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  • Required level: 120 or higher
  • Recommended level: 120-139
Red Sign, the NPC who starts the PQ.

There is a crack in the dimension in Ludibrium. Let's investigate it!

To enter the PQ, you must use the Dimensional Mirror to enter Spiegelmann's Guest Home. You will find the PQ NPC here; a red stop-sign. You need a party of 3 to 6 to enter the PQ. However, this PQ can be soloed in case of disconnections because you can get Platform Puppet from Sgt. Anderson in the 5th stage (don't exit though!), and each puppet put on a platform represent 1 person.

Requirement[edit | edit source]

  • 3-6 players in a party
  • Level 120 or higher (Recommended level: 120-139)
  • Max 5 entries daily
  • 20 minutes time limit (Average time needed: 3-5 minutes)

Stage 1[edit | edit source]

The First stage of Ludibrium PQ.
Ratz from Another Dimension, Black Ratz from Another Dimension
All monsters within the map must be killed, and all 20 Passes must be looted.

Kill, kill, and more kill. The monsters are spread all around the map, from the bottom to top. All the Ratz must be killed, and the party has to collect the passes they drop. Once all the monsters have been killed, enter the portal near the Red Balloon to advance to the next stage.

Achievement Ratio: 10%

Stage 2[edit | edit source]

The second stage of Ludibrium PQ.
Dark Eye from Another Dimension, Shadow Eye from Another Dimension
All 14 Monsters Killed.

In Stage 4 there are 5 different rooms. Every room contains 3 shadow monsters, except room 4 which has 2. Rooms 1-3 feature Shadow Eye from Another Dimension. Rooms 4 and 5 feature Dark Eye from Another Dimension. Pick your door and tell PQ members you are already in the door so they don't come in yours. Another way instead of telling PQ members is to drop 10 mesos in front of the door to tell them there is already someone in the selected door. The rooms are completely dark, and only the enemies' eyes are visible. Once all the monsters are killed, enter the portal near the Lime Balloons to continue.

Achievement Ratio: 15%

Stage 3[edit | edit source]

The third stage of Ludibrium PQ.
Numbered Boxes
Reach the portal on top.
  • This map contains many boxes in sets of 3 with the numbers 1 through 3 written on each box. Standing on the correct box and pressing UP will teleport you to the next set. Other boxes will teleport you back to the bottom. Guess and check helps, and the combination changes. Reach the top, and enter the portal. Only one person has to reach the top, and then the entire party will be warped next to the portal.
  • A good way to complete this stage, if you have 3 people, is to have each person press up on all the unsolved 1s, one on the unsolved 2s, and the last on the unsolved 3s so that people don't end up being sent to the bottom on the same box, and to prevent confusion.

Achievement Ratio: 10%

Stage 4[edit | edit source]

  • Enemies: Rombot From Another Dimension
  • Completion: All 4 Rombots Killed.

Kill all 4 Rombots within the map. Two are found on the bottom and two are on the top. After killing them all, talk to the Sky-Blue Balloon to continue.

Achievement Ratio: 15%

Stage 5[edit | edit source]

Ludibrium PQ
Numbered Boxes
Standing on correct answer of the question

The leader must click on the balloon to start. The balloon will give your party a math problem, and 3 people have to stand on the numbers in the answer (i.e. if the answer to the math problem is 325, 3 people have to stand on the numbers 3, 2, and 5.) If your party does not have 3 people, you may talk to Sgt. Anderson for a Platform Puppet which can be used in place of a person.

Achievement Ratio: 15%

Stage 6 (A Crack on the Wall)[edit | edit source]

PQ Boss
Summoned By Alishar
Chronos, Platoon Chronos, Master Chronos
Defeat Alishar

This is the final stage of the PQ. Alishar will spawn. Based on his health, the boss will spawn different types of Chronos. Near 75% HP he will spawn regular Chronos, at 50% HP he will spawn either Chronos or Platoon Chronos, and at 25% HP he will spawn Master Chronos along with Platoon and regular Chronos. While fighting the boss, characters may be afflicted with Seal (locks your skills) and Blind (reduces your accuracy). Everyone will need either Eyedrops and Holy Water or only All-Cure potions. Mages don't have to worry about losing accuracy so they only need Holy Water, though All-Cure potions work as well. When he dies, talk to the Purple Balloons to exit.

Achievement Ratio: 35%

PQ Exit[edit | edit source]

Time limit

When you're ready to leave, click the NPC and he will escort you out.

Broken Glasses

For every 5 PQs completed, you can go and talk to the Red Sign and receive a pair of Broken Glasses. The stats can vary (base of 1 to all stats) and they come with 3 slots. They are untradeable unless paired with Scissors of Karma.

EXP reward

Values are before PQ set effects and assumes 100% achievement ratio (EXP is directly proportional to achievement ratio)

  • Level 120+: , capped at Level 139.
If you are 20 or more levels below the average party level, EXP reward is reduced by 80%.

Monsters[edit | edit source]

Note: The monster stats will vary based on the average level of the party.

Name Monster Info Notes
Ratz from Another Dimension
  • Level: 120-139
  • HP: Varying
  • MP: Varying
  • PDR: Varying %
  • MDR: Varying %
  • EXP: Varying
Must be killed to obtain Dimensional Passes to pass Stage 1 of Ludibrium PQ.

Black Ratz from Another Dimension
  • Level: 120-139
  • HP: Varying
  • MP: Varying
  • PDR: Varying %
  • MDR: Varying %
  • EXP: Varying
Must be killed to obtain Dimensional Passes to pass Stage 1 of Ludibrium PQ.

Shadow Eye from Another Dimension
  • Level: 120-139
  • HP: Varying
  • MP: Varying
  • PDR: Varying %
  • MDR: Varying %
  • EXP: Varying
Must be killed in the first three dark rooms in Stage 2.

Dark Eye from Another Dimension
  • Level: 120-139
  • HP: Varying
  • MP: Varying
  • PDR: Varying %
  • MDR: Varying %
  • EXP: Varying
Must be killed in the first three dark rooms in Stage 2.

Rombad from Another Dimension
  • Level: 120-139
  • HP: Varying
  • MP: Varying
  • PDR: Varying %
  • MDR: Varying %
  • EXP: Varying
Four of these need to be killed in Stage 4. Summons Block Golem from Another Dimension.

Block Golem from Another Dimension
  • Level: 120-139
  • HP: Varying
  • MP: Varying
  • PDR: Varying %
  • MDR: Varying %
  • EXP: Varying
Summoned by Rombad from Another Dimension.



  • Level: 120-139
  • HP: Varying
  • MP: Varying
  • PDR: Varying %
  • MDR: Varying %
  • EXP: Varying
The final foe of the Ludibrium Party Quest. Compared to the King Slime, this beast is tougher, packing a hard to avoid magic attack, as well as the ability to summon all three Chronos ranks. However, It can only summon Master Chronos when it is close to death. Those planning to fight it, take caution; Alishar is also able to lock a player's skills and inflict darkness, reducing their accuracy (except for magicians). Its large bulk also gives it a high stamina, so prepare for a long fight. Summons Chronos, Platoon Chronos, and Master Chronos.

Monster Book: A peculiar creature that swims the vast sea with its gigantic body. It is a monster that threatens the adverntures lost in the dimensional imbalance, although it, too, is a victim of the Dimensional Schism. It is a creature of powerful strength as well as an invincible monster that cannot be compleately destroyed but only chased away.



  • Level: 120-139
  • HP: Varying
  • MP: Varying
  • PDR: Varying %
  • MDR: Varying %
  • EXP: Varying
Summoned by Alishar.

Platoon Cronos


  • Level: 120-139
  • HP: Varying
  • MP: Varying
  • PDR: Varying %
  • MDR: Varying %
  • EXP: Varying
Summoned by Alishar.

Master Cronos


  • Level: 120-139
  • HP: Varying
  • MP: Varying
  • PDR: Varying %
  • MDR: Varying %
  • EXP: Varying
Summoned by Alishar.