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Beginner[edit | edit source]

Realign- Defender Mode: Switches from offensive to defensive mode. Passive enhancements increase at higher Job Advancements. Skill enhancements stack.

Realign- Defender Mode effects


  • Level 1: Weapon Defense: +200, Magic Defense: +200, Accuracy: +100, Max HP: +10%

Realign- Attacker Mode: Switches from defensive to offensive mode. Passive enhancements increase at higher Job Advancements. Skill enhancements stack.

Realign- Attacker Mode effects


  • Level 1: Attack: + 5, Crit Chance: +3%, Damage Against Bosses: +3%

Vertical Grapple: Fires a grappling hook to a platform above you to ascend quickly.

Vertical Grapple effects


  • Level 1: Press the skill key while you're climbing to cancel.

Iron Will: Kaiser obtains more HP through will of steel.

Iron Will effects

(Link skill)

  • Level 1: Max HP: +10%
  • Level 2: Max HP: +15%
  • Level 3: Max HP: +20%

Transfiguration: Fill up your Morph Gauge in battle to transform into a more powerful being.

Transfiguration effects

Requires 3rd or 4th job.

  • Level 1: Stage 1: Attack Speed: +1, Speed: +5, Jump: +10, Power Stance Chance: 40%. Stage 2: Attack Speed: +1, Speed: +10, Jump: +20, Power Stance Chance: 80%

Exclusive Spell: Increases the Weapon Attack and Magic Attack of all nearby players. Cooldown: 2 hours

Exclusive Spell effects

Required level: 200.

  • Level 1: MP Cost: 30, Weapon ATT and Magic ATT: + 4%, Duration: 40 min

First Job[edit | edit source]

Dragon Slash: Mash the attack key to whip enemies in front of you up to 3 times. Can be used with basic attack key while in Final Form.

Dragon Slash effects


  • Level 1: 1-hit: Attack up to 8 enemies for 51% damage 3 times

2-hit: Up to 6 enemies attack for 31% damage 5 times 3-hit Up to 6 enemies attacked for 41% damage 5 times

  • Level 2: 1-hit: Attack up to 8 enemies for 52% damage 3 times

2-hit: Up to 6 enemies attack for 32% damage 5 times 3-hit Up to 6 enemies attacked for 42% damage 5 times

  • Level 3: 1-hit: Attack up to 8 enemies for 53% damage 3 times

2-hit: Up to 6 enemies attack for 33% damage 5 times 3-hit Up to 6 enemies attacked for 43% damage 5 times

  • Level 4: 1-hit: Attack up to 8 enemies for 54% damage 3 times

2-hit: Up to 6 enemies attack for 34% damage 5 times 3-hit Up to 6 enemies attacked for 44% damage 5 times

  • Level 5: 1-hit: Attack up to 8 enemies for 55% damage 3 times

2-hit: Up to 6 enemies attack for 35% damage 5 times 3-hit Up to 6 enemies attacked for 45% damage 5 times

  • Level 6: 1-hit: Attack up to 8 enemies for 56% damage 3 times

2-hit: Up to 6 enemies attack for 36% damage 5 times 3-hit Up to 6 enemies attacked for 46% damage 5 times

  • Level 7: 1-hit: Attack up to 8 enemies for 57% damage 3 times

2-hit: Up to 6 enemies attack for 37% damage 5 times 3-hit Up to 6 enemies attacked for 47% damage 5 times

  • Level 8: 1-hit: Attack up to 8 enemies for 58% damage 3 times

2-hit: Up to 6 enemies attack for 38% damage 5 times 3-hit Up to 6 enemies attacked for 48% damage 5 times

  • Level 9: 1-hit: Attack up to 8 enemies for 59% damage 3 times

2-hit: Up to 6 enemies attack for 39% damage 5 times 3-hit Up to 6 enemies attacked for 49% damage 5 times

  • Level 10: 1-hit: Attack up to 8 enemies for 60% damage 3 times

2-hit: Up to 6 enemies attack for 40% damage 5 times 3-hit Up to 6 enemies attacked for 50% damage 5 times

  • Level 11: 1-hit: Attack up to 8 enemies for 61% damage 3 times

2-hit: Up to 6 enemies attack for 41% damage 5 times 3-hit Up to 6 enemies attacked for 51% damage 5 times

  • Level 12: 1-hit: Attack up to 8 enemies for 62% damage 3 times

2-hit: Up to 6 enemies attack for 42% damage 5 times 3-hit Up to 6 enemies attacked for 52% damage 5 times

  • Level 13: 1-hit: Attack up to 8 enemies for 63% damage 3 times

2-hit: Up to 6 enemies attack for 43% damage 5 times 3-hit Up to 6 enemies attacked for 53% damage 5 times

  • Level 14: 1-hit: Attack up to 8 enemies for 64% damage 3 times

2-hit: Up to 6 enemies attack for 44% damage 5 times 3-hit Up to 6 enemies attacked for 54% damage 5 times

  • Level 15: 1-hit: Attack up to 8 enemies for 65% damage 3 times

2-hit: Up to 6 enemies attack for 45% damage 5 times 3-hit Up to 6 enemies attacked for 55% damage 5 times

  • Level 16: 1-hit: Attack up to 8 enemies for 66% damage 3 times

2-hit: Up to 6 enemies attack for 46% damage 5 times 3-hit Up to 6 enemies attacked for 56% damage 5 times

  • Level 17: 1-hit: Attack up to 8 enemies for 67% damage 3 times

2-hit: Up to 6 enemies attack for 47% damage 5 times 3-hit Up to 6 enemies attacked for 57% damage 5 times

  • Level 18: 1-hit: Attack up to 8 enemies for 68% damage 3 times

2-hit: Up to 6 enemies attack for 48% damage 5 times 3-hit Up to 6 enemies attacked for 58% damage 5 times

  • Level 19: 1-hit: Attack up to 8 enemies for 69% damage 3 times

2-hit: Up to 6 enemies attack for 49% damage 5 times 3-hit Up to 6 enemies attacked for 59% damage 5 times

  • Level 20: 1-hit: Attack up to 8 enemies for 70% damage 3 times

2-hit: Up to 6 enemies attack for 50% damage 5 times 3-hit Up to 6 enemies attacked for 60% damage 5 times

Flame Surge
"Blast forward with warrior spirit."
Flame Surge level data
Level MP Cost Damage Number of Attacks Max Enemies Hit
Add 1
per 5 levels
Add 3%
per level
1 7 113% 2 6
2 7 116% 2 6
3 7 119% 2 6
4 7 122% 2 6
5 7 125% 2 6
6 8 128% 2 6
7 8 131% 2 6
8 8 134% 2 6
9 8 137% 2 6
10 8 140% 2 6
11 9 143% 2 6
12 9 146% 2 6
13 9 149% 2 6
14 9 152% 2 6
15 9 155% 2 6
16 10 158% 2 6
17 10 161% 2 6
18 10 164% 2 6
19 10 167% 2 6
20 10 170% 2 6

Air Lift: Leap once more in the air. Also permanently increases Speed.

Air Lift effects


  • Level 1: MP Cost: 24, Set Jump Distance, Max Speed: +6, Speed: +6
  • Level 2: MP Cost: 23, Set Jump Distance, Max Speed: +7, Speed: +7
  • Level 3: MP Cost: 22, Set Jump Distance, Max Speed: +8, Speed: +8
  • Level 4: MP Cost: 21, Set Jump Distance, Max Speed: +9, Speed: +9
  • Level 5: MP Cost: 20, Set Jump Distance, Max Speed: +10, Speed: +10
  • Level 6: MP Cost: 19, Set Jump Distance, Max Speed: +11, Speed: +11
  • Level 7: MP Cost: 18, Set Jump Distance, Max Speed: +12, Speed: +12
  • Level 8: MP Cost: 17, Set Jump Distance, Max Speed: +13, Speed: +13
  • Level 9: MP Cost: 16, Set Jump Distance, Max Speed: +14, Speed: +14
  • Level 10: MP Cost: 15, Set Jump Distance, Max Speed: +15, Speed: +15
  • Level 11: MP Cost: 14, Set Jump Distance, Max Speed: +16, Speed: +16
  • Level 12: MP Cost: 13, Set Jump Distance, Max Speed: +17, Speed: +17
  • Level 13: MP Cost: 12, Set Jump Distance, Max Speed: +18, Speed: +18
  • Level 14: MP Cost: 11, Set Jump Distance, Max Speed: +19, Speed: +19
  • Level 15: MP Cost: 10, Set Jump Distance, Max Speed: +20, Speed: +20

Scale Skin: Harden your skin to permanently increase Defense and have a chance resist knock-back. Stacks with Transfiguration Power Stance effects.

Scale Skin effects


  • Level 1: Weapon Defense: +20, Magic Defense: +20, Power Stance Chance: +4%
  • Level 2: Weapon Defense: +40, Magic Defense: +40, Power Stance Chance: +8%
  • Level 3: Weapon Defense: +60, Magic Defense: +60, Power Stance Chance: +12%
  • Level 4: Weapon Defense: +80, Magic Defense: +80, Power Stance Chance: +16%
  • Level 5: Weapon Defense: +100, Magic Defense: +100, Power Stance Chance: +20%
  • Level 6: Weapon Defense: +120, Magic Defense: +120, Power Stance Chance: +24%
  • Level 7: Weapon Defense: +140, Magic Defense: +140, Power Stance Chance: +28%
  • Level 8: Weapon Defense: +160, Magic Defense: +160, Power Stance Chance: +32%
  • Level 9: Weapon Defense: +180, Magic Defense: +180, Power Stance Chance: +36%
  • Level 10: Weapon Defense: +200, Magic Defense: +200, Power Stance Chance: +40%

Second Job[edit | edit source]

Impact Wave
"Stab your sword into the earth to create an explosive shockwave that blasts multiple enemies."
Impact Wave level data
Level MP Cost Damage Number of Attacks Max Enemies Hit
Add 1
per 4 levels
Add 4%
per level
1 12 174% 2 8
2 12 178% 2 8
3 12 182% 2 8
4 13 186% 2 8
5 13 190% 2 8
6 13 194% 2 8
7 13 198% 2 8
8 14 202% 2 8
9 14 206% 2 8
10 14 210% 2 8
11 14 214% 2 8
12 15 218% 2 8
13 15 222% 2 8
14 15 226% 2 8
15 15 230% 2 8
16 16 234% 2 8
17 16 238% 2 8
18 16 242% 2 8
19 16 246% 2 8
20 17 250% 2 8

Piercing Blaze: Dash forward to knock back enemies. Deals damage to multiple targets with a chance to stun.

Piercing Blaze effects


  • Level 1: MP Cost: 11, Monsters Hit: 12, Damage: 169%, Stun Chance: 26%, Stun Duration: 2 sec
  • Level 2: MP Cost: 12, Monsters Hit: 12, Damage: 178%, Stun Chance: 32%, Stun Duration: 2 sec
  • Level 3: MP Cost: 13, Monsters Hit: 12, Damage: 187%, Stun Chance: 38%, Stun Duration: 2 sec
  • Level 4: MP Cost: 14, Monsters Hit: 12, Damage: 196%, Stun Chance: 44%, Stun Duration: 2 sec
  • Level 5: MP Cost: 15, Monsters Hit: 12, Damage: 205%, Stun Chance: 50%, Stun Duration: 2 sec
  • Level 6: MP Cost: 16, Monsters Hit: 12, Damage: 214%, Stun Chance: 56%, Stun Duration: 2 sec
  • Level 7: MP Cost: 17, Monsters Hit: 12, Damage: 223%, Stun Chance: 62%, Stun Duration: 2 sec
  • Level 8: MP Cost: 18, Monsters Hit: 12, Damage: 232%, Stun Chance: 68%, Stun Duration: 2 sec
  • Level 9: MP Cost: 19, Monsters Hit: 12, Damage: 241%, Stun Chance: 74%, Stun Duration: 2 sec
  • Level 10: MP Cost: 20, Monsters Hit: 12, Damage: 250%, Stun Chance: 80%, Stun Duration: 2 sec

Tempest Blades: Summon 3 of your swords to search for monsters, leaving tracers behind.

Tempest Blades effects


  • Level 1: MP Cost: 21, Swords Summoned: 3. Use the skill again after summoning to order the swords to attack for 224% damage with 3 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec
  • Level 2: MP Cost: 21, Swords Summoned: 3. Use the skill again after summoning to order the swords to attack for 228% damage with 3 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec
  • Level 3: MP Cost: 22, Swords Summoned: 3. Use the skill again after summoning to order the swords to attack for 232% damage with 3 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec
  • Level 4: MP Cost: 22, Swords Summoned: 3. Use the skill again after summoning to order the swords to attack for 236% damage with 3 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec
  • Level 5: MP Cost: 23, Swords Summoned: 3. Use the skill again after summoning to order the swords to attack for 240% damage with 3 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec
  • Level 6: MP Cost: 23, Swords Summoned: 3. Use the skill again after summoning to order the swords to attack for 244% damage with 3 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec
  • Level 7: MP Cost: 24, Swords Summoned: 3. Use the skill again after summoning to order the swords to attack for 248% damage with 3 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec
  • Level 8: MP Cost: 24, Swords Summoned: 3. Use the skill again after summoning to order the swords to attack for 252% damage with 3 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec
  • Level 9: MP Cost: 25, Swords Summoned: 3. Use the skill again after summoning to order the swords to attack for 256% damage with 3 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec
  • Level 10: MP Cost: 25, Swords Summoned: 3. Use the skill again after summoning to order the swords to attack for 260% damage with 3 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec
  • Level 11: MP Cost: 26, Swords Summoned: 3. Use the skill again after summoning to order the swords to attack for 264% damage with 3 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec
  • Level 12: MP Cost: 26, Swords Summoned: 3. Use the skill again after summoning to order the swords to attack for 268% damage with 3 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec
  • Level 13: MP Cost: 27, Swords Summoned: 3. Use the skill again after summoning to order the swords to attack for 272% damage with 3 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec
  • Level 14: MP Cost: 27, Swords Summoned: 3. Use the skill again after summoning to order the swords to attack for 276% damage with 3 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec
  • Level 15: MP Cost: 28, Swords Summoned: 3. Use the skill again after summoning to order the swords to attack for 280% damage with 3 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec
  • Level 16: MP Cost: 28, Swords Summoned: 3. Use the skill again after summoning to order the swords to attack for 284% damage with 3 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec
  • Level 17: MP Cost: 29, Swords Summoned: 3. Use the skill again after summoning to order the swords to attack for 288% damage with 3 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec
  • Level 18: MP Cost: 29, Swords Summoned: 3. Use the skill again after summoning to order the swords to attack for 292% damage with 3 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec
  • Level 19: MP Cost: 30, Swords Summoned: 3. Use the skill again after summoning to order the swords to attack for 296% damage with 3 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec
  • Level 20: MP Cost: 30, Swords Summoned: 3. Use the skill again after summoning to order the swords to attack for 300% damage with 3 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec

Blaze On: Draw out inner strength to temporarily increase Attack Power and Speed.

Blaze On effects


  • Level 1: MP Cost: 11, Duration: 12 sec, Attack Power: +1, Attack Speed: +2
  • Level 2: MP Cost: 12, Duration: 24 sec, Attack Power: +2, Attack Speed: +2
  • Level 3: MP Cost: 13, Duration: 36 sec, Attack Power: +3, Attack Speed: +2
  • Level 4: MP Cost: 14, Duration: 48 sec, Attack Power: +4, Attack Speed: +2
  • Level 5: MP Cost: 15, Duration: 60 sec, Attack Power: +5, Attack Speed: +2
  • Level 6: MP Cost: 16, Duration: 72 sec, Attack Power: +6, Attack Speed: +2
  • Level 7: MP Cost: 17, Duration: 84 sec, Attack Power: +7, Attack Speed: +2
  • Level 8: MP Cost: 18, Duration: 96 sec, Attack Power: +8, Attack Speed: +2
  • Level 9: MP Cost: 19, Duration: 108 sec, Attack Power: +9, Attack Speed: +2
  • Level 10: MP Cost: 20, Duration: 120 sec, Attack Power: +10, Attack Speed: +2
  • Level 11: MP Cost: 21, Duration: 132 sec, Attack Power: +11, Attack Speed: +2
  • Level 12: MP Cost: 22, Duration: 144 sec, Attack Power: +12, Attack Speed: +2
  • Level 13: MP Cost: 23, Duration: 156 sec, Attack Power: +13, Attack Speed: +2
  • Level 14: MP Cost: 24, Duration: 168 sec, Attack Power: +14, Attack Speed: +2
  • Level 15: MP Cost: 25, Duration: 180 sec, Attack Power: +15, Attack Speed: +2
  • Level 16: MP Cost: 26, Duration: 192 sec, Attack Power: +16, Attack Speed: +2
  • Level 17: MP Cost: 27, Duration: 204 sec, Attack Power: +17, Attack Speed: +2
  • Level 18: MP Cost: 28, Duration: 216 sec, Attack Power: +18, Attack Speed: +2
  • Level 19: MP Cost: 29, Duration: 228 sec, Attack Power: +19, Attack Speed: +2
  • Level 20: MP Cost: 30, Duration: 240 sec, Attack Power: +20, Attack Speed: +2

Inner Blaze
"Permanently increases Strength and HP."
Inner Blaze level data
Level STR Max HP
Add 2
per level
Add 2%
per level
1 +2 +2%
2 +4 +4%
3 +6 +6%
4 +8 +8%
5 +10 +10%
6 +12 +12%
7 +14 +14%
8 +16 +16%
9 +18 +18%
10 +20 +20%
Sword Mastery
"Enhances Two-Hand Sword Mastery."
Sword Mastery level data
Level Two-Handed Sword Mastery
Add 4%
per level
1 +14%
2 +18%
3 +22%
4 +26%
5 +30%
6 +34%
7 +38%
8 +42%
9 +46%
10 +50%

Defender Mode I: Enhance Realign: Defender Mode. Enhanced effects stack.

Defender Mode I effects


  • Level 1: Weapon Defense: +200, Magic Defense: +200, Accuracy: +100, Max HP: +10%

Attacker Mode I: Enhance Realign: Attacker Mode. Enhanced effects stack.

Attacker Mode I effects


  • Level 1: Attack: + 5, Crit Chance: +2%, Damage Against Bosses: +2%

Dragon Slash I: Enhances Dragon Slash damage.

Dragon Slash I effects

Requires Level 20 Dragon Slash.

  • Level 1: Additional 15% bonus to Dragon Slash damage
  • Level 2: Additional 30% bonus to Dragon Slash damage

Third Job[edit | edit source]

Wing Beat: Create a whirlwind that attacks enemies until certain monsters are killed. The whirlwind will dissipate after a short distance or time.

Wing Beat effects

Dragon Link Skill: During Attack + Jump Key + Dragon Link

  • Level 1: MP Cost: 16, Damage: 143%, Number of Attacks: 40, Chance to Slow Attacked Monsters: 21%

Dissipates when certain of attacks are made, set distance is traveled, or duration expires.

  • Level 2: MP Cost: 17, Damage: 146%, Number of Attacks: 40, Chance to Slow Attacked Monsters: 22%

Dissipates when certain of attacks are made, set distance is traveled, or duration expires.

  • Level 3: MP Cost: 18, Damage: 149%, Number of Attacks: 40, Chance to Slow Attacked Monsters: 23%

Dissipates when certain of attacks are made, set distance is traveled, or duration expires.

  • Level 4: MP Cost: 19, Damage: 152%, Number of Attacks: 40, Chance to Slow Attacked Monsters: 24%

Dissipates when certain of attacks are made, set distance is traveled, or duration expires.

  • Level 5: MP Cost: 20, Damage: 155%, Number of Attacks: 40, Chance to Slow Attacked Monsters: 25%

Dissipates when certain of attacks are made, set distance is traveled, or duration expires.

  • Level 6: MP Cost: 21, Damage: 158%, Number of Attacks: 40, Chance to Slow Attacked Monsters: 26%

Dissipates when certain of attacks are made, set distance is traveled, or duration expires.

  • Level 7: MP Cost: 22, Damage: 161%, Number of Attacks: 40, Chance to Slow Attacked Monsters: 27%

Dissipates when certain of attacks are made, set distance is traveled, or duration expires.

  • Level 8: MP Cost: 23, Damage: 164%, Number of Attacks: 40, Chance to Slow Attacked Monsters: 28%

Dissipates when certain of attacks are made, set distance is traveled, or duration expires.

  • Level 9: MP Cost: 24, Damage: 167%, Number of Attacks: 40, Chance to Slow Attacked Monsters: 29%

Dissipates when certain of attacks are made, set distance is traveled, or duration expires.

  • Level 10: MP Cost: 25, Damage: 170%, Number of Attacks: 40, Chance to Slow Attacked Monsters: 30%

Dissipates when certain of attacks are made, set distance is traveled, or duration expires.

  • Level 11: MP Cost: 26, Damage: 173%, Number of Attacks: 40, Chance to Slow Attacked Monsters: 31%

Dissipates when certain of attacks are made, set distance is traveled, or duration expires.

  • Level 12: MP Cost: 27, Damage: 176%, Number of Attacks: 40, Chance to Slow Attacked Monsters: 32%

Dissipates when certain of attacks are made, set distance is traveled, or duration expires.

  • Level 13: MP Cost: 28, Damage: 179%, Number of Attacks: 40, Chance to Slow Attacked Monsters: 33%

Dissipates when certain of attacks are made, set distance is traveled, or duration expires.

  • Level 14: MP Cost: 29, Damage: 182%, Number of Attacks: 40, Chance to Slow Attacked Monsters: 34%

Dissipates when certain of attacks are made, set distance is traveled, or duration expires.

  • Level 15: MP Cost: 30, Damage: 185%, Number of Attacks: 40, Chance to Slow Attacked Monsters: 35%

Dissipates when certain of attacks are made, set distance is traveled, or duration expires.

  • Level 16: MP Cost: 31, Damage: 188%, Number of Attacks: 40, Chance to Slow Attacked Monsters: 36%

Dissipates when certain of attacks are made, set distance is traveled, or duration expires.

  • Level 17: MP Cost: 32, Damage: 191%, Number of Attacks: 40, Chance to Slow Attacked Monsters: 37%

Dissipates when certain of attacks are made, set distance is traveled, or duration expires.

  • Level 18: MP Cost: 33, Damage: 194%, Number of Attacks: 40, Chance to Slow Attacked Monsters: 38%

Dissipates when certain of attacks are made, set distance is traveled, or duration expires.

  • Level 19: MP Cost: 34, Damage: 197%, Number of Attacks: 40, Chance to Slow Attacked Monsters: 39%

Dissipates when certain of attacks are made, set distance is traveled, or duration expires.

  • Level 20: MP Cost: 35, Damage: 200%, Number of Attacks: 40, Chance to Slow Attacked Monsters: 40%

Dissipates when certain of attacks are made, set distance is traveled, or duration expires.

Wing Beat (Transfiguration): Create a whirlwind that attacks enemies until certain monsters are killed. The whirlwind will dissipate after a short distance or time.

Wing Beat (Transfiguration) effects

Dragon Link Skill: During Attack + Jump Key + Dragon Link

  • Level 1: MP Cost: 21, Damage: 143%, Number of Attacks: 44, Chance to Slow Attacked Monsters: 31%

Dissipates when certain of attacks are made, set distance is traveled, or duration expires.

  • Level 2: MP Cost: 22, Damage: 146%, Number of Attacks: 44, Chance to Slow Attacked Monsters: 32%

Dissipates when certain of attacks are made, set distance is traveled, or duration expires.

  • Level 3: MP Cost: 23, Damage: 149%, Number of Attacks: 44, Chance to Slow Attacked Monsters: 33%

Dissipates when certain of attacks are made, set distance is traveled, or duration expires.

  • Level 4: MP Cost: 24, Damage: 152%, Number of Attacks: 44, Chance to Slow Attacked Monsters: 34%

Dissipates when certain of attacks are made, set distance is traveled, or duration expires.

  • Level 5: MP Cost: 25, Damage: 155%, Number of Attacks: 44, Chance to Slow Attacked Monsters: 35%

Dissipates when certain of attacks are made, set distance is traveled, or duration expires.

  • Level 6: MP Cost: 26, Damage: 158%, Number of Attacks: 44, Chance to Slow Attacked Monsters: 36%

Dissipates when certain of attacks are made, set distance is traveled, or duration expires.

  • Level 7: MP Cost: 27, Damage: 161%, Number of Attacks: 44, Chance to Slow Attacked Monsters: 37%

Dissipates when certain of attacks are made, set distance is traveled, or duration expires.

  • Level 8: MP Cost: 28, Damage: 164%, Number of Attacks: 44, Chance to Slow Attacked Monsters: 38%

Dissipates when certain of attacks are made, set distance is traveled, or duration expires.

  • Level 9: MP Cost: 29, Damage: 167%, Number of Attacks: 44, Chance to Slow Attacked Monsters: 39%

Dissipates when certain of attacks are made, set distance is traveled, or duration expires.

  • Level 10: MP Cost: 30, Damage: 170%, Number of Attacks: 44, Chance to Slow Attacked Monsters: 40%

Dissipates when certain of attacks are made, set distance is traveled, or duration expires.

  • Level 11: MP Cost: 31, Damage: 173%, Number of Attacks: 44, Chance to Slow Attacked Monsters: 41%

Dissipates when certain of attacks are made, set distance is traveled, or duration expires.

  • Level 12: MP Cost: 32, Damage: 176%, Number of Attacks: 44, Chance to Slow Attacked Monsters: 42%

Dissipates when certain of attacks are made, set distance is traveled, or duration expires.

  • Level 13: MP Cost: 33, Damage: 179%, Number of Attacks: 44, Chance to Slow Attacked Monsters: 43%

Dissipates when certain of attacks are made, set distance is traveled, or duration expires.

  • Level 14: MP Cost: 34, Damage: 182%, Number of Attacks: 44, Chance to Slow Attacked Monsters: 44%

Dissipates when certain of attacks are made, set distance is traveled, or duration expires.

  • Level 15: MP Cost: 35, Damage: 185%, Number of Attacks: 44, Chance to Slow Attacked Monsters: 45%

Dissipates when certain of attacks are made, set distance is traveled, or duration expires.

  • Level 16: MP Cost: 36, Damage: 188%, Number of Attacks: 44, Chance to Slow Attacked Monsters: 46%

Dissipates when certain of attacks are made, set distance is traveled, or duration expires.

  • Level 17: MP Cost: 37, Damage: 191%, Number of Attacks: 44, Chance to Slow Attacked Monsters: 47%

Dissipates when certain of attacks are made, set distance is traveled, or duration expires.

  • Level 18: MP Cost: 38, Damage: 194%, Number of Attacks: 44, Chance to Slow Attacked Monsters: 48%

Dissipates when certain of attacks are made, set distance is traveled, or duration expires.

  • Level 19: MP Cost: 39, Damage: 197%, Number of Attacks: 44, Chance to Slow Attacked Monsters: 49%

Dissipates when certain of attacks are made, set distance is traveled, or duration expires.

  • Level 20: MP Cost: 40, Damage: 200%, Number of Attacks: 44, Chance to Slow Attacked Monsters: 50%

Dissipates when certain of attacks are made, set distance is traveled, or duration expires.

Pressure Chain: Shoot a sword wave that penetrates, then pulls enemies.

Pressure Chain effects

Shoot a sword wave that penetrates, then pulls enemies.

  • Level 1: MP Cost: 21, Penetrates then pulls 8 enemies dealing 174% damage 2 times, Stun Chance: 19%
  • Level 2: MP Cost: 21, Penetrates then pulls 8 enemies dealing 178% damage 2 times, Stun Chance: 23%
  • Level 3: MP Cost: 22, Penetrates then pulls 8 enemies dealing 182% damage 2 times, Stun Chance: 27%
  • Level 4: MP Cost: 22, Penetrates then pulls 8 enemies dealing 186% damage 2 times, Stun Chance: 31%
  • Level 5: MP Cost: 23, Penetrates then pulls 8 enemies dealing 190% damage 2 times, Stun Chance: 35%
  • Level 6: MP Cost: 23, Penetrates then pulls 8 enemies dealing 194% damage 2 times, Stun Chance: 39%
  • Level 7: MP Cost: 24, Penetrates then pulls 8 enemies dealing 198% damage 2 times, Stun Chance: 43%
  • Level 8: MP Cost: 24, Penetrates then pulls 8 enemies dealing 202% damage 2 times, Stun Chance: 47%
  • Level 9: MP Cost: 25, Penetrates then pulls 8 enemies dealing 206% damage 2 times, Stun Chance: 51%
  • Level 10: MP Cost: 25, Penetrates then pulls 8 enemies dealing 210% damage 2 times, Stun Chance: 55%
  • Level 11: MP Cost: 26, Penetrates then pulls 8 enemies dealing 214% damage 2 times, Stun Chance: 59%
  • Level 12: MP Cost: 26, Penetrates then pulls 8 enemies dealing 218% damage 2 times, Stun Chance: 63%
  • Level 13: MP Cost: 27, Penetrates then pulls 8 enemies dealing 222% damage 2 times, Stun Chance: 67%
  • Level 14: MP Cost: 27, Penetrates then pulls 8 enemies dealing 226% damage 2 times, Stun Chance: 71%
  • Level 15: MP Cost: 28, Penetrates then pulls 8 enemies dealing 230% damage 2 times, Stun Chance: 75%
  • Level 16: MP Cost: 28, Penetrates then pulls 8 enemies dealing 234% damage 2 times, Stun Chance: 79%
  • Level 17: MP Cost: 29, Penetrates then pulls 8 enemies dealing 238% damage 2 times, Stun Chance: 83%
  • Level 18: MP Cost: 29, Penetrates then pulls 8 enemies dealing 242% damage 2 times, Stun Chance: 87%
  • Level 19: MP Cost: 30, Penetrates then pulls 8 enemies dealing 246% damage 2 times, Stun Chance: 91%
  • Level 20: MP Cost: 30, Penetrates then pulls 8 enemies dealing 250% damage 2 times, Stun Chance: 95%

Stone Dragon: Summon a dragon statue that pull in enemies and attacks with a chance to Slow.

Stone Dragon effects

Summon a dragon statue that pull in enemies and attacks with a chance to Slow.

  • Level 1: MP Cost: 21, Summon Duration: 18 sec, Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 316%, Slow Chance: 33%, Slow Duration: 3 sec
  • Level 2: MP Cost: 22, Summon Duration: 21 sec, Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 322%, Slow Chance: 36%, Slow Duration: 3 sec
  • Level 3: MP Cost: 23, Summon Duration: 24 sec, Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 328%, Slow Chance: 39%, Slow Duration: 3 sec
  • Level 4: MP Cost: 24, Summon Duration: 27 sec, Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 334%, Slow Chance: 42%, Slow Duration: 3 sec
  • Level 5: MP Cost: 25, Summon Duration: 30 sec, Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 340%, Slow Chance: 45%, Slow Duration: 3 sec
  • Level 6: MP Cost: 26, Summon Duration: 33 sec, Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 346%, Slow Chance: 48%, Slow Duration: 3 sec
  • Level 7: MP Cost: 27, Summon Duration: 36 sec, Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 352%, Slow Chance: 51%, Slow Duration: 3 sec
  • Level 8: MP Cost: 28, Summon Duration: 39 sec, Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 358%, Slow Chance: 54%, Slow Duration: 3 sec
  • Level 9: MP Cost: 29, Summon Duration: 42 sec, Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 364%, Slow Chance: 57%, Slow Duration: 3 sec
  • Level 10: MP Cost: 30, Summon Duration: 45 sec, Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 370%, Slow Chance: 60%, Slow Duration: 3 sec
  • Level 11: MP Cost: 31, Summon Duration: 48 sec, Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 376%, Slow Chance: 63%, Slow Duration: 3 sec
  • Level 12: MP Cost: 32, Summon Duration: 51 sec, Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 382%, Slow Chance: 66%, Slow Duration: 3 sec
  • Level 13: MP Cost: 33, Summon Duration: 54 sec, Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 388%, Slow Chance: 69%, Slow Duration: 3 sec
  • Level 14: MP Cost: 34, Summon Duration: 57 sec, Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 394%, Slow Chance: 72%, Slow Duration: 3 sec
  • Level 15: MP Cost: 35, Summon Duration: 60 sec, Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 400%, Slow Chance: 75%, Slow Duration: 3 sec

Cursebite: Increases resistance to all status and elemental effects for a short time, and deals extra damage on monsters with status ailments.

Cursebite effects

Increases resistance to all status and elemental effects for a short time, and deals extra damage on monsters with status ailments.

  • Level 1: MP Cost: 21, Duration: 12 sec, Status Resistance: +3%, Resistance to All Elements: +3%, 43% chance to deal 143% extra damage 2 times against monsters with status ailments.
  • Level 2: MP Cost: 22, Duration: 24 sec, Status Resistance: +6%, Resistance to All Elements: +6%, 46% chance to deal 146% extra damage 2 times against monsters with status ailments.
  • Level 3: MP Cost: 23, Duration: 36 sec, Status Resistance: +9%, Resistance to All Elements: +9%, 49% chance to deal 149% extra damage 2 times against monsters with status ailments.
  • Level 4: MP Cost: 24, Duration: 48 sec, Status Resistance: +12%, Resistance to All Elements: +12%, 52% chance to deal 152% extra damage 2 times against monsters with status ailments.
  • Level 5: MP Cost: 25, Duration: 60 sec, Status Resistance: +15%, Resistance to All Elements: +15%, 55% chance to deal 155% extra damage 2 times against monsters with status ailments.
  • Level 6: MP Cost: 26, Duration: 72 sec, Status Resistance: +18%, Resistance to All Elements: +18%, 58% chance to deal 158% extra damage 2 times against monsters with status ailments.
  • Level 7: MP Cost: 27, Duration: 84 sec, Status Resistance: +21%, Resistance to All Elements: +21%, 61% chance to deal 161% extra damage 2 times against monsters with status ailments.
  • Level 8: MP Cost: 28, Duration: 96 sec, Status Resistance: +24%, Resistance to All Elements: +24%, 64% chance to deal 164% extra damage 2 times against monsters with status ailments.
  • Level 9: MP Cost: 29, Duration: 108 sec, Status Resistance: +27%, Resistance to All Elements: +27%, 67% chance to deal 167% extra damage 2 times against monsters with status ailments.
  • Level 10: MP Cost: 30, Duration: 120 sec, Status Resistance: +30%, Resistance to All Elements: +30%, 70% chance to deal 170% extra damage 2 times against monsters with status ailments.
  • Level 11: MP Cost: 31, Duration: 132 sec, Status Resistance: +33%, Resistance to All Elements: +33%, 73% chance to deal 173% extra damage 2 times against monsters with status ailments.
  • Level 12: MP Cost: 32, Duration: 144 sec, Status Resistance: +36%, Resistance to All Elements: +36%, 76% chance to deal 176% extra damage 2 times against monsters with status ailments.
  • Level 13: MP Cost: 33, Duration: 156 sec, Status Resistance: +39%, Resistance to All Elements: +39%, 79% chance to deal 179% extra damage 2 times against monsters with status ailments.
  • Level 14: MP Cost: 34, Duration: 168 sec, Status Resistance: +42%, Resistance to All Elements: +42%, 82% chance to deal 182% extra damage 2 times against monsters with status ailments.
  • Level 15: MP Cost: 35, Duration: 180 sec, Status Resistance: +45%, Resistance to All Elements: +45%, 85% chance to deal 185% extra damage 2 times against monsters with status ailments.
  • Level 16: MP Cost: 36, Duration: 192 sec, Status Resistance: +48%, Resistance to All Elements: +48%, 88% chance to deal 188% extra damage 2 times against monsters with status ailments.
  • Level 17: MP Cost: 37, Duration: 204 sec, Status Resistance: +51%, Resistance to All Elements: +51%, 91% chance to deal 191% extra damage 2 times against monsters with status ailments.
  • Level 18: MP Cost: 38, Duration: 216 sec, Status Resistance: +54%, Resistance to All Elements: +54%, 94% chance to deal 194% extra damage 2 times against monsters with status ailments.
  • Level 19: MP Cost: 39, Duration: 228 sec, Status Resistance: +57%, Resistance to All Elements: +57%, 97% chance to deal 197% extra damage 2 times against monsters with status ailments.
  • Level 20: MP Cost: 40, Duration: 240 sec, Status Resistance: +60%, Resistance to All Elements: +60%, 100% chance to deal 200% extra damage 2 times against monsters with status ailments.

Catalyze: Uses the Dragon Crystal as a catalyst to maximize damage.

Catalyze effects


  • Level 1: MP Cost: 21, Damage: +11%, Duration: 12 sec
  • Level 2: MP Cost: 22, Damage: +12%, Duration: 24 sec
  • Level 3: MP Cost: 23, Damage: +13%, Duration: 36 sec
  • Level 4: MP Cost: 24, Damage: +14%, Duration: 48 sec
  • Level 5: MP Cost: 25, Damage: +15%, Duration: 60 sec
  • Level 6: MP Cost: 26, Damage: +16%, Duration: 72 sec
  • Level 7: MP Cost: 27, Damage: +17%, Duration: 84 sec
  • Level 8: MP Cost: 28, Damage: +18%, Duration: 96 sec
  • Level 9: MP Cost: 29, Damage: +19%, Duration: 108 sec
  • Level 10: MP Cost: 30, Damage: +20%, Duration: 120 sec
  • Level 11: MP Cost: 31, Damage: +21%, Duration: 132 sec
  • Level 12: MP Cost: 32, Damage: +22%, Duration: 144 sec
  • Level 13: MP Cost: 33, Damage: +23%, Duration: 156 sec
  • Level 14: MP Cost: 34, Damage: +24%, Duration: 168 sec
  • Level 15: MP Cost: 35, Damage: +25%, Duration: 180 sec
  • Level 16: MP Cost: 36, Damage: +26%, Duration: 192 sec
  • Level 17: MP Cost: 37, Damage: +27%, Duration: 204 sec
  • Level 18: MP Cost: 38, Damage: +28%, Duration: 216 sec
  • Level 19: MP Cost: 39, Damage: +29%, Duration: 228 sec
  • Level 20: MP Cost: 40, Damage: +30%, Duration: 240 sec

Self Recovery
"Continuously restore HP and MP."
Self Recovery level data
Level HP and MP Restored Interval
Add 1%
per level
Subtract 2 sec
per level
1 1% 12 sec
2 2% 10 sec
3 3% 8 sec
4 4% 6 sec
5 5% 4 sec
Advanced Inner Blaze
"Permanently increases Strength and HP."
Requires Level 10 Inner Blaze
Advanced Inner Blaze level data
Level STR Max HP
Add 3
per level
Add 3%
per level
1 +3 +3%
2 +6 +6%
3 +9 +9%
4 +12 +12%
5 +15 +15%
6 +18 +18%
7 +21 +21%
8 +24 +24%
9 +27 +27%
10 +30 +30%

Final Form: Use the entire Morph Gauge to transform into a more powerful Kaiser warrior. Ignores enemy buffs that ignore your attacks or reflects your attacks.

Final Form effects

Use the entire Morph Gauge to transform into a more powerful Kaiser warrior. Ignores enemy buffs that ignore your attacks or reflects your attacks.

  • Level 1: MP Cost: 22, Duration: 60, Attack Power: +6%, Critical Rate: +2%, Speed: +10, Attack Speed: +2. Ignores enemy's ignore attack or reflect buffs.

After 4th Job Advancement: Duration: 90, Attack Power: +3%, Critical Rate: +4%

  • Level 2: MP Cost: 24, Duration: 60, Attack Power: +7%, Critical Rate: +4%, Speed: +10, Attack Speed: +2. Ignores enemy's ignore attack or reflect buffs.

After 4th Job Advancement: Duration: 90, Attack Power: +6%, Critical Rate: +8%

  • Level 3: MP Cost: 26, Duration: 60, Attack Power: +8%, Critical Rate: +6%, Speed: +10, Attack Speed: +2. Ignores enemy's ignore attack or reflect buffs.

After 4th Job Advancement: Duration: 90, Attack Power: +9%, Critical Rate: +12%

  • Level 4: MP Cost: 28, Duration: 60, Attack Power: +9%, Critical Rate: +8%, Speed: +10, Attack Speed: +2. Ignores enemy's ignore attack or reflect buffs.

After 4th Job Advancement: Duration: 90, Attack Power: +12%, Critical Rate: +16%

  • Level 5: MP Cost: 30, Duration: 60, Attack Power: +10%, Critical Rate: +10%, Speed: +10, Attack Speed: +2. Ignores enemy's ignore attack or reflect buffs.

After 4th Job Advancement: Duration: 90, Attack Power: +15%, Critical Rate: +20%

  • Level 6: MP Cost: 32, Duration: 60, Attack Power: +11%, Critical Rate: +12%, Speed: +10, Attack Speed: +2. Ignores enemy's ignore attack or reflect buffs.

After 4th Job Advancement: Duration: 90, Attack Power: +18%, Critical Rate: +24%

  • Level 7: MP Cost: 34, Duration: 60, Attack Power: +12%, Critical Rate: +14%, Speed: +10, Attack Speed: +2. Ignores enemy's ignore attack or reflect buffs.

After 4th Job Advancement: Duration: 90, Attack Power: +21%, Critical Rate: +28%

  • Level 8: MP Cost: 36, Duration: 60, Attack Power: +13%, Critical Rate: +16%, Speed: +10, Attack Speed: +2. Ignores enemy's ignore attack or reflect buffs.

After 4th Job Advancement: Duration: 90, Attack Power: +24%, Critical Rate: +32%

  • Level 9: MP Cost: 38, Duration: 60, Attack Power: +14%, Critical Rate: +18%, Speed: +10, Attack Speed: +2. Ignores enemy's ignore attack or reflect buffs.

After 4th Job Advancement: Duration: 90, Attack Power: +27%, Critical Rate: +36%

  • Level 10: MP Cost: 40, Duration: 60, Attack Power: +15%, Critical Rate: +20%, Speed: +10, Attack Speed: +2. Ignores enemy's ignore attack or reflect buffs.

After 4th Job Advancement: Duration: 90, Attack Power: +30%, Critical Rate: +40%

Defender Mode II: Enhance Realign: Defender Mode. Enhanced effects stack.

Defender Mode II effects

Requires Level 1 Defender Mode I.

  • Level 1: Weapon Defense: +200, Magic Defense: +200, Accuracy: +100, Max HP: +10%

Attacker Mode II: Enhance Realign: Attacker Mode. Enhanced effects stack.

Attacker Mode II effects

Requires Level 1 Attacker Mode I.

  • Level 1: Attack: + 10, Crit Chance: +5%, Damage Against Bosses: +2%

Dragon Slash II: Enhances Dragon Slash damage.

Dragon Slash II effects

Requires Level 2 Dragon Slash I.

  • Level 1: Additional 25% bonus to Dragon Slash damage
  • Level 2: Additional 50% bonus to Dragon Slash damage

Dragon Slash (Transfiguration): Mash the attack key to keep attacking enemies in front up to 3 times.

Dragon Slash (Transfiguration) effects


  • Level 1: Damage: 224%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Max Hits: 5
  • Level 2: Damage: 228%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Max Hits: 5
  • Level 3: Damage: 232%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Max Hits: 5
  • Level 4: Damage: 236%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Max Hits: 5
  • Level 5: Damage: 240%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Max Hits: 5
  • Level 6: Damage: 244%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Max Hits: 5
  • Level 7: Damage: 248%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Max Hits: 5
  • Level 8: Damage: 252%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Max Hits: 5
  • Level 9: Damage: 256%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Max Hits: 5
  • Level 10: Damage: 260%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Max Hits: 5
  • Level 11: Damage: 264%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Max Hits: 5
  • Level 12: Damage: 268%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Max Hits: 5
  • Level 13: Damage: 272%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Max Hits: 5
  • Level 14: Damage: 276%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Max Hits: 5
  • Level 15: Damage: 280%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Max Hits: 5
  • Level 16: Damage: 284%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Max Hits: 5
  • Level 17: Damage: 288%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Max Hits: 5
  • Level 18: Damage: 292%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Max Hits: 5
  • Level 19: Damage: 296%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Max Hits: 5
  • Level 20: Damage: 300%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Max Hits: 5

Tempest Blades (Transfiguration): Summon 3 of your swords to search for monsters, leaving tracers behind.

Tempest Blades (Transfiguration) effects


  • Level 1: MP Cost: 21, Swords Summoned: 3. Use the skill again after summoning to order the swords to attack for 224% damage with 4 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec
  • Level 2: MP Cost: 21, Swords Summoned: 3. Use the skill again after summoning to order the swords to attack for 228% damage with 4 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec
  • Level 3: MP Cost: 22, Swords Summoned: 3. Use the skill again after summoning to order the swords to attack for 232% damage with 4 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec
  • Level 4: MP Cost: 22, Swords Summoned: 3. Use the skill again after summoning to order the swords to attack for 236% damage with 4 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec
  • Level 5: MP Cost: 23, Swords Summoned: 3. Use the skill again after summoning to order the swords to attack for 240% damage with 4 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec
  • Level 6: MP Cost: 23, Swords Summoned: 3. Use the skill again after summoning to order the swords to attack for 244% damage with 4 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec
  • Level 7: MP Cost: 24, Swords Summoned: 3. Use the skill again after summoning to order the swords to attack for 248% damage with 4 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec
  • Level 8: MP Cost: 24, Swords Summoned: 3. Use the skill again after summoning to order the swords to attack for 252% damage with 4 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec
  • Level 9: MP Cost: 25, Swords Summoned: 3. Use the skill again after summoning to order the swords to attack for 256% damage with 4 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec
  • Level 10: MP Cost: 25, Swords Summoned: 3. Use the skill again after summoning to order the swords to attack for 260% damage with 4 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec
  • Level 11: MP Cost: 26, Swords Summoned: 3. Use the skill again after summoning to order the swords to attack for 264% damage with 4 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec
  • Level 12: MP Cost: 26, Swords Summoned: 3. Use the skill again after summoning to order the swords to attack for 268% damage with 4 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec
  • Level 13: MP Cost: 27, Swords Summoned: 3. Use the skill again after summoning to order the swords to attack for 272% damage with 4 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec
  • Level 14: MP Cost: 27, Swords Summoned: 3. Use the skill again after summoning to order the swords to attack for 276% damage with 4 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec
  • Level 15: MP Cost: 28, Swords Summoned: 3. Use the skill again after summoning to order the swords to attack for 280% damage with 4 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec
  • Level 16: MP Cost: 28, Swords Summoned: 3. Use the skill again after summoning to order the swords to attack for 284% damage with 4 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec
  • Level 17: MP Cost: 29, Swords Summoned: 3. Use the skill again after summoning to order the swords to attack for 288% damage with 4 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec
  • Level 18: MP Cost: 29, Swords Summoned: 3. Use the skill again after summoning to order the swords to attack for 292% damage with 4 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec
  • Level 19: MP Cost: 30, Swords Summoned: 3. Use the skill again after summoning to order the swords to attack for 296% damage with 4 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec
  • Level 20: MP Cost: 30, Swords Summoned: 3. Use the skill again after summoning to order the swords to attack for 300% damage with 4 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec

Fourth Job[edit | edit source]

Those in Italic can be obtained through Combat Orders.

Nova Warrior
"Increases the base stats of all party members."
Nova Warrior level data
Level MP Cost Base Stats Duration
Add 10
per 5 levels
Add 1%
per 2 levels
Add 30 seconds per level
1 10 +1% 30 sec
2 10 +1% 60 sec
3 10 +2% 90 sec
4 10 +2% 120 sec
5 20 +3% 150 sec
6 20 +3% 180 sec
7 20 +4% 210 sec
8 20 +4% 240 sec
9 20 +5% 270 sec
10 30 +5% 300 sec
11 30 +6% 330 sec
12 30 +6% 360 sec
13 30 +7% 390 sec
14 30 +7% 420 sec
15 40 +8% 450 sec
16 40 +8% 480 sec
17 40 +9% 510 sec
18 40 +9% 540 sec
19 40 +10% 570 sec
20 50 +10% 600 sec
21 50 +11% 630 sec
22 50 +11% 660 sec
23 50 +12% 690 sec
24 50 +12% 720 sec
25 60 +13% 750 sec
26 60 +13% 780 sec
27 60 +14% 810 sec
28 60 +14% 840 sec
29 60 +15% 870 sec
30 70 +15% 900 sec
31 70 +16% 930 sec
32 70 +16% 960 sec
Nova Temperance
"By focusing your mind, you can ignore some abnormal status effects. However, this will not work on all abnormal status effects."
Nova Temperance level data
Level MP Cost Cooldown
Subtract 60 seconds per level
1 30 600 sec
2 30 540 sec
3 30 480 sec
4 30 420 sec
5 30 360 sec
6 30 300 sec
7 30 240 sec

Gigas Wave: Blasts enemies with a powerful slash of your blade. All enemies, including bosses, will be afflicted with Slow when hit.

Gigas Wave effects

Dragon Link: During Attack + Gigas Wave

  • Level 1: MP Cost: 21, Mobs Hit: 1, Damage: 142%, Number of Attacks: 9
  • Level 2: MP Cost: 22, Mobs Hit: 1, Damage: 144%, Number of Attacks: 9
  • Level 3: MP Cost: 23, Mobs Hit: 1, Damage: 146%, Number of Attacks: 9
  • Level 4: MP Cost: 24, Mobs Hit: 1, Damage: 148%, Number of Attacks: 9
  • Level 5: MP Cost: 25, Mobs Hit: 1, Damage: 150%, Number of Attacks: 9
  • Level 6: MP Cost: 26, Mobs Hit: 1, Damage: 152%, Number of Attacks: 9
  • Level 7: MP Cost: 27, Mobs Hit: 1, Damage: 154%, Number of Attacks: 9
  • Level 8: MP Cost: 28, Mobs Hit: 1, Damage: 156%, Number of Attacks: 9
  • Level 9: MP Cost: 29, Mobs Hit: 1, Damage: 158%, Number of Attacks: 9
  • Level 10: MP Cost: 30, Mobs Hit: 1, Damage: 160%, Number of Attacks: 9
  • Level 11: MP Cost: 31, Mobs Hit: 1, Damage: 162%, Number of Attacks: 9
  • Level 12: MP Cost: 32, Mobs Hit: 1, Damage: 164%, Number of Attacks: 9
  • Level 13: MP Cost: 33, Mobs Hit: 1, Damage: 166%, Number of Attacks: 9
  • Level 14: MP Cost: 34, Mobs Hit: 1, Damage: 168%, Number of Attacks: 9
  • Level 15: MP Cost: 35, Mobs Hit: 1, Damage: 170%, Number of Attacks: 9
  • Level 16: MP Cost: 36, Mobs Hit: 1, Damage: 172%, Number of Attacks: 9
  • Level 17: MP Cost: 37, Mobs Hit: 1, Damage: 174%, Number of Attacks: 9
  • Level 18: MP Cost: 38, Mobs Hit: 1, Damage: 176%, Number of Attacks: 9
  • Level 19: MP Cost: 39, Mobs Hit: 1, Damage: 178%, Number of Attacks: 9
  • Level 20: MP Cost: 40, Mobs Hit: 1, Damage: 180%, Number of Attacks: 9
  • Level 21: MP Cost: 41, Mobs Hit: 1, Damage: 182%, Number of Attacks: 9
  • Level 22: MP Cost: 42, Mobs Hit: 1, Damage: 184%, Number of Attacks: 9
  • Level 23: MP Cost: 43, Mobs Hit: 1, Damage: 186%, Number of Attacks: 9
  • Level 24: MP Cost: 44, Mobs Hit: 1, Damage: 188%, Number of Attacks: 9
  • Level 25: MP Cost: 45, Mobs Hit: 1, Damage: 190%, Number of Attacks: 9
  • Level 26: MP Cost: 46, Mobs Hit: 1, Damage: 192%, Number of Attacks: 9
  • Level 27: MP Cost: 47, Mobs Hit: 1, Damage: 194%, Number of Attacks: 9
  • Level 28: MP Cost: 48, Mobs Hit: 1, Damage: 196%, Number of Attacks: 9
  • Level 29: MP Cost: 49, Mobs Hit: 1, Damage: 198%, Number of Attacks: 9
  • Level 30: MP Cost: 50, Mobs Hit: 1, Damage: 200%, Number of Attacks: 9
  • Level 31: MP Cost: 51, Mobs Hit: 1, Damage: 202%, Number of Attacks: 9
  • Level 32: MP Cost: 52, Mobs Hit: 1, Damage: 204%, Number of Attacks: 9

Gigas Wave (Transfiguration): Blasts enemies with a powerful slash of your blade. All enemies, including bosses, will be afflicted with Slow when hit.

Gigas Wave (Transfiguration) effects

Dragon Link: During Attack + Gigas Wave

  • Level 1: MP Cost: 31, Mobs Hit: 3, Damage: 142%, Number of Attacks: 11
  • Level 2: MP Cost: 32, Mobs Hit: 3, Damage: 144%, Number of Attacks: 11
  • Level 3: MP Cost: 33, Mobs Hit: 3, Damage: 146%, Number of Attacks: 11
  • Level 4: MP Cost: 34, Mobs Hit: 3, Damage: 148%, Number of Attacks: 11
  • Level 5: MP Cost: 35, Mobs Hit: 3, Damage: 150%, Number of Attacks: 11
  • Level 6: MP Cost: 36, Mobs Hit: 3, Damage: 152%, Number of Attacks: 11
  • Level 7: MP Cost: 37, Mobs Hit: 3, Damage: 154%, Number of Attacks: 11
  • Level 8: MP Cost: 38, Mobs Hit: 3, Damage: 156%, Number of Attacks: 11
  • Level 9: MP Cost: 39, Mobs Hit: 3, Damage: 158%, Number of Attacks: 11
  • Level 10: MP Cost: 40, Mobs Hit: 3, Damage: 160%, Number of Attacks: 11
  • Level 11: MP Cost: 41, Mobs Hit: 3, Damage: 162%, Number of Attacks: 11
  • Level 12: MP Cost: 42, Mobs Hit: 3, Damage: 164%, Number of Attacks: 11
  • Level 13: MP Cost: 43, Mobs Hit: 3, Damage: 166%, Number of Attacks: 11
  • Level 14: MP Cost: 44, Mobs Hit: 3, Damage: 168%, Number of Attacks: 11
  • Level 15: MP Cost: 45, Mobs Hit: 3, Damage: 170%, Number of Attacks: 11
  • Level 16: MP Cost: 46, Mobs Hit: 3, Damage: 172%, Number of Attacks: 11
  • Level 17: MP Cost: 47, Mobs Hit: 3, Damage: 174%, Number of Attacks: 11
  • Level 18: MP Cost: 48, Mobs Hit: 3, Damage: 176%, Number of Attacks: 11
  • Level 19: MP Cost: 49, Mobs Hit: 3, Damage: 178%, Number of Attacks: 11
  • Level 20: MP Cost: 50, Mobs Hit: 3, Damage: 180%, Number of Attacks: 11
  • Level 21: MP Cost: 51, Mobs Hit: 3, Damage: 182%, Number of Attacks: 11
  • Level 22: MP Cost: 52, Mobs Hit: 3, Damage: 184%, Number of Attacks: 11
  • Level 23: MP Cost: 53, Mobs Hit: 3, Damage: 186%, Number of Attacks: 11
  • Level 24: MP Cost: 54, Mobs Hit: 3, Damage: 188%, Number of Attacks: 11
  • Level 25: MP Cost: 55, Mobs Hit: 3, Damage: 190%, Number of Attacks: 11
  • Level 26: MP Cost: 56, Mobs Hit: 3, Damage: 192%, Number of Attacks: 11
  • Level 27: MP Cost: 57, Mobs Hit: 3, Damage: 194%, Number of Attacks: 11
  • Level 28: MP Cost: 58, Mobs Hit: 3, Damage: 196%, Number of Attacks: 11
  • Level 29: MP Cost: 59, Mobs Hit: 3, Damage: 198%, Number of Attacks: 11
  • Level 30: MP Cost: 60, Mobs Hit: 3, Damage: 200%, Number of Attacks: 11
  • Level 31: MP Cost: 61, Mobs Hit: 3, Damage: 202%, Number of Attacks: 11
  • Level 32: MP Cost: 62, Mobs Hit: 3, Damage: 204%, Number of Attacks: 11

Dragon Barrage: Quickly move and attack enemies with chance to instantly KO them.

Dragon Barrage effects

Dragon Link: During Attack + ← Dragon Link

  • Level 1: MP Cost: 21, Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 347%, Number of Attacks: 3, Instant KO Chance: 10%
  • Level 2: MP Cost: 22, Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 354%, Number of Attacks: 3, Instant KO Chance: 11%
  • Level 3: MP Cost: 23, Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 361%, Number of Attacks: 3, Instant KO Chance: 11%
  • Level 4: MP Cost: 24, Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 368%, Number of Attacks: 3, Instant KO Chance: 12%
  • Level 5: MP Cost: 25, Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 375%, Number of Attacks: 3, Instant KO Chance: 12%
  • Level 6: MP Cost: 26, Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 382%, Number of Attacks: 3, Instant KO Chance: 13%
  • Level 7: MP Cost: 27, Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 389%, Number of Attacks: 3, Instant KO Chance: 13%
  • Level 8: MP Cost: 28, Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 396%, Number of Attacks: 3, Instant KO Chance: 14%
  • Level 9: MP Cost: 29, Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 403%, Number of Attacks: 3, Instant KO Chance: 14%
  • Level 10: MP Cost: 30, Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 410%, Number of Attacks: 3, Instant KO Chance: 15%
  • Level 11: MP Cost: 31, Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 417%, Number of Attacks: 3, Instant KO Chance: 15%
  • Level 12: MP Cost: 32, Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 424%, Number of Attacks: 3, Instant KO Chance: 16%
  • Level 13: MP Cost: 33, Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 431%, Number of Attacks: 3, Instant KO Chance: 16%
  • Level 14: MP Cost: 34, Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 438%, Number of Attacks: 3, Instant KO Chance: 17%
  • Level 15: MP Cost: 35, Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 445%, Number of Attacks: 3, Instant KO Chance: 17%
  • Level 16: MP Cost: 36, Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 452%, Number of Attacks: 3, Instant KO Chance: 18%
  • Level 17: MP Cost: 37, Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 459%, Number of Attacks: 3, Instant KO Chance: 18%
  • Level 18: MP Cost: 38, Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 466%, Number of Attacks: 3, Instant KO Chance: 19%
  • Level 19: MP Cost: 39, Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 473%, Number of Attacks: 3, Instant KO Chance: 19%
  • Level 20: MP Cost: 40, Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 480%, Number of Attacks: 3, Instant KO Chance: 20%
  • Level 21: MP Cost: 41, Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 487%, Number of Attacks: 3, Instant KO Chance: 20%
  • Level 22: MP Cost: 42, Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 494%, Number of Attacks: 3, Instant KO Chance: 21%
  • Level 23: MP Cost: 43, Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 501%, Number of Attacks: 3, Instant KO Chance: 21%
  • Level 24: MP Cost: 44, Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 508%, Number of Attacks: 3, Instant KO Chance: 22%
  • Level 25: MP Cost: 45, Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 515%, Number of Attacks: 3, Instant KO Chance: 22%
  • Level 26: MP Cost: 46, Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 522%, Number of Attacks: 3, Instant KO Chance: 23%
  • Level 27: MP Cost: 47, Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 529%, Number of Attacks: 3, Instant KO Chance: 23%
  • Level 28: MP Cost: 48, Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 536%, Number of Attacks: 3, Instant KO Chance: 24%
  • Level 29: MP Cost: 49, Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 543%, Number of Attacks: 3, Instant KO Chance: 24%
  • Level 30: MP Cost: 50, Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 550%, Number of Attacks: 3, Instant KO Chance: 25%
  • Level 31: MP Cost: 51, Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 557%, Number of Attacks: 3, Instant KO Chance: 25%
  • Level 32: MP Cost: 52, Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 564%, Number of Attacks: 3, Instant KO Chance: 26%

Dragon Barrage (Transfiguration): Quickly move and attack enemies with chance to instantly KO them.

Dragon Barrage (Transfiguration) effects

Dragon Link: During Attack + ← Dragon Link

  • Level 1: MP Cost: 31, Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 297%, Number of Attacks: 4, Instant KO Chance: 10%
  • Level 2: MP Cost: 32, Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 304%, Number of Attacks: 4, Instant KO Chance: 11%
  • Level 3: MP Cost: 33, Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 311%, Number of Attacks: 4, Instant KO Chance: 11%
  • Level 4: MP Cost: 34, Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 318%, Number of Attacks: 4, Instant KO Chance: 12%
  • Level 5: MP Cost: 35, Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 325%, Number of Attacks: 4, Instant KO Chance: 12%
  • Level 6: MP Cost: 36, Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 332%, Number of Attacks: 4, Instant KO Chance: 13%
  • Level 7: MP Cost: 37, Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 339%, Number of Attacks: 4, Instant KO Chance: 13%
  • Level 8: MP Cost: 38, Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 346%, Number of Attacks: 4, Instant KO Chance: 14%
  • Level 9: MP Cost: 39, Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 353%, Number of Attacks: 4, Instant KO Chance: 14%
  • Level 10: MP Cost: 40, Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 360%, Number of Attacks: 4, Instant KO Chance: 15%
  • Level 11: MP Cost: 41, Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 367%, Number of Attacks: 4, Instant KO Chance: 15%
  • Level 12: MP Cost: 42, Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 374%, Number of Attacks: 4, Instant KO Chance: 16%
  • Level 13: MP Cost: 43, Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 381%, Number of Attacks: 4, Instant KO Chance: 16%
  • Level 14: MP Cost: 44, Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 388%, Number of Attacks: 4, Instant KO Chance: 17%
  • Level 15: MP Cost: 45, Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 395%, Number of Attacks: 4, Instant KO Chance: 17%
  • Level 16: MP Cost: 46, Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 402%, Number of Attacks: 4, Instant KO Chance: 18%
  • Level 17: MP Cost: 47, Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 409%, Number of Attacks: 4, Instant KO Chance: 18%
  • Level 18: MP Cost: 48, Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 416%, Number of Attacks: 4, Instant KO Chance: 19%
  • Level 19: MP Cost: 49, Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 423%, Number of Attacks: 4, Instant KO Chance: 19%
  • Level 20: MP Cost: 50, Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 430%, Number of Attacks: 4, Instant KO Chance: 20%
  • Level 21: MP Cost: 51, Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 437%, Number of Attacks: 4, Instant KO Chance: 20%
  • Level 22: MP Cost: 52, Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 444%, Number of Attacks: 4, Instant KO Chance: 21%
  • Level 23: MP Cost: 53, Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 451%, Number of Attacks: 4, Instant KO Chance: 21%
  • Level 24: MP Cost: 54, Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 458%, Number of Attacks: 4, Instant KO Chance: 22%
  • Level 25: MP Cost: 55, Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 465%, Number of Attacks: 4, Instant KO Chance: 22%
  • Level 26: MP Cost: 56, Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 472%, Number of Attacks: 4, Instant KO Chance: 23%
  • Level 27: MP Cost: 57, Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 479%, Number of Attacks: 4, Instant KO Chance: 23%
  • Level 28: MP Cost: 58, Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 486%, Number of Attacks: 4, Instant KO Chance: 24%
  • Level 29: MP Cost: 59, Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 493%, Number of Attacks: 4, Instant KO Chance: 24%
  • Level 30: MP Cost: 60, Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 500%, Number of Attacks: 4, Instant KO Chance: 25%
  • Level 31: MP Cost: 61, Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 507%, Number of Attacks: 4, Instant KO Chance: 25%
  • Level 32: MP Cost: 62, Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 514%, Number of Attacks: 4, Instant KO Chance: 26%

Blade Burst: Summon multiple swords to strike the ground and explode, dealing bonus damage.

Blade Burst effects

Dragon Link Skill: During Attack + ↓ Dragon Link

  • Level 1: MP Cost: 25, Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 105%, Number of Attacks: 5. Explosion damage hits 12 enemies for 74% damage 4 times.
  • Level 2: MP Cost: 25, Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 110%, Number of Attacks: 5. Explosion damage hits 12 enemies for 78% damage 4 times.
  • Level 3: MP Cost: 25, Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 115%, Number of Attacks: 5. Explosion damage hits 12 enemies for 82% damage 4 times.
  • Level 4: MP Cost: 25, Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 120%, Number of Attacks: 5. Explosion damage hits 12 enemies for 86% damage 4 times.
  • Level 5: MP Cost: 30, Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 125%, Number of Attacks: 5. Explosion damage hits 12 enemies for 90% damage 4 times.
  • Level 6: MP Cost: 30, Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 130%, Number of Attacks: 5. Explosion damage hits 12 enemies for 94% damage 4 times.
  • Level 7: MP Cost: 30, Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 135%, Number of Attacks: 5. Explosion damage hits 12 enemies for 98% damage 4 times.
  • Level 8: MP Cost: 30, Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 140%, Number of Attacks: 5. Explosion damage hits 12 enemies for 102% damage 4 times.
  • Level 9: MP Cost: 35, Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 145%, Number of Attacks: 5. Explosion damage hits 12 enemies for 106% damage 4 times.
  • Level 10: MP Cost: 35, Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 150%, Number of Attacks: 5. Explosion damage hits 12 enemies for 110% damage 4 times.
  • Level 11: MP Cost: 35, Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 155%, Number of Attacks: 5. Explosion damage hits 12 enemies for 114% damage 4 times.
  • Level 12: MP Cost: 35, Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 160%, Number of Attacks: 5. Explosion damage hits 12 enemies for 118% damage 4 times.
  • Level 13: MP Cost: 40, Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 165%, Number of Attacks: 5. Explosion damage hits 12 enemies for 122% damage 4 times.
  • Level 14: MP Cost: 40, Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 170%, Number of Attacks: 5. Explosion damage hits 12 enemies for 126% damage 4 times.
  • Level 15: MP Cost: 40, Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 175%, Number of Attacks: 5. Explosion damage hits 12 enemies for 130% damage 4 times.
  • Level 16: MP Cost: 40, Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 180%, Number of Attacks: 5. Explosion damage hits 12 enemies for 134% damage 4 times.
  • Level 17: MP Cost: 45, Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 185%, Number of Attacks: 5. Explosion damage hits 12 enemies for 138% damage 4 times.
  • Level 18: MP Cost: 45, Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 190%, Number of Attacks: 5. Explosion damage hits 12 enemies for 142% damage 4 times.
  • Level 19: MP Cost: 45, Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 195%, Number of Attacks: 5. Explosion damage hits 12 enemies for 146% damage 4 times.
  • Level 20: MP Cost: 45, Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 200%, Number of Attacks: 5. Explosion damage hits 12 enemies for 150% damage 4 times.
  • Level 21: MP Cost: 50, Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 205%, Number of Attacks: 5. Explosion damage hits 12 enemies for 154% damage 4 times.
  • Level 22: MP Cost: 50, Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 210%, Number of Attacks: 5. Explosion damage hits 12 enemies for 158% damage 4 times.

Inferno Breath: Summons an ancient dragon that breathes fire, leaving a a trail of fire that deals continuous damage to those on it.

Inferno Breath effects


  • Level 1: MP Cost: 32, Damage: 224%, Number of Attacks: 8, Max Enemies Hit: 15, 143% Continuous Damage Dealt Afterwards, Enemies Hit: 6. Cooldown: 39 sec
  • Level 2: MP Cost: 34, Damage: 228%, Number of Attacks: 8, Max Enemies Hit: 15, 146% Continuous Damage Dealt Afterwards, Enemies Hit: 6. Cooldown: 38 sec
  • Level 3: MP Cost: 36, Damage: 232%, Number of Attacks: 8, Max Enemies Hit: 15, 149% Continuous Damage Dealt Afterwards, Enemies Hit: 6. Cooldown: 37 sec
  • Level 4: MP Cost: 38, Damage: 236%, Number of Attacks: 8, Max Enemies Hit: 15, 152% Continuous Damage Dealt Afterwards, Enemies Hit: 6. Cooldown: 36 sec
  • Level 5: MP Cost: 40, Damage: 240%, Number of Attacks: 8, Max Enemies Hit: 15, 155% Continuous Damage Dealt Afterwards, Enemies Hit: 6. Cooldown: 35 sec
  • Level 6: MP Cost: 42, Damage: 244%, Number of Attacks: 8, Max Enemies Hit: 15, 158% Continuous Damage Dealt Afterwards, Enemies Hit: 6. Cooldown: 34 sec
  • Level 7: MP Cost: 44, Damage: 248%, Number of Attacks: 8, Max Enemies Hit: 15, 161% Continuous Damage Dealt Afterwards, Enemies Hit: 6. Cooldown: 33 sec
  • Level 8: MP Cost: 46, Damage: 252%, Number of Attacks: 8, Max Enemies Hit: 15, 164% Continuous Damage Dealt Afterwards, Enemies Hit: 6. Cooldown: 32 sec
  • Level 9: MP Cost: 48, Damage: 256%, Number of Attacks: 8, Max Enemies Hit: 15, 167% Continuous Damage Dealt Afterwards, Enemies Hit: 6. Cooldown: 31 sec
  • Level 10: MP Cost: 50, Damage: 260%, Number of Attacks: 8, Max Enemies Hit: 15, 170% Continuous Damage Dealt Afterwards, Enemies Hit: 6.Cooldown: 30 sec
  • Level 11: MP Cost: 52, Damage: 264%, Number of Attacks: 8, Max Enemies Hit: 15, 173% Continuous Damage Dealt Afterwards, Enemies Hit: 6.Cooldown: 29 sec
  • Level 12: MP Cost: 54, Damage: 268%, Number of Attacks: 8, Max Enemies Hit: 15, 176% Continuous Damage Dealt Afterwards, Enemies Hit: 6. Cooldown: 28 sec
  • Level 13: MP Cost: 56, Damage: 272%, Number of Attacks: 8, Max Enemies Hit: 15, 179% Continuous Damage Dealt Afterwards, Enemies Hit: 6. Cooldown: 27 sec
  • Level 14: MP Cost: 58, Damage: 276%, Number of Attacks: 8, Max Enemies Hit: 15, 182% Continuous Damage Dealt Afterwards, Enemies Hit: 6. Cooldown: 26 sec
  • Level 15: MP Cost: 60, Damage: 280%, Number of Attacks: 8, Max Enemies Hit: 15, 185% Continuous Damage Dealt Afterwards, Enemies Hit: 6. Cooldown: 25 sec
  • Level 16: MP Cost: 62, Damage: 284%, Number of Attacks: 8, Max Enemies Hit: 15, 188% Continuous Damage Dealt Afterwards, Enemies Hit: 6. Cooldown: 24 sec
  • Level 17: MP Cost: 64, Damage: 288%, Number of Attacks: 8, Max Enemies Hit: 15, 191% Continuous Damage Dealt Afterwards, Enemies Hit: 6. Cooldown: 23 sec
  • Level 18: MP Cost: 66, Damage: 292%, Number of Attacks: 8, Max Enemies Hit: 15, 194% Continuous Damage Dealt Afterwards, Enemies Hit: 6. Cooldown: 22 sec
  • Level 19: MP Cost: 68, Damage: 296%, Number of Attacks: 8, Max Enemies Hit: 15, 197% Continuous Damage Dealt Afterwards, Enemies Hit: 6. Cooldown: 21 sec
  • Level 20: MP Cost: 70, Damage: 300%, Number of Attacks: 8, Max Enemies Hit: 15, 200% Continuous Damage Dealt Afterwards, Enemies Hit: 6. Cooldown: 20 sec
  • Level 21: MP Cost: 72, Damage: 304%, Number of Attacks: 8, Max Enemies Hit: 15, 203% Continuous Damage Dealt Afterwards, Enemies Hit: 6. Cooldown: 19 sec
  • Level 22: MP Cost: 74, Damage: 308%, Number of Attacks: 8, Max Enemies Hit: 15, 206% Continuous Damage Dealt Afterwards, Enemies Hit: 6. Cooldown: 18 sec

Advanced Tempest Blades: Enhances Tempest Blades. Summons 5 of your current swords. Swords will home in and attack monsters. Also permanently increases Attack Power.

Advanced Tempest Blades effects

Requires Level 20 Tempest Blades

  • Level 1: MP Cost: 31, of Your Swords Summoned: 5. Use the skill again after summoning to send the swords at the enemy and deal 313% damage with 4 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec. Permanently increases Attack Power by 2
  • Level 2: MP Cost: 32, of Your Swords Summoned: 5. Use the skill again after summoning to send the swords at the enemy and deal 316% damage with 4 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec. Permanently increases Attack Power by 2
  • Level 3: MP Cost: 33, of Your Swords Summoned: 5. Use the skill again after summoning to send the swords at the enemy and deal 319% damage with 4 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec. Permanently increases Attack Power by 2
  • Level 4: MP Cost: 34, of Your Swords Summoned: 5. Use the skill again after summoning to send the swords at the enemy and deal 322% damage with 4 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec. Permanently increases Attack Power by 4
  • Level 5: MP Cost: 35, of Your Swords Summoned: 5. Use the skill again after summoning to send the swords at the enemy and deal 325% damage with 4 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec. Permanently increases Attack Power by 4
  • Level 6: MP Cost: 36, of Your Swords Summoned: 5. Use the skill again after summoning to send the swords at the enemy and deal 328% damage with 4 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec. Permanently increases Attack Power by 4
  • Level 7: MP Cost: 37, of Your Swords Summoned: 5. Use the skill again after summoning to send the swords at the enemy and deal 331% damage with 4 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec. Permanently increases Attack Power by 6
  • Level 8: MP Cost: 38, of Your Swords Summoned: 5. Use the skill again after summoning to send the swords at the enemy and deal 334% damage with 4 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec. Permanently increases Attack Power by 6
  • Level 9: MP Cost: 39, of Your Swords Summoned: 5. Use the skill again after summoning to send the swords at the enemy and deal 337% damage with 4 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec. Permanently increases Attack Power by 6
  • Level 10: MP Cost: 40, of Your Swords Summoned: 5. Use the skill again after summoning to send the swords at the enemy and deal 340% damage with 4 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec. Permanently increases Attack Power by 8
  • Level 11: MP Cost: 41, of Your Swords Summoned: 5. Use the skill again after summoning to send the swords at the enemy and deal 343% damage with 4 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec. Permanently increases Attack Power by 8
  • Level 12: MP Cost: 42, of Your Swords Summoned: 5. Use the skill again after summoning to send the swords at the enemy and deal 346% damage with 4 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec. Permanently increases Attack Power by 8
  • Level 13: MP Cost: 43, of Your Swords Summoned: 5. Use the skill again after summoning to send the swords at the enemy and deal 349% damage with 4 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec. Permanently increases Attack Power by 10
  • Level 14: MP Cost: 44, of Your Swords Summoned: 5. Use the skill again after summoning to send the swords at the enemy and deal 352% damage with 4 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec. Permanently increases Attack Power by 10
  • Level 15: MP Cost: 45, of Your Swords Summoned: 5. Use the skill again after summoning to send the swords at the enemy and deal 355% damage with 4 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec. Permanently increases Attack Power by 10
  • Level 16: MP Cost: 46, of Your Swords Summoned: 5. Use the skill again after summoning to send the swords at the enemy and deal 358% damage with 4 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec. Permanently increases Attack Power by 12
  • Level 17: MP Cost: 47, of Your Swords Summoned: 5. Use the skill again after summoning to send the swords at the enemy and deal 361% damage with 4 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec. Permanently increases Attack Power by 12
  • Level 18: MP Cost: 48, of Your Swords Summoned: 5. Use the skill again after summoning to send the swords at the enemy and deal 364% damage with 4 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec. Permanently increases Attack Power by 12
  • Level 19: MP Cost: 49, of Your Swords Summoned: 5. Use the skill again after summoning to send the swords at the enemy and deal 367% damage with 4 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec. Permanently increases Attack Power by 14
  • Level 20: MP Cost: 50, of Your Swords Summoned: 5. Use the skill again after summoning to send the swords at the enemy and deal 370% damage with 4 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec. Permanently increases Attack Power by 14
  • Level 21: MP Cost: 51, of Your Swords Summoned: 5. Use the skill again after summoning to send the swords at the enemy and deal 373% damage with 4 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec. Permanently increases Attack Power by 14
  • Level 22: MP Cost: 52, of Your Swords Summoned: 5. Use the skill again after summoning to send the swords at the enemy and deal 376% damage with 4 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec. Permanently increases Attack Power by 16
  • Level 23: MP Cost: 53, of Your Swords Summoned: 5. Use the skill again after summoning to send the swords at the enemy and deal 379% damage with 4 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec. Permanently increases Attack Power by 16
  • Level 24: MP Cost: 54, of Your Swords Summoned: 5. Use the skill again after summoning to send the swords at the enemy and deal 382% damage with 4 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec. Permanently increases Attack Power by 16
  • Level 25: MP Cost: 55, of Your Swords Summoned: 5. Use the skill again after summoning to send the swords at the enemy and deal 385% damage with 4 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec. Permanently increases Attack Power by 18
  • Level 26: MP Cost: 56, of Your Swords Summoned: 5. Use the skill again after summoning to send the swords at the enemy and deal 388% damage with 4 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec. Permanently increases Attack Power by 18
  • Level 27: MP Cost: 57, of Your Swords Summoned: 5. Use the skill again after summoning to send the swords at the enemy and deal 391% damage with 4 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec. Permanently increases Attack Power by 18
  • Level 28: MP Cost: 58, of Your Swords Summoned: 5. Use the skill again after summoning to send the swords at the enemy and deal 394% damage with 4 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec. Permanently increases Attack Power by 20
  • Level 29: MP Cost: 59, of Your Swords Summoned: 5. Use the skill again after summoning to send the swords at the enemy and deal 397% damage with 4 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec. Permanently increases Attack Power by 20
  • Level 30: MP Cost: 60, of Your Swords Summoned: 5. Use the skill again after summoning to send the swords at the enemy and deal 400% damage with 4 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec. Permanently increases Attack Power by 20
  • 'Level 31: MP Cost: 61, of Your Swords Summoned: 5. Use the skill again after summoning to send the swords at the enemy and deal 403% damage with 4 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec. Permanently increases Attack Power by 22
  • 'Level 32: MP Cost: 62, of Your Swords Summoned: 5. Use the skill again after summoning to send the swords at the enemy and deal 406% damage with 4 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec. Permanently increases Attack Power by 22

Advanced Tempest Blades (Transfiguration): Enhances Tempest Blades. Summons 5 of your current swords. Swords will home in and attack monsters. Also permanently increases Attack Power.

Advanced Tempest Blades (Transfiguration) effects

Requires Level 20 Tempest Blades

  • Level 1: MP Cost: 31, of Your Swords Summoned: 5. Use the skill again after summoning to send the swords at the enemy and deal 313% damage with 5 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec. Permanently increases Attack Power by 2
  • Level 2: MP Cost: 32, of Your Swords Summoned: 5. Use the skill again after summoning to send the swords at the enemy and deal 316% damage with 5 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec. Permanently increases Attack Power by 2
  • Level 3: MP Cost: 33, of Your Swords Summoned: 5. Use the skill again after summoning to send the swords at the enemy and deal 319% damage with 5 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec. Permanently increases Attack Power by 2
  • Level 4: MP Cost: 34, of Your Swords Summoned: 5. Use the skill again after summoning to send the swords at the enemy and deal 322% damage with 5 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec. Permanently increases Attack Power by 4
  • Level 5: MP Cost: 35, of Your Swords Summoned: 5. Use the skill again after summoning to send the swords at the enemy and deal 325% damage with 5 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec. Permanently increases Attack Power by 4
  • Level 6: MP Cost: 36, of Your Swords Summoned: 5. Use the skill again after summoning to send the swords at the enemy and deal 328% damage with 5 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec. Permanently increases Attack Power by 4
  • Level 7: MP Cost: 37, of Your Swords Summoned: 5. Use the skill again after summoning to send the swords at the enemy and deal 331% damage with 5 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec. Permanently increases Attack Power by 6
  • Level 8: MP Cost: 38, of Your Swords Summoned: 5. Use the skill again after summoning to send the swords at the enemy and deal 334% damage with 5 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec. Permanently increases Attack Power by 6
  • Level 9: MP Cost: 39, of Your Swords Summoned: 5. Use the skill again after summoning to send the swords at the enemy and deal 337% damage with 5 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec. Permanently increases Attack Power by 6
  • Level 10: MP Cost: 40, of Your Swords Summoned: 5. Use the skill again after summoning to send the swords at the enemy and deal 340% damage with 5 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec. Permanently increases Attack Power by 8
  • Level 11: MP Cost: 41, of Your Swords Summoned: 5. Use the skill again after summoning to send the swords at the enemy and deal 343% damage with 5 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec. Permanently increases Attack Power by 8
  • Level 12: MP Cost: 42, of Your Swords Summoned: 5. Use the skill again after summoning to send the swords at the enemy and deal 346% damage with 5 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec. Permanently increases Attack Power by 8
  • Level 13: MP Cost: 43, of Your Swords Summoned: 5. Use the skill again after summoning to send the swords at the enemy and deal 349% damage with 5 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec. Permanently increases Attack Power by 10
  • Level 14: MP Cost: 44, of Your Swords Summoned: 5. Use the skill again after summoning to send the swords at the enemy and deal 352% damage with 5 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec. Permanently increases Attack Power by 10
  • Level 15: MP Cost: 45, of Your Swords Summoned: 5. Use the skill again after summoning to send the swords at the enemy and deal 355% damage with 5 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec. Permanently increases Attack Power by 10
  • Level 16: MP Cost: 46, of Your Swords Summoned: 5. Use the skill again after summoning to send the swords at the enemy and deal 358% damage with 5 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec. Permanently increases Attack Power by 12
  • Level 17: MP Cost: 47, of Your Swords Summoned: 5. Use the skill again after summoning to send the swords at the enemy and deal 361% damage with 5 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec. Permanently increases Attack Power by 12
  • Level 18: MP Cost: 48, of Your Swords Summoned: 5. Use the skill again after summoning to send the swords at the enemy and deal 364% damage with 5 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec. Permanently increases Attack Power by 12
  • Level 19: MP Cost: 49, of Your Swords Summoned: 5. Use the skill again after summoning to send the swords at the enemy and deal 367% damage with 5 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec. Permanently increases Attack Power by 14
  • Level 20: MP Cost: 50, of Your Swords Summoned: 5. Use the skill again after summoning to send the swords at the enemy and deal 370% damage with 5 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec. Permanently increases Attack Power by 14
  • Level 21: MP Cost: 51, of Your Swords Summoned: 5. Use the skill again after summoning to send the swords at the enemy and deal 373% damage with 5 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec. Permanently increases Attack Power by 14
  • Level 22: MP Cost: 52, of Your Swords Summoned: 5. Use the skill again after summoning to send the swords at the enemy and deal 376% damage with 5 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec. Permanently increases Attack Power by 16
  • Level 23: MP Cost: 53, of Your Swords Summoned: 5. Use the skill again after summoning to send the swords at the enemy and deal 379% damage with 5 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec. Permanently increases Attack Power by 16
  • Level 24: MP Cost: 54, of Your Swords Summoned: 5. Use the skill again after summoning to send the swords at the enemy and deal 382% damage with 5 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec. Permanently increases Attack Power by 16
  • Level 25: MP Cost: 55, of Your Swords Summoned: 5. Use the skill again after summoning to send the swords at the enemy and deal 385% damage with 5 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec. Permanently increases Attack Power by 18
  • Level 26: MP Cost: 56, of Your Swords Summoned: 5. Use the skill again after summoning to send the swords at the enemy and deal 388% damage with 5 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec. Permanently increases Attack Power by 18
  • Level 27: MP Cost: 57, of Your Swords Summoned: 5. Use the skill again after summoning to send the swords at the enemy and deal 391% damage with 5 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec. Permanently increases Attack Power by 18
  • Level 28: MP Cost: 58, of Your Swords Summoned: 5. Use the skill again after summoning to send the swords at the enemy and deal 394% damage with 5 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec. Permanently increases Attack Power by 20
  • Level 29: MP Cost: 59, of Your Swords Summoned: 5. Use the skill again after summoning to send the swords at the enemy and deal 397% damage with 5 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec. Permanently increases Attack Power by 20
  • Level 30: MP Cost: 60, of Your Swords Summoned: 5. Use the skill again after summoning to send the swords at the enemy and deal 400% damage with 5 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec. Permanently increases Attack Power by 20
  • 'Level 31: MP Cost: 61, of Your Swords Summoned: 5. Use the skill again after summoning to send the swords at the enemy and deal 403% damage with 5 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec. Permanently increases Attack Power by 22
  • 'Level 32: MP Cost: 62, of Your Swords Summoned: 5. Use the skill again after summoning to send the swords at the enemy and deal 406% damage with 5 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec. Permanently increases Attack Power by 22

Grand Armor: Reduces damage taken from monsters for you and your party.

Grand Armor effects


  • Level 1: MP Cost: MP 22, Duration: 12, Damage Taken: -11%, Party's Damage Taken: -0%
  • Level 2: MP Cost: MP 24, Duration: 24, Damage Taken: -12%, Party's Damage Taken: -1%
  • Level 3: MP Cost: MP 26, Duration: 36, Damage Taken: -13%, Party's Damage Taken: -1%
  • Level 4: MP Cost: MP 28, Duration: 48, Damage Taken: -14%, Party's Damage Taken: -2%
  • Level 5: MP Cost: MP 30, Duration: 60, Damage Taken: -15%, Party's Damage Taken: -2%
  • Level 6: MP Cost: MP 32, Duration: 72, Damage Taken: -16%, Party's Damage Taken: -3%
  • Level 7: MP Cost: MP 34, Duration: 84, Damage Taken: -17%, Party's Damage Taken: -3%
  • Level 8: MP Cost: MP 36, Duration: 96, Damage Taken: -18%, Party's Damage Taken: -4%
  • Level 9: MP Cost: MP 38, Duration: 108, Damage Taken: -19%, Party's Damage Taken: -4%
  • Level 10: MP Cost: MP 40, Duration: 120, Damage Taken: -20%, Party's Damage Taken: -5%
  • Level 11: MP Cost: MP 42, Duration: 132, Damage Taken: -21%, Party's Damage Taken: -5%
  • Level 12: MP Cost: MP 44, Duration: 144, Damage Taken: -22%, Party's Damage Taken: -6%
  • Level 13: MP Cost: MP 46, Duration: 156, Damage Taken: -23%, Party's Damage Taken: -6%
  • Level 14: MP Cost: MP 48, Duration: 168, Damage Taken: -24%, Party's Damage Taken: -7%
  • Level 15: MP Cost: MP 50, Duration: 180, Damage Taken: -25%, Party's Damage Taken: -7%
  • Level 16: MP Cost: MP 52, Duration: 192, Damage Taken: -26%, Party's Damage Taken: -8%
  • Level 17: MP Cost: MP 54, Duration: 204, Damage Taken: -27%, Party's Damage Taken: -8%
  • Level 18: MP Cost: MP 56, Duration: 216, Damage Taken: -28%, Party's Damage Taken: -9%
  • Level 19: MP Cost: MP 58, Duration: 228, Damage Taken: -29%, Party's Damage Taken: -9%
  • Level 20: MP Cost: MP 60, Duration: 240, Damage Taken: -30%, Party's Damage Taken: -10%
  • Level 21: MP Cost: MP 62, Duration: 252, Damage Taken: -31%, Party's Damage Taken: -10%
  • Level 22: MP Cost: MP 64, Duration: 264, Damage Taken: -32%, Party's Damage Taken: -11%

Unbreakable Will
"Ignores monster DEF."
Unbreakable Will level data
Level Enemy Defense Ignored
Add 1%
per level
1 +11%
2 +12%
3 +13%
4 +14%
5 +15%
6 +16%
7 +17%
8 +18%
9 +19%
10 +20%
11 +21%
12 +22%
13 +23%
14 +24%
15 +25%
16 +26%
17 +27%
18 +28%
19 +29%
20 +30%
21 +31%
22 +32%
23 +33%
24 +34%
25 +35%
26 +36%
27 +37%
28 +38%
29 +39%
30 +40%
31 +41%
32 +42%
Expert Sword Mastery
"Maxes out mastery of two-handed sword while increasing Minimum Critical Damage and Weapon Attack."
Requires Level 10 Sword Mastery
Expert Sword Mastery level data
Level Two-Handed Sword Mastery Weapon Attack Minimum Critical Damage
Add 1%
per 2 levels
Add 1
per level
Add 1%
per 2 levels
1 +56% +1 +1%
2 +56% +2 +1%
3 +57% +3 +2%
4 +57% +4 +2%
5 +58% +5 +3%
6 +58% +6 +3%
7 +59% +7 +4%
8 +59% +8 +4%
9 +60% +9 +5%
10 +60% +10 +5%
11 +61% +11 +6%
12 +61% +12 +6%
13 +62% +13 +7%
14 +62% +14 +7%
15 +63% +15 +8%
16 +63% +16 +8%
17 +64% +17 +9%
18 +64% +18 +9%
19 +65% +19 +10%
20 +65% +20 +10%
21 +66% +21 +11%
22 +66% +22 +11%
23 +67% +23 +12%
24 +67% +24 +12%
25 +68% +25 +13%
26 +68% +26 +13%
27 +69% +27 +14%
28 +69% +28 +14%
29 +70% +29 +15%
30 +70% +30 +15%
31 +71% +31 +16%
32 +71% +32 +16%

Defender Mode III: Enhance Realign: Defender Mode. Enhanced effects stack.

Defender Mode III effects

Requires Level 1 Defender Mode II

  • Level 1: Weapon Defense: +200, Magic Defense: +200, Accuracy: +100, Max HP: +10%

Attacker Mode III: Enhance Realign: Attacker Mode. Enhanced effects stack.

Attacker Mode III effects

Requires Level 1 Attacker Mode II

  • Level 1: Attack: + 10, Crit Chance: +10%, Damage Against Bosses: +3%

Dragon Slash III: Enhances Dragon Slash damage.

Dragon Slash III effects

Requires Level 2 Dragon Slash II.

  • Level 1: Additional 40% bonus to Dragon Slash damage
  • Level 2: Additional 80% bonus to Dragon Slash damage

Dragon Slash (Transfiguration): Mash the attack key to keep attacking enemies in front up to 3 times.

Dragon Slash (Transfiguration) effects

Mash the attack key to keep attacking enemies in front up to 3 times.

  • Level 1: Damage: 274%, Max Enemies Hit: 10, Max Hits: 5
  • Level 2: Damage: 278%, Max Enemies Hit: 10, Max Hits: 5
  • Level 3: Damage: 282%, Max Enemies Hit: 10, Max Hits: 5
  • Level 4: Damage: 286%, Max Enemies Hit: 10, Max Hits: 5
  • Level 5: Damage: 290%, Max Enemies Hit: 10, Max Hits: 5
  • Level 6: Damage: 294%, Max Enemies Hit: 10, Max Hits: 5
  • Level 7: Damage: 298%, Max Enemies Hit: 10, Max Hits: 5
  • Level 8: Damage: 302%, Max Enemies Hit: 10, Max Hits: 5
  • Level 9: Damage: 306%, Max Enemies Hit: 10, Max Hits: 5
  • Level 10: Damage: 310%, Max Enemies Hit: 10, Max Hits: 5
  • Level 11: Damage: 314%, Max Enemies Hit: 10, Max Hits: 5
  • Level 12: Damage: 318%, Max Enemies Hit: 10, Max Hits: 5
  • Level 13: Damage: 322%, Max Enemies Hit: 10, Max Hits: 5
  • Level 14: Damage: 326%, Max Enemies Hit: 10, Max Hits: 5
  • Level 15: Damage: 330%, Max Enemies Hit: 10, Max Hits: 5
  • Level 16: Damage: 334%, Max Enemies Hit: 10, Max Hits: 5
  • Level 17: Damage: 338%, Max Enemies Hit: 10, Max Hits: 5
  • Level 18: Damage: 342%, Max Enemies Hit: 10, Max Hits: 5
  • Level 19: Damage: 346%, Max Enemies Hit: 10, Max Hits: 5
  • Level 20: Damage: 350%, Max Enemies Hit: 10, Max Hits: 5

Hyper Skills[edit | edit source]

Stat Enhancers[edit | edit source]

Hyper Strength
"Permanently increases STR."
Unlocked at level 140
Hyper Strength level data
Level STR
1 +50
Hyper Dexterity
"Permanently increases DEX."
Unlocked at level 140
Hyper Dexterity level data
Level DEX
1 +50
Hyper Intelligence
"Permanently increases INT."
Unlocked at level 140
Hyper Intelligence level data
Level INT
1 +50
Hyper Luck
"Permanently increases LUK."
Unlocked at level 140
Hyper Luck level data
Level LUK
1 +50
Hyper Jump
"Permanently increases Jump."
Unlocked at level 146
Hyper Jump level data
Level Jump
1 +10
Hyper Speed
"Permanently increases Movement Speed."
Unlocked at level 152
Hyper Speed level data
Level Movement Speed
1 +10
Hyper Accuracy
"Permanently increases Accuracy."
Unlocked at level 158
Hyper Accuracy level data
Level Accuracy
1 +20%
Hyper Defense
"Permanently increases Weapon DEF."
Unlocked at level 165
Hyper Defense level data
Level Weapon DEF
1 +500
Hyper Magic Defense
"Permanently increases Magic DEF."
Unlocked at level 174
Hyper Magic Defense level data
Level Magic DEF
1 +500
Hyper Fury
"Permanently increases Max DF (useless for Thieves)."
Unlocked at level 180
Hyper Fury level data
Level Max DF
1 +50
Hyper Mana
"Permanently increases Max MP."
Unlocked at level 186
Hyper Mana level data
Level Max MP
1 +15%
Hyper Health
"Permanently increases Max HP."
Unlocked at level 192
Hyper Health level data
Level Max HP
1 +15%
Hyper Critical
"Permanently increases Critical Rate."
Unlocked at level 198
Hyper Critical level data
Level Critical Rate
1 +10%

Skill Enhancers[edit | edit source]

Gigas Wave - Burden
"Increases Gigas Wave's Slow duration."
Unlocked at Level 143
Gigas Wave - Burden level data
Level Duration
1 +5 sec
Inferno Breath - Blaze
"Increases the damage of Inferno Breath's flames."
Unlocked at Level 149
Inferno Breath - Blaze level data
Level Flame Damage
1 +20%
Wing Beat - Pummel
"Increases Wing Beat's duration."
Unlocked at Level 155
Wing Beat - Pummel level data
Level Duration
1 +5 sec
Gigas Wave - Bonus Attack
"Increases Gigas Wave's attack count."
Unlocked at Level 162
Gigas Wave - Bonus Attack level data
Level Number of Attacks
1 +1
Inferno Breath - Burn
"Increases the duration of Inferno Breath's flames."
Unlocked at Level 168
Inferno Breath - Burn level data
Level Flame Duration
1 +10 sec
Wing Beat - Extra Attack
"Increases Wing Beat's attack count."
Unlocked at Level 177
Wing Beat - Extra Attack level data
Level Number of Attacks
1 +8
Gigas Wave - Reinforce
"Increases Gigas Wave's damage."
Unlocked at Level 183
Gigas Wave - Reinforce level data
Level Damage
1 +20%
Inferno Breath - Reinforce
"Increases Inferno Breath's damage."
Unlocked at Level 189
Inferno Breath - Reinforce level data
Level Damage
1 +20%
Wing Beat - Reinforce
"Increases Wing Beat's damage."
Unlocked at Level 195
Wing Beat - Reinforce level data
Level Damage
1 +20%

Active Skills[edit | edit source]

Kaiser's Majesty: Grants you the courage and will of the former Kaiser, resetting your Cooldown, increasing Attack Speed and ATT, and allowing you to ingore enemy defense buffs.

Kaiser's Majesty effects

Required level: 150.

  • Level 1: MP Cost: 300, Cooldowns Reset, Duration: 30 sec, ATT +30, Attack Speed +1. Ignores enemy's attack ignore buff and attack reflection buff. Cooldown: 90 sec. Hyper Skill cooldowns not reset.

Ancestral Prominence
"Summons an ancient Nova to cause an explosion that covers the entire screen in flames. This is the skill used by the former Kaiser to save the Nova people."
Unlocked at level 170
Ancestral Prominence level data
Level MP Cost Damage Number of Attacks Max Enemies Hit Cooldown
1 300 1000% 8 15 90 sec

Final Trance: Transforms you into your Final Form immediately upon use.

Final Trance effects

Required level: 200

  • Level 1: MP Cost: 300, Duration: 90 sec, Damage +30%, Critical Rate +40%, Movement Speed +10, Attack Speed +2, Ignores enemy's attack ignore buff and attack reflection buff. Cooldown: 300 sec