurs only when full length for both modes)
- (Chaos mode only) Digs back in after fireball (110% damage reducable by 55% of your DEF, minimum 22% damage + super knockback)
- (Chaos mode only) Tails pop out of floor (100% damage, indicated by the same yellow circle but it will remain there longer)
- Lightning strike (Happens when half length and below 60% HP for both modes, lightning hits 70% damage, damage over time: 5,500 damage per second)
- (Chaos Mode only) Deep Breath (Vellum will come out from either left or right side, with a notification message "Vellum is taking a deep breath.". Run towards him as everywhere else except for the area in front of him will be burnt by his breath by a huge amount of damage exceeding 1 million. An unknown force will also try to pull you away from him.)
- Tips
Since he is always below the ground most of the time, when he is casting attacks like fireballs, lightning and deep breath, maximise those precious moments by dealing maximum damage to him. Damage done to his tails are not counted.
Rewards[edit | edit source]
- Yggdrasil Coin
- (Chaos Mode only) Chaos Yggdrasil Coin
- Glowing Soul Crystal (individual drop)
- Max 180 per world weekly, limit resets on Thursday 12am
- 5x value on Reboot servers
- The entire service will be adjusted the same way, and adjustment happens every Thursday 12am
- The price will be based on the time the crystal is obtained, not the time it is sold. You can check with NPC Collector to see the price and to sell the crystals.
- Price shown are by solo standards. The actual price is inversely proportional to party size when entering the boss fight
- Suspicious Cubes
- 1 for Normal mode
- 15 for Chaos mode
- Boss Medal of Honor (individual drop, gives 100~200 Honor Points when picked)
- 2 for Normal mode
- 14 for Chaos mode
- Potions
- 15 Elixirs for Normal mode
- 40 Power Elixirs for Chaos mode
- Vellum Hat
- (Chaos Mode only) Chaos Vellum Hat (joker item, can fit into all sets that contains a hat, with at least 3 equipped items and no joker items has filled in the set yet)
- (Chaos Mode only) Shard of Destruction (up to 6 individual drop, up to 10 shared drop, collect 15 to swap for a Fafnir Weapon of your choice)
- Vellum Chair
- Vellum Soul Shard (individual drop, Collect 10 to swap for a random Vellum Weapon Soul)